HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-1, Page 2ms..»-.r— .--r-r T . I . Re Went to His Death With a Omile and ; }, a fl0urtly Bow, iy The Domestic Liffe of the VASQUEZ THE UNMOVED. COLLISIONS IN THE EOG. VICTORIA AT OSBORNE, I . Re Went to His Death With a Omile and a fl0urtly Bow, g Commutation Train Crashes Into the The Domestic Liffe of the ,�... Rear of a D, & L. Express. HE WAS A MASTER VILLAIN. , . �j ppp British Quceos !party of rauohmen oat about the 41 ice of the International Hotel the ethos evening waiting for the Scathern Pacific 'I'ERIiI(LE SL�DCIITT�t �I' 1)riOUL'1IUI'iit lirain to Lea Angeles. Loulo Phillips, Who HER HOMEABOWEROF FLOWERS +scans almost so much property in Los Angeles County as t' Lucky" B+ldwin, and Who In famous throughamt Southern CAlt- Running Close, Together—Tho YSxpresa foxnta for his wealth end plalu, common Slowed up to Grose a Britogo—unsuNpect- I„g passengers Crushed Wadi Mangled— $O�v tare. Court le le of ortetl From iv loo to rite Isis of �V1gLt— Lux�trlouw wade of life, told the most interesting weminieaence of the evening. The atoll of Dead and injured• stir Rornl Table•Deokers—Alpetrt Wd.rurd'a 'Graz"—Old I 40 The most remarkable villain and the The Dover express passed through Ras. anti -Fat Cunrbridge ere - least moved man that. I ever saw er heard Mlle without stopping this morning because comes a snrC,olo—The Ilnsnmrrslry of in the preaenee of death wan Tiburele of the fog, It slowed and fully fifty real- Duchess Bays She Still Mourns Her Vasquez. dents of Roseville, who are in business in Dube—London'x Latest Tall, Iblim, "Vaoqum was a Mexican of good family, this city, boarded the train, Manyet them ,Ltistocratic Girlo' Club. but he was as bloody and bold a brigand as was ever punned in Arizona. His field of are killed or injured. The brain which ran into Mao express is t�, QUEEN VICrORTA,wibh', operations for ben or fifteen years was all the way from Tucson be Stockton, Cal. Tho the regular morning commutation train. It ailed out of Roseville four minutes after '�`tt her Is) ds and ladies -on -wait•' lug, her grooro,e of the f band hn*)wn all over the coast had disappeared in the fog in chamber and gioome of the 1?avquez was the express I'�N honor and 'an 1365 and 1870. P -orb of his gang was lynched r.t Phanix In 1871, and two of the the direotiwn of Now York. On approach- tug the bridge over the Hackensack � boric, maids of r qI\ maids of all work, pages, s that the had bandibe then confessed h y THE EXPRESS SLOWEDp., ...rill \ ' poodles, minleter in atteAd- S'Ly; ,anoe, ° dootoas dentist, ` "" ' TArtEer THE rn $s of ovEr. EIGHTY n for what reason is unknown but It to P ' • dog e061ce,m'ab,i t, amen and buys off the coast and aloe the q g thought that the: engineer could not see the the have band -boxes, baggage and p abs oho t, have Bre Grande in the course of five or mix mignale, because of the dense fog and that he all been safely traumpor}ed to Oaborne. wl;ete Tears. They did not knew how many other slowed his train to avoid danger., Tho awm- they will rusticate until further orde s. xrren had been slaughtered by Vasquez end mutation brain fallowing did not halt at the The conveyance of this crowd inumboriaag hinfallows h fore they knew the chief bandit. bridge but came along ab its usual rate of upwards of 500 persons is no easy task can- a' At last Vasquez was osughb and held Bpm, sidering each, according to his or her so securely that he could noo wmApe trial The engineer saw the express *ben less station, to the posaeseer of from one to and sentence of death. It was in 1875 that than two hundred feet from 1t. Atthough fifteen trunks. The railway oompenies he was confined i•a the jail at San J ase, and he reversed his supine, he could not Pro* have, however, pretty welt 4olved the . nit I know Sheriff Adams well I 'ivent to gee vent a colliaien. The ponderous locomo• problem by this tame and manage to got Vasquez, of whom many a time I bad been tive orathed into the rear car, throwing it the entire gamat across the Solvent witheub in terror. As I, in the company of ezv,oral from the track and pushing It aletg the any mericus complaints or spFeial friction. ranobruen, went irate the j.il oorrider, Vas- west -bound ,rack for quite .& distance, This Queen Victoria and bar lords and ladies quez was let out at his basl to moot us. He car and one ahead or it were completely cress in the royal yacht but the rest of the was a dapper little Lliow, with bright, wrecked. Both oars were full of paesen- crowd are relegated to the railway compan- laughing eyes, and we could not believe for gore, who were , h,; .,:...-" ies' boats, togs and other means of traberb. a time that he wan really the famous bandit, CRUSHED TO DEATH � About 200 of the retainers are sent a day in He had just been writing his last letter and name forth neddai lto his g Pot,santl y or terribly mangled se they net in their advance of Her M,jwy In order to get things into ahlp•shape, and the remainder , viottorm. Each of us handed him a altar. I seats all unconscious of Impending danger. The Dries of the wounded oauld pe heardB man!.ge to all get in within a few bourn of Hrank en gentlemen,' he said hub I ata afraid that g for a long distance, and the greatest nx- the Queen's arrival. It a almost abonb as heavy' a job am moving. Barnum's eh*w from I WON'T HAVE TIME citement prevailed in the neighborhood, The engineer of the cowAmutatdon train 1, one part of the United States to another, ps ameke all those.' He was so polite that Is would not be seabed until all of us had missing. He In said be be amottg the dead. but ■o easily do the arrangements now work that by the morning foiiowing arrival chairs. He gomsipped about the lateat iPresident Sloan of the Ddiaware Laoka- wanna & Western Ratiread has been t-ffi- overytbing hoe settled down as completely mews from San Francisco, about the politi- oy notified that twelve persona were 'isll . as it Windsor were an unknown. land and in the .cal troubles in Mexico and Central America, had was the meat cheerful man on the killed and twenty injured in the accident London never existed, net even memory of those higher grades of Imperial ;premises. He tAd me that he had heard of on that road at Hackensack this morning. -According to the best reports no one war naenials temporarily bantehttd from Its. Is me many times and a'.id he believed he once had hold of a hono with my brand upon killed an the South Orange train. Too The climate of the Isle of Wight pleasant during the winter and early gob Lim and that it was a fine ,animal. "As he stood theone hand on the arm brakeman en the rear oar of the Dover ez rese it In understood was ettin read express, ' g spring, the breezes tempered by the in - fiaenoe of the Gulf stream, which paoteo in of bin chair, the newspt,per in the other, and showing a courteous interest in the to sigaal the rear train when he sare, saw thb head light of the engine looming tbroagh close preximiyy to Osborne, are never no cutting as In other parte of England, whilsb shorts, of the bustling deputy to find'%`menta the fog and at once saw that he was too late. He rushed into the baggage our and foga and such other like diecomforte are Victerit, icor his guests, he was far from formidable In appearance. Re was new but a short, into the passenger compartmeno of the mom. practically unknown. Queen s residence it In a specially favored spat, bread' shouldered, dark skinned, pleasant binatten car, and was just giving the alarm of d�.nger when the crash Dame. and in addition to natural advantages has faced Mex0sn, with nothing whatever • about him forbidding. Indeed his manner Ten accident eocarred at 830 o'clock. had heaps of money for many years spent on it, with the result that it Is ons of , was engaging. The fallow was a gentleman. As aeon as the forward Cara of the Dever Express could be cleared away from the the meet comfer"table as well as recherche He showed It not only in hie politeness, but In the cool courage wibh which he faced his two wrecked oars and the engine of th.; houses in Europe. Th, re is not a sovereign In the whole world who does not envy, 11 - dreadful end. South Orange train, the dead and wounded were in them and taxen to Hoboken, Britain's aoen her Island H..me, for net Q . "' I would rather talk about something ;also, if it in agreeable to you, gentlemen, placed where medical attett::anos from the hospi- the oven Emaeesr William - nGermany.ofPersia Czy r of Roseta, Naieir•e-Din of Perbla or .ase said to a reporter who had joined us, bale had been asked per. The belies of the dead were meetly badly mutilated. the Sultan of Turkay, with all their wealth, end began business at once by &eking Vas- A great many of the paseengern on both ' shows domicile which to s porch upon v{fz about his mental condition. brains were NewYoxkbasineso men residing it either far elegance or comfort. ' I AM TO BE HANGED TOMORROW. in the suburban towns of New Jersey an VICTORS -'VEGETABLES. �,. 'Very well. I don'b like it, but I have no the line of the Morris & Ednex divie;en o; Every day of her lite, no mattet.,where, choice. Sue 2' And he shrugged hie the Delaware, Lsokawanna & Western she may be, whether in Balmoral OAherne, shoulders and smiled. I Railroad. About ten Braine were dt,l"yed Florence or'slmewhere, Qaeen Victoria to - 't' Do you feel that you deserve your on account of the accldana, coives from Windsor Cawa:le a supply of fate ?'solemnly asked the reporter. Mr. Taylor, of the andlber'e office of the flowers, fruit and vegetables. Theee, It Is "' Well, that does not much matter,' he Western Union Telegraph Company, was needless to say, are the finest that can be answered, lighting a oigmr. '' While I never on a train from Orange following the produced in the whale world. Nature 19 Idiled anybody mysalf, 1 permitted my men wrecked train. He says : " The latb oar at x,ob in it with arb where the Royal gardeners` 'far do so, and in the eye of the bww that is the local woo a combination smoker and. are c4noerned. Seasons may came and go, r, the some thing, so I suppose I deserve what baggage car from Batutadc,ville, and was but Queen Victoria's green pese`are always to going to happen. Since I osnnot help attached to the Dover brain at Summit, on ,:;hand, whilot encumbers, nabbisges, myself, I am content. Will you pardon This oar was telescoped and completely da• Frenoh beans or any other vegetable Her me, gentlemen, if I ask you to talk about melished. No one In It enosped without M,,jgaby expresses a wish to sea on her something elwe than myself. I am glad to bmjury. Who engineer and fir,sman of the dinner table is there the following day .see you ; I .like company. The weather is Orange train are dead. Ameng the *thorn whether it be in sesson or not. With eh?' killed in Wm. Ferguson, of Summit, one of fzutts it is a trifle different, although the ,pleasant, f0 He leaned back In hie ruJo chair with the oldest employees of the Western Union royal forcing-hnitnes hold their own with ^__:' an animated ccuntensuca, ready to chat, Telegraph Company, who died *hale being the best in England. Strawberries on Means who wished to white away drag• taken to Sb. Mary's Heopital, ,Hoboken. Christmas Dap have always been an instita- i He had about 14 of them left. Mr. Ferguson's son, FredeFick, and bile ;ion with Her Majority, and this yearn Vhours. , man's face was strong and firm. He daughter, are among the maimed. supply is both abundant and fine. was in the prime of ii'e and In perfect The following is the list of the dead as LIVES nQ A BOWER OF FLOWERS. health. His caurage bad been proved in far an known: P. H. Ryan, Milbourne ; Edward Morel], Summit, N.., J. ; John In ter taste per Sowers Q�aeeII V10larla 1e MANY A BLOODY FIGHT, Fish, Summit, N. J. ; Wiill.am Ferguson, a bib faddy. She does not likestrong and if by murdering all bas visitors it would Summit, N. J. ; J. H. Rimmer, cashier of g smellin varieties such as mbe�hanetis, gar-'. $rave given him one c.kance in a thousand to S. W. Beeack, bankers and brokers, Nev, deniae or hyactnths. Lilies of the valley :. b aha oe would av been e sacs a that n ca n b e a bag n P e Dr. aures Dob den lab Banking y� druggist,g 0 and, every elate are ■ sial favorites h e r Pe and 1 y v mad God thanked f"�r it. Am it was, be Ridge, J. g day a.bsekeb of these arrives at Otberno be i w mantled cordially and accepted the Inevitable ' be placed exclusively In the Ro pal sane with manly composure, Him petiteness was 0199 CONSOLATION. borne" Any epealal orchid blooms or na- Laezhanebible. renal floral tressures Her Majsaby arranges "The editor of one of the local news. Irapers came In,preettng him with m baioter- The Woman Cheered up the Traveller bi with her own hands, and whera she planes ''hem there they remain until she gives l one hilarity, mea7o at once to cheer the picturing the Strad. orders for their removal. All other flowers r candemted and display to the metropelitan One evening just about dark I rode up to are renewe4 daily, The gaanttty of fl,)w'F.ra Journalist his superior inbimmy with a bele- a cabin in the Tennessee mountains ane sent daily to Her Majesty to surprising, and orated character. The editor mobnalJy book asked to,"stay all night, says a writer in the those, together with the lobs! ,,apply, sem a copy of his paper from hie pocket, and Detroit Free Press. ktitute an abundance sufficient to convert -with the remark, ' I suppose you want to "I'm sorry, minter," said a woman who the Royal &pr.rbmente Into a veritable home !rear bad rempond-d to my "hatio," "but yet fit for the Gaddese Flors. A bower of WHAT I SAID ABOUT YOU TO NIGHT' ' can'b stay hart,." "Why not?" I asked. "I'll pay for it," flowers is no misnomer for Queen Victoria's rooms which winter and summer alike, show ,ast down and read to Vaaquaz three solid 11-1 11 rr*iemuo about his arlme�, the preparations ,t Tain't the pay I'm atraid uv, mister," she said, "bub there ain't no menfolks In no difference either in coloring or beauty of the laws which adem them. for the hanging and a mitube description of the "once and we can't keep y+<u." P "TABLE the gallows, with mention of the ecrim- tt What am I to do?" I asked, helplessly ROYAL TABLE DECKERS.„ Inals who had stepped upon it. Vakquez "Go on to the next place, I reckon.” The hau&tng and arrangement of the 1. bore it in silence, without a wince or a "How far In it plants and flowers in the roams, corridors, Ito „Two miles, or notch a matter." etc,, as wait as the making of ttouqueba and d the next morntn Vafs sez walked g g "But it to dark," I urged. "I was never ,ihe fl¢ral &,carstion of the Royal dinner out into the sunlit jafly%rd, odrabed the here before,and I'll be inure to lose the road." table to the op@�e,ol,.l duty of two t:xperts who sabepa of the mooffold, gazed indifferently at it I reckon there's a chance uv that," she each rebeive $2,500 per annum salary and the gapingmeb of mea below, threw a wilt- -said, and then more encouragingly, "but do nothing clam fer D. .Thewe pnfeseors in fulglance beyond the little over which he had walls ab the blue ridden on many a a tarnel bad road, oter, than bib's aitch mt you'll be glad you goat hit afore you ve pons the art of oWortng and flower manipulMlon have carte blanche be tank any blossamo they ,1•' fray with his out-throate and bben gave al's a mile," and I didn't may another word. like in the Royal hothouses. They are him attention to the ghastly buslwees of the praohloslly the e' bosses " of the g>rdenero moment. They sought to unbu,iton h!s coat W"Shsirespeare atleotchman? and lnerrubb them what to rwss and we an, and collar. He waved them molde politely nr 1 ;and fi d oo b y H 1 i s f. a sesished the hang.iI g e ohmaII were An Englishman.and a So t A to rafoe ib. They are very arbitraryrn their 1 lace. ore and deailttye with all the Royal man in adjusting the straps and rope, J g P P engaged in a keen argument concerning the merits of their respective countries, The 'ith &lift of their own. apart from - ,glanced down to sue th et his foot were Pro- aslmel on the crack kissed the 'oruoifix held Englishman, enraged at the pretensions of '` either domestic or offiatala. Princess Trixy rdo ung when is their companion emery morning iter b him b the rib rt and bore himmslf y p the other, ab lengtb exclattned : Y«n wlxF coon be claiming Sh.kaspmare ao a Sootbb. ehe floral tremures are unpacked a . b avlth patience and dignity while they draw -ever him a white shroud and plaoe4 an his man i;, " Weal," replied the Soot, cell , y connily indicates the position in which the flowers are to be laced as wall an f ^r uenth p g ;Itead and shoulders a rest black hood. ,d ` , g ,, , 1 m bhinkln that some of his' works would warrant the presumption." P suggesting Princo8s of "oleofvrr end I am toady, he os.td,, eeronela closing 1? s. ebtier etioots. Prinoete Lar ice of Lerno,. lifts a Fee, and th � b was the Iamb of Vatquez. —.Vow York Sinn. A itosaarlsaI Old Lady, however, Is fax mars expert; at this. The Neaxasrentent of Criminals. Mrs. Augustin Lamberti who died at $ t Beteoll, Quo., on January ltd, at the age ALBXRT EDWARD STARTS A NEW GAME. The Prince of wales, Fah Mary of (Took I The groan utility t,f the system. rot messur• of 82 ears bad been married fora rlot P and• years and several ether of the Royals, begetter With the Duke of Wellington and varteue • Ing suspected o0miosle by the Antbre. ' mntrtoal Department of the Pari Do eo• po pa s t of 65 yearsmind leaves 11 children 55 ' children, v8 great-grandchildren an. foul mt tubers of the+ Marlbereugh House oligna, tilvb Service ban once more been amply ' I I demonstrated. A few doge ago an lull- gromt-great-grandoblidren, is ail 127 de, have recently been going in for a new form of anti -fat' or reduction oftheir btpur , , uidual"*he dosoribod himself as a Spau%rd soendants: The noa abundance of a tp n m =mod Perez -entered a gone changer'e site on the Pisco du Havre money p offered Arblot—1 psintod this picture i1 t to in a neoret one which Albert El*%rd has sotaehaav gab hotel *f, and in ,adiiftlotn to some bonds for sale,: re roronf:tn a vagus: 40 000f. He immedlatel Arreraed keep the wolf from the dee*. Denier (after ,. inepeWng R)—Well, bx"g lb on the knob a lo,making practice trying it on hirnrfelf h g p out of his relatives and frfendm. The care sof wart VA the sorfp was res«lgnix,-A by the changer where the wolf can sec It, consists in Coking seine nauweous oempouud, sue _ the result of a recant robber '. On NOTInING ELSE. ueb unlike molasses 1n vrpearauoe, three 8bWtkq bxe,rhinad b a masistrate 6e me. toalled Peres ormleted that he bad only just p ju , She was a. Prof., aaloe �' rl , Ho asked her or a kiss times a day, lmr6oe lfately after meals. The preparabien of this narfbsuin bho PrboM+ per• _ y asrrtved In Parte and Was quite tnnsobnt. A P or he was the nocetltr d - l9nta11► suporintet ds ,lee Ilmself mixt s the mit to the measuring teem, however, . K _ I!w'm'P sly led to the reoaguittoa of the mea Of the fair blushinF(MIOS. She cavo hl1p one, cad ils she draw - li a I . n will not boll .a ode what ngredfontA a d S they are: To cant of hi■ converts he sends +mum f Bordeaux, who h.ts ane Ardtrran * t , A s awe :: %1 r.rc y o 9 •. 14the ate a6ked. (n Lrembllnq tones, s for 'e 'ar of rice n Ilio a e 1 p" t nd once he has • Ali'elld served throe bttrtti� in ail per theft, y ; , ,,,,,;, =Zing elsua to -day Y Rob thbm on tris books he u+doer lobo the in RlsFabber--'W'hat are you dtylug Mbnnts have a moment's peace, 110 to tsb them all r " tfM What kindwill card d o think 9g d v e You In rl'emm i W*mm wee lo" bfbberl" —I l► ( P g the time eibh.r to be weighed at to woe b sake the but, calling ,oards?'r #nab"d jure read In an `■ilmanack where it wads its "Iola as to whether they. have taken the ahoftb•mindoedly)-41 A0e0.11 geia' to regia an the $'onrth of July. ", 111th wlbli regularity. Ile gives, *sca ts, . , "., .. `lar..... _ _. ... .. r _ card which liar to be tilled In with the hours at w'ilich tho patfon is taken and he ea Nio0 when giving It thabhe tr us s to the rool"10111 'a honor to fill It Up about- ately. Thin new fad of Albert Edward's has caused a vset amount of fun no Marl borough Hoagie, where the victrmm aro, promptly weighed on arrival. Whatever the oomriound oonstmts of, ib seams really mmrvollous in its effect, far Cobh wales him- self and j`rlly Miry have already oulttvatasd sylph little figures, the like of which have nob vistied ttacmt,,r many a long day. At,, to the Dacrmss of Took, it is really remarks - hie in its affect uEoji her, the erstwhile waist wbioh It toek five minutes to walk round is now steamed in a pair of "Swan• b111s " of normal proportions, while the %di- poes bust, still gnnevoue in robundity,le nobh- Ing out of the way and not more than than us,rally associated with awellfed Daohess of GO years. CAMBRIDGE 'JOINS THE BUVrALOES, The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffa- Ioer, or "Thi+ Great and M! ht Hunters of tete L rd,' have now a Prince f the blood am:mp their numbers, for old George of Cambridge bas been at his reolderce, Gloacosbt;r Hoagie, initiated into the mys• Y;, -ries and privilt,get of the Order, when oleo folio wing aelemn rheral wan performed : A lodge was npaned by a obid officer of the Order (oalted the Sitting Prim*) In the name of Her Meet Graoieue Majcs'.ay Qa'Nen Victoria. The coremony oommeiwed by the members linking their hands together right over left (in "Auld Lung Syne" fashion) and ail singing s Buffale chorng, the Chief Primo planrng bla hinds on the horns of the black buffalo bull. The chorus began Who knows what care or sorrow is, Not a brother I'll be bound, While the Batter and the juniper Is freely passing round, Gattev in thia case meant English ale, and juniper, gin, brandy or rum. The chorus ended : 11 Through the said woods we'll wander and wo'Al chase the buffalo, we'll chase the buffalo. oto." The lights in the room were all extln- gbished and a quantity of spirits of wine and salt was placed in a large silver urn and lighted, wbioh made all the faces of those pronent look ghastly bluo. CEREMONY OF HIS INITIATION. The royal old Cambridge Duke wan wait- ing outside the door of the room, attended by to o of hie personal sides•de•camp and two officers of the lodge, who blindfolded His Royal Highneos with a large, scented, white pocket•bandkerobief. Terse knocks were given at the door. " Who goes tbeve V said the L+.dga Tyler through a peephole. " Prince Nimrod," was the reply. " His buoinesb ?" said the City Tyler{. Reply : " To introduce a royal uuaiilighrened." "His fall names?' "George, William, Fredf,rick, Charles, Duke of Cambridge, Field Marsha), Commander -in -Chief of the Britian Army," was the reply. " Hos age V 61 tlevenby.five," w.�o replied. "Acmib him," said oheSitting Primo. The kangaroos then all otood up, wagging their tails and sirgbg "Go] S Ave bho Queen." Then the old Duke was loft round the lodge -room, while the " Dvad March in Saul " was played ; he was taken to the City Marshal and asked if he entered the lodge of his own free will and aboard; to which he said. " Yee." " When, bake him to the Royal Cnair," was said. FOLLOWING IN GEORGE IV's. FOOTSTEPS, The Duke was then told of many good and dimtingui:hed Buffaloes from the mine there was no A in the alphabob, No%h being the fleet Buff beard of, then Nimrod is named Solomon, and numbers of other rtu,hteeus Buffs. Nearly all the English Kings ww-e mentioned as bei::g stood or bad Butte. George IV., It whe stated, was, when Prince Regent, made a Buff by Woh- avd Brineley Snerldan, at the Harp Tavern, Drury Lsne, Landon. and His Royal High- ness was ee p%eamt d that be commanded every vestal in the hams to be filled with holy getter (oonoecrats+d boor). Then tte operate and mysteries, signs aud,pase words of the Order were made known to His Royal Highness; and the Buffalo oath was adminiotgred to him en a pair of long Broaeley clay pipFs, which His Royal Hivh- was took the earth on, and kissed, saying, " So help me, Mary." MARLBOROUGH S WIDOW SPEAKS IIP. Lll.fao,Duchwo of Marlbr.rough, is grieved over the ramoi that she was about to•marry again. "'She American Dache6" was is an Indignanb state of mind when Inter. viewed upon the oubjeob. " I cannot un- derstand," she said with much earnestness. " why such baseless rumors should be started c: noerning a me. I m still in mourning ter my late huebanti, the Duke of Marlborough, and it wsuld ill become me to think of suo -her matrimonial engage- ment at Ibis time. I trust my friends have a higher opinion of me than to believe I should to toaa forget my Labe husband the duke. There is not a soiutille, of truth in the stoxy. If It should ever scour that I ,,aught a third marriage, I should e'.aim bho right to make my own ebloebton." Lillian has now a strong foothold In Eaglish society. Having secured a mental fol'ovIrg sn4 an admission into the royal aircle on myeAal oceasione, it is not probartle that she will consent to marry any but a titled man, if, as she says, she ever makes another marinas venture. Lillian still bears traces of beauty but bar manner hms become 0rave, serious and dignified. Th.rse who knew bar am the lovely laugoing Miss Price would fail to recognize her now. Wealth, toys, adulation and honor have not sub - seeded in ]seeping brook farmwo of anxiety and gray hairs. T'hs story of the rumored engauesnonb was evldendy fabricated am usual by a local newspaper man who iaghued he wan doing something smart. Hle pnnlabment will probably be the Ions of his bread and butter fora time. A .TALL GIRLS' CLUB, A now club for the daugbbers of the 'aristocracyhas recently been founded dad t n a fmh!otaialstreet xm&r yd Park. It is called the •' Fire Feet Nme," ,$nd all the member s are five foot nine to height. They are all. w4l,la<,ra and alae pretty. Who t have th r de and a elect sett es ba e p ani ttt a s oa solo power of examining and passing own- didat*o. Every morning early a 1•.,ng caval. bade of theofa fair da.mrele is ween riding in Rotten R,m at a good trot, rather stiffly eeatred i t their ea - Mot. Tie F,ve Foob Nitses moot every fortnight at the house of one of their members, eanh one being o4ected for this gabherinR in turn. Embryo duclteeoee cuuntestbe, lnditas In their awn .rlghb, honorable mhoes, who come up to the heiptht standard, are already enrolled to the number of fiftx. The club badge Is fivo golden fAeb enoiroling a figure nine in brilliants, and it it worn as a broach on tine left breast. The number of membern is limited to one hundred. Mozart Nos. The unpublished manumorlpts of oil sonatas, competed by Motsrt wbgn at the ago of 18, were lost week k000kod down at an auobI n for the runs of 2 750 francs. Tbey,are all In Morwo's awn handwriting. —L4ndow Court,Jotwnad. Bluo4t�---" Do you Mean bn ray thab 1 earn a list I" nllotAr—t' 1hppo that I could non do seiani¢bfftlomanly a thtlsg. brut I nee yon aabsbr my liths." MIMS IS INT'RO��LE, 8e Does Not Like the Ways of the monahans, HE WAS TIRED OUT. IVE bin haviu' a avary tough time of ib lately, an' now 've Pub to be just ,o. Monahanhlm- c elf is all right, tt .rub brs wife and [5 4 ,%ughter fire like ,& I " barrel of &vlla- I atsve tq live all the bime In the back part of the base - of, Lwt fm nW-mahan'm house— that ie, I ,must oat, drink aatd stotap tbere, an' Mena- limols daughter gave me shtriot orders not to come up a'stra without permission, an' to always leave the house be the basement door, an' not to dare €poak or evennotice her on the street, until I become mora oivil�znd. Mro. Monahan alio told me the same thing. Sire calls her dvut;hter Ginevieve, though she was baptized Bridget, but the girxui speaks Friuoh and Etratakit,n, amt' told me that Gincvleve wan the Frees h r;,ame an' mint Bridget, em' beth mother and daui+hrer are awfully stuck up, an' shunt around like two peacocks, Mrs. Men,.bau used to have a brogue as Irlah as the pigs of Drfigbeda, an' now, faith, half the time you think she wma mbpatkin' thrt:ugh a horn, an' if she wan tell - in' ye a mhtery ye'd imat} no one minute yo went in a pig pin In Kirby, an' the next minute ye'd be drermin' of some great, nhmart woman tal►in' to ye, for ehe uses words sometimes abeub a yard ?ging, which she learned from her daughter, an' which she knows nothin' about, an' ye'd have to have O'Sallhvau's Dictionary wid ya It ye wint to hold on mrgumint wid Ginevieve, %rho, whin the mother ahpskes shout her, calks her " my bet.yetiful goyl Ginavieve." Well, eke I told ye beft-ro, Monahan has two sans, Jerry and Tommy. Jerry is called af' er hie father, ae' bit is a barrister —that Is, a counsellor er liar, an', to tell ve the truth, he is the biggesb liar I ever met BDUCATING JERRY.p' Yoe, , Mrnahsn was sayin' that him son Jerry ought be is mint is Germany to be educated, for he expected him to be a greater man thorn hit+ uncle Alike, the .Assemblyman, an' I hinted that if they slat him aoreas the water it wouldn't be a had idea to lob him stag' far a term at the Kll- lsrnev fairs, whore his uncle, Mr. Flanagan, got hie scheolW. Young Jerry had a case to plead the other day, an, I *jut ever to the oanrb wid him. Ib seems a lad shbole a ham from in front of a butcher shop an' get arreoted, an' he told young Monahan in my hearin' that he only aht*ie the ham so that the botcher wud chase him, and thin he had a frind who wud ran in and take the money. " Weil, welli fix you up all right," says Jerry. He thin asked the lad it he had a mother alive an' the lad told him she was dead twinty years, an' may me two eyes fall out and 6ghb like two dogs if he didn't go and get an old wemmn, an' she winb o2gore the Judge an' began to cry, an' Monahan told the maglahtrate gibe was the lad's mother, an' tlsat tbny were both shtarvin' an' that was why the lad thtele the ham, but the court couldn't go this pork sbbory, an' he said ho had bub little sym. pathy for a man that wan hungry and shtele a ham, so he gave him; six wo-1o. I�tuppoae the Judge was merry the lai: didn't shtesl four or five pigs, so so he could extinct bits sympathy an' give the poor divil abentten warm. TOM is A SPORT. Well, Monahan's sthbr Boa, Tom, Is a ohporb an' does notbin' else only have fun. Tom is all the time talks' about piles of money an, how he used to "blow blmlrelf" whin he wam out, an' faith I nand to think he carried a bellows wid him, for half the time he d be talkie' about " blowin'" there wudn'b be enough breeze for to puff oub a oandte. So I have just found out that " blowin' " means sapindid. Oh, hat I'm learniu' quick. Tom does be treliin' me about heroes an' " good things " sn' pdze fighters, an' the v (tab divil knows w Sts he to me the other day, " I'm galn' ever to Jersoy to. morrow, axil if ft's+regain' I goo a' geed biting ;"' an' sez I, 11Whan Is ib, an ambrelia ?" ter I thought he couldn't have a bebter thing on a wet dap. an'sez ho, " Xhw, I mean a good horse to play. Y, - we I'm goln' to play Catgut,'oxnse he leis himself out In w,,;t weather." Oh, but X just come to think of It, the ether even)n' Ginevlove had company in bba- house, an' t•hep were playin' the plane on' slugin', an' I was down in the bamemeht balkin' to Tom Monahfkn whin a lob of bis frJnd■ came to set, him about a prize fight they were arrangin'. " Se," eez Tem to me. °' ye'd better go up stairs. I want to talk to these min on private bustnerto." Well, nolibin' wud plalza me better than to ltaten to a gated tong, bu,a I know I wasn't wanted up stairs, to I told Tom I bring me into the back parlor. Tom did a+,, an' Mrs. Monahan came over to moan' bold me not to dare shpake one word, an' .i inafYo up me mind to keep quiet an, liaten. Well, be the holy Sb JwlWone, I never, got among suoh a crowd of frauds In all me hie befiare. One big nosed divil n%met: Murphy was talkin' about the hard timet, an' was sayln' how the rich man was al! the time epprensJn' the poor man an' how it wait a shame, an' the same divil owns two b!g tab stores. s an faith abeb a week a frti n I wvtnt fnie -enc of them an' bought n hut. for $2, as I needed one very badly, an' be cold it to me himself, Ian' whin I got home Tom Monahan bad a bran' now hat that be even on rt brat, ata', says he, "Hero's a hal for ye, Maack, ya need enc," COULDN'T SELL THE HAT. So widout wayln' a ward, back I goes to Murphy, an' I told him I didn't have any money, stn' how poor I was, sea' asked hln, wouldn't he take the hat back an' give me, m We ! he didn't want to take the hat an' eatd he'diMa't core how poor I was; an' thki I got mad, an', sez I, 11Whim Is no good tit mo ; I dant ,rata a hat "; an' after a long talk I Cot $1.60. So M,irphy (rept on blatherin' aboatseme of the rloh min beta' ramcale, and I had al I could do be held myself in from p1Vh) him a bit of my mind, but finally hiid eyes toll on me for the firshb timoima' he ,reit• doned u w'hta he sari the way .Y leek'ed At hist., and he closed his meutb as tight aii .h clam for the rest of the night. Well, thin, another lad he the name of Mr. Pbrkins, with a bier linen collar th+tl stem undo two shadb ills oars from the owle shtooff tip an' began to tell about a 'poen fellow In the ooanthrywhe used to mine borsoe for a llvin asD hofs ba married a pear girlrol who waw even handnersirr that 'Penis, Well, I�►>ieems they both loved nadir oilier l on, In g little house of bLelr own, but vlolo day while the husband was at work a rich viliati oome along and told the wife, wbo, war ,W'vety Ionocaut woman, a lot of 1110, an, ilhe winb away with him, so Whin the husband come hotno from work the honoo, was impoy. Well the poor lad's hourb was nearly broke wain he read a note she. left behind her sayixe Who was geia' away j;r forever, Anyhow, the rich rascal got tired of her, on' Rho became brok,owhaarwd, an she loot, bar beauty an, was left to die alone, with i consumption, Be she had courage cuougb to mind for her husband, alt' be was such a good, noble lad that he came to bar bedside au' prayed she wouldn't die, an' forgave her tzar all she had done ; but she died all the same. Bab what d'yo think Y One of the wlmin IV In the room was oryin' all the time Perkins , was ta'lkin', so' way the old bay elope wid, me if TeML Monaban didn't tell nee that she was the divorced vile of three ntin, an' that the feurth hasttaod had a case now . ag'insb her, and Perkit.e used to be all the time ballon' to Xom Monahan about hew• good a wrestler he was, an' that he could take a fall out of any marc in hie club, an' Tom said that Perkins mar• ried one of the beat girrula that ever, breathed, an' that he treated her like a dog - until the had to finally separate from him,. me there was a. big dfferenne between Per. kins an' the lad he was talkh2 about in the, otbory, so then one of the crowd, asked me - wouldn't I sing a song. VILLII�G SO FIOHT, I said I couldn't sing, but just to be soci- able I'd wrmtle Perkins oolior'n elbow, two out of three, and thin some of the crowd laughed, while Mr. Perkins looked mad an" another said I shattered his nerves. 't No,"' said I,"but if I get a obsoce I'll sh%utor eve of his legs,"an'I took eflma ooat think- in' I could ceax a fall nut of him, for to toll' ye the truth, I didn't like him, an' Mrs. Monahan and Gint,vieve came toward me,, an' they were ragin' with anger. Mrs. Monahan called me a low, lguerant think, amk Ginevieve maid I was an Irish molt ey, an' thin me blood tiled, and eez I ' to her : "Look here, me pug noted lseete, ye huvo enough powder en ya,r face to blow 11 up a ship. Ye call yorrelf Ginevieve while `' yer right, name is Bridget , }k were named after yeur prendmetber, old Biddy Mona- han, whe sold potbeen in Karry, an' it's kind for me an' yareelf abe to' leek 'like monkeys, ter yer gear diretber'n free lucked an v:uch like a babern a as a mares rektm- b'es a horse's, an' yru," eez I, turving to Mrs, Monaban, 11taWn' abt.ut Ignorance, why, yen couldn't h11 an interrogation mark from a pig's orubeen, an"— ,Old that I was grabbed from behind an' shoved sub of the revni an' fired headlong down sts,'re Into the lmewtnb. There was Doete down there, as Tom bad gone out wid his fri'nde, se I picked metElf up, , feellr.,' more dead than ahve, un' winb to bed for the night. BON OF A FORMER RIMER. Wha a Scoteh Paper Ras to Say About Lord Elgin. Lard Elgin, the nrwly•atppointed Vioerod of India, was on the loth ult. presented with the freedom of Dunfermlino. On the same day fortyeeven years age Lord Elgin's $&that was admitted a bur&wa of the burgh. The Courier Bays : As pegeresor of an illustrious name, and as one who bad done a good stroke of hard worts for F:fesbire, ib was meet thsb the people of Dmfermline should confer on L>.rd Elgin the freedom .:f their Royal burgh in recognition of Him Lordnbip'a appoInIment to the Vibe. royalty of India. Dunfermline has a moat 1W Interesting htmterioal connection with rice Bruce family, of which Lord Elgin Is the bead. DnnfermlinWo noble eoolewlas seal pile, fenpded by ging Malcolm Canmom and hie Queen, St. Margaret, eightoenturiero ago, contains besicea the dust of about a dozen kings and queens, the remaly- of the sheet oe7ebrattd. of them all, Bing. ol Robert Bruce. It was peculiarly arprcpriate that. the &7soendant of the great Liberator of Sooblaud from the, thralflem of Bogland bhcauld receive the honor which vwas bestowed on him en, Saturday. The grandams of the nobleman who precured for and weld to his country at•. a loss to himself the "Elgin Marbles," the finest spec ic.,en of Gteaion oculpture in ex- �steooe, ar.d the sen of the most beneficent Governor-General that ever guided the deerinles of Canada, and who died at his still higher poet of Vioen,y of India, was one wit,em In bettering Dunfermline must !:,ave felt won honoriv; g bi�a self. Thera are S good grraunds for hoping thati Lord Elgin's ratan will be a suompeful orie in ti,,e hsghest rffi •o that can be filled by a subjeot of Her Majesty. est . Why a Wife Changes Her Name. It Is said that the pram: ice of the wife assumug the busband'a ntcme at marriage, or ginated from a Roman outtom and be- a,�me the common cue, out after the Roman, occupation. Thus Julia axed Oebavia, mar. tied to Pootp y and Cloore, wore called by "he Rowane Jolla of Pompey and O.A3vis Oioere, and in later times married women in, most European conatrita signed their e,ames in the same manner, hub omitted the " ef." Agaivat this view maga be men-- :loved rhr.t during the sixtee-nth. and eveu the r,eginuing of the mownteenth can- ury the usage seems doubtful, aloes we find Canbarine Parr as signing hereelf after- mbe had been twice married, ani we always bear of Lady Jane Grey (not Dudley) and Arabelia Stumrt (bet S ymour)o Some p;:raono thinx that the oustvin originated tr.vm the scriptural tosct;lug that hrsband and wife arta one. It was de- oilgil in the some of Ben vs, Smith, in the roigna of E izabeth, that a woman by marriage losee bar former name and legally, receives the name of her husoand, The popular notlen that the human race has deteriorated is disproved by the,faot that the average man o n't bgueeza himself, .aro anolaan armor. 1, W I Moltere woo a weaver of tapestry, and) t,egan to write for the stage after a casual, vieto to the theatre. 1.1�1` A WOMAN'S BUa:DENS' ' MW, ars lightened when she turns to thee; rlght , medicine. The chronic weaknesses delicate, derangements, and painful disorders that aMict her sex, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,- In bearing -down eensa tc riodical ains ulceration in- tlanunati°pnnd every kina,red ailmeni it's -a, a positive remedy, �Y r Hadiamwille, 3"fepl1171 Countu, 8'U• f , An. R V. Prxrtoisb, Buffltlo R, Y.: Dear Sim —Please secept my *rr• the.kpp for the good your-, i medicines have done for - ... me. I trulv believe the,- " 'Favorite Prescription" saved mT life; ft is s sure• and bortain ours. I art► having portent "bait" • i ) • / am stout Abd can do�fitl r . O' my housework. .. +�a iEwery invalld las" X Mtsri 1�'pGAT e, Favors tRlro ovl Flatus s.. Favorite a'rcecrlptloi„,ttd , Holden IMe,lloai Discovery. ROZ TH FUGATit, Guailli dietsr q� "r - PIERCE enteeas 61 ii I Olt lfIontlf y 71 w rlrYtsrmm .- .-0bar✓M}hada..i5k(/ye, jn it fYYi46>i..[.Yl.- .. ...