The Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-22, Page 6MRS. WINSLOW'S .. SYRUIP G
For enlo by all DruKleta. EG Orate "bottle.
Of a ;Man Who Flute With a Little
Brown dirge
Ste,,—,Sneed oteovoring from a protracted
jaiu ere% I have eudetsvered to allay the
patnge of an outraged oonsolenoe by assorting
the blunt in the intoreete of sebtteby,
She ild auy yeung,'benedton jetzt embarked
upon the aa. +rf raaheiwoi y he induced b9
forego ate J ,ho Lint to head his
bat<Les fee the haven of testa& abstieenoe by
pertner% the dekieetto narrative of Mr. and
leer, Cottle, the sweet warbler of the fol-
lowing these w •li fool troll plowed be realize
that nth life baa not been anti -47 even() Le.
velar,--Youxs efe•,nlonathle, NEW later.
Once lived in calm, domeene peace.
This couple named above ;.
And though their neighbors told their faults;
They couldn't toll their o r love.
one daythere arae i a fiend
But oc n
Along wih Mr. Cattle -
No brimstone smell it had, but smelt
.Test like a brandy bottle—
Alas, poor Mrs. Cottle!
.And soon this mischief -working Send
Of love scarce left a trace ;
She wished. poor 0— was dead, or she
Had never seep. Itis iaoe.
But Cottle, philosophic Baal,
Still daily took hits horn ;.
And he, instead of "Oott,e dear,"
Now treated him with scorn—
And wished she ue'er was born.
And now they had their daily spats ;
Twos just to ease love's fetter,
Which folks oul .rged, to bre al "scraps,"
Because they knew no better;
And hes wet told of Mrs. 0—,
From gossips emanating
'Twas said that she drove Gt-- to drink
And turned their love to hating—
Great Scott 1 'twos aggravating.
The way they talked of ides. 0—
rm sure it was Inhuman,
Andjust because she used her tongue
Like any other woman.
What could she do poor soul? she took
To sobbing and to eighiug,
And then she changed her plaintive tune
,To scolding
f dying.
But Cottle, with a hardened heart„
Untouched by woman's grief,
Declared it made him sad, but then
The battle brought relief..
Besides, he thougut such fo rash tears
Quite foreign to the question,
And only boos: a dram, he said,
To help a weak digestion—
The same as many a Christian.
He drank, but yet like tipplers claimed.
From drunkards an moms" ion
While Mrs. 0— affirmed on oath
He was beyond redemption.
And so, like Candle rated sore,
'Twee; various conjectures,
He went and joined a social club
To escape Ms wife's freeleotares—
Shame on such wife protectors!
But one night, coining home quite "full."
And in a hungry state,
Yet trembling at the rubs he'd get
For laying out so late,
He stole in stealthy as he could,
'Twist staggering and creeping.
And groping round. he found a bowl
Wh baby ing—
Mind Mrs.sC re was steesleeping II
And., being afraid his loving spouse
Might waken from her slumbers,
He swallowed all the osps post haste,
Regardle.s of their numb. -r,
With crampe awee nd collo got ill,
Aad for the first time in his life
He cursed the old black bottle--
Unhappy. Airs. Cottle.
The noise awoke his better half.
While every groan quite shocked her
And so sheran withall deepatuh
To fetch the nearest doctor.
Oh, Dome," see said," my husbandeeir
He will no live a minute •
He's stitches in his stomach. lire ��
I'm sure there's something in it —
Then off they both did shin it.
And soon arrived to Cottle's aid.
Whose head quite speeoh!ess hung.
The doctor, having felt his pulse,
Then bade him snow his tongue;
And further said, " Now Cottle. sir.
I wish you here to state
If you've been eating anything
Remarkable of late-
- Now answer me right straight.
But Cottle on the doctor leered
Awhile in drunken wonder ;
Then hiocoughed out, " I say, old Doc.
You're awful drunte, by thunder;
W hat's that to yen (hic) wh-t 1 eat,
I (tic) couldn't rue the label,
guess it was a bow of tripe;
'Twos tough as a rhIp's cable -
1 found it on the table."
"Tripe,' gnoth good Mrs. C—., "lame!
Why, doctor, bless my soul.
He's gone and eaten all my caps
I'd steeping in the bowl."
The doctor, seeing how matters stood,
Prescribed a strong emetic,
And said he'd ease him of his meal
Bo quick _twould seemmagnetic—
Which turned out quite prophetic.
The doctor being a witty blade,
To use a common phrase,
$aid, as he saw each cap comeup,
Why cotton's on the raise;'
Your stomach, Mr. Cottle, sir,
Is quite a mine of riches,
Naught stranse with so much needle work
You'd have so many stitches "—
Here Cottle gave some twitches.
But in the end he got quite well,
As here my story shows
1 might have choked him if I liked
To bring it to a close.
The novels in some oases do
To cause a groat sensation.
I soared my hero's life to show
A moral to the nation—
'Tis worth cond.., oration.
ur nightly lark. leave your views
Beware of too much brandy stuns
And eating in the dark.
Think it the caps had but stuck fast
In my poor horo's throttle.
This tale had ended longeago
And so had Mr Cottle—
And all from that black bottle.
Daddy and 1.
Vivo rare old chums are daddy and!,
We spend our days together;
He on one side of the hearth,
I on the other.
Two dear old chums arc daddy and I,
We spend our nays together;
He on devote side of life,
X on the other.
Never a secret have daddy and I
That is not known to the other;
N . er a day has been well spent
at is not spear together.
Death cannot harm us, daddy and T,
Nor hold us from each other
For under the trees some quiet day
They will give us a slab together.
Two rare old chums are daddy and 1,
Jogging along together;
Ile on the one side of life,
I on the other.
Sometimes it orate heareds of dollars tee
ecnvlet* a Marx, Very often hoe le required,
but is the case of Pollen'. Ner.rlline, thsb
troverefg'n reme,ly for pain. 10a. foeta bhe
bill end etppltea enough Nerviline to eon-
vino% every puroheeser that it is the best,
most prompt and odrbaln pain remedy
the world. Norvillne la geed for all kind.
of pain, pler.aaub t i tate, and ogre bo cure
cramps and all internal polite. It 1. Oleo
oleo to enb outside, for it trate aft agreeable''
quite unlike 'so tunny other pre er.
';bions whichtare praitive[y disagreeable to
nitre Te it new. (4a to c drag ,store sad
boy a 10 cent or 25 cent betble. i'eiuiin'if
Igarvdline. 'Cake no other,
London Spring Styles Indicate Increased
Draperies in Gowns of all Sorts.
Q111Sh4t Tissues ea Faucy Materials — A
Pretty Fres* or!iardoro and Old Gold
Velvet -- Tete Louie stuenze reeked
Oodles and P11111 ,1111 —F40¢1eg Combl.
nation Tenet for Venue Gula—reeky
'Little Bonnets and Hew to Wear Thema.
ONDON, January.--
Esotpt on the ;more
of slightly increased
quantity ef material
the majsriby of
women are not Berry
to see draperies a
more or lees steam.
Fibbed biota The
plain ekiri, netwith-
sbendtog its simple
e limit al clabber at varlena' with restless
medletio desires and women are ripe for the
change that is rapidly coming about. An
effleve combination is a modified shade of
Linoein gre:n in velvet or velse wee,
and the new %bade of delicate coral
pink. The latter edges the skirt
and lines book the eseoaded drapery, and
the biome to pretty in a fanny ,petted pink
silk. There Le en exceptionally original
teach about tht sleeves, the hanging frill
beteg of the velvet lined pink, and en
enbteece into the entire oestume is effected
in front, over whfoh the draped portion 1e
skilfully carried, fastening on the hip with
a rosette bow. Fer outdoor wear the
pellets easily hal is first place, and this
greoefol garment is fashioned La every Barb
and kind of material, from the humble Berge
°es )h to the regal breoade and Ratio. The
latter fabric is exceptionally popular, and
frugal minds will fiad it a simple matter to
remove the ferry trimmings from these and
Substitute lace and peseementerie for early
spring wear. A satin pelisse it a possession
to be coveted just new. Most'mart women
keep as pieta black ellk or moire skirt fee
wearing beneath these long Beats, which
clear the ground by a good two Moles, and
are kept away fram the fest by a lining of
C a imam
Some dainty little capes are out out all
round in large scallops and outlined with e
tiny /trilling of satin ribbon, narrow Bilk, or
;et beading land o ne of blank satin had the
funniest little old-fathtoned black silk fringe
about an inch wide as a finish. An original
palerine for a tea -goon starts at the edge of
the shoulder, er top ef the arm, whence it
fella to the elbow, is carried round the
shoulder at the beck, and shaped off be
nothing oa either side of the front. Sleeves
when nob quits ef the mederabe eosb order
take upon themselves much graceful drap-
ing and decotatien. A oharndog design has
a big drooping puff of velvet en the elbow
with contrasting material arranged in a
aeries of these olose.fihbtng puffs to the
wrist. A pepnlar sleeve greatly rtgcisi-
tboned for velvet and breoade gowns is
generally proportioned ab the top, but
below the elbow ib fits the arm so closely as
to necessitate an opening from the eeriest
almoeb to the eltow bend, a ladder of tiny
hews, then giving a preoey finish with a
oonrmendeble raison d etre.
Rarely has se large a v..riety of materiels
far dresses and mantles beer seen as this
season. Fanny velvets add mnoh be this
variety. Same are speckled, afine brocaded
in spats, ceff e berries er zlg-zags, bub
always in monochrome, er simply with
the ground do's of awe shades. The pretty
fsnoy aebraohan tissues are in great favor.
The hairy part of the febrio is in one color
and the ground of another, which is very
effective. Biaok over red, or bine or
mordore, are among the prebtlesb combine -
thins. Zibeline olebh L &leo a great in -
cess. It he so soft and gleaey u be resemble
the handsome fur of that name. With
such tissues very narrow bandit of Inc
are employed for trimming's, com-
bined with abripee of handsome Tenetian
or Geneve point. Tne newest. and mesa
elegant style, however, for a bodies, is to
cub it out in narrow ie.ppele from the mid -
die ' of the palest rte the water and fill up
the inbervaTs between the lappets with strips
of silk of a different shadow Dolor. Two
very pretty dressesof the above style have
appeared. One in a walking -dress of Light
French bine oloth, and velvet of the fame
color. The skirt le of cloth, entirely
trimmed with several rows of stitching
round the foot, round the waist a single
piping ei velvet. The bodice le of velvet,
cut out in open work lappet. in the lower
part, showing a lining of etrew-oelored
poult-ds.iole, wbioh also forma a remote
plastron in front. The sleeves are simply
of cloth.
The second is an et home dress. Ib le of
merdore and old gold mtreir velvet,. The
skirt, which is oat all in one piece with a
few hollow pleats at the back, remains open
in front to show an under Aire et pale green
velvet, showing between strips of pale green
silk. These lappets meet over the shoulder.
The sleeves are formed of a double puffing
of eflk, with a high wristband of vel-
vet covered with ancient guipure. Ahand-
some Riohelien cellar of the same gutpnre
fellows the ratline of the square open
bodice. These large cellars of Venetian or
trleh guipure are in great vogue, and are a
handsome finish to a reception er dinner
toilet. They spread over the shoulders and
sleeve pufffngs. Nor are they made exclu-
sively of costly point lace ; some are of
fanny lace, .lightly spangled with gold.
lithe Louie Qninze dress, with peaked
bodloe and puler, finished at the book into
a oognebtieh drapery, is perhaps that whish
looks most novel 'among all bhe models' of
the &eaten, beoanse lb hes been very rarely
been during the lett fete imam It getter
ally spa tie over an ander-skirt brimmed with
silk embroidery, or savored with narrow
floundere of RUM ;or iaoe. The front piece
of the bodioe, in the .tape of a peeked
stomacher, le often ma'bohed be thin under-
skirt. One dress in this fe of plain role-
colored maths, with Aklrt of ivory satin em-
breidered with 'Trays of, Omen, fastened
with flowing ribbons, guide is appear upon
Mirka of the period. The deeply -peaked
bedioe, well onrved in ever the hips, is
brimmed with two short resters, well
draped and meeting at the bcok Under the
train. The kodlce line aplsin piece in front
of leery satin dire the skirt, and embroid-
era in the fame Manlier. A treble fritting
of vary light 1305 goose round the. top of the
low batik* and the aemt-ahorbpufed slaevee
are draped wlbh the Same.
SUITABLE 'r0 BOTH' ocj' AND Ironed.
Another toilet ie of gree grains silk, with
a pattern of ,efb-oslared bougnetsi printed
over a pink'sh cream waned, opening over;
an underskirt of raise Castrated neuter, o.rrerad
with '"'Garner of errata silk Dusan edited
with ileo, iCbe us t1 tsktrt is round, the
o ibefr ono slightly puffed, °Oughtup Aero
cod there by a to er stilohes at Mut Odes SO
as to rowel' papier., Tao bones is et the
same shape as that of the rose-colored robin
dross, only the stent s her ie .covered with
cream silk vaulter gobhered is oleo rows,
and bbe bodice is trimmed mud the
top with Wings of slik medium
stilted with lies. This toiler is
so fresh loeking that • ib caro be worn
even :by quite young girl.. The Lontt
Quina style has indeed the advantage of
being suitable as wed for very young bedlam'
es far matrons ; it to becoming bo allfi.ures,
oonoearing defects or beth extreme tbianesa
er toe mole euibonpoieit by its graceful
draperies. The only fettle bhiboan be found
with it ie that it requires hendseme mate -
dais. The light woollen Vestries to suitable
to yootb cannot be employed for this style
of dress ; even light silks isok poor and
flimsy when panters and sbomaohere are
attempted. The only combination potable
which world be ab once pretty and econ-
omical is the Qaiers sibyls ie to use for
pinion; and draperies ptiated silk in pat-
terns of the periods, and for the dammed
skirt plain silk edged with lase.
The bonnets of bbe day are to smart and
No pretty that, 0 the hair is web dressed,
thet* is ne excess for a woman LDS looking
stylish, even if nature has failed to supply
her wtbh the materials for leaking pretty,
and it les jest 8 •queation whether style is
not new mom appreciated than mere good
leeks. A pretty women withonb style fells
to secure the admiration which is her due,
while a stylteh woman who is not pretty is
secure of any amount ef lb. Some very
smart women are wearing their bone's set
right at the back ef their head,, the brim
sitting closely down over the hair and, as a
rule, composed of velvet beautifully
embroidered. Ab the beak there ie'
a circular cap rising above the brim,
also in velvet, while the trimming
usually concis a of same upstanding osbriob
tips. A pretty one bad the brim of emerald
green velvet, white point lace being laid
over it and bordered with green jet inquina. �
The cap at the back was of golden beaver
fur, and the ostrich tips were blaok, with
mebaltlo green ospreys. Another wee of
bleak velvet smoothly drawn ever a sorb of
triangular shape and edged with job.
Lightly poised near the front en either side
were bwe blank "mercury" wioge, flanked
with smaller rosettes of velvet. A third
rosette en the paint which rested on the
fringe, and black velvet strings completed
this chic little bonnet in which its wearer
leaked positively irreelstible.
Mr. Abal Wile Relates a Remarkable l:.s•
cape After Weary Months of suffering.
Mr. Abel Wile, says the Bridgewater,
N. S., .Enterprise, is a well-known farmer
residing e, few nitres out of town. Ib to
kno stn that Mr. Wile had a narro w escape
from death. and our reporter meeting him
in the beet of health and vivito asked him
as to what he owed hie renewed condition.
Mr. Wile at once exclaimed "I might
express ib all by saying that I believe Dr.
Williitme' Pink Pills saved my life. Last
spring I was violently thrown from my
wagon, and although I moped having
tones broken, I euetained's. severe strain in
my right leen, which seemedbe paraiyze
that part et my side and etomaoh. I experi-
enced great pain and weekneas, which. des-
pite alt efforts of different remedies, grew
steadily worse and for two menthe I suffered
tereibly. I could not properly di1est my
food, and gob little sleep at night, and at last
began to think that it was only a matter of e
few weeks when I would go the way of alt
mcn. Bub a happy day came and ended my
misery. My wife went into town and pur-
chased several boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink
P111e, and from the first they seemed to go
right to bhe root of my trouble and it was
net long until I could sleep good sound
refreshing sleep, for the first time in eight
weeks. I continued taking the pills and
soon found myself completeiy cared, and
from that oat I went about my everyday
duties es well as ever, snit I thank bhe Lord
that such a boon as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
has been given be mankind to help rid them
of disease.
Partial paralysis, l000motor absolve and
all nervous diseases are readily cured by a
fair treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink
Piller, and as a tonic" for building up the
blood they surpass all ether known reme-
dies. I1 your dealer does not keep them,
they will be sent' poet paid on receipt of 50
cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by
addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont., er Schenectady, N.Y. Do
nob be imposed upon with imibabione.
Dumas' Bottled Joke.
Not every one has Flo euoeessfal a mebhed
with the autograph fiend as Alexandre
Daman had. Prince Metternich once re -
(pelted an autograph of him. Damao wrote
in his best round hand : " Received from
Prinoe Metternich twenty-five bottles of
his eldeeb Johannisberg." Metternich sent
the Wine with a good grace. Dames, I pre-
sume, drank it with equal grace.
The Bachelor's Collar.
Note for baohelore: When yen bay col-
lars, yen will save yourself much unspeak-
able anguish by arising tor a tape and
measuring the collars from buttonhole to
butte allele. They will frequently be found
to vary half an mots or eo from the size with
which they are'stamped, but that little half-
inch is one of the things that is making um
all premeturely bald.
Ninard's Liniment relieves Neuralgia.
Chicago sky scrapers are probably not
very profitable. A reduction of 20 per cent.
in ofiioe senbals is impending
Mabel—Edith, rve gob •omobhing to tell
you that will astenish' you. Harry Prince
proposed to me lash evening. Edith—You
don't Mean 11 1 Poor Jittery! Wbea Ire•
fused him fait autumn he swore he'd do
somethtrg deg erste.
She—Do you really and truly love me,
Harry i tie --Leve you 1 Why, I even
have a fondness for that nuisance of a
brother of yours. She—Olt, Harry f Yon
have made me se happy 1
1s. and
$I.0O Bottle.
One cont a dose.
It fee .old on Aguarantee by all dru.,
piste.: -It mired Incipient Ooneuinptioxie
aiYd is the beat Cough and Crotty Mirth
tina�r 'a Llldnient for salei;eferywhero,
About z young
mania nook to bo ea
miaow from pose
vous exhaustion, mere
vows debility, fin
ad memory,ow
spirits, irritabie tem-
per, and the thousand
and, one derangements
of mind and body
that result from,,
unnatural, per'niciona
babas, contracted.
throe h ignorance. obits result Such g
h tin.
loss of manly power,
wreck the constitution and sometimes pro-
duce softening of the brain epilepsy, pa-
ralysis, and even dread insanity,
To reach, re-claim, and restore ouch un-
fortunates to health and happiness, is bbe
aim of the publishers of a book written in
plain but chaste language, on the nature,
symptoms and curability, by home treat=
men diseases. s. Thisbookof such
will be
healed, in plain envelope, on receippt of
tell�i.,encs in stamps, for postage.% Addie;.,
World's Dispensary
d Medical Association,
66a main St,Buffalo,
N. Y.
inseme if DUST BAKE A COKE.
They Cannot Be Everything Else and
Wives and Mothers Too.
" Women ebould nob attempt,'' says an
eminent women pbyeioian of London, " to
parry on a profession after marriage. I
mean the women of the upper and middle
classes who go into the prefessiene. It is
not necessary Chet they shenld be the
bread-wioner,, thet duty should devolve
upon the husband ; and I am confident that
the rising generation would be healthier
and stronger in every way if the mobhera
would exert themselves lose. I look
anxiously ab every baby that comes under
my notice in bhe hope that I shalt find
some improvement in the hype, same
Lncrekase in stamina, compared with the
generation bhab has preceded ib.; but in-
stead of this there is only steady detoeiera-
tion observable. This deberiorabion is par-
tfoularly neo:ioeable among the children of
very motive mothere. The cleverest and
most highly educated women, the women
who bake the meet 'ace sive part in public
affairs, have the most weakly and puny
" Another thing, women ere going into
boo active forme of exercise. When a young
married women tale me that ahs is captain
of a cricket eleven or of a football team I
can only say I am perfectly aghast. Women
mast place before themselves the alterna-
tive—to earn their living, to emir -oleo .their
faculties, and to gratify their ambitions in
professional oareere, or to become goad
wives and mothers. And if they cheese the
domestic lite they mutt recognize that they
must sacrifice their personal hairpieces and
ambition in the future happiness and ene-
ma of their children."
The First Bobbin Lace.
A young fisherman et the Adriatic was
betrothed te a young and beeubiful girl of
one of the isles of the legoen. Induetrlons
as she was beautiful, the girl made a new
net for her lover, who took it with him on
board of his boat. The first time he cast
it into the sea, he dragged therefrom an
exquisite wraok grass, which he hastened
to present to hie fiancee. But war break-
ing ort, the fishermen was pressed into the
service ef the Venetian •navy. tithe poor
girl wept at the departure of her lever,
and contemplated his lad gift to her. Bat
while "abaorbed in following the intricate
tracery of the wrack grass, elle began to
twieb and plait the threads weighted with
email beads which hung around her net.
Little by little she wrought an imitation
of the pebrlfaobien, and thus was oreabed
the bobbin lace.
IIinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Profitable Instruction.
"So your wife has been to the cooking
'wheal," said one man to another.
"Yee, and I'm glad of ib."
Aa inoreduloae look name over the face
of the fireb speaker.
" D d it improve year dinners?" he ;eked.
"Ne. It convinced her that rhe doefn't
know how to cook, and she'd quit trying."
Think et it.
Never before in bhe history of the world
was there a remedy for corns as safe, pain-
less and oerbein as Putnam's Painless Cern
Extractor. It make, no 'ore spots and nobs
speedily. Try Pnbnam'i Cern Retractor..
At druggists'.
Poor Fellow
In some aepeote of the case it mama
strange that obtldren ever live to grow up.
If they grew rapidly, they are apt to be
enfeebled in health, and, oa the other hand,
if they are in' feeble health they are likely
to be stunted.
Ono ef the most bragloal oases is that of
a boy, mentioned in " Hasper'e Bazar."
who weld :
" Yee, sir, I've been sick and the worst
of it is, all my clothes have outgrown me."
A Vain Search.
Von Blamer—I hear that burglars broke
into your holm heat night'. Did they take
anything Y
Witherby—Ne. My Wife ie cleaning
It hi very hard to explain the attractions
of country life to a oiby man who has jest
inveebtgaeed the v.ltege ef a bleak -hoed
bumble -bee.
iineh hese
tr in1oi4li Ckl'R1'i1S.
fire!. — Roast reseeek — Barrer
Mho espies of the mslnaub fat Paris fa
Chinese slap. In this sharks' &ns are the
ebtet ingredtenb. 0 d the high-class gro-
cers' have them, and pub up as they ore,
beaded set pink wool, in MOW glass boxes,
they look at Grab glance like some faodte
from the oonfectioner'a. Another dish Neoat.
now ab fashionable diraibers in the Frenoh.
captive' is young reset peaooek, nerved with
trefllis, and the meet affected the for the
1 emme (emits ie flavored with hazel nuns and,
celled " B *tube Avelane "—O. eoavenir of
the re t"
h Deasbly v in req Ruselatrs, who, though
tout to sight, are still evidently to memory
Mow to Care Poverty:
Ib is doubtful whether any man en either
side of the Acianbio knees more direotly
an er , h
sena!! co the problem o
the poor than the Rev. Seismal A Bennett,
the founder of Toylike* Hall, and Mr. Bele
nett thus oloses a recent satiate ie the Fort
nightly Remy on " The nem l d'
"!f to -morrow. every one who %area for the
poor would become. the friend ef one peer
person—forsaking all otb.ere—there would
nest week be no lnaolable problem of the
unempleysd, and London would be within
measurable dietetics of becoming a city of
happy homes."
fielder for Aluminum.
Tire following. alieye—whish may be need
with etcher brozlog iron or blow -pipe for
uniting any of the metals commonly used
in bhe arae—have been recommended for the
ready soldering of aluminum, and are
cheaper than any matertat hioherbe em-
ployed, whale they are said to give a solid
Joint without injury be the metal by oxida-
tion or etherwtee : 1, unalloyed pure tie,
mating point 250 degrees O. ; 2, ben 1,000,
led 50, molting point 280 degrees to 300
degrees ; 3, tin 1 000. mine 50, melting
paint 280 'degree's to 320 deges ea ; 4, tire
1,000. copper 10 to 15, melting pease 350
degrees to 450 degree' ; 5, bin 1,000, motel
10 to 15, melting point 350 degrees to 450
degrees ; 6, tin 900, copper 100, bismuth
to 3, meibing paint 350 degrees to 450 de-
grees. The first three solder's do not miler
alumtnum, and are adapted for ornamental
objects. The fourth and fifth are honer,
stronger and less fusible, and may prove
ueetut in making verbena arbiolee of
aluminum for which hemmcred, coated or
e,"atnelod iron, copper, alar, etc., are now
used. The last alloy may be given any tint
of yellow by varying the proportion of
copper, making it sni''able for aluminum
An Eieetrie Flash.
Ib may Interest our readers to know that
Mr. F. Pierce, proprietor of the Gamble
House, Athens, who has been efteeed for
many years with chronic rhenmatiem, has
been entirely cured by taking Dr. Ho ward's
Electric Pitta. Oare all weakness of brain,
body, nerves and system. Largo boxes,
50 Dents ; 6 for $2.50. Send for testi-
menial's, The Dr. Howard Medicine Co.,
Brookville, Oat.
Kinard's Liniment Cures Barns, Etc.
A man breathes', en an average, 10,000
quarte of air a day—and talks about 1,000,-
One reason why some men are se lean le
beoante they have threwn their fat into bhe
iIlhIa wonld be a mnoh better world if
there people would take their own advice.
No Condition Powders like
Dick's Blood Purifier.
Diane & Co., P. 0. Box 482, Montreal.
AGENTS WANTED, maNelaaad: �a
arrear. r.,c,l7 ...; .JY to .sa, t.oN,.,pw• etc .at
Bread, oaks and Paring Hal,-, 0.,,.....d Mala ..d onion
ea+ossn-' ar m rare as ca i..a na .°:u,os►
ars ora4PORT Wig a pati(
of EscoRT CMOS. 20far 10f
C,ARIi WORT($.W000srocK, ONTAR,O.,
for Nurses. People's Health Journal,
.L)L orad terms of our book, from 31 retail ne
wards-. We carry the largest assortment of
subscription books, Bibles and Albums of any
house in C : nada, and our terms and _prior*
cannot be beaten. WM. BRIGGS. Pubi
I wee corm of a bad case of Grip by
Sydney, C. B. , 0. L LAGUE,
I WAS otRaD of loss of voice by MIN -
Yarmouth. Cmaur.xS PLUM3iEEt,
I WAS CORED of Smiatiaa Rheametism by
Barba, Nfld. Lowes S. BUTLER.
etc., etc., etc.
Oar 1894 peedCogue is brimful .and fiaw'in
over with good things that every pg progressive Forme
and Outliner should have; Sand for aoopy. Address
People In this 29th centuryare; bound to have the best
that can be had for the money. That
That is why
Everybody Wears
ISSUE i* S '11 104,
KO la rr. 1i$sg *Is — et Strafe rsk+rmll rleut
Wiese. sae$tlon rats Merit •
tt.,�t=', twWs..w A
suffering with weakness aaa.'t
emaciation, who give .a€ttlet
nourishment to s,s houkii
XIl e
Erni Isi�n
the Cream of Cod,. -liver O
and hypophosphites. It wilt
give them strength and make,
their babies fat. - Physicians.,
the world over, endorse it:,.
Don't be deceived by Substituted
Scobbh eewno. Belleville.9ltDruggiete. 1.
26 Farms for 61000 each.
18 tt se 62000 "
7 .t a 63000 .,
14 ., t. $400Q
Also web sitmated properties
in Chatham, Wailaceburg earl
For poetic/adore smoky to
Na,atiltarn,. Ont„
12,000 Acres I[ichigan Farm Lads.
Ab very low prices. Now is the time to gobs.
home of your own.
R. M. PIERCE, of Westi Bay City. Mich.,
agent for the celebrated. Keystone Lands la
Alpena and'.0gematw Con .tlee and eau sell
you a farm or any size at very Iow prices anti
very reaso ,able terms Fare paid one way an
purchase of 40 acres. Wine at once to
West Ray City. Inch.
in the famous Hard Wheat Belt at Minneeaba,
and the Dakotas.
We can sell you improved or unimproved
lands in the moat productive portion of the
United States on reasonable terms. For
colons write bo BECKER & CHADEOU N>3T
Brown's Valley, Traverse County, Mfunesot:ar
HC7L'I` & c W
Real Estate Agents, Waverly, Virginia„
Have 150 Farms for rale, 50 to 5,000 acres encu:•.
Price, 43 to $15 per acre; near Norfolk, Rich_
mond and Petereburie. Eight trains passing
daily. Catalogue with price of farms neatest
Endorsed by doctors and scientists. IlverF
home should have one. Price 35. Manniae,
tured by GAN. GEAR CO., (3ananoque, Ont.
Don't Lose
this year, and make up for lost time.
Ferry's Seed Annual forlSOt:wilt
give you many valuable blots
about what to raise and howl°
raise it. Itcontains informa-
tion to be had from no other
source. Free to all.
D. M. Ferry e& Co.
It makes your Hands Soft & Whits.
Gives a healthy appearance to the ekin-
Eby's Electric Salve'
Sas no equal for curing nate Rheum,
Old Bores, Serofniong lateen, goats
Eyes, Skin recessee, Pino �l,as,.
Chapped DandleCorns,
Burns, Pilee,
Freshoute. Sore Nipples.
Ask your Drusgist foe Eby'0 leleter
trio Salva. 'Price fide. per Box,
OIgn your same and lead M wiaet
one dollar to
Dr. Sunnier Griner. I'r'eas, of tke;d vitt Freed
bitfos Association of Ontario. Incorporated.'
408 Rannrng Avenue, Terenta, Out.
Dr.An Sts,—I herewith enclose one debar and
desire my name to be enrolled a member e¢:
the Antd-Prohibition Association of Ontario.
Kindly acknowledge receipt by return of mats
caul os
N. B. Printed matter mailed on a
Tie High Speed Family
wul knit to pa
" day. WIU do art
plain Greater 805tH
gory rdoerrn, TIron he in
family enittic on the
Dura11111 liel
ble,, alnp.. 1
guarantee every mala
good work. irewereof
Idents wanted. W
cumin Knitting Mutite. Co, ds
Mother. Orem'', Tamely
Uaedby ehonsanda, Safc,Slite
!tellable; It/WOMB 41110
TBS. Wrom ell Druggists
free froze obrentele t, oe :steel
Soled ptaticaisrt, 8 cents.
LANE lifltX IC.IF$ Cif., Lions
Beat (lough Syrup.TAWAS
In ibeso. Sold , r