HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-11, Page 41
OXVitr Arbvocate.
(JRBDAY. January i10, 1894
That was a noble sentiment to which
the Governer General gave utterance
the ether evening at the banquet giv-
eu by the Toronto Board of Trade. In
responding to a toast tu which the
health of Lord Aberdeen was drank,
Efs Excellency referred to many in-
teresting topics with which the prosper
ity of Canada was bound up. But no
imore timely note eould have been
struck then that in Which the Gov,
General, while payiug• a compliment
to Ontario in geueral and to the city
of Toronto in particular remaiked:
eMay we not expect that the male body
'of the people of this province will not
encourage but frown down any agency
that savors of bigotry aud intolerance?"
It is needless to say that His Excellen.
ey's sentiment was applauded to the
echo by the immense audience of both
sexes with which the Pavilion was
crowded. Let it be noted that Lord
Aberdeen is a Scotchman by nationa1.
ity,and. a Presbyterian in creed; and
yet, with that cultured dignity and
ahristain spirit of toleration and fair -
mess for which "His Excellency is so
distinguished, he could throw the oil of
charity over the troubled waters of
dissension by which some are unwisely
raking; up the ashes of bye -gone cen.
turies—in order to fan into a flame re
ligious animosity and national discord
by arraying, creed against race. It
may be well just here to quote the
words of a dieing uished predecessor of
the present Gov. General, as quoted in
the Earl of Aberdeen's speech,in which
Lord Dufferin was heard to say on a
public occasion, viz: "Divided as you
are into various powerful religious
communities, none of whom are entit
etleto claim either pre-eminence or as-
cendancy over the others, but each of
which ieckons among its adherents.
Enormous masses of population, what
hope can you have of success except
in mutual forbearance and generous
liberaiity of sentiment?" We say, there.
fore, that on the ground of a higher
civilization, on the ground of public
poliey, and. still more on the ground of
Christain sentiment, the true method
of securing, unity of action and perpet
elating public peace throughout our
rising :Dominion, is by acting upon the
Golden Rule of "doing unto others what
we would have others do unto us."
The vote taken last week on the
plebiscite for this proviir:e is what
might have been expected from the
persistent efforts put forth by the pro
hibitionists, But large though it may
appear, and much as it may gratify
the advocates of total prohibition, it
cannot be regarded in the light of a
marked success. First of all, the pro-
hibitionists were thoroughly organized
and carried on a systematic, thorough
canvass by means of platform and pul-
pit demonstrations, aided by the ser-
vices of paid Yankee orators brought
over from the 'other side, for the occa-
ion, who worked up their followers in-
to a frenzy of excitement; while many
who were opposed on principle to the
prohibition movement abstained alto-
gether from voting, taking little or no
interest in the contest simply for the
reason that it lacked finality. Under
any circumstances the vote does not
express a sufficieutly large proportion
of the electorate to justify prohibitory
legislation. Take, for instance, the
city of Ottawa—where the total num-
ber of persons entitled to vote was 11,
670; out of these only 2,8e7 votes were
polled, in favor of prohibitiou, that
less. than: 25 per cent of the whole elec-
torate. Again—take the ease of Lon-
don city, so far as the woman's vote is
concerned. Erciotiorial appeals were
made on the ground of the poor suffer
ing women; and yet out of ION per-
sons.entitled to vote on the women's
ticket,, only 383 polled their votes and
out of these some fifty were against
prohibition. It is contended by com
?Omit authority that when all the re
turns are brought in, it will be seen
thet Ontario is not yet prepared for
proll'fbitory. legislation. The same
'Would probably be affirmed: a ,fortiori
in regard to some, at least, of the other
lErovinces of the Doininion. What will
Siir Oliver now say? Of corse he will
Mime the onus of legislation en
the federal government; arid should
thee not feel justified in recommending
arefri for prohibition, the wieked torieS
veill come in for a heap of abuse, And
weeds the plebiscite for many years
te come.
The Duchess of Argyle is. dead,
Local Option in •Vaxat
petition is in eirouIatIOn.AS/kIIIP
the„Oaterie ouveronseut rot. e
1011. Municipal nominations were held in
Quebec Province yesterday.
A banquet was tendered to Hon
Wilfrid Laurier by the citizens of Que
bee last eight. It was held, in the
Chateau Fronteuec, and. about 800
were present,
SATURDA,Y January. Gth.
There are 52 prisoners charged with
murder in Colt county, Iit , jail,
Lieut. M. McKeand, a son of the late
James Mc.Keance of Hamilton, has just
died in Montreal
The idea -of giving municipalities a
greeter latitude lu the meter of taxe-
tioa is being urged in various quarters
and hes been carried Into law in some
Proyinees of the Dominion, with good
The matter is being taken -up in, the
Province of Ontario in an organized
way. A form Of petition has be pre.
pared, asking the Ontario Government
for Local Option in Taxettion. A copy
of this is being sent to every mate&
panty, accompanied by a circular which
sets forth reasonsee favor of the peti.
tion. Following is au extract from the
"We belieye there is a strong feeling
amongst the people that a man ought
not to have his taxes increased because
he builds a house, or puts tip a barn,
or plants an orchard, or tries in other
ways to add to the wealth and prosper
ity of the comity. 'Whilst on the one
hand those who improve their farms
are rewarded by Governmetnt prem-
iums' on the other hand they are pun-
ishedby en increase of taxation.
"Let us profit by the experience of
other British subjects in this matter."
"The colouy of New Zealand has
within the last few years greatly re.
dueed taxation on building's and on
other improvements; and the result • is,
that the colony is now very prosperous
having escaped the financial disasters
which oyertook its neighbors the colon-
ies ot Australia.
"The law of Manitoba expressly for-
bids the taxation of improvements on
farms and gardens. The Manitoba
farmers have found the benefit of this
and would not go back to the old sys-
tem on any account. The only peo-
ple who object are the land specula-
"The ordinances of our Northwest
Territories also forbid the taxation of
buildings, improvements or personal
property, in any municipality that so
"In British Columbia, all municipali-
ties have the powers we are now ask-
ing for. They have the option of re-
lieving improvements partly or wholly
from taxation; and many municipali-
ties have availed themselves cf this
power. So satisfactory has the meas
lire proved to be, that the Legislature
of British Columbia has gone farther,
and last year passed an Act which pro-
hibits any municipality from assessieg
improvements at more than fifty cents
on the doLar, whilst erovicling that
the land must be assessed at its full
"We desire in conclusion to call your
attention to the moderate character of
the petition we are asking your Coun-
cil to approve. It merely says that
municipalities may have the option of
relieving imprevements if they wish,
S.:rely Ontario should have the liberty
of trying a plan which has proved so
successful elsewere."
News of the Week in Brief.
IP.R1DAY January 5th.
The Nova. Sc'otia Legislature was
formally opened yesterdy.
There are 1,539,107 bushels of wheat
in store at Fort William and Port
The new Alethodist Church at Ar•
thur was formally opened and dedicat-
ed yesterday.
'George Collins, for 45 years a well-
known resident of South Zorra, died
yesterday aged 78
A blizzard prevailed in England
yesterday and the weather througont
Europe was very cold
Near Aylmer last evening Henry
Hayden, while chopping dowu a tree
was instantly killed.
A two -days' meeting of the East
Lambton's Farmers' Institute conclud
ed at Forest yesterday.
A long distance telephone is about
to be put in operation between Bertio
and Stockholm, Sweden.
The 'Woodstock Opera House, recent-
ly destroyed by fire, will be rebuilt
within the next three months.
The annual convention of the East-
ern Ontario Dairymen's Association
concluded at Peterboro' yesterday,
Gravedtggers, firemen and even
twelve year old boys are being com-
pelled to take up arms by the authori
ties of Peru,
A Chicago despatch says a sinall
dividend on World's Fair Stock will
probably be paid about the middle of
this month.
Peter Hope, a retired farmer living
near Chesley, was found dead in his
house on Wednesday. Heart failure
was the cause.
It is now announced that the death
of John Hope. manager of Bow Park
Farm, was due to an overdose cf laud-
anum, taken for neuralgia.
The Curran Bridge Commission has
submitted a report to the Government
strongly condemning the methods pur
sued in connection with the work,
Charles F. Ernest, of New Hamburg
was elected President of the Ontario
Poultry Association yesterday. Thos.
A. Browne of London is Secretary
Hon, John Dryden delivered an ad-
dress at yesterday's meeting in New
The New York Chamber of Com
mace yesterday unanimously passed
a resolution endoising the suggestion
of the Secretary of the Unitecl States
Treasury that authority is to be given
him by Congress to issue $200,000,000
of shored= bonds in such small
amounts as to pre,mit all elaesss to in-
vest their Sayings in a Government sce
The last of the Canadian exhibits at
the Werld s Fair will be shipped from
Chicago this week.
The D. Lethrop Company, book pub-
lishers of Boston, have made an assign.
Incite Liabilities, 950,000.'
Phil. Evans, colored, who assaulted
Edna Hall, aged 12 years, was hanged
at Bradstown, Ky., yesterda,y. He co0.
fessed his crime,
Plebiscite returns continue to come
in, and the majority for prohibition
keeps piling up, though in some cases
the majority is the other way.
Rev. John Pickering, of Milton, form-
erly of old Richmond. street church,
Toronto, has accepted a call to the
Central Methodist ch arch, Woodstock.
The jury inthe case of Roger Allin,
who was found dead at St. Thomas
some weeks ago, returned a verdict to
the effect that the man was murdered,
but by whom they know not.
Petitions have been filed in New-
foundland against the return of all the
members eleeted by the Whitway par-
ty except two, on the grounds of brib
ery and corruption in the recent elec
At a Democratic caucus in Wash-
ington yesterday resolutions were pas
sed calling on the Democratic members
to attend to their duties, in order that
the Tariff Bill may be considered and
pledges to the people redeemed. •
MONDAY January Stk.
Mr. Alonzo Wright, ex -M. P., died
yesterday at Hull, Que.
West Victoria Liberals will meet in
convention at Lindsay on Saturday
Dr. Rolph Leslie, of Torouto, died of
fever in the West Indies on December
A meeting of the West Lambton
Farmers Institute was held in Victoria
Hall, Petrolia, on Saturday-.
Bismark's memoirs, in six volumes,
have been printed by a Stuttgart firm.
They will be withheld until after the
Prince's death.
.A convention of North York Liber-
als will be held at Newmarket on Sat.
urday next to nominate a cannidate
for the Legislature.
A despatch from Amesbury, Mass,,
says the schooner William is ashore at
Ipswich, Eight sailors are reported to
haye been drowued.
It is proposed to hold an internation-
al exhibition in St. Petersburo•min 1903
—the 200 anniversary of the founding
of the Russian capital.
The Laflin & Rand powder mill at
Rifton, 10 miles from Kingston, N. Y.,
blew up Saturday, and it was report-
ed four men were killed.
Rey. Dr. Potts received a despatch
from Montreal yesterday morning say -
mg that Rev, Dr. Douglas was in im•
minent danger of death.
A fifteen year-old boy eamedPoulet-
te, who was run over by a G. T. R
train in Montreal on Friday night, died
of his injuries on Saturday.
Dr. Clinton Cavendish, the noted
English traveller and scieutist, died at
San Antonio, Texas, Saturday, after a
brief illness, at the age of 53 years.
Twenty one seaters have sailed for
Victoria, B. 0,, so far this season, carry
ing 74 Indians and 428 whites. This
constitutes one-third of the entire fleet.
C. A. Abraham, who has been con
netted with The Woodstock Sentinel -
Review for some time, has been ap-
pointed business manager of that
The alleged deficit in the Chicago
treasury has resulted in the appoint.
men of W. T. Ackerman, late auditor
of the, World's Columbian Exposition,
as Comptroller.
The news that American Minister
Willis had demanded the resignation
of the Provisional Government of Ha-
waii has been confirmed by despatches
received at Washington,
• On New Year's day Prince Bismarck
was able to smoke his pipe, which was
regarded as an excellent sign. It was
his first smoke since his illness. But
the neuralgia iirthis face continues.
The police of Chicago have been or-
dered to close all the gambling dens
and have started out to obey the or-
der. The chief of police says it is May-
or Hopkins' policy, and will be en-
Sid Cawthorn, an old desperado,went
into Athos', Ala., on eaturday to kill
Clay Crawford, of the Alabama Midland
railway, but when the stnoke had
cleared away it was found that Caw-
thorn was deed and Cawford not hurt,
Cawford was riot arrested, as the kill-
ing was considered justifiable.
TUESDAY January 9t1t.
The banking firm of R. R. Rogers &
Co., Stayner, has gone into liquidation.
It is said that a P. P. A, convention
will be held in Hamilton on January
A majority of Hamilton's new Coen -
ell is in favor of reducing the number
of liquor licenses,
The Hamilton and London City
Councils of 1895 held their financial
meeting last evening,
Rey. Dr, J. le German was yester-
day cleated President of the Toeonto
Ministerial Association
Wm. Rose a, stableman at the Cotn.
morcial Hotel, Watford,was found dead
Sunday mornine. Apopioxy was the
eel/ are not «a1n-.
fives so ogre every.
thiaq,butsiowly head.
aches. Try them, 0
teal cost but 25 cents
for a bow an4 they asv
Thor are nota Cathartic.
Proprietors of
The Exeotr Foundry,
(Successors to Verity 80 Son)
Gang plows" Walking plows,
Pulpers, Harrows. Land rol-
lers, etc. Castings in brass,
iron of every description.
Faun implements and all
kinds of other machinery
repaired on short notice.
Give us a cal
The Canadian Pacific Railway Com,.
pany's S. S. Empress of Japan left Yo-
kohama for Vancouyer last Friday,
Rev. Dr. Douglas, who has suffered
for the past six weeks from the effects
of an attack of la grippe, is now in a
critical condition,
David Robillard, a G. T. R. track-
man was run over aed killed at Mont-
real yesterday. He leaves a widow
and. eight children.
At the Young Conservative gather.
ing last evening a motion was discuss
edbeariug on represeiltatiori of the
colonies iu the Imperial Legislature,
At Chatham yesterday Jack Rohan,
who shot and severely wounded George
Monk without any provocation about
ttrwiaol.weeks ago, was committed for
Mr. George Hague, general manager
of the Merchates Bank, has given $5,-
000 to McGill University Y. M. C. A.
for the erection of a building on the
College grounds.
Chairman Wilson introduced his
tariff reform bill into the United States
House of Representatives yesterday,
and made a lengthy speech in support
in its prqvisions.
North Bruce Farmers' Institute yes-
terday passed a resolution thanking
Minister Dryden for the visit of the
travelliug dairy last summer and ex-
pressing its approval of the dairy.
• Rey. J. M. Hodson, Methodist, form-
erly of Belleville, is said to have ac-
eepted a call to the Collegiate Reform-
ed church at Fordham, New York city,
ons of the most influential churches
M. Craigmeyer, a teamster for David
Kennedy & Son, Guelph, had both his
legs broken in that city yesterday.
Owing. to the icy roads a load of wood
which he was driving ups.t in a ditch
and Craigmeyer fell under the wood.
The new $15,000 Methodist church
at Kingsville, Ont., was opeued on Sun
day, Rev. W. W. Carson,
of Detroit, and
Rev. J. S. Wiliamson, ofIngefsolebeing
the preachers. Tho orgau was built
by Lye & Sons, of Toronto. About
$5,000 was raised during the day's ser-
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the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
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ts in the urine, loss of will -power, ten-
derness of the scalp and spine, weak
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failure to be rested by sleep, eonstipa
tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice,
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per, suuken, .eyes, surrounded with
LEADEN CIRCLES, oily looking skin,
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The publishers of the AD-
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pages of illustrated and read-
ing matter, also very valua-
ble statistical reference pages,
to be issued first week in Dec-
ember as a Christmas supple-
ment to the ADVOCATE. We
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hopes of increasing our list to
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The charge of having murdered An
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terdaY. The prisioner was remanded
for a week.
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