HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-8, Page 1VOL. VI The Molsons Ban EXETER, ONTARIO. TH-URSDA ha to d P H 4 b et e ( a Paid. up Capital $2,000,000 Rest Fund.. , ...... 1,200,000 Head oftiee Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, . Es . GENERAL MA•NACIER I Money advanced t.. eyed Farmer's on their own notes wale oneor more endorsers at 7 per bent per annum. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day from [O a. m•to 3 p. m.; Saturdays XO a, m. to 1 p, m Agenera1bankingbusiness transacted CURRENT RACES allowedfor mon- ey on Deposit Reoeipts. Savings Bank at 8 per cent. DYER HRD0 N. Di ER U N Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager THE brei a �X•V�y te�r i Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. — B.v the -- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SiaBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance, 341.50ifnotso paid, ellaterexteedeag Rates ten. .a.ppllca- tiose No paper discontinued. nn til all arra ara ge cc are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly.. Liberal disoountmade for transoient advertisemee is inserted for, long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turnedout in the finest style, and at moderato rates,Cheques,eaoneyord- ers. &o. for advertising, siebscriptiona,ate. to be made payable to Sanders & Dyer ?ROPRIETCRS Cluerch Directory. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CKURCH.--Rev. F. IL Fatt, Rooter, Sunday Services; le a. el it and 7 perm Sabbath Soh.00l, 3 p.m. Holy 11 Communion, 1st Sunday of each month at Morning Service, and in months of five Sun - clays after Evening Service of 4th Sunday of the month, Holy Baptism. on 2nd Sunday of each month at morning service. METHon18T 0RUR CU --Jam es-st , Rev. J. G. JACKSON Pastor.SundayServiaes,10.30 a . m, and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.80 p. m. MAIN STREET Rev. W' McDonagh, Pasta or, Sunday Services, 10.30 a.m. and 6.80 p.m Sabbath School 2.30 p.m.. PRESBYTERIAN' OIIURCU.—iiev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p. m, Sabbath School, 9.45 a. to Profesrlional Cards. .,,. HTINSh1AN,L.D.S,-Fanson's Block ,ewe two doors north of Carling Store i°°` MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at•Leman every Wed- nesday Hen sea let Fridaq; Blyth, first Mon- day Ina aurioh on last `T'h'ursday of each months Cl H. INGRAM, DENTIST,. Member Royal. ons successor to • College Dental Surge , H. D. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. ine Gold Fillines as reeuired. Medical Drs. J. A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. aesidenees, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,: building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' offi.oe• same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door. May 1st. 1693 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, M. D DR.T. P. MCLAIIGRLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aocoueh- enr, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- • OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Officio—Over O Neil s Bank, Exeter, Ontario, )Money to Loan. LH.DICHSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public Con- - veyaneer, Commissioner, &c..)(Money to loan Office—Fanson's Block 'Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTE ,SOLIO itors, Conveyancers. &c. B. V. ELLIOT. FREDERION ELLIOT. Auctioneers T BROWN Winchelsea. Licensed Anat- AA• ion ear for the Counties of Perth, and Middlesex, also for the township oftlsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbale.Sales arranged at Post Office. Win- ohelaea, EBOSSENBERRY, Hensen Ontario. Lie - eased Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Chargee moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. 11 RED. W.'ARNOOMB, Provincial Land' • Surveyor vey r and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. pRNEST ELLIOT. L' ASiEN"1' Poli The Western Fire Assurance Company, of Toronto The Phconix Eire Insurance Oo'y., of London, England The Alliance Fire Assuranee. Co'y., of London, England Officer—Main-street, Exeter, Ont. irr:,EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) c eat per bushel...:.. $0.56 to 0,58 Barley . ......... .. . .. 85 to 37 Oats ... 27 to 28 Peas ,...... . 50 to 51 Butter.......18 to 20 Lard .: .. 13 to 14 Tallow........ 5 to 6 Eggs .. .. .. 16 Dhleken per lb .. , ..........5 to 6 Geese - , ...... , ... 7 Turkeys....—. ........•,.. 10 Ducks, per i'li. , .. 8 Pork... ..• • ,•4,••, 5.90 to 6,00 Potatoes per bud ..., ., .... 85 to 40 Hay per ton ... 4. 6.00 to 750 ,1?lsoei Hewett fbo Cafarrh Is the Best Easiest to Vele, and Cheapest., CA. TAX. R R 1-'1 uySold by drugglste or sent by mall, :,•.r, ru.w nnraa,y Stephen By-law, A by law for cleaning ou and improv. ing and, ex tending the.j79rain orwat ercourse usually kno n as Mud- r Cel drain s . Mud - Creek anent eTow 1 d h h of Step p hen, and for borrowing) n the credit of thetnunicipality the S 1n1 of $1754,- 58 foi completing• this•a'ne. Provisionally adopted t 19th day of January, 1894. Whereas upon petition of ianft,7 orit of the ratepayersinterested the oo troi1 0! S±ollhen did appoint one Thomas We theral an En- gineer ooratetent for sue ork to eaa i the locality h x m nee la alit. t* of xo 0 sed dr p gill 13.10 melte is report,. %: ph And wh rens in a000rdan a 'Kith his re - 0 the rt i ,unci d' P l id on he e t a f �dd o Ootobsr 1881 n Y fi all pass a by-law p 1 w for thepurpose of y o'n i on 't x t' g h bete work going on and to rinse the necessary money theref;or, but such elxort and such by-1i}w del not make provision, for the maxntainauce of said worlg when completed. Andes whereas George Lawson, a person ' in- terested therein and who is injuriously affec- ed in oonsocamece of the improper state of repair of said dxaiu,did by and through the authority of the -provisions of Section 58.8 sub. sec. 2 and 3 and sec 585 sub. sco; 2 notify the council of thh township of Stephen in writing that his linds were injuriously af- fected in consequence of want' of repair and proper outlet. And whereas thereupon the said council procured an examirtatron be made by P, W. Farnoombebeing rat person competent. for such pnepoee, of the. Baia locality pre posed more effectually to fa drained by cleaning out, removing, obstructions, deepening and widening and if necessary getting a more suitable outlet,. and 'lias.also procured plena and estimate of, the *4rlt to be made by the said W. Farnoombe anis the assessment to be made by him of the real property to be benefitted by such 'vitiating, deepening, rem eying obstruction end a better outlet. Stating as nearly, as he San the proportion of benefit which in his opuinion will be deriv- ed in consequence of sue Lideepenin' widei- ing, removing obstructions and a better oat - let by evorgroadand lot dr portion of rot, the said assessxlientsomatobeingthe asse:ls- menthereinafter by this be -law exacted to be ass ssed and levied upon the lots anti parts of lats hereinafter in that behalf spec- ially setforth and described and the. report ,of the same F. W. Farncom,be in resect thereof and of the said deepening, widening removingobstructions and batter outlet being as follows, LONDON, ONT., Au .17th, 1898.: To the Reeve and Council. of the Township of Stephen in session assembled.. GENTLEMEN:—In aoeordanae with laetrile - tions received from. your honorable body^ I have made an examination of the ditch or drain commonly known as the "Mud Creek Drain" commencing at the line betwee± lots 11 and 12 in the 10th concession in the Township of Stephen and extending north- erly across lots 11 to 15 both inclusive in the loth' Con, of the Township of Stephen and from lot 11 South to lot 5 in eon lo both in elusive and from lot 5 con, to South throught. lots 4coxi.3both. inclnsivecon.11lot 20 S B' Stephen and across lot 20 in the N Bdry.' oou. of the Township. of McGillivray and across lots 3, 4 and 5 in con.11. In making an examination T find that the drain above described is for the re ost part in a very bad condition having filled in consid- erably since. originally constructed and be- ing altogether too small in capacity to con- vey the water from thelands above described and thatflowing upon them from the higher lands above; much to the damage of adjoin- ing lands and roads: 1also find "that iu order to obtn,n a proper outlet in the Township of MoGileivray it will also be necessary to deepen, widen and strengthen the creek from the present outlet across lots 3, 4, and 5 in the 15th concession of the said Township ane thatthe adjoining lands would be more or less improved. I have Made the necessary ,survey of the above work and have sta ked it out and have taken levels, commencing at the line be- tween lots 11 and 12 in the 10th concession as shown on plan, hereto attached, placing stakes along edge of drain two chains . or eight rods apart and taking levels at same and in bottom of ditch, where no change in course is necessary throughout. The stakes are numbered o, 2, 4, 6, etc.. and the levels are taken on the ground beside the same. In the assessment I have endeavoured to distinguish between the higher and outlying lands and the adjacent and lower lands which will evidentlylreoeive the greater ben- efit. ^ The dotted blue lines on plan attached show approximately the outline of low or swamplands using the drain for outlet, In the accomDenying Profile the out in feet and decimals of a foot are shown at each sta- tion of 8 rods al4o the. depth of earth to'be taken from the bottom of the ditch which will also require to be widened somewhat. Where the drain passes through timbered lands the trees to be felled and alliogs and. brushwood to be removed so far from the edge of the ditch that none may be covered es the earth exoavated. The earth'to be thrown out 8 feet clear of the edges of the ditch and so equally as possible on both sides of same. and spread 5o a depth not exceeding i foot unless. otherwise ordered byy. the En- gineer or Insppeotorin charge of the work. Whenever the drain leaves the old channel of Creek at. any crooked place for the ,pur- pose of straightening the same and inn nrov- ing the flow of water, the earth excavated to be cast upon the side on which the. old chan- nel lips and whenever practicable the Con- tractor should dump. the earth into the same Proper openings to be made in spoil bank at all low runs and at sulfioeat intervals throughout. I °etimate the cost of the above proposed work as follows: Excavating 14266 cub, yds. at 13o. $1854.58 Add' for survey and assistance, Plans and profiles, estimate, preparing and publishing by-law, letting and super- intending, ex eases of Court of Re- vision and of er expenses incidental tot e h com of a, 1 on of work. 1 000 the o k p $ Total 197458• Its ofAssessment a ainst lands 1n the Townehipo#'Stephen to bo benefitted and using bbs'draxnas an outlet. Con, Lot or pt. lot No acres 'Value of Imar` 9th N 1415 50 $5 05 S %%1 % 15 7 00 ii N x/x 14 (Rb0 8 90 S ee 14 50 100 , 80 OC 22 8 8 00 00 18 5027 00 8 00 4, 13 ,4 Nt, p12 " Cent. pppt.12 Sle 1i5. 2 Sket11 75 18"..100 0 1 SU) 1 4 18 1(I0 50 Sye12 50 x « 17air fa, :111 25 " W )4 10 25 " W1 F%10 20 " Cent phE3410 10 -'OeEn�tpE10aoP 80 44 P 9 100 It It a 7 10 W'/6 30 E ei 6 50 W 14.5 50 E',i b 50 Wei 4 . 50 S 34 4 50 44 5x43 50 lith 4 1010 S. Bdr , 20 100 y ' 55 00 Total assessment on lands in Stei,hau $1640 00 Total assessment on Roads in. Stephen $11458 Total assessment on lauds and roads in the Township of Stephen174658 Schedule of assessment against lands and Roads in the Township of McGillivray: Don. lot or pt. lot No acres. Value of Inipr. NBoundary 20 100 $4000 " 19 100 40 00 .11 3 100 4000 4 4 100 40 00 " 5 100 10 00 Total amoun t against lands in the Township of McGillivray Total assessm en t against roads in McGillivray' Total assessm ants against lands axut roads in McGillivray Tp. $220 00 —Recapi tula tion --- Assessment on lands in Stephen $1640 00 Assessment on Roads (including x/ town line) Assessment on lands in McGillivray Assessment on Roads in MoGilllyray (54 town line) 50 00 44 ki 44 19th " 11, 14 14 15000 6 00 00 30 00 000 40 00 11500 10 00 15 00 6500 6000 25 00 15 00 150 0 15500 80 00 85 00 70 00 00 00 00 95 00 20 00, 1000 9500. $ 70 00 $50 00 114 58 170 00 Total, 431071 The work when tally made and oompleted shall be maintained and kept in repair by the municipality of Stephen from its head to the Town line between Stephen and McGilli- rayethe remaining portion to bemai,aained liy the .Iilunieepality of McGillivray at the joint expense of the lands and roads of the ,Township of McGillivray and Stephen 1 eying for construction and in the same :emotive Inca portion. i Ali of wbioh is respectfully submitted. I have the honor to be Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, 3t. W. Barncombe, ( O.L' S., C, E. And whereas the said. council are of the o inion thatthe said deepening, widening r moving obstructions and better outletare d sirable. e it therefore enacted by the said mnnief- p 1 council ofthe said Teo wnship of Stephen p irsuant to tho provisions of the municipal At. lab Tliat the said report, plan and estimates beado ptod and the saiddeepening, widening removing obstructions and better outletland the worsts connected therewith be made and constructed in accordance therewith, end That the Reeve of the said Township may borrow on the oredit oftlieCorporation of the said. Township of Stephen the sum of $1974,58 less the amount payable by McGilliv- raybeingahefunds necessary for the work andmay issue debentures of the eorpporation to thatamount in sums of not lesstban $100 and. payable within 10 years from the date, thereof with interest ah the rate of 5 per cont per annum flat is to say In 10 equal an nue) consecutive instalments, the first of which shall be this and payable one year from the date on which this by-law shall haveboen finally passed,and all such debent- ures shall be payable at the Molsons Bank at Exeter, And the interest thereon shall be included with the principal payable with each debenture, 9 That for the purpose of paying:the sum of $1.610; being the amount charged" against the said lands so to be ben efitted as aforesaid other than roads belonging to the Munici- pality, and to cover interest thereon for ten years at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, the following special rates over and above all other rates shall' bo assessed and levied (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied) upon the undermention- ed lois and; parts of lots; and tbeamount of the said special rates and interest assessed as aforesaid against each lot or part of lot respectively shall be divided into 10 equal parts. and one such Bart shall be assessed and levied as aforesaid in each year for 10 pears after the final passing of this by- law during which the said debentures have to run. The years the Debentures will be payable are 1895,1896,1897,1898, 1809, 1900 1901 1902, 1908 and 1904. Schedule of assessment in the Township of Stephen to be benefitted andusing the drain as an o atlet. O La O ,,3 O • ta° al tel re t/ H ee wr y e-Ok3 la -0 d r -0-3„ H tag w r.f.° m tam - 9 9 NIA 15 " �. 54 14 Syz14 u ea 4i Nee 12 " Centre 12 4t Spt12 14 NM,11 " S?41i 41 10 " 9 10 14 N582 S%12 4 4, 11. 4t 14 " 0 50 100 22 50 is 25 75 loo ino 100 loo 50 5o Ex/et1 5o Wu11 E Se W x% 11 e5 u 10 1ii''/sW34to 75 ii W pt,E'''/a td 20 Centre E pt E ye 10 10 " Centre pt E /6 stelae 30 E pt. E of Se acres 80. 9 100 8 loo " N34 7 5o Wy 7 i lf'0 , WY6 E 145 N y4 4 S yeaII 4 " t4 '4 B 2o 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 007 8 00 12 0 8000 2$8 0 7 00 800 2500, i5oo 600 5 oo 8o 00 $0.00 40:00 116 oo 1000 6o 00 15 00 65 00 50 o0 25 00, boo 16000. 166 0 0 80.00 85 00 90 00 70 00 6o 00 95oo Go 5o 2000 l000 6 00 3o bo 4500 56 00 tai agsesseriestt on lands in Stephen lo4o 00 " onroads " 11458 i„ t Stephen innelud hand ! sr4lBads 1 502 12' 8 60 2400 7 5o 010 2:4o 7 b 450 1 bo 1 5o goo 9 00 12 00 31 6a 3 oo 18 oo 450' 19 5o 15oo 7 5o 4 5o 4800: 46 6o 24 oo 25 6b 27 oo. 18 o0 28.96 1800 6 bo 8 oo' 1 90 9 00 13th 16 6o 650 912 10 40 15 60 89 00 10 4.0 . 8to 9 10 4o 326o 19 So 650; 65o 89 oo 39 eco 5200 1405o 18Oo 7800 195o 845o 65 oo 82 5a 195o 65o 208 oo col 5o 10400 llo 6o 117 oo, 91 oo 7800 128 90 7800 2'l 00 13 00 6 90 20 00 68 60 7160 65 91 1 04 890 104 3 25 1 1 04 3 25 1 95 65 65. 88990 5 20 14 95 130 7 8o I 95 B Go 8 26 160 20 80 20 16 10 4o ' 1105 11 70 7Bo 7 8o e60 18'0, 69 6 90 6 8d 7.38. 84 32 148 90 $1744 8s $218 So 1489 $228 09' eeeeasee FEBRUARY 8 1894. 4th Thatfor tiiepurpeeo of paying the sum 146 e11 t of 1 s 1 the to $ g tel amoant Assessed a6afoxes idi6a4n st the said roads of the paid xnuXtioipwiity and to gayer interest theeeia i r 31, Years at the rate of 5 per cent per anuuil a s ecia lrate 01-16 of a mill indecadent('�'sliw�l over and above all oilier rates be levied upon the whole rateable pro party inthegold township of Stephen in each yos1 for le years after the date of the final pasoang of 'this by-law during wliioh the said debentures have to run. 5th '.Chat the said drain shall be known as the Mad cheek drain: And when fully come ploted shall be maintained and kept in re- pair by tele nittnic5pality ofStoplien from its head to tine townline between Stephen and McGillivray. The remaining portion to be maintained by the Municipality of McGilliy- ra,y at the joint ex tenoe of the ,lands and roads oiling .Township of McGillivray and ern f Stephen lxay g or construction and in the samorolative proportion.' 6th That the Municipal corporation of the Tdwnship oftitophen el: all let thecontract for the eaj4 to ork according to planes and s ecifioatlxs, Report and profile and to the lowest bidder,{not exceeding the estimate) such centrgot. at addition to furnish one good ano sefl01i4,ntt and satisfactory surity for the careftee eeoper anti 0omp1Pte perform' anon of pain ,xeric asspeeified• And the said work 811911 be oomplstoci and fxriislied not later than the let clay of July 1895 or such later data its the council may agree on. And that the township engineer is appointed to examine said wont whenever requested by the Qouncii of Stephen during eonstruotion aud.to certify' as to the amouut of work done from time to time and to give orders on the Connell for the value of work done, less 20. per Dent, but no such certificate, order or any nayment shall excuse tho contraotor or surety flour completing the work' in strict compliance with said report plans and spsci- 1eatxons: as authorized by taus By-law, This By-law shall be published 111 the Exe- ter Advocate. a weekly, for 4 consecutive weeks previous to the final passing thereof and shell.00meinto operation and take ef- feet the date of the final passing thereof. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Court of Re.. vision will eine held in :the Town hall, at Crediton, On Monday the 6th day of March 1894 the f the hour of 11 O'clock in the forenoon Lor hepurpose of hearing and trying com- plaint& encl;appeals .against the above as- sessment's, or any part thereof, and the rate able proportionate asseesmenrs for further maintainunee of said drain and ie the mane nor 1pproviciecl by the assessment and Munici- palf.Aot ,and amendments thereto, 'and all o ni es bfappeal shall be served upon the clerk of Steetieu at least 8 days prior to suoh Court of Revision. And further notice is hereby given that anyone intending to apply to have life above By-law or any part thereof qguashed menet not later than ton flays after the final passin thereof, serve a notice in writing, upon elle Reeve or other head officer and up-' on theaClerk of the said Township' of Steph- en of his intention to make application for that purpose to the High Court of justice at Toronto duxing the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of the said By-law. OEESTER. P.8o1172', Clerk, SteaDated this 25th dayof January, 189. U. .y, GIRL WANTED. Good servant girl wanted, Apply between the hours: of 10 a, m. and 2 p.m. 2e. Mns. A. Q. BOB/ER, Exeter. OT'iCE TO CREDITORS, In the Estate of John Veal, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron Retired Farmer, deceased. Pursluu ?;ii section 36, Canp.lie, R. S. 0. 1887 -nee -tea i3 hereby given that an parties' having claims or demands against the estate ofth said u1.John Veal, deceased, aro required on or before the first, day of March, A. D. 1894 to, send by poet prepaid or deliver to the un- dersigned;it. H. Collins, Exeter, P. 0. Ont., administratorof the property of the said John Veal, deeeased,their ehristian names surnames, addresses and descriptions with full'partioulars and proof of their claims, stet= eats of amount, and the nature Oahe securities Healy had by them all duly veri- fle4i by statutory declarations And Notice is further given that after the said first day of March, A. D. 1894, the said administrator!will roceedto distribute the assets of the slid deceased among the per sons entitled thereto having regard only to swab claims :o nvhichnotice has been given as above renixed and the said administrator will not be liable for the said assets oz any part thereof se distributed to any persons or persons of ware claim or claims he shall not have nota a at the time of such distribu- tion., R. H. COLLINB Administrator. Dated.at Ex eter, this 81st, day of ;Tannery, 1.D. 1894. 5 Ray School Report The following is the report for S. S' No 2 Hav`for the month of January. Names are in order of merit.—V-R. F. Chapmt.n,:C. C. Ross, C. E. Aldworth IV, --F E. Ross, C. Northcott, Maud 1. Russell. Sen III -Beckie Northcott, J. W. Todd, Jno. Northcott. Jun. 115.— M. M. Russell, Sarah Norther tt, Willie Jackson. II —Bertie O'Brien, Jessie Mucin. 'II Part.—Ethel Northcott, John Jackson, Jos, Northcott. Ist Part.— Eddie Gould, Lulie Munn. The, best spellers in the monthly spelling match- es were: -Fifth, R. F. Chapman ;Fourth Maud rRussel; Sen. Third J. W. Todd: Jun Third, Willie Jackson; . Second, Jessie Munn; Second Part, Freeborn Jahneon; First Part, Eddie Gould. Stephen Council, Crediton, Feb. 5th, 1894. All mem- bers present. Minutes of last regular and special meeting read and signed. Clerk to prepare, a By-law re G. B. C. funds to canon the claims of J. Dalzel and costs, the result of an arbitration between Stephen and Dalzel. Clerk to request the engineer to -locate the pro- per site of the original road -way be- tween 20 and 21 con 10 and 11. Coun- cil to meet again first Monday in March as a Court of Revision on M. C. D. By- law and general business orders grant ed. M. 0, Cameron, legal advice re M. 0, D. long ago. $2,10 ; W. Rohde, work 16 con, 50c: W. Sanders, rep.cul. con 2, $1.50; T. Ryan, refund statute labor. $9; J. Heilman, work Crediton road, $1; Auditors, $6 each, $12; Mrs, Newcomb, $2; D. Buchannon, refund dog:tax, $1; culvert $2, $3: Mrs. Ran- som, charity, $6; W. Eagleson charity, $8; C. Brinker, lumber, 50c; P. Mc- Gregor, gravel contract, $71; keep of Sampson, $20, $9i.; P. McGregor, re- fund dog tax, $2; 0. 'Brown, repairing .hall, $2; T. Fotlis, work in pit and g'ra'vel, $48.70; G. Brown, collecting,` $90. In the Times of two weeks ago, under heading "Stephen," was a State ment showing the amount of tenders for printing,and the mover and second- er. I wish here to say that Such arti- cle was no prodxetion of mine. C. PROU'ris, Ray. M.Ja James a Mr. m eM boll, of Hay, has re- turned home after spending an enjoy able visit with friends in ; Mitchell and other places.—Last Friday evening about nine, o'clock two well loaded sleighs of young people from 'Sarlipta arrived at the residence of Mr. A. Wild fong, on the Blind Line, where they were well received by Mr and Mrs. Wildfong in their new home. The young folks no doubt enjoyed them selves tripping the light fantastic toe until the wee s a' hours of the morn, ing, when they departed wishing Mr and. Mrs, Wildfong health and prosper- ity in their new home. Varna. • A very large and elithusiastic meet, ing of the societies of Royal Templars, Foresters and Orangemen and those in sympathy with the trustees in the tem- perance hall difficulty, was held here a few evenings. ago The meeting was opened, when Mr. John Torrance was appointed chairman and Mr. Jas. Armstrong, secretary. It was then moved:,, seconded and carried unanim- ously that this meeting advise the djf ferent societies that occupy the hall to enter' an action for damages against Mr. Ward for nailing up their property. It was resolved that a union tea -meet- ing and entertainment of the different societies be held on the 14th of this month. An . efficient committee was appointed to make the necessary ar- rangementsand wepredict, the night being fine, that there will be the larg- est crowd that was ever in Varna at a tea -meeting. Elimvilie, Mrs. John Nixon, and Harold the little son of Mr. Webb are at present very sick.—Master Winfred Coupland, who broke his arm while playing iu the woodshed at school is doing well.— Rev Coupland preached a funeral ser- mon in connection with the death of Mrs. Skinner, on Sunday last. A large congregation was in attendance,among whom we noticed Rev, C. A. Smith, of Freedon, I114 brother -in law of the de- ceased, and Messrs T. and D, Prior of Exeter, uncles. The Ladies Aid have now some twenty members and are contemplating some important reforms: —Let us see! It was a lady that saved the man left on top of the big factory chimney, and then we have on record the daring of Eliza Secord. Surely we have some -woman daring andskilful enough to devise a scheme to replace the ridge boards. Try it ladies and shame the fossils.—The concert on the 30th ult,, was fairly well attended. Everybody seemed much pleased with the selections of the Davidson family of Exeter, but some of the local rendi• tions were hardly appropriate. -Mr. John Hind has secured the contract for erecting an addition to the Winchelsea creamery. Mr, H. is a good mechanic whose services are in much deman d for the coming summer. Dashwood, The small amount of snow that has fallen has enlivened things to a certain extent, still a little more is badly need ed.—Mr, R, Cook, of South River, has been in town lately. -Mrs, Shrieves is here to teach music in all its branches, Anyone desiring to give their children a musical education will do well t0 call at Rev. Krupp's and consult Mrs. Shrieves as she is well up in music and charges within reach of all.—Bees!• Bees!! Bees!!! nothingbut bees: Wood. bees, quilting -bees, Maccabees, honey- bees and bees that don't make honey,- with an occasional wasp,—can be seen and heard of almost every day.—Mr. W. Ball shipped a carload of lumber on Tuesday that he bought -of the Yager estate.—Rep. Wamboldt occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical. Church on Monday evening of last week.—It is re- ported that one of our citizens is about leaving us and going farming. We would be sorry to lose so worthy a citi zen and hope the report to be incorrect The remains of Mr. Malcom McDonell was interred in R. C. burial ground at Mt Carmel on Sunday afternoon.— Coming! Coming!1 Coming!!! What is coming now? Don't You know? Why! The Foresters, concert. Is that all? Wall no you bet not, why Sim Fax is coming,; and Thos Baker is coming, and the Zurich Orchestra is coming. and a terrible crowd is coming from all the country round, every body else is corn, ing so you come to my friend and bring along Peggy and the house keeper. Enjoy the musical 'treat. Don't mis- take the date, Fob, 14th,—Mr, Henry Zellerman, who has been here on' busi ness for some weeks past, returned to. his home in Elkton, Mich., on Saturday la'st,---Ntr. henry Callfis and Louis. Staubus are'on the sick list. Mr. Grip has a grip ,on them at present. We. hope soon to report that they are around again. --We are sorry to report the death of Mr. Wm. Elber's little boy. '1'he little fellow was as well as usual till Saturday last when he was stricken down and on Monday he passed ' peace fully away. All that medical skill could do was done to relieve the little sufferer but to no avail, death claimed him, The sorrolving family have the heartfelt sympathy of the ceantnunity in this their Sad bereavement. Funer• al took plate on Wednesday at Goshen line cemetery,—Mr. Louie I=lceb, of Cavalier, N. Dakota arrived here 01 Wednesday last; Usborne Council, Th Bonn i The o onclmets. the3•d t ur-- 1 1n p suant t� adjournment All the mem— bers were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and'apt proved„ The Auditors presented their- annual report, ,Halls --,eddy that the, Auditors Report be adopted and 154 copies ordered to be printed for distri- bution, and that the Auditors be paid $5 cash.—Carried. Halle—Gardiner. that Thos. Coates: receive the sem+ of," $70, salary as treasurer 1898.—Carried,.,; The By law appointing municipal offi- cers was then read, Gardiner• -•-Shier that. By-law No 1 ' 1894 as now read a. .• third time be' passed,—Carried. Shier —Gat diner that Mrs; Sampson receive $5 for relicf,—Carried. The foilowing orders were granted viz Thomas_ Coates, salar "70' John Horne. -u y, ,,a d $.5; 'Cites Andrew, auditing, $5;. Mr. Samwell, keep of J. Hewitt & wife,. $13; Mrs. Sampson, relief, $5; Tp, larton culvert, $827; R. Bell, gravel;: $1,04; R. Donne, gravel, 96c. Shier— Gardiner the colineil adjourned to meet again Saturday, April 7th at 1 p m.. Crediton,' Joney Sims, wife and family, of Sar-• ilia, are visiting friends in and around' Crediton. As Joe MsKeover was draw- ing wood to the village the other day he accidently upset a load of wood andi let the horses run away—doing; con— siderable dan'age to the sleigh and, harness and injnling one of the horses• We were glad to see the smiling face,: of Dr Amos in our town again.—Geo. Zwicker has gone to Ailsa Craig for a. time.-Mrs..Stahlsis very low at pres— ent and is under the treatment of ,Dr:.. Browning.—John Bedford ties returned:: from Port Hope, having spent his holi- days there. -Mr. Delgaty eecupied'the.' pulpit in our church wunday evening:. Ben McKenzie sold his trotting, horse: to a St. Thomas buyer.—Wm. Wineze is doing quite a business in cutters ands carts. Wm. does first-class work.— At a regular review of Victoria; Hive, No.;1, L O. T M,. on Jan. 17th. The following officers were duly installed by Senior Past Com, Lady Mary Wolf:—Com•, C. Hodgins; Lt. Com,;: E. Bice; R. It., M. Rau; F. K., M. Smith,. Chap., G. Hill; Phv , E. Silber; Sorg.,: E. Ratz; M. at. A., M. Geiser; Sent., M. Geiser ;Pick,, E, Clark. (Prom another Source.) Mr. Chas. Fritz, of Dashwood, was' id town on Sunday last and we warn pie:: boys of Crediton to be on the alert, ere• it is too late.—Mr. Wm. Stephen has not: been able to be out for several 'lays owing to a severe cold, --Mr. F. Holtz- man left tor his home in Elkton, i Mich., on Monday last.— Miss Winer, who has': been in Seaforth for several months.:- spent Sunday last with her parents.— It is with feelings of sincere regret; that we are called upon to.record' the death of Miss Katherine Holtzmann. Her death has been somewhat impaired. for several years, and for the last six. montbs her sickness (heart disease) had* been growing gradually ,worse, when: on Thursday morning last terminated) in death. There was a general hope for her recovery and when the an- nouncement of her death was received, there was a general feeling of sorrow,. Miss Holtzman was a person of good'" sound and religious principals, and her - daily walk and conversation illustrated the true earnest. Christian character. Her short life was useful and her early death is much to be regretted. The • afflicted family have the heartfelt sym— pathy pathy of the community. ' BlJ11 US. EGGERT.--In Greenway, on the 26113r ult., wife of Mr. Henry Eggert, of ex son. Many.deatlts are prevented by *Cold' Kure. Try .it for Colds, ria 'Grrip,Ete. Ladies' Mantles,. and Overcoats for Men Boys, Caps and other Winter Goods �,l���oixlg half-price, 1EI6MIitER, aans�.