HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-15, Page 1VOL VI
NO 3:37
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered. by Parliament, um.)
Paid up Capital. 82,000,000
. Rest Fund . , .... 1,200,000
Head. offioe Montreal. s
Money advanced es. good Farmer's on their
own notese.t1., one or more endorsers at 7
per cent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from 10 a. m. to 8 p,
ra Saturdays lOa,m,to 1 p.m
Ageneral banking business transacted
OURRENT RITES allowedfor mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts, Savings Benk at 3
' per oent.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager
1011011110MON., •••••invegiomiimmanialimiaitior
OX.eter Abli3OCatie
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
—13y the ----
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
81.30 if not so paid.
13.3.-erentinexes. Mateo esse. inpplice.-
No paper discontinued until ell arrearages
are pant. Advertisements without specific,
directions will be published till forbid and
eharged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcient a dverti$em en ts inserted for
long periods. Every description of .70B
PRINTING turned. out in the finest style,
and. at moderate rates. Cheq aes, m oney ord-
ers. &c. for advertising, subsoriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
Sanders & Dyer
Church Directory.
Fatt, Rector. Sunday Serviees, 11 a. m
p and•7 p. ra, Sabbath Schen, 3 p,. m. Holy
• Communion, ist Sunday of each month at
Morning Services and in months of five Sun-
days after Evening Service of 4th Sunday of
the month, Holy Baptism. on 2ncl Sunday
of each month at morning service.
TACESON PastonSundayServices, 10.3oa ,m
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath Sohool, 2.30 p. m.
MAIN STREET Rev. W' 11cDone,V, Past-
or. Sunday Services, 10 30 a.m. an 6.30 p.m
Sabbath School 2.80 p.m.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p.
es. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m
Professional Cards.
H.KINS1LAN,L.D.S, Fenson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store
MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth
without pain. Away at Liman every Wed-
nesday, Hensall let FridayssIllyth, first Mon-
day %ad Zuxicb on Ia,et Thiirsday of each
• Qellege Dental Surgeons, sueoessor to
H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraation of teeth, Fine Gobi
Fillines as required.
Residenees, same as formerly
OFFICES, Speakman, building, Main St.
Dr, Rollins' office,• same as formerly -north
door. Dr. Amos, office, same building -south
door. May 15t. 1893
J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, M. D
.11../ the Collego of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and &mouth -
sun Office, Dashwood, Ont.
1, egal.
11)• OR, Conveyancer. Notary Public.
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
Money to Loan.
of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyaneer, Oomraissioner, &In Money to loan
Offiee-Fan son's Block,Exeter.
ALI itors, Conveyancers, &o.
BRO P7N, Winch eisea. Licensed Auet-
11.• ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms rea-
s on bit/ e. Sales arranged at Post office. Win-
BOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Llo-
• ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
RED. W. PARNCOMB, Provincial Land
.I.? . Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post Office, Main street,Exeter, Ont.
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
• of Toronto
The Phconix Fire Insurance Co'y.,
of London, England
The Alliance Fire A.ssurance.Co'Y.:
ofLondon, England
Office: -Main -street, Exeter, Out.
(Changed every Wednesday)
Wheat per bushel 00.56 to 0.58
. . .. . . 35 to 37'
Oats ...... ......,.. 27 to 28
Peas . . . 60 to 51
Butter ••••••• i•••• obi 18 to 20
Eggsi••• ••• ... 1,1•••• go** 16
Chicken per lb .. , .. 5 to 6
Geese.„...... *to •••• ••••
Turkeys.... • 10
Ducke, per tb , . 8
Pork „ 5,90 to 6.00
Potatoes per ou0 35 to 40
Hay per ton .... ; , 6.00 to 7.50
Clover seed........5.25 to 5.75
Thnothy seed „ 1.25 to 175
Plso's Remedy fat Catarrh. 8 the
Beatissleet to ten and Cheapest
Sold by druggists or sent by mall,
300. P. T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa.
Stephen. By-law, iutendir4ietspeneee OS Cowl of' Re-
vision anc ot ler expenses incidental
to the completion of the work, $120.00
1 A by law for cleaning out and improv-
ing and extendiog the 'Drain or wat
ercourse usually known as Mu -
Creek drain in the Township of Step
hen, and for borrowing on the credit
of thenounicipality the surn of 81764,-
58 foi completing the same,
Provisionally adopted the 19th day
of January, '1894,
Whereas upon petition of a majosity ofthe
ratepayers ieterested thesnoun ell et Stephen
did appeint one Thomas Weatheral an En-
gineer clue patent to snob work to examine
the locality of proposed drain and snake his
A.nd whereas in accordance with his re-
port the council did, on the 8rd day of October
1881 finally pass a by-law for the purpose of
going on with the work wider the Municipal
/Drainage Act, and, o ribise the necessary
'Money therefor, but such renort and such
by-law did not make provieion for the
menntibinance of said wokk when completed.
And whereas George Lawson, a person in-
terested therein and who is injuriously affeo-
111 consegnence of the improper state of
sepair of said drain, did by and through the
authority of the provisions of Section 553
sub. ears 2 and 8 and sec 685 sub S00. 2 notify
the 'council of tb.e township of Stephen in
writing that his lands were iejuriously af-
fasted In consequence of want of repair and
proper outlet.
And whereas thereupon the said council
procured an examination be made by F. 'W.
l'arecom be being a person compotaut for
each purpose, of the seid loottlity proposed
more ant ctually to be draiend by cl ean ing
out, removing. obstructions, deepening and
widening and if 11 ecessary getting a more
suitable outlet, and has also procured plans
and estimate of the work to be made by the
said F W. Farnoom be and the assessment
to be made by him of the real propertyto
be benelitted by such W i Chin 1 gi deepening,
removing obstxuction and a better outlet,
Stating as nearly as he can the proportion
of benefit whith in his opinion will, be deriv-
ed in con seq uenee of such deepening, widen-
ing, removing obstruotions and a 'better out-
let by every react and lot or portion of ;ot,
the said assessment so made being the assess-
ment hereinafter bnthis by-law enacted to
be ass ssed and levied upon the lots and.
pests of lots hereinafter in that behalf spec-
ially set forth and described and the report
of the same 11'. W. Fartoorn be in respect
thereof and of the said deepening, widening
removing obstractions and better outlet
being as follows.
' LONDON, ONT., Ang.17th, 1893.
To the Reeve and Council. of the Township
of Stephen in session assem bled.
GEN TLEMEN:-In accordance 'With instruo-
tions received frora your honorable body I
havo made an examination of the ditch or
drain commonly known as the "Mud Creek
Drain " commencing at the line between
lots 1.1 and.12 in the 10th concession in the
Township of Stephen. and extending north-
erly across lots 11 to 15 both inclusive in the
10t11 Con, of the Township of Stephen and
from rat 11 South to lot 5 in con lo both in-
clusive and from lot 5 con, lo South through
lots 4 eon. 3 both inclusive con. 111ot 2o S B
Stephen and across lot 2o in the N Bdry.
eon, of the Townehip of McGillivray and
across lots 3,4 and 6 in condi.
In making an examination I find that the
drain above described is for the most part in
a very bad condition having filled in consid-
erably since originally constructed and, be-
ing altogether too small in capacity to con-
ey the water from the lands above described,
and that Rowing upon them from the higher
lands above, much to the damage of adjoin-
ing lands and. roads. • •
1. also find that in order to obtain a proper
outlet in the Township of McGillivray it
will also be necessary to deepen, widen and
strengthen the creek from the present outlet
across lots 3,4, and 6in the 15th concession
of the said Township •and that the adjoining
lands would be more or less improved.
I have made the neeessary ,survey of the
above work and have staked it out and have
taken levels, commencing at the line be-
tween lots 11, and 12 in the 10th concession
as shown on plan, hereto attached, piecing
stakes along edge of drain two obains or
eight rods apart and taking levels al. same
and in bottom of ditch, where no change in
coarse is necessary throughout. The stakes
are numbered. o, 2, 4, 0, ote.,and. the levels
are taken on the ground beside -the same.
In the assessment I have endeavoured to
distinguish between the higher and outlying
lands and the adjacent and lower lands
which will evidently receive the greater ben-
The dotted blue lines on nlan attached
sbow approximately the outline of low or
swamplands using the drain for outlet,
In the accompanying Profile the cut in feet
and decimals of a foot are shown at eaoh sta-
tion of 8 rods ale° the depth of earth to be
taken from the bottom of the ditch which
will also require to be widened somewhat.
Where the drain passes through timbered
lands the trees to be felled and alllogs and
brushwood to be remove& so far from the
edge of the ditch that none may be covered
by the earth excavated. The earth to be
thrown out 3 feet clear of the edges of the
ditch and so equally as possible on both sides
of same and spread to a depth not exceeding
1 foot unless otherwise ordered by the En-
gineer or Inspector in charge of the work.
Whenever the dramn. leaves th.e old channel
of Creek at any crooked place for the pur-
pose of streightening the same and im nrov-
nag the flow of water, the earth excavated to
be east upon the side on which the old chan-
nel lies and whenever practicable the Con-
tractor should clump the earth into the same
Prober openings to be made in spoil bank
at all low runs and at sufficent intervals
I estimate the cost of the above proposed
work as follows: -
Excavating 14266 oub, yds. at 180. $1854.58
Add for survey and assistance, Plans
and profiles, estimate, preparing and
publishing by-law, letting and super -
1974 58,
Schedule of Assessment againet lands In
the Townshinof Stephen to Ise benefitted and
481ng the drain as an outlet.
Coin Lot or pt. lot No acres Value of Impr
9th N IA 15 50 0 00
" S % 16 50 700
" N 14 14 50 800
" $ % 14 60 12 00
e 18 100 80 00
" N pt. 12 22 800
" Cent. pt, 12 60 26 00
IL S_Pti 12 18 700
,, N A 25 800
5 % 11 75
10 100
9 100
14 100
13 .100
tt N. %le 60
5 414 50
14 N 54, 11 50
" W IS, 11 25
1, E % WI% 11 25
0 WI,' 1.0 25
' EICW%10 25
" W pt. lb' 11 1,0
1. Cent JAE IS 10 10
'• Cent pt E 10 :se 80
•1 E pt E 10 ao 30
" 9 - 100
N 14 7 50
11 S % 7 50
W % 6 350
11 % 6 50
W 14 5 60
E % 6 50
W % 4 50
S V. 4 40
N % 8 50
5343 50
4 100
..‘ 3 100
S. Bdry. 20 100
Total assessment ou
lands in Stephen $1640 00
Total assessment 011
Reacts in Stephen $11468
Total assessment on
lands and roads in the
Township of Stephen • ' 31.745 58
Schedule of assessment against lands and
Roads in the Township of McGillivray.
Conlot or pt. lot No acres Value of Impr.
N Boundary 20 100 340 00
II19 100 ` 40 00
11 • 3 100 40 00
41 4 100 40 00
5 100 10 00
15 00
6 00
, 500
30 00
40 00
115 00
10 00
60 00
15 00
65 00
50 00
15 00
1.350 00
80 00
85 00
90 00
70 00
00 00
95 00
60 00
20 00
10 00
45 00
55 00
Total am ou n t against
lands in the Township
of MoGillivray $170 00
Totab a,ssesem en t against
roads in McGillivray • 350 00
Total assessments
against lands and roads
—Recapitulation 3220 00
in McGillivray Tp.
Assessment on lands in
Sir:Tab:dr 31640 00
Assessment =
(including IA town line) • 11453
Assessment on lands in
McGillivray 170 00
Assessment on Roads in
50 00
McGillivray (S. town line)
• .31974 68
The work when fully made and completed
shall be maintained and kept in repair by
the municipality of Stephen -from its head, to
the Town line between Stephen and McGilli-
raysth 0 remaining portion to be m aintained
by the Municipality of MoG-illivray at the
joint expense of the lands and roans of the
Tosenslup of McGillivray and Steplie,• paying
for construction and in the same relative
All of which is respectfully subraitted.
I haye the honor to be Gentlemen,
Yam obedient servant,
F. W. FarnoOmbe
O. L S.; 0, E.
And whereas the said council are of the
opinion that the said deepening, widening
removing obstructions and better outlekare
Be it therefore enacted by the said munici-
pal council of the said Township of Stephen,
pursuant to the provisions of the municipal
ist That the said, report, plan angestimates
be adopted and. the said deepening, widening
removing obstructions and better ontletland
the works connected therewith be made and
constructed in accordance therewith,
2ncl That the Reeve of the said Township
may borrow on the credit of the Corporation
of the said Township of Stephen the sum of
31974,58 less the amount payable by McGilliv-
ray being.the funds necessary for the work
and. may Issue debentures of the corporation
to thatemount in sums of not least's= 3100
and payable within 10 years from the date
thereof with interest a t the rate of 5 per
cent, per annum that is to say 111 10 equal an
nual consecutive instalments the 'first of'
which shall be due and payable one year
from the date on which this by-law than
have been filially passed,and all each debent-
ures shall be payable at the Molsons Bank at
Exeter, And the interest thereon shall be
included with the principal payable with
each debenture,
8 That for the purpose of paying:the sum
of 114640; being the amount charged against
the said lands so to be benefitted as aforesaid
•other than roads belonging to the Munici-
pality, and to cover interest thereon for ten
years at the rate of 5 per cent per annum,
the following special rates over and above
all other rates Shall be assessed and levied
(in the same manner and at the same time
as taxes are levied) upon the undermention-
ed"lots and parts oflots; and the amount of
the eaid special rates and interest assessed
as aforesaid against each lot or part
of lot respectively shall be divided into
10 equal parts, and one such part shall be
assessed and. levied as aforesaid in each year
for 10 years after the final passing of this by-
law during which the said debentures have
to run. The years the Debentures will be
payable Is 1895, 1806, 1897,1898, 1899, 1900 1901
1902, 1908 and 1904.
• Schedule of assessment in the Township
of Stephen to be bun.efitted and using the
draM as an outlet.
n. I:salvo-31-30
ss a'11-Sait4o
OW X ar‘
<10 tclsdeeeen,
Va1 ansisso.,4
W1101 -2W
1373 415 50
S% 15 50
N IA 14 50
13 100
N IA 12 92
Centre 12 50
Spt 12 18
la SI 11 25
S SS II 75
lo loo
9 leo
14 ioo
18 100
N ti 12 so
S % 12 SO
E % it 60
W WI, /1 25
E % W 1/511 26
W54 10 26
ElAWYslo 26
" W pt. E IA to 20
" Centre E pt E VI 10 10
" Centre pt E lo aores 80
" E pt. E of /co scree 30
9 100
8 loo
137347 So
S'47 So
7 00
8 00
12 00
80 00
• 25 00
7 oo
8 oo
• Soo
80 00
10 oo"
60 oo
65 oo
30 00
160 00
156 0c,
80 oo
90 00
64) oo
'96 oo
6.0 00
Eo oo
lo oo
30 oo
66 oo
Total ilitisessment on lands in Stephen 164o oo
on seeds 11 11458
11 on litede and reada
in Stephen irichuling % II
• 150
2 12
2 4.0
8 60
9 00
7 5o
7 50
4 5o
1 So
1 50
• 900
12 oo
31 5o
• Soo
16 oo
•7 50
4 6o
48 oc,
24 oo
26 So
18 oo
8 oo
1 90
18 50
64 30
$1/64 a
10 40
82 50
19 6o
6 5o
18 oo
78 oo
66 oo
6 6o
2°1 S0
104 oo
Ilo So
117 oo
01 oo
123 90
26 oo
13 00
6 90
1 04
1 56
1 04
8 25
1 o4
1 95
8 90
8 Oct
5 So
14 05
7 so
6 So
So 8o
to 16
lo lo
11 o6
9 6o
'12 30
7 8o
1 15
1890 14 89
$228 09
4th That for the purpose of ntying the sum
of $114 68 being the total amount essesited
eat aforeeed against the said visas of the
otbid mumeipality and to oover intereet
therein for lo years at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum a special rate of 1-16 of a mill in
the dollar sbaii over and above all other
ratee be leyied upon the whole rateable pro-
perty in the said toweship of Stephen in
eath yeas for lo years after the date of the
Anal paseing of this by-law during which
the said &then tares have to run.
Stb That the seicl drain shall be known as
the Atud Greek draiss. And when fully com-
pleted shall be maintained and hunt in re^
pair by the municipality of Stephen from its
head 10 the townline between Stephen and
McGillivray. The remaining portion to be
main taineehy the Municipality of MoGilliy-
ray at the joint expence of the lands and
roads of the Township of MeGillivray and
Stephen paying for conetruotion and in the
same relative proper bion.
Oth. That the blunicipal corporation of the
Township of Stephen SI) all let the contraot
for the said woric aocorang to plans end
speollications. Rosiest tbncl profile and to the
lowest,. bidder (not exceeding the eetimate)
such contra:its in addition to furnieh one
good anc sul cleat and eatisfactory estrity
for the Gard , proper and complete perform
ance of said ivork as specified. And the said
week shall be completed and finished not
'atmthan the 1st day of July 1805 or such
later date as the council may agree 0/1. And
that the township engineer ss appointed to
examine said work whenever requested by
the Ootmcil of Stephen disring construction
and to certify as to the amonnt ofwork done
from time to time and to give orders on the
Counail for the value of -work done, loss 20
per cent, but no each certificate, order or
any payment shall excuse the contraotor or
surety from completing the work in strict
compliance with iiiiid report plans and speci-
fications as authorized by this By-law. _
This By -lase shall be pulslislied in the Exe-
ter Adyceetto. a weekly; for 4 consecutive
weeks privious to the final passing thereof
and shall come into operation and take ef-
fect the date ot the final passing thereof.
Notice is hereby given that a Court of Be.
vision -will be held in the Town Hall, at
Crediton, on Monday the 5th day of March
1994 at the hour of 11 O'eleck in the forenoon
forsthe purpose of hearing end trying °ems
pit:Ants and appeals against the above as-
sessments, or any part thereof, and the rate-
able proportionate assessments for further
maintamanee of said drain =din the man -
Der provided. by the assessment and Munici-
pal A.ots, and amendments thereto, and all
notices of appeal thall be served Ulnas the
elerk of Stephen at least 8 days prior to suoli
Court of Revision.
And further notice is hereby given that
anyone intending to apply to have the
above By -lase or any part thereof quaehed
must not 'Etter than ten clays after the filial
passing thereof, serve a notice in writing
upon the Ree•ve or other heed, officer and up-
on the Clerk of the said Township of Steph-
en of his intention to make application for
that purpose to the High Court of Justice at
Toronto dnring the six weeks next ensiling
the final passing of the said By-law.
Stephen, Hay P. 0.
Dated this 25th clay ofjanuary, 189e.
Good servant girlwanted. A.pply between
the hours of 10 a.m. ancl 2 p. no.
2t. Mae . A. Q. BOBIBR, Exeter.
Uncles and by virtue of' the power of sale
contained in a oertain registered mortgage
made by one John Yager, deceased and as-
signed to the Vendor and which will be pro-
d -aced at the day of sale there will be sold. by
Public Auction. at Willert's Rotel, in the
Village of Dashw ood, in the County of Hu-
ron, by Henry Eilber, Esq., Auctioneer, on
All and Singular that certain parcel or
tract of land and. premises situate lying and
being in the Township of Has:, in the Coun-
ty of Huron and. Province of Ontario and
being composed of tbe 'West Half of the
West Half of Lot Number (33) thirty three
on the South Boundary Concession of the
said To:est:ship of Hay and containing by
admeasurement Twenty-five acres ()fiend be
the same more or less.
On this property which is well timbered for
milling purposes there is a first class, well
equipped, saw -mill of good capacity and
tarnished with all the modern saw -mill ma-
chinery and in addition, one grain chopper,
one clay washer. pumps and piping, one
planer and a sett of blacksmith tools.
TERMS 0FSALE-10 per cent of the purchase
money down and the balance in ;thirty days
or one half of the purchase money may rs.
main on a satisfactory mortgage ef the
premises. 'She property will be sold snbjeet
to a reserved bid. For further particulars
and conditions of sale apply to VALENTINE
RATS, Khiva, P. 0,. R. Tuntemorse, 3011N HALL
and FREDERICK EELLMA.N, Dashwood, P 0.
To the auctioneer or to the Vendor's Solici-
Henry Either, Croditon, Ont,, R. IL Collins,
Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor.
Dated at Exeter, this 2nd t
Day February, A D. 1894. )
On Tuesday evening, February 61h
the children and young people of St.
Patrick's church Sunday- School assem
bled in full force to receive their prizes
and presents. After devotional exer-
cises eoducted by the Incumbent, a
pleasant half hour was spent by par
ente, teachers, and children In the dis-
tribution of gifts. Two special prizes
were awarded for regular attendance
and perfect recitation of lessons—the
the first Master Johnnie Blackwell,
who never missed a Sunday and had
the highest number of marks for perfect
lessons; and a second special prize was
awarded by the Incumbent to Miss
Alma Hodgins who stood next on the
roll. At this stage, of the proceedings
a handsome china porridge sett was
presented to Mr. Wm -turner in recog.
salon of his valued servites as Super-
intendent, to which Mr. Turner made
a suitable reply, Then came the pre-
sentation of a well worded address to
Miss Alice Hodgins for her services as
organist, accompanied by two magnifi.
cent vases, a handsome booklet (illus-
trated), and several pieces of ornament.
al ware for the centre table. Every
child who attended the Sunday sehool
from Easter to advent then received
Some toy or book in the order of merit:
and it was cheering to parenta and all
present to witneSs the beaming faces of
the children 38 each came forward to
receive his or her token of encoirrage-
Merit. The average attendance during
the past S. S. term was reported to be
largfa, than in any previous year.
Wanted 12 or 14 cords of
good 02 inch bard wood
m tract() for goods.
Mr. Washburn who has conducted
business as general merchant and also
filled the position as postmaster, at
Saintsbury fox some time has sold his
business to Mr. W. J. Smith, He has
decided to embark in the furniture and
undertaking business at Chesley, eom
menceiug about the 15th day of Feb,
Mr. Henry Hess, who has been em-
ployed by M. A Roth, of Brantford is
home.—David Jacobe, of Lucknow,
paid Zurich a flying visit on Saterday.
"Dave" was one.e a Zurich boy and his
Numerous friends were pleased to see
his smiling face again.—Master Milton
Bu chau a n, of God erich, high. Sahool,was
home for Sunday. Milton seems to be
greatly pleased with Goderich and also
with the school,—Mr. J. Deichert Is at
present visiting friends in and around
New Hamburg.—Mr, A G. Dyer, on
tractor, of Exeter, was the guest of
D. Steinback on Sunday.—A very se-
yere snow storm prevailed here on Mon-
day and was the most severe one we
ha've witnessed this winter and some
of the side lines were badly blockaded
with snow.
The debate Style vs, Tea came off as
announced. The affirmative contended
that as pride was so severely denounced
in Scripture, and that style was the
natural prodnction of pride and thaa
it caused misery and want and that it
was the prolific cause of $o many as-
signments and that the extravagance
in dress in church eoing members con-
tributed largely towards spreading the
evil. The negative shevved that tea
was a financial, physical, mental, mor-
al and spiritual evil and should be de-
nounced by ehristian people. That tea
had only been in use in Europe 230
years but now almost in use in every
family ih christendom. That the poi-
son contained in 1 lb. was sufficient to
kill 1,500 frogs or 40 eats. That tea
was not spoken of in scripture for the
simple reason that the plant was not
known when scripture was written.
The descision was give.n that style was
the greater evil. On Wednesday even-
ing 21st inst., the relatiye influence of
men and women will be discussed.
Probably some singing will be done.
A load of our young people drove
over to Mr. Green's, near Sodom on
Monday evening and spest an enjoy-
able time.—Mr. Daniel Sacks, who has
been on the sick list for some time is
slowly improving.—There is a lot of
sickness around' at present and peo-
ple must congratulate themselves upon
having a good physician in our midst,
—It's all right to talk patent medicines
and quack doctrrs when you are well;
but when it comes to a pull between
life and death, they "ain't in it." We
want the beat medical aid that can be
procured and this is right and should
be observed whether we are sick or
well—Miss Lizzie Voelker, who has
been sick for the last two months pass-
ed peacefully away to her long home
on Friday last. The funeral took place
on Monday for the Goshen line ceme.
tery. The Y. P. A. of which Miss Voel
ker was an earnest christian- member
were in attendance and at her own re
pest sank several selections of her own
choice. As she lived so she died an
earnest christian and now reaps the
reward of the faithful God's right
hand.—Mr. Henry Callfas is still eon
fined to his bed; also Mr. Louis Staubus
but we are glad to report they are both
improving.—Wheel Gee Whiz! Not
dead but foolish. It was thought the
Dashwond correspondent for the Times
had fallen from grace, but if such was
the case he has been redeemed and
last week came to the front arrayed in
goergous ignorance whieh is well dis-
played in his own writing Let this
be a standpoint and judging from the
same he must be very narrow minded
and of the tenderest feelings possible
towards humanity for he takes it a
deadly insult that a correspondent
should write up the feelings of the
people in regard to a proper closing
business hour, and hence he makes an
insinuation that he know who and can
locate the correspondent and like a
hattering-ram bears down blindly
enough on one he thinks his victim.
But you're off your eggs; my friend,
for I am the insulting scribe and am
not now lookitig for a bird either.
Those days with me have come and
gone—And good old days they were—
So now my friend if you're going to
sit on any one, just sit on me right here.
You seem to have the girl fever on the
brain and already must be sotnewhat
delerious, for you talk of eight nights
In a week. If you ever' got in eight
nights in a week in your girling days
let ns know how you did -it
• Around About Us.
Patrons ot Industry -
The Connty Association for fhe
County of Huron, Patrons of Industrer„
met 10 Seaforth on Tuesday, ath. inst.
There was a splendid representatism4i
delegates from nearly every nutai*
pality in the county and great entharai--
asm prevailed. The folio wing officers
were elected for 1894: President, Jae.
E. Gaunt, St. Helens; Vice President
A. T. Bean, Dash wood; Secretary Trea-
surer, Jas. H. Gat diner, Lucknow.; Sem-
tinel,J. S. Browo, Seaforth.; Auditors,—
W. A. Saunders, Stephen, and Richer%
Common, Sear rth.; Representative to
to Grand Association, W.A. .Saunders,
There wa) an executive committee
of three appointed in each of the three
ridings of the county, whose dutyat
will be to call conventions, and to select
candidates if thought advisible in their
respective constituencies. The • elate
fixed for East Huron, is February 23rd5
at Brussels; South Huron, March 7th at
Hensall, and West Huron, Machin at
at Dungannon. A large amount of bus-
iness coneected with the Order was
transacted, three sessions being heid.
during the day. This was the most
successful meeting County Association
ever held, showing that the agricul-
tural element of our country are be-
coming more and more alive to thole'
TOWNSEND—Clam-T.—At the residenee
of the bride's parents, on, Februasy
7th, by hey. J. Gallo -way, Mr. Ames
Townsend, to Miss Hannah Crick,
daughter of George Crich, Esq., ell
of Tuekerstnith.
the 14th inst., by the Rev. G Jackson,
James Parsons to Miss Ann, daugh-
ter of Wm Rowtelifie, London Road..
HICKEY—In Stephen on the 4th int
the wife of MeJames • Hickey, of xe
• daughter.
CALFAS.—In Fairfiel& on the 4th inst,5
• the wife of Wm. Calfas, of twins—
Diss°nEmsae zs.—In Centralia, on the 12t3
inst., the wife of Wm. Dishman, of a
VOELSER,—I11 Hay, on the 9th inst.
• Miss Elizabeth. Voelker, •aged 2-6.
WELSH—La Stephen on the 11th inst.,
William Welsh aged 79 years,
STEWART—In Usborne on the 10th
inst., Andrew Stewart, sr. aged 70
Many deaths are prevented by Kole
Kure Try it for Colds, La Grip,Ete.
Meetings of the aboveInstituto will be hard
Commencing at 10.30 o'clock each day
When addresses will be delivered by the fal-
lowing gentlemen: T. A. Ruddick, Ottanicae
Superintendent of Dominion :Experimentea.
Creameries; 13. 0-. Gilbert, Ottawa,Superin-
tendent Poultry Department Dominion En-
perimental Farm; Tno, Whyte, Mitchell,P18
breeder and. pork packer; 3. Zernighan, Ben -
miller; S. M. Sanders. Exetenand others, De-
legates to the Central Farmers' Institute
will give report of pro ceedings.-Election •cif
officers at Hensell m ee tin g.--Evenin g zn.eet-
ings with popular programs at each. plane.
Look out for printed programme.
Everybody, woloorne.-Admission free.
President. Seeretaxy.
f o r
13 o y 5,
• and other
all going
Frank Atkinson, esoper, of Ailsa at
Craig, has assigned CO John Gunn. half-price,
There died at the residence of Mr
Patrick Glavin, Stephen, the other day-,
MIA John Barrio, in the 78th year Of at
her age' She Was Wail knoW 11 to her
many friends and relations by the tu„„116.,...,,,
ooditito Haat
name ot the Queen, and was aunt to b
WT. Goughlin, ofStephen ToWnship, ' 1 IV