HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-11, Page 3THE TRICKS OF SHOPLIFTERS.
Strict Watch Kept to Theta in the
Big Stores,
owe dass or Women Who Are Afflicted
won pwiUdI er " Impulsive
itantratity"--fnewahl nronetterot, Iteetere
or Lawyers 'Meet Their Moludy ?
—inente Noted, erinsistats.
le're that the goy-
cenmental oyster° ine.he
large New York ratans
bee been brouget to a
syttntoture perk:Mon,
Beth big hoose lame its
executions, its palaces,
tee 'ewe And Ito people.
There are penalties and
punishments„ rewarde
seed promotions', while
ovevy p-ennyI. ar4aunnosi for to the poweze
wiatice. mete cub resent-11mm s lie the jos b and
the vs njust.
But esich yeer thoiteande of dollars are
lost from the pool:elm oi the firm, despite
the legielatien, brilles erni adroit detect -
titres. For whet avail all these tillage
• otgainee elm balf.orezed, half canning or
wholly of utiles:eel triokeries of a claim of
women who are intereeeirg tto the doctors,
neerithiehe end lawyera Asa a elan, the
women are the prodeobs of feverish, tiu.
wholeeeme mantel mad phyeleal life in eU1'
and they are litstle eaderstood by oven theta
who ha.ve to dei with teem. Shoplifting
is a profeasion tied a dieease ; ollh pre-
fesaion ellen it rtsed to be, pereap, Incense
of the &twelve ileums, and more a diss.
'men, ea wo ilaish with high preesure down
the fin de ciaelo mope. Or, so the detective
eit whe-sa tsbi Hug s Mon was offered, t he pro.
esielonal seepliiser peses laS kieptemenie,e.
knowing eitab it is her one ante meants
eampo. Awl if her heart le not too big, and
if too olehereate properetione ere not found
upon hor, hoe ammo of eseepo are excel.
lent. The kleptomeniao eon with lavender.
fel cum:ling an& without any preastrene
cave those of hansom cleverness n blinding
the eyes of detectieea, fiosar-vvalkere and
employees nob three feet dietank
TUE Reeve. ess-unre snoreintenut
is thmonghly equipped, with overy-i=eattted
sense upon the alert, and her eyee en the
geode enly when their guavdiener axe at a
reasonable titietenthe. Toe kleptemanten
diem email artione, ofan valueless. 'The
"shoplifter la out fer big pulls," and oao.
;aware eff with $200 worth of inerohendlea in
a seeming,
A fere days ago a °leek In one of the beat
=waged. sea Nen York bled three roils
ef silk, velmed as. $180, upon the (member
to ship one o'i town. He Wati celled to the
factsher end of the counter for a most:met,
and returned to tisseover that Oahe °aril -
beard frem three bulky rolls of silk was all
that reamined ot hie ehipment. There was
no disturbeees lea the reette which woo not
crowded. Floor. welker, en °peers and
employees had euspeoted nothing as :lento
• women stowed rixt‘y pude of rink atm
her person and welke4 eiluntly out of the
Spurred by his wrath over thin bold
.stroke, the detective In charge was moved
to dfselese some of the bittereess of his lot.
" The wickedest reele orirninal on earth,"
told " avt't hold a (Audio beside a mild,
!shrinking, resptotable little bit of a women.
I've been here twenty year*, and I know
every mether'e riaeghter of 'em 'the hes
Web up to trioke for a living. Bab when a
new on oome In site's bound to swipe
something, unless one of the two girle who
werk with me have the lack be spot her an
earpieleue. Oar method of creptere i this:
I flee a woman die:6136d neatly Ard quietly,
walking slowly through eho store. Probably
she (=rice a shoppine hag on her arm, and
weara a long foil dotal'. Somatiosea elm
<aeries a beliy, bet in ttnob a dere nethts
that dodge ettraote ben ranch Memnon.
But there's reethlette like a baby to Mow
away doff in, 'Why, once itatoa Emit side
etore,wheee I begen xxiy oariser; the oearober
took twelve batiste of cologne, nix handker-
°Mete and a lot of jewelry front a baby's
tognecy. 1 suppose time hid was what you
people wbo don't kne .7 anything sheet it
would call a kleptemeniao, 'because she
sat upon Imr while wo tried be bring her to
" The cutest pooket 10 long pleee of
cloth feetened with plus at oath eide,
Omagh the lower edge la ta draw -atria*
whIch mei be wound bout the pins when
in tee. BO the finned I discover thet
pocket, the weeny polls the attiog and the
ousted! to Mean realm
under her Skirts, and I have abeolutely no
ovidenee Dadaist her, sinee neither pooket
nor pods am found on her persoa. • A cone
mon triok ato sweep emelt ertieles into ate
ambrelia ; another le to lay a junket erany
other: wrap ttpon the °muter ad perk up
with ib cloth, ribbon, lace er almoeb any.
thing. Thom if word 09Mea to worst, the
lifter mut throw the whole apparotun
%way. Yes, it its hard to know whether
a women to a kleptoreaniao or slot, bot
there are a few pretty good proofs,
The proteesionen comes in here, coot
and imitated, very eetioh era:toyed
at the indlgeiby, and perfeetly
overeorie Inlets eurpriste when diesovered
She oohs or ehrieks and herb' hereeli
eget:est the wall, offers imp:lei:zee bribea, arid
wants to draw cheques in her husbamd'e
neme, If we agree to that 'settlement she
would bring a blackmatil case misled the
heuso next week, you know. Yet, ib'S
to Itei.) the teuglaeat omens go en the plea ot
kleptomania, becauee we kaow their tease
sso w11 thet they never venture to retere.
"But the poor woman wbo oome to me by
tho &men, half.terazod with iright 1 Ah, to
le amuse,' to make one wander if the next
generation soe't be safest behlod oesylime
deera 1" exclaimed, the (impotent young
cynics vvleo is heraelf a type of the times.
The men in thes Mouse and he deteetives
at polio* heedquerbers don't believe there
are lxleptomartiece, bot they know hotter,
What earthly reason has a women who ie
one of our beet oustomera for dealing
soling's*? And yeb che wee breught here
one dity with two equeezed in her komdker-
ohlet. The detseosive had &ramie' ber to
her oendition, evidently, for when I took
her "she was cowering with shame. Her
hand wae clasped so tightly that I cored
herdly open it,. "They weren't worehhtie-
ing," elfss said," but they are so riofit 1 truest
have them for my bath. We lee her go,
of eoures, bee now she shops with a meld.
Her <moque is good for any. amorint. Moet
°Mem oan't •violet lithe jewelry counter.
The glibber
VIET DEWY 111111111./01110.
(dons Dressing Knows No Substitute W�r
the Shisential Oat*.
With Id our bimetal labor SaTiug
macbinory Midi modern inventions there are
nurnerent1 ortiolee wirith enter into, the
400114gt&Y Of manufaelone which seem crude
and eimple but which defy tmprovement.
No ono, far instence, hoe mem boon eble
to finti a substitute for whalebone. With
the diminution of the toupply and the
euermouely inoreased coot of the article,
scores ef inventors have turned their :Otero
tion to the metals and atbempeed to Supply
o subatitute, bue upto the pretend tithe
nothing as durable, totrigh and pliable as
whalebone has resulted.
Another ertielet wibhoub which no woollen
ruanuiecturer could prepare cabala goods
for the wericeb to the teazeL /4 is Aso.
Lately eseential is ratting a nap en oasis'.
eaeres and eoft woollenfabric's, mod although
scorer: of imitation tetazele have been in-
vereted Inoue aro found to give tire setiefee.
leen ef the ode libtrie burr, with itm stiff lite
tio hooka, which le so extensively exported
And oultiveted for the cloth finishirm trade.
Peewees who have never mean a teazel can
!intaglio a fur cone, set all over with little
barb°. It is really a burr, or flower head,
et thietio top of the pleat dipsaons, and se
identified le 11 with cloth droning, mid so
long and so general has been the use of the
teazel for the purpese meat:coned, that it in
even reflected la Me betas:demi name, dipsai
ono fulionnte, or "fuller's teazel."
However fa.millar the teesel may be to
permeate femiliee with woollen ma:luta:mare,
ez to those whe live in countries where it is
extent:int:1y oultiverted, time fad remains that
the greet majority of pentane have never
hoard of aech an arbiole, and will be asteni
ished to learn in when enerMOUN quantities
they are raised.
In Frence alone aix thousand mores of land
aro extensively devoted to the cultivation
of the. teazel. Fromna manufaoturers use
annuelly nearly $2,000,000 worth of the
prickly heade, and exports during the same
patted upwerd of 60,000 tons, valued at
$2O0000. When bus oonsidered thab a
Qoazel weighs net more than an erdinary
burniook the valet quantity exporbed can be
realized in part.
In addition to the French crop, which is
the Most highly esteemed, teazels are pro-
duced in enormous quatatibies in Austria,
England, Iteigium, Poland and the Crimea.
Urea reoentay they did nob grow toetia-
featorily in the 17alted States, but now they
are quits extensively grown in °aeries
county, Now York Slide, and possibly else-
where, and it la add return a fair profit be
the cultivator for the thew of money.
The priekles of the teazel have a small
knob at the end, and this mon:embed en an
Media stem, and Net with great precision on
the central spindle which, revolving, clews
bite ourface of the :lath, raises a nap which
methane:lel contrivauoes have always failed
bo cementing.
and Wm se easy to drop a handkerchief
ever a pin er bracelet. tPhe kleptomaniac
never has any profesoianal apparatus about
her. Her muff, paned or haedkerchiel Is
enoae,b, because it's the little thiuge she
oan't renter. Do yen remember thee ode
which got into the papers a while since ?
The women Wile tan old customer of a big
fine, and a well.known kleptomaniac. For
a long time nothing wee said; only the
items were put in her bill and were paid
without question. Finally some friend or
other told, and her rooms wore searched,
Under the carpets, in dravren and on
shelves were dozens and dozens of tiny toys
worth about three cents apiece. Sbe wee a
period mitesr en boys, and ahe couldn't help
taking them—evata from under the done-
tive's verynose. As a olme,they are hysteric ;
women with no aims in life. They ant weak
And nervous, well-te-do, without • much to
long for. They aren't bad or unprincipled,
because their shame and anxiety fa their
frier:de' stake to greater than for theenelvet.
My husband l' is almost the fine thin
they say when they come before me. It's
We ought to have physiolaes as wall as de-
tective:I in these tabors. I'm a woman de-
tective, yen know.'
At pollee headquarters Supt. Byrnes
minted knowingly mien asked fer opialone.
"Kleptomaniacs, if there are any such
thinga, clen't gee down here," he paid.
" We have the old etagere and their pin -
tures, and the poor women who look a
toreething which would plesoe tise young -
eters at home until they met have ers take
11. Titans what this swell kleptrouturee
emanate to—a poor woman who wasate
thing and thinkno one will wise M. Do
you waat to eels the photograpbs ef the
shopliftere who are famous ell over the
world t We've run elm in uow, but we had
to have detective:: in the ehope btfere o e
coda detect them,
linen nmabody to look one ter, became
she has been pardoned out. She is Mollie
Holbrosk, and she has been arrested in
Chioago, Bonin and New York. She
wake with jimmy Horsy, who diereses of
her gamin Mollie
.aud looked eutprised when he book the
• things away. Tb.et's jest what you have to
expect, theogh, Whett you're dealing with a
WOMau. Wilt, 'we follow the woman until
she daps at e, counter. Then ono of my
, glebe or both if noceesetry, takee her position
oloee by end antes the aqiesram, who ie
trateed to treat her se at neknown sus -
tamer, to ghee/ her certain geode. The
fere ohopliner sometime: brIen through this,
send then the.girl buys outright and trays on
the spore Them in tee oety mine:mini known
,to debectivee. Few toilers thaw) eyed leek
dawn intc her lap, the wervien nen slip a
pieee of et& Late her sham peeket or over
eher arm while the Saletnaan ante 'Cash.'
These new napes you're vveering are a, greet
snap for ehoplifbere—ahnhet as good as the
tahenle. How do we get the goods back
after we hewn traoked the thief
+anises Vie are dead sure oho has them en
her porton the moment we mooed her. X
. follow her inte the street and ask her to
kindly mammon/ me to the room whore
• the atelen property the has en her pennon
may be removed. She threetens and
Western and alio a polloemen. 1 thole
my badge and tell her the game to up and
, she comers book quietly etiough. What
happens next' aim young lady eVal toll
yeti better than L" And the detective
, glanced at a herideereely drenee, girl who
sert tapplog her gold edged lizard Skin purse
on the leo° eiroator near by. The bored
looking aide rose, polled her veil, dabbed
ein at her eminently oorreob gown and ed.
vanoed to 'he questiotred ootioerning the
queer chart:atom iteher charge,
" Dee o hard lite'kaaponoible petition
.tand I deret think It Werth the big pay,"
-oho said, leading, the way to a tiny reser?
• under ,the eteire, •where many huadred
• woman' have been steerehe?A. 4 They act
flemde when I =iron them and work
(thorns:wives into idengeroue frenziest if I ?show
•thit least 'sign of moray. fault week a Ger.
man—jest ever—oarnas in with dlieemede on
her finger,' and an 1830 gown under leer
•'blank matte saps. free wan feol eeongit to
weer the ehopiliteret packet in her skive,
whieh is
him Hoary Ward Ember Writes
Marital Respousibilitiou.
itousestic ilapniness. Drsendent Gyms
Mutual negard ror:the Peace ant Com-
fort or the Household—Wisdom* of nor.
hearauee—c. Word for Wives Also,
CV was years ago that
I Mae noon a word
l'of advtoe to husbands
regarding the romped
due to wivere, pad of
which I will copy :
"Never int with
your wife on any
ft. aubjeob that may
wound her feelings.
,,Never speak of some
,epromined virtue in
' another Illhee Wile
le With the &etre to
remind yours! of some
fade of her own. Do not be inattentive to
your wife in company. Nothing wounda a
woman's pride mere }ready or tondo ao
much to weaken her love and rasped for
yourself. '
• "If you would be euro of A pledged hour
and a cheerful wife pass your. evenings se
home with ber, or ' take her to shareadial
enjoyments with you.
"Never be otern or Wont in your own
house wad noted for your geoid glint ohm..
Nothing could be better than this advice,
and it be too often greatly needed. For, I
ask, does the masa fully appreciate the
responsibility he took upon himself when he
induced the woman with pledgee, premlees
and many kindnessers to go into a life part-
nership with him? If se, then he should
also know that he has taken upon himself a
solemn duty to fulfil these °entracte.
No punishmenb is tee great for a wan
who has perjured himself in the intenb to
gain hia desire, and in so dolarg brine
unhappiness to the one who towered him.
If the man says ib was over entiatudame,
therm it should be his duty to repair the
wrong done to bia wife by every peseible
Keep 'Sp Your VitaliAtr and Court Hygienic
The sell oese of Dr. Stebbins, el the
Boston Oity Hoepital, who died recently
frera diphtheria, contracted while pureeing
bia profeseienal dutlea as atienittieg
physician to the hospital, may have brought
on the minds of many the often -repeated in-
quiry as to the manner in which immunity
IMO contagion is ensured by decters, nurses
end °there, whose business brings them so
often ir.1 direet contact with infectioul dig.
The anewer mud be somewhat general, as
well as a repetition of what has many times
been given, butt it is not the less worth
heeding en that amount.
The two greatest safeguards against
Waterton are a etrortg vitaliby and awe -
fully oelected hygienic surroundings. The
perfected human organiser°, constantly
end properly eourIshod, end with plenby of
fresh air, is alined invite:01e against the
Menton ef dimene. Ds be etinply a eneetion
of the atievival of the reverter. Disease,
whin -a to the weaker, is pub to rout by geed
health, just as darluests mane:hes at the
apereaoh of lights.
The tstrangth of diense, lies in inking its
victim off his guard. In feet, its Meech
ere moseiy marls in eyebath, as it were,
imidieuely and againet the weekest epob in
the Eimer of its viotim.
Let a pane, in no meteor how good
heeleh, contract a Slight cold or get over -
fatigued, and inamodidely his very strength
becomes a sewn of weakness. The stronger
end more virulent types of aerate fhid a
vantage ground, mad a light begins which
lints the longer, and is the harder, me the
opp Doing fences aro the mere cq amity snatched
in strength.
It is easy to gee that even a physician,
overtaxed with vrerk o,nd eufferiseg some.
whet from a consequent neglect of hygienic:
lone may finally succumb te the dieease
amid whiole he lingerie—Youth's Companion.
04.N MANE 8100 A DAY.
(Phis le Sophie Levy, who is the wife of
Ned Lyons. She terved in Sing Sing, the
penitentiary and the Michigan Steen prisms.
She ben berm shoplifting lo Europe with
Jim Brady, a notorious burglar. Sophie
wee emoted in Paris fire pleking pookete,
end posed as M£118 do Varney. She pleyed
the lady so well that the offinn Mohamed
her, apologizing humbly for the mittake.
Seen, well, say 40 years old, light weights,
brewer hair, grey eyee, pretty yet.
She hos just bear al:rented with Billy
Burke, robbing a bank in Sterling, Ky.
Billy had $46,000 in greoubacke hi hie
bands when mated.
There WM Maria Burke and Annie Herr.
meat, who work together in shoplifting.
They are the cleverest ehoplifters end
pernmereightere (jewelry thieves) In the:
country --well known everywhere. They
ha.vo a dozim al10sos, wad have been sear -
termed to preen in Now York, Breeklyn
and Oincieneeti-ntenglidooking onetemers.
This is Kato Leary, who bee worked with
Sophie Lyons. She has jest worked Europe
pretty thoroughly, end has'oenee to live ab
Bay Ridge on her money. • She'll give no
manothing to do before long, I geese. They
den% leek the real stylish thieven do they ?
When they do eppear the metren upstream
will tell you what she thinks about klepte-
you knew, The opening wee at tlao edge
-of her round belle end the bag fell straight
'bo her knees. There were ta. lot el lidie
Orinkete in it, %nil when I discovered
-them the thrOw hereelf %Pound ea that
+ hard to dell the doteetrive. Ho amide%
de anytheng whh bar, end NelOre Sha
oleft the dote three WW1 Steneet literate of the Beglish rev.orestlert.
IttlE for Rubber Stamps.
From a Gemmel num the "National
Dzuggiet" receivee thins goneged fernitila for
an kik free from oil fer , nee with rubber
Menne Make a inixissire, of ono pert each
of distilled water, whikeetineger end adoohol,
with EleVeN learn of' gip:eviller. Per color,
add a little leen then one peels el anilin blue,
methyl violet or logo.
nearniog Oros* Experience.
you believe," he saidme he tenderly
ttroked her ludo • "Do you believe thee a
deep, abiding lovo 1110 were can ever
Lite out?"
"Nob now, George, 1 'don't," she re-
spended. " But 11 alwale did in my pre-
view: mintage:matte."
WO PDS who or, grout], In owed to
their 'Mato to WM Wernan ESP4Matsperk W
weinent rIghto without some usgas „
nuuk. Eethoto# brothers, .huobleub, weop
are they pet bone of our bone, thigh ef Our
llooh t Wblle wo oogorly prose torwOrrl 'to
earnest oudowfot to Owd oldo by oblo *kb
these doer relations, why net wieh to work
bonrtaheintih4efennsaiwivethasthifeenionVirtindg of
boaftIx0,t 4bth
aedroorobeald ro,,trrym seer, tirw
e itoya,
lug command should*, remembered, fil3ear
yo ono another's burdens."
now To LionTuR nunrixes.
It is the dnty,of the wife tie keep in view
that there ere many perplexities in.
now life that try e maies patience beyond
endurance, and oho to the Safety valve. ft
Is only a mornentaty hinieg of deem.
Learn the lemon of not beteg toe send.
dee ; it will save marry a heed:eche.
There are may burdens the hueband can
help bear. He max Hoiden the wife's by
net compelling from her those petty coon
males that be will not Mae upon bieneelf.
Melee to become interested be that whit*
interests the ether.
"1 wish you we-alci keep your butanes
aerates out ef your home. I core nobbling
about them." It is the wifiete duty to aura
and knew. A bright women will often
here ten idea that mey be of ineetimebie
veleta to the man. Ail the iateiligence does
net lie in the darner sex.
Ou the other heed, u.o mtro has a right
to deprive his wife ef Mutt which adds to
her happiness and only needs a little pelf -
denial on hie pert to wank
Ete mei say, "She am have all the
friends she clealree. She can do en she
pleases ; but they ere berm to me, and 1
home ne filtered be whet she deem 1 muet
be loft out." Oen you not tee yon cannot
be left ant? You but plum your wife in an
embarrassing position—one isa which she
hot to baffle the curious comment:1 that
manually follow the woman whose hatband
never asen.
A men should be careful in his commente
to hie wife Lsa regard to her rellgioue9 nature.
Dose he think the is tee conecientheuts ?
Has he not leaned that if a wifen coneeferete
is aonsitive to wrong -doing he can impin
clay trust her 1
• Bub beware ef making it callous, fer there
may come a time when she is not worthy of
brad. .And through whose faults ? Yonne
for failing in yeur duty to her.
A men nye : "Ohl I as a rough
brute. • I speak out whet I think. I had
no intention ef hurting." It may be the
wife's duty that she, at first, overlooks this
lack of refinement ; but is it net the men's
duty gist he try to govern these nrontly
tongue and nob tax her forgivenen toe
Bub while reading the above ean ono
avoid the question "De net wives need
ea* emblem quite as often ma their boo-
boo& 2"
Perhaps we may be stomewhat behind the
age, but we plead guilty to some little gun
pathy for nuabande.
Suppose, good wives, while you read the
above advice again, you permib us to ask
you a few quest/ens:
Did yen never prelim same emiellence or
virtue in your friend's httoband vette greet
enthuslearm, purponly to remind your hus-
band of some fault plainly seen in, his
°hesitater or habite, indeed of gently re.
mindbm him of them when alone with him!
Da you never mat your humband, when
isa company, with inattention er neglect,
while politely and cordially aceepring the
attentione—parhaps flint:tries—of Ins noble
men ?
Have you never inimetiently Warned year
husband in the preaenoe of a third party?
No mare is more sennitive to blame'in the
pretence of °there theta a istasband when
the it:aura comes from hie wifids lips.
Small Fry.
To a third 'Derby it be eametimes surpris.
ing how much7pride a large man can take in
(teething a mall fish. So it must heve
mooted to a saroadie yeurig woman of
whonr WO read In the Washington Star:
Two or three young men were exdaibiting
with great satisfaction the remits of a day's
fishing, whereupon thin young woman no
morked, very demurely:
" Ebb go in eobeele, de they not r"
"1 believe they de; but why do you
"Oh, nothing, only I was just thinking
Meat you must have broken up an Went
About the Jeumaning
How ineignificsint a deeeyed tooth looks
after it le out 1 Vs/Itess kb Is at herae end '
busy at Work 11 felb as big %RI a mooting
leoeste, bet after it has boon kicked out of
&sees it looks so ariell that bbs mews like
efftontoey to tender lb to the dottiest its
reent for hie Services.
Cromwell and Heenteden did not attempt
to sail be Aorowira lad before the otrebrate
One Way to Eat Oranges.
Then who take an orange every morning
may like to try the manner of eating them
that prevails in the land of oranges. Take
a thiunkinned, heavy °ranee thrust a fork
thlough It iron:: the stem and, and with a
amp knife out the rind away, bagineing at
the fork end cutting downward. Pima the
orange en too for a half hour wad bring it to
the table with the fork atilt in in If
omegas are good they an be einem from
the pulp with perfect same mad +stab much
more satiefaction than will be experienced
in any other way of serving.
Brazilian Rebels Charged With the
• Most Wanton Slaughter.
The Rebels' Forts Mort of Asumusition--f
Within Citizens Want Protectiles-i;
• Isonsbarding Growling lliouctourossi
HE cannonading he-
/. bloom the Government
forts aud the insurgents
is of daily occurrence
and the civilians iss the
city have became as
used to the booming of
the guns that it excites
little more than passing
enema& This mays
perhaps, be due to another ousts, that les
thab it is net good policy to too openly di*.
cuss politioal opinions.
Fort Villaignen, held by the enemy, has
net replied to the fire directed against th
with Me usual spirit. It Is supposed that
this le due to lack of ammunition. The
Government foram replied briskly to the
firing, but what leas, if Maly, was balloted
upon the Ineurgento is not known.
On Dec. 21s1 several innurgent launches
cruised alorg the shore of the Sande dis-
trict end directed a hob fire against the
opeotators who had gathered there through,
ourinity. The latter smattered in every
direction for shelter, but many were killed.
The launchers cruised up anal down the
beech for an beer, inflicting all the damags
they liessibly could. Whe exact number Ed
perwene killed cannot be ascertained, but
rumor has it that two eartieede of bodkin
were oerned off. It is pretty certain that
the Government soldiere piked up sixteen
Judging from the outlook it is mkt te say
that another engagement between the Goo -
torment forces e,ad the insurgent vessels is
imminent. The Arnett= warships are
uuder orders to be ready to move out of
range of -the fire zb an hour's notice.
Se far as oan be learned no answer has yet
been received from the pretest sent to Lord
liembery, the Britleb Fereign Secretary, by
a Lumber. of British mar:shoat ceptains
againet the ectien of Oapt. Long, senior
British naval officer here, end C. IL
Wentiham, the Brinell Minister,
who, the
cepteine elailm, refine to pretect them in
diroharging their cargoes. The property
represented by the signers of the protest is
ertimated to be worth $15,000,000.
npparently opera deepelsoh in Portu-
guese has been reectived by au 'resurgent
sympathizer here, but lb conveys the matte
informetion that the dynamite cruiser,
Nietheroy, has loft Pernambuce, her desti-
ination beim: the Ielartd of Fernando de
Nerenba, 125 miles off the eastern extremity
of Brazil. Her object, it is maid, Is to meet
the torpedo boate that are expeoted frem
The insurgent troope who, it was pro -
mind, were to come from Rio Grande De
Sul to invest the omitted, have not appeared,
and if the neva from that State can ba de-
pended upon, is it more than likely that
their esrvice,2 ere tequired there. Mho de-
fence of Bage, isa Rio Grande Do Sul,
amend the insurgent &Macke, is roaeting
with high eneeMitilL3 from the military
autleoritiee there.
The Government is elowly but apper-
enty surely depriving the ineurgents et
their sources oi supplies.
11 is reported the Government has nego-
tiated a loan brand upon deposits amounting
to ever $12,500,000 held by the Bank a
Etateglan ta enure Me oirconation.
The damage done to the oity buildings
by the insurgent fire does net amoun.b 10
more than $7,500.
Daring twenty days of Deoember there
have been :lipped 129,262 bags ef coffee.
Durbeg the corresponding twenty days bat
year the ensiles shipment:9 amounted to
201,868 begs. These figures show one of
the effects of the itsturreotion.
American naval officers here say the
insurgent ships are not half manned, and
that the forme on the normal Iolanda held
by the insurgents aro shorthanded.
Itt is your duty 10 guard her frera all
embarrassment:especially where you are
the acne.
Et may he said a woman's duty lies in her
home'and a men has hie in hie business
but hew alcont the duty to nob, ether at
the end of the reoperate day's work ; the
duly in the :social world that broadens and
strengthene your OW12. Lir each rieede some
help the other cannot give
The other sex—te whom we belono e.nd
who belong!' jean an eurely to us—wilf bring
no obstaele to retard owe pregreesiif,
while seeking to rise, to Math en 'ngher
ground, every year, on retain the baauti-
101 ef true gentle, lovieg
womanhoeci—a mach. snider type and far
more mare to gain the end Borsht than the
imperious:, faultfinding kind, which oan only
no reproach.
Wo fully understand &Al that to said or
may be said of a Malaki rough, abrebt, ever.
bearing ways. Pertente there le a little
spice of tyramny in every melee composi-
tion '• bus it may be vire, that ever sinoe
the days ef Queen Erse'l if not from the
very beginning, carefeInvetationtion wiii
find enough of this mime quelity in her own
sex to eatablish atir ct&im ta Ind to
eistorhood. Bub, admittiam thee those im-
perious trate are purely metionibi
ee do we
not knew haw those unceenferteble end nn.
desirable qualities may be softened, if net
entirely conquered
When the traveller wrapped Me oleak
about him to withstand the tempest the
storm deeconded 10 greet wrath ; the wind
reared in fury, rocking him to and fro,
whirling him like a teenier eleag the read
in the vain endeavor to tear the cloak from
about him while h.e hugged it alt the mere
cloaely, anid they coeld net ostiquer bim
Brit SectU the sun creme to him—genbly,
neleedesely—and the iron will and sturdy
frame that so euecteseictily defied the atone
an.d fierce wind bowed before the genial
and comforting lathes/mei amid acknow-
ledged eit conqueror.
And thus may woman, if she will, by
love and gentleman find willing subjects,
who will reoegniza her power rand give
hearty supped and encouragement to all
her %spirt:Memo for knowledge, happy to
bolsi her in full equality with themselves.
Are you never elletab or irritable isayour
own home vett& no one bon your husband
to entertain, but full ef life, wit and Malta-
bilitur in cempeny
It is quite right that husbandhould re-
ceive the counsel time given, end, taughb by
the lesson it la designed to beech, endeavor
to augment the joye of home. But abould
neb wives Mao be equally ready to take the
lame into their own heats? Are we nob
equally Rabic to trammel in the tame nay?
Aye, more so. For home la our kingdom
where we inay reign supreme if we are
wise, and held the sceptre with a gentle
lesnd, praying for then guidanee which wilt
ever eatable 00 te control ohr ants so that
the taw of lave and kindness than ever
govern our speech.
Every wife feels a thrill ef pledure in
belaying e'er& ef praise given te her hus-
band, and the respeot she eees aocorded te
him by others inoreerna her ham:noose.
Though a roan may pretend to be indifferent
to what others think of him he should go
enemy hilivedi in thought, word, and deed,
that no blush of shame for hie leak of prin.
elpie hob1 00130 to her. And site, for hie
sake as well as her own, sheuld not be
weary in well doing.
We have seen young people begin married
life with every prow:lee of the most parfait
happiness and in a few monbho make strip -
wreck of it all by their own unguarded
wade, impatient looks and ungoverned tem-
A talent for spicy and brilliant repartee
may charm and enliven a party, give einem-
meet to motel intercourse and endow ite
pawnor with a certain position, envieble
or etherwiee ; but in the hem° cirole it is a
de:apron gifts, unfortunately mere fre-
quently noticeable in women than ha mem
Vase. Not newts.
The later authoriblee 10 wort% have come
to the moue of the publics. They Say dab
a etreightforwlard English pronunciation of
the word vest le 'efficient and deetrable. Isa
catch a sane Ms rhymes,' With MSS or bone. In
certain :Atoka the object be:tomes a Vase ;
if it is a peaole-blow it le a yahoo, and if it
la In Boston lb is a valve. The new dicer
Ornery meaty's have emashed orso annoying
effeatation of laeguege.—New York Sun.
• A itady who wee about to be merried
metered printing ornoe aud. ordered A Mon-
bev ef ir,vittetiotte to be „printed. The pro-
prietor, es jovial itort of num, tbirakieg he
ought to eley something, reworked : 44 It
some to me that anYorse tebe Marten la
theate herd %Moe has considerable °outage."
" Well," replied the itedyi are all /rub
of week and We've got in do Homothing, you
We have frequently recoiled as from a
blow on hearing, in company, theee who
should he one lu haarb slaow their wit and
brilliancy in this line to the disoemfort and
snneyanee of their own/Senior: ; and we fear
au* remarks aro quite as often snade by
the Wife to by the husbend. De husbands
and wivea enffiniently bear in mind Mutt
when they prouounced the in:wrist° vews
they took the nye of each other's honor and
respectability into their own hande, to
cherish or destroy I God has made then
bend se inooperable that all homer bestoWed
on the one poem ever to and is eheted by
the oblaer, end all weetag, all erten awl site -
grecs that aro °hinged to the one oze equally
injurieue to the other. Whey are one,
It neon of tote forthioniable to talk and
write much aboub injusblee to Woman. We
are told how her feelings are disregarded,
her right ignored, the poseibility of her ate
tinning any literary eminence or standing
0000 equelity with Daze smelted at, and their
ovary efforts that is made to ralate the sex
Meets with tidioule.
VA are far from haWlf-ont to such Offsets
nave ageVar WM WA a Parana SO PoneI that hate for their abn the obwat on
Ire Could no U.
In a church in Ireland a yeung pried
took for his text, "The Footling of the
Multitude." Bat he :aid, "Ansi they fed
ben people with ton thousand leaves ef
breed and isen theneand fishea." Thereat
san oldIrishutan said "That's Ile miracle;
bogorra, I could d* that myself," which the
pried overheard. The wriest Sunday the
print announced the name torte but he Ind
it righb thin time, "And they fed ten
theueaud people oss tee kenos of bread and
ten fishee.' He waited a emend, mad then
leaned over the range and Enid "And
emend you do thee, Mr. Murphy 1" Murphy
replied :Sure year revere:ace, I could."
"And how could yen do it 2" amisi tkte
priest "Sure, your reverence, I oeuld
do it with what was left ever from lad
Jia‘n. the as-aallaa foxhole pontiff. woman, but we are Wawa Mad grieved
Her First Thought.
A woman whose only eon is about 16
menthe,old fives not far from a big mill in
which there was a serious explosion a few
days ago. A gentleman, °ening tepee her
ehortly afterward, baquired about her expo -
" Did you rosily feet the shook ?" said he.
" Yes, indeed I" elm replied. "11 ehook
the house frora cellar to garret."
"And what did you think was the
matter 2"
"1 thought] the baby had fallen out el
bed," was the unexpeotedanewere—Toronto
"Flowers for Dinner."
Ho—You say there are no flowers for the
dinner teble 1 Where are the chrimanthe-
mums I nut home ?
810--.0e, George,
Meet aped: es loud,
you ratght hurt Bridgeb'e feelings ; she
didn't underatraed whet) they were end leas
000kere them ha milk 1
Hoye Deferred.
Clevereen--When do you expect to be
married, old man
Dasheway (rIonceity)—I don't know.
Clevereen—Wby, /taunt she met the day?
Dal:homey-0m day 1 Why, mho haen't
get the yea yet !
The Earth's Path Around the Sun—IIS
Daily Revolution on Its Axis—The Orbit
of the Solar S stem Around the Pleiades
—sm. Incomparable Jouraey.
Yesterday the earth began anew its,
journey on its path of 600,000,000 milers
areund tiae sun, clueing the four manna.
sprirg, Rummer, autumn and winter, and
enoompliehlog the olrouib at the rate of
68,000 Trailers an hour, in 365? days. The
unfailing continuity Beduin precis:don with
which this has transpired, age after age,
strikingly illuntrates the stability of nratural
lews, which are the mode of e.otion of
Almighty power. Let it also be
remembered—for that which is an
earring every day is apt to be for -
penal aud taken as a matter of
often:se—then thie great globe, bhe earth,
revolvers on its axis, at the rate of about
1,000 miles an hour, once in every 24 hours,
causing day and night. The solar system
ab the same time, is circling% oentre in the
direction of Aloyeno, a star of the Pleiades,
at the rate of 154,186,000 miles tbe year.
Maedler heti shown that the motion of all
the tare In around Aloyene, and than thin
stor is therefore the centre of the material
heave:re. Thesolar system end other
ayetenn oomploto the orbit around the
Plele,des in about 18,200,000 years. Alcyone
chines with a light equal to 12,000 of our
suns, aud ie the brightest sten known to um
The latest mientific ieforMotion is that the
Lick Oboavatory imstanetehave revealed
500,000,000 ouns in the Mite Way. CCak-
leg au average of eight ptimary planate Mr
oath of these tuns—like our OVID system,
viz., 1V1eroury, Venue, Ernesto IVItarnlupiter,
Sateen, Theme, Neptune—thia presents a
6eid for exploration which would require
dervity be visit (keeping Gebriel's time,
beteg 'termed to fly swiftly), and in corn-
perison with weds% any other .jeurney
4witidieu tato ineignificance.
The Wife—Oh, pionee don't go eat
dear. The Hetabend—I don't want to go
out, but 1 th.einght I would take A 500
down town for belf an hoes; the boys axe
beginning to say 1 eau tied to my wife's
aprob. string. 'The Wife—Well, whale harm
is there IA that? rie it wrong for a hue.
bend to be attootted to hie wife r
The loomed megneb In the world is at
Witletle Polot, L.L t is made of two eon.
deinned Dahlgren game eaoh cif 16-inolt
eelibreweround with eight tidies of heavy
amine end °lunged with coleotrieity.
Jamenoe—Are you golds; to refurnith
your homer 7 Fitz—No, fromeron---Well,
saw your wife in a furnittwe store the
other day pricing difforout artioloo.
Eiho did that so as to find out what •
Brower/ now furniture non. •
MAW Did lie Dwane?
Mr. Bennebt be a bright and well•preeerved,
old gentleman, bub to ins little grand.
dm:Meter, Mabel, ha Deems very eld ihdeed.
She had been aiding ou hie knee and
looking at hien serienny for eatto momenta
otte day, 'when the said, "Grandpa, were
yott10 th,o ark?"
"Wiry, no, any aver 1" gazpod her astern
inhoe grandparent,
gabein eyee grew harp and round wilt
enteeithinente 6. Than vrhy weren't; yen
dyeweed 2" mho aelted.
Alfred tho Greet did not 'della the Denisb9
ramp disguieted as a Wetted.
• The incidence of the collesteue of Rhoda ie
ooraildered by some histetient rail existentially