HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-11, Page 2WITH THE SEAL KILLERS, It's a Butcher -Like liminess Getting the Floe Pelts, THE SIGHT A DISGUSTING ONE. Who following letter from st naval officer on bawd the U, B. °raiser IYIehioan, dated leat July, he been a long thee on its way, but it gives a vivid plague: of seonee on the end ',shoe& during the killing semen: The morning of the 14th we left St. George% and that afternoon anchored oil Bio Fent'''. From our onehorage off Ste, George we could see hundreds of Beale, but from the one off Bt. Pool's we cotuld ueo thousands, gathered in burothes of from three er Nur to what appeared to be groupo , of ithiety or forty. Them: groups consist of one red bull ond his wives, the number of the letter depeuding en the strength and courage of the head of the family, for every bull ha te fight foe eaoh wife in the beglineng 212211 continues to de eo bo leeep her. Oa July 15th we had to steam around the lifted alter a reported sesder, hue we caw nothing and amain reithored near the village on the Island of St. Peel's, but on the other eide, where we cattle the larger reacher's:: than we had then before. The captain and some of the officers wont on shore he the forenoon, but were net Allowed to go neer the rookeries for fear of disburbieg the seals. Freon the ship, how- ever, we get a very geed view of the lineups, and as tlae morning warmed up they became Ignite restless. The femalee teemed to want to get away, but each old male kept circling round his group and kept his wives all huddled in. Seine of the groups had as many as thirty er forty, while ethers had only two er three. These with the small herems were oomparatively quiet, while the ethers: were having a hard time. Some aged males were eff en one side by themeelves, and they ceemed to be enjeying life bemuse they could have an un- disturbed sleep. The males are ranch larger than the tomcat' and from a distance look bleak, while the le:melee are a dirty yellow- ish gray. In the water they sall spinier nearly black, and their heads have quite e. human appearance. They have no fear of us and play ohne around the ship. The young ef eaoh family are off en ene side of the group of females end leek like a lot of blank pigs. One rookery contains several thousand maim and they keep up a constant bleating, like a flock of sheep. The North American Commeroial Com. ;pany has the exclusive right to kill :male en the islands, and it is allowed to kill enly 7,500 a year, for which it paye the .Goverament $10 a piths. A few years, when the Alaska Commerciel Company hai the cantracb, lb was allowed to kill maims - red thousend a year. Lad Menday there was a "drive" of male for killing on St. Peas bland, and many of the officers of the Mohican went to gee ib. The "drive" is made from the bachelors, and net from the rookeries or the breeding places. The Indians slip along between the Beale and the water, surround there and force them back he the killing ground, when they eelect out of the herd such as they want, knock them en the head with n club And let the red go back. Occasionally they drive about twelve to fifteen hundred, ont of sthieh they got about two hundred killehle sale. They kill enly the bachelors that are from 5 te 6 wean old and leave enough of the oldeet of them for heeding purposes. Tire genie are driven back a mtle or two team the beach to kill, and they drive nearly as well as sheep following a leeder, but releoh slower, of resume. The poor °rem three soon get out of breath and have to step frequently to rest. It takes about four tetire te delve them one mile. 43he weather here is cloudy and foggy 1210BIS of the time. We heyhad s glimpse of the sun Indy once or twice since we came -lute the ma, and then it OMB only a bright 'pot in the closade. Much of the time the leg to no dents that it drape from the rig. ging like se rauch rain. The steam heat helow keeps our quertere and olothes dry. On Friday there was aunther big Beal ft drive," svialeh I attended. The poor n nimais bed been driven in from two places, end when we went over there wore 'About nix thousend of them en a level pleat: of gxennd. The boys were tending them with very little trouble. They would detach a bench of from thirty to fifty and drive them a little distrothe from the herd, when they would huddle up in a epace of fifteen to twenty feet equate Mho four expert men with elutes about idx red leng, leaded at erne end, would Beleot the mole seals of proper size and kneed: them ever the head. They would reenti over and whack them right and left while they were estrambling over one anether, always keep. 1.74 a lookout nob to get bitten. Sense every bunch were reedy to fight and wean -very savage, but _generally they were net the ones the men tied -red to kill. As soon as they bed kfiled what they wanted from a. bunch the rest were perraittedte °neaps and go to the beach agent. After the killers came the skbanere, eouse of whom will take eff a pelt in less than a minute. The women fellow the old:mere and take such poste as the,y want for food, Eitel: one ear. slog a sealskin bag 091 her bath, whirl will held about forty peered.: of meat. The men nuts up the omen and pat math parte as they want into the bags, when the women trudge off to the tottlemente to return for another load. They take only the shedders, flip- pers and livers, carefully reenevieg ael of the blubber. no eight le a dieguselose, one, oppecially when they kill, Re they dul yesterday, near the old kiillng place, where deeewing :ar- oma are known around by the hundrede, omitting a fearful odor. I have nob learned how many were killed on Friday, but I onould judge about one thousand. About one in four of each hunch wee killed, the ethers being either too old nr too young. Who oompeny sonde the prate to the Louden market, where they are mid to be worth about $30 eaoh. They 'menet be bought here e,t any price. thought laid not want any gag male but we bad oomo liver for dinner yesterday "tad some steak to -day, and both were very Mme liver was as oleo as any I eve; ate and the steak was superior to any beef - *teak that I have had in a long time. cUA ABOUT THE KAISER. Precautions Takeo by William Against Surprise Packets. HE DEVELOPS A NEW TALENT. -------- 'anew !Method of Avoiding Being Stared at ftpilkurett—A New noyae Caleb rums, —Wrineen Charlottes 17'foolly, WhitY Tower.ollflouteLeieris--Ernese of Rcillos- wig Wins Ms Indy neve—illeventy Lliczal Itlintriaties and Their Consiold- cated Effect—Killed by BWOLUOVV141g an /India Glibber BRIAN, ---- Where le 4 vast amount et patio - faction amoogst Berlinere thot Kaiser W' ilbeltn told old Caprivi have received attention at the hande of the dynamitere. And etronge to isay, tho setts - faction does not arise ab iho fact of the mechuniciel oontrivancen nob having gone off and blown both Emperer and Chancellor to amitherowee, hub elesply becenme then two augunt permit:egos were eel:mind Re the objects: of the ditetadly atter& wadi thus helm been the moans of bringing Berliners into a prominent peeition In the world's doings and leading characters) in an np-tes dein Enropean matter of moment:. Berliners e.re inerdinetely vein end bumpitious. own °pinion is that the Almighty hen aelected them cm the leading 91500 and they have lately resented the fact that'the anar- chists have not coneidered thorn et Buflialont importance to take inte theft programme of general extenntratien. New tooi ceiri eat change, and to hoer them talk ono would think that the Barcelona outrage end every- thing that has gone before it be not worth mentlenime when compared with the " hor- rible" ttempt perpetrated in their very midet. The newspapere me In a greet reassure reopen:Able for the tone hasumed by the people. Miley take their one from .the Keiser, hie doings end utterances, and are rapidly educating the people to imagine thenstelvee each end individually equally inspired by Provide:me as thelx auguet ruler. The word "13erl10er" is for them synenymoue with everything that is great and wonderful ; " we Bertinere" tethe second word in meat daily leaders, end one frequently reeds things' like this: The brave Berlin boy threw himeelf into the water to the rescue." The result of all Ode is that the populace is eseent rip with its MA conceit, and it le Impossible to per- euade :my main 00 matter whet his weight or ago, that he Is not equal in phyeital etamine, moral teaching, aocorepleduarterrits and personal beauty to may six or ether European rations. The Keiser has s.ffeobed to lenges at the postal bomb basin:Bee az an !potence of hes song frail and personal bravery but never- theless he has given ;Arid insisraetions thee all his lettere ere to be opeued by his eeoretariee, and at the prompt rnemeoat he would no mere thiek of breaking the asal of the moot innement, 'sweat scented billet: deux than he would ef gallopieg fall %bon hie favorite charger to meet in mortal com- bat an Etdvariaing °aprons train. If the anerolaftts really want to, get at him they will have to invent a novel method eotally alien from the medium of the poet; for a long time to come. When Wittlain le caught it will oertainly not be thee way. rightly or weaselly, end b ublobboly mooting tu Wed,. EOPELARITY OYISISCONS ()WILMER. Charlotte, oldest deter of the Emperor, eitioaher. morriage boon nonolly known, es Hereditary Priv:tees ot Boae-Idolningen. It h3 not the °erred thing for osupleo in the tucooesson to very minor thrones to give themselves the airs of great severeigne' Wafts, A Crown Prime and Prim:toe belong to moth/1g; lima teen 95 tellogdons ; and Seem Meittletgen is a mall duchy. Charlotte de- served the eldest eon of a lelog or °vaporer, bet there wae none handy when the &rived et a marriageable age; and her mastetful mother, seta Hospreoo Frederick, then o Crown Frincene would brook no delay, hav- ing other deughtere coining en. Baddee leetstg ono of the olevartheanilmont charming of OA Rsi Ftenceesee, she Is in tempers. moot, in will and, Impulse) muoh like her brother Wilhelm. See le not beautiful in feelterte, though her figures like her mother's, Is exquisigo ; but her coloring is lovely, end Ism personality is so :piquant, aad dainty in detail end effeet that the festinates every- body vibe Immo) her. She wears her hair 10 the veotilly, twiggy tower of tight curie. le is melt, fine, dark brown hair, and she has a great deal of it. She is witty, earths - the end lull of IUD. A not particulerly hippy snartiege Deems to have little effect upon her high lepirits. She lives in Berlin meet of the year, and is exceedeagly pop. Wan. TRUE LOVE WINS IN THE LONG RUN. P911300 Erneet of Schleswig-Milan:en after all Is to marry the lady of his olesiee, the Princese Sybil of Cereleth-Bentleen. Some Aix months ago there were a great many poreeparlers between his brother-in-law, the Emperor, and hie:welt, William being strongly Against the merrlege. not thinking it a geed enough matah for so near a rela- tive to make - beide whieb the esclaadre coma:timing the young lady' e rnether, the Princess Oarelath-Benthen, who left her haeinand and child for the society of the fasecinatIng lady-killer, Count Herbert Bismarck, with whom she lived in Sicily for some time. However, when the divorce was effected between her husband and her - and she was at liberty to marry again, Count Herbert left her to her own devices:, much to her disguet. iiigirriER OI MOIOOALITI tie Look& Foriard to a Life Beyond the Tomb s Portals. HAD NO BOSTATIO EMOTIONS. OMB unpublished let - tem of Whittier are now beitsgmode The lettere bridge the mows between 1879 end 1892 ; but little passe wilt be taken to net° m the exact date, unless te It have otannection with the quotedpathege The following was penned in the summee of 1879, in reply to a tatter expreesiog my Met tag, and doubt. Beth Mr. Whithier and I lad interne sympathy with the mental ex. perianth of Charles Iamb, an given with suoh faeoleating neturseneen in, his tore." * * * "1 suppose nine out of ten really thoughtful people, were they to ex- press their real feeling, would speak molt se thee do, of the minted dreael end long- ing ' with white:: they look forward to the Inevitable surrender et life. Of course, temperament and pre:tent eurreundinge have remit influence with no. There ere some solneseesfied male who, as Charles Iamb gays, 'ran stalk into futurity ern Mtn' but there are more fearingn and despondency than greathearts in view of the leen of ell we know.' "1 home herd Garrison telk much of his faith In epiribetelism. He had ne donbts whatever, and he was very happy. Death was to him but the passing from one room to another and higher one. Bub big facts did not convince me. I am slow to believe new things, and in a matter of meth tre- mendous interest, I want 'assurance double sure.' I wonder whether, if I could see a real gheet, I 'should believe my own sante. I de sometimes feel very near to dear onee who have left me—perbans they are with me them I am mire they svould be if it were Possible. "01 ece thing I feel sure '• that some- thing opteide of rayeelf speaks to me, aed holds me to duty; warns, reproves and approves. It Is good, and it requiree me to be good ; it is wise, and it knows the thought and intents of the heert. It is to me a revelatien of God, end of Hie cher. aoter end attributes ; the one importent fad, before which al ethers them ineignifi- card. " I have then little or nethIng of what is called spiritualism ; I do not thisale ite frnite have always been good; but the beet things may he abuted and counterfeited. I wish there was a poosibility et knowing what ib really is." "1 entirely sympathise with thee and dear Charles Lamb. I have ne lenges youth and :strength, fsnd I have not mece te hope for, as ter as this life is concerned. Bub I enjoy life ; it is a plettsent tiling to beheld the sun.' I love uature it her varied aspecte, and, as I grow elder, I find much love in my fellenhoreatures, and elm: more to pity. I heve the instinct of im- mortality, but the conditions et that lito is nnknown. I cannot conceive what my ewe identity and that of dsar sues gaze before me will les. And then the unescaptable Dense of sin in thought and deed, And doubt- less some naisconeeptien of the character of God, makes the boldent of no cewards. Dose thee remember the epitapinpremer at Mentin Eiginiered ? "Here lie I, Martin Eiginbrod, Have pity on my soul, Lord God, As I waddo where I Lord God, An' ye where Martin Elginbrod." "1 think there ft a volume of comfort in that verso. We 0hr/ethane seem lese brave and tranquil, in TIM ef death, them the old, Stele etages. Menem Marcus Antonini -gm I wonder if the creed of ehristendem is really the glad tidlege of joy of all people whioe the angele sing ef. For mewl!, I believe in God as jutted, goednese, tenderame---ft one word, hive ; and yet my truot 10Him is not strong enough to overcome the natural shrinking from the law ef death. Even our Master prayed than that cup might pens from Hotn If it were pe.seible." The year 1879 brought no the lose of W. L. Garr/eon, the noble Refermer,_ and Bay- strd Taylor, the Lunette poet and traveler. Both were doe friends to Whittier, end a letter dated 3rd, Mo. 19, of this year, he writee "Peer Beyard wen braied tes. dews ago in the old Qaeker buriel ground ef Inatome& How tinny of my lift came panione have so dropped out of sight! And they make no sign 1 But the deer God has not mooked no with the hepe of tumor, taiity. I feel it rather then hepo it, toad believe in spite of all the epeoultations and naterislities of the day." Again, in a letter of 5 Mo. 25, 1879,: "I have been waiting sadly for emus days to hear of the departure of my dear and timely friend Garrison • and now lb is an - mimed. From the Aght hand and the left, one by me, aimed all ray old Mende have dropped teat o/ the Journey of life : " Liko clouds that race the mountain summits, Like waves that know no guiding hand, So swift has brother followed brother From sunshine to the Sunless Land," SEVENTY COUPLES ILLEGALLY MALEIED. 7.1:.eurieue incident has juin taken plaae st Solingen, The officer of the municipality charged with the enerwee 0091M206/911 of perferraing the cavil part of the matrimonial nerving) fell ill and was uzable to perfermhts bindle:tea BO the bnrgereagter and his am tene ants feals even themselves to perform it, although they had no right to de so, and unitail in narriage eeventy happy couplet'. Ali these marriages hued te take place again, but lb appears that levered among them, having had for several days the experience of mauled life, decided that they had quite °Dough of it, and did not agatn appear be- fore the mune:epee °factor to tie the conjugal knot securely. This has opened up no end of legal complicates:me end several of the egwrieved spouses ere suing the State for damages f or having dragged them into &ti- tle= wedlock. BMW TURNS BANDMASTER. There is of course nothing that Alm3gliten William cannot de. He knows evernehlug and can give the most learned no geed dart and an dew beating in all branches of met, literature, radio, meleliering en in fact, eny other matter that mortal men kuown any- thing about. The military bend el the Feet:eat:rile, which is about one of the beet In Europe, was plegiug a inerth in the courtyard of the Schiota a few doya ago, but the Vane did Not suits Wiliiern, Ho thought he knew more abed it then bbs conductor, so ho satmegittwey emerged grom the paten!, stopped the must° end, tehtseg the bet= from the bandemetseet hand, OEM - ducted the pithe hinted/ to his own beam ing. The musielamo were in a Mete terror, but he warmed thorn no to galop tine, and when he hed finisbed returned the baton to the conductor with the remark, "Next time you ploy thet march play it propmly. I have given ewe Cho °erred time, new cliemien the bend, go to barrecice and play nothing elee for a eveth." Thee order was religiously oarried item effect, and for a whole week the Georde 1911019 no other raelody hut thae ethentelo march, which no man ceauld keep step to. Bol WON'T BE STARED AT ET CETURCE. Those lengagentensta lite*YOu aro very provoking I ren talk as if our engagemoiat wore atet going to roeult in marriage. Eike—Yea aro Mere provoking 1 Yeti talk , -Sits 11 11 were. Cesey—llere'e a problem in rset'imetios der ye. How many telmem v411 Wan go into toot Keilly—Wall„ sv Wm Watt drink, an '• Wei it vrtall go into me, end thatht the hell ay tain "1 dotebthink my wife ifs going to give rries Chrietmed Oaten* this yeate "You illsetiftr " Ho ; sho heen't ooked me for ony money Wilt 14 thing' that sb,d need. Itterhatiff% JAPAN'S ANCIENT CAPITAL. A Visit to &me of its Wonderful Old Temples. THE WONDERS OF HER PALACES The arioanns aithirlival the Mikados -- A litrartge ilontoutent--lattrs as Trophies— Great litatues—Ethere ' Centuries Bound Short. by wo seetelemen to to ileaven. Long years ago'in times Do remote ths.t history does not fix the epoch, a dreadful war was waged by the King of Scotland:. ficattith valor prevailed, and the king, eleyeted bytes encems, sent for hie minis- ter, Lerd Alexander. "Weil, Sandy," Bald he, "le there ne'or a king we canna conquer nee ?" "Au' it please your 'majesty, I ken o' a king that your maiesey amine vanquish." n An' who is he, Seedy ?" Lord Alexander, reverently leektne up, odd, "Tho King o' Heaven.' "P10 King o' whew, Sandy ?" "POs King re' Heaven"The Sweetish king did nob undergenzei, but Was unwilling to exhibib any Ignorance. "Just gang yeur ways, Sande, end tell the King ge' Heaven to gie up his dominierat er 111 come my Bolt and dire him sat o' thane ; rated, Seedy, ye demo oeme back to us until ye hue dune 999 biddine" Lerd Alexander retired much perplexed, but met a prient,rand, rmantared, rammed, and presented hetteelf. " Wen, Sandy," raid the king, "has ye thee the King ei Heaven and what says he be oer biddin' 2" "In' it pleethe your majesty, I leas roma ane o' his aceredited ministers. "Wal," :gold wbat says he ?" " He says • yaur majesty may e'en hate his kingdom for • the sae& se it." "Was he sae chit?" said the king, warming to raegnmdmitty. "Just gang your waye beak, Seedy, an' tell the King o Hempen that tor hie civility the Sootehmen ehalt sot feet in hie king. 41:m0—Scottish Americant Another matter which has upset W13. liem's equilibrium is the feet that people stare at him in chorale He dessn't like le, and has DOW ordered' that whenever he at:ten:in Divine eerviee all nate of which let oan Dee the occespenta or from which be owe be seem shall be filled by eoldiere so then he may not be disturbed in his prayeen The soldiere aro compelled to look straight before therm end any deviation of a head from the "oyez front" 10 ptualehed by cern finensent be barracks and heavy pack drill Although be does net Imitate hie groat - grandfather in orltioieing a sermon in the malpit during the program of its delivery Wibibeni nevertbeleta follow') in hie teen dope with regard to limiting Ste length, mud shortly alter bin mice:elan inuell Melee DOM - ?nuncio to the effect: thab none of the Conn Obe,plaine ehould preach more than tens mitnate :torment. The Kainor geya by enforcing this rule he has oontribuited in no emelt degree to the extraordinary revival of religion:: eentiment throughout Preiseta that hare signalized his occupancy of tbe throne. Certein it In, be aueerte, then a ten-minute sermon leder mere efftwatvo mod benefices' then one of twenty, thirty, forty or even :dote, naireuten it form the presolier to be theofte and to cencentrato all that le beet and ?Air:timed of hie mein - meat into that brief spats, beetoad of state tering it over a longer period of tiroe-ws, proems thee) naturally ditniniehed Ito vigor and its; force. Jost the Opposite. An Irlehraan who vete oreployed in the Irma works in a weeteres town was gedvieed by his pheetolan to eeek them employment wheze that labor was leen severe, on 0,00G72.111) of an enlargement of the bean. He pre- ceeded, therefore, eays the "Youth's Com - to at up a smell grocery, which' wee erell patronized by hie friends. He wee net in the habit ef dimiuloshing his prespects of financial 13000908 by giving "dawn weight," and one efterneen, when a, onetemer asked for a potend ef sugar, he added pinch by ptuoh until the male barely turned. if Fat," inquired tho customer, looking up innocently at hie careful weigher, phevet was it the &other said was alibi' ye 7" " Inleargemint av the baart," answered Pat with pride. "Well, thin," said the cuarbomer, " Ws teitne ye ware changln' yer deother, Pat; the wan theles yo new don% xmder. abated yin disease, me biy. Yer Mort Is gotten° emallor mighty fast, an' it's in great &Avec 70 500 11 BE STARTS A POPULAR Wain( MBAR& The 'Meal catch phrase in tho UM pals nee, from Kreger dewasvartl, li : 44 nehtit ne strupid Ides 1" It originated in Vale wise: At the toy larteese erected for the Prince/0 he the pollute grounds wag nearly finighed the Kaiser, inopeetiog it, ate wale his daily custom, remarked to tho work- man : " I think when Maid ie &althea, AS you have all Workoa lio well, I meet give you a dinner." One of the mon, nodding ansfitiontly at Him Majesty, obeervod lo Beau dialect "Naedes tat his diumota dee" (well, teeth' no 'stupid Nee), which so tiokled the Kohler thot he toile the 'dory everywhere, and " des Set hits dennens Mee" hat become a 'toying amass the Imperial household. Of emcee it roan leaked nut - nide the pale,oe Wells sod now hoe boon taken up by the iihoIo of gotta. Naturally Whatever the Kaiser moo muot be mesa" and with tho cachet of his Otani:Me the plurstie boo sastuned properelone too ghee* for deleriptitit. lb is opplisti to ovorything MAY mention eismong the cure us feMutee01 theKieto templee, the Senjusangetelo, where thole are 1,000 bus - size denten el Kwan - mambo: Wilfully carved In wood, and covezed w 1 th gold lacqusr, 15 They ars emerged In a bank of ten rows, 100 in a row, each row atandbeg iabeut a feet Metier than the one before in end they fill a bulleing over 400 feet long. In the eexitre Ion oolong:el statue of Kwannen and 28 ef her followers. Kwanuen, the thouggeadehereded. le the goddess of mercy, and elle le Reeer- Pity represented with many hands and a 'sale. Here there are email figuree on the Wes and hands of the larg,er, making the whole number 33,000. Near by is a hatsu'a colossal Buddha, larger tlittutithe etto demi:flied at Kam knra, but utterly tuition; in the pant:lea whir% make the last mined one of the most improgelve statues in the world. Even if this Daibutsu were es geed as the other, it vrould be lass effective whore 11 10, inclosed in a building, so that you are obliged to look up almett vertically te the meesive fed. At Kama - Imre the great Beddha Maude among the trues on a brad elope, and is best seen at a dints:nee ef 200 feet where you first come upon it. So seen, 11 be like s part ef nature appealing to the imagination of the be- holder. In the Kteto figore only the head and ehouiders are represented, yet the height of the mast is 58 feet, the few eloao beteg 30 feet long, while the breadth of the shoulder:1 la 43 feet. In the mane inclesure la a bell 14 feet bigh, 9 feet broad and 9 inches thick, there Woe only one larger in Jopati, and that oleo be Kieto, in the mon- oozy of Chion-in. This lest le 18 feet high, also thicker and heavier, weighing474 toes. ea The temple of Senyuji, situated a bel- low eurrounded by pia° clad hills, peesesses interest no tho burial place of the tolikadoe for 600 eere, but their tombs ware far lose ex- pensive than these of tome of the Shoguns, raid visitots are net ailowed to ens thence Time is A very handsome merteery shrine ended to the memory of tho present Em- pereret father, as far as we could judge by a glimpse of part of it. On visibing the spacieue quarters ef the Tuthill* Monastery we were delighted to witness a therm characteristic of bhe coun- try. A decp ravine, heavily weeded, with teeny memice among the trees, rune through the gminds, a swift, clear, stream at the hot om of it. The maples were in their autumn milers, and hundreds of peeple were there to admire thorn. Numerous tea houses carry Ott a blunting busition here, and thins of little &aerate clout ton feet tcetare, supported on bamboo poets, and covered with teats, are pieced ell along lenh bunko of the ravine'at differeet eleven tione, for tbe ecoommodatien of picnic: per - ties. On one would be a sedate, middle. aged atbiZiD, and his wife, Dipping a cup of tea, er indulging in a confection ; another, a jolly party of men and women, old and young, enjoying a more profuse repast with the best of 'spirits. &onetime tee much sale) ft taken on such meadow, but ilevery rarely leato any disturbance. Noe far away from this pleesent scene our attention was called to a conspicuous monu- ment stattalug in an elevated place. Beneath It, some 300 years ago, were planted the etre *f severel thousand Kellum; dein in battle in the Japanese invaelonef that osun- try. The ears were brought home as con- veuient Wept:Ise, and heed this ear menu. meet to the verger of J111221310120 weeder:1. Oae of the Buddhlab teats, the Hongwanji, 0013MB B9110 progressive and propaeaudien te active itg reunion work, and *has re - cantly emitted a large new temple in Kyoto. There le 091206 teek of ito minding 111/0011211- rle$ to Earope and Almeria% I am not entre theta it hes not siready its agouti: in Boston, where tehere seems to be en inoreadeg 'Dadaist:la iuiluence. A visit: to the Nish' Hengwanji temple, the head geattere of tide mot, was A reveletion be us of its power cied activity. The temple Is 303 years eid. The buildieget which leolude state apartments worthy to lodge a prince, end a vett ecboel for missionaries, cover 20 iscrite et least. The decoration of the templet and grounds displey a eymbellem of e very much higher erder than some ether Bede. There are fewer dragons 'oenven- teal done and lions, and diandut tane leeking Roam awe mere birds, flowers aud engele. The state epee:talents are able.ze with gold. SO whiele, for at beckground are pelutings by the beet Jepenese antes. We lowed hero, as at the Mk) Wenn loiter, more badmen and freetIom ef desires, oat Work on a broader and grander wale then we had seen before. A large audience chamber, about 100 x 60 feet. WAB especi- ally Wets 10 gotd, Week lacquer and brut fastemitsgs on all the timbtra, while greet de - algae 11,910 along the wells of gliding par - teflon:: in a style at and joyous end greusii- ote. A large building is occupiee 58 offises of the missionary department, and I told the, choplada that mime of our Missionary Beards oeuld oompare wleh the plant here BOOM The chaplain was evidently im- pressed and 10 evieleetly preparing be take :signal with the Bodehiets in leaerzediatnob going 011 with thexrsh Shietoints, ,be surprised to find hlm seeking dotter re- • lations with the Hongwanji midi' which peso:note a very fair hied of religion, and le on hand ready to supply any demand for religioue weris. The obapleinie friend's need riot be wmpriesd if he decides to take orders hero, and I may be obliged to leak for a Intrable pieta shout the temple if I ithItire to yield to the taeolnationo of the ep mens ROYAL WADES. -- teems were isandeoraely dented by Some Of Wee beet (Wilhite, but Abeve these the walla were witheut ornameut. Ow reobe where the pesintinge were of witcl gethe in every attitude of elation And repole especially Attracted out attentlee. The led 'Suite through wield: we wee tekett waa tri eleven rooms devoted to the per:tenet ;um of the ilifiltado and hia women, The owz. ofiember wee entirely earrounded by othere. lie wag kepi: here by the Artful Sbeguete ae too exelted a pereeneett to take 't baud In praed Offgre. In the outer enclosure lived the primps' of the +royal fetnily. Their ;temente depended upon the Etheguram, and I here been veld that some imea they were short el spent/leg immeey, When we visited the Nijo peleoe tee nx clity our eyes were epeued. Let outward appareling) la tbat of, A ;item:401y fortified mono. Oyole. Peen wells lecieue ie in ast area of Bay 25 Amen rA31510g through a tof w gateway, you come to a :moved gets which is a dream of buty Xrtgretrrier blazes with gold, end le heeded with rang eartrInge. It tokee seme time to paten this porbiel. The peitheeuttered. from the. tuner 'mutt, at once impreesee the beholder bv its eiegnificenth. Where the Imperial Palace was plebe weed, hete the welia are covered with gold frora floor to ceiling, Ei70211 the °striders home eieh coffered colliegs, end the paint - Inge are of the same grand type as we found • ea the date %pertinent s of the Niebi-Honge it moil Temple. They inolude tree trunks of ;satinet Mee, end gnat niegie with trained breaches) exteuding amens the whole side of 81m:ileum hall. Here wee a difforeuce, indeed, between the puns of the Mikado anti that of the Shoguin Thts temple was built by Tee asu , the fits 4 insd ablest Shogure a really greet man he whom) tnortuary shrine at Nikko exilueved tin oriel:tic re. eources of a),111 Wonderful ceuutry. Who Chaplein maid it was a moray to the Mikade. to keep him in secluelon, and net let him see how much more °leen:ably the Shogun was houted.—trapanese Letter. EGoNoillu EVOLIITION. Electrical Garikning. y the use of eke:trio light W. W. Bawsezt, of Aelloglion, Mao., oftime thee .he manes a gain of five days in eaftla of his three mops of lettuce—that is, two weeke lit a emmen—that the pain im ono orep pays ail that expenses of tbe elm:brio lighting for the 09050094 Cane •giving hire the pin on the other two lor extra. profit. Dr. Baily, ef Omen University, says, all the ranee of hie own experiment'', that the influanco .a the lights le greatly moditied by tee interposition of a glaze root. Plants bijuted by a raked ligtst wore benefited by the proteeted light. Five haste' light per sight at a distance of 12 feet hastened maturity a Week or ten daps, but proved Worimom te young plants and Clete newly ranmelteated. . . Muggine—Mlas Bitiontuil is o dellIghtful women. Buggins--What 7 Why, she has red isairelmi owe -eyed and hoe a fooe that wouldstep a clock. What do you see de. bghtful about her? biuggins--Wby" played whiet with her last night, and she never once tusked whet the trump was. The Mohican Mobs rem good humoredly pokes Inn at the kissing under the mietletoe Myth fhltd lave " Did you ' ever kiss the pretty girls at Christmas ttnder the ratable - toe bough We never did;" Kimlog the girl' ab Obristroas solder the zeleitletint Is o gag old Iltigliob wastom ; but in America we have a 'better, vis., kieolog tho girl" under tilos sees tritheut regard to the "Wen, " Where they are, and hew they are. would be glad to know, but I have a fixed faith that it Is well wfth them. They me in His hands who can have ne motive to do otherwiee than the beat thab it is powdble for them end fer us A little later Mr. Whittierie large yet :drop% fralth is thus forcibly end charaater. expreend : "My difficulty is nee from doubt of the future life. I atm 0011 - °dye ef no end to myeele I execot bo live on, hut how? 'I have a constitutional dreod of change endues:eters. But I have a fixed faith in the gooduens ef God, in the wisdom rued bentign tundeTnese et Hie love, in all wort& and Hymn end in Ley weak - new and darkness I leen heavily upon Hine I em but too sersible of frailties and Bine, I have ne oensolotteness of levieg God ae 01 person or power, aparb front:His attributes. I have ne experience of contrite° modems, but I know that I love gooduees and mercy, charity and pekoe ; thet my SARI longn for harmony and moral eymnietry ; that I would wiener wrong myself then my neigh. ber ; and at tines, the sweet sense of an in- finite love overwhelms nee and fills Me with gratitude and thanksgiving." Edward Atktnson Takes a Look Into the Twentieth Century conditions. In the twentieth century the private noldier la the monies of Europe will have loaned what feole men are be light. When the': time °MOB, hunger, sow promoted by the waste et preparation for ear will have °eased. The bunters of heetile %tariffs' now separating European oeuetries will have been thrown down. Men nelli have become freeeto serve each other in the supply of all their wants. The eallitary (Nieto will Wave ecteed to be honored. The well-trained officere of the unties will )11;Ve been pre. :noted from their present worse than use lees positione to becernecaptaine of industry. They will then hold ecnitious of peever and influence, oerrying peece, god -will and Plenty among all the rations of the earth. et Dynaeties will have been an:pet:ed. Belem 'WOO now dein% to rule by birth of ptivi. lege, and whe levee attemp oft to resist the wiel of the private Hellion driven from the ranke of the people, wlii have been ever- OGMO by force if swoon's:try. Men when ordered be thin their bayonets agelnst each ether will have turned them on there by whom the orders were given. Government of the people, by the people, need for btu) people, will bey* bean established in Europe as firmly au it new is in the United Settee. Seierthe will have (retried oonted over tho. abet:gen of the :inmost:hem. The soil, no longer worked en & mine, but as a leberae tory, will then eappty the abundance of feed, heel, fibre, end febrio nano:nary to eentfortable enbsistence iio • measurelese ebentionee. The men who pesmethe aver- age intelligence, coupled with ietteustry, and who is governed by a peretmal religdon lased on reason and ad on superstibion, ,will be 00 sure of nateriel welfere that it will net pay to be rich —111calure's. ROLEGVG A 1111USTRUE. Santee Trying to nathorst on Wastateese ettnerstitigns. It has long been regereed as ma inexpli. 'cabbie mystery been le luminous objeoli, knowes " ehireatrehl"—literally meaning "11okt:enable Ilre"--is teem:it:natty then at night, espeaftlay in cloudy wee, her, on the sea itt Taukushi hey. The tuperatitioue asoribe this tieueual phenol:meson to the nitrits of thine loth ab sea, Blab scoording to the vertu:heeler pees, the mystery is to he Bolved ere long. • Prof. Nekevaina Illestemo, of the Kumegnote higher middle schod, whe ft new inveetiganing tee thing, is of the opinien then pnoneltorue may pee- oibly be the cause of this] luminosity,. which maw be emit:tied trete enimaionfte in the water. Ho bete :fecund genre weber from the piece where the euppoeed fire reekes ite empearanee wed examined it 'with a micro - .cope, with the rerult that he found a num- ber of at:imam/on to it. 11 needo, however, a more complain exam:ma:hat bwora finally coming to a detenniestiott ea the ettlejszt, end with thin eed in view he ie stated to be 1:509! Firming We ref:ear:hem It teem be added thet Kirootenki, of the navy, who made an investieation of sea ourteuto ROMS ig1910 age, reported that the Kurombleve, or the Week. °urinate, which flows trete the neighleitheed of the Philip- pine architteleme to the southern tenet of Jamen le the wermest odan stream in the, world, &Tad oortatottertitly it rimy contain minute animel ate giving off phoepheres. 002109.—.Tapcva Ancient. "abet Paste. Ono of the beet pastes for etleking biobele on tin ming is nsade by mixing one pound of the very beat flour with Woe to eight ouncea of brown sugar. Boiling water should be used ne with ordinary paste. If the labels ire light in °slot this petite will be likely to stain there, and in that case white sugar may be used. lb is necessary to make tioe paste ovory dey as'required for use, teil10 tUtINi tour very quickly. Where le "so hisietrin authority tot tit° statement that Heti° Gioorge Washington ont down the °hotly tree. iSeppito, the poeteoe, was not a wantett litetity; nee dio ether throw herself from the Lotoodion O1fff to be fUred of on tuteeorthy itiema Who lateet irivaltigations pretre her reepootoble **ludo?' Wefts* Wier* large fondly. Viotti' to the Imperial Palacio and the Met Palace an two atexemeive days baton protean° um the hietory of .lapatf 'undo the duplex government of the Miketio emit Seogue, or the "Dineen," arg we wore tegegtat to otall hien Tee Imperial Patiace, when) the Mikado lived until 1868, thong with very shadow power under the rule of the Showmen for the lest 300 year'', be mato peretively "ample and inexpensive. Mont of tho Wooe, though rech in quality, is witbinth adorn:tont. Stilt it Is worthy of a visit. We bed get:tared the Othereaty permission through Sur minister ab Tokio, Alt tho outer peril of the polite° ground,: le now thrown open to the labile. The inner encloser° of 26 acres oenteing the pekoe just es it ins when At kedge' lined bore. Who banding') cover a Vette rend, lut are of only. One steep We trete odro limed by . the "August Kitchen' " and traverted abbe effort butte of sper't. motif The sliding penal" 'Operating the titugular Coe of itesanity. Preece:sea Alfonect Oerpeutieri, the temente gyeecologiat of the University of Naples, beeeme egeddenly intstee 5 few clams ago. He imagined that be wee dylog from Marva - teen and third, end, enteritit a, restaurant, &yank four cops of, bailee, a hottio of wine, bottle of coetiao, tted ate fifteen sand - esteem' end more them a dozen egg.). When dm proprietor doeffeed to 1215990 anythhag eine the prefteeer npreerg en the tette and elided, with the voice of Steator : Eggo, eggs I Give tee e.gtie mad keep me from starving 1" Weer: he begat: to break chairs and tables be was evetpowered and pieced in at, botpleel. He ie mut anhateeteselt fenceme pemeiobeee br linty. VOU,A70 entering womanhood ought to. have 4ust the special help that Dr. Pierce's Favorite :E`rescrip- tion can give. They need to be stoned eight The Pre,soription " aids and promotes the proper functiong, correets the delimit° wealtnestett and derangerneets that might come throttle,establishes rep larity and !mettle lessees pain, They want a nourishing, sap porting, strengtheniug tones such as an experienced physi- cian has especially prepared for the female system, ha the "Pre- s'eriPtl°Tle'g kievr"female complaint" and weakliest., and in all tervette conditions, it'll doesn't benefit o - euro, the, money will be rettumett Miss Altoona JAcniscul, of Partrech, St. Lan- dry Pealah, La„ ewe: "I vas lying oleic for some tile° with fenutio complaisits, sew an the inedieine my friend's ghee WO did no. no good, Death was Appromehine,• ell my telenite bed elven me up to die. I heftrd of your wondor- ful ruedleine, and 1 bought two bottles of it,. end ._,:foro I bed taken theMet, I got entirely Wel,. Mit istill enjoying good beaith, mid ex-- poetic: OildaltOut ntotticios ovary ahmego."