HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-22, Page 4.etrbio ca r SANDERS es DYER, Prop, Tz[ EOPAr, February 15th 1$94 4.3.t1tITODA sciioor, DEarsrON. Tee full teat of the decision arrived st on this subject by the Dominion coverurnent has itow been made public teem which it appears -they have ad- vised His Excellency, the Governor General, not to jntorefore with the ac• tion of the North West Assembly in the matter of education. No one wbo erilltake the trouble of wading through this lengthy document, with all its. ainotetimis; eau f to see the calmness and fair play with which the federal ,government here dealt with a most delicate subject -.ane on which much interest and public feeling has been displayed. We think we can disoern rn this calm and exhaustive throughouta document the master hand of the Premier who has certainly, much to. his credit Thr even-handed justice, dis planed a spirit of unbiassed judgement which marks him out as It worthy suc- cessor of the great chieftain whose aim pias to build up a young nation of all creeds, classes, and nationalities. Vir finally, the decision arrived at by the federal government—and which has received the sanction of the Governor General—declines to interfere with pro- vincial rights, where no injustice is lone to minorities through education- al enactments passed by the local Leg. teed tire. Of Bourse, as might be ex erected, certain French Canadian journ- als' have bitterly attacked the federal authorities, for the stand they have taken going so far as to say they have 'betrayed the interests of the Roman Catholic minority" i;; the North West. Territories. But such attacks will fall innocuous before thebetter judge u ent of sober minded men, who regard justice and fair play and a spirit of toleration as essential elements in the welfare of a nation. It is re assuring to know, from the full text of the fed- eral decision, that the minority in . the Western province were needlessly alarmed as to the effect of the recent ordinances ou the educational interests. of the R. 0 portion of the community— and that the Executive Council of the N. W. Territories may be trusted to correct any adverse influence that might be exerted against separate schools, whether Protestant or Catholic. MR. MEREDITH'S - PLATFORM. In the debate which took place las week in the Ontario Legislature upon the address in reply to the Lieut. Gov ernox's opening speech, the leader of the opposition made one of bis very ablest addresses—in which he outlined.. the political platform intended to be put before the people at the approach- ing. elections. The ground covered by Mr. Meredith embraced the following topics: extravagance on the part of the Mowat i overiithetit; the wasteful' expenditure' of the timber resources; the advocacy of biennial sessions of Legislature, as one great means of economy; a reduction in the number ofilabinet Ministers; and uu ting dif- ferent departments under one. head; ar,.d the development of ruining re- sourees and industries of Ontario. A capital hit was made hi Mr. Meredith's speech ween he told how the Mowat government had,exhihited two sides of the shield upon the temperance ques- tiou -the 'mover of the address declare ing that the government was pledged to prohibition, and the other gentleman 'whit occupies a nearer position to the Cabinet declaring that prohibition was a sham and a farce (site. While the Mowat administration took credit to themselves for having afforded aid to the World's Pair and in d.yeloping• the Fi+dustrial pursuits of Ontario, Mr. Meredith showed that the agricultural etelustry was indebted .not so much to. g•,vernmeut as to.the intelligences hard work, and industry of the great body of the farmers in utilizing the meths at their disposal a• -d availing themselves of the new methods intro- duced and encouraged by the federal authorities. A slashing' epeech, full of facts and. statistics, was brought to a nlese by Mr. Meredith claimingfor his p trty the doctrine of equal rights for all, irrespective of creed, race, or parry, a d special favors and privileges to none. That is the true basis or found. arion on which our eonstitutiens res -s, the practical woiking: out of which is tee only hope of building ti„rap a'ttnirtd a .d` prosperous nation.eWe v p isenture t +,assert that the platform outlined by Mr. Meredith in his noble address is pct which will eo►nm'end itself to every 1 t .•It.etnr, and to every well. Wisher f his , irrsher o t 'rho Wel. ,ei... ap Coi pang of Hatn- a do r has assigned. ConniU111ioat10nt ' To 'ease Erman a mensal Aneteee're. IMr, Julius A, Palmer, of. the Boston `Transcript, who is at Honolulu, `say i America; has no use for HawseLand tha Deter Szze.—r see that our Mr.ef. Y. ieLean, the would be .Patrons of In- dustry Candidate for the Local Legis- lature in South Huron has of late .had much to say concerning the P. P, A. 1 notice he has been exposing (?) the association, and printiug what he claims to be tee secret obligation and oaths of the members of this society. I would like to ask Mr. McLean a few questions through the medium of your valuable paper. 1st—Did. Mr McLean steal this ritu al form which he claims to be copying the obligations and oaths of members? 2nd.—If he did not steal the ritual where is he. deriving his information? 3rd.—Is Mr. ;McLean writing about something he knows nothing of? I did hope that Mr. McLean would not interfere with the P PP. A. but since he. has chosen to denounce the society and spy' in behind the hidden work of the members, I may tell hint that his dirty action will be resented by, more than etre who might. otherwise have supported him. While Mr. 11eLean Inas his hand in let him now publish sortie of—only some of—the obligations and oaths of the Priests, Bishops, Archbishops, Cardirals and Prelates of the Roman Catholic Church. Yes, let Mr. McLean publish them side by side with those of the P. P. A: and .let the public have the matter placed squarely and fairly before them This ie his duty as a public journalist but first let him secure a genuine ritu a l of the P. P. A. Yours &c., A LIFE TIME REFORMER. News of the Week in Brief, FRIDAY February 23rd. Some of the American sailors at Rio Janeiro have been attacked by yellow fever. The new highschool at Prescott was opened yesterday in presence of a large assemblage, Fourteen life insurance companies have been started in Japan during the past year. Twenty-five lives were lost by the foundering of the steamer Horuhead off the Maryland coast 'yesterday. Simnel Walker, a retired farmer, aged 70, and a. respective citizen of Lindsay,died yesterday of heart failure. Herbert Dunn, the Toronto ex convict has been. sent to the peni- ten iary for five years for theft in Kingston. The 26th' annual convention of the National American' Woman Suffrage. Association began at Washington yesterday, The historic Elm cottage at Ford ham, N Y., in which Edgar Allan Poe lived and wrote "The Raven” is• shortly to he torn down, Paul Bernard, the Spanish anarchists arrested in. Paris ou Wednesday, wilt not be extradited to Spain, brit will be tried in France. Frontenae Reformers met at King- ston yesterday and elected officers. They will hold a nominating conven- tion on March 8. Charles Chamberlain, of Toronto, has been sent for trial at Winnipeg on charges of personation at the recent, Dominion election. George A. Goodwin, a Canadian, following his profession in old L,ndon has ' been elected President of the Society of Engineers. M. Fogerty, a well-known farmer of Denham township, aged 75 years, droupe:i dead the other morning just afer getting out'of bed. Wallace Beeuter,' an employee of /loop Bros.', lumbermen at Prince Ville Annapolis County, N. e. was instantly killed by a lug rolling over hint. A Prohibition couveution at Win- chester Springs yesterday endorsed the candidature of Mr. J. P. Fox. the Patron candidate for the Ontario Legislat are. Sir Charles H. Tupper lectured to a lame audieuce in Haniilton lass night under the auspices of the' Canadian IClub, His .subject was Canadian Footprints," William Burns, a well-to-do farmer living at Churchville, Ont,, complained. (on Weduesday nigh of feeling unwell. and wen; out and drowned : himself in the Credit river. Fourteen curling clubs took part in the Ontario Thankard matches yester day. Oshawa, Sarnia, Dundas and Toronto Granite are the survivers of the tirst day's play. Instructions are said to have been sent from England for a shipment of coal front Japan. The Japnese coal is said to be 50 per cent. cheaper in Born bay than Welsh coal. The Dail makers of the Montreal Roll- ing Mills Company. Peck, Benny & Co,. and Pillow, Hersey & Co,,' Montreal are on strike against a reduction of 15 per cent. iii wages. The State normal sohool building at Oneonta, N Y., was burned last night; Over 400 students wereattendingAll books and apparatus were 'burned Loss, $200,000; ittsurauance $75,000.. A large deputation of Canada Fall Association delegates waited on the Minister ofAget,ultuta1 Thursday lastt and asked tnereased grants to town. ship and district agricultural societies. Whilel)r: Howe of Newmarket was driving home along Water Street in. that town yesterday he was struck by a train > going north.' His horse was killed.,but the doctor escaped with a few slight injuries, At the Ontaeio Legislature yester- day Mr, Contnce, member for West Algoma, gave notice that he would in. rr, duct, a bill to provide for the election of members of Separate School Boards by ballot, s the best arrangement for all concerned would be for the islands. to become a 13iitish dependetcy. The judgtneut of the Chancery. Jud- ges it) Oonnolly-McGreevy_appeal ease was haodcd out at'Osgoedti Hall yester- day. It eoufirined the conviction passed at Ottawa by Judge Rose, and refused a new trial to the prisoners. Tlie Legistaure of Nova Scotia has been dissolved and a new general election ordered Nominations will take place on i4 larch 8 and polling ,March 15. A i'lebicite on the question of prohi bition will be taken on the same day; SATURDAY February. retie 'Winnipeg's Industrial Exhibition is to be held from July 23rce to 2,8th. The Central Methodist church people of Sarnia have invited Rey, John Lea- rovd to remain a thit•'1 :term. Dun & Co, report 55 business failures in Canada the past week, against 86 the corresponding week last year, Judge Brentano, who is presiding in 'the Prendergast case at Chicago, has received an anonymous lector threaten - his life. Despatches from various parts of Hateshi.re and Vermont state that the snowfall of the past two or three days has been tee worst of the winter By the explosion of aboiler of the new German irnnciad Brandenburg at Kiel yesterday 41. men were lustful' ly killed and nine others fatally wounded G. F. Wilson, the postoffrce clerk who is accused of stealing mo.i+ey from reg- istered letters, was committed for trial at Lindsay yesterday by Magistrate Deacon. • James Howe etabbed Patrick Carol- ler whilst the two men were in the At- lantic ]louse, Ingersoll, on Thursday night. enrolee's injuries are serious The etiineers and firemen. of the Great Northwestern Railway, after a conference with President Hill, have accepted a reduction in wages of about 9P er cent. The by -lay voted upon yesterday in Chatham, to inerease th'e fees for liquor licenses, was defeated by 160 majority. Another for the closing up of the free' library was defeated by 66 majority. A convention of veterinary surgeons of Manitoba and the Northwest was held at Winnipeg yesterday, when res olutions were carried unanimously con da'inning the British embargo on Cana dian cattle, and declaring that pleuro. `pneumonia did not exist in this court try and never did. Ex -Mayor Beaugrand of Montreal, proprietor of La Petrie, proposes to pub lish a story which the archbishop noti fies him is objectionable, and calls upon him to desist. Mr Beaugrand announ ces that he will go right en and publish and the matter promises a sensation.. MONDAY February 19th. James Campbell, of Bradshaw, was thrown from his sleigh and drowned in two feet of water on Satttrday. ,• Pugilist Peter Jackson .arriyed in Tornnto last night to fulfil his engage- ment to play in "Uncle Tout's Cabin.', Thomas Feeney, aged 17, was killed by the explosion of a Japan oven iu D'lcKinnou's hardware factory a; at. Catharines on Saturday. Gilbert S Rosenbaum, said to be the wealthiest Hebrew in America, died in New York on Saturday. His fortune is estimated at $30,000,000. Frank H. Harper, alias Henderson, of St. Paul, has defrauded the Continental National Bank of Chicago out of $6,800 by means of forgttd'checks.. Daniel Leary, of Dource, near Peter- born', lost his way in last Monday's snowstorm and his dead bad_y was found 'on Saturday about three miles froth Peterbero': ,James C. Bain, tho Grand Trunk ticket seller who absconded from Toren to on the 13th of January, was arrested,. in San Jean. the capital of the Spauish Island of Porto Rico. TUE SPA'rt January. 9th. Total fire losses in Canada during Jan nary were $891,000, and insurance losses were $269,600, Mathew Ashton, a convicted murder er, has died of smallpox in jail. at Mad ison, Wis, He was worth $350,000. • E, H. Linder, of Boston, a Ilarvard student, who'was injured in a friendly boxing bout last Tuesday, died. on Sunday. John Y Mcleane, convicted of elec- tion fraud in Brooklyn, N. Y has been sentenced to six years in Sing Sing prison. At Princeton two sons of John Han- en broke 'through the ice while crossing a pond and one of them, aged nine years, was drowned, ';'lie Thomson -Houston electric works at Lynn, Masa., started up yesterday. after three months' idleness, giving em- ployment to 1,500 hands. Mr William Nancekivell, reeve of Derehatn, has been noniliated by the Patrons of Itldustry of South Oxford to run for the Ontario Legislature Michael Purteel of Grantham Town ship while mounting a horse, overbal- himsslf, fell to the grouted and broke hie neck, death being instantaneous, The natural gas supply obtained in Buffalo from Canada is said to he run- ning short andBuffalo people who Have .been using' it for fuel are becom ing uneasy. Matthew Johnson, who will be eleet- rocuted. at Sing Sing prison on Monday next, Ties made a complete .confession of the murder of Emil Kukelhorn iu December, 18921 An immigrant from one of the homes named Wiliam:Ingram. was trampled to death by a horse on the farm of Mr. J Clements, east of 13owtnanville, Mon- day afternoon, Young Clemens, in his efforts to rescue hien, was also bad- lyinjured, A young • r,u$ttatttu,xu ,iiutt:d li g`rain tyke bas been working about Meador Ont., for'the past. three years, bus pugs chased histicket and will start at once for Eugland to claim a Atrium of $e0,- 000 left by his father who died recently, Mr. W. L. Land, of Au Sable, rafted about 2,500,000 feet of fine pine lumber from Michigan for Tooawauda, N Y. The late blizzard and accompanying,: gales broke up the rafts and now the timber is a part of the ;seat ice bridge below the Palls. Mr, Land will try' to capture the lumber when the bridge breaks up; at d thus save some of the $40,000 at which it was valued. ]ti+itish G alis 'J2sut(le. London, Feb. 19 —The Meek Lae Express, itt its weekly review of the British graina trade, says: -•English wheats have dropped fourpence, and foreign wheats sixpence per quarter. Flour is stead*. Barley has declined sevenpence, Corn is down sixpence, and oats fnurpeuce The tone at to- day's market was quiet Wheats were unchanged. American corn was three- peuce-dearer. Oats were firmer The prices of barleys were. in bits ors' favor RcipeflcE1! JAS. GRIEVES, has re- opened with a, new stock of' all the latest styles and patterns in Scotoh and Canadian Tweeds, Scotch and Irish Ser'es, and in worsteds we have the best to be had. We make thein up in the lat- est style and guarantee a tit every time or no sale. To nto LtcL l We pay special attention to cutting and making all styles of jackets and wraps. Rememberthe plane, GRIGG'S CLD STAND, One door north Senior's Photo Gallery. JAS. GRIEVES. Cutter, etc „,t i '3a1f103P . fOA .11VHM SI "/!...-. "._- ,' !-, Y4 00 Toys-regaliawaS UOtu Sd$awtrn11s1 uQ IntApaUalealta ally , 4n0.191 qSule1%01 omen 'S8lcinQJJ,,juni won „trlui.iafpng.al' y. noa peg ,C40A *all THOROUGH EQUIPMENTS, PRACTICAL OOURSlm, LiVE TEACHERS. THOROUQH WORK Under the guiding hand of the Principal of the' FOREST O1i.''N BUSINESS and SHOBTFIAND SCHOOL of LONDON who has had special preparation for his chosen pr.£essiou, assures success to every studout, Saving Spent fifteen veers in the class room and fivo,years,in business and office practice he should Know Trow to propare young people fox business, It pays to attend a school thethas a standing amongi, business men. College re -opens Tuesday January 2nd, 1894, J. W.WESTELiVELT, elNCut'Qn Mr. Henry wishes .es to inform thefarming ' 'u mlug colnmlanity that he will have for sale the best line of farm implements in Ont, A Carload of Drills just in, also The Giant Cul'ivaters and Seeder, manufactured by J, W. Mann, Co. A full assortment of Plows, Sulky Plows, Root Scufllers, manufactured by the Cockshute Manufacturing Company. of Brantford. . . . If you want a Buggy, a Cart, er a Waggon, give us 'a call: If you want repairing, painting or horse shoeing done in a eompetent manner, give us a ci• ll. Nomatter how small your order it will be prmptly done If you want the best Steel Wind moter that is made give us a call. , HENRY JONES, Prop. Shop, opp. Mansion House. .A, Parkliil.l Girl Disappears, A couple of weeks ago Jutta Biggs, the 19 year old daughter of a high school teacher at Parkhell, disc. ear 1 a , h pp ec , and although detectives have been placed ou her track and search made high and low, she has pot yet been found She left on a Sarnia train, but did not buy her ticket at the station. she was heard to ask the conductor for a ticket to Detroit, and to that city she is supposed to have gone. No reason can be assigned for her con. - duct, as she had a quiet and comfort- able home, and was herself both cul- tured and refined. Her parents are distracted. ile Dispatches the Traiiis That Count Two Great Oceans. Though a Man of Advanced Years, Paint's Celery Com- pound Maintains Him at the. Post of Duty. Iti7r. G. Swain, Station Master at Winnipeg for the Canadian Taoiflc Railway, is Made a New Man—The Doctor's Failed—Scores of Medicinal Prerar tions Were Tried and Proved Useless—Paine's Celery Compound Works a Wonderful Cure. Mr. G.Swain,the western Station Mas- ter at Winnipeg, is one of the old and. tried officials • of the great Canadian Pacific Railway, He left England in 1853, and settled in Montreal, where he entered the serviceof the Grand Trunk Raitway Co, spending over twenty years of his fife with Canada's pioneer railway co poration. In 1880 Mr. Swain went to the Northwest and set- tled in Winnipeg, where his experience. in railroading secured forh im his I resent position. Mr. Swain, though a titan of extra- ordinary physique and giant strength, was some time ago made as helpless as a child, from the suffcringt and agonies of rheumatisrn,to which terrible diseaoe he had been a slave for fifteen years, After utter failures with doctors and medicines, he was ' induced by Capt. Douglas, the genial proprietor of the 1 eland House, to try Paine's Celery Compound, The trial protect wonder- ful; the results and cure perfect, Mr. Swain, although sixty seven years of age, is now as smart as any man of forty, and can do more work in a day than the majority of younger men. All Ibis rtew life,renewed strength, younger looks, perfect sleep, and good digestive vigor, is the direct. result of using Paine's. Celery com- pound, the great medicine that makes people well. Mr. Swain, in a very recent lector,. says:—"Last winter I was in bed suf- ferutg from rheumatism, Having tried sores of prescriptions from doctors and neighbors, I was at last ihdneed to try your Paine's Celery Compound. I was immediately `relieved++ my pains which, 1 am glad to say,I have not re-' turned sieve. i:iaving been a slave to rheumatism for fifteen years, 1 am now•able'to do as big a day's work .as any man', 1 recommend this wonder- ful reinede to all suffering humanity.' 1 attribute my present condition to a careful' use of ,your Compote d. It saved touch mouov and gave me much comfort." LOST Gil Ff:lLI tiD rtkAG HOOD, General and Pial•ioiis Debility, lriunierirn Weakness of Loey and Mind, Effects of Errors or ,Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood fu'-ly Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely un- failing Iiome Treatment—Benefits in a day. Men testify from GO States and Foreign Coun- tries. Write. them. Descriptive Book, ex- planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO;, Buffalo, N.Y.1 Unlooks rill the clogged avenues of the Rowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- - . meting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia„ Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jain- diee, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the .Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the Happy influence of 'BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Scale by an ,Deators.. T.IILBli &CO.,Proprietors, Toronto. Julia Tunison: a colored woman, dried at Newark, N. J., Saturday, at the re- puted age of 114 years. Billy Smith. of Australia, by a right hand "puech on the jeer" knocked out Dave Flaherty, of Portland, near El Paso, 'T'exas. More titan 100,000 persons gathered at St. Peter's, in Rome, yesterday to see the Pope celebrate the last mass of the inhilee year, DOn't E 1QT_ !.L ~lacerti till Sickness Comes befareBuyinga1 ttfe of PERRY DAA IS' AI N ' KI `'Yob may need it to night. >, Bill Nye, the great humorist, had as. attack of heart failure at Niagara Fall( and is very ill. ' The B n Roller Mills,Dunvil!ey g were burred down on burned ni h I Loss, $12,000. A Newark inventor named Damao. has completed a fender for trolley cars which will pick up a 200 -pound man safely. The fender weighs only 39 pounds,`