HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-18, Page 8.LUST IT TI_IIE SCHOLARS. A cheap lot of School Books in, eluding the High School list required for the opening. Grig FOCAL JOTTINGS. On. Tuesday last while ripping lum- ber with a circular saw Mr A. Cottle accidentally run his hand on the saw, lacerating the index finger of the right hand badly, and also received a slight cut on the thumb, The Trivitt Memorial Church Ladies' iFuild. have secured an engagement with Canada's Star Violinist, Miss Nora Clinch, who will give, one of her popu tar concerts sometime within two weeks The program will. be filled in with fore- ign and local talent. Remember this is to be the most refined musical treat over presented to an Exeter audience. Don't miss it, Mr. Sampson Popplestone, of whom attention }vas made in these columns as beinn'cti ugerously ill, passed to his tong home on Sunday last at the ad- vanced age of 75 years and 9 months. Deceased was seized with that dreaded disease, la grippe, some few weeks ago and like many others never regained his former good health, He leaves a grown up family to mourn his demise. At the annual meeting of Biddulph District, L. 0. L., held in Parkhill on Monday lost the following officers were elected for the ensueing year:— District Master, John Niel. D D. Master, Jas. Ken neston;Poe. Sec., W. J, Wilson; Fin. Sec., G. Grieve; Treas., Norman Grieve; Chap. David Poulter; Dir. Cer. W.Turner; Lecturers, Robt Hutehinsou and Geo. Walden. Next annual meet- ing to be held in Luean. The London Free Press says :—"A Widowers' Association has been formed in Dresden. No man can join unless his wife is dead, and if he marries again he becomes an honorary member mere ly. One of the chief purposes of the association is to help newly -made wid oversby locking after their wives funerals and caring for their children. Members will also meat for mutual sympathy and entertainment. There are at present forty numbers." The residence of Mr. Andrew Demi). sey was the scene of one of those pleasant events which are usually characterized with much interest on Thursday last, when his daughter Maud, was united in marriage to Mr. C. Daltry, of Lncan. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. Mc- Donagh, about 11 a. m, in the pre senee of a few relatives and friends The happy couple took the evening train for Toronto and other points east, to spend their honey -moon. Personal Mention. Mr. D. Tait, of Detroit, formerly of Exeter, will leave there in a few days for New York, where he purposes at- tending the cutting school for a few months.—Mr. James Butt, of Cypress River Man., was in town on Monday visiting friends. He will return some time in February.—Mr, Henry Hand- cock, of Emerado, Dakota, is visiting friends and relatives in town,—Mr. Edmund Zeller, one of Zurich's rising young merchants, and Mr. Robert Lorimer, the Government mail carrier, between Zurich and Hensal!, was the guest of Mr. McNevin, on Sunday last. —Frank Oke, of Toronto, is renewing acquaintances in town.—Mr. William Copp, of St Paul, Minn., is the guest of Miss M. Cudmore.—Miss Millie Davis is visiting friends in Crediton.—Miss Millie Cudmore spent a few days in Crediton last week.—Mr. Locke, of London, spent a few days in :own last week the guest of Mr. P. Bawden,—Mr. Chas. Ewing, who has been visiting his parents in Teeswater for a few days, returned on Monday.—Mrs. John Cook - sen, of Stephen, is confined to her bed with inflammation of the bowels —Rev. Coupeland, of Eiimville, and Rey. Geo. Jackson, exchanged pulpits on Sunday last,—Mrs. Thos Newton, who has been very ill for several days, is slowly re- covering,—Mr. Wm. Horton, returned home from Durham on Saturday last and brought with him a handsome driver,—Mr. John Hoskin, of Killarney, Man., is visiting friends and relatives in town, --Mr. Wesley Lyne, who for some time has resided in different parts of British Columbia and California, is again in town renewing acquaintances. —John Glanville, photographer, of Toronto, is renewing acquaintances ra town,—Mrs. R. J. Campbell, of Lon- don, is visiting friends and relatives Frere.–Messrs Thos. Newton, E. Gill and D. Dew were delegates to attend the annual meeting of Biddulph District, L. 0, L. held in Parkhill on Monday.—Miss llolla McCallum, who left here some months ago for Manitoba to complete a a<.rm of teaching for her brother, while returning home last week was sudden- ly overpome by a severe attack of la grippe and was compelled to remain arta at Toronto for treatment. Her father, Mr. John McCallum, was at once sent for and both are yet there. Four weeks of lnild weather has been predicted. County Council will meet at Goderich on Tuesday next 23rd, Buv your ticket early and secure a good seat at the Nora Clinch concert.. Faxes are plentiful this winter, and our town sports have made several captures. Trivitt Memorial Church ladies will start this week selling tickets for the Nora Clinch concert, Be sure and get one. The new plate, glass front far the Oddfellows block was set in position on Friday and gives the place an impos• nig appearance The boys at the Big Bankrupt Store are too busy this week to write locals. Go and see them, they are giving great bargains on all winter goods. The cold hand of death has again manifested the uncertanity of life by taking from the home of Mr. William Passmore, his beloved wife, at the age of 77 years and 8 months. Deceased was enjoying the best of health within three days of her death when she was suddenly stricken down with la grippe which seemed to lay a deadly hold on her and she gradually grew worse un til she succumbed to its fatal effects. The bereaved husband, who is very ill, has the sy mpathy of the community, Thevillage of Lucan.is offering $500 reward for the detection of fire, -bugs.. The farmers say they would welcome any kind of a change in the weather. The roads could not be worse,. Arrangements are being made by the Masonic fraternity of Exeter, to hold a grand conversazione in the near future, The Advocate carrier boy wishes to tender his thanks to those subscribers who 'tipped" him with a little chink as a new years greeting. So great has been the success of 2 cent letter'postage in the United States that there is now a movement in favor. of establishing a 1 cent letter rate with• in the Republic. The grand cornet and tr:mbone music intersperesd at the services in the James Street Methodist church by Messrs. Lomas, of Hamilton, on Sueday morning and evening was received by the large eongregations with much appreciation, Installation of officers for 1894, of Plymouth Lodge, No 63, Sons of Eng- land, took place on Monday, when the worthy District Deputy, Bro, Jackson, of Clinton. officiated. Tne following are the officers: President, J. Senior ; V. P., T, Rartnoll ; Sec., G. Kemp ; Treas., C. B Marsland; Chap, R. N. Rowe. Committee, re-elected with the addition of G. Davis. OCK TAKING� Biggest Stock taking sale of the Season, now on at the Big Bankrupt Store. Bargains never before heard of In Exeter._.. - NOTE Our present low prices on Sugar cannot be guarant- eed for any length of timef owing to the sharp advance at the refinery. J. A. S T EWART. The following officers of Exeter Lodge, No 67. I. 0. 0. F., were duly in stalled by P. G. Spackman, on Tuesday evening last : J P. G., Bro. H, Buck ingham; N. G., R. S. Richardson; V. G. J. D. Atkinson; R. S., S. A. Popplestonf; P. S.. A. E. Fuke; Treas, H. Lambrook; Warden, R. W. Taylor; Conductor, A. Hastings; R. S. N. G., J. Cobbledick; L.S. N. G., R 1i. Sweet; R. S. V. G., T, Prior; L. S. V. G., Wm. Atkinson; R. S. S , J Evans; L. S. S., F. Knight. Firemen's Concert. Don't forget the Firemen's concert in Drew's Hall on Friday Jan. 26th A splendid program has been arranged and a pleasant time may be expected. bee posters. A Cold Bath. For some time the juyeniles of town have been participating in the pleasure of skating on the old mill pond, even when the ice was not sufficiently thick to carry them. On Friday last as a consequence Master Isaac Bissett and several other small boys were skating as usual, when Master Isaac broke through and went in up to his neck. With some difficulty he was released, but not until his clothes were well soaked. Boys take warning! Stephen & lfsborneAgr'1 Society, The Stephen & Usborne Agricultural Society held their annual meeting in the Town Hall on Thursday last, when the general business was transacted and officers elected for the ensueing year. After the financial matters were adjusted, which proved very gratify- ing, ratifying, the following officers were elected: —Sam'l Sanders, President; D. McInnes Vice -Pres.; Jas Ballentyne, John Del - bridge, H. EiIber, R. Lang, Wm. Elliott, Ed. Christie, W. T, Hawkshaw A. Q. Bobier, H Jones. Exeter Connell Minutes. First meeting of the council for Exe- ter for 1894. Mr. W. Bawden Reeve. elect; Mr. W. G. Bissett, Dep. Reeve, elect and Messrs. T. B, Carling, A. Q. Bobier and Jno. W. Taylor Councillors elect took and subscribed their several declarations of qualification and offiee in presence of the clerk, The Reeve assumed the chair. On motion of T. B. Carling sec'd by A. Q. Bobier Mr. L. Hardy was appointed Auditor. The Reeve appointed Mr. Isaac Carling, Jr. the other Auditor. Carling—Taylor That By Law No. 1 to appoint audi- tors having been read a first time be read a second and third time and final- ly p'tssed.—Carried. Bissett—Bobier that the council meet the Trustee Board at their next meeting with a view to arrange concerning surplus funds of the board.—Carried. Messrs Spackman and Fuke applied on behalf of the Odd - fellows for permission to replace a wooden building at the rear of their brick building on Main street Bobier Taylor that permission be granted the Oddfellows to replace the present build- ing facing on Main Street. --Carried. Carling Taylor. The eouneil adjourn until Friday the 19th inst at 7.30 p, m. for appointment of officers and other business.—Carried, M. EAORETT, Clerk. The newly elected School Board held their first meeting last evening and were waited upon by the VillageCoup- cilre. the transferring of the school fund to the Village treasurer. After some little discussion it \r as moved by W. J. Carling, seconded by- E. Howard that the money be transferred–Carried unanimously. Ruptured and Deformed People. There are Ruptured people every- where, they want the best Truss for the least money, and to make it con- venient for them, I will be in their neighborlicod. Their is no doubt that your case will be attended to pr:tperly, as lam known from Ocean to Ocean on this Continent as a man of rare ability and skill in the Mechanical Line of overcoming Rupture and all Deformities of the human frame—Spin. al Disease, Club Feet, Knocked Knees, White Swelling. It is very hard, even in Europe, New York, etc., to improve on goods made under any superintend- ence in my Factory. I am the Invent- or of 27 Patents in the different lines of Trusses and Orthopedical Appliances and, if you wish to have your case at- tended to, would ask you to be on time as I will be found as follows with Sam- ples and Goods, as Trusses in all their variety, to take measu° ements etc. WILL VISIT AS FOLLOWS: SEAFORTI•I, Commercial Hotel, Jan. 22, CLINTON, 1-fattenbury's " " 23, GonERICH Albion <' " 24, EXETER, Commercial 6 " 25, WINGIIAM, Queen's " " 26 BRUSSELS, Queen's <' 27, CHAS. CLUTHE Surgical Machinist, 134 King St. West, Toronto Ont. Bold Thieving. Some time- between last Thursday night and Friday morning, Mr. Wes Snell,who residessouth of Exeter about two miles, was-roti.aed from his slumber by the usual putheh in the ribs from his wife, who had been awakened by the savage barking of the dog. Mr. Snell hastily dressed, and before going out slipped a revolver in his pocket. He made his way towards the barn and before getting there he saw a man to whom he called out. "What are you doing there" and with- out replying the man came towards him. Mr. Snell again called out "who are you and what do you want ?" Still the man came towards , him without uttering a word. Mr. Snell then said, "I am armed and if you come any nearer I'll shoot" and with this he dis- charged his revolver. This had the ef- fect of scaring the bold thief, who ran to the road, accompanied by another who Was stationed in the orchard just opposite the house. These two jumped into a rig and were rapidly driven away by the third who was holding the team. In the morning Mr. Snell found that one hog had been taken from the slaughter house, and had been carried to a Cross fence, .'Mr. Snell had been slaughtering and dressing quite a number of pigs for the London mar- ket. The thieves were evidently af- ter thiel pork. = %ern,e ;l Jolillton's. Buy Me Quick SARGFIINS T Good white shirts Good heavy top shirts Cottonade overalls 150 steel rod umbrellas 25c heavy braces now $10 beaver caps, for $ l0 goat robes, $g 25c wool socks, now 25c men,s mitts MEN'S SUITS, $3.50 $4.25 $6 00, were, $500 $6.50 $9,00 OVERCOATS, $3 50 $4 25 $6.00 $7.00. were, $5 00 $0.00 $9 00 $10.00 Ladies heavy all wool hose 25c for 15c Ladies collars & muffs 20 ° j° cash diset. 14c flannelettes now 9c 8c " e o< 6c Odd lines kid gloves 50 pair half price Alt linen towling 5c 6 pieces skirt lining 4c Groceries at Gout Price. Boots 31a.oes 45e 60c for de 75c for 50e $1.00 2 for 25e $5,50 $6,00 $5.50 18c 2 for 25c Some of our spring goods just in NOBBY & C.)rIEA.P. G. G. JOHNSTON, Opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel BIG CUT PRICES 100 LADIES' JACKETS To be cleared before mov- ing into the premises now occupied by R.Pickard&S os Having leased the premise referred to for a term of years, which we intend to move into in February 1894. We will sell any ladies' jack- ets at the following big cut prices, viz:— Were $10.00 now $7.00 Were $8.00 now $5.00 Were $5.00 now $3.00 Your choice of child- ren's jackets now only $2.75. These prices are for cash or produce -only E. J. SPACKMAN _ & CO Samwells Block, Exeter. Safe Blown Open. On Monday night or early Tuesday morning burglars effected an entrance - to the Exeter station and blew open the large safe. Apparently the deed was done by two men who had driven there in a buggy. The entrance was made at the west window having pried it up A carpenter's brace and two blacksmith's chisels were found in the morning on the floor and a lamp which had evidentially been broken by the. shock. There was no money in the safe, and the tickets, books etc. were unmolested and in no way damaged. No clue to the would be thieves. Sent Rim Flying. Drumbo, Ont., Jan, 11.—A serious accident occurred near here this morn- ing. As the eastbound passenger train on the B. and L. H. devision of the G. T. R., which is due to arrive here at 9.42, was within one mile of here one of the shafts which connect the two large drive wheels on the engine broke while the train was under full speed, The driver at once reversed the engine and applied the air brakes but before the train was brought to a stop the flying shaft was playing havoc with the cab, and in some mysterious way the driver named West, was struck and knocked through the window of the cab, and landed upon his face on the embank- ment. At first it was thought he was seriously injured, but Dr. Pentland was called, and after an examination, found that the knee of the right leg was dis- located and the bone fractured. After Dr. Pentland had done all that could be done for the unfortunate man he was sent back to his home in Stratford on the return train, accompanied by the doctor. The last report was that he was doing as well as could be ex peetod. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radieally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and myster ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears, The first dogs greatly benefits. 75c, Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist. COME INTO 1YIY PARLOR," SAID THE SPIDER TO THE FLY:y Is very appropriate to some of the advertisements we read. We may tell you straight and just here that we have no cobwebs. If we wanted to lie, we would tell you that we were selling goods at half price, fifty per cent off for cash. Oceassionally this is done with a special article,—as a job lot of sam- ples, or remnants; but, generally when you see such statements, you can set it down as a strain- ing of the conscienceorjugglingwith thetruth. We don't wonder at the Patrons of Industry boycotting the storekeepers, after reading such trash. You may depend when a merchant sells an article at or below cost, he is bound to make it up on another. They are not there to do business for nothing. OUR L PRICES„..k Are like the Sun,—an every day affair and for ev- erybody. "The Sun and the Wind had a controversy" says the old fable, and the Sun proved the victor. We think our sunshine will win in its strife against windy words. We wish our many customers, "A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. P. S. We pay for Turkeys 9c, Geese 6.ic, Ducks 70, Chicken 50, per lb. D. Apples 60, Green do. 50 to 750 per bag;, Butter 20 0, Lard 13c, Tallow 6c and Eggs 16c. cArtuNa BROS. STOVES FURNACES. Now is the time to buy Stoves and Furnaces. If you want either of these articles, why not buy' from us? We compete with dealers all through the county and defy them to meet our prices. We keep the largest assort- ment. We guarantee every stove and furnace we sell. Cobbledick . & Forfend. :situ !ti Aiiiy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm Tr YOU WANT TO • Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO • Borrow or Lencl$Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr. Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency, Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office– Main Street, Exeter. Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 • This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant :and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills. Ir your tongue is coated you neer them. AT .ALL Dlti10 STORES. Exeter LuMber ��Yard. The undersigned wishes to inform thegeneral public that he keeps constantly in stock all kinds of building material, dressed and un- dressed lumber . B. C. Red, Ontario, High Land and Pine Shingles. . . Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar which is acknowledged to be the most durable timber that grows; especially for shing- les. 36 to 40 years. . . It is said by those who know, that they will last from 36 to 40 years in any climate. James. Willis, LUMBER MERCHANT r' THOROUGH EQUIPMENTS, PRACTICAL COURSE, LIVE TEACHERS, THOROUGH WORK Under the gelding hand of the Principal of the FOREST. CITY BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SCHOOL of LONDON who has had special preparation for his chosen prf'ession, assures success to every student, Raving Spentfifteen years fe the class roomand five ,years in business and office practice he should hztow how to prepare young people for business. It pays to attend a school thetlias a standing *neon business en. College re -opens n Tuesday Ianary Snd, 1894. Jhi. W.WESTER'VI LT, sriserrAG BA"