The Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-22, Page 5NERVEY is � EONS. ;i1BltvrIBBAslb are o new ate .Felt Over Fifty Tears. eovOcY the'•t intra tbs xorst cased o' A a ore) Art) • 'FC ZLI..-TAX Tr) I,temear --Mr A 1 1 weslauess of hotly or mind caused l y.Y Y o r by ciceroni, or the. errors or ex. - eessrs of youth, ibis it ni dy ab. sotbte y eurue the most obstinate oases when el other giteseurera tewefai)edevento relieve., eoidb drug, Fete at ei per package, At. six for .Odor sent b, resit on 01440410s Translation, Neryo ' llDtvhouY. xes4 xgoi one IrVins owls 600bhin Syrups lies' been used s ' fdr ov r f}i't ears b millions of m the s receipt of prio0 by toll resvintt 7.' IE emele men] INE ai}O•, avenue ont. lore- a.,r pamphlet. cord fa -- i x el by:f, W.Browning For i�u1e x fixer Several deputations waited on the Goverment yesterday with regard to the tariff, THE BEST TONIC. Milburn quinine Witte is the best tonic for weakness, debility and leek o£ strength It is an appetizing tonic of the highest merit. The annual 'wetting of the Clydes- dale Horse Association was field yester- day, Have no equal as a prompt and pos itive1v cure for sick headache, bilious ness, constipation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles, Carter's Little Liver Pills Trey them. Yesterday; Ash Wednesday, was a public holiday in Quebec and at Ottawa. IN EVERY CASE Of dyspepsia, where it has been fair, ly tried, Burdoek Blood Bitters has per- formed a complete cure. B,B.B, eures where other remedies fail, • Manitoba Provincial Y.M.C,A, con- vention began in Winnipeg last night. A HEALING SOOTHING SALVE for eats hilitis. bauises, wounds and, sores, Vieetoria Carbolic Wee, The story that Russia is making preparations to seize Herat,Afghauistau is now denied. IMPORTANT TO WORKINGMEN. Artizttns, mechanics and laboring men are liable to suddeu accidents and in- juries, as well as paiuful cords, stiff joiuts and lameness. To all thus trouh led we would rcommecl IIagyard's Yellow Oil, • the hat dy and reliable pain cure, for outward and internal use. North Oxford Reformers will meet on Eel). 21 to nominate a candidate for the Legislature Mrs Chas. Smith of Jimes, Ohio, *rites: I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen 'years, but Carter's Little Liver Pill did me more good than all the rest. The Standard Oil Cempauy has made large purchases of Iand in the Sister. field, Pa, oil district. .EXCELS ALL OTHERS. Dear Sirs,—Your Burdock Blood' Bitters excels all other medieiues that F ever used. 1 took it for Biliousness and it has cured me altogether. Wm. Wright, Wallaceburg, Ont, Two Anarchist workman and a Czech editor have been arrested at Vienna ou a charge of treason. DR • WOOD'S NORWAY PINE aYEUP positively cures Coughs Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness and Bronchitis. Bar silver was quoted in London yes• terday at 29 13-1 per ounce—the lowest price ever known. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave themCastoria. Martial law will cease in Brazil on Feb. 26, and the Prisideutial election will take place ori March 1. OBSTINATE COUGH .CURED Gnutlemen,—I had a very bud cough which I could not get. rid of, but by us. ing 1-lagyard's Pectoral Balsam I was cured in two or three days. It is the best and surest medicine I know of. Joseph Garrick, Gn'lerich, oat. Tho annual report of Chef of Police McKinnon, Hamilton, was presented to the Contmissionees'yesterday. IN STRENGTH GIVING' and heal in power Milburu's. Cod Liver Oil Em - I` ulsioxr excels all other. There are r -ow 67,280 persons out of work in New York City who usually have employment of some kind. Do not suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary, Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Disc, one ie tie pill, Small price, Small dose. ' Small pill, 'W.G.Reid and T.H. Pratt are the='can- didates for the aldermanie vacancy in Ward 1.11amilton. THE PINE FORESTS The pine forests yi ld up their healing. virtues for the cure of coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis and• sore throat in the pleasant preparation known as Dr Woo ' ,Norway Pine Syrup. 25 and 5 druggists. ° o Hamilt on Board of Education 94 suet last evening for orgatltz Mr. W. H. McLaren was elected man. RE IMPORTPD WINE, Prime da Beef and soluable scale salts of are combined in Milburn's Beef, ❑d Wine. etired French naval officer 'has ed a riffle that is capable of tir- o kinds of explosive bullets.; ictoria`is expected to arrive at on March 24, . and extensive iota for het visit are being reotn patronized exclusive by as been unearthed by the bo ]ice. are destroying .the reel deer 0 in large ntimbet:s on the e of Lake Superior for their ciiridren while teething, with poi - feet aueoess. Ib soothes the child,, softens theemcee allays ail pails, aures• willed 00110, and is the beat remedy for Diarrlttea, es pleasant to the baste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the 'W?rid, Twenty -eve can is a bottle. Its value is iuealouiabie. Be sure and ash for Mrs. Winslow's SoothingSyrup, and thke'no other kind yru r Misoellaneous. Owing to tine low -prices, wheat deliveries througout Manitoba have entirely ceased. Itch on human beings, horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool, ford's Sanitary ' Lotion. This never fails. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist The proposal to place a duty of fifty c•pnts per ton on coal • is causing commotion at, Washington. • L uglish Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, • Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc,. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Wairranted the most worderful Blemish Cure ever- known Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Mrs. Myra Bridwell, editor of The T egal News,, and the first lady lawyer admitted to the hair 'of Illinois, died yesterday in Chicago, aged 68 years. It lxounxatism:Curedin a 1)ay. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and,Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. `Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dosa greatly benefits.' 75e. Sold by C. Lutz, Drug, °l t. East Elgin Patrons yesterday nom- inated Mr. R H. Lindsay, of Malahide as their candidate for the Commons Paw -Miler. ' The testimonial borne to the,ef>acaty of this valuable medicine are sufficient to warren t its introduction'tinto ever' house. Our own opinion is that no family should be without a bottle of it for a single hour. Iu flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, &e., it is the • most effectual remedy we know of. A 25c. bottle will last for a;lore. time, and its low price places it within the reach of all.—News, St John,Que. A. St. Catharines young maneloped with a clairvoyant, who has been carrying on buisness in that city 1 he event has caused much excite- ment. recuier to Itself: So entinetly successful has Hond's •Sarsaparilla been that many leading citizens front all over •he United States furnish testimonials of cures which. seem almost miraculous. Hood's Sarsaparilla is not an accident, but the ripe fruit of industry and study; It pos• sesses merit "peculiar to itself." Hood's Pills cure Nausea, Sick head ache, Indigestion, Biliousness Sold. by all d ug;;iats. East Kent Patrons of Industry yesterday nominated .lames Leslie as their candidate for the Legislature ' 11r. Leslie will consider • the offer for two weeks. Relief bo, Six ilironrs. , Distressing Kidney and Bladder di ceases rtolieyod in six hours by the "NEW GREAT Sotrru A.at tICAN KED EBY CURE." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to ph,vsie inns' on account of its exceed -1i g promptness in relieving pain in rlh bladder, kidneys, back and every cart of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of wat r' and pain in passing it almost immed- intely. If you want quick relief . an, cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. . , A meeting of apple buyers eel es p.tixttrs of Ontario Was hold i torontf. yesterday; and it was de •ided t• r •organize an association for the impr,>r. • meta of the system of carrying ou th• business - • The peach crop in southern Illinois has been ruined by.the recent seyere weather. Sitting Up Dead. ,Wiarton, Ont.. Feb. 18.—Jas,O'Briel , foreman for J. ',decently. went into .his office on Friday (tight at. about 10 p m to do some e••ritieg, and si'as_fonud dead, ne*t morning sitting on some sto' e wood in one corner of the room. He had not lighted the lamp. Dr. Fisher is holding an inquest Mr. •McCarthy is agent for CT P Maganir, of Toronty. O'Brien leaves a wife and four small children. Every one in Boston knows oR .old John ithe Orengornan, that picturesque and almost historical pereeuage . who presides over the aiteetious of all: Har- vard mien. And every one who knows Jelin knows also that his life's motto is that familiar phrase which expresses briefly and to the point the wish Haat Yale maybe forever relegated to the re- gion of sorrow and perpetual darkness.. One afternoon strangers were walk- ing through the yard at Harvard, and. on every band they saw the college Seal 'bearing this risotto, "Christ() et Ecele slat." Not being on speaking terms with Cicero, Caesar and the other Romans, this did nothing but to arouse their cu- riosity. Finally they met John. "1 sayl" said one of the visitors. "1 see these words everywhere. Can you tell me what they mean?" John looked carefully at the Latin in- sciption, bit bis pipe a little harder arid then replied gravely: "Oi don't jist know, find, bet Oi t'ink it means To h— wicl Yale.' "— Boston .Budget. Some Timber Strength Tests. It would bo difficult to convince the average man, especially the Missouri pioneer, that fir is a stronger woodthan oak, but such has been proved by ac- tual tests that were made by a fair and Impartial committee appointed for the purpose. • The timbers used were each 2 by 4 inches and 4 feet long, both ends solidly braced and the weight applied ii the middle of the span.- Yellow fir stood a strain of 3,068 pounds, common Oregon oak pounds. Fine grained yellow 'fir from near the butt stood a strain of 8,635 pounds, arid best Michi- gan oak snapped with a strain of only 2,428 pounds. These tests were made by the Northern Pacific Railroad com- pany at Tacoma.—St. Louis Republic, Not Obscure Enougb. "You intend this novel for the Bos- ton public. do you?" said the publish- leaning back in bis chair. " Yes, sir," said the novelist. • "We11, Mr. Pensling," said the pub- lisher, "the work has its merit, It is pointed, iuteresting, and the style can be readily road and understood, and ,I think," he continued 'as the novelist's face broke into 0 smile of hope, "1 think therefore that you should give up all effort to 'get Boston peopleinterest- ed in it. "—Cliicago Record. Joe Hardy, the Centralia train rob- ber, has escaped from the State Prison, rt Chaster, I11. Female Freemason. A specie] from Topeka says: Mary E. Lease claims to be a Mason, and she made the startling statement Saturday that she proposed to organize lodges of Masonry for women throughout the country. Mrs. Lease wears upon her bosom, suspended by a gold eharn, a Knight -Templar charm with the usual keystone of the chapter on the reverse side, and she declares that she is as mach entitled to wear it as any man who belongs to the. Templer•order, She says her cnmmendery is Hugh ,de Payee, of Fort Seott, Kansas, and ofl'ois to prove to Masons that she knows all the signs and passes of the order, blue lodge and ehepter, and that she obtained thein -legitimately. She says if . Masonry is good for men it is much better for aIotiien, as they are more needful of protection then men. She admits that it is contrary to the, Masonic rule for women to become members, but she de- clines to state how she watted the see rets of the order. She c:hallengcs any Mason to test her on the secret work of the Order. The Masons deny her claims and say she is not a mason, and that if she has obtained the secrets of the order it was by undue means. NEGLECTED eat 1)N7 gZhi 01P@ SAFELY AND SURELY Ct1Rr0 ,gY Lung Balsam. ALL 10IEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find hemselves nervous, weak and ex - b. tasted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many ,f the .following symptoms: Meatal. iepressiou, premature old age, loss of irality, loss of memory, bad dreams, iimness of sight, palpitation of the !mart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in he face and body, itching or ,peculiar ,ensation about the serotum, wasting ,f the pagans, dizziness, sparks before he ee es, twitching of the museles, eye - ids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, depos- ,s in the urine, loss of will -power, ten-, tt'reess of the scalp and spine, weak fed flabby' muscles, desire to sleep, :finite to be rested be sleep'; constipa inn, cluilnese of hearing, loss of voice, k'sire for solitude. excitability of tem- per, silt' ken eves, surrounded with .,EArtN OIRCLES, oily looking skin, •rc, are all svmptoms.of nervens debit - 4,y that leael to nsanity unless cul:ed. "he spring of vital force heeling ,lost. its tension every function wanes in consequence, Those who through buee, committed it; ignorance, may ht, A A • , pc,r rn a.neutly cured. Scud your ad• dress for book on diseases peculiar to roan, writ free, sealed. Address M.,V LUBON, 24 Mecdounel Ave., • Toronto, rot. ,.:;•nits:_ UNLOCKS .ALL THE CLOGGED. SECRETIONS OR THE BOWELS, KIDNEYS AND 'LIVER, CARRYING OFF GRADUALLY, WITHOUT WEAKEN* ING THE. SYSTEM, ALL IMPURITIES AND FOUL HUMORS. AT THE SAME TIME CORRECT. ING ACIDITY or THE STOMACH, CURING BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, HEAD- ACHES, DIZZINESS, HEARTBURN, CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE, SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS; 501:10 - rut*, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, NERVOUSNESS, AND GENERAL DEBILITY, THESE AND ALL SIMILAR COMPLAINTS QUICKLY YIELD TO THE CUBA- TIVE INFLUENCE OF BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. 1 Beli�v� in Hod's Inheritotr scrofula Cured Read the Statement of .44 Popular Teacher lkEr Geo„'4, ZLi'kle Mt Horeb, Tenn, Tho statements in the testimonial below aro familiar facts to the immediate friends of Mr, Geo. A. Zirklo,. school teacher, of Mt. Horeb, Tenn., very wellknownthroughout the eounty,. wherohowas horn and hasalways lived. stead it. "C. h Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass,: "Dear Sirs: -I believe in Hood's sarsaparilla. I Will toll you why, T have suffered, from in- . herited scrofula from child hood. When 87 years of age, my eyes became strangely affected. I could not read after sunset, and when I would close my eyes, I could not open them; but on whichever side I lay, on that side I could open my eye. This condition continued about two years, andwas succeeded by 'An Intolerable Itching all°over my body and limbs. I had to have my little boys take shoe brushes and scratch me. It was dreadful. It continued amonth and was followed immediately by a tumor in the right side of my neck, as large as a small egg. I at once commenced taking physicians' preserip- , tions and continued till I lost. hope. In the mean time the tumor changed its place to the imme- diate front of my neck, suppurated and was fol- lowed by others, till six had formed and broken. "Finally, three yearsago, another large tu- mor seated itself on the point of my collar bone and in six months another half way back on the bone. Both of them soon began to discharge and continued to do so till about seven months ago. I tried everything, including prescriptions. I was often so weak that 1 Could Scarcely Walk and my mind was so confused that I could scarcely attend Ito my business (school teach- ing). I was utterly discouraged. And now my story draws to a close. I- began the use of ®crsVares Hood's Sarsaparilla a little less than a year ago, and took five bottles. 'When I began I had no faith in it. In less than three months both the sores on my shoulder were healed; I was cured of a troublesome catarrh; and scrofulous habit has steadily grown less apparent. I weigh more than I ever did in my life, and am In the best of Health, considering my constitution. Do you wonder that believe in Hood's Sarsaparilla? I eau do noless than recommend it everywhere and every way." Geo, A. Zruir n, Mt. Horeb, Tenn. Hold's. PiIIs- cure liver ills, Constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sickheadache,indigestion. J. MURRAY & CO., Wholesrle Manufacturers of Plow points and Castings. Liberal Discounts to Cash Customers. J. ;>l�lurrey & Coo 1., rA.1L`ti F ®.• D STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent. If you want your linen to look whiter than. snow, take it to . . . flL.TI11� +• i EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A Specialty. AN WA►i T e charge o of Local Agency. TG talc uD Good opening for right than, onsalary 01 commission. Whole or part time. We are the only growers el of both Canadian and Am erican Rtook. Nurseries at Rid gevill e Ont., and Rochester, N,''. Visitors welcom t• at grounds (Sundays excepted). Be quiclt and wrtto for full information, We wain you now. BROWN B MOS. Co , 'TORONTO ONT. This Rouse Is a reliable, The,' Go, Paid Capitai 500,000.00. LAME BACK NEURALGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA CURED EVERY TIME AND RHEUMATISM W y� "D.& L` MENTHOL PLASTER 140, Owing to the recent fire of' last Tuesday night,. Mr. S. Gidley, has been obliged to se- eure•ne'w quarters and for the next month at least,, his customers will find him located in Parkinson's Old Stand, one door north of the Town Hall, , with a brand'new stock of holi- day goods. Y�qT� , ' S. GrnlE s FURNITURE & O DE TA l O G, Bissett's Livery First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERIAL MEN. Orders left at BissettBros.'Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention.. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED- W.G . G. BISSETT CHRISTIE 1 O!!i& Li:) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWS SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED To•, Terms Reasoaa Teleohone Connection Bicycles, . Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, And i Musical Instruments. We are the only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give•the people of Exeter. and vicinity,— . . • Gre •, ter Bares, `gins ! Greater Choice ! ! Lowest Prices. ! ! I The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware -rooms, ---One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store PERKIS To Arcs well t' is iiot nee(s,'I,; that you should h, your Clothes ma c the very best ma tftl neither need you 1.;!a the very latest sr� but to look well yc clothes must fit. This is Our Aim. Not only to maize suit fit proper bi i l the latest style, We guarallte Every a arniei t leaves our shop 'Will a perfect fit. BERT. KNIGHT 1 The Fashionable Cutter and CENTfl66 LNG T:1:, A complete stock of Pure and Reliable DP ALWAYS KEPT. IR1eiit llrllEJi1'8 ujiiiliu 4t right and reasonable . Prescriptions and Family Recei Carefully Prepared., 1 m's Gohiitftlli Pr: " the best in the market. C. LUUTZ, xfl' CLOTH A. SNE Je 4 3 t= 1\Zaira. st EXETER ONT1 t r 1 Has now in stock Limn aid W r.• &ill' IN THE FOLLOWING LINE: West of England Suitings and'1 erings, Scoteh Tweed Suitings and Trois. Ings. French and English Worsted Cs. All made up in the Lal t• best Rates. Style, atStg s a A. a Seal EI AR IN E Atkinson's Furniture W arni, rooms is the cheapest and t et place in the County to buy Pu niture. . . n $9.00. A first-class Bed -room Suite for only $9 and' evei, thing else in comparison. All goods guaranteed be my own make, of first-class dry material notbib but best hard lumber used. Lumber and Wood Taken in exchange for Furniture, Wire Mattresses. The only place in town where you can bay 1 Patent Dominion INickle-Plated Wire Mattressi, a, i, ranted not to rust. J.D.Atkinson, Prod:. t