The Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-4, Page 6"BAR" BABBLES OF DUDES,
She ilas a Few Opinions en Foppish
Young Mu..
The Dandy Considers Ides* Vulgar and
Mates tionest Worimorke "Nice Tonna
IWO en EIM Travels-witen
•.Abonmateime mace.o Dudes Die Out ti
Do Fops Ever Think
" sed E T AINLY he is
net a du d e, mays
"Bib." There la al-
ways a ohertee for the.
dudei There is the
possibility ef hie gro w-
ing and gettiog over
hie fads, es children
get over their first
And puppies, too.
Vet hina there is ab-
solutely no hope. I
have devoted many
precious hews to
tette:lying him, and I could he brought to
believe there wart ne fature, I should thiak
he would be In it. That sounde a little
mixed, But whab I mem to sty to that if
the future is ti vacuum, mud he it entirely
maths, the nothingnses of them would
wahine. That wend doesn't come from
Huxley or from aoy of thempeople who say
all the fated is nothing and nobody; Ib is,
ettreighb front Bab. The he of whom I am
telitiag Is the something who if referred to
as the "Young Men." They are very right
to put the adjective before the mato because
he never grows old. I don,h1 mean thet he
hi like some ef the beauttful, delicious
elderly gentlemen whe are young in heart
forever ; oh, dean no 1 The Young Man,
when he was iqullaped far the Monte of life,
had lefb out of Me general make-up
. .
Bent Imenie AND BRAINS.
In the plane ef a heart, he book
a capriee ; ln the place of brain%
he choose cunning. Yon can BOO
him ab meet any of the places where the
se-oelled fashionable set are en exhibition.
He is alweys undersized, and he anima up
far his leek of muscle by the q,nality of
clothes he wear,. Hie kookthat reaches
newely be his ankles and is as full as a
won:tants pontoon ; his .soarf has a pia in ib
bigger bhan that worn by any other man -
did I seem to insinuate that he was a
man 2 -and his tie le tied so noticently tint
you are made painfully aware of the foot
that he scoriae the readymade ones. His
hat is the Jetted shape ; hie gloves the per -
Nodal of fit', and. his beets, while perfeably
polished, de not drew attention to their
The Young Man loom to consider himeelf
a conservative. .
In fad, he thinks they are vulgar: The
dude, peace be to hie tubes 1 chased amend
town afber chorus gide, adored getting in
the newepapers, once in a while surprised
mom tough by hie ability to knock him out,
but frequently married and settled down to
became a very reopeotehle husband and
matt of buelnette. The Young Man never
reathee this state. He thinks it is not nice
to get yeomen so excited. He thinks that
"a really nice Young Man wouldn't] get
hintomif mixed up wibh girls who were not
quite doe. Instead of knowing, don't
you knew, reelly nice girls who ware quite
doe and never got a Yang Men into any
of those ridiculous glisten He thinke it in
and he thinks it is nice to know fashionable'
people. He thinks ib is doe to be seen at
all the proper places, end that any Young
Man who feet there Is quite the eorb ef
a Young Man whom you wouldn't want to
introduce to your slater, because, though he
- might bean awfully clever fellow, with no
end of brains, still his niceness wouldalways
be a matter ef doubt.
The Brat year he went abroad he saw the
Premier Doke of England kneelbeg en the
atone floor of • a thumb and Baying hie
prayers, aud he told his confidant, a very
nice Young Matt: "Really, Deah Boy,
he !seemed vory muck mere intended in
the service than in seeing what class of
pee* were there. Now, could he have
been quite nice ?" Probably he would
have been , surprised if he had known
tint kneeling nexb to the Duke of
Norfolk was perhspe a chambermaid, per -
hap thine peor soul whose sine were as
marieb, but the Young Man of can-
not understand a ohuroh where the
A number of things enrprieed him in Eng-
land. Be found that most of the men
liked out-of-deor spots, and that the most
popular Americana were them who were
thoroughly American, and who didn't at-
tempt to hide a down East or Weabern ac-
cent by a them English one. He found no
• pee* like lainnelf, exeept here and there a.
Young Mao who was chaperoned by his
grandmother, and of whom the women
sear thooge they gob him to hold their
worsted and Oen their orranda, "He is a
nice Young Man, and one can't help feeling
sorry for him." And teen, queerly enough,
they would tap thew fingers on their fore-
heads. Viriten our Young Man come back
he and England was hide and gross.
wrtm DIIDEir ET= riniLell 2,
The thing that troubles me ie, when will
this moo die out ? Age does not improve
it. In fide there le a Young Man here
who is pretty dose to Bixby, and the lone I
heard of him, he was crocheting a slumber
rug for a young woman, video was geing to
A.friett with her hneband, tiger taunting.
Ib is funny' lei hear hid talk. Aok hhn to
bave a cup of tee1and he treys in a meet
Jeanne, but gniei, tone, 11 Oh, 1 love tea."
And you feel like scalding him with the
tea kettles. A man ratty love et "harem e.
, dog or a wernaq, but rice a oup of tea.
Somebody tattoos hien a bit of embraidety,
end in rapbuorme ranee, he eaye, "Tent
„ it graMi 1-' Niagees, le undoubtedly
geared, and ee ere the riereereue estoeifiees
made by mimosa every rimy of bhe yeer,
but to gen a One of embroidery, showin;
blue ream 111.6 d pluk erdanele that may be
pigs Or bltday you don'b, kneel whieb, upon
it, greeted, Maven libeeletely nothing to be
ijai r.boett the thitim in life worth great
Word% A 12,p•ar. id echoed girl dotertib
nee etude adjective. ea ridiculously as he
does. I often weeder when the :or little
iormt ON Hes lexorittemos,
Tr, •
incepable of an unsaid' foiling, he &hen%
freuhle hinteelf abeidt anybody. He thialis
Via ore 0 fool become anne Odd deli' Yea
give a coin to ROM Wretched! rigged lotelte
lug woman, and ho derts in to telt erect theit
she it a fraud, and that you ought to report
her, and he see* no argot:neat In the feet
thet whether she le a friend or nob the
women 1. oeldt end that MI to ha 110210111tYp
Why give her the hemefit of the doubt). Ila
blaitthe it is perfectly ridionleue for a man
to be ha love wItle a woman, end at for
children, nasty little . bombe, he wandere
why they ere not put io, burette until they
are trained into' beteg Pelee Young Men inad
nice Young Women.
*0 15 =ESP= Alen orellnerenAlrLit
in every one of hie moodet bob numb ef leit
When he le deadening with a etatieb air on
the folly of belief. He le more blaephemoue
than Tern Petite, and hasn't half as much
brain as the nappy both beet mouth thab le
learning fromite another to alit qttiebly while
the babies are esmiug their prayer's.
He ref -ogee his oonvereetion by saying,
"A young man like me," and there the
women look ot Mtn, and wonder by what
right he calls hinutelf a man. Yee here he
is -he is over New York. Ia my hearts
of hearth I believe I prefer the bully to
hien The bully darted enb with a bit of
heart, and a ledger bit ef brain, and even
sometimes he among'. I cenatot no.
derstand , from what the Moe Young
Man resulta. SometImes I think be
growed. , Sometimes I tbbak he le the
result of over -education. Sometimes
think -well, I wouldn't dare be tell you
what I thbak, but Darwinha theory has s
great deol to do with it. I have heard him
mumble over a bit of cake and and a oup of
tee, just so well-troined monkey would
over something that he like -d, rilined"
men him imitate the Orb" in the movenaents
of his hands, just es I have seen a mar-
mot:et) imitate a man. Really it makes erre
quite nervous about the future. What will
be the result of him,
tife hatitet the immorality of a monlrey,
but he has ell of his owning ; he hasn't the
brans of a man bub he is butte like him
in miniature. 'Rainy, one is ferried to
mourn the dude when ene meets the pith
Young Men. He is very modest; he
thinks it isn't quite aloe to read books
that • haven't nice words in them; conse-
quently Shakepeare, Oongrene, WiCherly,
Smelled, and all the writers who followed
afber them are unknown to him. He
deesteb think ithab it is quite nice to know
much; vulgar people, who study and read
books, and wadi of all, verb's) them, de that
sorb of thing. . He says he remembers hie
mother allying 'that a girlie name eught only
to be in the newspaper three times in her
'life ; when she was been, when she was
married and wheu elite died. "And," he
adds, "if that is true of a girl, how muoh
truer it ie ef a thoroughly nice Young
Man ? " He knows throe ere men who dim
oover countriee, who, as he says, fiddle um
things and
bhat they say are inienbiffit dieoeveries,; but,
after till, these are nob the young men one
would wish to know. They are quite as
likely to have dirty Mande as not, and to be
thoroughly unpleasant.
He eine went to a manti dinner,- did tide
nice Young Man, and he was quite horrified.
Not beeanee anything was told that would
make hitn blush, but became the men gotto
emitted in talking abeub currents and about
prInee whe threw ns end of babbles in the
water, bottles that had leather dips veith a
raped written upon them that wherever
they came te there they weuld be sent back
to him. Ho thought it was unutterably
stupid for a prince to do this siert of thing,
and thought he wouldn't; Me it told
generelly, still lb did peon to him that no
prince) who, treubled himself about took
noneenee could be redly -welt, don% von
knew really, quite a nioe Young Man. Why
not let hie servants do it! Why net hire
pee* who atudied up ouch rot) to work it
one, and then he edded, " My Dear Boy,
I never want to go will those men mein, tb
is such bad form to get excited."
It is a pity that the doe Young Man bin%
epotted at leis birth, for then the wise
doctor, reoegniztag him, could chloroform
him. A with the mothers of the present
day would leek et the Moo Young Man from
my standpoint I think if he oaten to me a
girl of mine, sod I were an teble-bodied man,
I should either idok all of the mom he had
out of him, or dee kick a little limbo him.
To pub it plabily, be ta an effeminate fool,
and feels are a thousand timea more danger-
ous then 'maven I like a man who is
yeing. who is enthusiastic; who isigood-
looking and who is well-dressed. 'Every
F0111511 dose, even if the be en the ;shady side
ef ninety. but the thing that is prozerated
ander the name of the nice YoungMen tern
manly, isn't nioe, and la abnormal.
The girl of Cooley matte to merry es man;
one who is stronger in brain end body than
she is, for there are times where, in thie
woman -ridden country, she requires either a
mental or a physical beating, and bar man
and master ought to be able to give it to
her. I rather like that old Beacon way of
calling a husband " My man," far it pre-
supposee strengbh and rasped and love
Oval% to that atrettebh, No woman would
over cell the tie° Young Man that. It rests
vetch bhe women to donde whether he obeli
continue be emote ger my pub, obonld
think they would veto him without a dis-
mottug yam. He has nothing to oommend
him and everything against. htm. Why
will I continue to thine damn Derwin ? He
Wanda before you, my dear, you the inanity
of the day. He oband s among your ed.
natters. • Whit* are you going to choose
The mai or the monkey?
How's Tem Cade"
The eprevelence of " °tilde " brought'
about an amneing incident in the Hones of
ClOrtunena recently. So many people deemed
to be se afflicted, that a couple of members
do:sided in going threugh the lebby Viet
they would pat to oat* MEM they met the
quesbion : liow's yoar odd ?" altogether
vaithont the knowledge that they had one.
In meat omen the answer returned was "Olx!
ih's better, thanke," or *4 DA as had as
ever," or something eicallote In no case was
the poseemion ef a "cold repndliated.
'exciting Reading.
Young Reporter -I have been mat otni
here to repeee Mete game of polo, and I dere°
know a thing about the gelato
1'010 Player -I'll give /ad the runnes of
all the ellayeri aed opectotteke, ond my sitter
will tell you how each. lady is droned.
Never mind about) the mune,
The Cork Chamber ef. Ooninterce bee re
edited a letter from the great Southern
Vim Int ' h"" hie bead en the Railway Oompany annennobeg thin arrange-
thic' ubcat hhucelf' Mertes have been made, to go into offset
•'4", 4C 805wtr E Itu'reEer, be'lati"i"n1 :0000ry tot, to run -the) Atitedeen mane
rite oettato to- et ee dement, mot elmal. direct from. Queenethern in Kingetown
Mho Woteeet woo *bean ter •Witerinde of will detee •eg eex,(00 Base..
motif, et Oblate Un,lex.sarit ;dory theti if ib mho wheat ter ,welethee 1,00 veare be,
7t11t7e(tiibi8'4,(111te', w'7°14 t76.16°1774 17° be: at° ftohteentoxittrusting the riedettery propettlea of
nil 114" 'ran 88° et cunning' Withbo out sitopt4tge. The Wait air for Dublin
i, eneone to 0 Ate Of K0030 reility VS- A we3teght gee4giat $1,4 thkt) aisuotm San
mem 6105 thlr,g he mow °biotite to is what
be netts " love ett 1 ell smith tenably rob, Why Is a *ate thief like a balade', ?
yen know." Witten meet* thief beteg chino he le a eth king (wreaking
The atainee ROW en Tide 'NOW ireetineet
Aluerierne People.
Hitherto all attempt* to amlien o time
when the eliffalwellinge were aestudened
have been mere ectemotures. That the
ruin* are not all of the eatue age is certain;
and. it is not unremeeateble to aoudads
timt the oliffidwellens eutmtved during a
long peeled of time, oedema ootneounitiee
voluntarily abondening their old homes fer
more favorable position loog before the
fired dleeppeeranee of the ram
Now thee to tawny of these ancient rattle
are beteg explored, bhearobatelogist by OQ ax -
partitive examinetionli into improvements
to architecture, by a careful oonailderation
of the (=abloom and progrom of decay, and
by stodying thee relic* ot eterthenware and
the loopiements that are continually being
found, will, it le hoped,' be able approxi -
tamely to assign different periede of alibi -
(Miter to different) ruins. In vita of the
arid dimato and other favoring cireumatan-
ces mintating againse deny, ib ie diffioult
be believe that certain relies, such as wood-
work, matting, etc., have defied the
deatruotive mitten of time for any great
length, It is true that the caremente that
infold Egyptian muramiee are thousenda of
yam old, bull It must be remembered they
were em red with preeerVative unguents,
that manjy ef their lifeline wearers evera io-
dated ill ic-tight saroophagi, and tint none
of them ffrere expeeed to weathering intim
What n extraordinary life those anotent
peoplee 1 d 1 Whet curious household') they
prompted,: living in hones perched in holes
sad at nic and wide-yawniag caverns in
the all at heigixes varying from one hun-
dred wo theneand feet above the bottoms
of the ovens 1 With muscular limb' and
steady nerves the oliff-dweller day by day
would iteity frem his doorway and descend
the bald rook a, theneand feet without a
tremor -with no mere feeling of trepida-
tion than had the eagle which seared above
him Accustomed from infancy to gaze
from dizzy heights, he skirted the preol-
pice's edge in all safety and looked un-
moved into the abysm below. "' Evening
found him at home again with his children
around him, perhaps Bunking hie pipe after
a supper ef roasted corn and flesh el turkey.
And the babies, like eaglets in their eyries 1
Imagine mothers deeciending those steeps
with their infante en their hacko. and re-
turning with yeesels ef water er bundles et
fire-fael on their heads 1 No wonder that
the ohildoren learned to gaze unawed into
fearsome depths, and where feeilitiee
catered, played blde-andheek and tag -last
among the rooks, as soon as they bad dis-
carded their °Mid -rattles and ether play-
things. They were safer and more free
from danger of acciident than are the
school children of San Francisco and
Oakland, where the trolley and the cable -
car, the railway and the forlornly driven
delivery wagou maimand kilb-Oateforniam
But They Cost Something to Close the
A declaration of marriage in Siam is
simpler even than it used to be he Scotland.
You ask a Jody to marry yen by pimply
offering her a flower or taking a light fawn
ctigarette if it happens to be in her mouth,
and your family and the bride's family have
to put up at least $1,000 apiece fora dowry.
Unlike Japan, the Siamese Women are
treated as equals, but they oan seldom,resid
or write. Mee prim:Apra impediment in the
way ef marriage ill that earth year be named
an animal and only certain animals
are allowed to intermarry. For Menden, a
permit born in the year ot the rat cannot
merry a pewee bent in the year of the deg,
or a person bora in the year of the' cow With
pensen born la the year of the tiger, and
Shore aro similer embargos About months
and days.
Patched Clothes Disappearing.
De you ever mean how few patches
people are wearing? Ib is became clothing
is so muoh cheaper now than it used to be,
that lb it not worth while pulling old gar
meats together. When they are worn eab,
they go into the rag beg or are given to
tramps and new ones are ordered of the
custom tailor?, or more often are bought
outright at the neared handme-down shop.
A pair of oolontal boots, recently shown in
a shoemaker's window, was telmoat covered
with home-made peaches. Such exhaudive
eking oub of old boob is not in vogue now-
adays ; it le cheaper and better to geb new
geode. •
Private Wealth of Australasia.
The total private wealth of Australasia is
about £1,160,434,000, being equivalent to
£309 per head, and is distributed at foie
Iowa : New Smith Wake, Z412,484,000 -
£368 per head ; Victoria, L344,224,000 -
Z304 per head; Qatiensia,nd, £117,414,000
E301 per head; South Australia, £99,141,-
000-E310 per head; Weetern Andrei's,
£10,619,000-£213 per heed; Teammate,
£34,360.000-2236 per head; New Zealand,
£159,192,000-240 per head. From this
it will he men that Now South Wales is,
both collectively end individually, the
weelthiest of the Australaden colonies.
To Harden Aluminum.
The hardness which aluminum is odd to
lack can, according to a new process, be
imparted to it by the addition of chromium.
Of course certain preoautione have to be
batten to alloy the two meteln, owing te the
difference In their fusing points. If elec-
trolysis in employed for thia-purposo, one or
another of the known methods oda be used,
and. bhe minutiae, salts of atomism, oryellte,
etc., treated direet with a eletermlued
quantity of granulated °bromic= en chro-
mium in any other suitable condition, er
with its saint or oxides.-Efectrical World.
, Perfectly Simple.
Really original dentiptions ef common
things are althoet alwaye interesting.
Little Alfred's' mother had tent him to the
demetng school. Ho mime home in high
spitfire, •
.41 Well, Alfred," odd hie father, "how
did you like danoime ? " Did you find it
"011, , nos" anawered the tittle fellow.
"Pee easy Moro& All yen bane ta di to
ft,tok.,e,ep. earning round and wiping your
That Was Sothtnen
Dell -I haven't seen that Men we just
met for 15 yahoo
Roll-Thet'd nothing. 1 meb a man to,
day 7 never am before in my life.
No money li beder vont than what is
Iota out for deirielible
• Tho , idea of fording a Slim coalition
agatitnia 'the now completed union of the
Ontenene and Poke is warmly approved by
the organs ef the Young reach party in
• Platt Arblet-I teeeitred a Megnifieent
teibtite to my ekili the ether day at the ex -
Whitler), Sthohd Attlet-What was Ib ?
Piret &dist-Yoh know my plotter°, "4
Storm at Sea?" Well, * moo end hie Wife
mom lookirig at it and 7heardbbs Mensal:
'4' (Note ea, My deer I that!, Ordure (Pekes
m� siok."
oliteg Weed A •litleattiellolgeditiDles
And tittered ma Emphatic "No" 14 the
ntergymonse sanesetione
On iiilenday lost, the 2550 Ineb.,"1 wart to
have witneened lete anima of hearts and
50041 01 Wes Amy Lembert, daughter of a
signaller in the Gioyereinent telegreeli effies
at Allahaleted, and Mr. Passeort, ia the
employ of His Ifigiuteme the Rejah of Parini,
Oarartit India Ageasy Ib appears that tbe
bride -elect waa ail Moog averse to the mari
rtage. She repeatedly ad deoleively gave
her parents to eiedetetand thet she .oeul,ti'
not and would net be heppy with Ur. Pas -
same, but they continued te make prepare -
Mope for the wedding, •
The intemereta (who le iso admirable ideal
for all young ladies), determined to die -
appoint, not only her 'ardent Othello, but
aiso her too interested parent, et) the titter.
The clergymen, Rem, Brook Ilteedee, Itteving
arrived at the parttime of the marriage cere-
mony where the queetien, "Wilt you hove
this man," etc., ocean, was unexpeotedly
met with the answer in the emphatic nags,
Mae, the girl at the game time handing him
a document eetting forth her objections..
IiChe result was that all dispersed, and
ev'ent their amoral ways, stoma going to the
brideieleohts plaoe, oondele with the
unhappy hither,. who, It maybe added, did
net aeon be be at ail upset, in fact, was
quite hilarions.-.4flahabad News.
It Weis Her Maser. •
Her Majesty, in her younger days, was
once taking a walk along the publio road In
the viola:thy of Bellmore', and she met a
countrywoman carrying a basket of egg'',
with where she entered into oomereetion.
In reply to a question put to her the basket -
carrier said the WOO going with her eggs to
"the place" -a nelme given to Balmoral by
the Highlanders to dietinguish it frem every
other p1000 10 the world. "Do you get a
geed price for your eggs?" inquired Her
Majesty. "Sometimes," replied the woman,
"bub we aye get the bash price when the
Queen cameo." On ills Her Majesty offered
to purthan the contents of bhe broken and
tendered a sovereign in payment. "1 cum.
net break it, my teddy," raid the woman,
nastening that she had not change enough.
"Oh, never netted," mid the Qaeen. "11
you cannot break ib yea must keep the
whole. Make ydur egge to 'bhe place,' and
tell the people there that the Queen paid for
them." The honest woman etarted back
with uplifted betide, and with joy and
eurprize pictured on ker face, exeleimed
"Le that year abase, Mistreat Albert; ie
that your due& ?"
Somettmee it coats hudreds of dollars to -
convince a man, very oiten bass is required,
but in the case of Poleon's Nerviline, that
sovereign remedy for pain, 10a. foots the
bill and impieties enough Nerviline to con-
vince every purchaser that it is the hest,
meat prompt and certain pain remedy in
the world. Nervilhate is geed for all kinds
of palm pleasant. to take, and sure to euro
(tramps and all internal pains. It is also
.nice te rub outside, for it has an agreeable
smell, :quite unlike ao many ether prepar-
ations, which are .positively dleagreee.ble te
USO. Try bellow, Go to a drug store and
buy a 10 cent or 25 cent bottle. Polson's
Nerviline. Take no other.
Some years ago there lived in Perth,
Scotland, a men of convivial habits, well
known by his Meridian name, Jamie. Oae
dark night an acquaintance found Jamie
lying at the foot of an entside stair. "le
that you, j8,11110 1" asked tbe acquaint-
ance, to a voles of bhe greeted satonish-
went. "Ay, it's me," replied Jamie, In a
tone of complebe resignation. "Have you
felon doen the tair I" was the next ques-
tion. "Ay, I fell doon • hut I was coming
dean, whether or no."-Iiondon:Figaro.
Immenee numbere of those cured of
rheumatism by using Wie0ollem's Rheuma-
tic Repellant testify that they could net get
permanent beim& from any other treat-
ment. 15 10 neatly put up $1.00 betties
by W. A. Moaellom Tilatenburg, Onb., and
sold by wholesale aruggiste ef Mentreal,
Toronto, Hamilton, London, Winnipeg and
by retail druggiste generally.
paved by a Mild.
"You remember Biggins, who wee going
bo the doge se fast? He is doing well now.
It appears that he WO.3 saved by his littlo
10.year-eld daughter."
"By her prayers?"
"Prayers nothing. He pub her on the
stage in a new dance and she le clearing him
$150 a week."
Pio Re Strayed Away.
Polleemart-Why you -go home, my
litalle man?
Lost Bay-Thie wan the day ma was gob]
to ask pa to beat the oar:pate.
The Home Life Annotation of Canada -
head office, Toronto -issue a policy of insur-
ance free from teohnicsal provident' awl a
promiee to Pay a definibe amount. The
policy is incontestable for any cause what-
ever after three yearn
An At lUinstration.
"Tommy," said the teacher " do you
know whit the word foreeighti means"
" Yeetm."
"Oen you give me en illuetration ?"
You may do so."
• "Last night my mamma told the docear
he might as well mil around and see me
Thankegiving night."
fichiermanises Asthma Cure
Instanner lelieves the moot violent attack,
facilibetes free expeotoration antl ineuree
real to these otherwiee unable to ideep
exeepb bo e cbair'as it elle* trial may
prove. Send for afree trial package to De.
R. Idelliffenann, Se Paul, Minn., but ask
your druggiet firat.
To wives who dearlylove their huebande
Do not feed them on buckwheat oakat
BaokWheat eakett please a men five minutes
and make him dose 24 home, Feed your
husbande as simply as you can. We all eat
too much rich duff.
"What do the intim do in kirks when
they go into report:ling for their rela,tivel 2
Do they wear black ?" aeked Mre. rattle/
Peropotte of a returned explorer. 4 If ib
le a miry hater/ bereavement they eimply
take off the few clothes they etherWise.
To strive with diffieultiee and to conquer
theca le the highest human felicity:
FPI TeMelema.
The Mind and greet.
eat &Weever/iv the
invettefir Of NM eleee
of Medicine%
Cure ala Woe:kneed of Brain, Stag, Nerve,
arid Vern, „Anted*, Rh Daten.loterele
de, A OM Ithettelvtlette 001eitice, Nentalgle
Beklr Fornals Irtegultedty and 'Week,
wegr. Ler imbettotiowiti, 09400.,,i4evitoofeetirellit)eliet Drs.
liettelalii Little Game With Teavellers-
*lithe Rope illteheeien"
One evening lest weak a number of porn-
meetaiel treoellere put up for Oro night at
tit° $te Leivrence Hall, Brockville, and
among them Were e veteran lertiglet of tho
"grip "and a Lwell.known Mourned fruit
emen. After dinner the portly eogaged iu
frielacily game of euchre jinn to path the
three away. &stranger, evidently a travel..
ler, too, we in the room, and he was asked
to sit in mud Who e• hood tre the gimlet am
they were just short oaks men to make up
the party. • lie did se emit Out game weep
plearientey en for some thee. ,
Mr. T. J. Potter was Ode of 6he Rieman
and he mare Chet after a time tire veteran
tiraveller, atherditig to the peatotioe of die
iicrefb," leaked the ehreogor what line he
WAS in. si Rope," was the isoewer. 4' Rosy
Is buds:eta 1" "Well, it has been a little
dull lately, rothenektok, brit Meath are took.
bag better nim,"
The game over, Wm •Eitireinger moved
away. "Who is the num hi the cepa buta-
ne*, 2" asked hie lain 'ruttier in the game,
"WbyI Don't you know V' &eked a gentle-
man who had been Miner% by. 44 That was
Redoliffe, the bummers. Re la going tew.,
hang Luckey. te-morrow."" Viieli. if I had
known that I 'would met have played with
him." And the party broke up, memo in
laughter, eeme tattler depreeated bn pirits.
The Azores.
In 1580 the Azoree came under blie power
of Spain, end in the hiebory of the noxb
tweney yeace their ammo te frequent so the
favorite bebtleground at the Eagle, h and
Spanish fleets. be per eality nate indeed,
mainly on the eide ef oho reenier, stud for a
good reason. Tame Jaen& ley right in the
track of all mosele sailing he and from that
enobented region known thou to ail men ao
the Spaelsh Main. On the highest peak of
Terceira, whence in clear weather the see,
amid be scanned for teepee around, were
retried two oolurone, and by them a man
watched night and day. Winn he saw any
mils approaching from the vveet he set a
flag upon the weebeen column, wee ier OOOli
mi!; if they same from the ease e nimllar
elms was see up on the eastern column.
Hither in these demi mime up 'tut of the
mysterioue western Nee tee great argosies
laden with gold and envoi and jeweie, with
silks and opens and rare woods, wrung at
the octet of thousands of harmless lives and
cruelttee unspeakable from the fair lands
which lie between the waters of the Carib.
bean Sea and the giant wall Si the Ander).
And hither, when England, toe, began to
tern her eyes to EL Doredo, came the groat
war galleons of Spain and Portugal to meet
them preoloue carpea and convoy them
trate into Lisbon or Oedis before these terri-
ble English sea waiver) could get tomb of
the prizo.-Marmillarea ilfagaz ram.
einroty Yogetatbie.
Putnam's Painter:to Corn Extractor is
purely vegetable in composition. Putnates
thorn Extreotor snakes no acre spate; don't
lay a man up for a week. Beware of add
sabatieutam By druggiste.
The new Hotel Fronton°, Qttebee, wa
opened yesterday. The building is six
dories in height, and the decoratione and
furnishingare an of the sixteenth century
• byte.
If some men bad killed Goliath they
weuld remind the Lord o every day la
Yon :may wear a big chrysanthemum
thathe worth its weight la gold, but you're
out of faehion all the SAM unless you've got
s cold.
All Stock Raisers use
Dick's TiniversalMediciries
DICK Sz Co., P. 0. Box 482, Montreal.
ISSUE NO 1 1894.
110010ES la apt Of Ogee oefireenelloi •
met* lelesserieeenthin novae
lut-eeigenenentere ore, Caelehe, theme, &nee,
`Throat, Seethe Demons, CI* * 0**111033**.
Wasr Larst+1 'SION il.setaat eittatt Shitobea Nem*
Plotter will gem sewn seinfecilemnee, centre.
ILO S31111011
um, woe 711? Tine Ineneely will relieve
mei Cure you. Prese Wets, Thb* Ineeeteniter
lie mccesetut treetuvent, free. neineembeire
Eibleohoa liminediasi tare zeirl on a gazoientere ,,e
25 Farms for $1000 each.
13 " 32000 "
7 " 4' 33000 "
14 " " 34000 "
Also well situated propertien
in Chatham, Walleseeburg end.
Ear partieniors emery to
.101115 eleCOT,
itesuiltern, Ont.
iii81irm Elm licyAlt•Elepre. of, WEETBAYMEIT
AI and DA14''ET± arosesli3N14:2:11-.6%::67f7:111Sth:474101:12".ebtrial.!
Ili beava:ArtV tiorA''21a*A9wA';'11
AITIIT Dam one was, Paid oaths grareheao
of 40 amen. .
Now is the thete en note& home
11. "w' own' wRd„b3m. PlEIROEI
Were Bay Cge
50 ACRE iftstit gFaz for uSwante,satad
lon on G. T. Rm. 5 miles from Itanditerve
About 3,0 trees, chiefly peaches. oeews IMO
plume. Glood house, barn, etc. A. snap for'
pushing man. Win be eold cheap, Addrese
17000,000 for sale bythenierePearn
se DULUTH RA IL 310.0;1F
COMPANIC in Minnesota. Send for laps and Min*
lam. They will be sent to you •
Land Commissioner, St. PanLATIan.:
"Semantha let the Wend%
AUNTS Rg g,tomitatti.=
ihrthhiht tory twinned. Send TA fee
,,,,Tngvc501 bIos
YOU ARE - Tomperettea mode
$1 AN HOUR H=Vo Incri
tion. Every housewife buys one. Barenteesaab
Terms by Mali 10e. Agenta wanted. Write
quick, no time be lose. Addreen Waresorieseem
elawannaetwrostst Comnamirs rewortitew
li, 211,,kg
AGEgTs wAwriag male and fettantel,
1...axe To mot a. a. V.V.
Cle.or. Euttmly s.rOoolls co ...vary 0.,.1...c,. .0,0 ..r
n‘..a, ca. aa Cut. MIN*, Cr... *5 L1.,51 1.1 Sasum
110.,,,,r• 10 *Oat raim*V1. R.,' .1141.41,fg 0,651.
CLAMS *510011. 00,. Look 150154.9341.3*.00.5.
riONT Buy a 'Watch 1`7,41'0"7 iftviit
A., Mew tietelogne. Ira MOM , Week rar 0 634.
1RS0 WINSLOW'S 9,2rTair _____:....,...., it B. leeway as 00. TOMIXO:Cre4M,
---------....--, .
leer %skill*. an Mreseilete., OS (110:044 15 leneve.
Sim year mune and sold Is with
one dollar to
Dr. Samuel Ginner, Secy.-Treas. 0! the: Anti
Prohibition Association qf Ontario. Toronto.
Dian Ena-Lherevelth enolose one dorletr and
desire ray name to be enrolled a member of
the Antt-Prohibition Association of Ontario.
Kindly acknowledge receipt by return of EMIL
and County
Post Office
N. D. Printed mabter mailed au application
With Measure 1 give my thetireatter and re
oemniend Ebees Eieebele &lee 50*0 Refferers
tram elornms, or ealt Rheum. Me hands veer:
very blhd last year. Yetur egent mined ane
bought a box et Wee genre, anti miter tabeine in
het water 11.8 /VA AO could be WM% tined it an e
found instant roiled. After two es three
rations my hands became enite
have advised enema bo nee it On nem Krim
Samarcenuto etre. mot Mew have enverieurete
tienencirn resales,
• MentriempueO
n, ne men. le 4 MIX.144.57r
ratio:4 411not R'114:1A,*
This it( US Oo'cUitt thet Muer 050,4, mot&
boxes et efey's ineehrle *save 11. a...mildew,
corede, tropt bale nith. orintnh 5 bed NSWfdo 1.'
313611 ler taboo twos moire
mode Rove. pot. WM.
1 luve twee Mire Monne nave Nee
reemiuneed 51eek• one of Me bet& brannedire.,
Moe ean he ben, le oared.. ince no me 40'1'
leg. At anted lOnts Maine,
einem fine 0/.11t. Tenetrande reensone
• Anemetteerr Stamm.
•Head Maim, Toronto.
Incorporated by Special 41.ot 01 the Domin-
ion Parliamenie
Authorized Capital *100,000.
Puke elf° Insurenoe e.b popular vibes.
Agents wanted.
ewe kosnied Wm* iite
UM gMtm:
STAR tleARD WORKS. Iftfavaseatibelke
Beet rmeorted En Web Stec e Cabin . Wien
iPtaciorime, enmareksrleaupsackwofil ireac9e .cst cm
frigs. .Alfea
Frame, Bacon, Lard, e Lowe. to Wm
040 00virl'il
Phmage montane, %Um- va00. orthea
the+ ode erthresen.
1:L "
Lad CA;
Cleretexa.s num-) a.
Obext hy thoesaad, 514., , 1r :Loot A evavs
Reliable. 15754!5Y0S5 0ijB5*T7Cs-
0'liS. 1'r010 h1g11.125Z5 5r to.vil,:d
((50front Agma-vocion oo receipt id M.00.
Seated partiouLos,,,8 cent&
LANE MEEI LCXN IC CO., Morentaaka.,
*1., 4'4 i"
neon Berney fuO C5t*T31 kr the
nest, Easiest to nee, me Cheapest.
Sold by Druggiste on Oent by non.
soe. 0.0'. ffazeitIne, Warren, 711..
0A15IP.4011. ONT. •. • irevialted 48604
It ie the Faculty that makes the College, Every teitcher in the "Wesleyan" le an bonne
graduate of a Universityor College The Faculty conbaito henoingraduatee of the Toronto
Mayoralty, of Victoria, of Queered, of Trinity, of Albert, atid'of Hamilton, all giving fall thins
to the College. Ladies dosiringthe Moab scholerly !Retraction inLiteintuni, ffel.dene, Itrasece
Ant and Elocution, with tho social and educational advantages of eibref 50,000 inhabiteribe
Will sandier onr Catalogue. This College has furnished Iadv prineipale far ab least live of ink&
Ladles' Colleges of Canada,' and for several of the mere private Rohde's. Ito gradnatise sone
students seen be found in tan ban homes Of our land, including ohe homes of Inenteentwe-.0eve
ernme. Special attention given dieeeeline, physical culture, health, mariners, Me. Therese
thinkteg of sending their dieughbers receive fall inforniatiort bOaddreming the IMMO
P. opon atter holidays, minuory Gahm sidElinh. Te 10.* LE.
. .
CNV rums 0451440l4.