HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-18, Page 3Y
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t through authority or cwernmenb but '#/� �►Lislil>ri«r [u►lrf�rlrfFilll'.
soave Time or utIety, been in bough places before, but this besbe pled. There were lolly a dozen of the say- I{j��x (��{j g y f M»,.,._.
dirks through isms fere and confidence.
We're its M�, BEE SH�q'vl �
m time or other we'll all pull through-- them
all. a goner, aura"
Nmwo and their murderous gleamed
fliokeen moonlight malb awfully.
Theo9 who are to walk through life to
Noth **ger last se lgeat se of Itreopg I,ra,
is a hard road to trvel I
we'll there shouting, if our shoos
Nearer and nearer we drifted. with nobh-
They, boo, had heard the approaching
'" �""� '
gether should he slow to notice faults I but
I have beep studying bbd oraar5w__lyy .e����
,But got iu
will do,".
And grind dOwn the trouble with the gravel between
bat the ohanoo of our anchor gripping
g esu ora and death. Prosenbl the ca . tame
9 �� P
wero grown desperobe.
mad tike wildoatr.
Up the rlde they swan r{'
�jf r'� S�O��d p �e th House has-
lbs e
both should be quick to sea, and godly,
openly race nfaa a deed well done, however
►obresseT, says a n wribetr in the St, i+eslf+t
Poat-Despatch. khat oldoime farm. of salty.
Sora° time or other there
pouting shoreward, mhcuted .
H blow from Dalton gays a t7nai rattler to
the an
n� y 2
st►cple, for love's make. If this coarse of
motion is oat adopted from the beginning
babion !s obsoletd to private Ilia, and wens
have to learn it as they do dancing, QE'
one auother ,
Lvcry marl's a traveller,
And ovary man's a brother ! two
Tho moon phiato cub fora moment be-
' g i
the scudding olouds, revealed lite
one of them, while rest of succeeded
beating them book Into their alley, The
n g g
�a�(� DY RXie ,
and scrupulously adhered be there must be
heartache fund bitter repenttancs for their
ovurre jam not r eaila of the
r „ P g
gundredt but of woman on the afiags.
-Some time or other we'll all pull through- aweibin
swarming wtbh Rstf savages, eagerly
g our destruction.
second attempt the plraWs were rather
more at;oowsful. Mwo of them leaped over
reaping by and by." Repentance that
comes too late mueb be a lifelong torture,
when one remembers that many
the dancing masters are not danolo
Jordan is a hard road to master ;
But we'll whip
Uluo p the horses when the skies
„,; „ „ it roe
Tam, , said he, ran below mud
the tall and beioro we knew it oao of our
sturdy fellows lr,y upon the deck,
because it comes too late for atonement.
masters at all, it is no wonder that a;A
Till tiro wheals spin factor and Faster ? and
t yen can raise in the way of
bring them on dock ab onun+."
" Lttbio I'm afraid, sir, against these
stabbed to the hn sib
We could Ill spare him, particularly as Moth
must Make Coneersioas-Toe wire
i1U1iiICp'!l CU1A88118.
smiles a courtesy with a " sb ff leg " in.
stead of benditt both knees. She pl-cew
Some time or offer— •
we, had to divide our attention. But there
should Have leave add Confldeuec, ilia
Tke Great Statue "Ravaria" That '%las
one foot behind the other, keeps one
Helping one auo:her rooks.
Every mans a traveltor
And every man's a brother I
s, Well, there's a bard chance of our
I don't like
-as help at hand that we had nob expected.
The little woarau, though
iausbaud ilanilwess add Courage.
I.rected to 1850.
stiff, bends the other knee land the bank and
thinks The can aourtley. It is a most U4.
bibfng yeb, and, besides,
loots of that knot of fallow■ forward
oowerlxsg beneath the rail, had not been
bimr, the disnhargo from
�� E have aeon and beard
thin question often dis•
The oolossai statue e' Bavaria," one of
the most beautiful as well as one of bile
graceful posture.
In oomto opera and faros comedy I haven
There's only one bust aboard that w
f:tr anything In such area as this, and
idle al] thin and
her ro4oaded weapon w,As To well dtrectbd
onoaed,vmya Mrs. Henry
largest allegorioal works of art to Europe,
seen the vrorat exhibitions of awkwardness«
at vie heznrds prevent tho.ao
that thera was no longer anything to fear
,r. ', ward Beecher. Some
was unveiled on Oot, 3rd, 1850, In the Pee-
Tho rulnnst In Wang" was a noticeable
from taking lU."
from thtt tare who had gob en beard.
his strength,
pay that " as the wife
has all the care and re•
tonoo of Kluge Ludwig and Otbe, the Queen
of the fo:mir a.nd a vast m%lbitude of
ezmmple ; every girl '' bumped the girl.
behiad her when she courtealed. Shades of
-„ ^ ., N January lab, 18G4,
.- foand
I oalond
I went below, and rummaging around, I
a couple of old muekots and a fowling
And Dalton, with giant
aalzed the wounded rafllans env after
hurled them down upon their
� the houaehald, she
spao@atoyo, says the Sb. Louis REpubZic,
i, Bavaria " was designed by Sobwanbhaler,
Dion Boualoaulb 1 How he would have
raved had such a thing happened at m re-
the 8a on piece.
'....,memory Y
Theee with suffi'stonb ammunition
dc,zen I earrieden dock,
another, and
climbing companions, dashing all in con-
should bo the ruling
who was asalstod in his work by Lazarini,
hea:eul of his " Spsetal Oats."
- rr which occurred the ter
a rmnnda apl000,
fusion to the bottom of the boat./,ad
power." Obhors claim
l,,, working from suggonbioae mad® by the
A year befere he dtcd I joined his
most exciting experl- below,
had aw,+kened the oaptata'o wife while
and she followed men .
Basm t onto mt>re, and so near this time .
, .
that as the husband
glug, he metal (bronze) in Cho statue
spacial class to dramatic arb for my own
once of my adventurous
ee 0h, John I" she cried, when she saw
that ib slut fresh courage into ul and fresh
is uanally the bread,
w'eiyha come few hnndreds of pounds over
porsonr,l imprevowent. He did not exert
w fife. I was ab that timo the
mate of theBarbhaMay,
threatening rooks toward which we, were,
"this to borrlbls terrible I"
desperation inbe our piratical assaiiauts, wiener'
To ab on board and drop aur cable wag now the
and errna what his wife spends for
famllq needs he allauld have the doold-
out five s mare than had
twenty bona, abot
over before Inen molbsd In one furnaco,
himself very much In eonduobing s'
rehearsal, but he dropped words , of
a ebqunoh little brig of ra
181 drifting,
P tI g'
Ctroex up, taco, we mist haps far the
the%r tYecught. This dace, three minutes in
voice in all of importance • he
g p
As it ab:znda ba -day on Its thlrbyfoob
Nva been of cera De me
wisdom that ha
•sr,ma 160 otos, wnioh had railed from 13aes-
e, fcra, bound for Naples, with best.
Hera, you tako this, Jennie," said
mare would deo us smashed upon the rooks abou•d
theirs as much booty as they might
Gavern I We dislike the use of that
rodestal, the colossus Is a tiV.nfo Bxvart3n
naald,w, fifty-four foot In height, with a
ever stupe. He. did not believe in the
rn physical culti!lre"fad of to -day. He was
a mantic bar
a general cargo. "
husband, offar;ng her the fowling place.
You have done well with It againob sea
word. Ib should never be aeon In
glgaub;o lion crouched by her sada. The
perfectly practical in evorythiag he aald
Our veteel was oommandtd by Capt. John blyde,
now try It an sea savages."
Up they swarm once more, nine against
ward or act ; never enter the
ebatue anal pedestal eenrblued are eighty-
a4d did. If a girl had to courtesy he would
Perry. She carried a crow of eight, beside
five, using all the strategy their experience
heart between man and wife. No
fosr feet In heigb;, and the w}iolo balog
say, "Why not de it naturally and graoa-
the tack, and Chore was on beard alae the
ra Nay, lass P be continued, somewhat
had taught them, Two of them olrng low
woman can be ms happy as Gad Intended
Placed span an eminence rleiag thirty fact
#ally V " D�n'b use your log for a prop,"
eaptalu's wife, a good-looking lass of some ot(raly,
'e there's no place here for womanly
down to tho channel irons, while bbe rest
marriage should make her if her husbands
above the sarmunding country, puts the
was it favorite reprimand, and many a girl
26 summers. scruples
Oa thu 281 of December we found our.
; when the time comes you must
I 1"
draw their boat further along the side to love
the davits, by which they try to clamber
Is chiefly manifested by his ditpssitloa
to govern, Few w=omen, however laving
top of " Bavarl:+'s " head 114 foot above the
lovO of the city, which she seems to be
lawnrd to sts,nd properly from that little
selves lir a perfect hurricane off the coast shoot,
sod shoot to kill. Take it, say
With an offer) she controlled hr:rself and
up. In this way they divide cur efforts,
and self oaerlficing, If endowed with good
vigilantly, watching ever.
Girls, try the Courtety. Band botch.
of Spalu. Wha,n it had abated, we were
the lighter while he and I
wan on
P g P '
and stand a bettor ehanos by reason of
sense and juigment, ever yield their own
A lemg, winding st%Irway leado be the
knots and keep the back nearly upright=.
minus our irownprit acrd ferebop, beside
each m musket,
ttzeir Lumbers. Thyro is a long and bitter
Proaanoeive3 Memo and thoarloi to their
bead of the statue, which has scabs arranged
The muscles of the lags ash° draadfnlEy at
Incurring other minor damages. So the
Of a sudden the anchor bit and held
attnggle ; Dalton's right arm is pierced
husband's judgment and diobxtion. A mars
within the" brain caviby "for the aco,sm-
first, and when you rine-well, yon may net
capt:al:s pub into Oadiz for temporary drmly,
and bha brig was brought up with
by a dirk and re tiered uic-
would doeptai a woman who did. It would
medition of weary 0ghteeers. European
r6a at all; you may fall ever ; but in a favr
repairs. such
a lark that we, were all thrown to the
less ; the captain and I are
sbmnnbhen the bond between them to die*
guide books and at leant one excellent work
days -behold, you h%va mastered the sitaa-
Bart that was only bha beginnlseg of our deck.
both wounded severely in the haadt-
cuts the matter -if the union Is so strong
on things oub of the ordinary, 11 The
troubles. We had managed, in picking ap
our Baotou craw, to get together the worst
The wreckers on shore were getting im•
and a number of thorn tad kauled
heaven help us I Suddenly there to a raah
of uareovtng tackle, followed by a crash ;
between th,fm thab they can do to -in a
pleasant and loving way. Bab wives same-
World of wosadorc," declare that the ta.
torfor of the head and of the boob will oom•
What the Worldl;ats.
• lot of grumblers It has ever been m lot to
P° '
long boat from sems hidden cave in the
the stern of the long boat has dropped
times after a few ears, do, Unfertua%tel ,
y T
fortabl hold ttwsnt five ercon$• In the
fortably 3 p
The world's crap of cinnamon is 16,000
encounter. Nothing seemed to
Another even followed, ane both
from the davits plump into the galley of
learn that it tendo to more harmony to re-
central part of the main figure thirty-five or
them, and when five of them deserted the
wcra raptdty manned.
our assailants, crushing one of thorn into In-
frmin from argntng or dineussion, even when
forty petrous could dinaareand abwelve•foot
The world's oat crop every year ezoseds
brig ab Cadiz we wsra neither snrpriaed
nor sorry.
Each Riffian was armed to the tooth, mudsensibility
and ,o illwoncert!-•rg the others
that they less their hold of the brig's side,
their own oenviobions have not changed.
Ib to a great ppy. irhab such reticence should
table. The whsle is certainly the vmbodl-
maast of.a grand idea of nationality, and la
15,000,000 tans.
Bad as they were, however, we aeon
Little meroy might to expected train them
we should fall into their clutches.
and in half a minute are floundering far
ever be found the wiscsb way.
a credit Wthe waggesbions of ging Ludwig,
Our best sugar crop last year was 8,000,-•
wished them back again, for when we un-
derbook to supply their places we had on
"I Sbbnd back, there I" yelled the captain,
aetern. Jsnnto had played another trump
God bless her !
000,000 pounds
France ratsw and eats ovary year 5,000
beards such a rabble of out -throats that for suddenly.
long time the captain hi,eltated be select a
wa turned to find him levelling hie
Harrah, lads ! yelled the captain,
bravo little In his arms
whish mbe'
marrla a relation ckrrmlal !e there may be
tr a ores ati nerehip my Iconcs,
g Y Y
A Brahman Fate That is Cele
tear of radfahea,
horses fes'
ainala one of them. Heaven known the beat
musket at something In the forectisius.
grabbing his wife
and kissing her.
two heads or two governing powers, the
I& depart•
ut I ia,
bratcd Throughout Indra.
Parte killed last year 11,SG2 old
roasts and soup.
-was bad enough, but finally four Spaniards
we an
and n P" a,gnsse were chosen, and at day•
Happening to glance forward, he had die-
covered the Portuguese fallow endeavoring
„ Threecheatsfor Admiral Jennie i" cried
Dalben, eechea,
devil, he was pale mn
husband having control over
menti, the workshop ; the wife here, the
A correspondent at Lnokaow meads us a
illustrat.ng the celebration of
The Eagltah eat every year 95,000 tons at
break on New ose
morning aeb nail
stealthily to cast off the board end of our
cable so as bb send us on the rocks.
a ghseb from loss of bleed Lead, Tom-
But in crJer that the home shall not be-
the great Brahman festival, the DaaharaI or
American apples.
Last the Italians exported 430,000,-
again for Naples.
Ab bwr a of the game da we entered
The rascal saw that he was covered by the
d shoo
gniok, now 1 we crust give these fia$ds a
parting shot, and at the same time let
come divided against itself let there be fre-
meetings for consulbatloa and advice,
Darda Poja, the mist scored fesbival in the
Brahmanic Calendar. During the prasant
000 dozens of eggs,
the Straits off tbral4ar, with s spanking
running, We
ea tam's un and sneaked ecowlia
the fsreoasble, The old crew were now
the mpproaoh?ng vassal knew our where-
and where to brought the intuition, which is
year and the two ensuing yetra unusual
The average man uses twenty-nine pounds.
breeze end a ahappy sea had
by this time, short as it was, began bb die•
s time,
patted aft and detailed be stand guard -two
,The words had scarcely paaead his lips
pasack d
Parb o! the woman's nature, ba aselet the
which should below g
s3lemn.lt atwoktae too the festival, owing to
y g
the belief that tae sanctity of the Gangea,
of sugar per annum.
The world raises and cats every yeas°
our dew-
cover of the quality our
near the windlass and two beside the
when there was a sharp of fifty
sound common sense
to the man.
with which it Is associated, will coaae In
9,000,000 tone of rye.
comers, There was a sari of )nae ence in
their manner which 1soYaed vary like the
thea n r
llnring this lntarval our eyes had been
rifler, a aoream,, pain, and the pirabag'
drifted helplessly #ram our eight Iota
gut a loving wife finds tb no erose ba allow
1895, and be transferred to the Nerbadda
River, of Ciaabcal. India. In Bengal fire
This poaatry a prep of beans ii estimated
sUa mutiny. gnawing that they
burned from the shore, and when we lacked
the two boats were well under way,
the darkneos. Oar rescue was nearer than
her husband so to shape her life an will
meet his testas and wishes, provided always
Dar a Pu m is celebrats3 with mn enbha•
f3 _, j
at 70,000,000 bushels.
in 189Y
numbered about half the men on beard, this
was lar from a pleasant state of affdra for
Snoops were got oub, two an each aide, and
we had supposed. She raved to be the
Alert, a B iblch cruiser of ten good gnaa
Uab he doss not lead her aside from her
duty. She
alasm iibbla chert of fanatici2m. In Rajpn•
Mum and other districts It to the typical
The restaurants of Parts mold
18,000 dozen frogs' lege.
the mind to dwell upon, Moreover, it
manned by great, musoulsr' barbarians.
Fortunately for us, their clammy firearms
and some half a hundred shmrpsheeters.
consclenttous conviction of
should always bear in mind that although
-',Rtary featival of the native prineas,
Europeans every year eat 6,470,000 tans
seemed that they had romahow procured
with which they were celebrating
and the togging of their galley made it
She had somehow gob word of our dis-
and allowing for wind and tide, had
she Is the wife, sire to none the less a re-
Y g B
wh4n the s forth is ala "Vol.liquor,
Dade-igfantry, cavalry and arbiliary
of beef, mutton and perk.
Now Year's on their awe aooennb.
almost useless for thorn to attempt to db ns
injury at day diebaaoa $a we thought it
+ g
come fairly Close to us, when the flash of our
spocsible being ; that she, and not her
band, at the lata da must s4aad or fall
-•sPOrbing their gayeRt uniforms
The Frenoh raise and consume every year
$5"0,000 bushels of muatsig.
wa were yob its to five, the cook
on our side, bat one of the old crew was
wino to wait until they came well within
first t she atin'td her where we for
Bub she wasn't a bib baa eomo, for even if
according to •abet she has dans with the
intrnt3ted bm herself along, and coy
Paid tr> tm as azceok plumes, yak tails
pp g , p - p , p ,
Untbx rias and other Insignia ei royalty, titin
The anneal vx`ne of hire wotld'a pooeans6s
very uureliablo. Jim Dalton was a heavy
range, when, mb the skipper's command,
the pirates bad not returned to the. attack
to her husband.
staudard of India flatbaring above the reat�
is catimated at 860,000,000,
a influ
drinl>et, and under the influence of bad
Jennie fired.
Ib wad a splendid shot. The foremost
with increased numbers, ear cable was we'ti
The bast and purestelemento of awoman's
The ealebratien of the Dashars is attended
Tha paran]p yield of bhla eountzg !s ertt-
had dons man and dis-
wpatablo things. Jim had picked up a
boat yawed visibly and shipped a heavy
nigh obafed through, and another fifteen
would have seen our complete
oharec!or can never ba no thoroughly do-
by .peculiar obiervaness In some parts of
Int'ia. Mhue, In Bombay, throngs of Hindu
mated at 40,000,000 bushels.
sma 110.g of Spanish and conversed freely
weave. Ole of the oarsman dropped his
as though the handle of it was a live
vela d as b the love cenfidenoa and
pz p ,
dernees of her husb%ed. Giving this with
devotees ostrrp In their hands flowers or
Ova tiof,,mr fa Nov Yerr. ralgea
s,®nada of scale ever year.
P y Y y
with the now hands. At all hazards this
Haan must be kept sober, lest they win him
The brave little woman, whose pluck and
resenee of mind had saved as, novo pub on
manly, loving o,,urbesy, he will find a rich
1n jay and osmfor6 as only a
branches of tie apta, or palms tree, which
regirded as res reaenan soma old and Is
g P 8 (g ).
The estimated yield of pecans In this.
ever to any murderous scheme they might
o us
Nevertheless, they quickly recovered, and
on again, whereupon the captain and
her femtniait once more, and peomptly
regard enoh
happy woman'e thoughtful care can bring.
bold highly sacred mild lud5i=perm bla in
country fs 8,000,000 begbela.
re o to oa rare ship. He stood as
p p P p•
i the oontente of our weapons at their
fa.tnbed. Oa out arrival at Gibraltar,
But if a husband determines that his
commemorating th!e da In other arts of
g y P
day is looked
A grocers' journal estimates tiro was a
the balance of power.
" Dalton 1" pored the captain, sternly,
P . y
dfep sal. As far as we could tree however,
' '
whither the cruiser towed aa, she was
taken down with nervous restratioa to 3
P '
will ebatl be the controlling motive for
their daily life and conduct God be merei-
the country, again, the upon
as rites§ aua icleus for mending children to
P g
crop of cloves ab 5,000 tans.
Our imperti of fruits and nuts last year
an take the
"came aft and take the wheel"
Jim come
the whiskey bobble,
little damage was dens by either of us, yob
lb sufficed to make them change their too-
it was not until she tet foot an her native
shore again than also fully recovered from
fn] to a hemp bhua governed ! This course
he d;;op call by his will, but
school. Clio nine Rights, or navaravla,
Preceding the Daehara are $elemofzad by
exceeded 120,000,000 to value.
buEh2la an -
.._ ,_`
hesitated a mcmeab, and then sulkily abased
'*a. The hindmost bomb now started on a
detour to bake ne on the opposite aide.
the shook of her terrible experience-
not governing
by his " rlghbiul authority as bend of the
the women of the Manlan caste by the garbs
Thorn are 50,000 000 of peas
ovally in this country.
the capoaiu'e order. Bidding me ka.p m
-sharp eye on him, the skipper then vgenb
Thin won't do, Tom, said the captain.
That was the way in which I passed rho
New Year of 1864.
hbnge," Taab way of s'e'eing his actions
those four
-that 1a daacss aooem aniad b yell lead
, P Y g
sang. In m%ny�bs of India the people err
Leat year London consumed with more or
" we've gob no powder to waste ; we must
until they gab Clover ntfll. Jennis,yoa
aounda bobber ; neverihe`.esa
letters (will) batter a=press his real xreau-
this day decorate their harden with palet
less relltsh 20,000 tens of fruit.
Along about 8 o'clock in the evening we,
tittle this side of Gibral•
had batter go below.
Reversible /alla la New Bruraewlek.
flu rely. -London Daily Graphic.
we prvdua�t and nab every year abeam
Were efi Carlfa, m
bac. The bide swirled around bht3 Cape
Bat the l:..ea bad tasted the intoxicating
The most piomraeque, as well as the
;m a Circle.
340,000 tons of beet-raob sugar.
awibh`a raleeiby of a mill -race. Suddenly
luroh and Instantly fell off
spirit of adventure, and insisted upon re•
malning on deck, so we stowed ourselves
most strilztng, mauffe@bation of the bidsl
ries and fall in at the mouth of the Sb, dohs
A epirlb of compromise should govern
bile home. A determination in each to
�� Ft !@ very is
II be veld me the
ry s'
tic "ta'el serve the 3if•
Only 10 per oenb, of the eugaa we earn-
eume to grown in this country.
Ahe,hrig, gave a
oa,F_:ral from her course.
behind the bulwarks and waibed.
River„ at St. John, N. B, ,Neo trthy be
have his or her own way, even though oar-
dsep young man,
fo b names we have for the em thing."
`Ito world anacaalid• o eg and avis.
di Jtm, you confounded lubber, keep her
Peering through a rope hele,il W;01 lied wjta,�•• on eb„fy ;`moo a chuni;a AC aan31
our enemies appro•ob.. as a quick
tied oub in a gaisb manner, will inevitably
to no -,doe. In al[ mabt°ro of right
Is it?"1,946,000
bons o! butt r and ehezxa.
head up 1" I shouted,
" Can't dolt, err 1"
�� Naw, oa",,
Lain l I cried, and up we
tiers as sudden and as complete
change of score in a dranma ; the beauty o€
rrstilt p:
and jnablca let the ipriuciple$ of risk be
'a Ot aet?rz� :G f3 " he. vaeat on with the
z x c,
e, �:�:ctsrn o, rsaoaroh. '.Fake
3.ha almstta. fxerlaob tri the world to esti-
mr�tnrj gy lase `iiilrbh �5 OOO,Ot30.—,SE. I.Otti.
" Wby, waab'd bha matter ?"
1021- and gave thew a full volley.
the landscape, enhanced by the handiwork
fonndt;d en a rook. In ml! matters of U•
`�s"`1` v far $'�`'` When !t gate old ft isfl
vtobe jo, at
" Matter ea" ugh, air, the taddet'tt ja:,r.
Thfa time ohs warming they reaeivad wad
of man addfa recti to ohs itn esalvs-
A 8 y Pr
imperbance be teldirK
y �, . ne to file bblaei'.
zt►ed, and wen'tt work,
r1,Httvm e6 en the aeolr for & )iii taia
I unmistakable. Two who had been standing
in the bows pitched head foremost ever-
nr,sa of the phonometrsil, TbU is ;09% l9
known as, , the " reversible fslis,a' albhong-
db 1s j>xsb tul.B kawUmpbtea n€ rule or dem-
Inant ower th b robs no man homes of the
oa�led },
Aaybo .y known that. SarFerSYuioas of Itsd Ilan.
" it fa killed, is veiled tire,
wand ran afb. It was indeed eo. It se moa
besrd, and another dropped limply into the
,c vevaroible rapids " would be more appro.
perfection that should be hardly one stsp
Aad,t>5e c`,eep, after No pas has suer been known to get
, mat on Navajo Indian in trade. Navajara
,as if the lower beak had snapped, allowing
is biro
bottom of the beat.
While the savages were picking up their
p€Iaae, In a map of St. John and its
environs dratda In 1784 by an officsr of the
tem�ved fcom bha glory dad parfnobioa o!
heavenly life.
� better of a
Yoa re gstttng rigab aronn3 to wlaez9 ,
s +e as ant trstit GttA ^' «�'..•Xnm wtvi , � �,
itha,s�dder pa}b 5e, twist and catch
ossa, where it hold firmly.
wounded we loaded again and fired aa-
. g
$b. John Loyalists, the matter Ld referred to
If all could realize the difference between
wear a',atbed fcom."
"How? , l r" --re s m,"AbA feat ei: m aftmara, Vothing
The tremendous current around the cape
bad us at its mercy, and we began to
other round. That preyed to be all
they ovntd stand, for busy turned tall and
in a marginal ante :
c< The falls in this river are justly ranked
the service the wi€e renders to auizsr3to ,
and tb&t poured @0 .l no—t°"`' ani i pon
will la,laas thont to pose for their pictures.
?f h r 'r ram%a "" "" t n`i &e=°�`� l
sIwmr s r a °ate scfoaltp d fiioelb to photo-
to veld the coast or Barbary. what
rowcd hastily for the shore, leaving one
sin she otutositiaa e€ the rdotld ; +hap
i,anesusly for love atone, wba5 a pharga
iu oU-k n)3.?eiilz g neusa ib beow,,Va h
v`wlth the wind and tide the sea was some-
of their companions still struggling in the
are at the mouth of the river, absub Ono
thyro would be In many hcmas I No duty
%ii4',Sn ill htfal and to make our. prediea•
g g +
meat wetae, the billaiaens•loeking fellows
•water. . .- t
The Cheer that followed the bemh'n retreat
mile from the entrance, and are rsavlgable
fear tlrrtsd to bwontyfenr hours, whish
can than be thsughb hard -no toil oppres-
,;1ve. $er whsle lido to jopfn.ly given for
Na.ta.-mires sole Ing.
asked aahand ame Uto on thelSan Jaaa
i a per
of w Sola Lal>.
forward seemed to be hatching some devil-
was suddenly out short by a scream from
commando real �sbenblro tali 611 A fees
the comfort bl him whose evaxp `R'aiLd and
An that �azllrasfa5 allchemfoat agents
ca Wo w+raat ary:nc. Me pictures for blw•
plop es f
fell plot sr other under cover of the dark-
Jenni?. while all eyes were bent In tis°
minutes are to pan In era}eby.
mot tells hay she I. most precious In his Mght
way he rav,du, says a Gsrmxn authority, by
World's F�ft b +pot with the white metn'n
direction of the oneomers, the Portuguese
" The bide rlsiu from twenty to bwant
g y Y'
-not pimply valuable baasaase the !n con-
mixing 20 parts cf cauatio irobaeb, ZO pacts,
add the Navajos."
,ter, sae- le a terrible business, Tom," iald had arapb silently up ballad the eapmain and
I belaying
fans feet, ab high water is pit or aighb feet
venieno, but truly beloved, fwd held In all
by welght, asf loath r eprapa, cut find, and
6, That's wGs2 eEoagb for Ulrs white man.
was about to orueh his tkull with a
higher than the river, which occaoiana a fall
honor to hie haarb.
5 pasts of sx`:p'sur, Pi wa In an tren kehtle
and Navajos," rep1hd the Ute, "bub it's
". Ay, 81r 1 bad 01,,) igh in open seg,716tt- pla.
in the river as well me. ono, the whole water
Her husbaud'e love thus manifea+.ed, he
or: a Band hybh, covering oho materials wi,h
bad mQddolne for nit. As soon as a Ute hasp
ceald run before the wind, but here it to
The warning W;43 just in ewe, and tht
of the country having to pass bebween two
will bo bar bower of strength -a strong
water, and ovaporatlug the mass until it
We picture taken he gots slok and dice. Wim
then bad. Be!oro an hour we shall
blo;v deaconded harmlessly ora the rail.
rooks aWly yards diatant.
fortreen-so to protect and shield her tbAt
Hrat lrapismas dr dad bhm. by the asntlnaa;}
do net want that teal in our eoaabry- It is
be on the .Riffs, air, just as pure me you're
Via next moment, however, the zoeutzdrel
lay sbanaed upon the daokwibh a blew from
The scene of these rapids In a beautiful
Uhecugh which, in remote. ages, the
all irlals will have lest their sting.
A man has no faith in real leve who to toe'
trait egtin baec'moa psaby. The pre4nob is
then dssoalvet, its water, stratced and pre•
bad medicine."
Nothing witl indcce a Navajo. to baunh a
"I'm afra!d no, Tom, unlssa we are over-
the butt of my musket. He was bound ea•
river appoars to haves forced its way. For
proud to give it expression himself. A
served in real! stoppered bottles,
ss a
fish much leeat it. Swingfish in the
`"drau"sed by soave steamer, which ain't very
cutely dad carried below to await further
twenty minutes on emote ebb and flood the
heart as well ai
omsu's hart lunge
est waill ran.
face of a Navajs and the bravest
punishment, should we be h'rbunats elsough
river here In a9 placid as a mountain lake on
nota. B cause In the time of wooing she
T""? here Was the cat?
Who will explata ?
1,14 3. obouldn't be surprlsed, omptaln," I
to OnOape.
In the excitement of this incident we, had
a teat gnil day. Suddenly a streak of white
spreads aoream fire gorge, and !a a few
told that she in belmved must that sut£soe for
a ltf7time Y
A Garr s.Eu yro,per says that a cook who had
Better l zprasaed.
-sa:�ii, looking forward, " to find that those
davtie by the foreaaabte there were in league
forgotten Wheat the second boat, and when
ratnabee the calm to succeeded by the tar
Love will
heart not
daily broad
burned a 5 `t+° ;stab of veal threw the ipo►iee9
scab away azd laid her mfatres3 that l,h.
. Crammer—Weab !a the matter with t3s,t�
with those m'xrderoua Rlffiann. They neem
a yell teem D.a,'tten bion hb us be the other
brig, the a were almsst
moil of rnahlog, whirling heaters. The re-
goot!ong of the tsnlry sltoroe and of tl
true for its
cat hmd eate%.z f•r,
"said "era
moa Y He appe�ra to d battered up.
gather play ed with our misfortune than
air°m of th®
out -threat
upon us. Wien ate cab -threat Spaniards
uraoefal outlines of the snspenaten ar•d Can•
A home by dost genote iafla-
.. Indeee the lad y' wifl sny
about that;" and she took Ulto o<<t, pub ft
acted an umpire yentas-
Gibed decls•!on home
A though I had never been through the
saw blsia they gave a shout of onaoaxage•
menb• One of them more enthualmatio than
bllaysr briddas which spas the month of the
ger axe obliterated mn !f a mirror lead cud-
enees ta, when compared toahome governed
different ms a
on the hits on scales, and found It
5 Ib. " There, gas•
gave a against the
day and gave a
. straits before, I had heard many a. yarn of
soonndrele and thofr blood-
the rest, leaped upon the rail and beckoned
dna y ,,mn ruthlessly shattered.
b man's aathoritp, se per-
sen is to a maahlnt-one is Hien the other
weighed precisely
,, „
rtes, diva avid ; I t=Uppete bleat is�tho
Ccammsr-And Ito eras wrcrag, I eag-
those piratic
curdling wank. Ltving almost under the
the ab Gibraltar, these
them an esotter!!y ; whmrsnpon Dalton,
seizing the ospnban bxrgave the villain such
Lower Cslii'arefa.
only moohamhul. A ,'governed " wife
have brand jest as light and a home
5.1b of meat ; hat, ple,%ee, toil me where It
the oat•)'
Polio - Ei'ell, I wvUld hardly esprs@a
bub he
shadow of garriaen
• Riffiann were yet as reckless of Itis and as
a °lip that the fellow iib waters. and fail with a
late the raging
Lower California, which somebody port-
just as tidy as one guided, nob governed.
Cate watr't Stay In &eo aa,
lb boat wap. tl wad mfg rt, mthioa'.Sy,
showed blamed ba?! judgment.
•much pirates within the limits of their
who ever out from
Meantime we, had leaded
ounderiy he aterritoria udominiondof the
The wl,'e guided by respect and gontlanevi
fill the house with trlgttneop, jay and
Daring a lament visit Le I
Night a iatf f
moans as any rovers put
•Sales• ',Chore were stories of yachts ba-
disabled ships which had oe•
vieuld have
blazed away. As geed lack rowing haven
the two. savages who b aalretsh&wtnaa 4 b one
United Sb%tsa, is the lou t sb of Nort
American paniosu}ao. Ib ie of aboub the
even amunte felh,t beo-rusea her wife
d sagacity,
, g y,
twill not evennmaka theattemptbm boaeme
a ng night
The practice +rf leaving n}ghb ligirLn int
Calmed and
• caped these savages only by miracle.
side were bib, one go Y the
mud It
Qa ewirlod aThe
same arem a9 Florida. Its restasb length
acoElmabed there. The altitude is boo great
for fallne lungs to cepa with. Instinct
jatieus by aawell-known rphysician. Instead.
iTne Rtffa na this Perbten of the Morocco
!n exbeuds from itlangler onniho
nwoep gm# -NV
other camed naYbut hold
is about 800 mGei and ltd width
about 145 Ttlo whole penintula is
epreEaibleubuat itecannot be imitated.
Tnere go no exaggeratlea tat thin state-
vvsmne them of mhle fact, and whenebrangere
tiro perfect.
of allowing the opblodarkness,
coaot called,
avert to :levy tits western frontier of Alg.era,
grip, wla9le the unbalanced yawned
dangerously inbs the trough of the sea.
dub try ir.a, in c!lma.ta mod roduotlenn and
P P +
rceub. We have roan suoh homes, and
Bat to them
brie their et cabs to the mining metro-
alis lira animals nimbi take matters into
P quietly
s, theves
them afforded per by almstimul the light he rs-
them to oral ebrai abl with the rtt�•
Ravin a imn +Uh of 210 milia.
2 bb one time were the injuries
Sa m
Before they had t?ma to "gain their lost
its erbramo eouthern rmil in just ivithin bh,s
torrid grans. Ths csms4 linen on gulf ani]
kilow them io be genuine. no
tisought of supromasy or governing can aver
their own hands by walking quietly down
aurin d
null of causing the brain and the rosba€ the€':
•inflicted by tho Riffians on passingmerchant
g roan", we bad again-
Bing I bang I bang !
,roean is nboub 1,700 mil4e in length. The
Intrude, and we verity believe that it de-
the mountain until the same which
themfloe tellstheyhave
nervous system to Buffer.
vaseola bhab snort of the Matlblme States
that the mi hb g
o Al! blithe wont svtuO of the moxk, and the
o u2ab!on Is c gree and the mean.a of oorn'
era sal undeveloped that lb la flare
pallia upon 4lze hasbanII more than on
be build such homes, klub there const ba
reaccedt altitude which h 7
A 8trikiwg Sermon.
paid anus ai Aum Y g
aumelsabed, Austria and Spain declared
pirates came speedfirg up to the nide of our
of the atnsh mmste re •tens In the °ivdizsd
iso )law in the foandabfan$. The marriage
Mrs. Frethingham—Da you Itbfiilit
war against the Sultan of Morocco, and
Jant then there came the swsetcct esund
wori,,i. aXL® gplf paths aro almost nnknown
must be a true anion, each matuallyholping
one of a large Clare.
Rev. Mr. $malipay delivered rather a smrik+
aaodhsded in abbeiaing compe.anation for
T eves hoard. Botno on the gals Cmmv lino
to people of this aaunfrp•
the other, and the stosd wb'ah holds them
Must be perfect conCade»os and unfaltering
en Ne," said the young mea, In reply be
histator'a " I haven'b began
!ng sermon this morning,
Frothtnghmm-•Yes ; ib roamed do mo the*;
The Saltau'a authorlty in the Riff region
:, i,oam „ of, an approaching vessel. Our
pP �d.
'volley had baca and ataaaa£h
Bate6'Lilic the Tred4tional Bad I'•anny.
kwo- thm huoband'a mmi%lfeoted by guarding
old gaeablon,
my life -work sat, but to the #abuts--"
he hinted several times !a it if he waau'ti.
wan not strong, however, and piratical do-
" Dawn, Jen me 1 Dawn the
Hoia in a curious coincidence :
"Toby," f6 hit
from ,,or p disbtrrbanee; wlth uaosbeabattpue
wife's as It
" I'm afraid, young man," Raid h!$ tutor,
given a bigger salary he'd halt.
rad,ntions $:.111 ooabinnad.
p What a prize would be our brig, drifting
bulwarks I" It was getting rabhflr hot for
and she did as
friond of mine," writes put
name and data on a five•peuttd Unto 11 years
ea6a and toadarnhsg mtrd bha
wemau'$ nature, by quiet dovobion,' most
Severely, " I'm afraid your excessive and
arduous labors In the future will always
A Tdottgltt[al Sponac.
nu4el into their clutches and half -manned
the little woman, quickly
bid. The captain and I stood up
a o and rvasntl the nota Dame into hid
g Y
hippy when ministering to the comfort and
keep you from doing anything to the
Bride -W by have yon turned off the gag
vrltlr #allows as villainous as themeoiven,
willing to share the $poll.:
oho was
together to straw our asratlaatp' fire. Bang !
hada again in the asrrrgm of business.
brat been all over England dad Milo bask was
It happ!nege of he household.
P resent."
Husband -A1 dear we have nab maaiit
money, and, boddod, people who want tNs
. and
For nearly an beta we had been pitching
bang 1 bang ! With u more skippe skipper's
over, than a holo through the n g cap.
covered with namos,"
She, proferred before the angel, of
To learn chose rather. ,and of
"Play, Mr. Plot wham Ism per
kine each other don't used may ltghb6
and rolling mutt drifting,,, until now wA
could disoorn through the damkncc$ the
It orae no Plays for long, clumsy Hrammnrts.
were now at our
Witherb M wife key a e6 soma boot;
, It i
phsasist" "Madatm, lb in simply m circum-
locutory and plenantio cycle of oratorloal
Une woman's Way.
broakero toesrnr, Choi �wlilbe #Aum sob more
of a mils away, and beyond
Dalbon and our old crew
nide enoh armed tvtth m heavy capstan bar,
, lurkld
now of all bright things stir baby gote
off. Plankingtan Why, Iii the little fsi
A happy wife, who kn.owm she coin
trash bor husband, willingly acknowledges
sonorealty, otronmeoribing an atom of Ideal.
ity, lost in a varbai profnndiby. ' Thank
" Yon dou'b know whab disagreeiblsr
things Airs. Preacher said about yeti I+elrbWR-
than a quarter
mhmrn ro mhieatentng cllffa.
a alis
The three noonn�rrellgr Sp n!
mwalhti;g the
low O1,9 eutaugh yet t wibherby-Oh, pEa,
him as t,ha head in &ooidin matters for the
you, air."
day'exclaimed one friend to another.
<' Lab s the drag !'' soiled the captain,
near the forecastle, ozoltedly
IIs ropsa,ts everything I say.
general good of the lrua$ehoid if their ovin•
She easily
Every man's oseh is a hostage ba his
don't11 I want to knew," answered ilia
anal the anchor whet over the bow, but
length, and failed to touch bot-
at main of
a sound was nearer naw.
Boom I Th T
PaoplA have ba on known to die for lhvea
bbky levo, but not for these who lova them.
fours axis not gulba In Uataon,
yields this or any Importanb point, net
other quickly.
foil cable grap-
atom. " By George !" he exclaimed, " I've would holp•ba.tso late t The