HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-15, Page 7,i..
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T1ae ;»l�r�t . ,� w axis THRiny ,HR'I�"�' , GIREEN
o,1{��l �f+y�
Ioxereise is 11ke ■ 1► . _ + 4.
lteveral tltate� @f the IdRpwblle,
Alabama, I year ii Sato, months to Pays $7 a,, Week for ger Boers) said 1`Q`TLE
county and 30 days in town or prteolnot.
Colorado, 6 wombs In SKate, 90 .drys In 1?otlli. .
ooauty, 10 dmy" in town or prealuot, and ILLS,
declaxatiou 4 mouthe before el ani `".
Florida I s o
year in f3tate, 6 months In
1f q
WHAT l�) �1 fi VIRTUE
A i
abs nb Ie�ba arrlve,laap to • given bine
social to1er6blin lei society be just and low
Payment of a capitation tax.
Indiana, 6 malntiaa in State, 60 dpya in
With a fortune estimated at $60,000;
j� Uj'i Q
glt place. And tht w1.NM'v
possible conduct for the indi'vldaal it
not to drive 64 Iaoar company the lora vvba
opens to her the gates to sin or who
in Atrezloa, )Ivan in 4 dingy hall bedrs'on
in a Brooklyn bear+llrg bonne, and antis Ii
t --.-.r..
t it One Thi ' g � Cp
a► oanfs+raq to public opinion otr
nearly as ib oan be sacerbalued. If thero
era those who have strdngrh tie do as Ludy
inns in Ulae gilded hills r�# death.
'" Pityand help for beth!f They 'Xepenl
and reterm, but
eon and slaughter, mile has ne home, ba-
migratats'from losrdlug-house to bearding
pawn or praolnat, and daolaration 6 months
before eleotim,
i7oolc recommends, viz ; ' 13IunU Ube weappar
never Urus him whp Jost;
been a betrayer ince
a Cd her privacy.
The ocoontrioities of this Crwriumin pAt!
Oe n q
;t"' � fl r
of calumny by rw complete iadiflarongo to
what the world gays, 0010y Iour own ideal
life of a roving herwit because it gives hal
an exoasa to refuse to pay taxes ort ben per.
year bat
Montana, I year 1n State, 30 days in
of right, propriety and purity, axtd only
Rev. Dr. C. N. Sims , oz=dbartoollor of
him away empty -hail an the Zround tbal
she is a non-resident of the
+, - -
Mrs, Grund�ptyt to do her wordy -well and
endeavors to oeumal her temporary mill.
denies from the public that at no tilnf
"r .,.
good; but they are unwise end will sutler
ncedlealaly. Intellectual humility will Nusd•
AP 1 ;
Dapartaro from virtue 9s regarded wlbb
persons known where she alopb or where
aha ate her meale,
gest thpt one ask the queetioo, when one
equal nbherxenoa by all genuinely good
her daily garb. She is well absvp the
modlum h,rlghb, with a large frame and
diffors with moot of his follows, ' Am I
Pec Pla, whether the offender be a man or a
She is not only sgmilrJa,aed, buP her whole
'ef'hy D Anaax 4.'P ilWass and Woudlo a, Man !
surely right, and all they aurely wroag ?'
W'1,n, Who word may have a slight
aboak•bonee, a firm, straight note, thin lips
and keen, gray ayes, set well bade under
4DA) >rOAs by 1ruAtgrnt Men slid wopnox
At 0.X'y given time axed at any givt;n plana
dnifrtknoe of n lrrg when used in a
is combed down atralght on each side of her
An"oerm Wanted.
cubit, opinion ie apt to be pvwrloally right
technical tense, but when eoneuob cr
Texas and Wast Virginia it is prohibited
by the Constitution. In Georgia it is re-
for bhab time and place, At leant, so it
character fa' ander consideration a given act,
coares, and sn expeeelalon of good nurture,
sharp and sbrowd, yet kindly, is On the face
:: r. HIS Is pra-asci-
seems W me.
,good or bud, taken art identical character
�t yt r neatly a century
�.� C- , -, ` i of bbooght ; and
without regard to the rex or its anther.
Thera is a form of society whose code 11
She wears a faded black cloth dress that
Y - �. we oxw,ot shirk
ty �,,. thio frtat flint the
) 3 the fawn
a Plizabobh Cady Stanton, heraeif a mother
and pioneer of every effective movement
Ipy the advancement of ,roman In tht
In substance : " if you keep up the formi
of polibeneso, we will not question how ou
;12):11 In trilis
1892. It Is frayed around the bottem and
; '1 ,:
% &;
-caps are
`� cwt b 4ug worn
country, ppeake with autlloxity derived
private.' Is the morality of
pretence, and is neither sincere nor whole•
(reading and writing), Mill (reading
or fear meoatbo to Inquire the price, which
, i Yr
$r � i'1y ;
rtf J m nl u b iv 1.'ubg o
from exporienoo when she says:
11 Thera should beau cqual ahaadard of
"•1f tbo',werid basset a higher standard
the jacket.
Her bonnet is small and'blaolr, and unob•
r� J . School s''stam tho
! '
for and woman. WOman now
Of ltroprloty for Woman than for man lot
Thab to which the great sacred books of
at the buck, which you can reeognizu any -
f'' + ..1
t� , higher aduuAtian
I; ' i of woman, the
encu Ies a false treitis
P P n in aooi6t -a pool-
bion asslguad to bar by marl. Ho to willing
isms aoeegSU it ar u'high compliment, end re-
xpond to it gladly -it will never
bali4s and aspirations of our race from its
are gone, and the womo,bla fest look abtru-
1 opening of All
'li 5
to plana her eirller i.finibaly above him
among the angoly, or Infinit0y beneath hien
a good woman,
are loose, too, and her shoes of ooaras
leather. TIghtly clutched under her left
Av snaps Of wank
;` 119 " to boali saxes, anis
among the slaves, never where she jsz'tly
carrion it black cloth baa, with puckering
thCs ooxire scent clones kxor'led a of man
al fI
'heloogo-on the same level. Did God put-
when He
W111lam A. Woe, D. D., Seezatar o
y f the
American Tract SOclety, writes
s'afi'gn dal tbars snolt owe°y.d%y contaob
nfiOres era towchin rCossnn to re naso liar
° g g
pots arOabed woman Co bo sha
mother of man to make her something have
.t I,i taken a lou time to Abandon the
ancient Idea that,
; artxullilatmowt no lovger tram haat romantic,
k+at fxesn aha *aot,tcal "tab of view. A®
P p`
and Hose great lei the parental
inflnvnae of a mother over her obild-inanely
woman's safety rrquires
abridged liberties and seclusion. To this
tial`+ in certain countries, her face
S6ha 1?HCO, ]fH BnDRa a.Ytliglt /trAed, rCDYp Sali-
2%hiam elle'b agins bo as>x more
a noble man owes something to bis mother 1
g ,A
0ux dally prayer should road, our Father
must be
vellod from public view, and she muab
It it
, q,teationo ;
#4alrti s mato oat rb1 if more oat 1 Ancl
y' P y
anti Mabhv r, who orb in Heaven 1" Woman
And man are both okaiidrer, of the Gad
always have a protector. Such a condition
of society 113diotata s that woman cannot be
3ea•rale to make cowp.+tbiona thane do nob
anlwa s leave, the til on her au erior's side
T? P
eamai y
and children of the same parent do not
trustA, or that man is a violdas brats ,
wbo would certainly dlRragard
. :etf :the balwwer
eo r$tiicall there is n resemblance
oven thOtlgh they are unlike.
and bake advanb a e of the defenceless.
, >
p1'r• .•
Whom, now, a moral lapys lnvelving both
I a,ma,a beat) a womtm is docnened, the quea-
++ tPilie wrong idea of woman Arlcas chiefly
Suah a view is eifahouoring alike to bath
, •Lion almset invariably asked will ba "" Who
from the mnstaken teaching as the
8 b Church,
atd is duo to the faob that we do toot know
"Uhrtatlan olvillzablon is amanal atln
P g
an lit to iso binm ,d the murrAar bho
l� f
svagtlaan?" And the verrilab rezuraad, ,,Is
: 3t ate§
r ,
ha flI
int not our es. f God, Idea woman s
being an nftorbhought of God, and sha cause
waYY qn from these ignoble '
noav ahoveoa her Dee+n assoaiatea sand engage's
; ,
a oaew of iia of one cad a half a cioz in
of the other P Than a" average +toetety girl"
of cin in mora arisen from our tracing btte
hist'ozy of fabs human bank far
ireoly ins life 0 Aobivities, subject only to
such linlibationtt as her sflnbimbmmb a vs
Ia trot the butmfl,x ata loohn or pretends
to bs ; heneaath till of that pmobtle and
race only as
M to the G-trden eceno which is a more
nv es.
Oaiy her wilful violation of this eIIvirvn-
meet gobs her under nus !Dien."
gz7eby some very clear thlnkiug is going
on. If y on bra a close llswner at teas,
i3 y (Tho tern#ying llivatuatione of
this unfortunate episode In the history of
vlstwS of A NOTED xnLMlrsT. '
m*fA0A and Inueboorte y4ou are, sure to ht,ar
woaaetn aro amoog the mosb forcible of my
Chlare, who, by reason of his extensive
t i
tvqueat and emtmaaecl dt sausalrsys of inch
xlnus�idons ns t }<eee : Is ib any worse fora
childhoo-I s memories 1 Whereas, if we
read oarefully, we will find, in the 27th and
travels and Intlmato knowledge of all
c1maes, from the Aeon of E,n land down to
,,ga��ir1 to strgoke algnrettY,s than for her
1Xirl es ?" "° In i gar saes fray a o rsma r
2gtlh versos of 'the lab ohaptex of Genesis,
the bine hiabary of the human rac s . Male
the )moans paxlah of India, g(4tned in the
study of his science, Is an aubhority On
to do rtsky •tthloga tLan for a man I" i6 Why
and female ossa ad He them.
And Gad blesaed them, and God said unto
human nature, finds the icon of heredity the
z '
anr„t rva be the on"y ones t° suffer c<nse•
rMa lth !" The prevailing laxity of the
them : Be fruitful and multiply, and ro-
sbrologeat argumeat bhab can be advanced
for self-control in man as well as in woman.
She !a ono of the largeot stockholders in bhab
16winl-moral code will point onb the praobi-
ploniah the earth and subdue it ; e+nr"s have
dominisn over the fish of bite
He writes
nal asrnawea 'h3 Ghees lain saiona, au d will serve
w a
6o m3:atta+t er 4-:) th i' ds 'baa aim art the "" aver-
Rea, and over
the fowl of the air, and over every living!
I would consider virtue only from the
natural and physical stsvilpelntr-nob the
boxeN, where are soroe $25,000,000 worth of
Age a'ow taon;aa" to ai tine pane of hoz
74lraaticr§ fns etx:p with titan sf :tsar t,heury,
thing that moveth upon the eazbil,' ) I arse
no special reference !a tliie account to Go''s
sanaimental. For inwta.ce, I would eon-
aider that women are mere surrounded by
AD4 A W;sgnifillent colleetiern of diamonds.
y ootning into clone x,ontacot with men
o do not a Int it olosla soa at vib to be
giving matt deaninlon over woman. r1,la
Verne rich only assigns to woman her tree
temptation than men, the difference being
that whereas men have to seek temptation,
dreaaed, go to the Cuomionl Bank. She
f namlal schen doaliait with sane onat beneath
lie it
6>sarrl moDinllay-jz't a ward d +6tkfn, kOetlO
plume � the rol,eme of oxeati+ n ; lb alto
recezzcllea the B,blo with the teaahluga of
women find temptation forced upon them.
Now, as men perdat in saying that women
week and they Invariably reach the wastei
3ta4 sot tflo az- b her om,*ken,, per.
ba�Iasa, will clasrlgo than iznaxparfanaasd
science. The Church enjoins that ri oman
be silent -that she fn the aaxlsa of all sfra !n
are the weaker, no should they also admit
tlCatt she has therefore the more exon In for
takes her luncheon at the bank to.
1100 a wor•:aan. She,, too, parht-po feebly and
$nor�heaen?;ly, Nogfna to qu •stioa Irameli and
man ; yob, In the anti ualasm and ore -opera-
bon of the ,womtul 1166 the Church'a chief
Iapriag from winat Is commonly called
virtue ; even the strongest town is
otbmrs. 'Tt,sb ar.y wo,z.inn who bas tenon a
likely to give in by a protracted siege."
sibanegi-Apter, bookkeeper or business we-
u 4-meng risen tot the period of . year or
Ella wheeler Wilcox, speaking of virtue,
after supper spends the evessing in the
I0r%ger-tine wrrbar epol0a advls•:td+y-and
Oa'svIII find that she mourns Mhe blissful
There are many virtnes, but the word
Aaron M. Powell editor of the Philan-
thropist and President of the New York
CommlbGee for the Prevention of State Re
()0Mmn t
ra oriwae that mile ball loom, and ha:i b�wr,me
as snore thaugbGful, ttaoaalh 'by no mems
as ge:3erally used, means, to ruy
thinking, simply self,ovnbroi. The person
Violet writes : g-
on his wife, having iesb his fertnne in spee-
talsva s a more hwrdeneci women. Listen
y '
int tke taut
wnO never finds self-control neoeeeary in
Order to retain visna is oh(4'be hub not
final standard of morale -sue far
men and another far women -results in un•
o: youi, bervanto-parhapg you
colli find in irtoeructivb. They elther read
, vir-
buouo. All vlrbue is worth just the price it
aoat'l—n0 more.
told cruelty and Injustice to a victim class of
women and deplorable degradation amore
itiio ps;snra tla mrsaty,+a a• giadrn their can.
;�: � raJaa from Lhe l' of. others, and tkou n
1?a $
11 •y y a inanshould
Tinote !a goer sanest a wit
mea. It Se the bents o! the European eya-
tam of State regulation
k ialtas➢x crnJo oouamaais are often CaaiAbh poo-
IY ' VokRig, jne b as often they axe likely to "sat
exert this solf•centroi to the same extent
which be expects a woman to do. If hie
of oleo, which in.
wolves practical slavery of the meat melena
kind for
r l'
7.era 1D 0,mlling," boa.
,0%ht the, s eyd "vlrtue"to rrrean the
tcmpaatlann are stranger, to la his will
power greater.
wemaabe°d. It ie the basis of the
siheoising traffic In women and ono
5 g girls
t."3r3'ly'hem applied t0 armors that itdoeat whert
"Thu ro seas of the world does net rent
in our own and other countries to supply
the unholy domaadd of aenaEaal Its
applied t0 woman? 11'fnab there in the
Im'rarre be the 15.%V
Bn Iola woman more lild
ls" I3 , but pian
more oantrel ever himself.
Impreea Is recorded In a disgraceful way
o at¢a ldaad Of
ekaaatrbity for bobhY And will that shin_
upon our statute bookR. In the form of
"age of consent' legiolatfen, which,
dbsd tenet to exslt the human
a^aeA, aA It Is decided t`at there shall be A
Speaiting far the pulpit, Rev. Dr. Charles
F. Paricharot says:
In sovexal Statep, makes the young'
girl of 1.0 and 12 years legally
il3glass. a arAalarii of ohtaatisy—the standard
*1 se f et-ntrol—for, man ;sur to detbrase roan-
"Yes, there Abl be an equal standard
of chaot£ty for man and woman. As long
Capable of
cenaent4eg to bar own ruin, and the
man who bartrajs her,
A, to it Is dooldnid bLM. bberO shall be
: sri
SIOZIer '"a from " for woman -i. e., that
as Frarman fns the only sufferer the proseot
upon the plea of
`consent,' Se 0107ed to go scot-free. It
atr, be bound by no more lawse of ohastrty
;Warped 04ptodiblort of affMra will centlaue to
exist. A man who efnA does mob IMO ca'be,
glvta rive to and perpetuates the unequal
social status which condones the " sawing
3hauaxe )raid down for mien,
and in this fooling of Pocurity on his part
of wild oats' by the young man and oon-
lies the root of this itoefal evil. By being
demus to a relentless social oatraotem the
f ailve, natIIraily, is the first to whom one
Mada to feel that ha, too, Will p,ny the social
per4alby 110 will bfl more likely to reatra`sn
young woman reduced by him." .
larxa in thlnkin of the operatic wage.
g p g
A8 icardlwfly to 0.,Iv9 the brat vSa9b was
-PaYd, .S;ae rmvro"ed herself as follows :
" Just bow far women realize the true
rtata of affairs and tthr: real Oheraatmr of
A geoup of buay wage earnerp, led by
Mhs Grace H. Dodge, who, an her philan-
'My M''a of vtrtua..fa 14 boltte (the
t3d1n e of fiiood) t)zid hivdnees toward others.
the malty mon with whom tbay s'aoclate I
donut know, But a remark recently lab
t:;xoio work, is doing lzsneh for the enlfght-
ermebt of New York women by meson of
3ldaoi'rvo:s Ou rarer Inta asxly oh est e, kens sites
full by a young {tizt of I4 ?^Aa caused mo
her (Tuesday evening discuscrions held at
mea no+ ,good. They are barsb, unkitad In
Utdit seatemce and in their tr'e-Ameat of
much thought. In woman's being prepared
ant's taught
theirclub rooms, discussed what viriva is.
The unanimous feeling was that It Isparity,
attx.=Tants. M. ny rvatmen a„ra all their ltsea se
rightly to reor,g,aize dsrgorn by
which she to arurrounded, au4 to realizewbat
Or strength in wemanhead, which gives a
AlQUiva from tavoptatlon tht3t they never
I&am tat mak,v allowaaev for the wo akwasl of
am the conmaegIIwners of the first faire sloop
we'w`n the power to live a true, oarnesb,
ewhtto lila, One member the
acrs nor to 2ixo3Mae t'l`•e virtue of f•rgive-
On part, will lie+ her great�nab aafaggurard.
” I am fit?ed with f,be profeundeatpity for
voiced souti.
moats by saying:
atoms:. Grt�ab waures or n 1oa given greater
3~S erhg ratan shote that are weak, lar tncy
thane fallen women who era trying to begin
life An++w. They struggle brave3y, bub
04 Pariisy In womanhood is the mark of all
frac womanheed, without which ib 1' only
wi l Brave tho stag, mesh nob to abuse ib."
idiienrl ebe jotted dotrn this brief epitome of
realize that their evolAl oasba ie lost fOaevax
and it makee the bauble all the barder. The
a name. Ib Is Gofi n most precious glib to
woman, and should be guarded with lifts,
kaur'l&aa :
e' Tt,at V1rlu3 wl,icly givrnsea me sant In ra
mon )Deco nothing a oially. Yet be is efGon
rte very mance of faqir downfall."
for w•r ab is a woman's life without it ? It
la A whlbeneoa of mind and heart that, ever
-,vITMeu' +a -D-) iA the work'Ongt of good and
Cno must or should hold, and defend by
'Slap ureide of 4harity tw4rd the weak.
every moan In her power. Lab puritybe
alr"oo of ,w-heoj.
Rev. Dr. W. P. Coddingtoo, Protenaor of
your pride-feb it be above all pricefor
Pbilowpby and Pedogohry at Sy'raome Uni.
life, fame and riches are nothing without it,,,
Xzm Juno Ha6iag sol e7y is entitled to
rpmu)s far aotrTruro. ffho oald :
comity, awritem :
"" The dicariminationo againab women Irl
MArbla A. Keiapp, tha well known lawyer,
retatryiaAts and penalties of bsoiuty we
d'htra t+honlrl be an equal atasna3aa'd li
o I6On trnjw:at•
"Cof believe to be
and lending; afirit of the Interstate Corr)•
-virtue for cram and w(mmn, asmd oo to Lee*
.1 The moral law to no reap."bar of per-
metro ntmieaton, writes
++ In fbn
dom 1 in dsffiault to'ta,y just what in rcet let mono. There in nothing in dllderenco of sea
fey 't31at term lea to
estimate Of character and con-
duct the world gaugers men by
ata ptoeOart tapplioation, Ao warrant a d:fferenoe In atornl require-
soan+3 us freea3om, in the moral sense, to menta. Virtue in man or woman is the
one standard
and women by anol•her, Thin unfair and
�s^xantad tea b>ro tresis Ib aYegt;narateo tato oame and Is measured by the confern,l'ry of
mttehiovous judgment ire wbolly oonven-
to°nal, fir the
lieeaaae. Librtrty fear tall oetn lie promince., the eharaoter to God an the Infinite
Irnt Vl�rfoot iilverny is unattainable. Th+•r, GaAnear,
qualities e# vSrtues aro lm-
petsonal, and morality to not determined by
R nab always be restrict- on,. So it in with d" Fateedom Is a state In which all one's
li&1'aauia, who govern a repubde. They prom• faculties are normally ae,juated and ewer-
sea' Parity of thought and rectitude of
action are the higheet of human achieve.
Ise frvedow. bat lt.fs trever ilvon, id r there ulubd. Freedom is Infringed upon when
10 there
menta, and theaa oan have Taub ane model ;
they imply the same motives behavior
U1,99ays the rest0oldon of lase Int order arises aura evargrowth of any faoulby.
whether in man or woman."
Vwti ashore may ba gs,od government, Virtue Thou
there is fdoblon, and to long as it am-
:',lir beyond the macfl. of Uhv, orrllnary mortal, Isbe one may net accomplish One's self.
I I 'butt thate are varlous degr,mh of virtue, "Th's limits of oaaaiai ficedow should not
By Divine PorAntnoton.
assaaarifxg to t:ho interpretation of thoterm, be
determined by aex, age or race, but by
Says an Episcopal clergyman : Many
A yvrsman rrexsy leek virtue !A one ocuso of the capacity of the indivillaal fur Itis saffit
b:shop> of our church are In the habit of
*ho W,Rrtl, jumb as some vlrtuoun 17017i in are oxerciso and the mutual limitations needful
d,00dbing themselves "" bydivine pormle.
,WWhout virtue Int thM bia.•y aro un'liud arad to the social orgaulonw.
niton biohep of t' their diousso in eflialal
amaleNeltx 1,, A woman )nay sin fn thought
" Honee, In a rightly contIt. aI d corn•
documents. A certain bishop, whose name
- wais"a'dWi,•,e, ya`b .ln the eves of the world she In
DIV the man of wvaah 015FRetrrr would be
a a d not be given, not long ego bad occasion
is va k*,, inn. To samup ; forb.idden the mote getnsreuo freedom which
to Rends such a document to a most devout
,• ` ' "' VictuO, in ,the general moose of the should
be accorded to tine woman of more
but not highly educated •layman. There.
> ; wvsmd, should be ptneed on a bighttr plane vigorouo
merul and mental make up,"
upon it became the duty of the layman in
''+11aKaata{'IArrMn, h a., ttae doing 664 good • }'•Dr REV. DSAl)ISON C. PMTERS PLEADS FOR FAIR
data can ds good vett bout boli+g virtuous.,,
q•ue.ation to draw up and sign an offrclal
document t °latiiag to name church buolness,
AwYfma'S ANSWER.Rev.
Dr. Medlson 0. Petora, paster of the
and nafill", tf a phrrise referred to in the
Nobel? 0 paper ho btouglht it was incumbent
1 Hash 'O. Poutecont, the well-ltnown Bloomingdale R,iformed Church, writes :
sAed",er„ write" : ""
upon him 4100 to recognize the divine
I w4nb to write myaolf uaAnimously
"' Publlo v PAW'013, that fir, the ojpinlon of agaimb tbat aumrch%Dg O41et of ootllaty wfatoh
gu>danee, as in entire good faith he
datorlbod himself as ed Joizn Smlbb, by
t11,a'ZoAwjerlby, is 110 III gbesb law on All Its')• bromic the guilty woman awe rp,eres the
sancta. Ho'co tbo 6"'fl Asian of alae words man. We 111064
divine permission grocer. and dealer In all
of fl ,ur
Aulltfor Dead a public sentiment
flour -Islami by;arA�o'Av4 opinlon is practically which will lift four pacts of the guilt from
and Rood." The paper sever
gib into the arahives of the church, how-
mrart ew, As P91%ilant otyariologNU and lezioa. the bead of the fallen woman u,nd hurt it Srg evor,
grulNaefrrr. What the pubho say" ' frtaa,dona' withering oandemmvAn upon the heard of other
an he was requested to draw up An-
with the oblaetfo, lephrase am ted.
*atem,b+s, it dost;h roenn� praotioAly. tho ul veto oorspired fo, her fall. Sa- --New
York Tribune.
publ'10 says 'vlrtue' mood), it does matCn,aallr.,d i good rool,j? , is fall of men w'hosa
, I
proiWclally, And Ir bhe publig nays • hablba and a'sooir.tfona in life aro eoel,l
v)Aturr memna one bblog In. A man slid known to be wuah that tbolc torch In polivi
INice Irmed an Thread sptnnora.
A Scotchmar, who is i'vOontly as patient
ata+o'thntr fu awatntrn, it it eta, pr(aatically, dors
Avdi it tbs public says relative freedom is
and thdr embrace soolal and moral as
he is Ing-dous, ban trained two little
de%fh, and an7. pnro•anloded woman ought)
094 for Mau and rolabtoa bondiage (s' good to Arink frown thorn with horror, what
mice to spins thread with an m assn" of
wbioh he lm the lnvenbtar. The v soh$atoal
lar wom", the" that is sa, p; aCCOAly. right
'Whart*vasr the pabliff mays to the' bast mud
bas a skunk to court a lamb?, princlpla
"d S0aiety crowds from her doorstops the
t.f the oontrivanoe to a small mill
wh(oh In opor,ted by the pawn of the mice
U0964 Owt n,rn be astd In the place and girl who faun and tt)on laughs At the con. They
ibims) in whloh % Is spial.
can each wind on and efipor day from
Ding of the raike who aocoal her ruin. 100
44 To Ianb ib aiiifsrantly, ppORO oplulen in '" I have no pinn for MAgdald•n's ale, but
':i'ne laaa'a QP%1fan
to 120 plccoa of thread. .
. at Wbl* MORklad have it
she muds Woukeb withotab the palls of
America has 200,000 gowspapey then.
I ,
:.: ;:
...11"I. -
.. - ,
T1ae ;»l�r�t . ,� w axis THRiny ,HR'I�"�' , GIREEN
o,1{��l �f+y�
Ioxereise is 11ke ■ 1► . _ + 4.
lteveral tltate� @f the IdRpwblle,
Alabama, I year ii Sato, months to Pays $7 a,, Week for ger Boers) said 1`Q`TLE
county and 30 days in town or prteolnot.
Colorado, 6 wombs In SKate, 90 .drys In 1?otlli. .
ooauty, 10 dmy" in town or prealuot, and ILLS,
declaxatiou 4 mouthe before el ani `".
Florida I s o
year in f3tate, 6 months In
county, 10 days its town or pKeolbot and
SHE is WORTH $60,000,000,
Payment of a capitation tax.
Indiana, 6 malntiaa in State, 60 dpya in
With a fortune estimated at $60,000;
county acid town, 3o days in praoinr,t,
Mrs. Hetty Graen, the r1011esb Wamar
K%umap, 6 MOnphs' in Slota, 60 days In
county, 30 doya in town or preo•uaetl,
in Atrezloa, )Ivan in 4 dingy hall bedrs'on
in a Brooklyn bear+llrg bonne, and antis Ii
Lotlslpn4, I' year in $gate, 6 manSfha in
the kitchen, Payiug $7 a w6ok for boars
sand roam. 9lchougBi ails hAs m hnsbaltd
county, 30 days in town or preoinot.
. Michigian, 3Inenths in SYat'o, 10 days In
eon and slaughter, mile has ne home, ba-
migratats'from losrdlug-house to bearding
pawn or praolnat, and daolaration 6 months
before eleotim,
house, caring for two t,hibga-her mane]
minnaasota, 4 months in State, 10 days in
a Cd her privacy.
The ocoontrioities of this Crwriumin pAt!
town Or Preclact, and deolaratlon I year
betas ours, n,
carat's are as sands of the "a. She lives the
or t 1 year r Stroc, SO days in
ooMor or town year in oluab.
life of a roving herwit because it gives hal
an exoasa to refuse to pay taxes ort ben per.
year bat
Montana, I year 1n State, 30 days in
Sonal property. Whenever a tax caallectal
is fortunate ancugh to lacato her alta sends
county, boom and proolnet ; but altar
Auaenib 17oh, 1594' voters Milr,+.t be citizens.
him away empty -hail an the Zround tbal
she is a non-resident of the
Nobyaska, 6 months in State, 40 dayo In
county, 10, ilays in town or and
city or country
at, State. She has boar Be shrewd in hal
daolaration 6 moathe before election.
endeavors to oeumal her temporary mill.
denies from the public that at no tilnf
North Dakota, 1 year in State, 6 m0aths
In Or town, 90 days in prwcinot, and
wichlu ton years have more than a score of
lar len 1 year.
persons known where she alopb or where
aha ate her meale,
Oregon. 6 menthe in State, 90 days In
county, 30 days In town or '
Here is a pen picture of the woman it
Texas, 1 year In State, 6 months in
her daily garb. She is well absvp the
modlum h,rlghb, with a large frame and
•county, town andpreeinob•
WWrOndu, 1 year In State, county and
plenty Of flesh to cover the boi,ea, Hex
hands and filet are of gentirtut pro;,aortiono.
town, 30 days i:a precinct.
She is not only sgmilrJa,aed, buP her whole
In 10 Of these States the declaration of
Intention to become a citizen may bre made
head Ili singularly squo.re, She has high
so lane as the day of election, and after a
restdenoe In the State er in the county of
aboak•bonee, a firm, straight note, thin lips
and keen, gray ayes, set well bade under
only three montbs to one year, and in the
the brold rarehaad. Her hair, once brown,
looks as if it had a ting" of green In In. It
town or precinct only 10 to 30 days.
There is equal looseness in reglotratlen,
is combed down atralght on each side of her
None is re p
ed In Arkattsae, Delaware,
Indiana, Kgntuoky, Oregon, Tennessee,
forehead aggressively.
Phare to an al„grt3aeive air in the scalae of
l Toxaa and West Vlrgtnita. In Arkansas,
the head and the well-tqutared ahiu@dere
and oreat, figure. She waalSa with a quick,
Texas and Wast Virginia it is prohibited
by the Constitution. In Georgia it is re-
yet shufHisig sbride. Her features are not
paired in only s few counties ; in Iowa,
coares, and sn expeeelalon of good nurture,
sharp and sbrowd, yet kindly, is On the face
Kansas and Nebraska only in the cities ;
in Minnesota ODIT in cities of 1,200
thab haunts many a mortgage debtor in his
or more
intas,blf•ants ; in New Jersey only in olt ns
10,000 or more ; iu WAscensin only In
olden of 20,000 or more ; in Obio only in
She wears a faded black cloth dress that
Cleveland and Cincianabl; is Now York,
the paid $1 f'or at a second-hand store In
outelde New York City, regititraaion on tha
1892. It Is frayed around the bottem and
first two regiabtation days may t,6 by proxy,
Toe only States *hich have an od—ttional
tine shirt !s runty. Over this was a $1.90
black cloth jachet, bought two weeka sage
test are Cincinnati (reading), Masstachueetts
after she had called once a week for three
(reading and writing), Mill (reading
or fear meoatbo to Inquire the price, which
and reasonably interpreting State Conebl-
was originally $6. After shop wear hind
tublon), and Wyoming (readiog).
brought the figure down to $1,90 she took
the jacket.
Her bonnet is small and'blaolr, and unob•
They Conform to the Evolntioaa of Oar
tredve enough in appearance from the creat,
but the ribbon with which It was faced
cannot concsal a great patch of faded yellow
Thab to which the great sacred books of
at the buck, which you can reeognizu any -
the world canfsrm, and our own meabaf all,
where. She wears heavy emnlises over her
is the evolution of the highest ozmeoptlons,
thick button boor . 9)kYree or four buttons
bali4s and aspirations of our race from its
are gone, and the womo,bla fest look abtru-
childhood through the great burning points
t,lve under the chert akin. Her Overshoes
In its history. Herein lies the truth of all
bibles, and especially of our swat. Of vast
are loose, too, and her shoes of ooaras
leather. TIghtly clutched under her left
value thOq indeed often are me a record of
arm, bilis gslden psineess in peasant dreaa
historical outward fact ; recant researches
carrion it black cloth baa, with puckering
in the East are constantly Increasing this
strings, which ie her oo-ustant oompsmlon
value ; but it is not for this that
we prize them moat—they are eminently
precious, nob as a record of outward fact,
bub am a mirror of the revolving heart,
Once In a very groat whilo Mrs. Green
mind, and soul of a man. Tiley are tans
"" drosses up." She has a strange passion
because they have been developed inn000rd-
for diamond$, and keeps a marvelous array
once with the laws governing the evolution
of thews lo,;kstd in her strong boxes in the
of truth lar human history, and because in
Chamloal Barak. Once ugou a time she
perm, chronicle, code, legend, myth,
yielded to the beoeaebings of her landlady's
apologuo, or parable they reflect this de-
daughter azd brrrnght from the hank sn
velopment of what to beat in the onward
Smmenss bundle. She uncovered on the
march of bumaDity. To say that then aro
kitchen table a collection of diamonds and
not true is as if one should say that a flawer
precious atones such as they had never
or a tree or a planet is not true , to ac .ff at
them to to scoff' at the law of the universe,
meen. There were diamond btooches and
necklace' and a string of pearls, which Mtn.
In welding together into noble form,
Green admlbted was Werth a great many
whether In the book Of Genesis, or
tbrouaand doleara, and, in addition, a very
is the Paalme, or in the book
han:ttome bhaok satin gown, with black lace
of Job, or elsewhere, the great conceptions
flounow en it a foot wide.
of men modug under earlier inepiration,
Tne only Indy (she in over 60) was per-
whether In Egypt, or Chaldea, or India, or
suaded to go up and pub on the drema and
Persia, the compilers Of sur sacrad books
diamonds, wben she looked like a queen of
have given to humanity a posscsaolon evek
wea4b, as sha is,
becoming more and more precious ; and
Even then she wanted to eat in the
modern solence in subat!'butfag a new
kitchen, but the landlady Insiatasd on her
heaven and a now earth for the old—tho
sitting with the other beardere. But Mrs.
reign of law for the reign of caprice, and
Groot, quickly darned her 6Ad garments,
the idea of evolution for that of creation—
saying sine felb like a foci In the obhers.
has addell and Is steadily addiug a novo
The rich woman's life is the a cab hum -
revelation divinely luspired.—Andrew D.
drum possible. She cisco early, and after
White, in Popular Science Afonehly.
breskfastlmg In the kitchen walks across
the bridge to New,York, unless ibis stormy,
Triath Straw--er Thou Viction
when she will
A Wagner or a Pullman car oasts about
$115,000, and yet there are men who, when
0-300 over the river sine g+,os straight to the
they have paid $2 for a scab in one, act as if
Momicwl B,"nic, where aha has icer effiae.
bhey owned it all.
She !a ono of the largeot stockholders in bhab
instltu4ioa, and k -)ops her spars amh there,
The secret of success in life la for man to
amounting to three a. fou- million. In the
bs ready for bis Opportunity Whorl It comes.
vaults of the bank are Mra. Green's strrang
boxeN, where are soroe $25,000,000 worth of
In Norway, parsons who have not been
Government bonds, seourivas, mortgages
vaccinated are nob allowed to veto at.rmy
AD4 A W;sgnifillent colleetiern of diamonds.
All Mies Graon's letters, no matter how ad•
dreaaed, go to the Cuomionl Bank. She
got' hundreds of bogging' eplatleo every
week and they Invariably reach the wastei
takes her luncheon at the bank to.
save money and spends the day at her desk,
laoafng ovor papbre and achernin{r, for gain.
She leaves ft3r home about 6 o'clock, and
after supper spends the evessing in the
kitChan to save burning gas In her room.
Mra. Green's huabargd is a club bachelor,
once worth $1,000,Or10, but now dependant
on his wife, having iesb his fertnne in spee-
ulabion. "NA" Grcen, the sen, looks
after his mtther's Intereste mut of town.
Mies Sylvia H. Green, 28 years Old, Is a
tall, plain -fen ti -0 young woman, who has
a forkune of 65 000,000 in her own right,
besides being a proApective sharer with her
brother, in her mother's vast estate. The
four members of this queer family aro
most of the bime domfolled cedar four roofs,
thanks to the mo,har's cooen trio parsimony.
i had for dianar
was the best I ever ate.
Thanks to COTTOLENE, the
scowl' and successful shortenlag.
Made only, by'
Wellington and Ann Streets,
t�_ - ...._
d Idttle Chapter on the Cleaning or Lace
and Crape.
Delicate white laces aro cleaned by that
lace lover, collector and eonncaslour, Mile,
MOdjeinka, with calcined magnelaia. Spread
bho lace on a abeeh of writing palter, sprinkle
It well on both sines with mug.iaeRla, place a
iocend piece of paper evSir it, puff away
rotwaon the leaves of a book for three days
and then ehalao off the powder to find the
sea perfectly clean. Laeos are given a
waaaty hose by pntbiug strained oolfoC! er
)owdered saffron in the rinnlog seater until
sbe right ote,Nm or eora tinge to procured.
White silk leaoes are soaked in milk over
light, then esumed III warm'onpauds, rinsed
pnd flaatly pulled out and oarefullp pinned
[own while damp. .Laces malt be soused,
iently tgneozo4 and clapped betiraeri the
lands until dry or af+ady ro, Lacer may
ao Whitened by lotting them atand covered
Pith soalinuds in th+i sun. Fane broad.
,rumble rubbed en will 016(413 ;at a that L not
rory much Rolled nor badly discolored.
"Christopher, dasrllug," remstked Mrs.
L- to her hn"band, " I never oan remember
rbether 'soda water' if, written a" Dna
rord or two joined tsgethbr by a $,,phon
.. rr••• * c. '
. .." I
I. . ..
� 1.
E . I..
Blak 1eadaefie acy
eR11ie tivstiblaao incl,•
dent to a b8lous state or the sysrean, such orb
Dluzinese, Na.amea, lirowshtess, Dtbtrrass afteF
I eating Iain in tfze Side, ft. ' vbuo tyhefr mo -ib
remarltable success has been shown in gmftg
( i r- I I.,
headache, yet 04RTsla's LirrGrc L4VER Pt?,V
are ec;uauy valuable m Constipation, cull
nr1 tt�
and preventing this annoying coin plalat, whiils
they also eorrcot all disorciars of toe stowa�iZ,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only ourad
Bebe they would he almost prlceleas t0 0—1
who sutler from tliis distressing comp Ip
but fortunately their goodness doe$ ; @n
here, and tbose who on4•e try thea) 144
these little pills valuable fn so ma y wayatii0 `
they will cat be willing to do without tbot'li.
But after all sick head
Is the brute of so gyived that )none Is wbfgo
we mate our great boast, Our pills acre' it
while others do nat.
GAsiTrWs LmLu Lrvmn Puts are va
and very en$y to take. Ono Or tYK4r * ,
a dose. Tbey are strictly ve t I
not gripe or purge, but by pll�an}j�
��r,71ease all lobo u8'O tiaeln, Iu z" 5 a�X��j �&is
love for $l. Sold everywhere, or earlt lig m
=T= ltaludcaxa 00., p w TAIL.
al Fat Sinal ki 16D Na. ,
A Erofessor of Anatemy Rvea)ks etc aline
ARVISuatton of the Term.
A lecture on " Taoth " in connection with
the Gxveneek Philosophical socisq's annual
osnrae swan delivered in :baa Watt InstitrW
tin the 29b1C ult, by Der. Jaber Cleland, M.
D„ prof,;eaer of artae:etxay in the Glang*w
IInivorsity. In deAtu,g with the applim.
tion of the term teeth, ho Bald they would
eco from the disograms be had brought with
him thab he made co at''enipa to put befus
them. the diffemnt va,ieti.es of teeth foes&
in 6611 auto of aairrala t•hoy Were mgob
fnmillar with. .But, ha w Duld try to put ba.
fare thom what a booth really was. He
fancied the Idea of )neat peop°e was 6At ttke
teeth werepart of theskelstw> , butteath bast
had nothing whatever todo with tbcakaleter.
They wen s altog,Aher separate from the boner
of the skull. They becamo • olasely Csa-
nsoted wibli it; but fiha union wan a
seoandary Ont', not a primary one. Most
pseplO were Of Ap+inlon that the tooth ceta-
Mated only of iho part that prFjea4ead above
the gum and of the root that pasted dawn
into the socket. He dared say, however,,
that most of them h d a paintul experience
that the roots of teeth were nob so simple
as repreacnted en a duigram of a singht
tooth which be exhibited. While ib was a
hard ottuotura, there wa:a a part of It in the
centra ,which was aaeccsaarllg soft, fills&
with nety, a and blood veenle. The hour.
iahmeat of the bard parts of the booth was
obtained from, Chore veea:ls ; and the reason
'achy toothache was such a painful thlatg
was that Viae pgulp was soft end the tooth
was hard, and -x hen tha voeaels weregorgei
and undue Irritation caused by matters an.
dergaing ohemica.l change going is through
boles, the nerves were Irritated ansl
pressed upan by the di+itanded blood veaselsa
onusing pain. The pu;p within was the
� meet c smatial part of the tooth, although it
W060 not generally taken Into con0lderatleta.
Thele were diffi+rent hard texi9urea In the
tooth, of whloh the hardest wan the enasel
—Eo hard BOCaetlmes that good enamel
turned the teeth of a save. Then, the main
part of the Leath was just about the same
hardcess as the bones of the body ; an*
iaotly, round it they had an incrustation of
a substance Casually called) cement, ,whiah
was a aerb of Imporfeot bona He mighty
point out that these hard texWrea were all
fermad on the snrfece of the pulp -the paler
was the first thing; to be formed. All teal
had not roots ptaated in eackota, and all
teeth In all anitrAste were net situated in iba
bones. 'Thera was a very great dMrones
of teeth in different instances.
Sneecasful Treatment of Cntmact.
Hospital surgeons In. New York ray that
99 prr obut, of ,',he OPenmiona for cataract+
are now a,uooessioI. '.Phu ether 1 per coat.
woo,ld nab be utrluceesafui but for the fiat
that Rome patlerat:a come haudiaapped with
ivArurItS4 of the blood thist inaroaso the
diffi ulties following the operation, The
removal Of eatamot has ceased to be as-
teomed a very serlbus matter for either
pxtioub or surgeon, avid tha9re are many per.
sona giving aaOu their daily work with the
crystalline Iona of one or both eyes replaced
by epeetmole lenses.
Couldult Call it a Cold Muse.
The best, perhaps, of the many stories
that have ling been currant regarding the
late Lard Crowe in that aaoiaty In whisk
he was a conspicuous feature is, In the opia-
len of a ,Triter in the Speaker, that of his
remark to leis sister, the, firab Lndy Hough.
bon as
they y stood
the fire
al] but dontroyed hie noble home :
11 Well, Amabel, yen
have often said
Craws was a cold house, but you can't call
lb that new." 0 -we was restored at enor-
mous coat by lbs ownee and lb Is now one of
bho moat beautiful houses In the world.
what it menus.
"Wall, my dear," said the raoter of the
Povartyville church, with a Nigla, "'the
vestry have Increxsad my Tabora."
"How, deat V asked his belpfa! wife.
'" They've raised my aalary 60 per cant,,
and it will be just No much harder to col.
Down With &?.i.gh Prices For
Electric Felts,
$L55, $2.65, $5.70 ; former prices $5, $�,7�,j
$10. Qualty remains the same --•..16 elt'Ct
ferent styles; dry battery and acid bolt.;
.-mild or strong current. Tess than haW
the price of any other company and )cord)
florae testimonials than all tint rest tat
gether. Full list free.Xention this •
paper, W. T. BAER & 00. Windsor, On&
A Ault in the English Chancery Csurb,
begun 152 years ago, was concluded the
other day. ICbe Government duties aril
Legal fates covered nearly the entire safsik ,
#alight for. ,
Plotooutor--What rearms a"rA you gtvaA
for thinking that thin lady did mot Intend
to hit hot husband when she throw the
sugar bowl at hoar? Wituea"--Won, tilos
did hit him.
Young Verfsopht-=S'pme you've heard
I'm going Abwoad, Miss Mabel t '7ft,r4--
Inay remain bhwee or four yeabs , ploml tt ,
l0agee Mks Jd%bel••-•How blue I