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The Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-11, Page 6
A. mfewi,lug sn004110. is marriage a failure?" Ib cannot be so ; 1b certainly, isn't In my case,: i know. 1f, indeed, tis a failure, why is the old maid A;soul of whose fLsta every gill is afraid t And why are all Taaohol(n$ ubJoots of scorn, Hold upas oxalnples to teach stud to warnl Why is the lone widower prompt to revive, So quack to take .notice, so readto wive t Then why Is the widow, �usf ,tree from her can oh i rode an? a n o be captured .roc d t p tl Always waiting a Pray, 'why dict not Adam wi h sarcasm lib, , o hl rib I los f B Daily gibe at liocl .I',vq lgr t e 5 nd why didn t i:3'oah, avheu closing theWIT, aTZot,lna dear spuusa in the. dampnoss End ` dark? ' Why did not good Lot, In his flight from GO - h, Cry "nlkt,, sIar -ao his wife would turn back in hot horror And Soloman, wisest and boat of his. nation, Why couldn't ho ever decline conjuggation i So llavid a man with a fair stock oe brides, Why did he desire poor Uriah s besides 2 Ourr, own Brigham Young, who Haight well wI been &e nava b .Wa 9 - hy clad he wed on till ho cough 11a• t Ann E . W hatever your answers, whatever your gaessos Marriage st{11 will be one of our howling successes, Aralalle. Her eyes are shaded Glee� wibhprayer ; Araund her forehead softly clinga. Like an aureole of d"Ilt, The golden glory of der hair, The wonder on her face is strange, As thought to her had been given To look witn tho. a blue oyes beyond The bourne thab cloios mortal range. As one whom nought else had suf seed `.Co -till the longing Of her heart, Till God had drawn Oho von, and she Had loakod wittnia and seen the Christ. —Stuart 3' vOWston. Tutt Angels' Dong. The sheep lay on the grassy plain, The night viae; calm and clear, The shepherds bond the+ir heads to catch The musio drawing near ; Thoakg grin.• biight ua-ithwondrousiight; The air was &lied with song That came from heaven to earth that night 1s`rom wbito-robed angel throng, ...•.,, II A livile child is born to -day, {,.Odle gift from heaven above, Sent down to save the earth from sin, To teach all men to love, Pease, peace to man, for Love is born P' Was ever gong more weet? " Peace, peace to men",the song of Joy, The grassy h111s repeat. The massea of good will to men, the anga 3 saesa that night Is ringing still Ibrongh ail the earth, And makingdarkbe slight; Sin rg. children, and repeat the song That l.hrt,u;;h the starlight rang; Sing, sing or jos a,,d peace and love— The song the angels sang. what irlto Tho nght. The poet rec,inol in the dentist's chair, Her hands they were whito and her face was fair; And a sunbeam toyed with her unt-brownhair. it took little e,l'ort of inuvz ed surinise k in her yes To guess at the caut.e by tha worldly wise. She counted a thousand forward and back, Repeating the Lord',+ Vraycr, then took a track On tablr , of wer,;hta—oh, that horrible rae,kt The dentist he gouged and hammered and bored Each thrum was as sharp as a double-edged sword, And all of her sighs were underscored. Our sympathies glow for the tender sex, If sometimes they do so torment and vex, We never can help it to save our necks 1 I watched that woman a,d dropped a tear, And grunted so loudly i feared she'd hear, And readily bue:sed what her sentiments were I She thought.. and I knew it, reclining there, With the golden beam on her scintillant hair; I Oh, Lord. if a woman could only swear." The Poet of the ?M uture. 0, the Poet of the Future I He will come to us ae comes The beauty of the bugle's voice above the roar of drums— The beauty of the bugle's voice above the toss and In Of battle drums that pulse the time the victor marches in, His bands will hold no harp, in Booth; his lifted brow wih bear No coronet of laurel—nap, nor symbol any- where Save that hie palms are brothers to the toiler's at tho plough, His face to heaven, and the dew of duty on his brow. He Bili sing ae-ose, the meadow, and the wo- man at the wolf win stay the dripping bucket, with a smile fnetihbie; Abd the children in the orchard will gaze wist- fully the way The happy sousicomes to them, with the frag- rance of the hay; The b am will neigh in answer, and the pasture lands behind Will chime with bells, and send responsive lowiags down the wind And all the echoes of the woe'd will Jubilantly call in sweetest mimicry of that one sweetest voice of all. 0, the Poet of the Future f He will come to us as man to man, With the honest arm of labor, and the honest face of tau, The honest heart of lowliness, the honest soul of love For human -kind and nature-kindabouthim and above. His hands will hold no harp, in Booth ; his lifted brow, will bear No coronet of laurel -nap, nor symbol any- where. Save that his palms are brothers to the toiler's at the plough, His face his bw. heaven, James%dewWhitcordibtR-Uey. Rellectionson aN,ow Year. yes, yes,'tis very true and clear, By way of compliment and common chat— It's vers; well to wish me a New Year, But wish me a new hat l Although not spent in luxury and ease, In course a longerlife I won't refuse; But while yonre wishing, wish me, if you please, A newer pair of shoes 1 Oh yes,'tis very pleasant though I'm poor, To hear the steeple •matte that merry din; Except Swish one bell was at the door, To ring new trousers in I 111 To be alive is veiey nice indeed, Although another year at last departs only wibii twelve new months, I rather need A dozen of new shuts I Yes, yes,'tia very true and clear, By way of compliment and common chat— it's very well to wish me a NewYear, But wish me a new hat I —Tom Hood. sArvABIT 1. 1. Abandon each besetting sin On January first, And on the second then begin And do your very worst. This reformation, after all, Should have no special date, if, you propose to cqult at all Stop now, my friend don't wafb. -" W cbraslca ,7'our)tab. 8o lvD, ala A?ID so S AR. "Those tight and economic times This paradox lesson teach: The closer money seems to lot more we find it out o reach. fir 0131,13 ;;>y ORDnAS, 11 D6n't Blow the Gas Ont " was the sign,. Quotir razWor Jonas, x all right." And so otucked bi.mself in bed A.nd lebib burn all slight. 149 VATTMU TITY19, Thonatr. sad enough my days, In trtith, Vito ,h ode would be a, mirth -day if' 1 but could renew in Y youth, Lika yea, upon each bltthday. L&UG E AND LEARN. 1 last. le hours aroggrnlowing shortor for the millions who are Cling, Anal the homes are growing better fbr the millions yet to be ; ad the poor shall learn the lesson, how that waste and sin are spoiling 1he fairest And, the finebb Of Vu grand humanity. m is coming t It is coming 1 u' thoughts •i dao q r'. a ruin , are o 8 g as he they aro giving old their millions they never gave before; nay are learning the -now gospoi ; man -nab be his brother's keeper, And the triumph,1 • n i ht shall e nd right, not l g so eth rule no more. Garr stoves gain favor in Boston. .An electric counter aca% is Dow. Aluminum may yet displace lion. Papier ib made 011W14,4*16swere. Ross leaf jzm is a, Roumanian dis`l. China had susponstat bridges B. O. A'a s •o �a ams. •y• sal o • • h tail eta, ut oar anti n V Calf"ern'"a helm 100 Turkish farmers. Southperb, B2e., has a lobster farm. Arctic w"lrra fsariv,art a big season. IDanvee has m 225 pound locomotive. CQlogna has a 300-year-eld rose tree. Sb. Lints hers an e'ecbria Ambulance. World's oi:f ae output : 650,000 ton& St. Laulo Is to have a new Balt Line. St, Paul street oars are to be heated, Ca.11fernla'ranke first in silver on'! put. The cinnamon crop is 16,000,000 tons. ,7apsn's ltnporbs in 1892 ; $63,430,785. Marino to the oldest form of Insuranco. musielana welcome typewritten music. Postage stamps are of 1a^,000 varlatiam. Colorado has 3,000,000 sores irrigated. American hoar gains favor in Germany. A St. pebersburg room is 620 x 150 feet6 i.'lomstook allver mills is 2,700 feet deep. Great Bribaiu boasts 17,430 locomotives. 041i£erisia produced a 256-pou4d (pump - a, tlhiva's experts reach 5100,000,000 a ar. Eng lishmenhave $500,000,000 in U.S. rail - ado. Coal is dearoat in Africk ; oheapes'a In lina. New . England wheels have electric oaks. Cilioago is be use oempre%sed air for Mir. Potbel cards use 720 teas of pard -board !mrty. O:hs+ra is an electro -hydrogen cigar- llt'et. . The annual match output Is worth 6105,- o,000. An Ea;Eiah gasometer holds 12,000,000 lbio feet. . A whiakey atralg;hb Is very apt to get. to a tangle. ' The mus who would have bane ISO Ana se he had been there never gets there. In bottling plokips or cabsup boil the ,rkz, and while bob you eau pre©s them in ,e botblea, emd when cold they are sealed ghtly. , tL"ha fellow who starts eat for a staving rod time often has a barrel of fan before waving a b -him home in' a badly bunged -up rmeliti„n. Tom Have yon read " Tiro Men and -irl V What do you tainic of it ? Kit by- re ; but I think the girl man have had a cod time. • It in a noticeable fact that the melancholy idivldusl who Eaya he doesn't care whether u lives or dies xiways wears a ohosb pretec- nr and gum shoes. Patiast'r—And you attribute my trouble 4 smoking ? Dootor—Yeo. "Oh, doctor, nmet I give up my cigars 1" °i lyes, and et a betwir brand." Whenever a man falls hie wife tells the ublio tLaab he is "too cronscientious" to loceed. What she bolls him In private is rmebimos dlffarent. A large rug of linen crash placed under ya %swing machine will catch threads, t}pplugm and oubduge, and save a deal of st+cRping atd dusting. Evil has force itself to sow Where we deny the healthy seed; And all our choi-e is this, to grow Pasture and grain or noisome weed. The Emir of Nape has sent a lien to Qa4en 'loberia as a present in' recognition of a utter which she wrobs him. {Cho animal eeently arrived in Liverpool. 'Share Is one thing the hard times does of bother -the grip, It comes to all, the rine and the pauper, mtlllonaira and bag- ar, wage•earnor and ompitwlist, Philip Ill. of Spain was doh roasbod b oath by a rearing fire because Boar bigaette forbade anyone to come to hie as iatimee. He died a natural death. Mary Stuart of Scotland was not a asuby. She had cream eyes, and to save 6e trouble of la%ving her hair dressed out it ff close to her head and were a wig. The largest angina is at Friedensvitle, 'a. ; Its driving wheals are 35 feet in tameter, the cylinder is 110 inches, and b raises 17,500 gallons of water per minute. Wohard III. was not a hunchback, but a oldier of Eno fern, some pretensions to ood looks, and grdab personal strength and ourage. . iITom, were you frightened vthan you eked me to be your wife ?" 'Toni--, No ; know exactly haw muoh your father In - ended to give you." Pocahontas did not save the life of John smith. It has been macsrtalned that this worbhy roan warn the mesb able-bodied pre• w1cator of his century. Zola earn that ideas only came to him when, you In hand, he In writing -that he ould never evolve a single idea by sitting n his ohte,ir and.thinklog. Father-`pPhan I was your age I earned ay living and spout none but my own Honey. Son -Bell, father, I Dover spend any bat your naenay, either. The largesb building stones are those used a the cyclopean walls of Bmalboo, In, Syria. Some of, thess measure 63 feet iii length iy 25 in breadth, and aro of anknown depth. (the Amcor is a man of pregonce, broad and sboub, Iair skidixed, v,16 black hair and ?acrd, a good .square head and plercingl ayes. ate Highness' manner Is digaffiad and souebeouo, lint if occasion arises he can be mocadluglly fieroa, Cowl en Sylva Is now in excellent hoAloh, and Is abilo , to walk for a ahorb distanoo, Her Majeitty hag bf000me much thinner, mud her hair, which b:;pan bn ohd,oga caber after the loath of bar little daughter, the Prin- cesd ktarin, is novi quite white, An Instrument bad boon Invented to gounding the depths of tbo sea withou' Uaiug a lead line. A slakor In drbfaped can t4lnin a oarWage', *hioh oxplo.3es a tauchAg the bottom ; bite roptstt to >rogis torod Its A Mfargphonor apparatus and the depth reckoned by the tittle at which th exfl3esion Occurred. • ,�._._ it�Ele * 111111 MA IN Xxa 'ft1tVUS)" pilins 11TlkPFP'�IDMEN. we $e live )+ unwired Feet xalk t, Wail riur. who Artar". Cookwir Tuelp to the llyalepi tear, R'hoawend Wept& OURLtcoment. womawo Taste. Ola description of the Arot•ciase oruiser4 44 'Mar adake " writes in, Louden Tt-o h. 'Powerful and Warrible, to be built by 000^ Man ie caking animal, Boar l mdy Betty. Grant, for the oommenooment of which pro- 0,vilized man .Petals everybhiug-'OVOn hie V104 is m%de In the navy ewtIm4tes of accounts. For this reason, the foilovwing 1893.94, has been prepared and presenbod simple raailtso, may be of interest to you ; o Parliament. aa, eh Gen b1eNOanaa 'o Ma adorn English k a M G B 1 - which utast be o d dimensions, w h otos The. f... , n American, one taro lad bw4 -lake au A , area as still open to Iowa. modification, are arts soribrt•tto, dromoortruavagantly ; plungd parts 50 fob•bradb o • Length, 0 o s follows . as w r o fol it aimmr society v millionaire c. into 11 i , nb m y about 70 fest ; mesa draught, with keel, ' . soveral soasono ; then add a titled husband about 27 tomb ; displacement, about. 141000 . To Make a Modern Engllish Gentleman.- � a speed a oath' a for y ' continuous to boom, uod n . ITP - - o er •brash an large'. re d s sok bb ms ala t �P h . ga. 1 water stemming cad with a clean bottom is trim ; baste all over with money ; arrange to be twenty knots, Ore an eight heuro' in a luxurious Went End house, surrounk ne,bural draught oontraotor s trial the speed with puff paste; 'then starve up het. Wil sni11 be about twenty-two knots, keep for moutbe. {Che steel hull will be weed sheathed and To Make a Fashionable Entertainment.- coppered, so that the vessels may keep the pub robe a few small'roome some 300 over without an tl origin E or ionperiods w sea fdrematd gy -d sae w u dot .rot woman, l men and d , n lose of speed. A coal banker capacity for minor royalby and two or throe allot about three thousand tons will be provided nxillionairea ; sprinkle over a temmpooraful. o and he above states draught as d die• n t i goal rarant le a carter eI a t cam ooniul of roan plaonmarab about that weight �rll be carried ,sod}ug, and ih tablespoonful of probes The armament will include two 9.2 -inch rhe,, sed ransle, supper and cham,,nagins guns, mounted as bow anal• stern ahasero ; Lilt, ,' . ae,le Fibew gradually. twelve 6 -Inch rapid firers. four of which ,;.,. o- to "Davil."-•-First catch a,gon vain be capable of firing right ahead an% ti , • . ,,m.z, fidcoe frim ; abir up cantirnn four others right astern; eighteen 12- al.l' ....tb weatuouses and wilts; stra}l fi and twelve3 su nders sunder rapid mus n, rtore P then u � . sett t Bankruptcy C a n the ankr t $ e P P y besides smaller machine guns. into u e olby. Ar.mer protection will be provided for all To Mak; a "iterary Calebrlby.-13x1 the 9,2 -filch and 6dnch gars, and the 12• educate a vain youth at Oxford ; lot htal pounder guns on the u.ppw deck will be grow ; dip into Gratin French literature finmished with etreng shields, revolving add Giro idea, chop it small, log -roll bh, with the guns. whole. Give a grotesque name, the? The torpedo armament inoludes four snb- serve up as a rival to Milton, Sheridan an, merged'' torpedo dioohkrgors, placed in two Sh+akspaare. sepmato rooms, To Make an Art Critic. -Open bb" t4l Whe engtnea, boilers, magazines mud other and extract the intelligenoa of a rave Br}a; viba,l portions of the ship will be placed ton boy ; fill up wibh self -cans 0 ; rk;sata below a strong{ our wed steel deck having a brush, and trim ; rub against a handful c tMakuess of four inches for a largo pro- similar obscure and inexperienced lade ; ad, portlon of the length, with a slight redue- a RISE% of chomp sherry on Press vic,w days bion of thickneoa toward the extremities. then nerve up cold in the columns of th This deck will be aseoeiatted with minutely Fanny Positivist. Amaigre Blab. euWivid,nd coal bunkers extending up to the height of the train deck, theme foabarGE of Inaea ]mer Time. proEotion being identical with those which Bir. Goodlive (to his boarding;hons flava been adopted for other flrat-elaes kespet)-Yee, madame, we Ieave to -day t ornisera of the Royal navy. go too housekooping. My wife and I Zeta' Bloat careful study has been bestowed stand gong h steak, strong butter, slot}p: upon allmattorm relating to the protection ceffes and blue milk a day longer. We Nan of the armamenb and of guns' crews and the tinder porterhouse, gtlb-odge butter, par, bramport of ammunition from the magazines Java aeff'ee and rich cream, and we ar to the fighting positions of the gnus. An going to have It. armored conning tower placed at the after Bir.. Good live (a year later) -Good morn end of the forecaxtle will give protection in ing;, Mrs. Slimdiet. Boy wife anti. I woul motion to the commanding efiioer. like to have our old rooms, if they ar A great height of fro;board has been pro- vacant. vided in association with a long poop and Mrs. Slimdiet(pleasantly)-What was to forecaable, upon which the bow and stern matter with porberhause sbo4k, gilt-edg thaw guns will be carried. This will seoure butter, }cure Java and rich cream? nat.merely the power of fighting the guns in Mr. Goodlive (delefuliy)-They cant to hnavv, weathar. but also that of maintaining much. 0 ITIaK Tlar-10 �fu11o. low Oita wamons luddosto rertr0it wails i Palated. Some wf Sir Joshua. Reynolds' methods t wore peouliar. Aar usually painted hts Hitters feob their rtiflecbioa in a mirror, a•+•d ' not from a direct view. He SIVkLy§ remafned attandiug while at work, cervi he rarely signed a portrait. Ono notable exception, 1 M m a tie Iiia came of his e mss. is sa g itObYa . « Yeas ma �' v nificent p'portrait of Mrs. Melons am titre " • ho 2ragia tkfusoo which was painted n , n 111111, Y 0 d w1r bice nxa;stor was 60 years. alai. an Siddons was 28, 0.'he great aotkViia failing older euro f embr lze a s o t first to rood a y a which the arbieb had added to the edge of her robe, coon perceived that ib eon rained the words : " Joshua Reynolds ptnxit, 1784 ; " whereupon Sir Joshua agoured her tbab lee would be proud to have his nacre gd down to posterity on the heir of her gar - went I Before commencing this piotare, him - pelf, as sitter t instead of at lu fit fisc arils , i s P g pelf, rrqueatei Xfrn. Siddons to &at him hot own idea oI the Tragic Mu%e, and oho im- the which In h mediatal;� assunoed the page elf . picture vrab painted. --Frederick ,IC'sgpel its Serabnees Magazine. Womeza Sive Ungar Tir.'tn Men, 11Clte well-known fact that women Ilve o IGwo r a tea as f 1 • n mon is iiluatr t longer than The axossa of females of all Sgea OVOr males of all arras in England and Wales is only about 3j per cent. (in round figures, 15,- 000.000 mlung 50,000 to 14,000,000 plus 50,000). Rab when we bcgla to ooimpare women ever 60 with men over 60 `4110 fewale majority beoames mush greeter, and whore we once pias 85 the old roan are no. whose. Tlie fomtoe a lanogenaaa�tans noariy deubta tiro mails ;'bhero fire 854 wroct m ever 95 to only 354 men, aid 104 gammars to 42 gaffers who own to a contury, Why my IFA=la A OrAt '4i''ith Painful corns? Putrawl; Paialoo Corn Extractor will rgmove thein gain losfy fit a few days. Use the sede, site and paiukese ocrn onto-P'ailnsoVia Y;oin Extractor. At druggists'. Sennas was nab a half-chridtlaa pbll- ersopher, but a oraaping msney-lender and usurer who died worth over :fd:E,000,- 000. SGTLtIhN'.-[4DWA4'A__ f o ndAjon Powders UkO Dick's d sPu iox 482, ffier. DISPEUMION SSE. ad It ham been neaesmary to provide for an- A certain clique of womb En•r giris in g,Inea and boilers capable of developing a -London have eatabltshed a "Five -Foot- The celebrated very large horse power. After full con- Nine Club." Every member must be not Lansdowne Farm Herd of , Hol - sideration It has been decided to adhore to shorter than 3 inches sender .6 toot, and stein Fresian Catty, basin screws and non to adopt the triple several are well over the prescribed Halt,). eorawa.' Experience in the Brake and Blen• 'Choy aro all fair to leak upata. /111 rids in owned by helm, as well as in the large twin screw the park, and the whole club is to meas. J. C. McNIven &, Son, Winona, Ont., steamers of the mercantile marine, have once a fortnight at the different members' will be sold by auction and without reserve at established the complete efficiency of such houses. Brown eros.' Sate Stables, tort King: propellors within the Iimiba .of. power and " and George streets, Toronto, an draught .9ontomplated. Y Have ➢lad It has been decided to postpeue the earn- Rheareatiam for years, and Netviline is the �' E+ BR17,E�.RY 8T$, 1894. mtineement of the Terrible until the next only remedy thab has done me any good." The herd's morits alone secured their selec- financial year, but tenders will be. Inv#ted Se writes Whemae MoGlashan, North Pal• tion ar Holstein Rr. resentamtive Herd for for the construction of !;he powet:fnl vassal ham, ding 24, 18!10, and his tastin any is WORLD'S HAIR, 00OAGO. an soon So the tlesi ns have been completed. The bast bulla in Canada. g p supported by thousands of others who have klecond. rcarrrl n"a•rze sac, Chicago, ES'33. This course has been resolved upon in agse- experienced the wonderfully penetrating w'ir ct olive Prom at'r.,r„nto Piotoma and ciation with an arrangement to advance and pain subduing power of Nervllia,e--•the Medd no Yclur treuti and ten prizes at Ottav,, a during the current finanoW year somewhat neat nerve Sia euro. Nerviiine iE cat as in 189 2. more rapidly than was first intended the g p j Prizes at Toronto and London, 1891. 1? 3 good to take as to ,tab on and ie 'bho beat Prizes at Hamilton, 1890. - aonsbruobion of the fourteen new borpadu family remedy , thea world. NervitFsio i® For catalogues, which ve a full description beat destroyers provided for In the pica• said b dealers aver where. of each and every anima farms of sato etc., y y aTite to J C. Ma�Yiven & Son, Winona but. gramme. GEO. ANDREWS, vVommn Clerics at washingtop . Auctioneer. If a body meet a body who is dreadfully There have been great changes in bho . Oakville, Ont: bartured with rheuvastiom it would be a Government departments in the bast 30 tri„ w•�:-r,u••+U�,.�:.•.••*. , �., ,r .,.-.. �-,:�.�•.,.,,., oraal thing ,sob to cheerfully impart 'bho � gcad Wawa that 1vIaCrFllom's Rheumatic years. [Phe Suet woman xegtilariy on plogod {I ° v t9F '£':. n6Jsrt1 e g was pub on the rolls of the navy ,•iepartment MRS, WOLOW" iFi�.'^fi KU.A I 1lrepellarxt taros neuralgic or rhoumatio pain 35 years ago. She was a young widow, and OK, e�1Ng&-Wuixm TNET'HtF o . i ib(6ughly. Sold by whelemle alarm of V-1�p„,.&%--,u tglirs5 ,'rsta.� s� omarranr,rom,arv,. • Montreal, Toronto l smUta. London the officials considered it an arsfal grablern ��:,;�,. J,W* Mi,fta. ,v.O%,,,u„..,,,.,..,,4.a-- Wivnipag, and by retail dru$h�irta generaliy� how bo dispose of her. Finally they hit . . r upon a plans. They treated her as If are The High Speed Family miter A Remarkable Cat. • tvas a contagious disease and belated her in wilt inti, It puuirs sroelsa per an attlo roam. She received and rauurned ei k day. will do all worx ray Bruton bad an extra cab that he had vo her copying b a mean -anger. er. But the dis- 40 ,4 } , plain eirculmr ltattttaty xnUj7,4 Py g y g`" • win do, :from homespun or rxe further nxe far, me Ina determined to drown crane wrought on, so to ape&[&, and to -day : " x ye tory yam. The wort prsettrasl It. ole tied a brick and flr,blron to its hind tilers ars 1,000 women is Oho brdsmsury %lana. 1 funnily tnitter oa the madlet. A lege, sawed It up in a bag, and threw it Thera is enc woman to every seven men. ;' * Dnrable`,°IIShoperate. ftptd.� Via`, into the river. The next morning when he m! ,. gnarauteet every nntehtue to as came down stair" the oat was sittingan the AZOAtSgood ora %adr woYte for osis, Yisibor-I Sm most grieved ba learn of W. .kihw^5 omenta F'eusod. wxtta for prr• bags in trent of the stove licking her pawn. your mistrasE' Mason. Nothing serious ; stcnlarr. Shs had swallowed the brick and the flat- no g."P%t cause for alarm, I trust I (Che !2u ds't Knitting Machina Co_, Vend% ilr %Rpoe. Iron, and they made her- se heavy that her New French Maid -No, monsieur ; nozzing ~01 weight burst the bag. She then swam beeg, nozzing grande. Somsztng-what � � T F I M 61 C` U � � � i eahere, acctbrougrht the bag home with her you oull leetie, petite, 'Pieltor-What is schiffmann's ,asthma Cure never ata a memento.-Fxchaxpe. it? The New French Maid -Bab is what rails to give instant relief Ii the zey 08.11 zo little—small—emallpez. worsb cases; insures comfortable A Carter With a Hfistory. "you don't have monarchs im this sleep; eMonte cures where others fail. A tical canarinces 011e most slaepGaaai. Price Marie Antoinette, the unfortunate Queen country," said the foreigner, musingly. 50 ctfi • and $1 M, of Druggists or. by molal. of France, daring her incarosrabion in the -r Not by that name," replied the native. Sampea>'irvpforstsmp, 1'J,r.SS.iLtC2t1Fs- Cenotergerie, passed the long days of her ` We have servant girls, however." U.ANN, ',b. Paul, Minn. confinement picking the threads from an n _ .. old pooket•handkexchief wibh her ivory ._. - _. _ e . rim�lai .. v -r, *''-lt ?�,T":4¢..i, <;12,. �i .L_,:.11...:1: a,.:�.�a.,> '40 u % toothpick. From theme threads she platted ^ fry _axoxp- r-11 �1�51� �� +.,I � �g� Fly " �t a w,arter, which later an fell into the {sande l �)iU a a €t �f. �..r� f � of the Duchess of Angouleme, and became , I � ILO t 9 t aftorwarfAe a highly -prized treasure in tete cf Lay ~ ,� t ', Mother Green's Tansy rule. pomseselonsof the Count of Ghambard. '' u t i �y�p,, g;.,. , .r G U _ t by thousands. Sata,Stimand Alwei,s •A U T (, CO I• •i3Ca9 !i R.•.l.ab.o. ;<tr%VUSX Si7ILSTITtar-. tlGir 1,1E , 7 Too Weak lit Natural )lilstory. }; , � `-a � TXS. Front all Druggists or n ailed, Lr^ t , '� ' ' t + �' s ,n �' free fine. obsrxvation, on re .I, az` $1.00. '• r' Didn't you find him just as I represented - Sealed particulars. a cont:. him? " Cares Conartraption, tioug'>brs, i its aro, lier.r Lad(Indignantly)—No,e!r • ou sold be %%rest.. Sold by all Dru gists on a dsuar..ete,sI Y.h B MEDICINX CO., ridorrr'rtrcax CAN. Y r , ± Hear a Lica Side, Back or �`�est $hitala's Ponca t��xxratn.�eaf iIG was a bird dog, and he hasn't sung a note `Aoiaator will Live mat satin£action,- z3 ccaatr� -� _ ��-- yet, and I've had him two weeks. A PATARRH 7''.R. - When Pat Reached for a Loather strap. Sw +TLOH.tea �$__, R 1,919 cif, I'UFES WHERE ALL ELSE FASLS. Qlommy, -t3ay, paw In.. cough syrup. ,antes Good. Uoe Mr. Fi Wala umveyouibatarrh? Thin omedywihral'levo inttmo. Soldbydrut;giets. gg— and curse yotl,. Price GOcte. 'Thin Injector fort �+k ty ,Pommy -Is a alfpknot a knot that will its ru�ccessfsl treatment free. Rememboc, . - . slip not, or is iU a kt ob tinct will cab slip obla Romadies aro sold on a ffUAX%►f�er., d nob? _ _ Wore than He Sargalined For. People iri this 'T 9th century are bound t0 have the best " Have you a Contributor's Club here?" 'that call be hail for the money. That is wh* y %eked the author, "OVe have," replied the weary editor. Everybody - Wears tl John, bib him a clip wibh that hickory t" A 1 Iiavojes invested ]tot. /f\� ". ■ Sbranitor-What sorb of a olimate have _ -- yd?nanNaw -Well, ? W L.El� AN L A I ' COLLEGE Native -Well, we can hardly be said to + '•.. have a alimate yeb. Up to the present AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, we have been haying samples under oon- sideratior, ltd tlifYL Nt OXV. 1l+asrnard 180.1 It to the Faculty that makes the College, Rvery tosoher iu bhe "Wesleyan" Is an honor " Jagge Its after anything in sight. a graduate of a University or College The !1 moulty oont'afns honor graduates of the Toronto believo he'd lilts the earth." " 1'70. ho LTmvcrsity. of viotGria, of bineert�s, of.'lxdnity. of 9ylbort, ana of Hamilton, all giving full time 'vtoaldn'b.'i 'r Whywauldu% he ?" ar Roll, to the Coltoge. Ladies desiring the most scholarly xnstcuotion in Literature i�cionge M'''URI% 'because ata two-thirds weber." Aub and .Ts]tQourtion`r with Lira somal tend educational advahi:ages of a city of t 4,000 3nhairltante, Thfs'CbUei;o leap furnishQd lady ptincl»cis for ab least lava of the A rxsSn way be rich in relatives and yet �-Nelttwln'lyes' oge es of Canada, and for several of bila mora private saaraols. Its• adaatltq sail sen or. our a ogruo. Dab relatively rich, Ixr found In tllo boshhors. Smeclal 8 title. 1'.n to distil line phys sal 'auliirti o, liaaltir, manners stir. THose thinking of sending , ,or augh'ars receive flu 1 illforunaFiion by siirtrossiug talo 1'rincl al, 'o° on, • HOWARD'S P.'S. -Will Olson after holidays, .Batatras y maxi. A. 1dtSstti st. 13.'.tP. il., 1Lt„ ase. e a a �1' i, e. 'aceto latest and great. � � _ p� its- dligna,voa inventor ' by 011e ' - b s ri i ids olasn a._ �., rax, Plus, wonll chill 03151]*Ul1 ,_. - x , n Cara Sa 'w'ealmegs Of 11 talc, ilodye. Rterves wA +++t•" tr and SysUy, .h6u15&t St., fiat' "il; Ne Palgia ti n A e EIhtDxf,. Rb,9uir"Irllit flblabioa; PliorirttlglaN 71Jar15 Daus , liarxizale ]iitrggtli,..— and .Weal['; . _. YY., ��11 0 odes., hdi e boiksi6.. 1K i id>t: for 83 U. itDM, aROWA . tlaltf}i»fI1tL10„ l i r=tkt` 04b odtrdtc4 xAFffl.trtu , ISSUE N0, 2 lit 4., • .« - --•� 1Qfl'IE iia "Plyhe to ow- - dy 0400 GAS'. r„a, ,..-'r11="`111_, I - � I '�,elw � C I 4, 11 I a I I � I. . IYe,, but feed itwith Scott's EuxuL a . I Feeding the cold, kills it, and no anz I can afford to have a cough or cold,aeeatc: and leading to consumption, larking;, i around him. i ,. I ... t SCOTT, �,. t PIE - N- U LS 10, , t1. , , P 1. I'll¢ of pwr'e Norwegittaz Cod ,9621 ` f, Cil and ."ppophospl'ai !° strengthens Weak Lungs, checks all i Wasting Diseases and is a remarkable Flesh Producer, almost as Palatable as. M11k, Prepared only by Scott ABowne,Solleei Ia. �� ...� ... �,.o,,,,.,,,,.o... o,........,.•.i — _ 2¢G f=arms For $1t7CD�t�1�yeach. +i Is .. Ca $21'100 ,a Y Ic i. $3000 IC 14 ,I I. $4000 " Also well situated propeTtlers I in Chatham, Wailaccburg anc2 Trenton. i vj',, tRms'riiJ SF,T.rr giit6:�d�,UM2, i For Imoaculars a ppry so i .FOUN 31000V, s Idaa,xr9,wo,, Out. _ � ,,... I 'at,m.irtlaur`aiiwa,of'U7i R,'STVA1rn`5t9 1 TST �flstrl AV01113 backIR 'bft.W {IRM and ALP1GNA.fllb'FJIe'�'AIM, LAM O'irlC.li 7S} t w .4 QiRns ivy tai n ver bestF,eradinRIG States em btsibud6t I.We larices and, on hTOT r,,T&Otoa,41lt:is tOkT+m Foxe one vmyrafd HCC VUpalmaaraft a„ URT of 919moves. 0. NOW Ila tto ft7,6 `yumv W. -It toA 11 Mt, ove'aa. Lt. 79. r1 iiJL�L r� PR i altv9, �r Wed Be•9,r C:,�it• titin "raifmi,9Y.ab1•ra a t the'�t'TiM1`C£lii!'Im' l�ilb ?Puetr„” by J easlq F.a +�il`tr dl 1'>N'ifs; Ovor tllutft-Als sl, . noarll .lAti 1%ogvta. K's,t tamd: 1"' iy mAtnallSncsA- Eia�ut+i tlYi @a;tt�. aelt� brta, sa. ensu Kvi LVSE if IOU vscAnsh tat ro:�v. • 1. "VEL t 01- a"GG4 YOU A . g� ,g +�,t •mow '� rr,BtYr'•�'e,�'::a3' e!1'�i 1 ,� ' b �i.vt1 o sae hold 3? axdS'ill a tlnnsolnalti l,vntss., tlon. Eve. housewife huge cue, i'Srcr� Ok sva t=0 tTsrms by :Dealt idle. .fA ge¢ntra vritatez. WitI ttJr quick, mal tdr,;ke t* lose. Aadroer., X. ftoit:3Ptemsiiac 94aR1xWrAetenrk9k^t 4:sMnmima y" 'keftmg r. ��'Y r` �.� :i ,.- a. -- AGENTS' WARTM me.1 T.` 2r,tsieF Xn Irtl' av iLtu`p; CnrLxr. h'atku cow: rdl, m RraeT ramek..,,m .Elm om R' i,a le..a x rw r.r a =<.R -a r:.Ar .�e s�.ru x 115191 3"i h 8havpo„ar. iYp coq,itcl cc .0 ,a,. t, r Mean., KTP �<6t.. -- cranes rats tA.. Yank lt...M. 2m ora.dnak Assasnim Tr HOME 11 ASSOCiAMON OF CANADA. Head Of ea. Tommie. Iroori'torated by Special Act of tare ,3omia ion Parliamoub. Authorized Capital $100,0@8. Pure Ulfe Insurance at popular rates. Agents wanted. • � �.m 8a,a+t+ts+te� lr .latirJftaita ?a Ir"IT£ m4 f7t Vw.�tN 1 t,YdlaR7iifa1lt. oPca Au4IptSIro CGe _— .3=11-11.711" '•{' t�h t&. �^ u 16Q 1.1 I etAt., _, t r. 1. - . OUT "-THIS OU 1771 pima your rox"10 rand Road ft VIA{& owe dolWrr to Dr, Samuel Cz inver, Treaa. 4f Che Arai it m&,; bition Association of Gwkrn•io.h.-coavaoraztect• 408 UnnalDg Averine, Toronto, Crit. DnA.tl SM—I:herowlth eneloce one dollar ana desiremy name to be eenmlled a member ca' the Anti -Prohibition Aseoclation of Ontmla Kindly a0knowledge receipt by return of wags , Name A ddresg, Post Office. avid county JJ N. B. Printed matter mailed on applioaltam r1 I 1$ 1A ' r€k" Gtfvat''t i' tiRSA No turning iolgs artox cu--- dates a; G'11 �I. _.erten bs_roan a IS. 161a Q. . P Not w eiocIr, l,ut si �let,x �6 wind .ntloman'a tictsim- ness ante we wia. Ossa the oamplo loci` your nwxcst r'-rprei'.o CPS"Ce C.0l D. for, thebe,umvit 5.251 AU Mmxarmrw. vj � / will send the with,pour ardo 8 by mail, and a. Chaw free. You can make $5 pe; yyour own town selling these watt 7a. P. ISDWZT & CO. TO= THE WONDER OF TH.la Arm UT AMT'S 6. FE A CHARMN��... i YOU 01 NEUffi MA Yl6rIRrIT WAR 43ft It makes yOna' k4.aaislnSoft; & fatale tit Gives a healthy eppaiwancne to trio MMA. Eby's Electric Salva 4, Has no'!.q for curing IRAI# JPttOnrG,l N - I ,. - - ',