HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-22, Page 15�!
NO 338
9 Martin,
suicide by
ig in the
she. had.
i inmate.
li hospital
lied •their
racier in
house on
WaS . cora-
;tie about'
L're from
�vith her
on as` to
sister o3
hiee gold
the loft'
vlth small
n plc . gold
was noti-
was 19
but very
7.-A ter•
tory about 4.
and Thoataa
s, of age,
died a. few-
to lad was
i, without
oven re-
or thetas
x piode, as
ago, when.
rad lost his
Tin building
n is only
force of the
t the reel:
ked, The
lei which
ick, were
who lost
he explo
II and-.. his
en to his
few hours
f Mr Thos.
ioriald, on.
Esq, of
rrkhill, on
Dr. Beat-
1 etb:'Mists
f McGilli-
ou 'Wed -
v. E. W.
, of Hen -
Miss Mat-
ek Kelly,
14th inst.,
76 years,.
ed 6`years,
ophia, wife
, McGilli-
[7th ing :,
ears did
by i old
;a rip, Stc.
O] ds of
•• wood
1, f� �+ ` f
T i I e i1Vri •ls n s p is k n k ■
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all>Y1V1Lle• Mr. •K pfer, of the the. Brp link she Was '+Y 01f1 G fill
Hay, and :lliisa $9.8ho of the 14t
(Chartered by Parliato.entr i$55.) •
Paid upCapital .... 42,0'00,000
Rest Fund.. , .. ,'; .. 1,200,000
Head office Montreal, '
• Gl+lN7�7li;AL M.ANAGi+.,lb
Money advane• d .. t. ,coed Farmer s on their
n notes w> :l. one or more er,dorsexs at 7
u rcent per annum,
per p
Exeter Branch,
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On Thursday . last. death removed
from the home' of Mr, Thomas Concert,
his youngest son, at ,the ag a of throe
wars and seven months ,The; little
fellow suffered considerably, with infla•
inmation which at last terminated his
_ •� :
life• Mr, Francis Coleman will erect
a tai ge bank barn 50x64 feet in the
spring and.is now busily engaged haul-
ing the timber,
Little. Jessle Coupland is very ill
with pnelirnoria.--School was closed
on Friday afternoon, the teaehexa::at-
tending Mr, Coopees funeral,-<-Mr:•Tan
ton, of ,London is visiting€rlends in
this locality. --There is +:iiia to be an
old fashioned tea : meeting here ou the
19th of Match. Tire. Iyadles Aid have
the �ti rtrng'tanignts in hand.. It is hoped
this wile -set the machine in motion and
then to the
concession , of liav, were joined in th,
bonds. of bolt' , mtttrimonev on Thugs
day 18th suet. A host of visitors from
Waterloo were present on the occasion
Mr, JamesJarrott of Hoosall, has.
sold his fine farm in t ow i p f
Stanley near Hillsgreen to i11i1l3 Lova
Y, r, ,
of the same townshipfor . 5 500. r.
, :l
' Hobert Jarrett, his son,has a so said his
farm near Hillsgreon to Mr, Roger
, g , tstc
uffalo Feb• 14.-74-,ilatte
D o• ' i•,
yonnk, and pretty committee
i morphine
to nl,. moxp 1n this morTlii
' '
disreputable houne .to tvhrcli
recently been admitted as ai
r ttn t. y n).
She Was removed to the Fite,
wh' •til breathin and i
114 Still. • 1;
ebony noon. ' Bettie was a st
a •u i0
Buffalo, the.. people in h
ai, and. the
Elm street, where the
G, dead
Dperi every lawful day front Xil a, m:bo .i p,
m,, Saturdays 10 a. m, to 1 p, m •
agenerai banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for. mon- -
� m•
C i.�tl+EiTCL, Zurich.
ARTISTIC DESIGN-: 111r, Aubr use and si ter 'Edith
we expect $eP, streaks
all Wiped- awe arae a new order, of
p , Y
things appear,
for the sum of $2;350. Love Milted, seem to know but lel
Brothers are now owners of 400 acres; het•:except that she came h
200 in Ilay and 200in Stanley, Canada a 'short time ' ago
+, Her.eister
ay on Deposit 1i.eoeipts, Savings Bank 'at 8
per pent,
28 'S^o. Sall Manager
Emeter. Jan , ?�
• of [!]Neter, 'Woto visjtitig at D. Stein-
bash's on Sunday, -hiss R. Eacrett. of
Of • ,tialog1.10 sent.'.lee on apple- Eieter; was the guest'of Miss Edith
cation. bteinbaeh a few days last we�ik -Miss
Fsch, who hes been visiting at Mr, F.
QQ ,�,� ®� Q-RQG,E ^Q p Ilrss, sr.; far the past few weeks r0-
E ,; •y,
1Ga?coe�+lQr,, turned to hes home steer Mltchefl on
t ,
�> ed1t011,
- -
On Wednesday • evening 14th iiist,,
Miss . • Scl)yvarfiz, eldest- daughter of
Rey, Schwartz, wasa.sips
, jawed in mats.-
Duluth, by
uT01z with.Mr. I3. Cress of Dul
Rev. Untbach. We wish' thein much
When the one o Block G. T. R, empress sister•. • crime to th
a •few minut s beFori I actu
was near the semaphore at Lucan 'the
otherday,thgshaftan theclriviug wheel �,
but. �tolild ,[ve no ittforriiat
broke smashing'•thecab and dri'ing• a the antect�deuts cif either her
e �.
hale'in the boiler, A wheel' was also herself: `I'he dgad girl had t
on Glte rtu
broken. rad .train was . stopped tu• a g tingdr. of
scantly, and no one was hurt: A tele• hand, one set in rubies, one i
gram wassaut•to Stratford to take :the diamonds, and the third' a six
Is published every Thursday Morning,
• at the Office,
- --Iiv rho--
nr9� SAW
� '� '�
il'loriday•-Mr,D. Gottschall. s stools Was
soli[. by auction at the Huron hotel on
9londav at Seventy ono scuta on the
a dollar,to Mr a We st loh, o£ Hcns:rll, slid
P,• Kibler, Zurich. The house was sold .
to-H,Briil of -Zurich, for .six hundred
” 'and fifty dollar$. -A very interesting
and success,-=R'ee: Bratiud,
of Zurteh, held the quatterly.commun•
ion iii tlie' vaneelicstl church 00 Sun
a s
gay.tnttLn rt, ,last, -Mr. G, zwrekor has
returned home from Ailsa "Craig but
Illtei]d$,; lc'a'vin,• again i17. the near'
future.-MnC� BrOtvn left for Blcinheim
train through, band. The coroner's otlice
lied, [Later].-`1'hC dal eased
The eighteenth meeting of the Stan �,
]0s Tuckersm th and •Ha Sabbath years of ate; and cline here
e , Y recently with her sister from
b hoof Assoc7atton was held. on Tues- Ont.
day last in rise Presbyterian 'church, -
Eippt3n• xhm•e was a fair number in A.. Fatal Expl0Si0
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance:
' not so aid.
tiz1.50 if p
mat®s oz -J.,. Ii pates,
8daertisix�g lc>'
• --
arrears es
•No paper discontinuedunti.all g.
are paid. Advertisements without specifiq
directions will be published till forbid an
Liberal disoountmade
charged. accordingly. ,
For trausoient adyertisemente&incerted for
Long periods. Every description .of JOB
P1tINTINQ.turiied out in the finest styles
and at moderate Nates, Cho nes,monay oxd-
Under and by virtue o#' the power of sale meetin0- was field in the town hall he re-
aontaiuerlin a aertliin registeed .ttortga ,e On Monde eseujng l) Mr. J,1IcMillin17�t*
g Y b Y ,
tn+Ltle by one Bohn =�ger,cleceased ,tnd as- M. p l> onwhich' of assign he discus
sfgnael to the Vendor an,lwvh.tci. will ba pro- ,cd G
dueed at Ilio day of sato there will be sold by sed Soma very interesting subjects and
PablicAuction. at Wille,ts Hotel, in the was listened to with much appreciation
Village of Dashacod.,in the County of Etat- ,.
ron,byHenry Eilber,Esti ,Auctioneer. -on •- and•applausethrou throughout, --Mr, 1'lilliam.in
�p q� Dntngrt left last Mondayfor Sl7i lea
?' g : P ,
TIODAY �9 1 :ti � s' where he has started a .harness slip p'-
AT O\E 0 CLOCIi, 1' IL, Oui• busim ss men are - all hestly engae•g
g h a•ter
tract cflarsl singular that situate 1p`iuc�»i d ed i., laying in their• sprinP. g• stack and
being lit the Township of klaY, in the Chun- by all appearanr es expect a brisk spring
p p P
on 141ondav las were lie inteildd spend
ing a few days with relatives and
friends...- 4lrs. �'m Stephens has licca
very ill hat: ly and is still under meds
cal care. --i IBS Hill lntends'1eaS
•for the North West iti• the near
future. -Tho' only child of 111r. John
I�lump died on Monday and was ire-
red in the 'Crediton. cemetery on
'y�TednO5da Y
attendance1fl but was deeply ,regretted .
the Convention that those who were t. Ca'tliarinea, Ont., Feb: 1
ap pirated to •introdut a S b'ects failed t'ible accident occurred at tee
J non Sash and Hardware Fact
to put .in au 'appearance. , a
a Fee clock this morning.
bout n,,,
BARN UNROOFED. Friday •night Feeney,. a lad about 1i year
last week during the thu tderst storm a
r o + was 'se'badly injured that he
Whirl wind caught the building's-of,Mr.. hours. after. 't he u7lforturia'.
D; Robertson, near Varna, and carried m111 m rise •japers 0}ren, be
half of' the roof off the barn and piled waruiti
the 811i)i�'IeS and boards in heaps. a, iG e�pladed, The
o ea p• h8 quires to be welched closely,
field. •It also stripped the shin,,les off •
era. &c,f or advertising, subscriptions.,eto.t0
be madepavableto
Sanders & Dyer
tyof Huron and Province of Ont:vrio and t1'ad8. Judgin from the rices the
beingeom posed of thio West •Raif of the Judging p v
West 1•lalf of Lot Nun bei 99• thirty three Will no doubt receivea large atrt nage:
on the South Boundary Concession of the ' . p "
willgenerate quickly and e
a patch about two feet square of the was the ease several ears
roof of his house; 1�Tb further damage, a young :man named Copela
said Township of kitty and containing by
Om°averement Twenty-five acres eland be Greenway.
Irk MEM0RtIAM:-On the 14th of the
ruins[.' a o i]od ratan the
however, was done, • life by the same means Th
the same more or"ress,
reseilr its er,
t? >- P
, in which was the japan eve
Hilton s Hotel, three miles north of 1 p
• Chnve1i.Directery.
Hunt, Reot Or. Sunday Services, Ali a. m
and. 7 p, m. Sabbath School, 3 13.m. holy
communion, tet Sunday of each month at
Morning Serviae. and in months of five Sun-
Says after Evening Service of 4thSnndayof
the month, Holy ageism. on 2nd Sunday
of each month atm°rning service.
METIODISTCRP ritlti--Jamas-st,Rev,J, Q'.
and -6.30 p. m. Sabbath school, 2.90 p: m:
ewe STREET Rey. W Mcpouagg'1 east-
or. 3unaayy Services, 4080 a:m, an3G:80 p.m
Sabbath School i:80 p. m.
PRESBYTERIAN CiiURUIi.—Rev. ': Mactin,
mOnthis property which. is well timbered for 1 r a j ,,
Hing p; rpo there, a r °lass, well Mr John Nei , of Centlali , paid' our
equipped; saw-n,i11 of good capacity :and villa Wage a flying e• visjt. on Wednesday of
furntahed with all the modern saw -rill me- g° y n y
''ahfnax and in addition one rain olio per last wee ; -11r. Ernest Curti returned
one a� washer, aura I. _
y , pumps and [tools , ons from Salt gal a City,Utah, ast weal
pTEtetataitrSAiFt 0 bel�aksmo ]ttoolu a It a. sin falls a ]0n us to record acether
o p mi f he purchase g 1
moue y down and the belanes in thirty days death in the family of Mr: H. Luther,
or one half of the purchase money rnayie• his son Davi a ort nine years old
xnain,On a-satiafaOboiy..mOrtgftF,',P Of the . 0 d, l ,
remtsss.lhollroperty w'1113g oId sub. t •htLving • sticcumbedtothefa,al •eFfects•of
resert:ed bid. >For further�p articuiars di ht h eria on Thursd'av Itis ht last,
arae °onditions of ease aptly to VAr.En t I11 p h g
1R anusesFti + Dae 'wo ea gel's' Tht terriblq disease has spread to .the
h oo , O. r
To the auctioneer or to the. Vendors Solid- esidence .of kir. L. L.uaher.-,T. Bthit.gs
tor. - .and Geo. Bloomfield, Miss- Sarah] Shank-
son of Jonathan Cooper Sr, was sum
mooed to his reword at the ..good old.,:
wee of 76 years 8 months and 12 days.
Deceased was a native of England be-
ing born in Yorkshire in 1817. Earl Y
iii life be manic Ann' Sherwood an
soon af.ter they • emigrated to Canada
and after _a brief residence•in Otonabee
Township they removed to his home
and settled on the farm on . which he
died after a r'esd f
, ee 0 over forty:five
years: His "wife died some thirteen
ag•a• t nd�t laic[ ' to rest '
Seafortb, Ont., was totally destroyed by lightly constructed, and the
{ire early ori. Thursday evening: The explosion was so great the
;fire was caused by & defective chimney. was almost completely wrec
and had, before being noticed, gained roof and a portion of the wal
too much headway to be brou;• it under are only the tiiiuknes of a br
eontroL The house and cl ntenis were blown out, The young man
insured in'•the Wei.ington Fire Iusur= life was badly maugled'by t
vice. Company, .of .,Guelph, Ont,, for sips. His side was torn opo
$900, Total loss not known• liver disrupted. He was tale
home where death resulted a
The death is chronicled of Isabella.later. '
FeDeceased was a'son. 0
Swan,'McQueen, relict of the late James' Feeney, Vine street.
McQueen;. which tool:: place at the res -
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a• m. and 6.90 p.
m, Sabbath School, 9.45a,m
-•°°°•e -•' -- �^'r'°'^' """=
it E1lbor', Crediton, Out,, R, �l• Collins, and her sister Marv, returner[ .home
Auctioneer Vendor's Solicitor. florrilretinttlast Saturdat*,- i'1i 'i11•
Dated Exeter, this 2nd
years- was at
' r, „
l;iim Ville berrying ground and thele
• interred that •was
id:ncc of her son near Brticefield. De 14IA11131AGE*.
ceased wets bora on 18th_ of May,
4'rofesr�ioaiai cards.
Day February, A D. 1591, Wi.lsot, returned Home from 1'h1rnclale
on Friday: -A Mr, Johnston, of Mieh.,
also was all mortal
: of 11r; Coopet er on the 16th Inst Inpole.•1526,
•the •
in the village of Ancoam, near DAVIDso r -T ot1G>i'-At : tht
Jedburgh, Varna, by Rev. J. A. Met
_ H.KINSM.AN,L.D,S, Fanson's
two doors north. of Carling Store
ALATN ST, L\LT,Eit, exeresis teeth
without pain. Away Lucan every Wed-
nesday i3ensall rpt Friday; Blyth,41r;t Mao-
day and Zuriob an last Thursday of each
TORE FOR RENT. a • well-known friend of Mr, Merritt,
ondueted tl e, ervices •ia the Methodist
The two story building, lately vacated i y c i s
Mr. E. J. Snaokman 5t Om For .full part -lad- rtiad- . church last Sabbath. His address was
lars apply to G. SAaiw0LZ, Exeter • ', . • g. ,
interc&ttn„ and full of lire. Ile, gave
tics a• Conservative ve •in •rel. •jou a.11t
' h
0dist, iu rrvate •7iFq an honesteonscien
tions chrtrti,tn mail as a •nelg hbm re
spehted and, as afather beloved: As
he livitd so 1}e died Navin the bright=
ill .Roxboroughshire; Scot-
laud. Her father, Dr. Swain with his Feb. 7th, John ' Davidson
, • ' ,
wife and fatuity, came to this Country Niinto, to It[z, l+,lsie Tough
in 1834 and settled fora tune on the of Mr, John Tori 'h, Esq, of
' q
Grand river, but soon'came back to SxowD rr-HoDGurs-At Pt
H.RAM DENTIST Member Royal
his ocvn, 0apl11t;prurancluding a. num
TLE ;AT .ONCE. "' e
bot o1 years which was a sttou�, rebuke
: '. ,. ,. • ' , . •
est ptobly.�t, a& aginirouti.,unmoital)ty,
13ru.cafieid,;0he1•e he racticed till his in v.
P the 14th nsG,,by theHe
In 1854 she was married to Jas. Mont,;Mr, Tliila."'Sud`uri ea
Dental Surgeons, successor to
H. L. Billie s. Office $over Post' Office
Exeter, Ont A safe anaesthotie given for
the painless extfaetion of teeth. Eine:4old
Fillings as required.
(laving disposed of our interests in the to gruinblers and fault finders. -A
bapr,r business, ahlaoconnrOXUS mtl."'" su eriLr high class concert byEdison's
spitted on or before the 1st A�ppril. p ' e
WOOD Digo"` s, . newly improved 'phonograph. Tho,
Three dart • titer$ setts tOo'ether
g "
with' a wide -.circle, of- relatives m and
friends are left to mourn his demise of
1 loving father and frieiid. Rev, Wm
1leQueen, attd •from'.hat time.she lived r ; •n sin both
Ms y Au Hod,, s, a
on their 'farm in .Stanley strati! notiv, gray;
Mt•. Patrick Kell ex•warden of the et
.�.e.�..••••••--4._.�y. ...mom
n[edieal .
Residences, same as formerly
WATCH FOUND. ins-,,retneilt that Sli)gS, ta1� a+iTndl�ti,°,li'�
- - - t
and can be hoard all eves ; a large
On Main St. a ladies' open face gold watch. church, will l]e aG the Bos nu 4IethodisG
and chain. Owner can have shine by calling church ,Freda evening,.March 211 , •
Mr. Cleo Anderson, Fridayi d
Copeland im:proged the oceassion by
preaching a.funeral sermon from John
County of . Huron and ea•Reeve' of idence of the bride's father
bride's fat
B yth died on Wednesday morning nesday, 21st inst., by Re
last lit: his rr>aidencq. on Mill street. Hunt:, Frederick McDonald
Deeeasedhad been Lit since his trip to formerly
OFFICES, Spackman, building, mainst•
Dr, Rollins' 'of ice• same as formerly -north
building -south
on ntS tti°lcntea'shard-
ware store.a.nd paying fox this ad':. OUR OAT STORE -Betty, the cat
by Mr. C: II. Wilson, is
•m. .
• F,'
Fa,r char. ' --,:
sail, of Exeter, to
.the Country last fall, and laterly tie, daughter of John E
door. Dr. Amos office, same
- _... owned sr, un,
had been under.:medical treatment in, Esq,
door. • May lab, 1499
T. A. Amos, M.13
NOTICE TO CONTB.&0 0RS, . r'gnalled.01 town; • for beauty and Ili •itt-
1'orotlto be
J. A Rollins, M. D.
of Physicians andSitr eons
D the College g
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aaaouoh-
aur. office, Dashwood, Ont.
Notice is hereby given that tenders will be ',less. Slee, will jamp a broom handle;,'
received b, the undersigned for the erection show her teeth acid is very fond ofplayvictni.,y.•,-.Mr,
ofa tank barn t,2X9G on Ldt G, Concession II• jug ball. i£ the ball js throcv'n she w l
Usborne. Tenders tocbe in on or before the i+ 8
nndaa�rbcv+e worlchletOoset era o� pin}`, r'un and :catch it and take it to rise
Scailet .fever is prevalent in this
" Edward Stene. who has
.been sick: eeov me time with the fever
is S1 VI recovering., . We hope he will.
be - Marr Madge js
, where verylittle could
done for his relief. The funeral' tools MEATUS.
place from his la q • residence yesterday
to the R. 0. Church, and h ince to the $ELLE•-In Blyth; on V
Morris cemetry. Mr., Deity was a morning, Feb. 14th, Petri
Lowest tenders not necessarily accepted. person who threw it for them to: throw
sOdn act n recoyt r-
ing from an attack of Typhoid' fever,-
s. rottg fi ieiid of the London: Iiuron & aged 62 years, 14 days.
R. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Plans may be seen on premises, it again. • Her favorite repast is sweet•
M. >iErr.etzn, Devon, P. O. Ctt1µt� arntd cold potatoes Anv p,3iig0u
The Rev, i, r. McLZayl of .Formosa,
in the Thames Road Presby
Bruce Railway while the, London COgPF�It.-In Usborne, on the
de deputation was seeking bonuses in Jonathan Cooper, sr, aged
p b p • •. g
0fi.oe-over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan,
05ting a cat to beat Betty" let them
B1C1dAIp$. trot her out,
tartan Cliureh.on Sin , ay last: A very
large crowd was in and all
[[orris an)d 4Vaw:Lnosh,'and assisted in 8 months and 12 days,
many ways in the development of his H•u»sols Stanley, Fe
-In on
home. He
. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyanaex> Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
Office -.Penson s iisi o er, gm
A regular Manitoba blizzard struck ""
t his section on Mof.day lett'). inst.. Re Dashwood,+
were highly delighted in hearing the
a.hle'address'of one ofCanada's bravest
•missionains, On Monday evening. the
adopted it''as . a life-long Joseph Acheson Hudson,ag
Op1]aeryative and was eefeated once 5 months and 15 days:
by bion, A. M, Ross for the Local
0 .
ports of from cold on all sides.
LUTHER -Oh ilia.,
�""""""""JSL "OT
The storm was pile of the bjtterest in People made good use of the. small
,annual tea meeting was held, and
Loth r,th
Legis ature• of Henry$envy Luther, 8th con.
.tors, Conveyancers, &o.
cease. -There died atLuean on 13th ar punt of snow that fell last week and
init., Mr. John Hodgins in the 78th ' eai g ads were not Very good
3 although the reads
a8' usual,; i grattd.su0s ss. Tho, music!
.furnished by the Kiekton chpil w.11
---'�-- vray aged 88 years:
A Godericli Girl Fatally Burned. Huilett, the
Y Jackson.
age, was a mane iogs we re brought to the
highly appreciated, while the addresses
• -In on
of his Ile one of . the old great
Biddulph mills here. This week is harvest rim.e
delivered by the various clergymen
• A Goderich, Ont„ Feb. 15. -To David n, aged 51
BROWN, Winchelsea. Lioens4d Anet-
pioneers of township and
haying he for some in this section skid it seems a
present, were more than ordinary and
11 months.
day while Sarah Ganley, a domestic iti
11. ionoerfor the MID -Ades of Perth rand
Middlesex, also for the tawnsIli.) ofOsborna
Sates promptly attend.ecltoan terms sea-'
gained a competence, re-
tired €rem his farm and -Went tr. Lucite, pity that we do not get a little more
where he resided for several, years &now in order that thty may get a fair
••particularly suitable to the occasion.-
'Mr• J Cameron who was struck down
the employ of Mrs. Elijah Martin, was Many-ueatig are nreventei
[.sure Tr3' it far d7Uiolt�, lett i
cleaning a lamp ` she went too
songs[sissiesarrant ed at Post office.W,xi-
since. He reaves one son,Mi,Welling• amount of work done. --The 'I O. F.
ton lied ; ins, and one daughter, Mrs concert was agrand enceesscortsieering•
with apoplexy some time ago is"n.otim-
proving much at present. -The Fortis
i,eaethe stove, and through some cause y
the ail ih the lamp was spilled over her . W`dYll'•iA2r or C
,�. .� �,s._
BOSSENBERRY, ]3ensa110ntario. 'Lie.
E. .erased Auctioneer i'or the counties of
t sfaeti , rth Charges moderate and
W.M. Rollins, to mourn his death lie the roads. The hall was full although
was a consistent member of the Church not overly crowded '1'he siugiag by
of England, and was, burned, at that Fax and Baker was attentively listened
tern do not iii end having a concert
here this year, -The Patron lodge,
started here' a few years ago, had,•at
dress; and took sire, In a moment her. es 22 inchsc • lho r
clothes were a mass of flames, The —»ree� ]sill tif•acde fgr
poor girl rani into the next roorn to G'• �"x. 011
lal RED. W.EARNCoMB, Provincial Land
cemetery on 15th inst. too and,heartily received. The sneak-
ing by Mr Wilson on the Working of
one tune, over one hundred
10 political matters the people of other
Mrs, Martin, and a lady,; is Stevenson, 1
had presence of mind to throw a gar- Ladies
Surveyor and Civilen ineex= Office,
Dyer Post Office, Mainret, Exeter, Out.
the order was given in a very apiiro
Centralia• priate mariner and we belie re m.nde a
Places can do as they wish about Pat-
ions and P: P, A s, but as for, Farquhar
meat around her, She sat down in an
easy chair exhausted. She was fright
AGENT sett
"-"-' good impression' on the people here,
SUNDAY' • SCISOOr, Coxviuflxori-0n WVe'wouid •not :forget to mention the
W d e day 14th inst., the day appoint- e' cellent the
and_its people they intend to fight the
next political' election as Reformers and
Conservatives, ' No new dodges for
fully burned, and inhaled some of the
fire, She died this evening.
n d
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
service of Zurich Orches-
ed t a teSiMethodist tschoo sehh Schools oof Conventionl the • Exeter tra • ire enliveni•n the evenin s enter-
level headed people•
v a
' Corbett and Jackson.
. of London,;En land .
teinment by the weet strains of music.
District, was held in the Methodist Frame nndors'ands his .business and
Church Centralia, The ministers offightKennedv,ae
has his little -
- '�
Around About' lis• •
The lateset about the Corbett» QVeY"CfIa s
is that John
The Alliance Fixe A s an e.. o�nglana
oftiae:-Main-street, Exeter, out. '
band well trained, ---Mr,
the different appointments, with hut Henry Willert is determined not to drop
few exceptions, were all present. De ant* money on his porlr •if he can p0851
legates from Grand Bend, Parkhill, blv help it. The market haying droped
Elimville,Ilderton, Crediton Exeter
The Stratford city council ; has de-.
cid$d tp reduce the tzumber of hotel
licenses to' 16; and of shop licenses •• to
Jackson ;'
Orilla hotelkeeper, who owns Straw- 0 r
berry island, a summer resort 10 Lake
Sitncoe, backed bye, Toronto syndicate,. 0I1:
Ex till MARKETS.
(r: Berl every Wednesday)
X0.56 to .tt,58
bushel-. • • ,,85 to, . 37
, , , ill," • ... , 27 to 28
............. , 50 to 51
. , . , .... , , 18 to 20
' • , . • :' •"so
] 6 to 6
` 'l
, 10
5,90 to'6.00
' • • ' ° • ' 85 to 40
, : , ,. 6:00 to '7.50,
5.25 to 5:75'
1.25 `e ]:75
and to sneh'an extent that by seller P Mr.
were on hand bright and early i;:: the Willem WOIII'd 1)0 a heavy loser,�honce
morning to take part in the proceed he •is having •it •packed in hope of mak-
.rags, It very often happens that the ing his awn put of it, at least.- Quarter
people o • f the place in which the Con' •Iv services •sty 'the Re -angelical church
yention is held., with the exception of a hei•e on Sunday, conducted by the :Rev ,
fete Of the more prominent S. S. work tTmbaeh, N. E„ in the. German tali•
era take little if any interest in. the guage and in the afternoon by Rev;
proceedings and don't • seem ttr care Baker, of Crediton in En lush: -A ain
whether the visitors are entertained or it is our' sad duty to chronicletheleave
with the people of Oen'
not NotF p death of one w.ho we might say gave
traha and vicinity. ',they shut their promise to long life and old age, We
shb s, ate ed their work donned their
p pP ;. refer• to the death of David heaver
holiday attir• e and tu•rned out in mass w1 ••,,hsnd event took pisco • on the 17th
o talo part in the proceedings and to suet., 7tt leis father's residence, one mita'
welcome the, visitors -and right royally east of town,' 'Deceased had always
did theydo • it,. Some of the isitors
, Y [seen a hearty, roMust •young •mail unfit
wire • never were in Centt Alia before the 10 lest when he was taken sick and
expressed 9-rea,t slbrpriae that strangers after a. week's •suffering •of intense • pain
should Show $uch kindness and hospit- passed away: His brief illness nd
two. •has
Mr. Jos, Gill, of Grand Bend, 'who •
been couched to the house for some
•ti time, im r vjng and will soba' be
able to b' put again,
Mr, .thtppen, who has been con-.
ductrug a Photograph gallery at
'Hansell for some Limo, has decided to
that town in the Course of a
month or so. :
Mr, John Elgte, ITensall, had the rms•
fortune a few days ago, while cutting
wood, to badly ei•t his foot' The wound
requiring a )tri a number ,of stitches:p
The axe Catight. on a limb said, $.lane
ing infilc , , the injury. e
While Wm, Stepheits, Jr., was cutting
wood with I- arty Rodd, near Weedh>om
recently, he had the miefortutie to cut
offered $30,000 for the affair. The
Stratford Herald sa•s that -sport$ of
Stratford, Woodstock, Mitchell and Lis-
towel are working to have 'the affair B 0 ;S,:
came off in the Classic city, Sixty
thousand dollars will be offered, and it • Cups
is alleged pre,ty near 'hat sum is now
`subscribed. It is •proposed •to fit up for and other
tl)e fight, if the ' Rini: company • will
lease tht their property for that purpose Winter
(which is not probable), and in the
event of the refusal of the Rink nom-
pane to allow the fight to take place
thoxe,'or if the sheriff interferes, it is b; .� o'
• al n1lib
theintention to construct an am hitlto aa.
etre on Turtle island, 'situated in Vic-
•,' toric ]sire, not far from Queen's part, at
The island is admirably adapted for ,
the purposes • of a prize fight, , being
looked upon by the promoters of the Vali i°iCCi
• for Ontarrlt is tea
vee, and Cheapest,
is er sent by math ..`
o Warren, Pa,
ality. dld'nt know the Centralia sudden death has cast a gloom nn ilio
people that is a11, Of all the successful entire community The sorrow-striick-
Conventions held* the.StindaySchool eh famjl hove rise t
Y. ' • ,heart fglt aytnpathy
in the Ti'filet, t'lliweolzvention
of.the eominunity in tins their sad hour
Of 1894 at Centf else deceives to' be' ot•trial. Futleral took plaee on Tires•
•.mong the Member. • dry at the Goshen Line cemetery:
three of lits toes off ' They were again
re laced and are at resent'do1n ni e:
- ' ' r Obert Ed .at ' ha the
l y. A lao,ili . u w ds d.
•,misfortune tp`1et a very .heav'y plank.
fait on his 'foot on Wednesday last, :He
will be laid up for some: time,
scheme as neutral ground. Those who
have the teattei° in hand say they
mean Itiginess, Just how theypurpose
p p.
to evAde, the law is not a.(parent, 'gilt
they declare they they' have ne fear
from interference in that direction, �w wile
9 Martin,
suicide by
ig in the
she. had.
i inmate.
li hospital
lied •their
racier in
house on
WaS . cora-
;tie about'
L're from
�vith her
on as` to
sister o3
hiee gold
the loft'
vlth small
n plc . gold
was noti-
was 19
but very
7.-A ter•
tory about 4.
and Thoataa
s, of age,
died a. few-
to lad was
i, without
oven re-
or thetas
x piode, as
ago, when.
rad lost his
Tin building
n is only
force of the
t the reel:
ked, The
lei which
ick, were
who lost
he explo
II and-.. his
en to his
few hours
f Mr Thos.
ioriald, on.
Esq, of
rrkhill, on
Dr. Beat-
1 etb:'Mists
f McGilli-
ou 'Wed -
v. E. W.
, of Hen -
Miss Mat-
ek Kelly,
14th inst.,
76 years,.
ed 6`years,
ophia, wife
, McGilli-
[7th ing :,
ears did
by i old
;a rip, Stc.
O] ds of
•• wood