The Exeter Advocate, 1894-1-4, Page 5Eta°., NS ratliVPI GI.Aat'ts are a aoo. cue eovexr.ti.as Curd the. irdrit moo 0' iV SSlUl?Cbl tY .Lost Vigor LL i iaYhm Manhood;restores the evnkncx4. or body, or salmi caused o by ()tor -wok, or t110 emcee orox. a,.,,weaa.acr,,nale?;;+*(Noma of youth. Tills Item dy ((.a1b• isolateiy Utiles the most 'obstldnte ewes !ellen {lb Otpet 4nratriere law t!faUcclov^n to rellin'u, o14bydrgo• Kars aro;;. per package,v Nis fur $e. or'set1 by raaii on evl 9,kts11itiueby (t't.tl lt' Writ. • "ler unto l lai.s Sold%C11V1C Or Sale IulBy eter by J, W. Browning The Quebec Legislative Councll last ight on a tie vote rejected the Beau - rt Asylum bill, wlxieh has been pas- t ted by the Legislature. ,,.•; NO COLD OR COUGH too severe -to owof Dr yield to the curative power Wood's Norway Pine Syrup The curlers of the Toronto Club'play- ed on New Years' for a dozen bags of flour to be given by the losers to ' some city charity, SCROFULA ENTIRELY CURED Dear. Sirs—I have suffered very much from scrofula and bad blood for seven lyears past Six months ago 1 cora- 1 using BBB internally and ex- ternallyand car. now saythat I am entirely cured, and have been so for some time To all sufferers I recom- mcnd BBB as an excellent 'weedy for scrofula. Miss A )3 Tanner Pictou NS, The Trades and Labor Council last evening at a special meeting endorsed the candidate of Mayor Fleming for a third term.' Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and other whose occupation gives but little exercise, should use Carter's Little Liv- er Pills for torpid liver and biliousness One is a dose Try them The will 1 of the late1 W. W Baldwin, deceased November 19, disposes of an estate valued at $183,713.77. HACKING COUGH CURED. Gentlemen—My little boy had a se- vere hacking cough, and could not sleep at night. I tried Hagyard's Pec- torial Balsam for him and he was clued at once, Mrs. J Hackett, Linwood, Ont Andrew Silver, a students „ at the Mohawk Institute, near Brantford, was drowned while skating on a creek yes terday morning. VARIABLE APPETITE and itching at the nose are signs of worms. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup js the best cure, Racing was held on the Ivy City acl. at Washington `yesterday, but e book makers were nut allowed to o business.' SCRAPED WITH A RASP. Sirs—I had such a severe cough that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp On taking Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I found the first dose gave re- lief, and the second bottle completely cunred me. Miss A A Downey, Mauotic, Ont. At Chicago yesterday lawyers for. the defence in the Prendergast trial occupied the entire day with argu- ments. . When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria. When she had Children, sho gave them Castoria. Mrs Gladstone who has been suffer- ing from a severe chill contracted last Thursday is not recovering rapidly. Are free from all crude and irrating matter Concentrated medicine only Carter's Little Liver Pill Very small Veryoeasy to take; no pain; no griping; no purging Try them The damage caused to Brantford pro party by the overflowing of the Grand River is estimated at $15,000. WILD CHERRY and HYPOPHOS- PIIITES are combined with Cod Liver Oil in Milburn's Emulsion, the best Lung . remedy. George McLeod, the eight year old son of Angus McLeod, was drowned while skating at Ingersoll yesterday EXCELS ALL OTHERS Dear Sirs—Your Burdock Blood Bit- ters'excels all other medicines that I eyer used. I took it for biliousness. and it hese ured me altogether. Wm. Wright, Wallaceburg, Ont. It is repoted, that Rev. T. W. Win- field has appointed Chaplain at Rideau Hall by Lord Abeedeen. FOR HEADACHE, Constipation B11- iousness, or Torpid Liver, Burdock Pills are the best cure. M. MacCauley, Mayor of Edmonton R Martin, Mayor of Regina, and C. A. Gass, Mayer of Moosejaw. have been elected by acclamation. A DOME TESTIMOOIAL • Gentlemen—Two years ago my husband • suffered from svere indiges- tion, but was completely cured by two boftles of Burdock Blood Bitters.,. I can irp .Commend it to all suffers from s disease Mrs John Hurd, 1.3. Cross St. Toronto At Montreal yesterday the. .protest ,a'ainst the, election of Mr Harwood, Liberal member for , Vaudreuil was 'dismissed, with costs. A POSTMASTER'S OPINION "I have grunt pleasure in certifying o the usefulness of Hagyard's 'Yellow i1," writes D Kavanagh, postmaster itMrniraville, Ont, "having used it for reness of the throat, burns, coldf, etc 1 find nothing equal to it" Mrs. Joseph Rae, of Ramsay, Russell ,County, was choked to death by a piece of cheese which accidentally slipp;icl down her throat. Pdmpt relief in sick headache, die• zfness, neasea,'constipation, pain in the side' guarantoe,d to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills One a dos Small price Small dose Small pill, • . isoollaneous, • Gen, W. A. Quarles, is dead at, Nash- ville, Tenn,. The recent discovery of Dr, Eseljay is the best remedy for biliousness and all stomach, and liver troubles . While regulating the digestive system Esel• jay's Liver Lozenges act as a tonic and do not weaken, like pills. They aro the best family medicine: on the mar- ket. 25 cents et all druggists. • The great Blanchester Ship Canal, will be opened for traffic on Monday. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc, Save '$50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure over known. Sold by C. Lutz, Drugr,ist. Teams are now crossing the ice he tween Manitoulin and the main land. lRILeuauatIsna Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon. the system is remarkable and myster- ious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears, The first dose greatly benefits. 75e, Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Four men were accidentally drown= ed in a mine at Montague, ten miles from Ilalifax, yesterday morning. Hood's and Only Hood's. Hood's Sarsaparilla is carefully pre- pared from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper berries tind other well known remedies. by a peculiar combination, proportions and process, giving to Hood's Sarsapar- illa curative powers not possessed by other medicines. It effects remarkable cures when other preparations fail, Hood's Pills cure biliousnes. On the farm of Angus Sutherland' •near Wallaceburg, Alfred MacDougall committed suicide because Ella Suth erland, his affianced, would not discon- tinue receiving attention from another man. Tho Care of the Shin. In au article on the cultivation of beauty, a physician writes:—The best methods of keeping the skin in a heal- thy and clear conditions is frequent bathing in cold water and avoidance of the use of complexion powder con- taining arsenic or lead, proper diet, correct habits, plenty of sleep and open air exercise; and if we !night add one article of medicine as being specially valuable for this purpose it would be Eseljay's Liver Lozengcf," Offieial returns in Prince Edward Island show that 23 Liberals and two Conservatives were elected. The vote for prohibition stood 10,616 • for and 3,390 against, while 3,589 electors did not vote either way. • The Boys. Boys should always have some quick and sure remedy for sudden attacks of Cramps, Diarrhoea, or Dysentery. for a physician is not always near, and. an hour's delay in cases of this kind often leads to serious results. There- fore parents should have on hand a supply of Perry Davis'. Pain Killer, which is as efficacious as it is simple and harmless. Directions aro with each bottle, and one dose rarely fails to bring relief to a sufferer from any bow- el complaint. New size 25c. Bottle full 2 oz At Chatham yesterday Jack Rowan a well-known character, met George Monk, a young farmer, on the street. and, with no apparent reason, shot the farmer twice in the leg. Rowan was taken to goal and Monk to the hospital Belief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney' and Bladder di seases relieved in six hours by the "Nxw GREAT SOUTH AArElll,CAY1f KID- NEY CURE." This new' reined* is a great surprise and delight to physic. tans on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe- male. It removes . retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed- iately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Flotsam and Jetsam. The old practice of pulling off the suckers or side shoots of corn has large- ly been abandoned. In view of the threatened dearth of fodder in Europe. the' French Academy of Sciences recommends utilizing the leaves of the grape vine for this purpose. Cattle .eat them, either fresh or dry, with avidity, • and they are stated to be excel• lent food. English exchanges report "gout" in barley. This gout is caused by the mag- gots of the corn fiy. Potato bugs increase because we do not poison the second crop. They are left to mature and be on hand in the spring for the next crop. Any boy of 10 to 12 years who has been brought up on the farm ought to know how to bud and graft a tree. All communications emphasize the; Nhortage of hay and forage crops in Eu- rope, and especially in France. There is always a good market for the straw that is earliest thrashed after har- vest. ,j 'Perseverance to using t will ewe relict, even tui cases at long stn g, w 1a dn% ' 1 ere a sure seemed impossible and file seemedhardly Cvonh tiwng Per Bottle, 2:ic,5OC,or $LOO MAsQN O: ---The following are the' officers elected for Malloch Chapter, eaforth, during; the current y'eav;--- Rev. J. 13, Pairl.ie, P. Z; J McIntyre, P. If.; Rev, J. W, Hodgins, P ,1,; L. 0, Van Bpmond, S.: E,; D. Moore, S. N.; Geo Whiney, Treas.; A. Simmons,. P. S.; J. Scott; S. S.; Geo. ,Ewing, J. S.;Geo, Patterson, Tyler, Mr, Wm. Willert, contractee and builder, Dashwood, is making prepar- ation for a largo run of business the ' corning season and solicits a call froth all who contemplate in the townships of Stephen and Hay. Mr. Willerts mechanical skill is well-known and farmers and others can make uo mis- take in securing his seryicos. The following officers of Clinton Lodge No. 84, A. F. and A. M. were duly installed on Wed. night of last, week by Wor.13ros, James Young and R; Hey wood:— Sin allacomb, W. M. W. J. Paisley, P.M. J. W. Shaw, S. W. Wm. Downs, J. W. T. C. Bruce, Secret- ary. 0. ecretary.0. S. Doan. Treasurer, 0. Johnston 8. D. P. Allcock, J. D. A.J. EInllo a c w I,G y, Joseph Rider,o, G. B. I), Kennedy, J. Emerton Stewards. A NARROW EsoArn.—What. might have been a serious accident happened on Thursday last. As Messrs. Wm. Somcryille, of Rodgerville, and Robert Morrison were driving along the road fn a sleigh containing a large. work bench the sleigh suddenly slid to one side of the road which was veru icy, and upset, Mr. Morrison" falling un- der the bench received a severe blow on the face and some severe bruises. Mr. Somerville escaped unhurt. A trafiip named John Valentine was brought before Magistrates Thos. Law- rence and Reeve Bryan of Lucknow on Saturday last by Constable McLeod, as a vagrant. Although a young man about 25 years of age he was a harden- ed case, and told the court he was, .a tramp by profession and only worked when it was absolutely necessary. He was sent up for six months to the county jail, where he will be trans- ferred to the Central. Prison at Toronto. Hooper on Trial. Joliette, Que., Jan. 3.—The trial of John Reginald Hooper for the murder of his wife began this afternoon. Many witnesses are already here, and the others are expected, to arrive in a'short time, The trial, it is expected, will last about twb weeks. Hooper looks a little pale to -day, but seems confident of the result. He has not been outside the gaol since the snow fe,l, so probably the,;laek of exercise accounts for his paleness. When Hooper was call( d to the dock he ascended the steps in a con- lideut manner, and nodded brightly to his hewers. For a man who is•on trial for his life he certainly is showing remark able couiidence. He was allowed to he seated during the trial It took two hours to get a jury. 11:3 Ontario in it. Ottawa, Jan 3. ----Mr. Johnston, the Dominion statistician, says:—"Prohibi- tion can only be a success when the overwhelming majority of the voters is bellied' it; this is an axiomatic truth in the case of all moral reforms. It is not enough that its supporters should by a bare majority of .the community. They should represent at least two-thirds of the community. Tried by this reason able test, the plebiscite in Ottawa re- sulted in a lamentable failure, There were 11,670 persons who wereentitled to vote on this question. The prohibit- ionists obtained 3,867, or under 25 per cent.,, A vote of 8,000 in favor of pro- hibition would have expressed the idea that in carrying out prohibition its ad- vocates would be backed by the moral sentiment of the city. It is plain that the city is a long way from that prac- tical uuau4mity which would give pro- hibition its only living chance, When the figures are all in it will be found that judged by this test the Province of Ontario is not prepared for' the ex- periment." • A W'W A T Cleo 1 To take charge of Local Agency- f&ooci opening for right man, on salary or commission. Whole or part time. We are the only growers of both Canadian and American stock. Nurseries at Ridgeville, Out., and Rochester, N,Y. Visitors welcome at grounds (Sundays excepted). Be quick and write for full information. We want you now. BROWN B acs. Co , TORONTO, ONT. This House is a reliable, Inc. Co, raid Capital, U0 ,000.00. MONEY FOaYOU v .aa../.V �/ 1G{ti1N/N/l If taken in lime it will core most severe ares ofCoygh, Bronchitis. Anhwei, orchronic irritation of Throat or Lungs. THUS a heavy doctors bill: YOU SAVE much fdis omfort. THE KEY- TO HERTNi Unlocks all the clogged avenues of :the Rowels, Kidneys itnd Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; atthesame tinie Cor- recting Acidity of thq Stolnaoli, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia,. Eeadaeheu, Dizziness, ICieartburh, Constipation, Dryness Of the Skin. Dropsy, Dimness of vision, Jahn - thee, Salt Rhetun Erryytiiyelas, SOPO- Fluttering of the 1blbsrt, Ner- vousness, r-v'ousness, and tieneral Debility all these and many other. shnilar Complaints told to the happy iuiluenco of But *JOCK >Lo0 larT . L>l5. Per tate bU alt boaters. 1,1111LEUIi &CO,,Proprietors,Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rejoice Because ;IIood'a Sarsaparilla R-escueld Their Child, from Scrofula. For Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other foul humors in the blood of children or adults, Hood's Sarsaparilla is an unequalled remedy. Read this: Wo are so thankful to Iroed's Sarsapa- rilla for what it did for our little girt that wo mike this statolnerlt for the benefit of other. auei,ins parents and Suffering - • Om girl was a beautfIul baby, fair and plump and healthy, . But when she was two years old, sores broke out behind her ears and ;spread rapidly over her ;!earl and forehead down to her eyes; and into her neck. We. consulted one of the best physicians id Brook- lyn, but nothing dial her any good. The dee- torsscrofula to^s said It was canard by a ,,tciula !rumor b the hloocl !ler head became One Compieto Sol'® offensive to the smell and dreadful to look at. llor general health waled. and she would lay in a large chair day without any life or en- ergy, The sores caused gn'one atcldang and bulling, so that at tiles we had to restrain hes halals to pi event scratching. For 3 years . ho^ff3ued Fearfully with this tr ribt3 !rumor. Being urged to try Boot., faintut,ilit1 wo did so. We soon noticed that she i,✓.,l there lire and appetite. Tho medicine seemed to drive out more of tt 111U3lurl )Y 0 8111r1 11010,1)311 1180033 begooto st h i.1u, 1110 IR Selset„ a LY.i nu, saa1s5, canned, 1, and lLaf01 mouths her hen ilbeen neentirely clecaof the Saxe. She i:)11oWpeai'ecciyw•c11i, twit; no Ovid! 080 of the humor, and her skin i3 She seems like an en- tirzdy tlifierynt r11 1f1 1-1 health and geeercd appeartince, from what dile was before laking r a arilia I. W. Far•.Dxnrcr, 311 Glenmore Ave., East New'York, Brooklyn, N. F. This Testimonial fa an illustration of what Hood's Sarsaparilla is doing for the sick and suffering every day, from Maine to California. In the light of these facts who can say that the work of an immense concern like ours is not beneficent? NOOD'8 PILLS cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. Hood's ood's Vegetable lre pr. pared to meetPils aalegitie - mate demand for a mild, efficient and reliable family physic. They are purely vegetable, containing no p • MS stance calomel, mercury, or mineral sub- stance of any kind. Hood's Pills act upon the stomach, liver, and alimentary canal, and cure Liver Complaint, Constipation, Nausea, Biliousness, Headache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after Eating, Jaundice. A cold may broken up and a fever prevented by promptly taking Hood's Pills. . Hood's Pills Are prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. N OUT? -Woe - :zotor oe- :zeter E:i. Hogs Wanted, Dressed or Alive, Dressed Hogs bought subject to the. following conditions: --2 lbs per cwt off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for. either bung gut or gullett, if left in. .Ali hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SNELL BROS & Co. PALACE BAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up hie parlor and restaurant —will serve -- ICE CREAM Ililuring.the Summer Season, Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Buns, Cakes &c. Owing to the recent fire of last. Tuesday night, Mr. S. G-idley has been obliged to se- cure new quarters and for the next month at least, his customers will. find him located in Parkinson's Old Stand, one door north of the Town Hall, with a brand new stock of holi- day goods.. S. QIblEY'S FURNITURE & UNDERTAEKING. Remember' Manson's Big Slaughter Sale of Boots,, and Shoes, which will be continued every day until the whole stock is sold out. � ��•IIIIINSOLNext Door 1.South ofPostolfice The Williams inquest was resumed at Cooksville yesterday, and several witnesses swore to the ideutity of the prisioner i1MWhirrell with the young man seen in the vicinity before the murder, Cory and Butcher, two other prisoners, were put in the box, but re fused to give evidence, Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. .All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend= ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season. 1?. W. FOSS, Bfensall Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical • Instruments. We are the only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity,— . Greater Larg'ins ! Greater Choice ! ! Lowest Prices. ! ! ! The latest and newest at- tachments for all our Foods can be had by calling at our ware-rooms,—One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store. PEBK1S_; BRANTFORD PCPID STEAM LAUND " Y! A. HASTINGS, Agent. If you want your linen to .look whiter than snow, take it t0 . .. �y • t. x• 9 AL. EXETER S Popular Tonsorial Artist. Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A Specialty. • 0 DriesS Well It is riot recess thatyou should hclvc your ()lathes made f 'o a the very best materkl neither need you b; the very latest stylx., but to look well your clothes must fit. L is ThisOur Min Not only to make .ft suit fit proper outthe latest style, We Guarantee Every garment dim. leaves our shop will i e a perfect fit. BERT. KNIGHT, The Fashionable Cutter and Fitter, CLITRAIA STS A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. !teijt J!!eillc cs, Sos, Drllllst's SippllEs 9t right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipt Carefully Prepared. i1I11'S COAtt11lo1i the best in the market. C. LUTZ. PROP CLO A.J. J. S EXETER - ONTAR1t Has now in stock Atitun Wigtu ING IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trou erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings, French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J SNELL HO! : BARGAINS. Atkinson's Furniture Ware- rooms is the cheapest and best place in the County to buy Fur. nitu.re• • • • • • • • • $9.00. A first-class Bed -room Suite for only $9 and every- thing else in comparison. All goods guaranteed to be my own make, of first-class dry material,nothing but best hard lumber used. Lumber and ` Wood. Taken in exchange for Furniture, Wire Mattresses. The only place in town where you can buy The Patent Dominion Tickle Plated Wire Mattress,-= 'war• ranted not to rust. J.D Atkinson, Prop 1 r-.