HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-8, Page 2nren • 3 3 a 131 A Id Us tbs ly 32 per have la. rola their o certainly 113tF/• al Wave le 7 unfitted no in the a thus un- • if for one entree the exertion", 40 ; melee a right to 3 0011210 tem ea only he has not naciontiens 1 that the and that l law be protection of further Won that , not the ed, to be nd mom - order to randy the inality in I and re- gion and is no lesS to itself, e same ob. on afflicted vented, for nterestur ef ving about ; BO the as well as anted from is cured as in the impossible he restore - e effeoted.. o be lefb ex* in extent ; not be tor in purpose . Ib • that y of the n with, bat ettlarity of toddy and been °ow tly jeutify to restrain nem ne a criminal ry country efermetion the prob. begin at 11 warrants erpetrater nd should to ouch a oul au to e will in laweshid- ening oil& meaning of ire end be with the with the Ir polls:este!' aims frem &shed its twat an ed that a tad above, enlr of the 33 !men - 1n order ded there - y varieta- l* fad, Ly iholined meant than ten. There. - i0 criminal e number and that " can be Number.. maintaini. of forcible American until they wrought as y maven or- hree went& Winsome in Te spend In a sick- nstead of a to them.. from one as muoh o America by c ram - ch la Dr. Edward We." He o cianobsed when about b intervals roles and steel upon; repulsorily goober, the overstrain in normal e 17, they afterwards, life. • But Overwork to 17 mean till early would he- ft alsorer for e, house's of is get by deep., eeeeeeiggace', RIFE orror and- oessity for rmerly re. cutting. 0 Sllq0IT t that now real. ithout the, may, chat - rayl They ee inflame eath. d (Uterine), re, are now - 11 of cute. er large,. ula liner bowel, bre- it pain or', ad matter' abed, pal- tfeotly 113. Passage 10 ed iellebout eaea. Wier 11 portiere - tames) tre 1.42041p • ai• *71'T, •71.1. , , ,............ , Inge.' Wilk. whistle, on the 0. °utterer, individual* pie the leeding per,* end, to be Well eccitaInted with the Mot, One hwioodurefliirenve. ti?''' ' rill4"• 8 464)461 hundre• 4 "UO oftee Of ZUe Aeolus offeee motto- logical Intereet 7 the allieisee which te made in hie vein& lenient positive Noleasee, a Which be hi ottlef thole:aster% end Pare Utopia. Realm 0 deceived ideellot, hub loll 9! remake ng allttaione. He Per, calved OW ADO eza ' that republbeliociallste were iter • , KNAVE AND Ras, ()ALS, only inetramente of reign end fortune. Arid ev th t di t is n hie or. 1 ., efe 41,41 noreetpaeot an; Itilweeid ' he etWI werse in aneroh by which henceforth, free from all tre elit the pilferers could the geed, erid .itt week. be figure of the Anerchist Me be their ef a brutal and vulgar terrerist. zoil'ettred hy fee opera. Men 033 hie cheek width kept him from befog , an toter" be became a, teerement then a fieree orate who perked ethers en to murder withers himeelf oomealttine the aces and suspeote of eoviardice, Pref. Lambrose pretext 1 to find in him the meek?) .of the or ' inal type. The. IMMO Lombr000gave hi elf up to an aubbro- ' 111 133 f pre ogical study of, the 43 Amer° t. o "N Chicago. Aeottchish, aoceeding to -him, 13 a morbid ease a it.. • a a ammity of .arleiptietion te teo mew stow tn some he noted • traits of moral ineetsibility, sneh as were felled among certain, lesetra of the Gera - mune; ma Fern er a Valles. Some are y ' pure orimitals ; others, like Pearsou, who were religious; emetics Meet 'of them be- I t the f . '.' Iry of bilanthrepic mum. el, ng o e ara , , p , darer% " B hemline and Kfapotkine bed:, belong to the hithest summits ef ;moiety,' These are natures who go at the firgt bond ter ea- t 1 gie 1 ' ars' e co f their aenti- reme e a co est et a e MOWN3 and their ides, ultras In 0 • ' THE semen Ox nzvoui • . i when they are not so in that otoeaction. In them there is the illaminationglich sees its . . h .reign ef a theueend years neap being real ized, An exalted ph1lanthropy/1a translated in Krapatkine • into teat distinctive lewd' •bility width the peet Gilberts minded in the great men of hitt time when ecoueed them of not pligiug any one but eeroene of their own caste, On the centitry, the priace has no feelirga except fer a felon and the prostitute. DO not speak him of ;sorrow - in °vermin, of eufferingo i eilken robes. In his eyes a proprietor ie ore guilby than jaok the Ripeer. , , " It 1. very fine to e a philanthropies' $ wrote M. de Molinari, t feel a sentimenb of • . PITY AND 04' REVOLT at the daily speobecle of the iniquities of the Id • entement is joined world , but when this a , to ignorance of /mime' na nreeand te the certitude of the irdellibility et the philan- thropist, it it particularly tort Redefine gellantbropy hese refried its atakes and re. freed es tortured to preeerve the mu letude of ignorant and sample pardons from heresy. ale palisical pbilenehropy ef the Robes- , /Eents arid the Coeteoeo hes tem obliged to cedp to the nem:tatty ef money to mount the seiffeld women, 'Andrea and the aged, is erdir to impeee its panecea en the peeire The Auarohiee fletbere himself that he Witl draivkatire hum-saity from misery and op- preterite, threwe his bomb and kind ond rell. Watt:4 at heend. 'Heels ()need by seetarian philaetteropy are woree than them which support the dimple pervereity of the winked. . J. BOITRDEAU." The ' oust. invited percent.. to greet risentoely, to ;straggle fitted retiree* power although wthbreetv Whieh Illakee been and spirit the regarded otreocieby °":110; the criminals 11WhhiniZed gnomes cuee causes thelindividual mavelb other in than cumetarce. with bth the until oriminal, the moving of (trot to Won Therefore oepb that a -until net the offence the some we mi aeolety the longer affance*- almost o f letn- the aociety to end oendit ill/44 future . Ing. zee. ".refermatten"-the be Problems ornate these its aim end. reform would otimittals, ti -me to by. doe, for 1 c &MB physical, appears clones of " damped that, society, girls are they eight be training their reem, help, It speaking. demesnes b y drinkleg Weir Wakefield halts as to afterweede ,wholetrome an diminished, moment sneer. nervous may without let and ruin death, esteemed their • England many eteerdnomhtedtataelde .. orngniE AND rIN14111412 ,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TALMGE'S Ws • VERY •.,---,.. lialuusge 1. John Beard day smarmounted the purchate Wg13, the for than $95,000. brought From received, %mounted mertgage they shout when ahuroh, !neut. Ureetess Beard When be borrow liaTTleen 3o alto who rip don "Some sad ° There sine theolutely brie:item; The Mere of the paid "I the nos, church em the Bent Birkett detach beok tradeetnen the Leonard blur emelt 200.000 sf the "With drab Sir. node& spear resigeatioss. blionessed thould rkthemaele pre -sent ng HOOT mot smount 'erne ,ear. las eme a long Mr. seen ocouuted len he new. Ex iharies aterests vas f the ;ma if hie rag ees." " ol" iste reught "1 enabler; hese igainst hat , monumental ° N'Iwal Some bread ley masted ovelty rtre.p lothee nth Lome a rein he body his an n eXpenfle . Who igzling 13 ha! Or his vaterPrnd ar cloak 0 large either, ma Witiorm, Close ookkeeper Applicant OlowyMerehant-Yeri ali, sn maik, The re great .,..., A chuto Feetl. BITTER Willleave ewes uwhew over eays-Coet, 4;125,000. ei t •,... ANY 0CAP UERD !MOO PHOTO& M1"0t 1 ' =TOR FAITH NOR LAW ' . wetespierre, et Bain, . t‘j. wet, Pet/WIWI him. at ;10 metter 'Whe.. ileneblett again and preach*. therfatIon sod ettertilee, lo a. hypo- Mh:OthidesAuttaaurglillitioPr*Vignini; elnl EtIttPt94 Stirriernmen iti a verifier reen.Anerehietleon ithecentrexy, preemie immediateactlen.With ehem revoludon is coufounded with revalue .. potpie, in Aerobe prole's, eoly give there- ::::.:::"Oann:,ziPf:::::::Y :::: . . hem le free heasuee it ohmage its but.oher. 4g.eiry deputy,' writes Eliseo Regius, "I 13 3 Tad, who mein a uee of the clams of the 1 If a place among the Workers to eerVe h-ralle- . . . remote,' At the Ainaroldet rumba of oPP - Congrese ief Zariall in Aufluele 1303, DA Gumplew e ea : ' • ii Teas regime meet be destroyed by force, t;lohnre4ter thwituet :cola:19'4 on e. abidt ao 1 :ain:dtme n I ithhaaetviSi coated":1 it:etil Pill° forhol- what) eetete. In accord mem the individual °hunter of thig decttine, anarchism 13 a. theory of personel *evolutionary action. The propagenda by faot it a logical conga- (pence of the yetem. s, "Tho time ef :Philosophical tiradeS well political garrulity ia past henceforth. Fee the berees of dynamite. the Beirourelnee• ' fj Elf R 1 the Krapotkinee, he me eo tome, are almost reactioners. Note here the pada- ti d how revolution in in descent on, sn would always go farther. Bekeunine ill hoe- tic to amesairtation; KrapothIne under- stands • THE VENGEANCE OP A PEOPLE • . The • and Asinine from judging them. Netional Congress of London (July, 1881) conelder e as eg mate any means ef de- 1 it• stroyingrepresentativeno f the preeentorder - that ie to arty, invereigne, ministers, clergy; mince, great capitalists and other oppressors. Theee roost savage do nob even recoil before extermination even of the innocent. But it is net only to the bourgeois that they pro. pote ' to supply a few small weasels,' their sins is also to deetroy that Bedell= which wenld be still mere dengeroue than all the autheritative orgaulzationo from whirl we have suffered to tide day." " Their newspapers are very explicit. Herr Most would like to destroy one- twentieth of the inhabitants ef Germany ; that means A IneSSA0RE OF 2,000,000 ME. P k rt the Austrian Anarchist, will not en a .1, . he satisfied until he hears shrieks and iddl 1 f i weighing of teeth in ten m e -o ale am - - f I 1 t ahed I kin • lie* or every e ng e ear e e n a wor , g man's family. As for the means, deceit, hypocrisy, fraud and theft may be added to violence, to the peignard and to poison. The Freiheit in Araeriaa furnishes servants with irestruotione for poisoning their man . , h d k with I t f zee a a eta an cee s w reoe p 8 sr transferral:I; themselves into Lucretia Ber- gime. The Indicateur Anarchiste, printed in London, gives more than 100 formulae far fabricating explosive inetrumente. ' Juin as the invention of pewder and fireaenia," we read in one of their poem, ' by breeleing feudelisin emancipated the micidle chasm • so dynamtte w e the Hercules that will ' ill b oause the ohains of slevery to fail frona the . Hurrah . , .- . Hu_ rourth ettate. for taynamme i rah ter Ecience I' "The Anarchistic parby has put therm principles in action as much as pourable. 1 h f b ti it hi t i A thong o recen orea on, e e ery a y ere y. all countries has been ver bl d The ty, or rather this sect, is an exoreecessos Prth '1 t ti I Association ef Work- o e n erna , one L __ begteen, founded in London by Karl Marx in 1864. Anarchists form A PARTY WITHOUT A CHIEF, without diectplinet without orders, without deader' 11331.9, comrosed in all countries a a number of little groups which 'silently maibe among themselves as do the cellin a wasp's nem,' each individuel atom, each looal organization being free to conduct the movements according to its own will, with- ent even aiding itself aa a preparatory ' ' 1 for future motet . Their racial/mai exeraille Y P common bond is in their common idees,their rens the anniversaries of their ' martyrs ' P * i an d which they celebrate at times from San Francisco to Alexandria. (their interns,- dorsal coaracter is much more marked than is h t ' f S' 1 list It 1 1 h t a o be a s. . a seen le to ow greatly their organfzetien differs frem dab 3 . of the Seciellet party w hioh seeks re ensemble in tradea' unions and syndicator. "5015 ANARCHIST SECT to unequally developed In different corm- trier, according to political and ec000mie oirciumstaecee and 'rational characteristics, ng e enn e an rape ne, t e Aline h B k in d K tki ' le pr no pa ea ere e anarc y, are uss.ae s, i t 11 d f h R ' it was only at the bcgaming under the tub:Immo of Noteeemetw an 'om,o aty of . n e,e ti s, o wove:rem Bakon in that th Mill 'i ' t took en anarchistic character. The lion h f th hi 1 o a area have macs e e anaro re o pr p g been France, Spain and Italy. In &Timm- her, 1870 Behounir e and his friends tele d ' ' • • a, sudden stroke at Lyons. The inturrem t on ef aro was a a me a same i M h 18th 1 i d t th time by the Marxists and the Anarchists. 4 The commune,' atmordiag to Krapotkise, ' marked a new -wits error was to organ- iza a repiesentativee government at the debut. Ito repreeentstives MAME nished 3, e yea y risme BM e eve a/ nee thyme! b - i d t 1 le the d old lane • but the neXt reveln- .5 " an g ' ' s : Men will be equally communalist. In 1879 • the troubles or Mentceau-les-Mines sided in a criminal trial at Lyenr, in which 66 per- sons were implicieted, and ulnae then -there 1 b 'Itcl t t inF ' have onby aen leo & e at emp a raecei "A draconjenne repreellon hare aereste the Anerchist movement in Austria Mach f 18 2 a ted b th ft el ' 1 ' Min 8 w a ne 7 (' a an "Ban' t nations. Wheever should spread Hort m eif : Mob'o newopeper WAD co BiDEMNED To 15 TEARS IN PRISM. , Peakerte the painter, wee obliged be take refuge in lemden, where the vloient quern's which broke eat among the leaders, augured heal for the harmony which should Pre. owe Yever the seeietY .01 the future. Al. though Switzerland and England have served fie pleats of refuge for Anerehiete, neither country has been mut& attacked With the cientsglen. The cold and precticel character of English proletarians attach themeelveo eepechelly to , economic reforms. Bat in the United : States these deetelnee adapt them:ulna very well with the nature of the American . workingman, eiegulatly ladle'. dualiet. tering little for state seelalism need fr, the kr welt to the one:Amen -et tree, imp, eied to wham the ,Gitoeereteeht gives every liberty,. even that of arming teem- oeleirs. Thee the unbridled propaganda of Germsn Anweehiste, exiled trolzi their coma- try, said of Herr Meet in particuler, • ended , teethe terrible affray et Chicago kr 1886, when is number were killed and Wounded, and when !moon et tho prinelpal Austell's* el • f en, • Wr ' -' - • ve o om were Gorton, were eees - . DaMITED To DE wAnotea. "In ' 11 ' t 1 ' ' . hi le * 3°W3 3 33 1334r.° 3111 whin rer sate the Moab ardent end meet matinee 14133 d i . . f . .,, . _ , . one o 601014 3 the wonting Moo, a in „ ihib in th jp liti o f th 8 '1 II t ea , y 0 0 0 0 0 oo ti, 0 party who pretend tent areterig theme compremile. ing individuals there are only inatigating indithinsis errimilmern . #4 In defetilt of numerous inilitent Anor,. obitto, me may attempt te describe their * ' okiireoter. an the Sorriallebio petty the ' , , ., , °bleb are only oupernumerariew, that la to say, the great .• mama, tbe battalione ef wore amen. ...ADM II ton. DST. 3A . A ‘Iii ar - ..,,,- ' th • i • ' 4 f.' a- ‘II Oster Oilllect or in elete litIon I t tit t, k Dr. VITged°170 etti:ii4e: the: IC1'1711: . of the oriretoel poptslAha orinainel tendenelee. f a1e fume proper:Oen t be found in °eery Other of proportion of the orimit morally Ihml 04404 held it own by heeweb raw eflife, ltitem if a Men, for entwees in the world ; or atother he ' doem. wot 1 to live heneetly by hie ow* he might wide to do euahhiolority inn: weeti:tm_, in a goeat eutneer of 3 COMMA ehb 41 him, It one before ? To be jut,' cm lawmen,. demands, flogs of ,a1 of revenge to ahandetred, entomenteub et the orderer addeelet od ortly ter the and the pmy rmidon The widely Pravalant n crime should be utriehe( . , P. r.equireg to be lesion and civilized. . . Juet am we study the muses. 1 of a disegse in a man b and remove it, so we rand and enutegriencee of orb if Vie want te• Ilea rl • .The ttai(er al 'ooni diseetreut come itentlea . q _ °Me of . ezillaz°, when left in ease of dhow und,r tb A madman, or a pert a &reverent clirieuee, is pre OWn Julio' Elie ee marl r El the j cemmuniby, from ferrety um he le roistered to kielkiti ler his own ' intereste interests of scraiety, ie prey freely shine notil le; his criminal proclivity ; axe •• mileaso in the mecimad, et te fix beforehand the date whenr to a normal cooditten will neaiterrnativre tones ill that of Inatome undefieed le to say, the sentenoe muot certain period. but for ti cora reforroation it effeeted be urged • too emphatt question ', of • the .gravil it tem what has to be dem foot than en offeme or Irre kind, which theeatens ttes ll e i f I, f ha - e ng o e e oectimuu ty, 1 t ; an e 3 ,011i EU 0 en ted d this k 'el, ffi it in aseuroing the right PerUelneter ' until there s any fear ef his repeating Hair-minded autherittio in eve universally atnee that 1 e o tin er le . th ft d ' the 4olution c Thu reformetion should eamnalesion of an aot whit in refueln. g to allow„the 1 move freely in pebito lin ;. 1 when the sobjest le breught i en of belie, nund and the a,r,ticupet:on tied : Teed the lih, o? an horrest, I ' d If - 6° t'realm'Avg) tee ee eaPi This is the wee and. cubit° hide bin/ ent soughts by tit° State In o pin of crime and in &atm al Ae soon ae the pram • • • q ialitiee welch soMety o another', the State hag aocon and duty, and its jureidnti The objecition has teen tab 'system, such so ia edvooe involve toe lenient a troth and miglit Oren prove to many to commit eis off n' parhake ef the (advantages effe Such an argto.enb is mere and has no real foundation. the criminal and vaiminal: 11 ere s no sews er p in r b i • • r 1 1 mental, or n oret ',levee tribe us doubt' that it e i b lic h t t can o ee up, e a : lawbreakers can he reduced, eyatematee and oreardz.d °rim' out of eeotety. • -.......emee - . . . But . roam or Powder, Dynamite or the Bagger, TEE BED i"."----Duvi Emzowaus. . ., . Deepiy in Debt an Pres- Two. bete Neu Olga Witb, Pe , . Net ilright,' , . Willing the Palk WORDS USED. --m, A BIG PICTURE SCHEME. ------ Aldral oactone or 1150,nnerelsiese-A "1411101014/1011 iterielr" of the' Ann- elastic aud heeisliatle Movelmente ler a wrench writer of fieteetueltaativiam and communism. , YjartNiople as ."es 21:1711fe°3117 ten" in the „memo • - • . e dee Delmts. (evening °dither) of a recent t. t„date. It le headed .., isilonophioal Re- ' ti It' • "P *view." and treats of Al i I, , anarchism and philan. 'Ptt 15 thro v " elderly a d A oreetwt Pe - •- II inbelligently. The writer, Mr. J. Bourdeau, is a dietinguished d t t t t b f h person an comp eo o res 0 sue an borportane subject. . 4" Alongside of the frocialiatho movement) common to all civilized wountriess, an anarchistio one is belem produced which has Imo force and might in it, but retro ef AMs point of departure ef' a wage ardor. e revolutionary anarchism is the flame an t of demeera o leo a sm. eve cps tha ti 1 11 11 d 1 with the tame pessimism the aufferinge of the working ohms, and for which it renders newel) society respotisible ; they are even in seeped in teele in the antagonlam of g work and of capital, of dividend and of , e ex , e , 0 , production and 1 i th f the crimes which are the result 1 it the e ' " causes of the impoverishment ef the memos, and wronged a abut all 'undo° to the advantageof th! smallest njumber. They „word au° hai affirming that present geolot "'" rennet be ameliorated on the basis If e i t t „d that it le neceasar e F.' en e PrePer Y$ t t d b .- to dentate, le radically an an stiletto or it a new order. But they completely differ be the method of the overthrow or u set- 1 13 Meg, and as to the organization of ntaire , ,,, em'etet • "-The socialistic and the anarchistic II d in hi movements re net an exprems, pun ng them to an abourd degree, TWO TENDENCIES eppeeed theoretically and practically to the modern statearepresessted,ene by the author - Unties scheel, the other by the liberal school. Soctaliern prebends to augment indefinitely the attributes of the state and to reduce viers and more the sphere of t1 f th Ina id 1 0 tes t ars on re e v us . n e con rary, anarchism claims) the tiidd e enre nepenence ga Dry f hb f 11 bli t o t e peraon, the a uncle o a all otganizetion, the abolition of al law, and pretende to regenerate the world by the . stomiem at the good &more ef each indw oldest. Seidel am is the critics of actual . eociety, anarohlem le otithio of tidedcialisdn, thet la to lay, she cum° ex me crime, one negetion of the negative. • ' g Marris fa collectivism, ssy tha Anaroldste, eveuld be slavery, the !admen/al galleys. Whey are frightened, cries out Ansrohist Malabo, with what a codified, regulated communism would be, where the paes`on temperature of eaoh o ri Ce and the Mize raid nob cennte and which lead to the constitn- tion of an oligarehte functionment and a despotism meee dangerous than a menarchl- oat despetiam,tecause it would benneeizable and impersonal, that of the law. „ Memo unhealthy bleu' of convent and of hareaoke, accordlog to Idrapotkine, ARE BORN OF BRAINS perverted by the commandments or do- formed by religious education. " But anarchietio theericians do not, like liberal school, stop to limit the state, to reduce it to two indimpensable functieme the defence of the extoller and the admin. istration of justice. They proclaim them- telees atheists of the state. No Ion", "-- densatio or temeerary nuthority, elected or net; earned ; no longer obedience to power- no longer reopect for Irmo, ner judges, nor ,employees. nor pollee, tontines, nor punish- manta. From Must tame en instead ef t eleg subjeet to the majority, 'individuate will group themselves legetber accierding to , their own will and their OW13 effirsiblee, u they now do in gymnantio or ether sociable', and tithe tem without need of State whip, and timers grompe weuld unite in federation& According to the paradox 11. of e roudbee, anarchy. le order ; acoordbm Ma Rano, it la the dissolution ef govern- meet into a natural organism, a contraat substitrite& for levereigany, an arbitration ie t - eht 1 1 k "hi la steed 0 3u a power, a Woz W z will organize 'Melt liberally. ., ... 1 )111 h f tench ir the politica p mop y o an• arobirm ; hut for individualist Anarchists I h ideal f ' th 8 PlellosoP Y ennewee an voZ37. or from thot toward which they must march without ever employing violent measures while propagating the spirit of association, , of os-eperatien, and favoring all airwave A reeestance to governmental interference • 2 whereat Mr otimmutist Anarohlets and ' tb hi id 1 is revelationaires in mane at t e ea be realized ?rem te-lay. MY IRON AND MY EIRE. . "In wliat does 'oommttnist aaarchism differ from cellectiviom ? Well, in this that be thecollectivitt system each one will re- 'seine a remuneration proportional to the hours ref work establiehed,:while he thecom- • monist system they will enjoy ln new, men the fruits of count= labor; eaoh will take from the heap that which is abundant, and will only be rationed for that whieh.le a lirelbed predticle and In fever of children end if:teased. And each porton will have hie aspirate kitchen: It •lis no longer the formula of oellectivism ; ' to each amending. to hie werks'; it is 'to **eh tem:reran to his 'secede or renttheimentri.' . "They will produce sufficient riches to creed* a unions' one. There .will be '00alolle 'InWatiotlen 1 nevertheleaes no 0110 will be obliged to work, in virtue ef the firsti Anarchist -PrthoildoeMd Do What You with and jest as yen like. Ho* Is this miracle to be operated ? Xrapetkine re- epande OM lb will be by moral anarchism, which will Tender risen intelligent,. frees. ' - just and good. Mose Crimes committed are orderer properblev. •Suppreet the cause. and tbeeffeet will dlisappear. . . "Anarchy will nob only be organizer but leteraihree of Os nature. It will giver full plain° the meemnee en memoir, soprnaT ', which foe fiend: even areong: rusitneie, and *blot' Brapetkine opposes to the 'reneged . ..e f it 103 4 , f t) • 1 d zor sue e o ets en • e arw n, an la f 1 .. pieces at the has e Ours *Motet n ' y. Ye find it bard to conciliate hhis vitro] .with a 4. : sins/Alen • bat Kew*, •yuitificatien ef 'awes _ , kin* is nit embartaiiied for so little. He . , 'poise tun prinolpie : ' Do Unto others that woe, • . ., ,,, have . , „, ee A, „„,„..„.„ Winv" 7°° w°.°' f''"*" "' """' ;"'"' vinar,, we KILLOrtnassOna, if we Anarobiete opproos the peOpho, :tee eat 00h. *ebb to 6. jolif,d,0 1- At thenntipodeeof litepoilliereo moral there le' another 'Anoroblit moral that of . . , '13timser, *blob oetripleteli the MOMS, 'Neither' fEltdi Mir waiter' by this one, _..., , ,,., . ._. , . _ i I, a Li , . 1 Zad•AM 44 1.117.• 17771P 7.1177- di, ... 3333, A Trusteee toltielielthem- are_whet. tem exefreee. $315,000 ; Mortgage. ili is mid Dr. Tel-• ----me. weirs memo, ox a 1,4ata saurairos welt" , . ea Th ellven-a. limetem Mbout Whit ere seen ve jaunt, win new mre 5- Appear ilia the 1Poltee enure Teensy. • Wor some time abent a year ago many•rob citizen* were CADVADIeti by agents tatty' ordera for enlaegieg pbotogrepte whiols they got frem the oweerm and, it is alleged, failed to return or enlarge. ShI00 a moth ego many of these who ohrim they were time defrauded out of their deposit arid pieturee reoeived peat cards otaademnbat their pectures could be Neared by calling at311 Queen etreet teen 0 Me. Chartee Moamar, 137 Toonineeth street, answered the mod in pigeon Mr the purpote of rdeuurbeg a platters whir% hie wife Mad ordered enlarged, He wan met at the dem by a woman, who laser besn knoten by the name el Affholder, and, It is said, also that of Reynold*. She odd that; the photos; were in the United &stem best that Aft. holder could get them for 25 canto. Mr. Creamer °Mooted to payleg any more, so a search warrent was got out and executed by Deteetive Duncan, wise found not enly the platute the complainant wanted, but else about 2;000 ethers, which•P he took poesermion -of. Affholder stated that all he wanted was About 25 or 50 ciente for each, and he would be perfectly satisfied. It also 'memo that Commis wen one of the agents who went around eollcitIng Indere, and Affhelder claims to Immo bought all else photegrephe irem him for $20, Merl owing $ 3 en the "°°u/213' They were 'ea"veted in bhe first, it is veld, •fer the "Canadian Tea and Portraib Company," which concern in many cases, lb is alleged, received demerits with the plebures en the order for enlarge - anent. The poet cards that have been *ent out telling people to cell ab N. 311 QtleelM street east for the pictures' were all eigned "The Art .Alliance Company.' In one (smelt was found necesuary to aend a emend post card, when "The Art Alla anae Company "stated that they had net the pictures in their poreevalen yet, but had a list of those froze whom they were got and wanted to -know hew many would "go in for them." When Detective Duncan went to the h h b b th R Id Irl 12 erne e was me y e seen° a g w o id y a boner n the ouse, saehe was only di h bit• b f 11 • I th ffi t e ore a ow mg e e aer o eo up stain ehe demanded to ass the search war- ran , t. She said aho wee not Affholder'a wife but said that ehe wee his " itstended." Air- holder ratd that he would net charge any- thing for the return of ...the photo. to. them people whe would give BUBO an enter tor an lar omelet. en g The tees men will appear in Temente ° en na P It C rt bo -day. •" l• At 7., mage adheree to his d e b e r in utters be step down end out el the Brook- I v n Teberameole. The 'bruttees, who heve appealed for artheorionoris to lift the $200,000 burden of ciebb from the Ifebernaole, .a r melting little prc.. gems. This they ettribute to the hard times. ex -Treasurer of the replied. warmly yester- that $140,000 had been in oenneetion with Taberns.ole and the ' This statement simply orazy," When in Clinton aveune there wits not mare and the lobs 003t and other matitreete to upward of $315,000. was nominally the $35 000 in hand Thoagh Mr. Sage's Mr. Wood said, received from him being retained WU filed against the gene to pay the in- seleated, he mid, by and himself arid the report. was in difficulties he had pay for the week. Dr. to hie aseiseanoe. and Louie Klopeoh, which were taken at the dedion- DIDN'T l'AY. donated $12,000 added Mr. Wood. colleated from the the Beard of Elders In midi:Ion to the gave about ,000. were small. eitheoribed on the day only half ei lib wen , James W. Dirket% ef the Beate:1 ef True- judgment egainat the plumbing and heating to have bhe judg- was claimed then their to proteab the But Mr. Birkett in fall, wialla ether te take 25 ante on me yesterday that name evening next matter ef raising the to pay elf the debt got and the money by friends," staid $40 GOO of the amount pwwieed cendithmi ef Dr. Talmage's mild not collect forty money if the doctor I cannot see how the tegether tiniest the The annual go v rent- nexb month, and we cannot ex- The pew rentals new a year The in- should he $25 000 a one of the Maritsa" hut it haa nols will ;day in the Board seat of me" MISCREANTS. :statement that had' $140 000 had been un- with the erec- and the .purchage Of net bun, se far as he District Attorney who ham the legal in charge; and who the Beard of Trustees the preeent edifice that the defaciug tablet of that ohtirtsh piece of bersi- wherever they mey as *well remove from Dr. Talmage had Led. n of the premien!) of the church. All have been made parte. The aseertion unaccounted for le i. En I F ri • - Wood, the of Crrusteee, to the &Insertion for erection ef the of land. he said, " lets were purchated the present church $35,000 available, The moon the COBB up Russell Sage $125,000 wbich with to $160.000. was for $125,000, had actually only $112,000; t a difference the first lien and that had The Atte was Dueling, Mead approved the the church money to Tucker came did Dr. Talmage gave their notes with the money received services!. PROMISED, BUT ef the trustees never peld ite" was only $4,000 truebeee and from nothing. a dozen persons rest ef the seheoriptions was $22 000 dedication aid in my time. read one day that present treeturor had obtained a fer $600 for church. 1 wanted set anide. It sactited the jrnigment against outsiders care to pay himself. wore satisfied S." Meetly told trnentes would meet te consider the that lc needed Tehermaele. whet I have haa been pronaised Moody, " I have Bet le is an - the vvithdrawal We cents of the go away. can be held debt is paid. will take place early present; °immanence to do very well. •bo abent $12,000 from that source Mr. Pitblade, 'resat in hie resignation received, and he as any of the TEM WORK OF Moody raid the circulated that for he cennection of the Tabernacle land therefor wan -United States M. Stafford, of John Wood a membee ef Taber/mote when built, said yesterday name from the a " mesa), contemptible These miecreants, he added, "relight walls the ;stenos' which frens the Hely haye no knowledge of the finances statements that Wo%d are ex $140,000 had bean lie." ELISECTEIC VAIBRIAGE. ' — It Wm iTravel de Mlles Mille a Menem Charging. A new electrically -propelled (carriage le being intro luced by M. Paul Poueicain, of Armentieres, Franco. The carriage will carry six pattern. The electrietd energy la • supplied by a battery of 54 Dojardin Boom mulators. The moiler is of the Reohimewskil type, with an output of 2,000 watts, It 13 fixed in the centre of the vehicle and trana- , . " mita ite power by cnem gearing to the vire wbeel .Accordin to the inventor dr!. ___0 . g , the total weight of the earring° and rout - t 1 about on arid one third t„, -POne'the 133en 3 . - t' . - - ''''''''' oharge o tne accemulators is eufficlout ,for a journey Oa p ' 44 rotten at a a Gad of ten miles per hour. , Immune OF Tin WORLD. — The Ji ctual Growth of Riches is Almost Too Enormous to compute. F03, neeijie, even &ming poonted poll- ele;ieee have much idea ef the weeith of the world or of the manner in wideh that wealth is growing. Still fewer heva any noren ef 10e potentieday of weasith to in- • creme. M. Jannet qnotee the eimberate cal, cuedon ef an irgeeions anther to ehew ' that 100 francs, accumulally at 5 per cent. compound !Merest for several clintaries, would he suffielent to bay tha whole Isueface Otte glebe, eoth lend and water, et the rate of 1,000,000 haves (£40,000) the hen- tare The mitred growth of riches hae net 6 * . - ' hi harts assumed tuah incionvenierd proper- bites, frays the Edinburgh Review. .. M. Jannet cites various authoribles to otiose that the wealbh of the Uctited King- dem exceeds £10 000,000600; that of Prawe, £8,000 OtO 000; that; of all Europe, 000 000 000 • thet or the Ileited Broome, 140. • 7 . 14,0. 0,0b0,000. If we place the n ealth fel the ten ef um world at £26,000.090. (100, we . shall arrive at an aggreeine oi £80,010,000,- 000. We should hew!, we may add, te Multitly this vett sum 30,000 thees before we retched the total to whiter, atmordieg te Jetratat's loges:done authority, 1C0 hence tootimulating at 5 per eerie compound intereet for 700 years wettld grow. r ' • • Tte figures we have given axe se vest • that they convey no apprecieble idea to the ordinary reader. It may moist the appre- ' !hirnaien li it be added that Fromm. • on the _wow. than £200 the :"'''.6'. . punnet more , • United Kingdom mere than £250, tor eaoh i merntenic el the peeuletien. Just 200 yeare :age .'"'''' W. PebtY. enblieseted tee entire wealth of England at only £250,000,000. Two 'sentineled, therefore, home inerenned it 40 fold. Bat the chief additions to . it have been made in the lead 50 yeare, and ve he- lieve that we are not far wromg its raying a o o manna y a e o • e that the sem hi h i 11 Ad d t th ee e ee e • eme e written ewneooto mopunto to zzoo,000,000, or, In other werdn ii nearly equel mite. on- tire wealth at the time of the revolution of lege ''''''"' Get 'Esn on the Mr. . It seems a paradox to oay that the Wernian with a sealekin sateen iv to be pitied this season. She hem been envied herebeforee But the waman with a sealskin secgle is in a bad way. She hen been run up spinet ' tten s10eve. , the balloon and leg te man ea e. She has been otonfronted with the alwanative of • no shoulders or no sealildus vaccine, for that sacque has never yet been made that will comfortably cover four bee of ehouldere and eix Mabee additionel frill and have the latter intern. In the entirety vintner of • fashiert it haa netsaity been only necessaryM. for the woman 'with a mistakes sweetie to get her treasure mat of camphor upon the approach of cold -weather and take a promenade done, Breetheay. She yrza, conindered alwaya ready for winter. The eesemin suttee owe awrate h, the etyw and covered a multiteele el .defielencien Tile wemen with the meatball' sacque was always sure of beteg helped aerate Breed- way by the police, W33 always arekecl out to supper after the play, always gob a seeds In the. cars, and xecalved the general geed attention of the world at large. She was the envied of her max. All thie is nowto °hanged. I have long suopected their the woman with the ecalekin aacque was flying too high. Her lens f•avered slaters cessids.'is stand it forever. The unearpooted drisegkst of the amelokin omission reepeired prompt moaeuree on the part of the latter. And they took them. Whey began a campaign of education lasb ehmtner. Theyeneeked in on the enemy with the dreadful . belle= eileeve. The balloon sleeve sant the meal- akin moque up higher% a kite. It ie true Rome oboefints women . will try to combine the two, but it comma horde Steam of theta take outthe old infernal sleeve of the seal and put In a bellent el the silk warm, , an d feel meditated that they . have beaten the game. Others reckinaly crust the imitated shoulders and green in ripirit. • Others sbill, with an *fleeted contempt) for any fashion which .olesbee viith the rights ad the eealskin micelle, stick to the old sibyls+ of common, everyday shoulders, and lob 'et go at that. But the anti-reeliklei con• tingent is in the aseendeney, and the , sealskin noire art an arbiele •of feminine epperel meet go. lb will seen be found onto at the jewelry stone and eser reopected uncle% • EDUCATION OF 'WOMB — °ve'rmudi the R,in of a large Theater Mitchell delthetately fer all the best purpotes it would he Isetttr 'abet were not eduee.ted et all 17 than thee they were oven are at preterit. They stue house a day, when two er t ouffident to keep Mist ir lute -and all ler what? after years en a, wife ei • and to be a burden, .1 to these wk, o are deeded; is a tremendous laying, with authority, these turhapplaen la muted i movements aosen • women ao g • amorm men. Yet sr Mitthelle verdict, emu! in "Met/meets Mega that every girl eught to le to her nervoan temperament i go to echeol, and at Mequon ; . that leibere, ex meale eughb to be ingi dthat t d ts t b 3 IN lee Cadge 0 0 CC or dieoentinued alto the well.knewn sign of If gide are maintaiised condition, until they as study ahneet as tbey please imperilleg their wornaran there be no mieteke eheut it. 1111/13131Zal worry from 8 or 9 • . • end wretohednese from 17 Never a Petrified Indy. A eolention.deolares thee there never wee, g a rdied and never can be, „oh a thing a ap , t animal body. Petrifaetion. is nab es trans- formation of the erignal animal intro rebate. It be merely ehe dieplecemeat by mineral enhatannee Of nerteln organic tlieezzo0 40 they delay. Bat lb fe only the beings whilst; are thin affected, never the &err. , "Meas o 1 the bodies," henye, "reported en found pemified are -.examples' of a phenomenon long familiar. Whey have been bransfoensed nob foto tstoice, but irate a eubmseice flailed iadipacerie' or. ' wave wax.' This fa a true e°*Po l°11° v44°12 the °°rPle °-0 * h -----13 be g will ordinarily be weetamorphersed it haled in a graveyard or other plane where water hes reseeme to it This 1 edipsreere le e it e etangeg. It one ef the meet n neing f tetb • b" o d a t es d h ti not on Je°t to de - ,ay, sod h beel w leh has ;Mourned this oweetitution Tael preServe he ferm for many ogee, and even for coreten Mos. Idty, for 'agate piece eviderem en tbe Paint) hal' "In ebtal"d f44314 the "k'himugal4 - a molln is that Income ettinoti millieSse of years tree, of large oleo, and butt after •tho pattern of the'ebenthered timeline, but with a *traigh6 °bell." THE C"tiltivanem srearieg novelbiee $ espechaly are made oak outside is that eerd utilized of bhe is made upon ateaerephexio which thei of the titillY efloaleina he heated in of ISATIITEll ram& ree the vae �f nirr Travellers. 13 ,bstlitaabe are made far treAvelling purpose& of the born Cloned iroo with awl white bride. The they oan be closed up with IAB1 O bunk te hold the owner. A self-herseing gas the following principle: gas burner 14 employed beat it condmited arisend ,beeth by fines, after doing by a main flee. A bath thicewa'y in 45 -minute's at 3 cretess.-terfardmare. . . • . . Speak but little and well if ye el man of merit. -,Trenc • , Every generatien of man to a which stueseeds ite-Md/cedstoi Ten per cent. of the it:hailer and Webs* are in Leede lite a goo name d ill d Geo W , . • aotions, and lost by one.-. ' A SURGEON'S TA given you a feeling of 1 ;dread. There is no longer n' ,. its use in many diseases fc garded air incurable, wittout Tho Triumph of Consoryatt la well,tilustrated by the fac RUPTURE or 'Breacit is , catto cure I knife and without pain: Ch lug trusses can bo threw) ahewer cure but often indt mitten; strangulation and d Q Ovarian. Viler°. . TUMORD and Many ()the removed without,the peri ting operations, im,.-. r PILE TUMORS, ist , . 'other ' disetisei of , the tower permanently outed trithot resort tsthe knife, STONE in'' the in/adder, , how *large, le an Verized, wombed out *Cid m moved without cutting. STRICTURE nf ""narY also reinov eating in hundred.* of c PataPhieti , reference* and i lava, Bend 10 emits Aln a World's Dimming& Matilda tion, 043 Main 85., matelot N r Whe Keine as A Designer. . Mettler Memo nets contertii with do- a hunting costurns for his wife, but now . originated 3 Medioeval get up owrt 'orear. It te Made of hinieh gray nhevinb' nv" uibink le hong a of quite original 'ilispb. The hat and gray, &dented with s drooping While onermoria laseeptered boots I • litaad hunting belt complete 'the .•. . To nindi galidt Herr blech, of "Vienna, the celebrated litigate% whale betewledgo of Foralreau lauguagoi le nob Reopenei. by that of any em rieW•livIng" in" gene to Iveland to le*t° Irish. At pretreat he ie regiding in Dablin, e and le taking lesson' heart the Professes 41. Irish. at Trinity Celleffee ' • An Active Mind. tam m h on , other- y boy all 1 very adtire 0444 "al f" thlak ? . ' , Teacher -Assuredly. Iwith you could hetar.the deer little fellow talk when he get' is - ' hi a ' . wing t at !swot ilg, att tries to Mike zee believe that he dida't do it. ' . . Nitas Lesaroadive can . , The, Oust cab applied to I kainatittiVe in New Eriglend woo pist ces ir ho Tamara he. labgfp in 01 BostonW Mom, IC - mr e w• open eletedsf center poste, with rennin atreteleid between them. ' .1thisevaillog. Merchant -Yea, oh.; I Want a neW ; hut you won't do, -May / ook Why/ aro bald as 0 billiard'jut "fr. A. mai with no heir: te wipe hie on will roes' onb a 'whole box every ...* A bliried kettle, rsontoinirm leveed bin- dred &liar* in gold, sliver and copper coin, hail been dberevered neer ,iareton, Vit. The kettle, wee inee feet under- the ground, with a lorge Mt' etote owm. it. The coin" are Artwricari, Mexioan, Boil:visa oka ot abhor itt I. A . i J...1 ' ant. ..3.331333 tten3...• 3e_ ExetiVatieria in Poltatine gen:eats* that the hot4it Want furnim„ sneaked m tbe invention ref Nolan In 18F28, was need f,400 rani A a. , . . , he ' - tin el e. T, halm. eon.„, ....0 is P%. rogra**7 NI ANL if/fa/AMA el On 30.338.3„. 1••••••446.6*.................. hi: fte : first (+VIM offer aid to 0 "ego a r . W lin in it* lady Oill nere 3 3 a 131 A Id Us tbs ly 32 per have la. rola their o certainly 113tF/• al Wave le 7 unfitted no in the a thus un- • if for one entree the exertion", 40 ; melee a right to 3 0011210 tem ea only he has not naciontiens 1 that the and that l law be protection of further Won that , not the ed, to be nd mom - order to randy the inality in I and re- gion and is no lesS to itself, e same ob. on afflicted vented, for nterestur ef ving about ; BO the as well as anted from is cured as in the impossible he restore - e effeoted.. o be lefb ex* in extent ; not be tor in purpose . Ib • that y of the n with, bat ettlarity of toddy and been °ow tly jeutify to restrain nem ne a criminal ry country efermetion the prob. begin at 11 warrants erpetrater nd should to ouch a oul au to e will in laweshid- ening oil& meaning of ire end be with the with the Ir polls:este!' aims frem &shed its twat an ed that a tad above, enlr of the 33 !men - 1n order ded there - y varieta- l* fad, Ly iholined meant than ten. There. - i0 criminal e number and that " can be Number.. maintaini. of forcible American until they wrought as y maven or- hree went& Winsome in Te spend In a sick- nstead of a to them.. from one as muoh o America by c ram - ch la Dr. Edward We." He o cianobsed when about b intervals roles and steel upon; repulsorily goober, the overstrain in normal e 17, they afterwards, life. • But Overwork to 17 mean till early would he- ft alsorer for e, house's of is get by deep., eeeeeeiggace', RIFE orror and- oessity for rmerly re. cutting. 0 Sllq0IT t that now real. ithout the, may, chat - rayl They ee inflame eath. d (Uterine), re, are now - 11 of cute. er large,. ula liner bowel, bre- it pain or', ad matter' abed, pal- tfeotly 113. Passage 10 ed iellebout eaea. Wier 11 portiere - tames) tre 1.42041p • ai•