HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-18, Page 4t" fHE ,„...10Ctl S.A.NDERS DYE7R, PrOPes TECOILBDAY, January 18t141894. DAIRY ..YA NMING. The time has come when Ontario farmers, to be suceessful in their cal- ling, must give more special promin- ence to mixed and dairy farming. Ow- ing to the increased outlay necessary to wheat raieing, and the facilities af- forded in Manitoba and the North-West territories for raising immense crops of grain at half the cost in Outaria, wheat and other grams have ceased to be profitable crops for our farmers. This state of things can be remedied to a, great extent by mixed farming, and particularly by giving more attention to dairy produce. It is gratifying to know that some measure of progress has already been made in this direction owing" to the encouragement 'given by the federal government through our experie.en tal and model farms—and to the diffusion of social Ismael views on the management of creameries and cheeee factories. There are now in operation in this Province alone sixty two regular creameries besides' ttvelye winter creameries, and as was brought out at the last annual convention of the Ontario creameries' Assoeiati that whenever dairying and etock ra Ing have been gone into the farm so engaged are progressing and good circumstances. Their success the World's Fair, although not neat whet it might have been, had the sa attention been given to butter as cheese, was nevertheless very encou aging. For various reasons a go deal of our butter exhibit at Chica failed to take a high standard—b this could easily be remedied in futur As it was, however, Ontario won twe ty-sevqt awards for butter alone. H proper attention been raid to fia.vorin and to haying a plentiful supply of e silage or other green crop, as well to the general care of stock by Navin clean airy stables and a good sup of fresh.water,—it is said that two m lions more of money might have pass through our farmers' hands durin last year. It is a well known fact th much of the butter bought and sold country stores is of inferior quant owing to improper or careless manag ment; and if our farmers expect compete in the British market, !whi is their chief dependence, they must I prepared to give more attention to a. the details of butter•making--such Improved stcek, proper fodder, sealdin of the milk pans, gocd salt-flayorin careful packing in fikins, &c. A brought out by the President of th Creameries' Association in his annua address the other day, "our exports o butter and cheese could be swolle from 13 tc 20 millions of dollars 1 1894." Some of the butter shipped t England hist year ranked equally hig withDanish butter: and it only need careful treatment to make the Cana dian artLle an object of attraction t connoisseurs in thitHritish market.. on, is- ers iu at dy me to r• od go ut e. n. ad as il ly ed g at in Jr' to eh 11 as g g, 8 1 n 0 0 h 0 asmcfornameneazacw.Vaxameagera• • News of the Week in Brief. PRIMACY January 12th. The Manitoba Legislature opened. 'Thursday. Mr. Herneon has introduced in the Nova Scotia Legislature conferring the franchise on women. A bill is to be introduced in the French Chamber of Deputies for the abolishment of capital punishmeet. The new Conservative paper in Win nfpeg, which is in the hands of Mr. W. F. Luxton, is to be called The Norwes ter. In Newbraska it is said corn is sel- ling at 20 cents per bushel. At Wal- kerville, Ont., the price paid is 42 cents per bushel A bill has been introduced in the New York Sate Legistature authoriz ng the Niagara Fails ,Suspension 'bridge Company to construct another ridge below the Falls. Mr. M. 0, Brown police magistrate of itncoe, died a few weeks ago, erect:Mk, Robert Wood. of Nixon, wee ePpeeteteel; u his place. Yesterday ritgrretteete Wiped died, 74 9 1 arse: • . Mr. A. F. Gault, the Oanatleat46gtin king and head of Gault 4eres ;has 'elt:eneeel sipppoo to the Montreal Theo-, 34t� College be deVoted e b". are trebling Of elogymen for the church of Englandein Ctihtida. SATITEDALY January. 13th. Undertakers are very busy in Lon. add, Ont. • The,Dorninion Parliareent '40 beeb prorogued proforma tentipekeehenapy, 26t4, A robbers' den was altered une "'der the agricultural buildi g the Woeld.'s Pair grounds at tioler,,e-....• The United States have 856vessels •• '1.6tig'aged exeluelvely in foreign tirade, eptese, • while Great Britain has 5,968. S. Sanford & Sons' earpit Mille at •• Ateutterdatte N, Y., will rertane work on full time on Monday, after being dteed since July. Nearly 8,000 lia.nds • Bre employed, In the sheep's exhibit at the World's ?air Canada took 137 prizes, while the United States captured only 92. • Rheumatism originates in the 'nor - bid condition of the blood Hood's Sax- saparilla cures rheiamatisin. Get only Hood's. • The Oliverbank is one .of the largest ship ever seen on the Pacific coast. She is 328 feet long, 48 feet b am and 32 feet deep; built of steel throughout The number of failures in Canada, laet year were 1,781 compared with 1,682 in 1892. The utilei assets were $7,388,692 as against $4,848,095 in the previous year. On the other hand, the general liabilities, which were $11,603,- 210 in 1892, increased this year to $15, 690.404. 1.1101V0 ACV January 1 sth, Sandwich is the only place in Ontar to where the female vote went against the plebiscite. At Walkerville, the diteillery town, the plebiscite vote stood 21. for prohibi tion and 139 agaiust. Four of the leading hotels at Wind- sor have charges pending against them for selling liquor on election day, Chatham bread and milks vendors areto be compelled to use metal tickets to preyent the spread of iufectious dis- ease. A fatal and unknown dis'ase has broken ont among the hogs of Malahide north of Aylmer, and it is taking them off in large numbers. The new $15.000 Methodist church at Kingsville, Ont., was opened the other day. Rev. W. W. Carson, of Detroit, and Rev. J. S. Williamson, of Ingersoll. being the preachers. About $5,000 was raised during the day's services. J. Reeding has been taken to the Brant county jail from Paris ou the charge of selliug diseased meat on the market. He was fined $25.70 for the offence, so that if the meat was as high as the sentence, it must have been pretty bad. Shaved Bank of Commerce notes are making their appearance in Windsor. At a casual glance it is impossible to detect the fraud. They are of the $5 denomination, and the hank is making every endeavor to catch the culprits who ars altering the bills. Cronyn Bros. furniture store, was de- stroyed by fire at Wiugham, on Sun- day night. The cause of the fire is un known. The stock was insured for $1,. 700 in the Perth and Waterloo Qom - panics, and the building in the Gore Mutual for $600. •The loss on stock is $1,500. The building is a total loss. It was owned by DebTamlin of Wing - ham. House of Refuge Vote, The following is a synopsis of the vote polled on January ist, 1894, for and against a House of Refuge in the vari ous municipalities in Huron CoutityS— MUNICIpaLITY. Bay field, Blyth, Brussels, Cliuton, Colbourne, Exeter, Goderich Twp., Goderich, Grey, flay, Howick, •HuIlett, McKillop, Morris, Seaforth, Stanley-, Stephen, Tuckersmith, Turn berry, Fon 252 29 122 213 520 319 817 179 642 305 272 220 • 283 251 235 389 130 108 191. 141 Usborne, • not known Wawanosh, East 134 Wawanosh, West 172 Wiugham, 200 Wroxeter, 70 AGAINST. 266 29 16 • 3 47 101 102 845 40 520 459 522 283 169 297 48 199 605 128 117 254 160 26 21 5712 4752 Majority for House, 960. The majority last year was 1285 but Wroxeter, McKillop, Usborne and Stephen did not vote on the question then. The total vote for 1898 was 4,348 and against 3,063. "Facts and Fancies." To Tun EDITOR THE AnvoCarn.* I see my friend, the Editor "times" Has grown so big and frisky, That he's printing the "awfutlest" kind ot • rhymes. Prom the party of "cheese and whiskey." Election's over and lost and fought, The other chaps feel so frisky, Because so many in town can be bought • With cheese and some goose and whiskey. My friend the editor's quite a chap; Of his reputation, risky, But he risks it all on the one sure snap. Of cheese with somel goose and whiskey. '"Citizen's" one of thelellOws who shouts, With the fellows"whb feel so frisky; StII I don't think he's one of the chaps who floats ' •With the party of cheese and whiskey. •eCitteen", himself, spouts quite a rhyme, - • But on prophecy not so risky; As to tell) for the town, a future good time, From the party of cheese and whiskey. 'fhe Crearnery is nOW:quite a power ii town, Its owners grown rich and frisky, Donated the skim -milk cheese, to down Those who don't deal in goose and whiskey Election's over and fought and done, • The facts of the case are these: The fellows who got there mostly won, With whiskey and boodle and cheese. Whiskey and cheese, boodle and goose, That was the way to win it, It captured the town—every vote that was lose The other chaps were not "in it." NoW the son of victory fingS, The sounds of the tong are these: "Vor minting elections most all things Yield to whiskey and boodle and cheese." CirIzES It. worlittliVale POWDERS ALLAL L A le ACH E,, are not «aver. tisett to care event. fkinyrbut simply houd- ach03. Try Mout, it will cost but .e rents cc box and 0101/ 4474 otortateas. Thy aro not a Cathartle- Farmers' Institute. .. — The farmers met in the Town Hall here on Satur4y 13 inst. afternoon, and in Drew s hall in the evening. A targe number of interested farmers were assembled, particularly in the af- ternoon. Sothis farmers say that there is nothingfoi: them to learn by attend- ing such • mesettngs, but they • never made a grecidgeniietake. The farmer that know it all'inuat have attended a good school indeed. Kr. Patton took up the subject of dairying. He dwelt on the subject along the usual lines i..e. Secure cows that will give a large quantity of milk with a high percentage of butter fat. He showed that many farmers kept cows at a positive loss either because they had not the right kiud of animals or because they had not the right kind of food. Usually the food cost too much, He emphasised the importauce of so curing the cheapest and at the same time a nutritious food. He taid of all the cheap food he knew of none so cheap and nutritious as ensilege. It is a most remarkable thing that hund reds of farmers. Yes! thousand will per• sist in having large runs of pasture burnt brown with the summer sun, having their cows working from morn big till night in trying to pick up a little grass put of which to manufac- ture a small quantity and a poor qual ity of butter, while they might sow a tenth part of the pasture in corn and have abundance of food. Mr. Patton was asked by some present, what breed of cattle did lie consider the best for dairy purposes." He stated that they were not confined to any one class, that if you could get milkers with a high percentage of butter fat from the short horns, why stick to them. Mr. Pat • ton showed himself to be thoroughly conversant with his subject. Mr. Beadle, of St, Catherines, next tpok the best methods of growing ap- ples, plums, peaches, &c. He com menced by stating that as the. apple was one of the articles of . export. He would discuss it. He asked those pres- ant to propose questions to him and by that means he would be able to talk of that which was of the most interest to them. Among many questions these were asked When ie the best time to plant out fruit trees? • Ans. Spring. The next question taken up was asked by Mr. John Dew. What is the best means of preventing the codling- moth frem her ravages? Mr.Beadle said the best known rem- edy was spraying with Parts Green in the proportion of one pound of Paris G-reen to every 200 gallons of water. The first spraying to begin just as .the last leaves of the blossoms fall„ then twice more of about a week or ten days apart. He showed the foolishness of spraying. the trees while in bloom, not simply by destroying the bees, but by keeping the pollen of the blossom wet, you diminished if not altogether destroyed the' fructifying powers of the plant, spraying was recommended in the tame manner for the cureulio in the plum. Mr' Beadle was listened throughout with great interest, Mr. Zavite of the Agricultural Farm Guelph. next introduced his subject of experiments.on the farm and handled it in a very able manner. The concert in Drew's hall in the evening was quite largely attended. F1se .8arth Trembled. Vancouver, Jan 14.—Theearth trem- bled in British eaten] bia to day. While the quaking contin ued hangingpictures swayed slightly and. crockery rattled on shelves, It is believed by many that there is chemical eaten goingbon inside the inightg mass of earthand rock known ettaiount Baker, close to the cities ofeettritiah Columbia, which will some da.p.heteste,an active erup- tion. To dhy'steitikeht shock of earth• quake lents' sottietblor to the theory. FORGERY IN CnisonoN.—There are people in all parts of the world who enjoy fun, and strange to say they enjoy fun at somebody else's expense. There are 'sane such persons in Credi- ton. A call was made last Sunday for contrtbutions to the Missionary Fund of the Methodist church, and for this purpose envelopes were distributed in the pews of the church, Now, Mr. Fun - maker 'took it into his head to write the name of our most respected citizen, Mr. James Hill, for the sum of $200. thinking, of iours', to have a little fun when the names were read out in the church, but Mr. Hill, by some means or other, came into. possession of the docu- ment, and has it now, as a•proof posi- tive of thiaforgery, Had it not been for the intervention , of a peaceeloving Mend, Mr. Hill would, no doubt, have taken legal aceion. All who know Mr. Hill know that he is among the fore- most in contributing to all church aed enterprises, whether for the English or German, a nel it is too bad that he should be the target for Mr. Fun -maker. PERRY DAVOS'. PAM, KILLER ISTHE BEST REMEDY FOR CPRAINSDRUISES, CALDS,IJURNS et, cuTs. .111BrinOti /titre. Woodstoek, Jan. 13:—News of most distressing fatality has reached here front Tavistock. Last night the residence of Louis • Croll a Ge uto, hying a mile and a half west of Cassel in East Zorra, was reduced to ashee, His only daughter Eliza, a girl of 22, perished in the Raines, Oroll, who is a laboring man, and who recently erec- ted the new frame, residence on a por- then of lot 25 known as the Kaufman farneean forrn no idea as to how the fire originated. He was awakened by the vol umos of smoke which had entered his room. The walls and part of the furni- ture were on fire as he spraug from his bed, He picked up a pair of trous- ers and sprang from the window, bare- ly in time to escape with his life, as a few minutes later a portion of the roof fell, He saw no sign of his daughter, and heard no outcry. He had no time to rescue her, as the portion of the house in which sheslept was a fiery furnanee by the time he was able to get around there. The neighbors, seeing . the flames, arrived in crowds, but not a single iarticle was • saved, with the • exception of the garments which Croll snatched up as he sprang from the window. Later on in the day a por- tion of the charred body of the unfor- tunate girl recovered from the ashes The sum of $150 in cash, which Miss Croll had earned by.working out, also was destroyed. Croll is said to be act- ing like a madman in his grief, and fears are entertained that his reason may be impared by the blow. A son is a book-keeper with. Armour & Co., poek packers, Chicago. The remains were taken to Tavistock for burial. Call is a widower, and was alone with his daughter at the time of the fire. The house and contents were insured for $600. The loss is estimated at $1,500. Severe Pqiii in Stioulder 2Years Cured 13._y The 1).&14, Menthol Plaster. 1.4 wire wassfliinnl kr two years with a severe pain tinder the left shoulder and through to the lean ; after using many remedies without relief, she tried* 44 D. I.." Menthol Plaster. 0 did mire& uld on to %bison° hundreds of these plasma have been sold by one here, giving Num utisfaction. ' J. B. SUTHERLAND 1311100. RIR/FM" ti.s. Sold Everywhere. 25C.each. . Olere Th runt. The best cure we know of for sore throat is a gargle of Pain • Killer and water—it acts alto magie. Big Hot tles twice the quantity in the old style }Tills Green. A Nisw Cnuiton —For several years the Presbyterian congregation in this place has been worshipping ia the Temperance hall, Haying procured a site for a church, they determined, some time ago, to put forth an effort to see what cou'd be done towards getting up a new church building, A sub- scription list was set on foot and has been so nobly responded to that the congregation have decided to go on with the project. They have also pur- chased 21 feet, of land from Mrs.' Mains, which lies alongside their own site, thus enlarging it and making it a cor- ner lot, •A meeting was held. a few days ago, and it was unanimously agreed to proceed with the new build- ing, and the following committee was appointed to carry out the project, viz : Wm. McAllister, Geo, Anderson, W. H. Johnston, Joseph Hudson and William Logan, Nearly $1.100 has already been subscribed and the balance will, nodoubt, be forthcoming before the completion of the edifice. The church is to be brick and will be capable of seating at least 200, and will have a comfortable basement for Sabbath School and week night meetings, 1111 EDITOR'S WIPE A Serious Trouble of Many Years Standing is Banished. ONLY ONE MEDICINE COULD DO THE WORK. Grand Encouragement for All Who are Similarly Afflicted. CHRISTIE'S COMMEROL) ill ER Y) First Class RIGS And 11088E8 'ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE •• STABLE WILL BE PROMPT • LY ATTENDED TO. Werrab.ra : MecamorJ.o.b Telephone Oonnection W. G. Bissett's Livery First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hard ware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE • A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT MURRAY & CO. 5 • Proprietors of The Exeter Foundry, (Successors to Verity 8a Son.) MANUFACTURERS OF Gang plows, Walking plows, Pulpers, Harrows, Land rol- lers, etc. Castings in brass, iron of every description. Farm implements and all kinds of other machinery repaired on short notice. Give us a call. MURRY & FLOUR and OED!F Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oat Meal, Corn Meal Cracked Wheat and Rolled Wheat, constantly on hand. For sale in large or small quantities. A Call Solicited. 0. W. 8/111T11, t.4c MRS. A. H. WATSON, Ceisnmonn,• Ont., Jan. 13th.—The good people of this thriving village now freely and heartily discuss a sub ject that has interested thousands in other parts of the Dominion. • The popular subjeet in the quiet and well ordered homes of this place has nothing to do with politics, religion or foreign matters; even local subjects pertaining to improvements are lost sight.of, while the more weighty one— that of relieving pain, curing disease and bringing back lost health, by the use of Paine's celery compound, is spoken of by young and old. • The record of wonderful cures effect ed in large centres of population, has reached this town, situated on the Mad River and has developed an interest, especially amongst the sick and their friends, that cannot easily die out or fade from memory. Residents here have heard how their relatives and friends. in other places were cured by Paine's celery compound and have used the great life giver theinselyes; no instance of failure or disappointment has been reported; all rejoice because of the banishment of old and dangerous maladies, For these reasons, the people of this village and surrounding country are -ready to testify regarding the merits Of Paine's celery compound, its worth to the afflicted, and its superiority over all other preparations. • At the present time, it will suffice to bate inaition the bale ofone prominent family here who have truly tested and tried the efficaey of Paine's celery corn- pouud, atid derived reselts that are wonderful. Mr. A 11. Watson is the publisher and proprietor of Creemore's popular weekly, the Mad 1?iver Star. Every resident of Creemore, and the people of adjacent yillage and towns, knows the enterprising proprietor of the Star, and many are acquainted with his accom- plished and amiable wife. Mrs. Watson is one of the many in the villafe who has tested the curing powers of Paine's celery compound. For many years she suffereci severely frorn violent headache and' prostration. and only got rid of her terrible suffer- ing after a course of treatment with nature's health restorer For the ben- efit of our sttffers,Mrs Watson has kind- ly consented to have her testimony inede'pieblic; she sass:— Formany years I was sorely troub- led with violent heedaches. so that at times I was completely prostrated and unable to attend to household duties. I staked to use Paine's celery compound and experienced immediate relief; and since using it I have not had a recurrenee of the trouble. I consider Paine's celery compound an invaluable remedy, and will always be pleased to say a word for it." The testimony of M. Watson is sure- ly full of encouragrnent to others and. Canada to take the same course, in use the same means. Had she been influenced (as many are at' times by dealers interested in big profit and worthless Medicines) to use some oth- r preparationa cure could not have resnIted. No medicine but Paine's cel• ery eompound can honestly and sure ly meet such cases as violent headache prostration, neryousnets, sleeplessness rheumatism, dyspepsia and run-down constitution. •Avoid all medicinee that are reel:ea-mended just as geed as Paine's celery •tompound; they are snares and delusions, and cannot Cure UNLOCKS ALL THE eCLOCICED SECRETIONS OF THE BOWELS, KIDNEYS AND LIVER, CARRYING OFFGRADUALLY, WITHOUT WEAKEN. • MG THE SYSTEM, ALL IMPURITIES AND FOUL HUMORS. AT THE SAME TIME CORRECT.. ING ;mom OF THE STOMACH, CURING BILIOUSNESS, DYSPE ,PS1 A , H EA D. AC H ES, DIZZINESS, HEARTBURN, CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE, SALT RHEUM, ERYS1PE.LAS, SC R 0- FULA, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. NERVOUSNESS, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. THESE AND ALL SIMILAR COMPLAINTS QUICKLY YIELD TO THE CURA- TIVE INFLUENCE or BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD, Nerd and Nervous Debility, il'ETRUltiP110FMIT Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or,ExcesSes in Old or Young, Robust, Noble Manhood fully Restored. HoW to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak,Undeveloped Organa and Parts of Body. Absolutely un- - failing Home Treatment—Benefits in a day. Men testify from 60 States and Foreign Corm, tries. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex- planation and prof:Awaited (scaled) free. ERIE MEDICAL 00,1 Buffalo, N.Y.