HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-18, Page 2r '. ___ -_ --- WAS MORAL DUPED Me May Know More Than E Says He Does, TEE CROWN'S CASE AGAINST H11 11"piolous People .All Seotn to Travel i Fairs Flow—All Beady For the Inque To-slay—elauy Amateur Detectives a the front For the Man Wanted—Itntet esting Developments Laolred lues' t To-dar)'s Inquest at Cooksville. It Is stated that young Walker, who hs bseu hithrrto regarded an the one•eye insignificant tool of bio V6 hirrell in dlnpo; ing of his horse, same months ago was I 'the employ of Frod Death, of the Middi Goad. Mr. Dasbh liven about two mil€ from the Williams heuie, and It is allege that wh,m Walker left hie employ he stol a watch from him, which Mr. Death neve recovered. Mr. D: ath could not be got a to -night, but the infarmatien comes trom moat reliable source. Mr. Robertson, she Oakville frult grower sena interviewed to -night as to the mmu h saw at Oredib station on the evening of Fri ,clay, December 15. He describes the man h saw as being rather tall with a light colsre evercoatpulled up around his ears and knit Scotch cap. His complexion was dark he had A BLACK MUSTACHE and a thin beard on hia eboska, apparentl, the retulb of a fortnight's growth. Mr liobertsen aaw the man first ataboub tweat, minutes to seven, and shortly after h i3tarted out with the stated fatantisn of walk Sag to Toronto. This man in many import ant respect& answers to the de3oriptiou o the man from Them MaWhirrall allegod hi boughs the horse tater On the same nighk The village people of Porb Credit have rightly or wrongly, not pet ceased to can nest the name of Duncan Chapelle with tht tragedy. Cliapalle was the hired man o old man Williams until a month before the murder, and was eesn at Part Crodib, it it eaid, two days before the crime. He hat zine disappeared. Chapelle anewera to r certain extent the description of the second man whom McWhirrell statea he negotiated with. When last seen at Porb Credit he were &•dark overcoat and a fur cap. He was of medium height, with brown hair and A complexion of cell her dark nor f*ir. He had decayed front teeth. Cospelle was form. inly in the employ of Mr. Moody. The Empire premised to trace, if possible, the two man 'ram whom MoWhirrell says he purchased the horse and cubbar. He described them ace nratety, They were scan by Signalman Ro jera elther on Thursday or Friday ab the railway creasing at Siraebau avenue, asking their way towards Hamilton. Others naw them going west, but yesterday me trace of them could be discovered going east again. On Thursday, December 14t1, shortly before 7 o'clock, two men answering as near as p4satble to their dcsariptiona no Riven by Ido Whirrell entered the -G. T. R siiway stational Port Credit. They meb S wito-, - man Joe Enright, and asked him if he would gab them zemething to eat. They maid they had Spent the night before IN THE JAIL AT OAXVILLE. Neither of them had any money. The sherb mat with the top rubber boots Said he would give Enright a jackknifo if he would geb them tomething to eat. Enright gob them the lunch asked for, but refused to take any oampsn ablen. They told him that they were sailors sub of work. They said they had sailed all summer on the upper lakes. Earight did not Bee them after he gave the lunch. They remained All night In the station henna. The night pparatorsays that they ley down in acorner and remained there until morning. At 7' o'clock the' got up and asked the read to Torenbo. He directed them to take the first burn mouth of the section house and go vast. They dep %rbed. It was redoing then. The road they were directed to take ends sboub a mile east Of the village in a side road running north and South, If ,hey turned north they woald land an the Middle -Road, aboub 10 minute&' walk from the scene of the tragedy. Ib is hardly pisalbte, however, that twe men so conspicuously attired could travel far on that high road to the city without being seen. Thera to a clue which may lead be the discovery of the real murderers. Two roev, answering the description of there men, were seen on Friday evening, December 15th, driving furiously along the Iake shore road peat Sheehan's Hotel, three miles oast e1 the Williams farm. Mr. Sheehan doea not remember having soou them himself, but Mr. Robert Brown, 297 Gerard street, lCoronto, saw the men. When they arrived at the road loading from the lake alkere roeid to Islington they tctrned rmrth; The Inquest To -day. It is expected that the C. -own uill have a large number of wltnesaes in atteaadanaa, and that Some xm or tant evidence encs wi1 t b6 given. Detective Greer lefb last night for rampt9n, and will be at Cookeville with :the prlsoners bits morning. The celebrated s' bay horse" will figure in the evidence. The Crown will first put Cory In the box, no the story of the crime starts with his de- ' parture from the Williams farm en Wednes• Clay, Dec. 13:,h, and his appearance in i .Fitzgorald's betel on the same evening, where he mob a man answering to the desorlption of MoWhirrell. He will be waked to Identify the prisoner, and a good i sieil will depend on his identification. At I the last sosslon of the ingncsb he refused to i &&.2 evi&noe, hub gave an his reason to .&able Harsh that he would like to See a McWhirrell with a far oap en him to COMPLETE THE IDENTIFICATION. I Walker, al&s Ke.tzte, will also be asked i to glue evidence. Walker is the youth that i figured in the horse trade with MoWhirrell 1 and Batahor. An important witness at bhis I stage will be Mr. Davdcs, the Street Car Company's blacksmith. Mr. Davies saw MoWhirrell and Banzio at Buboher'n Noma m on Sunday morning after the murder wan I committed. The evidence be will give will I sorroberata Walker's story. Walker is can, t lined with MoWhirrell in the same cer. s rider in the jail. Whether bb will make i him change the story hit told the dete0- t lives to yet to be seen. He was gnite will. 1 Ing to glue him evidence a week age, but he t might change his opinion, One thing he I denies. and that in the posseas(on of a re• t ,ielver. The revolver story Me in with the 1, Iheery that he obtained the pietel from Me- 7 WhirreV, and that the pistol belonged to I Williams. Should he tell the story Stralghb e ids might threw additional light on the mys. I, try. i3 Butcher, the milkman, will be asked to give his evidence. Ib in sltegother likely p that he b WILL TELL WHAT HE KNOWS, a Butches has been very reticent all along, It and had he bold the detectives ail heka ti are Ibe would not be leaked up In jail to -day, Ao Mr. Lowery, who purchased the horse, will P also be on hand to ball his story. Mr. coxae down. He came down and went in q Lowery will be asked to Identify Mc 1 htxrelt the barn for a while. McWhIrrell spot as the man who sold him the buy torse. to me for a time, and told ran he had bei The deteatives have looked into the In Texas and Mexico travelling with an el stories that have been circulated about gentleman. Also in Ootawa. He said I 9 men melileg the horse be MoWhirmli. They had worked for Mr. cranes. He said h say there Is not enough In this to make a father had been a soldier in the Mh La plain bale. MoWhirraIN story does nr.t fib cora, and had been killed. He Maid that 1 to wall enough to satisfy them that it is had been down south, and that a m,*n ht worth while spending their time chasing to keep his tenguo still there, for it y+ fairy talon, called a man names he would shook TI [. There are several links In the chain of cutter was in the yard and a intik can in 9 evidence that AloWhirrell will find it WIeWhirrell said he was living in Parkda . 'VHF.Y HARD To BREAK. mud had walked oub. rx Whydid MoWhirrell ball Walker on Thure- Oross-examined—I swear positively as the man. The coat is the same. (Peak+ It day night that he had a horse out at the Persian lamb cap prodaoad by. Mr. R,A a Exhibiden grounds? He could hardly buy nette). That does not look like the cap. ., a horse on Friday night and on the Thura- am nob particularly definite on .the doial I daynight previous have sufficient of the of the cap. He wore a tie like the one 1 gift of a000ud-vighb to tell Walker that he has on now and a similar pin. had a horse. The alibi will be difficulb to Orosa-examined by bd:. Morphy—Butch s prove oar this Point. has been a good neighbor. I never ea 1 Detective Greer has been working gnletly anything wrong with him. . on the cage ever since McWhirrell Was To the Coroner—Walker and Bakch+ i arrested, and he wlll pub the evidence to- appeared to bu well acquainted, I judge D gebhor so as to make a sbrorg and likely thle from the familiar way Walker wee n story. MoWhirrell's counsel is confileot aboab the placo. He appeared boihsve boo 1 that he can prove bis oltOnt'& ittnoeenav, there befsre. Butcher took some milk tea a One question that is interesting the Crown of the can saaft said 't Take a drink, Jack, r to whether MoWhirrell will testify at the - -- t inquest tri -day. An opportunlby will be f_ --D TESTIMONY OF A HOTEL-ICEEPEB. I given him to tell the story that he told the H. C. Houghton, who keeps the Windsi detectives if he wishes. Hetel at Miruloo, wan the next witness. E The first witness was Mr. Andrew Scott, Identifitcl the man with tho blue orae. a of Lamb'.on Mills, He maid—I knew James (McWhirrell). He remembered Thurxda;. . Williams and his wife. I saw them last on Dec. 14bh. He aaw him passing bin hot, , Thursday, 14th December, about 2 o'clock. coming from the direction of the lake show I I had no conversation with them. Thry towards the railway station. He wore ti; s have been ab my hotel frequently. They same pea -Jacket, a dark cap and a pair i I were on their way home and stopped in yellow gloves. I never Maw him after the, my houeo that day for about an hour. I Cross-examined by Mr. Robinotte— have seen all the priaonere here and can. book particular notice of the man, as he we r not recollect seeing any of them ever at well droe5ed, and looked like a foreigner c my place, an Englishman. We area trifia in har Harry Irving, sworn, Haid -I am a bar- lack In Mimioa now, and he dreased tog we. bender at Fitzgerald's Hotel, at the corner for a resident. (Lsughber,) That's th ' of York and Adelaide otreeta. I have been man I saw, afid I don'b know anybody I, there about eight mouths. I recognize Mo. this roam. I don't know if that's the raw ; Whirrell and Walker. Cory's face la fam. that's in the soup now or not, but that's th iliac, but I cznnob Identify him poeibivaly. man I Saw. ' I saw MoWhirrell in the hotel on Wednes. Mr. Robinette—How far is It frem you day, 13bb. He was talking to me that place to Williama'? evening on different aubjecti, principally Wibneas—I don't know, I'm no land sur horse training. I do not remember seeing veyor. (Laughter.) Cory there at all. McWhirrell stayed there The jury then took a rations to roe th that night, and he paid me 50 cents. I do bay horse, which had been brought ave notrememter what time he went out in the from Mocdp'o. morning. I saw hien and Walker togetaer Mr. Mollwraith, the stableman at th. on Thursday evening about 9. They were Arm ary Hotel, was next called. He identl balking together in the bat-. McWhirrell fled tho horse to the beat of his knowledg; went to bed a little late that night. Nexb and belief. morning Walker oalled about 7 o'clock and M,e. MoK%y, recalled, identified thin asked if " tbab follow " was down yet. I prisoner McWhirrell as the man whc knew wham he meant, and said he was not called at her place asking the way to Wil down yet. Walker then stood at the liams' on Thursday evening, Dao, 14th. stove and started to read a novel, Walker Mr. W. H. Lowery wss the next witness. told me about same works of Mokens' he Dadng the horse dual MoWhirrell tole had been arrested for. He said he had gob Lowrey he had been using the horse tt these hectic in Bnffilo. He eaid the polios draw gravel. Butcher, wten he cams tt had kept the books and a bottle of whiskey. Lowery's after the tatter, told the witness About hal4past 7 McWhirrell came down. bhab he had driven the horse for two creek: He was going to go eat the hall door, when and that he was a good horse. Witness I told him that a friend was waiting for wanted to buy the harness, but Butches him. He entered the bar -room and stood Pant that it was the only heavy harnegs be talking to Walker for a time in the had. bar. They then left the hence together, THE BROWNS GIVE EVIDENCE. and that is the last I s.Aw of either of Mr. James Brown was the n.+xb witness them. called. He slid I live at 13 Prion street, Cream -examined by Mr. Robinette—I can- Toronto. I am a earpenbnr by trade. I not recognize Cory, although his face is knew MoWhirrell, having known him fox hmillar. I do net remember his Speaking four years. He used to come to my place, to MoWhirrell. MoWhirrell stopped at and has boon in the hahtb of coming to te: the house on Wednesday night and Thera- us for about three years. He came on day night. Wednesday, 13th of Leuember. Ha was at Foreman Atkins—Are you sure abonb the mp place on D:.cember 2nd. He said that Vint, ? he had been in Texan. On Wednesday, 13bh, Witnese—No; MoWhirrell went to bed he did not eAy wnere he had bsva. He before 10 ; &b least, I should jadge no. epeko be me about the murder when we WILLIAM T013IN TALKS. went oat for a walk and visited ' an William Tobin, sworn, nwid—I live In hotel. MoWhirrell read the paper there. Toronto, on York Street. I keep a resbaur. He read it, cab loud. He said that anb there, opposite FitzgerAld's. I Identify it looked like &e if the murder Walker and MoWhirrell. I firab saw had been oammitted for mems family Walker about seven weeks age. He matter. Thab was all that took place there. stopped at my plana abant a week. loan- We returned to the house and had soote not remember whether Walker Stopped at too- He slept on the lounge all night. He my place or not on We lnasday and Thurs. wall snoring when I got up in the morning. day, the 13th and 14th December. On About S o'clock in the morning he sent out Friday he stopped at my place. He came for a paper and read it for Some time, in abonb 10 o'clock and hie clothes were About 10 o'clock he said he wan going'down very wat. I Saw MoWhirrell some time to Little York. He did not 4 seem at all before this. He Stopped at my place some excited. After reading the paper he began night, but I cannot say exactly when. Playing with ene of my children. He McWhirrall came into my house on Friday stopped at my house on Saturday, Deeem- a ght about half an hoar after Walker. ber 2nd, ever night, While in my place he They talked together for about fifteen or said he had been out rldtng on a hora , and twenty minutes. I cannot recollect: how seine one had called bs, him that he MaWairrell was dreened, exorpb that bad better take that pea -jacket off I think he wore a pea.jaokeb, and a or thov would accuse him of being dark pair of pant.,. He were a Persian the murderer. He amid that he had lamb cap. They both Stayed all night and been out driving with Joe Daly, and occupied the tame room. They went to that they were thinking of going out to bed together. I found a pair of glevas Williams' place, but that they were bold under the self feeder In the dining -room the police would not allow anyone near after they had gone to bed. I never taw the place. When witness came to his place those gloves afterwards. They were leather. be had a fedora hat en. On the 2nd of I Saw no more of the &rfaoners after Friday December he wore a stiff hat. On Sunday nlghtt of Christmas eve a reporter hadcalled abonb Crena -examined by Air. Robinette—I the pips story. But he knewnobhit gabout would not swear positively that MoWhir- a pipe, except a briar, with a bone Stolz% roll wore a Persian lamb cap. Ib might be a Two sone of the witness were called to dark hat. I maw Cory at my place once or give evidence. They simply corroborated twice. the evidence given by their father. Cross-examined by Mr. Swartout—I Saw Wm. Moody, jun., Ross Goldthorpe and McWhirrel and Walker In my place one Mr. Barrell were called to swear to the morning, but I oannot fix the date. I identity of the bay horse. mkol3 Walker to show MoWhirrell to bed. Mr. J. D. Hiokey wan recalled at the re- m do not know whebhor Walker was in my quest of Mr. Robinette to give evidence as place an Saturday and S-4ay nights or bo the place where the money was found in 006 Williams' mouse THE BTdELEMdN This was th 9 STORY. v last witness for the day, and John McIlrvraibh, the stableman at the the fugaest was adjourned tillaext Wednes- krmonry Hotel, Sworn, said—Te the bent day afternoon at 12 30. ; dmy knowledge I identify McW,tfrre'l as Brazing`Ylth011. he man who drove up to our stable on Fri. A correspondent of the English Mechanic lay night, the night of the big storm. . He Says : vas alone ono drove up in a cutter. I was " I have seen a good deal of brazing done tandfng in front of the hotel. Hs asked with oil, also with coke and pan; ban I no it he could pub the ho:aa up. I eaid per. have shyer seen or worked with anythlrg Cho man wore a dark colored coat, This so clean and nice as a furnace lately brought vould be between 10 and 11 o'clock at oub and made by Mr. Nelson, of Tw1oken. iighk The horse did not look as it he had ham, w4ng benzoline as fuel, It is no per- een driven bard. The s%me man came feebly automatto, and given such a clear, pack for the horse on Saturday morning. powerful flame, and so perfectly sbeady, Cross-examined by Mr. Robinette—I do that there Is no exaggeration in saying it is let peWdvely Identify the prlsoner, Mo. q,sibe a luxury In either amateur or pro 3rhlrrell, but he looks like the man. fesnional workshops." To the Coroner—He told me he came ram Richmond Hill. I could nob say that PARI Quoting a Heathen Poet. he horse appasred overdriven. ' The horse In Paul's addremm to the Athenians (Acts .ad a white stripe in his face. I do not xvit.) he quobce a heathen poet, confirming ,now whether there were bells on the har" a truth he had ubtered : " For in Him we Cox or Bob. live, and move, and have our being ; as FARMER DAVIS' EVIDENCE. certain also Of your own poets have said, , Llewellyn Davin was noxb sworn. He for we are aleo His offspring,." He is eup- ald—I knew Butcher. Ho lives about a posed to have referred to Aratus, the Cloll. undred and fifty yards distance from my ion and Cteanbbom, the Stain, of Aeaoo. Mr. , Taos. Butiher came to my house eq Lew1a ban furnished the following trannia- I unday about 10 o'clock. He had betin tions : Peaking to me about bringing my father- t '-law and mother-in-law out from the city Wby Whim Lemon Grower (reels Sour and a Christman day. He told me that he had liqueezed Out. i orobased a horse and cutter. I wont over A prominent Lake Weir lemon grower I D his place batween 11 and 1. I took a had been offered during the lemon seaeen I ralk pasb his plane before I want in. I saw $2,000 for his enbire crop. He refused, he prisoner MaWhirreli then In the yard in tbir,king there was more money in It for t is Shirt sleeves. I Identify him positively, him to ship. He shipped, and the abhor i 'hero was a horse in the y!„,a. I thought day he was horrified to learn that he was I would go over and see the horse. An I indebted to the raltread in the mum of $400 r ,as going in the barnyard gate the for freight. Jacksonville (Fla;) Times• r arse was pub away and I saw one UN ion. n npp tlao ladder of bile barn. It i as Walker. ladder I Demo a ba Smellfax Salts and Tntornatlonal Comity. at his 009;b on. He was standing in the We are informed b a sentimental writes % urn door when I came up, Who cost Aral bhab Paris ban sent to "iter Russian "is," t dark blue. He were either a Persian term" in St. .Petersburg memo thousands of b mb cap or on Imitation Persian lamb. I bottles of smelling salts in sliver oases as b lou h the t em an who 0 B wen b n the Chr st a adds i m s presents. This e nt T i t done in memory tented to s" chuck "same hay down. oder of the visit of the Russian sailors to Paris. a 'hirrell after I came up told the mail to Is It never to end ?—.ImWon Court Journal. sin to THE HOOPER TRIAL, spoke to aaansed at Loalsoville and he sail ;e ' I flava got be get off tore, never mind in Prisoner had a small fatchol in his hen d Prisoner had bold of the woman's arm wht 1e A Telegraph Operator and a Brakeman he went from the train, and that is the Is Its dive Evidence, I s*W of him." a• Q,—Did you bear of a man losing his hi se bban night 2" A 1100PER'S STRANGE TALK AND DOINGS. Wlbuefe—No, I did not. u When Hooper ryas called to the dock he Conductor E. Robibatlto was the last wl sy P rtes P, and the court adjourned till Monde t. asoonded the stt;pa in a confident manner, at l o'clock. to and nodded brightly to his lawyers. For a man who is on trial l'or his life, he certainly ,a is Mhosving remarkable confidence. The HOW HE MADE THE SOMI ,d prisoner wan allowed be be seabed during the 1. trial. I Hooper locked a little pallid to -day, but n to aeamm confident of the resuit. He has ncu The Parisian Anarchist lS ie been outside the all sinus the Snow fell, s°, probaby, the lack of exorcise accounts for ar his palenezm, Audacious Villain. ry It took exacily two hours to get a jury Their name aro : Hormisdas Mnraau, PARIS, Jana. sr Napoleon PPAj, Robert Smith, John Kira• UG U S T E 'V ®II d wood, N4dzao L%0happel, Hugh C.seidy, ,r lana thrho tam it R, Lemire, Charloa Copping, Joseph 'ew bir, a the law th Chan n Dabea% Miohar;l D, Laney, Joseph Labreohe '• '/ saes of Deputise o t and Arlstido Mongin. } r tierSatotKv otico. 9t Mr. Oarnellier very ably explained the , laab. Vaitlanb kin oAso in French to the French jurors, and he . sell was wounded b wart followed by Mr. McMaster, who very r • '' &nail from his ow T calmly explMnsd thin sensational cass to th» h pass which , ombc e Eagliah jurors. .t De. Corbett, of Porb Hope, was called bbomb, 7 Altar hie thigh, arses ', and asked to produce the bottles of embalm- to th A Ing fluid that be found at the grave at Porti . . ' /-' V •islaub said J a a d'I id o tb e Hope, and which Hooper wanted injected she examinad him, thug he obtained tb or a into the body of his wife, after It was ex- f humed. The court ordered Dr. Corbett to go sum of 100f. from a prosperous and wealth to Montreal and have the fl❑ttl anaI5zed. Too anarchlob The money, it was understood I analysts will be Professors Bills, of Toronto, was to be expended In making arrangement a and Pttfator, of Montreal, and Dr. Gird- for a grind coup. He determined that th r wood, also of Montreal, coup should be made in the Coamber t I It will be remembered that, daring the Deputise, and at once set about pronurin I pregrasa of the ingneat at Porb Hope acme the materials to make a bomb, He pus a menbha ago, Hooper soled In a corp peau• chased the chemicals in small quantitise a a liar manner and reports were sent out tha+, various shops, pretending that he wan ; a the terrible stiain of his eiLuatlsxl was dyer and wanted them for use in his busi D driving biro ineate, Dr. Corbett, in hia neer. Ib took two weehs to procure mate evidence, expreased the opinion that the rialenough for his puruose. r aotions were assumed. The arrangamean of the tubo that was is Herborb Helder, second steward on the the bomb he bad found especially trouble . steamer Algerian, was the first witness at some. It was necessary that the middle a the afternsou . session. His evidenc❑ is the tube should be narrowed. To do bhli 3 new. He deposed that on S,ptember lObh, he warmed the tube over a candle, ani r about 4 a.m., accused boarded the Lite:mor when; h was anffaoisntly heated he twistei Algerian with bin wife at K ngnion. He it so much to make the opening the propel i saw them firab In the saloon. The dooemsed else that It broke in the middle. He de • played the piano on the boat as soar as she stroyed C urtecu tabes before he &no t entered tho saloon. Witness told Heopbr needed in getting one fixed to hie that the playing would have to be stopped eatNfaotion. Then he pub the tube it t and he replied that the woman was crazy ; a saucepan, firab filling one and wibla pions that he was a guard and was taking her to acid. A cotton plug was in the middle of Montreal. He saw deaessed on the beat on the tuba and green powder in the ether end, the morning of thedel owing Monday. ' The The closad endwas surrounded with powder. beat arrivt d in Montreal on Su ht The remaining space in the vaueepan he nday nig filled with throe pounds of Halle. The Rev, Victor Henri Marrs, of Notre Dame tam, Church, Moabroal, produced the marriage was finished on Friday night and he fast- oerofficato between accused and d ceased, ened the cover tightly wlth iron wire, which took place February 5bb, 7583. On the Saturday, the day the explosion Dr. Mareolais, of Notre Dame, Hospital, occurred, he placed the bomb on hie etomach and Dr. Duquetto, of LonguePolnta between his trousers waleb band and a flan- nel belt that was twist, d several times Asylum, gave new but nnlmporbaoa ievi-nts donne regarding Hooper's movements at around his body. He then boarded a tram• those institutions. oar at Mount Rouge and pteaeeded to the De. Gillard, of Montreal,wan called to Chamber of Depnties. When asked if he prove the death of R. W. Webb, Who sold did roe foga than the beak would explode bne prisoner the poison. ontthe journey, Walliant replied : 1" He Cemti6ed that he had mob econmad era- Wall, what abkub it 1' My tripes would knee vious 6o Sunday, September 17bb, and an u blown out, that's all. that day he caked as b'n house. He asked Continuing, he sold that at a quarter past witness to give him some prism, sufficient 11 on the morning he took a place In the to kill a largo dog. He mnutfoned prufi4o line of people outside the Chamber. He acid and witness suggested that he should had a card of admission, which he did nob 13110. Inside he was made to remove his gob a Policeman to shoat the dog. He wanted prosaic sold, however, and witnesss jacket bid the machine. overcoat,bub to thine be was indifferent as hi „ signed an order to s drngglsb, saying : Lot "You avant to escape after the ez- a res dines enough kin she t t acid d kill plosion ?" queried bate Juge d'Instruotion, u large dog." This + in abtut the deadlietb r+ Na," replied Valliant, " I wanted to poison known, a teaspoonful of the acid bbrowthe bomb on baa Governmentbenobes would ba suificlenb to kill a largo dog. The and afterward mount the rostrum and ex - same quantity would kill a human being, p'afn the auk Unfortunately a woman', Mr. Greenahieldo bad one gnestfon: "Did arm bonahed also, and this made the bomb aoiva-d say where this dog was?' n." No, he did nob. explode too sooHe then answered, in reply to other Mr. MacMaauer— Did be not say that it questions, that a nail hit him on the nota was at the house where he was stopping ? et Yes." and the smoke muffocdted him to than he Mr. Grearshtelde— He did notra was unable to speak. He went out wish' whether it was in 04awa or Montreal. y the others from the gallery. Judge Delorimier— Was there nothing t, The Jnle de'Inetrnotion asked him— ,eaid about the Policeman to make you cure Since you did not wish to flee, why did whether the dog was In Montreal or site. you nob give yourself + up Immediately 2' where ? Valliant replied : I wanted to see the " No, Yeur Honor." effeeb bombe would produce. It made me And Dr. Cameron stepped from the boa, grin to hear the fadiee explain to the magis. Another witness who, had net et boon trate that the bomb had a ince a feat long, examined was then called. Gustave Douaot, which they now lighted. Everybrdy was a tei graph operator, new scabicnod at Sb. maddened and dazed. My neighbnra in the same gallery g&e Therese, testified that during September he xed me several times with. was at Louitieville ; met accused at that out recognizing me. I grinned when I saw the telegraph office about 3 o'clock place In the who were merely scratched so i as in the afterneen In the second week of that though they beltevad they were bound to month. When aocn md entered the tole- succumb to their injuries." The prluouer graph ofitre be fnqulre i whether there was said hen aced that the wife of a Deputy a telegraph office at St. Ambrofse. Dr. had o flap bathincrabohg on her wrist. When the Kildare Lind witness said there was nos. doctor was bathing iib she screamed, " Oh, you are kiflitag me f While witness was ab the batel hs pointed " Do you know that the Abbe Lemalro, a out the river and railway bridge to accused. Dapnbgravely wounded Y" asked the He asked the way to the depot and witny, was witness Deputy, y, was gra n. ao•ompanied him there. Then Hcoper oaid, ++ It aerated him right," answered Vail - ;o, r awaik ?we nim& bo A shorrtb bLimo atterwarde they the .railway bin they last ; " the plaoa of priests fo not in the Chamber." to the ataticn and the train for " But General Billet was also wounded," Montreal was just coming in and Hooper said the Judge, tientabively. g +b en beard. Talking of the Insane soman, " Ah,' Vaillamt laughingly said, t' he fieoper said that he was a distant relative, might have drawn hie sabre and shouted Witness never stew Hcoper again in Louise- t Auvergne P as a battle cry." vide, but had no doubt that prloantr was "Bab many Innocent persons were the man he saw there. PhOippe Belieietifto , conductor ofC.P.R.,woVanidelids bthe Judgee said. U. replied : "Thine affair wen aniy saw anmaed on brain leaving Montreal on a warning.If I had used balls In the bomb the night ,xf Soptomber 12, There was a instead on%fis many people would have crazy woman with him. He saw them in been killed She train as far &s Loalsviltz, and there they When asked why he had committed the dikappeared. Next wltness was Cleopbas crime tho prisoner replied : Belduce, brakesmAn, who corroborated the U Soofety forced me to do it. I was in evidence of provions witness. miserable e'.rcuntmban0es. I only regret i The firab witneno at yesterday afternoon's losing one thing—my daughter. All the aeadon of the Hooper trial was J,,tmasDann, same I am glad. Yen had better guillotine a new witness in the came. , He Was a very ala, for If I am acquitted I musb be re. important witness. He .said he was tete- leased. Whim bomb affair may seem a joke, Ngraph operator in the 0. P, R, He worked but it is one bhab I would commenoe again i .b DAlbeuria etati-An. H, first saw pziooner within a week." Ia September 13!h, at 3 p. m. Prisoner iamo to the telegraph ofiacD and asked wit. Worthy of Sydney Smith. was to wire Laulmovillo and ask if they bad Mrs. Inohbald had a ohlle,ltwo dfreobneos c !ound the crazy women. Prioener said the&nd almplfolby of manner, which, combined crazy woman was quite young, and was hiswJth h0r personal loveliness and halbimg, I vita, Witoeba asked him hownhe gotaway broken ubberanoe, gave to her convorsaidon, I 'rom him, and lie said : My hat fell Off, which was both humorous and witty., a 4 while I was gobbing it she jumped off ibe trai+r," most comical charm. Once after travelling s ho all day In pouring rain, the dripping - R, --DiI he nay anything to you about a cozohman offered her his arm to help her oroaln paper? oun, when nho exclaimed, be the mmnso- ' Wi+,uemY—Yo&, when he wan belling me menti of her fellow-travollers : " Oa, UP, ,bout her jumping off the train bo pulled no ! Y-y•poR will give ma my loath of tub a pisco of paper which he said she had ,,Id. Do bring me a-%-a-a dry man," tlft behind her. The words wrlbben on it vera +t Goodbye, I am going to,drown." 1 That's What site Meant. raked prisoner his name, and he told me It It had been ever font' nionthe since they vi,e Jahn Cooper, I bold prJamer to name worn engaged, and as they read the evening sack ab 5 p. tn, Hi did no, when I bold papas together, he said: dm there was mbill no araae of the women. :t gee, my dear, only $20 far a suit I" riaoner then Iefb on the 5.15 train, ,t Is 1t a wedding nnib?" she asked curt before the train Leib he o%me to me in Sweetly. greab hurry &nd handed mo a telegram, .t No a business Butt." ch wan addressed to 'Ed. Leblano, " Well, I Well, business," she answered. sho rer, Jollette, and said, Meet me to. s Igbt," signed J. Oeoper. I sent the I ner Ifteeptian. I ios,ago. This was on September l3bh. Ctablerd old maid (sarcastically)—I don't Cress -examined; witness said that when suppose there is another baby like that in 7` a Oame an duty ,Intho morning he found the world i mewager addressed be Yamaohiohe, Loulge. Young mother—Oh, yes, there is 1 I. loft I Ills, and Mamklllorge, reading, 1, If any. the other one of the twin, a, home with t piing to board of the oraay woman, detatu mother. or earl mond her to her father Ab Sb. Am- roiso de Hlldoxe, near Joltotbo." In those days a chap never known whether Pierre Morin, brakeman on the 0, P. Ii,, him boat girl is wearing her hair in the latest new witness, ways ex&mfacd, and gave , style, or whether she merely forgot to comb irate Isaportastt evidence, He said v is X iia. , I" I' THE FREE REMEDY FRAUDS. I. it The Suoker Finbint; Business Feels the t I Hard Times, PREYING ON THE SICK. y An Infamous Bueiuess Suppressed—Elec- tric belts and Free Reelpes—flow Use , Swindle Is Operated. MARSHALL, Mich., Jan. OW Poob-+ III ay Inspeo. I ter J. J. Larmeur, of. Battle Creole, baa era dared the Pcs'=%ater* , rii„ , to withhold the snails, r all the local fly. Inn ea E IX1R 0 individuals that are- ' advertfaing to send free, b PYc uTH° romediea to the tuii'er. P, RS 1889 Ing, Mr. Larmour- a bas declared that the a© I baaln3te 10 Illegal, Sf IAICE arA has denied the y a T e r.lphb of the United a B O'T- T' 1. States mails to the op,iratol S. Thera were about 25 portions here en.. 11 gaged In the buaineFv. Some of them have - a made `money and others halve lozb. Wagner,.. the originator of the "free aura" ear•eme,, e died a few years ago. Ho mad:t over $70,000; l but lost it all before he diad. Af er his 7 death, one of the clerk& in his empl jy went s into the buainers on hie own hook. Wagner, a started in by making electric belts, whfoft+ f be advertised to tend free. Ib is oWnio& 1 that he many timea got a bushel of mail In . a day. h After the recelpb of the letter asking for , the belt Wagner sent ib to the applioanb 0. . 0. D., and a nice little, letter also went on the &ext mail. The latter wan so smoothly composed that the victim very seldom failed; to beko the parcel out of the office and pay obarges. t We-guor made bushelo of money oub off'% th!a I u-Ineas and next placed on the mar- ket what he called ISanllghb 011 I" This wan claimed to be an oil tbab would not explode. A faverlte expreaden of Wag. ner's was that a cuckbr was born every. minute, and some ox:a must takn etre of him. If all raper!a arta t, no, Wagner did:: his share of taking care of the taukere. Him successor In tho free cure buslner&, worked on an altogether different plan. He - advertised to mand to "mm only " a remedy. that wouldoure them cif alt the ills that men are hair to. Tea remedy had cured him and he was willing to wand it free to suff'aring humanity. Hie name, or rather the name - that he had adopted, was always signed as. a music dealer, grocery man, furniture dealer, or it was made to appear In name way that he was in some mercantile bast. news and that be was sending the meditdne Just beciuw he wanted to do good to his suffering friend,. When the dealers gob an answer to one of the free recipe advertise- ments they always s,nt the recipe by the next mail. No druggist in the world could; ever fill it though, and the patient wan told that some of the herb, contained is the presoriptien came from India, and+ could nvt be beugbt In any store in -thin country. Te avoid mistakes from in. experienced drug clerks, a package of the. herbs already prepared was sent. Ib was hoped it would ha apprcofated. The price, was only $3. In wosb cases the sufferer paid the bill and took the m.diclue. f It is stated on goed authority that no less, I than 3,000 answers to adverbleements came, to the post-offiao here every woak. Large mums of money were spent for advertising, and yen could hardly Plek up a paper that did not have the card of some of 'these. OenaOrXIL FACTS ABOUT Tills MOLE. He Is Very Industrious, and Has a Vora-, lcious Appeelte. A mole's life is by no Means gentlemanly sinecure. Hebert to work harder, in ail pro- babiltty,for his pittance of earth worms than any other animal works far his daily bread. Ho Is the prototypal navvy. H a whole ex. isbenoe Is spent in porpstvaily raising and remeving large plies of earth by Sheer - force of maso;e. In orcter to sustain such constant toil, and is raplacs and ropalr the used -up timene, the mole requires to be always eating- Hisuppe:7te Is voracious. Hct works like a horeo and eats like an elephant. Throughout him waklvg hours he is engaged In pushing aside earth and i cur rying after worms In all his. gallariem and tunnels. Who laborer, of course, in worthy of his hire. Such eeaaelaes aotivity can - only be kept up by equrlly oemelets foed- ing, and so tate mele'a extetance is one - long savage alternation of Iaher and ban - quieting. Him heart and lungs and muscles are workirg at such a rate that if he goes with_ oub f,oa for half a day he sbarvoo and dies of actual Inanition. He is a high-pressure engine. His drinking in like life eating. Immod-.. erate in all thingo, be must have his liquor much and often. So he digs many pita In. his tunn-died ground and cabohom water In themo t supply needs ab frequent inter- vals. He doesn't b,+litive, hevvever, in the aariy-olosing movement. Day and night %like he drinks every few hours, for day - 3nd night are all alike to h in ; he works end rests by turn, after the fasliton of the i,vvirs employed In dlgtiog tunnels, er- negeures his time by watcbes, a& is the way dmilers. Not en Exemplary Woman. Down In Neva Scotia ibis acommon bsbib• vhon npoaking of people to speoify them by he name of the town they come from. Two Qsva Sections wt ra speaking of a friend of loth of them one day. " Sho'M an exemplary woman," declared no of them ab last. "Not a bit o4 It," retorted the other, saatity. " She's a Barringbon women. I ;new her father and mother both."—Somer-- ille Journal . .. . ,. IT SEEMS TOO SHALL 4 to do any good, when you look at one of Dr. t'ierce's r; Pleasant Pellets. J)ut just " 1 tri/ it, when yowl a bilious. or constipated, or have a, 11 sour stomach, or a fit of A/1, indigestion—and you'll own up that they're the best things in the world. . That's because they cure Vern anently, and do it, pleasantly. They're tiny, sugar - coated, and easy to talto. There's no disturb- ance to the system, diot,, r occupation. Satisfaction guaranteed, or annoy refunded. Houston. Minn. Dr. R. V. PIER$: Dear Sir—I could tel); f a number of cases where Dr. Pierce`e Family ledfoines have cured. A. friend of mine, Mr.. 1rilUams, was about used up with livor troub- 3s; now be says that "Pleasant Pellets" laevo• elped him more titan any or all the mediclu c, hRt he has ever taken., d_1 11_ 94. .0' L