HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-22, Page 3THE BARE ARM OF SOD.
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An Able Sermon Against the Gospel of
Simush-up—God's Reserve Thunderbolts
The Noonday Sura But a Spark Struck
From the Anvll of One Word.
BRooKLYN, Jan, ' ---Singularly appro-
Eriate and impressive was tire old Gospel
hymn as it was sung this morning by the
`V thousands of Brooklyn Tabernacle, led on
by coronet and organ;
i Arm of the Lord, awake, awake I
Pat on thy strength, the nationsshake.
Rev, Dr. Talmage took for his subject,
" The Bare Arm of God," the text being
Isaiah, 52:10:—" The Lord hath made bare
His holy arm."
It almost takes our breath away to read
some of the Bible imagery. There ie such
boldness of metaphor in my ter t that I
have been for some time getting my cour-
age up to preach from it. Isaiah, the evan-
gelistic prophet, is sounding the Jubilate
I! 4
of our planet redeemed, and cries out,
"Tho Lord hath made bare His holy arm."
What overwhelming suggestiveness in that
figure of speech, " The bare Arm of God l"
The people of Palestine to this day wear
much hindering apparel, and when they
. want to run a special race, or lift a special
burden, or fight a special battle, they put
off the outside Apparel, as in our land,
when a man proposes a special exertion, he
pits off bis coat and rolls up his sleeves.
Walk through our foundries, our machine
shops, our mines, our factories, and you
will find that most of the toilers have their
coat off and the sleeves rolled up.
Isaiah saw that there must be a tremen-
dous amount of work done before this
world becomes what it ought to be, and
he forgoes it hll aacomplished, and accom-
plished by the Almighty; not as we ordin-
4riiy'think of Him, but by the Almighty
with the sleeve of His robe rolled back to
His shaulder. "The Lord hath made bare
His holy arm." ,
' Nothing more impresses me in the Bible
than the ease with which 'God does most
things. There is such a reserve of power.
$o ta" more thunderbolts than He has
fiver flung; more light than He has ever dis-
tributed; more blue than that with which
o has over -arched the sky; more green
than that with which He has emeralded the
grass; more crimson than that with which
He has burnished the sunsets. I may it
with reverence:—From all I cau see, Glad
has never half tried.
Yon know as well as I do that many of
le the most elaborate and expensive Indus-
tries of our world have been employed in
creating artificial light. Half of the time
the world is dark. The moon and the
stars have their glorious uses, but as in-
struments of illumination they are failures.
They will not allow you to read a book, or
•stop the ruffianism of your great cities.
Bad not the darkness been persistently
,fought back by artificial means, the most
of the world's enterprises would have
,halted half the time, while the crime of
,our great municipalities would for half the
time run rampant and unrebuked. Hence,
all the inventions for creating artificial
Iight, from the flint struck against steel in
-centuries past, to the dynamo of our eleo-
■ tricai manufactories. What uncounted
Inumbers of people at work the year round
In making chandeliers, and lamps, and
fixtures, and wires, and batteries where
alight shall be made, or along which light
airall run, or where light shall poise I How
many bare arms of human toil—and some
of those bare arms are very tired—in the
creation of light and its apparatus: and
after all the work, the greater part of the
continents and hemispheres at night have
no light at all, except perhaps the fire -fifes
flashing their small lanterns across the
.swamp. r
But see how easy God made the light.
`.He did not make bare his arms; He lid
root even put forth His robed arm; He, slid
,not lift so much as a finger. . The flint out
of which He struck the noonday sun was
the word, "Light." "Let there be light I" -
Adam did not see the sun until the fourth
ty, for, though the sun was created on
e first day, it took its rays from the first
to the fourth day to work through the
dense mass of fluids by which' this earth
was compassed. Did you ever hear of any-
thing so easy as that? So unique? Ont Cf
.a word came the blazing sun, the father of
dowerg, and warmth and light? Out of a
c%vord building a flr'oplace for all the us -
Vons of the earth to warm themselves by.
'kea, seven other worlds, five of'. them in-
•d'dneeivably larger than our o*ai and sev-
-enty-nine asteriods, or worlds on a smaller
:scale. The warmth and light for this great
brotherhood, great sisterhood, great family
of worldq, eighty-seven larger or smaller
,worlds, all from that one magnificent fire-
place made out of the one word, "Light."
, he sun 886,000 miles in diameterI I do
snot know how much grander a solar system
• God could have created if he had put forth
his robed arm, to say nothing of an arm
made bare 1 But this I know, that our
noonday sun was a spark struck from the
. anvil of one word, and that word—
"But," says some one, "do you not
-think that, in making the machinery of
the universe, of which our solar system is
comparatively,a small wheel revolving in.
'to mightier wheels, It must have cost God
some exertion? The upheaval of an arm
spade bare?" No; we are distinctly told
• otherwise. The machinery of a universe
Clod made simply with his fingers. David,
Inspired in a night song, says so: "When
4 I consider thy heavens the pork. of Thy
fing ers.`*
.A. Scottish clergyman told me a few
• weeks ago of dyspeptic Thomas Carlyle
walking out with a friend one starry night,
and m t friend looked tip and said,
11-._. "t 'hat lendid sky l" Mr. Carlyle re-
` plied he glanced up, ,"Sad sight, sad
•.olghh�ftj; of so thought David. as he read
"' the gi'e' riptnre of the night heavens.
It was " veep of embroidery, of vast tap-
, • eatry, Go manipulated. That is the allu-
, cion of th Psalulaat to the woven hangings
of tapestr-', as they were known long be-
-fore Davi 's time. Far back in the
:ages whati enchantment of thread and
color, the ITIorentine velvets of silk and I
,gold and:!Persian carpets woven of goat's ;
hair) If you have been in the Gobelin'
manufactory of tapestry In Paris-alasl
.now no more—you witnessed wondrous
things, as you saw the wooden needle
mr brooch, going back and forth and in
.And out; you were transfixed With admira-
tion at the patterns wrougl.;.. No wonder
that Louis XIV, bought it and it became I
. the possession of the throne; and for a Wng
while none but thrones and palaom might
,have any of its Nvoitli 'What triumphs of
.loom_' What viotaty of skilled fingergt '
. So David says of the heavens; that God's
fingers wove into them the light; that
God's fingers tapostried thein with stars;
that God's fingers embroidered them with
worlds. How much of the Immensity of
'the heavens David understood I know
s)iot. Astronomy was born in China
� . . L .
*� : ,,, � � � _ I " ,,� � -.11 I . I __ . , - -l"-., 9"9."i , "
►weiety'•elg'Ii1 Aundred yours !»tare C%rftl
was barn. During the reign of Hoang -TI
astronomers were put to death if they made
wrpng Calculations about the heavens
Job understood the refraction of the sunt
rays, and said they were "tnrned as the
oloy to the seal" The pyramids were
astronomical observatories, mud they were
so long ago built that Isaiah refers to one
of them in his nineteenth chapter, and
Calls it the "Pillar at the border." The
first of all the sciences born wait astrono-
My. Whether from knowledge already
abroad, or from direct inspiration, It seems
ILO me David had wide knowled�a of
the heavens. `Whether he understotx-i the
fall force of'what he wrote, I know not;
but the God who inspired him knew, and
He would not lot David writs anything
but truth; and therefore all the worlds tha
the telescope ever reached, or Copernicus,
or Galileo, or Koplor, or Newton, or La-
place, or Herschel, or our own Mitchell
ever saw were so easily made that they
were made with the fingers. As easily
as with your fingers you would moaid
the wax, or the clay, or the dough
to particular shades, so he decided
the shape of our world, and that it
should weigh six sextillion tons, and ap-
pointed for all the worlds their orbits and
decided their color --the white to Sirius • the
ruddy to Aldebaran; the yellow to Pollux;
the blue to Altair; marrying some of the
stars, as the 2,400 double stars that Her-
schelobserved; administering to the whisis
of the variable stars as their glanoe be-
comes brighter or dim, preparing what
astronomers called " The girdle of
Andromeda, and the nebula in the
sword -handle of Orion. Worlds on
worlds i Worlds nn3er worlds I Worlds
above worlds 1 Worlds beyond worlds 1
So many that arithemetics ars of no
use in the calculation 1 But He counted
them ae He made them, and He made
'them with His fingers I . Reservation of
power 1 Suppression of Omnipotence i
„Resources as yet untouched I Almightiness
'yet undemonstrated Now I ask, for the
.benefit of all disheartened Christian work -
era, if God awomplished so much with
His fingers, what can he do when he pats
Cut all his strength? and *hen he un-
limbers all the batteries of His Omnipo-
tence ? The Bible sneaks again and again
of God's outstretched arm, brit only once,
mud that in the text, of the bare arm of
My text makes it plain that the rectifica-
tion of this world in a stupendous under.
taking. It takes more power to make this
world over again than it took to make it at
first. A word wag only necessary for the
first Creation, but for the new Creation the
unsleeved and unhindered forearm of the
Almighty�l The reason of thatI can under-
stand. In the shipyards of Liverpool, or
C3lasgow, or New York, a great vessel is
constructed. The architect draws out the
plan, the length of the beam, the capacity
of tonnage, the rotation of wheel or acre*,
the cabins, the masts and all the Appoint-
ments. of thiaggreat palace of the deep.
The architect finishes his work without
any perplexity, and the carpenters and the
artisans toil on the craft so many hours a
day, each one doing his part, until with
flags flying, and thousands of people huz-
zaing on the decks, the vessel is launched.
But out on the sea that steamer breaks
her shaft, and is lisping slowly along to-
ward harbor, when Caribbean whirlwinds.
those mighty hunters of the deep, looking
out 'for prey of ships, surround that
wounded vessel and pitch it on a rocky
coast, and. she lifts and falls in the break.
ers until every joint is loose, and every
spar is down, and every wave sweeps over
the hurricane deck as she arts midst
p tQe.
Wonld it not require more skill and power
to get the splintered vessel off the rooks
and reconstruct it than it required origin-
ally to build her? Aye Our world that
Clod built so beautiful, and which started
out with all the flags of Edenic foliage,
and with the chant of Paradissical bow-
ers, has been sixty centuries pounding in
the Skerries of sin and sorrow, and to get
her out, and to get her off, and to get her
on the right way again, will require more,
of Omnipotence than it required to build
her and launch her. So I am not sur-
prised that, though in the drydook of one '
word our world was made, it will take the.
unsleeved arm of God to lift her from the
rocks, and put her on the right course
again. It is evident from my text, and
Ito comparison with other teats, that it
would not be so great an undertaking to
make a whole coustellatiou of worlds, and
a whole galexy of worlds, and a whole
astronomy of 'worlds, and swing thele
in their right orbits, as to take this
wounded world, this stranded world, i
this bankrupt world, this destroyed
world, and snake it as good as when it
Now. just look at the enthroned difd �
culties in this way, the removal of which,
the overthrow of which seem to require
the bare right arm of Omnipotence. There
stands heathenism, with its 860,000,000
victims. I do not care whether you Call
them Brahmins, or Buddists, Confucians
or Fetish idolaters. At the World's Fair
in Chicago last summer those monstrosi-
ties of religion tried to make themselves
respectable, but the long hair and baggy
trousers and trinketed robes of their
representatives cannot hide from the
world the fact that those religions are the
authors of funeral pTre, and Juggernaut
crashing, and Ganges infanticide,
and Obinese shoe torture, and the sggre.
gated massacres of many centuries. They
have their heels on India, on China, on
Persia, on Borneo, on three-fourths of the
acreage of our poor old world. I know
that the missionaries, who are the most
sacrificing and G''isrist4iks men and women
on earth, are m steady and glorious
inroads upon these built-up abominations
of the centuries. All this'stAn that :poo
Mea In Some OI 6* nowni'peii aDoni tea
missionaries as living in luxury and Idle.
nese is promulgated by corrupt- American
or Fmgliah or Scotch merchants, whose
lioeso behavior in heathen cities have been
rebuked by the missionaries, and these Cor.
rapt merchants write home or tell innocent
and unsuspecting visitors in India orOhiva
or the darkened Islands of the sea these
falsehoods about our consecrated mission.
Arles who, turning their back on home a;'d
Civilization and emolument and comfoi ,
spend their lives in trying to Introduce the
meroy of the Gospel among the down -trod-
Asn of heatheniern. $owe o[ those mor-
ehants leave their families in America or
8ngland or Scotland, and stay for a few
years in the ports of heathenism While they
. *Ire making their fortunes in the tea or rice
of opium trade and while Owy are thus
absent from deme, siva themselves- to
s ies of dlssolutoUNT, emeh ae no pea off
to gue could, witlim the abo'iition of till
decency, attempt to repor;k The presence
of the missionaries with' their pure and
noble households in theme heathen ports 14
ra Constant rebate to rttoh debauchoo and
{ 'There, too s ids Mohammedanlsro,
I frith its 17$,O+�W,Q victims. Its Bible fA
lihe .K reel, a book not quite as large as on
ere Vest tneut winch Wda revealed %
a .
Itfchomined :then in epileptic Ate, and ret•
tutod from tit a :lits, he dicta
t1f !1T lly'
tnore people than any ',6ndr 'nook ever
writte;. ?"- Mohammed, the founder of that
religion, a polygamist, with superfluity of
wives, the first step of his religion on the
body, mind and soul of woman and no.
wonder that the heaven of the Doran. is an
everlasting Sodom, an infinite seraglio,
about which Mohammed promises thdf
each follower shall have in that place
seventy-two wives, in addition to all the
wives he had on earth, but that nq ofd
woman shall ever enter heaven. When a
Bishop of England recently proposed that
the best way of saving Mohammedans was
to let them keep their religion, but
engraft upon it some new prin-
ciples from Christianity, he perpetrat-
ed an ecclesiastical joke, at which no Mau
can laugh who has ever seen the tyranny
and domestic wretchedness which always
appear where that religion gets foothold,
It has marched across Continents, and
now proposes to set up its filthy and ac-
cursed banner in America, and what it has
done for Turkey it would like to do for
our nation. A religion that brutally treats
womanhood ought never to be fostered
in our country. But there never was a re-
ligion so absurd or wicked that it did not
get diciples, and there ars enough fools
in America to make a large discipleship of
Mohammedanism. . This corrup£ religion
has been making steady progress for hun-
dreds of years, and notwithstanding all the
splendid work done by the Jessups, mud
the Goodells and the Blisses and the Van
Dykes and the Posts and fie'. Misses Bow-
ens and the Misses Thompsons and scorea
of other men and women of whom the
world was not worthy, there it stands, the
' giant e: 'oin, Mohamedanism, with one
foot on the heart of woman, and the other
on the heart -of Christ, while it mumbles
from its minarets this stupendous blas-
phemy: " God is great, and Mohammed is
his prophet." Let the Christian printing -
presses at Beyrout and Constantinople
keep on with their work, and men and
women of God in the mission fields toil
until the Lord crowns them; but what we
are all hoping for is something supernatural
from the heavens, as yet unseen, some-
thing stretched down ,out of the skies,
something like an arm uncovered, the bare
arm of the God of Nations', IT, w
I have no time to specify the manifold
evils that challenge Christianity. And I
think I have seen in some Christians, and
read in some newspapers, and heard from
some pulpits, a disheartment, as though
Christianity wore so worsted that it is
hardly worth while to attempt to win this
world for God, and that all Christian work
would collapse, and that it is no use for
you to teach a Sabbath class, or distribute
tracts, or exhort in prayer meetings, or
preach iu pulpit, as Satan is gaining
ground.'%To rebuke that pessimism, the
Gospel of Smash-up, I preach this sermon,
showing that you are on the winning side.
Go ahead Fight on What I want to
make out to -day is that our ammunition
is not exhausted; and that all which has
been accomplished has been only the
skirmishing before the great Armaged-
don; that not more than one of the thous-
and fountains of beauty in the King's
Park has begun to play; that not more
than one brigade of the innumerable hosts
to be marshalled by the Rider on the
White Horse has yet taken the field; that
what God has done yet has been with arm
folded in flowing robe; but that the time
is coming when He will rise from His
throne, and throw off that robe, and come
out of the palaces of eternity, and come
down the stairs of heaven with all con-
quering step, and halt in the presence of
expectant nations, and flashing $i&
omniscient eyes across the work to be
done, will pluck back the sleeve of His
right arm to the shoulder, and roll it up
there, and for the world's final and com-
plete rescue make bare His arm. Who can
doubt the result when according to my
text Jehovah does His best; when the
last reserve force of Omnipotence takes
the field; when the last sword of Eternal
Might leaps from its scabbord. Do you
know what decided the battle of Sedan ?
The hills a thousand feet high. Eleven
hundred canno on the hills. Artillery on
the heights of Givonne, and twelve German
batteries on the heights of La Moncelloa
Crown Prince of Saxony watched the scene
from the heights of Mairy. Between a
.quarter to six o'clock in the morning and
one o'clock in the afternoon of September
2nd, 1876, the hills dropped the shells that
shattered the French host in the valley.
The French Emperor and the 000 of his
army captured by the hills So in this
confliot?uow - raging between holiness
and' sin " our eyes are unto the
hills." Down here in the valleys of
earth we must be valient soldiers of the
Cross; '::but . the Commander of our
host walks the heights, and views the
scene far better than we can in the
valleys, and at the right day and the right
hour all heaven will open its batteries
on our side, and the Commander of the
hosts of unrighteousness with all his fol-
lowers Vill surrender; and it will take
of- iiiiX t9ern-.-Alebrate the ii -;vernal v;,..
tory tnrough ouf Lord Jeaus`-Chriet.
"Our eyes are unto the hills.'* It is so
Certain to be accomplished that Isaiah in
my text books down through the field -
glass of prophecy, and speaks of it as al-
ready accomplished, and take my stand
where the prophet took his stand, and
look,at it as all done. "Hallelujah, 'tis
done I" See I Those cities without a tear 1
Lookl Those continents without a pang]
Behold I Those hemispheres without a
sin I Why, those deserts—Arabian desert,
American desert and great Sahara desert—
are all irrigated Into gardens where God
walks in the cool of the day. The atmos-
phere that encircles our globe floating not
one roan All the rivers and lakes and
oceans dimpled with not one falling tear.
The climates of the earth have dropped out
of them the rigors of the cold and the
blasts of the heat, and it is universal
Spring! Let us change the1oid world's
name. Lot it no longer be .called the
Earth as when it was 'reeking with every.
thing pestiferous and malevolent, scarieted
with battle-fields'arrd gashed with graves,
but now so changed, so aromatio, .with
gardens, and so resonant with song, and so
rubescent with beauty, let us call. it Im-
manuel's Land, or Beulah, or Millennial
Gardens, or Paradise Regained, or Heaven.
And to God the only Wise, the only Good,
the only Great be glory forever. Amen.
How to Stop 'Nose Bleeding.
Obstinate nose bleeding is frequently
one of the most difficult things to check.
Several aggravated cases have lately oo-
curred at. the hospital of ,the University of
Pennsylvania. As a last resort Dr. D.
Hayes Agnew tried ham fat with great
success. Two largo cylinders of bacon
were forced well into the nostrils, and the
coaled at once. This is a
very simple romsdq, and one which should
be remembered for cases of emergency in
the coufiitry,
The O eat Variety of Inneets.
There aro over 4.00,000 'variation of in-
soots known to the otomologist, though not
all described in the works on the sub -
A, rlAININAlL% IItoN 1tRny1r,
Gusty, Mwtt Wert to >rils isaa tit '1!suh a 1611
Oa tuft Mor.
"why, I rewombsr ane oass," said s
judge, in relating stories of crime sated
orlmluals, "that haunter me for a lopneg
time. A follow named Mullen was aharel
wibh the murder of his wife. There was a
strong chain of circumstantial evidence. He
had money, thyugh, and his lawyers fought
the Came to the bitter end. 'He had
qu.rreled with the woman and threaleuod
to kill her. He had beep heard to bay on
they of the tragedy that he would
put= Cab of the woy. The chain was
oomplete, with the exception of exe link.
There was nobody who could swear that he
was at or near the house in which the
woman was killed at any time near the
momenh when the mustier Kai done.
'" The prosecution tried in every way to
that link, but without Notes". The
eeuca made their strop polnt on this.
The Intent was proved and all that, but the
wltneeseev to this vital point were lacking.
However, the jury did not hesitate tong.
They couslderod the proof of sufficient
strength, and they Convicted him. When
It came time for me to sentence hints, that
man stood up and looked me in the eye as
calmly as it he was about to say ° good
morning' to me. He told me that he was
lunojena. He pointed out the daw in the
proof. Hs called on Almighby God to punish
me as I was about to punish him. Him
speech was the most eloquent effort I ever
beard, Still, there was nothing left for mo
to do but sentence him to be hanged, and I
did my duty.
"After his sentence the man's Ceodaot
was mast peculiar. He refused to allow his
lawyers to make an appeal, saying that he
knew he was innocent and God knew he was
inuecent and tbab he would take no further
steps to clear himself. He was calm and
coal and collected up to the very minute the
drop fell. He bad a minister visit him every
day and he prayed with great fervor. He
walked to the soaffald as unconcernedly as
yen weuld stroll down the street. He asked
permission to make a speech and said, stand-
ing there with the noose around his cook
and with no paselon or emotion in his vefee,
that he was innocent and that he hoped his
Maker would oonslgu hire to the deepest
torments of an eternal hell if he murdered
his wifa or had any part or share in her
murder. He asked that the black cap be
not drawn ever, his face, and be went to hie
death unflinchingly and with those words an
his lips."
" Huh I" said the reporter, It those ex-
periences are common. I suppose yea
found out after ib was too labs that the man
waa realty Innocent?"
" No," replied the judge, gravely, 11 we
did not. Ineide of a year we found two
people who saw him go into the house just
before the woman was killed mud ane wit.
note, a servant, who saw the killing, but
whom he frightened into silence. He was
guilty. He knew he was guilty, and yet he
stood and defied his Maker, when be was
absolutely oerbain that his defiance would
avail him nothing. I have never been able
to make up my mind whether that was oub.
limo courage or unequaled depravlby."
The hardships and Dangers Vlhleh Beset
These sturdy Toilers—Aa •leetdeat that
Caused Years of Para and suffering.
Mr. Jamea Fitzgerald, a prosperous and
respected merchant of Victoria Ror,d, a
pretty Iittle village in Victoria County, hag
tot years suffered from the effects of s
peculiar accident which happened him
whilea n
l lumber os. e
camp. T a reporter of
the Lindsay Post, Mr. Fitzgerald Bald that
when a boy In his teens he had a strong
desire to spend a season In a lumber camp,
and prevalled upon his parents to lob him
join a party of young men who were leaving
ror the woods, fifty miles distant. It
proved, for him, an unfortunate trip. One
day while he was binding on a load of lege,
the bindiog pole broke and be reoeived a
heavy blow on the elbow of the right arm.
As there was no surgeon within fift miles
of the camp, he was attended to by the beet
means his fellow -workmen could provide.
After a few days, thinking he was all right,
he wend to work again. The exertfen
proved too much, for in a short time the
patn "turned, and continued to gob averse
every day, until at last Mr. Fitzgerald was
forced to return home, where be get the
bYsb of care and medical attendanoe, This,
however, did mob relieve him, as the pain
had become chromic and by this time
affected his whole arm, and partially tr,n
right side of his body. He thus suffered
for years, unable to gob any relief, hie arm
becoming withered and paralyzed, and he
was forced to give up his farm and try
various light Commercial pursuits and
abandoned all hope of ever having the arm
restored to usefulness. In the fail of 1892
he was Induced to give De. Williams' Pink
Ville a trial. Mr. Fitzgerald': first ordor
was for half -a -dozen boxes, and bafere the �e
were gone he began to experience the bene-
ficial effects. The p -in from which he had
suffered for se many years began to lessen.
He procured anotbe a apply, and from tha*
oat the improv*« . nn was constant and
rapid, and he not uOy recovered the use c
his arm, bob In enjoying as geed bodily
health as he did be'vre the acoldenb. moven,
teen years age. Mr. Fitzgerald feels that
the cure is thorough and permanent, and as
it natural consequemeo in very warm In bit
praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which
have been the mesas wf benefiting many
ethers In bis nelghtorhoeA, wbo had seen
whab they had done in Mr. Fitzgerald'acate
Far cases of partial paralysis, lotomoter
ataxts, and Bit nervous troubles Dr. Wil.
liams' Pink Pills are the only Certain cure.
They sat directly upon the blood and
nerves, thus striking at the root of the
trooble, sad restoring the system to its
wonted vigor. Sold by all dealers or Bent
pest paid at 50 cents a box, or sit; boxes
for 82 50. by addreraiog the Dr. William%'
Medicine Co,, Brookville, Oat., or Saheneo-
tally, N.Y. R.afase all imitations which
sews uneempaloas de%lera may offer
became o the larger profit [cam their sate.
Enamel lite !Bath Tab.
When the vino or tin lfning grown shabby
give 6 a coat of white palet. After this
has dried apply several thicknesses of white
enamel, waiting for eaoh application to dry
befo•c adding the next. 1n this way a
thick, enamel coating In laid upon the
metal, giving it the appmranoe, when com-
pleted, of porcelain. The enamel•lined tab
is not only very much daintler in appear,
once. but can be keph in order more easily
than ziac or tin, a damp Cloth wiped Morons
the surface being all that Is needtd to retain
the parity of coloring.
Jimmfe's Ambition.
" Well, Jlmmle," said the visitor to the
amall son of tiro entomologist, ee are you
golog to lie a�lawyer when you grow up, or
what? I. m gvtng tat bo a Bogwomp like
papa," said Jimmie,
May for Great ItritalWa Citttle.
The Imports of bay Into Great) Britatn
from the United Staten were 1.01,132 tons in
1893, agatust 11 588 tone to 18692,
There was no year 0. 1 }1 C. wale fm.
med'stely followed by the yetis I A., D.
A,ntias of Parisians and Their
Fanciful Freaks.
Extravagance of a Young u111iorafre—
Hysterical Gurls Over Anorelkist Yall-
lawt's Girl, Mdonle—A. clever TLtef
hobs a Nothachlld—Charcoal F'suaes
bond a Father. Mother and Daughter
to Glory. Dressed in Thele Sunday
HE rooenb murder of
a we%lbby Englishman
Menta Carlo and the
insecurity of both life
and preporsy upon the
Riviera have radiy de.
1 pleted the eoffers of the
hoteii,ws and other
tradersin that favored
( resort. Hundred# of
wealthy families who
intended wintering at
Niue, Mentons, Canape, oto., have been
eoa.re,d compietelpawayand have returned to
Paris, preferring'te face the wgirlos of its
elimato rather than ravel in perpetual sun-
obtue alited with the chronic fear of assassin.
atlen. Foreigners bare equally contracted
the faar favor and the result is that Paris
this season U parbioularly gay, many of the
swagger houses in the Cbampa Elysees and
other fashionable quarters which are usually
desolate during bne winter months being
alive with ho able, and all the other vivacious -
Does of wealthy occupation. The Ruestan
colony is going vary mbrong and enliven the
Role with the magnifiaence of its equipages.
The Princess Damideff is p%rtionlmrly en
evidence, and& pair of spanktug black stal-
lions abe drives aro the envy and admiration
of all the foreigners in the city, nob to men-
tion Parisians ubemselves who fully under.
stand the worship of youth, verve, beauty
and that greabcab of all factors—wealbb.
A statue is be be ratsed to the
honor of Mdi'e. Dagceency, a
tragedienne of the Comedie Fran-
ealae, and yet thFre is no statue to Rachel.
After the actors and actresses are to place,
Paris may remember that It has no statue
to Ranine, and none to Corneille. A statue
to Madam de Savigne is about to be raised.
Then there is to be one to Madame do Steel.
But the first of these two will be the more
oharmtng :abject. Madame de Savigne
should be shown at her momeab of immor-
tality, levely and rather wearily gay, and
the mother of a daughter. The moment of
immortality vane-#.
There wag qulbe a flutter of excitement at
the Palace de Justice a few days ago when
Maitre Waldeck.Rouiveau, an eminent
Paris lawyer, pleaded on appeal against the
decision of the lower court, which had pro-
vided M. Max-Lebmody, a rich young kp3nd.
thrifv,with a consei1 judiciaire, or oommittee
of inbpaotten over his expenditure. Among
the many Interesting faoce that the adva-
osto told the j adges was that Mar has $650
a day to spend, while his mother ham nearly
$2,500 a day to meet her psrrosal wants.
Madams Lsbaudy p,act.ioes the greatest
economy, Willie per youngest son throws
hie p.brimony ouh of the window; bub
Mattie Waldeck-Rauaseau assured the
jadges that be had aotmally saved $200,000
out of his Income during the past eighteen
menthe. He to an accomplished amateur
rider. Dai iog the past year he has ridden
AwNnev-five ti",Ps and has won ever $20,000
in prizes. Old Lebaudy, who, besides being
a sugar refiner, was a most daring specu-
lator, r�fn hN wbinw and children a fortune
of nearly $50,000,000, half of which went to
the widow, the other half bpimg divided
Equally amens oho four bays, ao that they
e,.ch gat ever $5 000,000, apart from what
they will come Into at too death of the o'd
woman, who Is qufeily engaged in doubling
her own pile, for she lives vary quietly and
spends hardly anything. The, Came is not
Iikely to be finished for some time.
Sidonie Vaillmut to at the present moment
the most Intereabtog child in Ftacce, The
number of persons who have offered to
adopt her or bo Contribute towards bar
mafntenaaoe and edacation, since her father
was rest mood to death for producing an
irribating shower of hobnails In the Chamber
of Dapmtiea, has become truly embarrassing.
The wealthy, obarifable, and always en•
bnusias{lo Dachasc d'Uzes waa the first to
come forty«rd with a practical scheme for
the protection and education of the little
girl. whom one would call unfortunate,
were it nob for the reflaction that, under
the circumstances in which she was being
broughb up, nothing so fortunate could
have happEn,d to her as the sentence
which„ has removed her from the care
of her father. Madame d'Uzes, being
ranked as a fervent Catholfe as well ae a
leader of secioty, foresaw that her initiative
in We matter would arouse the saepiolon of
the Soctalta+s and all Freethinkers ; there-
fore, she took Cho precaution to say thatthe
child, whi)o receiving the benefit of the
fend to be talked for her, should be edo•
cated 6 c -riling to the views -of a " family
oouootl," The Idea of a council oemposed
of mnmbers'of the V%illant family gravely
discussing whether 8[donie would beallowed
be learn the C,techtrm or not must have
raised same smil-a in presbyteries as well as
In bheee brasieries where all the revolution-
ary mioW mn ars Cultivated with the aid of
beer and tot»eco.
to a—
Madame a Vit a the legitimate one
Sifenio'e u o )der—seem:, moreover, to have
I bion lofb ono of the reckoning. It, is said
that her husband took her over to the
Statoo,'and,having started her upon a as as
the reverse of respectable, returned alone to
Europe. When she hearo of all that to being
proposed on behalf of bar daughter she may
think It worth her while to come back and
gob the part of a mother. The Sooialisbs
bolieve bhab ue precautions would suffioo to
proserve sidonle from the danger of s re-
lIgleus education if the '" o!erloal " Duchess
had envy a finger In the ple. M. Clovis
Hughes, the Socialist Deputy and poeb, has
coltprel the generality of Madame d'Ilze's
offer by another stili more generous. He
has proposed to adegt Valllanve little
daughter. he Masson du sir In Is also
disposed to adopt Sldonlo; a solution which
would provide her with any fathers, all
of whom would be above rho suspicion of
religious tendencies. Obher proposals wlil
doubtless he made, for the future of Sidoate
Valliant has become a very great question
that ocouplea mruoh space in the newspapers
every day.
The "vary lateeb" lm'PArle(au enhertaln-
tnonts partakes of the 91acubo"sonsatlonal.
Ib tools place only a few ovenings ago at the
hoto! of the aamtea a do Cingstelalne, on the
Boulevard Magenta. Mho Invitations bore
ob their oonolusion these words, 66 1111
vaect,rAra;" Auglics, 6'T'here will he a vac-
olne,tion," and In response to therm a largge
number of the most arlatoorgtio and fast•
ten ibte people lift Pettis assembled at mid -
Itnfglr . lt'ha dentlemoo0woro rod dross coatwr
had hue arms The Indies wart fta
fancy ball drowse, 'but *very son of thostt
had a little aperture in bbe oloris, *n tint
side of the leg, Intended for the passage of
the vacoinatoles lancet.
At 2 44 m. the oetlllou commenced, and,
the sooeosarles for the novel figpre fa it
were a doctor, with his lancet case, and a,.
live Calf. As charming hostess led off ; this
doctor Came and made bis bon► before h*kp
took three turns of a waltz .togelihsity
and then he ted her ap to a chair placed fm
readlue#s. Then the man of soienoe waltzed
up to the salf, who neither danced nor tang
white he seared the vaccine ; Medloo Is -
turned to the Countess with a teras minuets
steps, performed the operation of vaceinathw
her with a deft soratob, atter which they
waltzed bank to their places among the
dancers, This was repeated in turn with,
every lady present, and then some,
ladies who have qual.fied as medical pros-
thfoners eparatted oa the male guests. One
of these only refused to uuderge the punct'
bars of the lancet. He said he had fought
a duel that morning and been wonndes,
and that as he believed hie adversary's
weapon had Lean tonobed at the paint with
vacotne, he thought that was enough. The
greatest gayety Prevailed throughout this
strange cotllicn, and the ladies present wera
no delighted with the entertainment than
they went away vowing to get up bygiento
balls and eoireeg, when eaoh of the gaesba
would have her or his ailments inquired
Into and oared for, am befibbed the conditiom
of the sufferer.
A clever plukpeokeb has ouaoreded In re-
lieving Barsu Arthur do Rothschild of his
puree eenbaining $3,000, which fact is con-
sidered by all Paris to he deserving of the
highe:b commendation, since it ,is well -
kno wa that members of this famous family
never carry sums of money of any import-
ance about with them, for the reason that, '
being Crceiuses, they are marked men to be,
robbed. This fact has became mo unlversaily
reoegnized by the light-fingered frateinityr
all over Europe that the packets of these;
millionaires are generally left unmolested..
What Arthur do Retheebild could have
been doing with as larga a sum about him its
P, mystery, for a Rsbnaahilds never needs
money, and it Is pretable that the thief
must have by accident aeeu the Buren put
the money into bis pocket, and then have
decided to rob him. Baron Alphonse tells
a story of how he was robbed one night
iu the Rue do Richelieu and hew all the
thief coWd have found in the purloined.
parse must have been some digestive tablets
or powders, a watch key and a list of private
letters be wanted to write during the next
four -and -twenty hours, which memorandum
was so written that the thief could net poo-
nibly make head or tail of It. Old Biren
Jamea used to say that he never feared
piokpo5kets or footpads, because theynever
att%oked poor men.
In the opinion of some people here the
Caubeb family in the Rae des Matbyre went
out of the world very philosophically. An
elderly couple and their grown-up daughters
liviog together apparently In easy circum-
etamce+, OCaupying rooms for which they had
brea paying for yearn a rent of nearly
. 50, having plenty as their own furniture
about them, including piotures that Could
readily have been turned into money,
resolve to Ilght the fatal stove and to die
together happier than live over the day,
when the rend falls due wibhoat being able
�to pay it. The thought of the concierge's
blank face, of the gossip that would follow
In the little den downstairs, of the way in
I which the Haws weuid run up and down.
the street, was more than these stupidly
respectable people cou!d bear. Sat,
havina resolved to die, they amid, " Let us
eat, drink and be marry first." Accord-
ingly they mat down to a very sablefsotary
ltbtle dinner, including a vol eau vest and
other dainti. s. Atter the coffee and the:
pouase cafe a bottle of champagne wet
opened and the servant was told tego up-
stairs to bed and Lob to come down sntil
sire was called.
She waited oolong to be called the nexb
morning bbab she grew impatient and cams
dawn In spite of the order. By that time
M. and Mrdame CAubet and their daughters
were quite aephyxisted, and bhe only living
creature in the appartement was the deg„
which they had thoughtfally shut up in the
next room. The Franch have always been
prateed for their horror of fillfaglute debt ;
bat It will be seen that when it is Combined
with exaggerated vanity and self•respeob it
mmy have deplorable consequeneer. 'The
extrame respectability of these people was
also shown in the r strong repugnance to
the idea of selling any of their goods and
chattels. They proferred be die wlbh their
bo%meheld gods about them. Another ohar-
aotetistio tratt: they put on their bomb
clothes before they lay down to die, and.
MdlIe. Caubet, he heighten the effect, ar-
rayed herself in white. And this is Called
a phi!orephloal way of going oat of the
world ween the landlord cannot be pold I
Valliant was of another way of thinking;
when he fell Into the samo diffioulty ; but
then be was not a philosopher of the eeak
A Flock of Ostriches.
Wweuby-seven ostriches which wore shown
at the World's Fair at Chicago, and
attracted many visitors, have been brought
ever to Landon, and are now on show to the
Royal Aquarium. They are from anoitrich
farm in Uallforala, where, as well &sin .
South Afrloa, ostrloh fsirmleg Is now a
great industry. The Hook includes birds of
both sexes and of varying value, some
being worth $1,500. Their heights range
from six to ten tact. Great, punt, hungry
looking birds they are as dray pook about
in the sawdust of the incleeurs at the
Aqua,fam. The mala birds are not ever
friendly to each other, mud It is most amtw:
log to watch a pair of those ungainly birds: ,
hle.sing at each other like leviathan geese.
London graphic.
i'eter's Mistake.
IChe schooltmistrets was showing off her
pupils to seeds vlslting friends. She hags
been ever the same ground a day or two
before and thoughb she could titusb them to.
Is her credit.
"Who knows what useful article Is fur.
alshed to us by the elephant I" she asks&,
"Ivory," was the prompt reply of threc-
boys at ones,
"Very good. And what do we got fres:
the whale i"
e' Whalebone."
:'Rig"Right again. And :shat tram the o"iI"
ht pealing wax," answered Peter Sand,
trhme inventiveness was batter than hies
memory.—Youth's O'ompauaoit.
When a baby gets to crying its softs iia.
tnmobimes drowned by the dttZrutes of the
women In the roam as to what it is crying
Women are now being engaged to tails,
the place of men waiters iii alt. Lotl(it
restaurants, and parades, indlg"Usa tlt�tt-
Ings find boycott circulars ate the rmflalit
but they stint without omm.
. - - ......., )W�_L. ...."m