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The Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-18, Page 7
; 111"U I "S Ei�►J ' S people in srbrbtboy shofld de re avoid bhoIW8118, end four ar five gallonm be applied daily a+s7 r bhraa6onod danger. U'bis s4oald ba doneaorta an epieemio, THE ►l�(��)Ilp��(1j1��'f _� without oreat'log any alarm. g 1 U114111dJ�11[1'l ""`- should be thorou hl The town TO DISY IIrEOr TIlY9 SICK CIIAMDLI;. THS 1t[L, �EA; 'What bet Vin Do to Cit>�'0 aal� ��ke g y lad 'eienuditlly olaanod a in dbf wale d, and the oonditio° The roam must bo vacated. Too paper of nti•➢ drinking weber ez:irnined by an ex- �� 1porb. obould ail be carefully sarapad from bila A Thorough voutilptlau for SaVarat there ally HOW it iS Grow, Hari Alore Curable. re sick loao,u the sick Room. d%Ys, and thorough washing of all surfacesh%jnho airy and°pluassny all p Asshould be a.fltijdge, wlt;t one of bho dlsfnfecoing S,lut(ous, ray, And PI�pared For sale, +rue plat of Standard cotribton, No. 4, to tour in a pain of the ROuue where au mnora gallons of water) Or a quar"r of a int . Of -_•��.. SOME J Ld8F1'ltsd DISINFECdAil IS quiet o iaomepusalblo may ism tenured. In awn• y'binbion of hypaoblorite of so3la to a gkilou A GRE 317 AND GROUPING TR D3@1 !Id ! of j{S3 ,9 room ; tha u es b in best to have the slos of water. Tile malls aryl! ceiling, if plan. room in the upper part of the liouae so bho, i4red, should be w-hed with this, and hben the to"r free% it will nob m(nglu so Dinahwith vi]ite•wusbed, HE P@snub enjc the air of the h°use. Tile room ohrsu[d k,sve °'as.hed (uoo brushed Or �) awayV afrom name Parts it to , l9tesr Dlseaae !s s7Lnrectd -Tiers or Dareln I, led e;e aotna means for fret vontlEatlon vribh<„ub bile pro, f? , oracka owners and crevices. the ground•pea tnation of draught. XI unna6e'6ary arbiclen SULPHUR Iri75YIGATYON, t i t mcu�-Dow to Avoid Irttecttari-Cara of ehoald be removed from the roam, 1 earth -nub ; in o': Patient,. 2. The patlenb obould ba ias,labod In the p nr use t,3 boffburively, two pounds of mel- Ube monkey or inn aleft raelm Item the visite of all except hi. ,qumrS Ever ed in a roam ten feet A ' nub; while to lT le fully bel"avod by nurse and the physiolar,. {This dots nob choir, Evfj-y ° enfh + `3I _ :9,ng walorlby of Son nnfitariane that most w ! gin the room-flaea, - children it is the at Pp y o tyll`hold favar, cholera, or dye. ria c'oeed, of epbiabh,, andoor orbevices---musb Iov811 iutdar or go = w to€@otfl�Una and conhsg- entary,) '' / louu disr•as B could Geo 3. A,! g%-ds,a, dopa or other veaaals nand hIla a nle drat s y which bho ezt@r wpq In France, where a , .-�' '` abampgvd int” cam- by •rha pLabianh, should t➢oo[@Sud@d ss Refile d s'nfq dr.4 fa to aacapo ; aIat,at doors and atroly itnpsrh�d from ti]a wont moa ''`r ti ploto]v caal.p mankind stater reform bring Head tsy tubers,It, Aad v rB shaslti be opened wide, atid Aided, ih is k:.owil as pfstache de t ,s be Isduood cc live up to faOd* and Lr;nIsy tauohatland nob g Il rAcss,en nl, 1, as Ira bas room daring the What the nat"i-o Africans call It I an mil a.nkecss, h seg an Naos, being spread cub ab,v io say ; but In our own Cuatvm F1 ♦ b#ro ti,1tA wh,ela we now by the stair, BI cul k ba burned er bon9IImed and opened ug t a much as postrtbio, o ..aailioatfon it il" PO""?Rs oauaarning their 4. Iha dlsohargen linin tiro bawola d. vlpbur fs to b@ burned is an iron kettle as ta{lio°,, and , is planed With moot: „ -�nre, The plague, frog. th.e.kirirlo� r, should ata o G and other vestal sat fn a tub aorataiain at littlIlre,e dried fiu(ta, =nd 5hvasheunder the himi rile .bdaalY dearly," " euo swerabs. ellro Y f c ived on their rva;;Nr toag,n�t fled nAts are a.: ° zAvag and d, „ g'y vary idsuo favi% the bad tubo vasaeln 'Alcohol or eroesno must he Pvurod l an !•eanq. Trac a aatmh b . oia�,"ors, in farmtst aero oharged .c ith diainfeete•nbn, and, altar Alto esu pilar, t,y rn o of he p A up" y, P any other n �3s?aged c,nratlnanto' oft"ying to the grave bhorougia dinba.reotion, uu thrown into the the Sot I, p will ta;,te like a ptiaaut still. �'a� --111, 10uv h ba thrz-feurtbs of all the sewer, o"s, in the owunbrburled at Pexs fu fb may be q'ho plant requires from flue to 1r+ha'b3t%nt?- tfl'drwir tavamea have baen aua hundred fn®t from an wall N highly the room qu#ekly, for fibs months to mature, the aeaia being elft➢ mos aro highly lraiaauaus eaten brea4hed, after there is no dan;ur of lato fxc t .zupl, I ; somN f t 3a ttroeuaktaewn is tilt- etre-6ro In no vaso shy Alcf t?tap bg thioles r°� °l.oae the dour tightly. Let fits room usually in Ma I t,r. y�d'wntvre.. ra t,tt lila surface Ef file gr ➢and r,N into ,a Tlx nisei°loacd hwenf)Y-lour Lcura or ntoro. I' er or ex it s barvosted be amod be uniteoliva 4o fuiriiei doeratic,ne, fraat !n 03(0 8 r'a-a Bfir,AAm of water. R%gn led paper thoroughly f°> seworal days. y November. It !rt tcolfevad Aiat aaatr,af blteBe disaaaoe is svh;oit lave 1➢apamv coatat'nin ted with any k PLANTING Cgop, 'l&io tea'nft of a Rpenisl pcaieof (avntuglum) dleobarge absauld be burred tib oneo it► a TUE ]DINNER KETTLE. 9 Dnoia rtrralvs aro ran aortae time £ b`w l a,g In .tun bade, fTkaos , rb til,er the eye, strong Pira, It is well, in III coubag#ous die- `$;Oluo )Tnteiasti➢zr 1Faats Coneernin flbont throe foot allRrt end the ridges fiatrt ler f1lfl iff0irt reale, sand ex. rb th:.ir mala Das_+s, W place a plena o€ rubber cloth under allghtiy flea°ned.. An interesting end of $cnS ou cllffarmet laarra of the boiY• the patient to prevent the dleohargoe from fel e,.r•ttcle. g a Use• pleto implamaat is MOM nssd tsh'oft d+sea $aaslrrt fs ver, am rill➢oz aa.1 inbagYox, and so.+t Y.,w isfto : bra tied, work metre quickly and rlvrily than ms tall arupttggto1A"ea'f of t,e, skier era raba- The dinner nettle in avnrman use 40 man, and which will plant an other Be. ty7y p,o;yAi, ro,:d i a P 5. All arbic$ea of the pabiertt's clothin Suers ago waa a tall sbraf 'ht sided, round as Weil as ah wl)l . plant any tai the y pvia,ra diNehnrczeil is all ahoetw, towelm, nmpafs:a, taanuagee or P 4 I Mead Shia, a3 well, also, As by means spanaes about rile B!eh, mash before 13r Ain ptiU, lotto vd lull ht a Bet a tin dish about Of All d1a,vargea from bciu bklwoix, blaodar, ha;f as die ttlizar is Plated in one hopper and i zioee, rn9u h, cym and earn. The ftfoolrrorges bub corftalxtin save , being lit8 1y flarie;g, Bo that "b aite"ied hears in the ether. A min dri, taken froi the sink ail ge, ba thrown Tion , re ease a to'alo ab"ve the edge the mules and vtorbs rho Planter, will m flees rltln (da•v dotal', silMca aaabs arc , g rel gallons vi solution of cover Sited ince this dish and upon the too tile M.a well as from t?Se Dome aid month, are and lldm f li+u Ieme 0tmae hoara,inblon, No. 1), of the aovdr ,las a trines of btu, 1#ko a silo rase ']no8arin.ridgee, diatributLag the €, aeotten of a o lln"er upon which m tin ca t1I[z:r, ;s it with sail era lie,vad to bis till ver tarry q , P p or three beans osis the spot, covesiingn bhf any dry olothea from the Oink roam, with. was carried. The cup, inverted, b=lesoaped to a depth of two inoben, and rellig i ESPI9CIALLY NALIGNaNT. cub disinfection. After disinfection, they 'own over the holder, This dinner kettle, Ta alpi]tltaxla, b,=.e diri,:harges from the should bo thoroughly balled. says the Now York Sun, is utill : old, but saThe rbh fiC op in cuall ltivatedearly and clean, s fltgntli, nt+aa and thro,]t, as alai! as from a Petfeob e;vnativa_s tnaat be enjatned is there now a donna vartebles in the tab net boo deeply, as the pods aro furan figs trunks and bladder, ara Isnileved to osn- the room ttha nn• sy, and the parson Of the tale tpha piiaea➢, eapec"aPly thoaa f oat Patient. q.hers muab nover be a bad smell want iu known an the Pto9idenoo dinner � land plin the ater ie n uniof the ty applied svmro tin , arluth and t:aroat. Tan same h true la nixri room, .kebtie Is subs; antially I(ke the kettle above in "jal"" alb r the vines begin to cover t] %1 wheoptikl-r.;ough. Int b1 a vasa of coat• 7' Ia to hardly neassaary to sa than in dfl .orihp.d, exn,p,, t7h.� ) th has no cup upon Iatmptlon the rntxtt,ar coa,gWid from the all oanbagiaua dlaaaeou the Patient shauld be the cover, and it is made so Asti nice with an land eg: ,@et in Ulie rows, and the pods u: 4un a M,} tinder the care Of a skilled a3dlutat a, , :"armies E y 41U di ly 1➢o a moans r, physialbm, f'r" m :.atam,ow pan or tray for IInRVEsmrrc TFILT CROP. lo-lr ctbitt} 411ra'o di ss,at'o. Ty ] ➢ofd favor, PAI�;(AUTIONS DURING CONVALRSCItNOi4. pie Or ether food. Tbo ladies' dinner ketbio in Oi the several varieties of zh'olera "4 dyv"Intary have glair apeoiaji The ptatfoab should nob mangle with the calving the tray except t b as ` peanuts bl Az identical with the Providence hobble act;- eari,est it the Spanfah, and the mort Praii£ 'AconR who tI!snh•,Fgay iraun the pahiasta pub In until the Pzyelcian aertffi.m bYlat itaudla, most dinner tPantde9b ib has a tin the red Califo,ni.n. Jest before . oh are d(a@amiasratad in ttrinking there is ail danger of coat giov ; !fie Will r,at bma wish s wooden hold in 1 are a he;v watitsr. T`be eatrie to protaxbly trait of yeilow be wall so long as thv onto is unhealthywll ea Thaaa two kettles aro eel having a wire front harvesting occurs. A altar day fsvrr. P.➢®rp,.rui frt,vr ,ttn,y be conveyed peellog of, @r as tllf re aro nag Bares to the the Eaab, the centre, chaBOP, as rain or dew dfscoiere fib° putts an r d prineipa.ly in injures the `4'106 as forage. The latter i btu patlaab to pst,ieno on the per+ons of mouth, throat er nose, er as a m tatrta ok One style of round dinner kettle has a an rel *r ysielaas. anal r'Lraes. Pmr.,,flitio dleeaeas dropsy, Ho alienia b9]eo, and c ape direo• fta eubatd l a h,roun di a exeallvnt for fecdtog to stook, and E rear] mbtalmy,d Yrs,m fooda sense illrin,r°, and by Ulan of his phyhlolan, take gel°rai war rt. There is a round kettleknife P failed by tl]sm. In gathering the crop arratrl?w1 rtvabaob of a Izoadthg pt,raon With one bathe and put on a now tutb or of arai ane"gilt of til@ trainer ketbt o and fork. plough, with wbab in called " a peanu a@rztand. Vise stems is true of syphilis. g -P in Y bl!c. Ha will moon is be known as a breakfast a1L about half the Point," in place of the usual one, to ru; fe'vort,alwre v` g 'u y , whish is along each lido of the row, nutting the tai BY vezN�Fphlla-or mdin wand by t6nt laeata Can@ata o'•rafniY©f oYpaaiag Isivrself €oS alma woaks, (dere is a kettle called the ppestroots. The ern diu- ga y g•,asa frim until h.e stra,-,g„h is iul;y reooverrd, nor kettle, which to ante the railroad men fork". tf thewith which follow with brand pitch 1333TEr>a 1T.ntff dtair]e, €°Ina, Wtth which they Lift the peAn'9 to On PR&CAU'lIONS IN REGARD TO BURIALS. itt the west, and is sold alae In the east. the ride. ground, leaving them an the top e �.z,_QCTioN, After de,➢ b tato body should at once be This kettle is oblong in shape, etratght- the sun whThle ulna re allowed to dry it Me titno intf•rvaniatft b5bwsOnL exposure wrapped in a nh']obsaturated with eo!utfon pt"de, and wluh square earners. ra has feel hepta. The ally saavmpllahed do i t winos gym anizr➢ anal the appear,na,y vt of oorrataive sfbiimate (a>,ard,rd soinblen lna!de a a:oveable tray, and curried innida around a o,'e b planta aro then o�aokai t`I+� i aaD wy npneu➢s Of ti]ksno hfa—oa veri+a No. 2): sand buried as soon fie oesiblo. The to also a flat, s uare•nnrnered tied Ir or The staoka Rrmaily- It anal ;,e rev xe cnip a four hours, P he nods placed It the coat re, tnnarals should be ertha a Nawdpeame, flask for cove- A cup Is carried en aholder diameter, and from five to arc freten two ravthree feet tr bto aa � b=a,sarrsati sI•abogo.s, and yellow favar,. ablate, to robloes of de nth, sn@ar�t..n disease, neon the teeny en feet hi,h, itnold air fHur weeks or clan longer as in that paPPle may remain awn U nriertakr ra A kettle used largely �y railroad mea The hay fir 01 each stack acro ie covered with fine 1tyA, old fsaucj eta®uid nob furaSuh °hti a ab f nasslaof thaNe I° the emb, and haOWn afl the C,ntral be,y is straw, In two or t �g a garaara]• talo, os a attaadc gives im- who have d.ed of caotaglous diseases and , trop da left to ours. Rsliroad kebtie, ie oblong .with round three weeks•indry manity frQm any F•ocf.tad abaxek. Suarlab ; omit arbtolea as they regularly nae in chelr corers. The cover has a baatem to i,, weather. 1177 r, diplitherfa, etas,rhs and wbze�ping- hui ineay, If valiant to such a h„uno, should b, forming a reservoir for doff e . the Dnp fa rlcslNG AND CLEANING. zaay aoug'h prevail rnoeb almeng ahildrea,. bun 'washed with a aslhtion of corrosive eebli- nartled on top, but innida a Aeakeb scup ad Picking bi:e nuts AND C the vines is uan- dS9%&j9 ma po do a of all a, - Tho other mat@ isfore beioguaed elsewhere. of shutting down over it ; the kettle has a y y wsmen and child len, ab`mck persons 0-f aIle ae. D all done b ren, and, thallaw, tgomre, ma pan inside. though a slower process, in prvferabie to I .� A rale fila C'@ani R DISINFECTION AFTER RPt'JOlIBRY OR DEATH, ' y, ins f r; m t well-fed This work should bo done thoroughly, 11OW the Idea Canoe to Ilial, mashies work, ae the latter is liable to Almd dealt -housed snii3r less from biseso d!s- re Mn t�bo,n do the 11a f4d, i-amporate, lit. anti gsuorally it wilt be bKab dens by an ' crack the shall and isiare the ovis mrs]araial s3attheil, over-worked and ill h eyed, but "O"ligent porton who has had esperlenea in ' A great many large business hooses have bin", ihid,no Thae machine bail worked in lied this !s Dots Always tta. The invemparmte ib' Recent inveatigationi by a c,+mmlbtee an appatabua a btaohed ba bhoir treat doors by a p°rt�sble engine, And ata distance supplied Anffor more than ethare. Theta of the Awertatri Publle Heaibh Aae�ciatiox. "O that when the porter teayse at night and semblea a steam thresher for grain, The who Piave been n d -a anftsliI vs,aolx,ai;ed Wla show that same placed a on which much It,ok' the ,fool he ab the name time shuts off vdriea aro. Itched n to An elevated plat. �eltlltn seven years d� positivoly otoape reliance has baen glaoad pre of Iit•,le value the water to the main plpo Ieadiug item the form and aro fed into the el P 2ar]atlgoz Pere°os wise, era in a " ran- as dtainft+stems. Only those which the street, end so prevents all Banger of fined- f Pods form, ba zo fes out o the o lied r• The -&W-12" and ezirah:,bad stA.he of body ere °ommibbea recommend are here mentioned. I°g if same oaroleee Person has loft a conn left, sad are In fair oaudiblen. Usually e Baia a3 min a turned on npetslrs. y at the th I�OSa treble i:.e have the HormB of disease y rtfclea about bila rink as eke loot in bleary bodies than are others. are nut boo ezPenstvf3, That apparatus is 'the Invention of Mr. onehine will n Almost alnevsnsityacnLfa rma day, and u fTyglr,rid raver tm,]ealally attmoke diose in Standard Disiafecluet Solations. Odcar Ha-merabein, who telae an interest. laege acreage is enwtt to this ore If the -vigva,ans lif,a. Diphehwla generallytug story o! hew the idea gismo to him, beans are destined to be ground for the vii, ;by aauraiva bybfeB. Pannell I. stand tire, Solution, No. 1. -Dissolve, " I owned a big warehouse down town," no 1°,a w/1i fellow ff the Peds are cracked chloride of lima or bleyahing powder .f he said, "till upper part of which I wed fa poet; will Now to ATOM The" ftie$aes. the best quality f oenhalni R at least 25 as n printing office far a paper I wt a running Baa ba It brut your family ar,d yourself tun thaan prsperblon of chlorine) unoas to the tobacco warehenee. well o the ptakerA receive fa North Carolina in E0111water btseac and I rented the lower flavre ae a from 33 bo 40 tante a bale. After baling the sus Des &,,cc zzey vfto°taws°d• Uua-A your gallon. one night the nub In ready far the market, but before it arr�vSosa are ne`dvd, s'3a3 sway fiscal honAar k 2, printexs went away and, left the pater reacher the retail buyer it usually undl,re it do wsiicai Thsea d"Sennas Z xe present. 3ion'n corrosivet.S-snbld Sol bead No. 2 -Uss io running. a ;at;lraud leaner«le from ting of these di'feasa]a, pebash in eo,b water in the ro vrtivn of bWo ban_t, at by tun Horning I was called my gees ratSevru Olot<n ug processes. , The pada 1SoAg a]hiidran allay 'roan all taauses in draohme of each salt to the gallllon � then I baga�tof rhinko damage teat satiate ire@ $rob run through a "fan," somewhat °�• I Paid, and similar to the maobiao that blOwm the chaff which thsB;a prevail, If asp o thane dra- sursoe, to which oitt'dreaa era .object, era ouallo2. Ib ra ge This reSoa otantact of Dna lreur to aria water pipe of the umbuiber i right m wheat, to i ion is g y poise°- ammo to me. I had a glamber bring the �'laia da Inn towr], II®rap your ghif renom bo Ei3iolettb, 3 It dastrays lead i yam 4. beaide the fronto deer. O.han I on eate$$bIOVEPTz�s� DIRTho 6xe t}ien yxttra day :Sud Stbb.ablr s°dreale, €imam PP`dried leaves and ,m e + y i xshtarohia, Bud ail asaembifea. Be sure than It to without lacy.) cook in this plpa wit!] the look so that when put on rovolvig eyliridere and are polished lite sinter van drlmk lei well water is of Labarr que's eolubt n (toner sedan cillo• nut off, In the morn a always to Ira Sea toed. In travelltn It is ratze-U> S. p of h 3, SbmtdarA r To one orb the door was Bhut and locked the avatar was by mutual attrition. haat anbharities b P• g' ) ypoahlorlte of eodaadd lama gad nnlecked thendoar the wfefer iyt� abate that a sharp, clean sand is used in the a aGslanb tc, drink a fly boiled avabor, srfah as process. Probably the metheds vary in the h erre gets is tea and aaffaa. When )buying or flu` pari% of aofb water. turned on again. different faetyrleB. It was fermorly tilt (Nabi,-Car]rpdbent anthcrit has r' xaeatiztga ltvna°, always mels !f it has hvon nonaaed thio enparlor to all oUher dein. wuB tinnvoalu mber who did the work for me ust9m to blenob the pods, to at,,, fu ferihe0 et �e for the p,ab biro years from all there faotants.) y the Idea nndaeked how much all. a asmabSiow dbiva+res and demand a I'd bake for ib, Ing into dianse, Africa the variables planted bf �arrir na ,guarantee. E: fulazte the Poaple of oar ,wove zublimssta is Rater is b to p�opAse "' A'Itrighb� Haid be°Ilars,' I sold. have baen improved. ra 7y�anr ti»fgaberhe,m�l as to the natnro of blina0 tion of four ounces to the From the cylinders the pods are run out � *beyDson lad a3+hab ttlay ar.Q+hin do when drachm of pormsngsuate of pot4mb to give geed bit of money out of !b. y lndem womeat gallon, and one "He had it Patented, and bat made a on an endless cloth which revolver over the - *bey sof h Aid d e;anathAll y a local colli be the Sointion as a recaatloaaa aiast an even b f m nes b thId.e deal.'Y__ made just' two a 1 and children tit on l »�:d of health, said oda btrab your tam. Pof@eaing. Osco $uid tunes IS tilt Sevin• an even y "-New York each Bide wid quickly and deftly p]ak tub xstfafta lean la+ls,1a refares.00 to a her eines, bila to tea gallon of wager ie auffiotently peethos on and [ 111 into gatrenepba !e IC.L. v ytelsa"a fnaLerals, rile train ion Of those sunk sbzottg, Arbislao abould be left in 1b awe Poisoning By Ground Gases. aachosia ud C rches and ilia closing of hvnrs. Oma° gallon Of Atsnd„rd eo.tubion No. more uniformly fair til@ appearance of a teats°ole anmtl Churches agalnab the living in 1 may also be mixed with nine gallons of bushel of the " beans," bile higher the retail �'tetasus is which any eaates9laraas disease ro• A onrlanA "llu of non of the ext bushel bpul,a prion ; although the whole tribe of -pea p water, which are v int Arid n the V [ ed e at Ir, , in sob ra T'a the s i it ceatt ar ! of kr v ma n y privy matt the oily Data• arficla ehonlcl ba Allowed to leave bila in� lunette by pelBoneneogaees 3wdaQeat%r i@d fars to per- trvery gniib�andlinQe�e bate of the I 1?30l shofld b@ abO!"ahmd everywhere abet- €eased roam nnbti ib has been disinfected or raoauhly at G»van. Two ealeaS a in a for eve 0" a9itaa aHotagt ns dissaBaa prevail, boiled. ',top were suddenly bake ill and baoamo a�aaot need your oloblttag to the punka (Note. -Corrosive subilim site eolribiea ancons]loue, and in an adjoining heuse C L'Varctirfea, o w should, ba a nation os should be kept in wosdon er oroakez vee• young children aonfr ox PmAN ep rtmenb of Agri- laouda in which thaw is a aantaglons Gala. y several woman falutecl and g A bulletin from the De g , ,home, ao that the Public may be waged veabigati n that In the prod ss aficerWned construe. culture states that "tilt ora varies in DISINFECT DI601iAAOE9, P yield from 25 bushels to 1U0 crop per to rornnia away bion of all undergra uud rafiwaY the work acre, 28 pounds being the standard weight If oxty is rxquixnd be bo ai]out a rfo'+c Unca standard solutiSne, Noa. 1, 2, or ,4 _men had reached the neibhborhwod of these for baebel." In the northemab nootlon of ,Ion 'w`itha a contagions disease, he keeping a pint of the aolutlon used can- 1touBos and it would a North Caxvl9nu the laid often teaches 125 nlranlal cat Irla m@ala rvgn]arly, take ez- ttaut'lY in the vernal ready for any ewer- pressed air used in the pronesaboi the com. , while the average in 35 r arnliea lu rho e n air each da ala Let the dieebargoa be gassed had farted the ft Ill aft in the afunne n bnahois to the p'a y, gat his Rally. baahela. L tr a farms often have from 160 I ' flail nmonat of sleep, and d!snttlaa d;rf ably fa'o the tolntlon, thea lab a pint lube the houses. Gl'ko pretence of the foul Val rsdr•antr! at more of I•t bo added and lab the whole bir wad made very evident by an egtromely . 200 noise eco na to this one Drop. Y ae bo the danger of , North Carolina has sometimes been rtittglara• Bab he yeast avoid the special eland some time to fi ° thoroughly aotvd f,ffeasiva smelt, -British diedical Journal I+alatxr➢• . Do net take the bresbh of oho Sick upon befnre,being Chi own Into the Sewer or London, May 27th. ' fromeitaapol bloc alled a the ghnitbby ynoo'means nano., Da Act tsuoh with the lips any food, be ag buried. 7 hese disohargva should i ilriulr, asp, spoof ar anythbs,g else that,tho never be thrown Into a privy or cess ool monopolizes this valuable trop Yir• sitall,,laoramn ilea bnnohod, er bhab ilea baen ire nor into a rnnc]ing nbrenm, nor on thehtrr: In the Cnrfo Hall. ginta, South Southern el!os,StftGe r eo aftnme ee I otherthe sick roma. Do, not wipe your foot+ or face of the grmnrt, Bromley -Thu face Of that Clroaseinnman quanblbiae, There is never anything >fraatds with I" olobie bhab has boon on or CLOTMN6f, TOWELS, ETC, looks BbraagelY familiar, Haven't I seta small abort Callh r e 0 fir ea not nythi s• zraax ;aria sick pe:•solr. Do nob . wcar am him before ? In that An claims to raise the best pea - Or �� olotlifl9g bile af0li pafter has worn Barin. solBurm Altfouchane u cele. to "Use sbbxndard Tomley-•Why, certainly 1 Didn't you nugta, as well as n11 the nub -tropical nate 70m h,lm a of jeer after rplonilia niekuofa Keep water, or use one Gallen of Solutithoo No. 4 playedallon of know ? That's Yale football H% nuts, who and fruits. For Bavoral years Pert the oro ymotr har]ala fine troch rAny dlschargeo from on the Yafe footba(1 team ]net pensee, has inti@seed In the acreage and value ., tile ,'body yr skin Of the rsiok person, and If In also gallons Of water. Lha the geodo .Him father failed, and the b team l of healon, habil, in a"d In the aor eage ern .eeohivra F� fey do benefit scilla wasb them as aeon ae soak lit the Svlutlen for at isnot three hours to work fors a )evin4 turned Cluarloy'a hair of North Carolina it dethroned "Icing porrallrle 9n Isatea °onr,alttifg a eolnblon of before they leave the room. Stir them up white. Hos had this Circassian job ever Cobbon"; and during that Same year the r Tido In 4fe 1z nob booth alto sfO f no that bite salntion gets ail throaRh the Since. wlttrserof 2ne. bed ban d8- ch the oto goads, After disinfection boll the goads YmportatNum of the nub decreased by one. savaAd teoeiving into the body through the fit oten,Ahty, 11tra, fl'awker-I was at • the theatre Iasi 30f000.The i'ho°u ag 14nde and suniversality logo o ��`� msut'h or n0l"sAny of the somles or Scabs from GLOSz s, URINALS, SINKS, YOTO, evening. it was an awfully Aad play about of the home oa agnitu ie of naafis ea thes�fnwithAnnslakorrongverfugfromowarlet 5. CArboldorAcid Solution- bfix ane plebICA family being fromnt u man being shrews tub of work lad his someihfn,f Startling. There are few towns ebrz. r sr smallpox. Qonsntopitves Mould of carbello mold with two and a h-sif Ilene keep from ory}ng to save m Ili � + f ]d starvation. I oouldn'i; too email to tupparb at least one vender, tan raga and these should be burned. of water. y e. I don t while !n tilt titles the east Picturesque, stall, halr sputa should %°oar ba oaten !➢y Standard solnbfem, Ne. 4, diluted withL+'ubar Sarvaat--Mum, thcco's a knee when I have been ae , man a end roasters aro a feature of the buslnesa trhir.Ir^Ira st other demastlo animate, as there throe parts of 'water, any also be orad Iri the doer as waube some told globaala: Is arattena ba believe that they will Infoob the proportion Of one.. gallon. (af the 'elf• de say her ahtldrori woman a striata. �rn, asxad they in turn, bhrou,�h thele lura►!', boon) to overp four �(eabisaab'ad) of rho ton -for bsoo days, ra haven't had. alt nor She - A Boelmereing.... tit?tear is arttan beings. m tante of the vault. Sb�nda�d Solation, No, Hwa tab we a Tawker--•Tell- her to " Did your plan to stnvo off Sol i> h'Umsovf'r at platin la tbro0ened with an 1, woh d raqulro to he ttsrrd gallon fur 9 , . den1b give anything to are, b belie b your orodlb- As dortstr ret any oonbagtofs d(st-ate, bho local galtotl Of rile matorinl to bo iia Sars. As I was eay�r➢g, Mrs: Bro y R h0 uowaPnpora say you had and of ltealtm, Or town council, should Dry oblorlda of Ilmo may be Spritikl ed ev r Walla vstry and play. Mr. Taw Br an, 1I b{ve inherited $ ,,000,000 from a dlatant rela• 4 appoint a low dlioAeat pernstns who should the cutouts Of a riv or etaaffard solo• ought not ,to witness such . performances . ",Xos k ?u N. #'tst:rm l�tt o bc* hew lad lnsbraob tire. tion, No. 2, may t a reado tip by the barrel %trey take held of mo so. .FIs says that I I'm bothered more by beggarip alta than I t am all hetet. now than I was by my oreditton." "",� >. __.... . .. , ter! "qW, �.. _ _ i, VUT. 83rrrcoc TO U18,80,4. ?rale$ bleeys In tit Ntrteet 8aoner, Imava iris Pet« jested "Saab and mo wants a place to 'lee Aa ill -glad, balf•sbsrved ]eokivg i Police i sbol,ped up to the desk at bile $yd tlagii I orgo•rnb EdpPerry, A bob•baileci on ADE. fwilowed at h'.s heels, says the Ch Journal.. ye a "All right ,» said the sergeant, a. In dawnet%tra, quick," sailed Who face of th" w,ayfaror brighlimed, or My name'e D,ck Dann,,, he maid, t ]here, Ful on a tramp from L'aporra to Odhl uilla- I'm dead broho, and it's m"ght,,7a,,d it tiro iia giving us a Place to slticp,' :htrn Ae he Bioko he stoped down and dl p arty- up bbe bob -tailed Grog. Ab the i a":ar, m'rlrenb the sorgeant Caught. s)th,5 It IS our. A of " What are you „wing to de with erre, dog P' he asked. e un" " Wtll, Ses:b needs a nigh;,'s Bhelt3r onto as mue-h as I rlp.'n 11 We 1, -,mi, f deo; dly An'ttlYo 80 a nae gfiayaidhubheou'gh ,Led to hhraw the cur oat." amt 6+ The ftoo of the tramp was a Btu lYlty, Bay, Cap," ho said, " Soab'a b .1z my friend for five yeare, ,Ina he walked ibc•d til° way trout Lsperte wait me. I wv, woaldn'b have mu give him the go'by nr Etre would you'!" " I'm entry," roapantled the sergea " l:ut we cau'b hkve an7 g old atattop•." s da s in i Dais% leokad ,.Town at the flog and gen aro P.%tted its hear?• Sha ` IVB a cake night, scab," he Said, ' As too, and IfghtY dthO night, police won't h• go yon ou 1 Che a.ation they wan'h have me, althf he We']i walk the atreste alt night before t Part company." The dog eaen: