The Exeter Advocate, 1894-2-1, Page 1*VOL. VI EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1.894. NO 334 The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Porlia,ment, 005.) Paid up Capital .. $2,000,000 Rest Fund.... 1,200,000 Read office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER Money itOvanaed t•.• uod Farmer'S on their own iota nnth one or raore endorSers at 7, per cent per annum. • Exeter Branch. Open every lawfUl day from AO s. rci, to 3 p. ma Saturdays 1.0 a.m. to 'I p. m Ageneralbanking business transacted QUIVELENT RA.TES allowedfor mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 Per tient. N. DYER HURDON Exeter,'Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager THE ex,eter Abilocate Is pablished every Thursday Morning, at the ()face, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the -- ADVOCATE euBL I Sti I NG COMOANT, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advanoe, 31,50 if not so paid.. 21.esrortio5.=.g Mo.•teto © tioss. No paper discontinued until all arreara ges are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be tniblisheci till forbid and charged acoordingly. Liberal discount made for transeent advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB BRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheatibs,rooney ord- ers. 8ra, for advertising, subsoriptions,eto.to be made payable to Sanders & Dyer PROPRIEOTRS Church Directory. TRIVITT ViEsIOEIAL CRTTECH.--110v. F. H. Fatt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 3 p.. m. Holy communion, tst Sunday of each incenth at Morning Service, and in months of five Sun - .11 the month, Holy Baptism. on 2nd Sunday days after Evening Service of 4th Sundavof of each month at morning service. METN0DISTOWG2011-4arriSS-St Rev.J. G. JACXSONPastor•SundayServices,10.8n a.m, and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m. MAIN STREET Rev, W 3foDonagh, Past- or. Sunday Servioes, 10 30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m Sabbath School 2.30 p. ra. PussnyTERIAN CattreCto—Rev, W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Servioes, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. In •••••••• Professional Cards. EINSMA N L.D.S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Lucan every Wed.- nesday,Hensall 1st .9'r/day; Blyth, first Mon- anY And Zurich on lOst Thursday of ea en month. • OH. INGRAM, DENTIST, NCember Royal . College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L, Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetie given for the painless extraction of teeth. Pine Gold Filbliaa as reettirod• Medical Drs. X; A. ROLLINS & T A...A.MOS. Etesidenoes, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackmana building, Main St Dr, Rollins' office; same as forraerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door. May 1st. 1893 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A., Amos, Of. D DE.T, P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Ai:motion- eur. Office, Dashwood., Ont. Legal. 10 H. COLLINS, BARILISTER,SOLICIT- .n• 011, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter,Ontario. Money to Loan. .1.4• II.DIOICSON,DA.RRISTER,SOLICITOR, • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commission.er, &c. Money to loan laffice—Panson'e Block,Exeter. LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIO -FLU itors, Conveyancers, &c. B. V. ELLIOT. Funonni011 ELLIOT. Auctioneers • .BILOWN,Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- .1.1 • ioneer for the Counties of Perth ,and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- son bud e.Sales arranged at Post offiee . Win- chelsea. 101 BOSSEN13ERRY, Ranson Ontario. Lie• - ..U./ • ensed Auotioneer for the Counties of H uron and. Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.. La RED. W.FARNCOMB, Provincial Land . Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Office, Over Poet Offae, Main street. Exeter, Ont. ERNEST ELLIOT. AGENT FOR The Western Fire Assurance Company, of Toronto The Phconix Fire Insurance Co'y., of London, Englana The Alliance Fire A.ssuratice.Co'y., • of London, England Offiee:—Main-street, Exeter, Ont. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wheatapeer bushel ley . ats. ••••11 00.6" ••• Ai PeaS f.4 . flutter. • r Wednesday) _a $0.56 td 0.58 a.... 35 to 37 • . 27o 28 . 50 to 51 ....... 18 to 20 Lard...... ....... 13 to 14 5 to 6 Eggs.... ............ 16 Chicken per lb... ........ 6 to 6 Geese ,. 7 Turkeys.... ,.......... 10 Ducke, per lb 8 Pork a r • ta 5.90 to 6.00 Potatoes per PUS .. 35 to 40 Hay per ton ... .. 6,00 to 7.50 CURES VilIER LL ELSE FAILS, fleet Cough Syrup. T biO0o&U�o in Elno. lead by d to It Stephen By-law, ing and extending the Drain or wat ercourse usually known as Mud - Creek drain in the Township of Step hen, and for borrowing on the credit of themunicipality the sum of $1754,- 58 fol completing the same, Provisionally adopted the 19th day of January, 1894. A by law for cleaning out and itnprov- Whereas upon petition of a majority ofthe ratepayers interested the couneii ot Stephen did appoint one Thomas Weatheral an En - gin eer competent for such work to examine the locality of proposed drain, and make his report. and whereas in accordance with his re- port the counoil did on the ))rd clay of October 1881 finally pass a by-law for the purpose of goiag oe 'with tho work under the Municipal Drainage Actl and to raise the necessary money therein., but sloth report and sno1i by-law did not xnake provision for the maintainanoe of 'said work when oompleted. And 'whereas George Lawson, a person in- terested therein and who is injuriously affea- o& in consequence of the improper state of repair of stud drain, did by and througn the authority of the provisions of Section 58$ sub, son 2 ova 3 and see 585 sub sec. 2 'notify the oouneil of the bown4hip of SOO eo in writing that his lands were injurlo es ly f - ±eoted in oonsequouce of want of repair and proper outlet, And whereas thereupon the said council proceed. an examination be made by F; W. Faroe= be being a person com petao t for Snell purpose, of the said locelity pi °posed. in ore effa otually to be drained by clean in g out, removtug. obstructions, deepening and. widening and if necessary getting a more ouitable outlet. and.he.s case procured plans r ncl ostiniate of the work te be made by the said F W. Farncombe thud the assessment to be made by him of bus real property to be benefitted by such wiclening., deepening, Tem oving obstanation and a better o etlet. Stating as nearly as he can the proportion of beneAt whiali in his opinion will he deriv- ed in coo seguence of such deepening, widen- ing, removing obstructions and a better out- let by aver,yroadandiot or portion of :ot, the Sala aSSessm exit so Blade being ths aiS sess- meat hereinafter bythis by-law enacted to be ass seed and, levied 'loon the lots 'and parts of lo ts hereinafter La tha behalf speea, ially set forth end described and the report of the same B. W. Parnconthe in resnect thereof and. ofthe said deepening, widening removingobstructions and latter elitist being as follows. .LOrinON, ONT., h.ug.17th, 1893, 'Po the Reeve anct Connell. of the Township of Stephen in session assen.I bled. G.ENTranrEN:—In accordance with instruc- tions received from your honorable body I have made an examination of the ditch cia drain commonly known as the oalud Creek' Dram" commencing at the line between. lots 11 and 12 1/1 the 10th concession in the Township of Stephen and. extending north- erly across lots 11 to 10 both inclusive in the 10th Con, of the Township of Stenhen and. from lot II South to lot 5 in con lo both in- clusive and from lot 5 oon, lo South through lots 4 con. 8 both inclusive con. ll lot 2o 5 B Stephen and eeross 10t 2o in the N Wry. con. of the Township of McGillivray ancl across lots 3, 4 awl 5 in clonal. In making an examination I find. that the dram above described.is for the most part in a very bad condition having filled in oonsia- enbbly since originally constructed and. be- ing altogether too small in capacity to con- vey the water from thalands above described an cl that flowing•trpon them from the higher lands aboveonuch. to the damage of adjoin - inn" lands and. roads. I • also iinO that in order to obtain a pro per outlet in the Township of McGillivray it -will also be necessary to deepen, widen and strengthen the creek from the present outlet across lots 3,4, and 5111 the 15th concession of the said Township and. tha t tno adjoining lands would be more or less improved. have made the necessary .survey of the above work and. have staked it onaand have taken. levels, commencing at the lino be- tween. lots II. and 12 in the 10th concession as shown on plan, hereto attached, tit acing stakes along edge of drain two ohains or eight rods apart and taking levels at same and in bottom of ditch, where no change in oourse is necessary throughout. • The stakes are numbered o, 2, 4, 6, eta,a11(1. the levels are taken on the ground. beside the same. In the assessment I have endeavoured to distinguish between the higher and. outlying lands and the adjacent and lower lands which will evidently receive the greater ben- efit. Tbe dotted. blue lines on plan attached show approximately the outhno of low or swamplands using the drain for outlet, ,_ In tho accompanying Profile the out in feet and decimals of a foot are shown at each sta- tion of 8 rods al4o the depth of earth to be taken from the bottom of the ditch which wia also require to be wiclaned somewhat. Where the drain passes through timbered lands tho trees to be felled and all logs and brushwood to be removed, so far from the edge of the ditch that none may be covered by the earth excavated. The earth to be throwe out 5 feet clear of the edges of the ditch'and so equallyas possible on both sides , of same and spread ,o a depth not exceeding 1 foot unless otherwise ordered by the En- gineer or Inspector in charge of the work. Whenever the drain leaves the old channel of Creek at any crooked place for the pur- pose of straightening the same and irn Tway - g the flow of water, the earth excavated to be east upon tho side VII which the old. than - nel lies and whenever practicable the Con- tractor should. dump the earth into the same • Proper openings to be made in spoil hank at all low runs and. at sulfa:30,A intervals throughout. I estimate the cost of the above proposed. work as &Daiwa:— Excavatioa g Ion cub, yds. at 13c, $1854.58 Add. for stirvey and assistance, Plans and. profiles, estiraate, preparing and publishing by-law, lotting and super - intending, ex pertees o f Overt of Re- vision and other eXpenseS incidental to the ooinpletIon of the work. $100.00 Total ----- _Sohedule of Assesom ent gctiost lands in theTownship of Steptien o be ben,efitted and using the dram 46 an oat et, Con, I.,ot or pt, lob No aeres Value of Iranr 9th 14 3/)5 50 $500 " 5)415 50 700 N yi 14 60 800 " S'/14 50 10 100 1223178866502 00 0000000 0000000 " 100 N t fo , 22 ", Cent, pt. 13 60 blait, 12 18 • S IL 4 P•1 Kell. 7255 " 9 100 000 10th 14 100 500 00 0 18 100 " NS 4L22 50 40 00 " 104 11 50 11500 WWW110 . 2255 601500 0 W 25 W pt: E O. 10 20 1500 itiliWli10 25 " Cent pt O. 10 10 50 00 35 00 Cent pt E tO ea , 30 15 00 E pt 111 10 ao 30 o 00 it 9 100 160 00 100 15500 N4'7 .50 S 1/1 7 50' h3050 000 14 yo06 5500 W14 5 00 • 9700 0000 E V. 5 60 9060 0000 W344 50 (000 S 1/. A 50 20 00 Ny10 50 2000 5)43 50 000 llth 4 100 30 00 ' 5 100. 45 00 S. Bdry. 20 100 55 00 Total. assessment on Step lanTotal assessment on $164.0 00 ds in. hen roads lei Stephen $11458 Total assessment on lauds and roads in the Township of Stephen 5(74558 Soheaule of assessment against lands and Roads in the Township of McGillivray, Con. lot or pt.10t No acres 'Value of Intim, x Bo widary 40 31000 4 0 $400 0 000 4 100 4:000 000000 11 100 , 100 Total amotint against lands in the Township 2.'o tea assessments $ 0 of MeGillivray 17 Total assessment against roads in McGillivray 50 00 0 00 against lands and roads Assessment on lands in, $220 00 • - AteGillivray Tr. --Recapiataation Stephen $1640 00 • Assessment on Roads . (iecluding % town line) 31458 -Assessment on landsui. McGillivray 170 00 Assessment an. R oaaa ut . Mcailliyray (% town line) 50 00 Total .51974 58 The work when fully made and completed thall be maintained and kept in repair bv the municipality of Stephen -from its head. to the 'Oown line between Stephen and McGilli- raylthe remaining portion to be mai otaimed by. the Municipality of McGillivray at the leant expense. of the lands and roads of the Township of MoGillivroy and Stephen paying for con itruotion and in the same relative nor portion. All of which is respectfully subraitted. I haye the honor to b Gentlemen, • 7our obedient servant, W. Farnoom be, - • O. L S., 0, 30. And wnereas the said 001111011 are of the opinion that the said deepening, widening removing obstructions and. better outletaire desirable. Be it therefoxe enaoted by the said munici- pal ocounoil of the said To wnship of Stephen, pursuant to the provisions of the municipal Act, 1st That the said. repprt, plan and estimates be adopted and the eaid deepening, widening removing obstructions and -better ontletatnd the works oonnected therewith be made and constructed in accordance therewith, 2nd That the Reeve of the said Township may borrotv on the credit of the Corporation of the said Townehip of Stephen the sum of $1974,58 loss the amount payable by McGilliv- ray beingthe funds necessary for the work Aral m ay issue debentures of the corporation to thatamount in sums of not lessthan $100 and payable within 10 years from the date thereof with interest al the rate of 5 per cent, per annura that is to say In 10 equal an. nual consecutive instalments the first of which shall be due and payable one year from the date on which this by-law aliall have been finally passed,and all such debent- ures shall be payable at the 1Vrolsons Bank at Exeter, And the interest thereon shall be included -with the principal payable with each debenture, 3 That for the purpose of paying the sum of $1640; being the amount charged against the said lands 80 ±0 be benefitted as aforesaid other than roads belonging to the Munici- pality, and to cover interest thereon for ten years at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, the following speeial rates over and above, all other rates shall be assessed and levied (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied),npon the underraention- ed lots and parts of lots; and. tbe amount of the said special rotes and interest assessed as aforesaid against each lot or part of lot respectively 'shallbe divided into 10 equal parts. and one such, part shall be assessor' and levied as aforesaid in each year for 10 years after the final passing of this by; law during which the said debentures have to run. The years the Debentures will be payable are 1895, 1890, 1807,1898, 1899, 1900 1901 1902, 1903 and 1904. Schedule of assessment in the Township of Stephee to be bunefitted and. using the drain as an outlet. • 0 p, 'I•S tenni. aopet-elece zah•saitao zit` • xlai Vica ckcV 01 g war,: -e:3ca rdror,53 eetereg teciawal 0 lg e r411 - N',415 50 " 5)416 50 " N3414 50 1.4 S IA la 50 a 13 100 " N O. 12 22 " Centro 12 60 "Spt 12 18 e, , 1.,/ % 11 25 is $ % 11 75 It 10 loc. o 9 In0 10 14 100 " 13; too *, N IA 11 50 " S y.. 12 5o " E IA tt 5o W 411 25 E i./. WO.1.1 25 tt W341 2 " E la W .1/. lo 26 " W pt. E O. to 2o " Centre E pt E V. 10 10 " Oen.bro p130 10 acres 80 "30 pt. of /o acres 3o o g 9 loo 8 100 80 So " It v.466 60 50 41 ff. K 6 to It a ,Aa Go 50 50 50 St, . 6 66 4 ' loo 8 leo 2o boo tpio a IT 4 8.'44 D Total ik? 50 00 1310 700 212 809 245 12 00 1160 80 00 900 800 240 25 oo 750 7 oo 210 8 oo 240 2600 750 1500 450 5 oo 10 500 1 5o 366o 9 oo 8000 Doo 4o oo 12 oo 116 oo 1345o ' io oo Soo 6o oo 18o 15 oo 45o 66 oo 19 6o 5o oo 15 oo 25 oo 750 1500 460 6 oo 15o 16o oo 48 oo 166 ot, 405o 8o oo 24 oo 85 oo 26 6o 90 oo 911)0 7o oo 316o 60.00 18 no 95 oo 28 90 So oo 18 00 20 00 0 00 boo� 000 5 (Jo 1 Oo 8o oo Doo 4500 1850 550o 10 GO )es±0se0t on lands in Stbnlion 1640 00 on roads " 114 58 34 32 on lands and roads in Stephen including 34 $ g 51754 50 500 9 12 10 40 15±0 89 00 0040 82 5o 910 1o40 825o 19 5o 6 ao 650 5900 89 oo 52 oo 14950 38 00 78 oo 10 5o 845o 600o 825o 196o 650 208 oo 201 6o 104 oo 110 6ci 117 oo 91 oci 78 oo 78o ‘,123 Oo '12 69 78 po 7 8o 26 oo 900, 1$ oo 18o 6 90 6,2 3900 4330 5850 .085 7160 7 16 65 91, 104 1 56 8 90 1 04 3 25 91 I 04 25 1 95 65 65 890 390 5 go 14 95 180 180 195 845 ' 6 5o 4325 los ' 66 2o 8o So 16 lo 4o 1105 11 7o 960 5:18 So 148 90 14 89 • ------ $128 o9 4th That 50P the purpose of paying the sum of $114 o$ being the total amount assessed 1)9 agreSai.(1 steeliest the sai(1 zombi oe the sasO municipality ana to eover interest therein for lo years at the rate 0±5 per eent per annore 5 apeoial rate of 146 of a mill in the dollar sOall over and above all other rates be levied upon the whole rateable pro-, party in the savl township ofte,phen in emai year i'or lo yeera after the date of the iinai oassiag of this by-law during whith the said debeo throe bay° to run. otb T at the said drain shall be know a as the Mud Creek drain, And wIreo fully com- pleted shalt. be maintained and kept in re- pair by the municipality ofSteplien from its head to the tawnline between Stephen arid mioillivray. The realain00 portion to be M3iintaine4 by the Municipality of MeGilliy- ray at the joint expenee of the lands and roads of the Township of MeGillivray and. srephon -paying for construction and in the same relative prompion, Oth That the .ttitinicipai corporation of the Township of Stephen sh all let the contract for the said. work according to plans and, sPeeillea aims. Report and profile and to the lowest biddoo (oat exceeding the estimate) such contracts in addition to furnish one good ono staitaient and. satisfactory surity for the careful, proper and complete perform alma of said work as specified. And the E aid work shall be oompleted and Ottishod not later then theist tia,y of july 1895 or auah later date as the liouncil may agree on. And that the township engie eer is appointed to examine Said work whenever requested by the Colman of Stephen during construction and to certify as to the amoant of work done from time to time and to give orders on the Commit for the value of work done, less 20 per cent, but no such certificate, coder or any nayment shall, excuse the con traotor or surety from completing the work in strict compliance with said report plans and. sped, fications as outhorised by this By-law. This Bylaw shall be published in the Exe- ter Advocate. a weekly, for 4 consocutive weeks privions to the final passing 'thereof ana shall come into operation arid take ef- foot the date of tne final passing thereof, NOTICE: 'Notice is 'hereby given that a Court of Re., vision will lb° held in the Town Hall, at Orediton, on Monday the 5th day of Mama 1894131 the hour of 11 O'clock in the 'forenoon for the purpose of iteariog. and tryiog cornAttints and appeals ageanot the above as- Sossmonts, or any part thereof, an& the rate- able proportiotate assessments for further maintainance of said drain and in the man- ner provided. by tho assessment and Munici- pal Acts, and amendments thereto, and. all notices oftameat shall bo served ,upon the clerk of Stephen at Wait 8 days prior to such Court of Revision. And further notice is hereby given that anyone io tending to apply to have the above By-law or any part thereof quashed. must not later than ton days after the final passing thereof, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve or other head officoo and up- on tnerlerk of the said Township of Steph- en of his intention to make application for that purpose to the High Court of Justice at Toronto during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of the said By-law. CREME PROUTY, Clerk, Ste.phen, Hay P, O. Dated this 25th day of januctry 1894. • Cromarty. Mrs. John Gillespie who has been in poor health for the past year is in a crit- ical condition at present,but we sincere- ly hope. all will turn out ..well.—The Christian Endeavor meeting,s here, are now being largely attended; aud the young people are taking an active peet,—One popialer merehaet, Mr. Geo, Miller is /low doing a large business, and is rapidly _aaluing the confidence of the public.—The checker club . has again started here, and some of our players would like to try Exeter club a few games. Since writing the above concerning Mrs. John Gillespie's severe iilness we have -learned of her death, which took place on Tuesday at the ege of 37 years and four months. She leaves a husband and a small family to mourn her demise, who have the sym- pathy of the community. Centralia. Thos. E. Handford is rushing the wood business. --Mr and Mrs, T. R Hteks are in London atteuding the wedding of a sister of Mrs Ilicks.—A large load of R. T's., of Central Council went to Seaforth on Monday to attend the convention held there. They speak well of the hospitality of the Seaforth friends —Mr. C. W. Smith was in In- gersoll last week attending the Dairy- men's c nvention and reports a very successful meeting—Miss Greenway, of Manitoba has been visiting friends in this place during the past week. -- Mr, Butt father cf Rev Butt of Clinton has been visiting his father also Miss Hannah Butt. of Keen.—Mr. Marshall is again able to be out after a long seasbn of confinement to the house. Glad. to note the improvement,—Mr, Wm: Mitchel and wife, of Hensel!, are visiting at Mr. Thos. Mitchelle and oth er of his relatives and friends. Orediton. Mrs. L. Stahls, Mr. S. Iloltzmann and wife, and Mr. F. Holtzmann, of Elkton, Mich., are home at present owing to the illness of their sister Miss M Iloltzmann, who is still very low.—Mrs. D Stahls and son, Levi, have been ill for the past few days but are DOW slowly recover- ing. G Zwicker, jeweller, lefe on Tues- day for Ailsa Craig, where he is in the employmient of Mr, Brownlee.—Mrs. W, Hill, of Moray, has been the guest of Miss Gllbert.—Rev. Becker has com- menced a series of revival services in the Evangelical chureh.—Wm. Lewis, , and 0, F. Morlock attended the dis trict meeting of It T. of T. at Seaforth on Monnay g. Buckingham and wife, of Exeter, have been spend ing a few ditys here, under the parental roof.—The Missee Zwieker and Misses Morlock have returned home after hav- ing a very enjoyable time, --Mr. Wm. Fritz intends going to Elkton, Mich., and if all is favoreble, intends starting up businese as blacksmiele—Mrs Saute des and son. Victor, left foaLotdon on Friday with, theietentions of consulting a physielan conceruing' the little fellow's eyes, The County Cetincil of Middlesex vvound up thetr teseien 011 Satueday by passiug a resolution favoring the ap- pointment of county ()facets by the county couticile, Sodom. The relative evils of what is coming, oaJled etyle, eed tea will be diecussed on Tuesday evening Feb 6 4 speak - e ere on each side, Kippen Ma James 'Young, of Roesburn, Man. formerly of this piece, was made happy ou Tuesday, 23rd inst., by taking unto himself a wife, in the person of Miss Lizzie Ross, a school miss, s It will be remembered that Mr, Young removed from here together with his parents about 15 years ago, We wish laim and his bride a long and happy life.— OBITUARY.—It again becomes our sad, duty to pen the death of a young mother and a loving wife in the per son of Mary Jane, wife of Mr. Robert Skinner, which sad event took place at the family residence, Lot 5, Con. 7 Usborne, on Sunday lastat the age of 28 years and C months Deceased WaS strlIcen down about five weeks ago with that dreaded disease la grippe and gradually grew worse until it ef- fected her heart when death put an end to her sufferings,.,$he was a daughter of Mr. Wm. Chowen of this township and leaves a husband and one child about two peers old. Her 18 mates were interred in the Exeter cemetery yesterday Med.) The be- reaved husband has the sympathy of the community. Dashwood. ERROR.. conagonere—The L 0. F. concert will be elven on the 141h Feb not the 152h as was stated last week. -- Every one is anxiously looking for a little more of the spotless white. A few inches more the roads would. be in good condition and no small amount of work would be done. As yet not many logs have some to the mills, but with the good hope of sleighing in the.near future our mill men still re- taloa:their cheerful counteuance.—Mn John Holtz, tailor, is a little 'under the weather the result of an overdose of the "0 be joyful," John's appetite seems to be excellent in this directioxi,—Dr. Danforth Supreme Physician of ,the T. 0,T, M. of Port Huron, arrived here Friday and succeeded in organizing a hive of the Lady- Maccabees here. There are some of our people opposed to secret societie,s of any kind still the work goes on much to their chagrin.— Some ef our people have been agitating an idea which if carried out would • be of great benefit to the public hgenet, ally—especially to the wives andchild- rea of the men, who sit for two or three hours every night around stores and shops for no other purpose than the usual evening gossip. The idea is this that the citizens pass a resolution to 'close all business places at 8 o'cloele of course not including; the barber shop hotel or post office. All other places could close and do the same amount of business, only that it would be done in business hours. Under Ole presenc system purchasers can scarcely wend their way through the crowds that gathers in stores,in order to get a birds eye yiew of what they want to buy Let every citizen take this matter into coneitleration and see if something can- not be done.—Mr. and Mrs. Shrieves, of Oincinatt, Ohio., are visiting at Rev. Krupp's —Miss and Mrs. Seemlier, of Sebringville, are guests of Mrs.. Geo. Ka,ercher,—Mr. John G. Soldan has his neck bandaged, Sign of the grip.-- Mastex Mark Brokenshire has tried his hand at mastering the thimble and shears —Mr. John Hoffman spent Sunday in Zurich. John thinks Zurich is al right to spend a day but prefers spend • ing his nights elsewhere.—Dashwood has almost everything it needs bat a J. P. This officer is needed badly to free the streets of the boys who ought to re- main at home and study. Parents try and think for your children, they learn nothing on the streets that is creditable and. becoming to them and some day you may have to partake of sorrow resulting from the fiuit of their street learning. Beep your children home read to them, see that they are well up in their school studies and they will re- spect you for it in after years.—Our worthy undertaker and furniture deal - has been doing a great stroke of busi ness in the disposal of furniture of late. People know when they get used on the square hence the reason why so many cell on Mr. Ball when wanting furniture.—Mr. Frank Holtzman, tailor of Elkton, Mich, formerly of Dashwood was here on Friday and called on many of his old friends. A tent of the Knights of the Macca- bees was instituted here on Monday and Meet:lay evenings, Jan. 22nd and 23rd, by 8: W. Truster, D. S., cam, assisted by Sir Kb, G. A. Maloney, The tent nas 25 members -at present and promises to be a good one fte some of the best men in the village are deeply interest- ed in the Order. Election of officers resulted as follows: Sir Kt. John Hall, Past com ; Sir Kt J. n 13rokenehire; Coro; Sir Kt J. W, Graybeil, L C0111. Sir Kt J. V, Hoffman, IL X.; Sir Kt Jos, Snell, lie K.; Sir Kt T. P. McLaughin, M, D., Phys; Sir Kt Louis Stanbus, Chap; Sir Kt Wm, Snell, M. at A,1 Sit Kt Thos Snell, Seargennt ; Sir Kt W. H. Berk, 1st; M. of G.; Sir It P. Baker, 2nd M, ot a..; Sir Kt Jno Voeliter, Sen- tinel; sir Kt J. G. Soldare Picket Night of meeting lat and sta Saturday of eaeh Month, Varna. The special serviees that have been going on in the Bayfield Road ehurch for past weeks, were brought to a close last Sunday and we feel they have been productive of much good.—Rev. White and his daughter have gone to their home in Hainitton.-1 he Rope! Tempters are to be congratulated oa the success of their bow social. All reeort having had a good time—A. concert in aid of the Sabbath School St- John's church was given in the town hall last Thursday evening. The music and recitations were well ren- dered, but we must notice especially the address of the Rev. Hodgins on "Ire- land and the Irish". The reverend Centleinan has the power of taking his audience along witb., him.—Quite number of our yillagers attchded the con veetion of Royal Templet's held in Seaforth last Monday. DEATH OF A PIQNE13111.-0n MOIlday 22nd inst., Mr. Geo. Beatty, one of the oldest settlers of Staulev, died here, at the age of 76 years. He was truly ° pioneer, haying come from Ireland, the land of his birth over 56 years ago, ante , taking up land on the Goshen line. was an active man, and participated in many of the early improvements that have contributed so much to the pros- perity of this township In religion an Episcopalian, and in politics a Oonserve ' ative. He was a man very generally respected and esteemed, and leaves a wife. two daughters and aye sons. The remains were interred in Bayfield come etary, 05 Wednesday. Clinton. • A.bout five o'clock 'Wednesday morn - lug fire was discovered in the store occupied by James Twitchell as a shoe and harness shop. Owing to the immense amount of sundries packed in the cellar it was hard to extinguish the flames., and it wa'S not until much damage was done to the adjoin in g store, occupied by Jackson Bros.' clothiers and furnishers, and the firemen were unable to get control. Mr. Twitchell will be a heavy loser, as hie store was completely gut- ted, and he is one of those gentlemen. , who don't believe in carrying insur- ance. Jackson Bros.' stock of ;ready made clothing suffered much from water and smoke, while $3,000 of their new spring goods were among the damaged on the seeoud fiat, bub they were fully thsured. The sti on the west side of Twitthell's is occupied by ' CooperaSe Co, booksellers and. stationers, but owing to the staunch brick wale between them, the stock was but slight- ly _de maged by smoke or water. Yomea--Ross.—In Rossburn, Man, tne the 23rd ult., Mr. James Young, for- merly of Kippen, to Miss Lizzie Rosa, both of Rossburn. DEALT WO. SKINNER.—In Usborne, on • the 28th. ult,, Mary Jane, beloved wife of Robert Skinner, aged 28 •years and 6 months. • HARRIS —In ITsborne, on the 29th ult, • John Harris, sr., aged 76 years and • 1 month. ELDON.—At Kirkton the 18th ult., • Robert Eldon, aged 73 years and 11 Months, GILLESPIE.—In Cromarty, on the 30th ult,, Janet Elizabeth beloved wife of John Gillespie, aged 37 years and 4 • rnenths. VERITY.—In Brantford, on the 291h We. Mr. 'William H. Verity, formerly of.' • Exeter, aged 64 years. Many deaths are prevented by Uolat Kure. • Try it for Colds, La barip, Etc. OUT 41 TWO! We are losing 1Vion.ey but can- not afford to carry them over Prices of 'Ladies' Mantle $3.50 Mantle fir ..$1:7S, 4,00 „ 2.00) 600 „ " 3.001, 7.00 " 3,56 8.00 , 4.00 Misses' and children's hose worth from 14 to 25 cents 10 . cents per pair, 12 dozspools at 5 cts, per doz. Men s ties worth 201 25 and 50 cts,, for 5, 15 ' and 25 cents each. Ladies hose worth 26 cents for 15 cents. Men's caps worth 50 cents fOr 35 its Double width milton dress goods worth 25 cents a yd. for 15 cents. Overcoats at prices that will 'make others squirm.