HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-11-30, Page 1those right prices. ' take $u, TION. AND HURON Sri MIDD` ESEX GAZ KTTE. t6HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS l ALL WFTF,RE THEY MAY EXETER, OTTAIRIO, THURSDA MORNING, NOVEMBER 30 189 OIi.`'X I. NO, 15, Lk u Waiit TBR 000DZ Paln ange. 13o.; 9a,; o, come to R. MeGOWAN'S, ere you find them of the BEST QUALITY, GREATEST VARIETY { AND-- r Closest Cut Prices Tomeet hard. times, BlIC r ..N THighsst cash price paid for farm ,f Produce, yes cks just eter fl rge 14a Stool. Sale in R. MoGOWAN, General Merchant,Kirkton. k3ted:11ey. -- Comte—Connell — Coorcie Connell met on the 20th, to members all present. James McDiermid t,and Walter McBeth were each refunded $5 cammetetion for statute labor, the work. hag bran performed. The following nos were paid ; George Ebbs, gravel, Wheatley, work, $30; rofeesional servioes, 85 3. T. phes for Ars Sootmero, al 99 rt, work in oonnce:Hon with the curt of Appeal, $10 70. The clerk streaked to get 50 nomination notices Thomas Frazer, Thomas Kenn- m. Bothwell and Samuel Storting tainted Deputy Returning OIIiaere, erk was authorized to draft a by - ening their appointment, Tho djourned to meet again ou Friday r15th,at1p.m. nteen. A very sad accid Reynolds ou his - last W CONDENSED DISTRICT NEWEL. PRATi3.. e W. C. Diosorip and T. D.Stanl y will make a spirited run for the St, Marys mayorality, "Thornwood." the famous trotting stallion owned ,by W. G. Murphy, Mitchell, died fro m collo last week. Win. Phillips and Miss Mary lel lington of Hibbert were united in the. bonds of matrimony on Wednesday las t Miss ,Tenkisou, of the Stratford road Mitchell, fell from a table while doing some house cleaning on Monday, and broke the large bone in one of her arm', hurt her baok, anti received other injuries. A pleasant wedding took place at "The Grange,", Stratford, the reside once of the late James Trow, ex -M. P., Wednesday afternoon, when Miss M. E. Trow.was married to Dr. B. E. Hawke, a popular young phyaioiau of Stratford. ADAM. Mr. P. F Murphy, of Seafo th, has been engaged to teach in the Galt Separate School. W. 3, Dtakeon, of McKillop, will build a barn 125x60 feet, said to be the largest tit the county, S, B. Gray, teacher of No. 5 Morn- ington, has been re-engaged for anothoryearratan lnoreese of salary. ' M. Y. Farrow, eon of Thos. Farrow of Brussels, was married at Winnipeg last week, to 1,1iss Nettie Geddes, one of Wingham's fairest daughters, Wm. MoCell, 7th con., Morris, hes purchased a 100 acre farm in Bruce county, six utiles front Ripley, for his eldest son, The pricelpaid was said to be $3,800, The death of the wife —of Capt. Freeman ot the Salvation "Army oo- purred at Listowel, on Thursday. She was formerly a Misses asp, and lived in CInn ton Rev. Calling of Mitohell while re- turning home from Str atford the other day the axle of the buggy broke, when he wits precipitated to the ground and somewhat seriously in- jured. Stitches were necessary to olose the wounds. The Avonbank butter factory rs turning out butter at the rate of over 500 pounds aanurning, and the churn. is operated three times each week. Mr, Muir, maker, has succeeded in selling all the butter that can be man- ufactured up to tato 1st of May at 24o. a pound. Mesara. 3. J. Crabbe (formerly of the St, Mary's Argus,) Dr. 3. H. Cot- ton, Fred Roper and W. J. Gage, ot Toronto, and Stephen Meyers, of St. Mary's, have received letters patent forming the Star Printing and Publish- ing Company of Toronto, (oapital $100,000) with power to print a morn- ing rend evening edition oftheStar. 'he friends of Andrew Rao in Lis - sous on his ld let Blyth. BRIEFS.—Miss Campbell, of S.•afortb has been engaged by the school trustees to take charge of the intermediate de - earthmen of B P. 5, for 1804. The young lady comae highly recommended. —Several of our citizens are named already as likely to aspire for m inicip al honors for 1894, nonor()power to them.—E. Chamberlain intends starting up in the bakery Walnut;Walnut;once more. Urecllton. Batmvt..—La Grippe is raging in thio vicinity, nearly every, family 1 t th e village are suffering from its. e.Teets ; some perao..i being very seriously ill. —The Forester's Court of this village intend holding a concert between Xmas and New Years, We undo stead that they have made arrangements to have the best talent lin Western On- tario. — Frederiok Wuerth who was seriously hurt in the floc mill some The Oosens term 3rd Econ, Tooker- menthe ago is still unable to leave his smith, which has far the;pastyear been house..—The Crediton butchers, have worked by Air, White, will be taken reinovedjto their new premises where ia;oharge Ream by Mr. Abner Casella, they are prepared to provide for the of Toronto. wants of the pu Wm. Reid oto Iriahtown, who dispos- ed of his 50 acre farm some time ago, has purchased 100 acres in Grey town- ship and intends moving (there about the last of December. tug tertained that he may have •e:n ih railway wreck. Inquiries have been sent about him to Loophole and hie relatives in Ontario. driDDLitattx a Mrs. Shafer died atthe residence of her brother, Mr, A. attention, Varna, on Wednesday of last week. She has; been poorly for some time, inflam- mation of the bowels was the immed- iate cause of her death. Mr. Micheal Dorsey,,whose ,farm is situated on the Huron t road,° Tuaker- smith, a short distance,oast of Seaforth has sold the east 50 , cores to Mr. Richard Barry ofSeaforth, for $2,523. On Wednesday morning ,Mr. Robt. McLean ot Goderioh removed al tele- gram stating that his stare,, Mrs. John li. Elliott, hau,died tit Grandin, Dak- ota, where she had been livieg for several years with her husband. Parkdale and; Seatorth Collegiate Institutes played football et Seaforth on Thursday last for the Hough cup. The game wits played ins driving emotestorm,'butwas one of the best ever played for the cup. Soaforth won by 4 to 2. Mr. 11 ng Go. ; ri rent&Lthd farm W,w blip.—'rile pub ie re. gret the retirement of W. Sieber t from the mercantile business, ane trust William will not mope from our midst as hods a good citieen and a jolly good fellow. hayfield Sensall. V1T CAMERON SMITH, Barrister, Solidi- tor, Oonveyanoer:, Offioo iaain-it. Jan be ienaaillloe hours at the Commercal Botch R to red uoo it erg (shook lSais order m3' large stook and raise fmoney;,Ihave decid- ed toad'. away down below anything that has ye; been offered. Remember this is a genuine .ale as lam bound to reduce my stook and raise the money, therefore no reasonable offer wet bo refused. Give me a call and be con vin' ed that wo mean what we say. Satisfaction au trantood or no Rale. ltemombor the staled, :.1eEwen's Book Ilonsen. JOAN POPE, Prone 13,000 beguile ofoodwheat wanted at the floasalt flour Mills. We have jest resolved sot oral large orders for dour this week, we are stt 1 able to pay the highest market pride for good wheat. Thanking all our old customers Cot the trait patronage, we would respectfully sot;oit acontinuanao of the sumo in the future. L`hursdavbeing Thanksgiving flay the mill will bo shut dawn. WOK 1311031 Daaial bar.toin sale of Boats & Shoes £rinks & Valise. Our special bargain as10 for the past two weeks was agrand success. anlwehad oustomors'come adiswoo of In and i5 niton and were wallropaid for their journey. audas wo have stills largo stook an hand we are offarinA spacial bargains for the balanoe of the year. From now until Jan, 1st int. it Wilt pay you to tali and any your foot wear from us . as we hay° the largest and most oo opiate stook in the oounty to scoot. from, ani will bo sure to pioaso you is qulality, style ant prior, :thanking y ole for past oat release. Sia of Big Boot. A. WeISELO11. Following are the market quotations Wheat•5636 36 to 58 Barley toot.... to Oats ,. , ... ... 28 to 30 Peas , . 51 to Hay 4,0010 7,0051 Butter 20 to 2x Eggs..,......... 14 to 14 .Hogs 7 50 Clover seed have A number of the fishermen n arrived home. D. 'Herriaten, Jatnes McDonald, Daniel McDonald, Alex. Brown, Neil ilxurray, Albert Woods and M. Ross Dame home last week.— Rev. H. Deihl of Goderioh To'rnehip preached in Trinity church • litre on Sunday morning, Rev. Mr. Kerrin being away at Loudon.—Mr. George Erwin has purohnsed. Dr. Wright's residence on the square, for some time past occupied by Dr. Sheppard. —The Methodist tee meeting on Wednesday evening was very well attended con• aideriug the rough weather. A. very entertaining pr aneof vocal and in- strumental muni given. On the next was held. We under was realised.—Pr, and i celebrated their silver Tuesday 28th and enterta f their friend geist Mr. Mr. I, posit spec ones was ening a social out $35 WEST HURON 'TEACHERS' CONVENTION. Goderioh, Nov. b, 18 The West Huron Teaceore Aesoefa. met in the. Model School pursuant to o ., • e r,t 10 a. m. of the executive committee In the absence of the Pree:aent, Teapot - or Tom took the chair and opened the meeting. Wm. Houston, M. A., director of Teachers' Institetes, being present, was thenhntroduoed, and prooeeded to disauss Mathematics under the foils wing header 1, Mental Arithtnetie; 2, :Notation and, Numeration; 3, The Fotr Elementary Buten; 4, F'ractione;5, 'Ratio; 6, Involution andJvotutlon. In Mr. Iiouston'e in- trodactton of the subject he dealt with the value of Arithmetic under ;tree heeds, It's praotical an d culture value and its value as an introdaction to other or higher mathe- minios. (lettere weir dealt with under Ikea heads; praotioe skill, h towledge, and enthetic. Mental Arithtnetio wad dealt with in a very practical and inetrnottve manner, The ;dissuasion of this eubjeot was further ooutinuad by Inspector Tom, Ti, I. Sttang, J. Delgaty, Inspector Robb, of East Huron, who was present, also took part in the discussion. W. H. Johnston gave notice of a motion in regard to substituting the Ps S Leaving Bum. for the Entrance. The association then adloarned to meet again at 1.30 p. m. ACCIDENTALLR Sao=—Mr James Kennard of Hills Green, who formerly worked here at the refitting of the Commercial hotel about four years ago, was asaidentally shot this week in British Columbia, and his re• retina will be brought home for burial, He belonged to the 1, 0, 0.F. Lodge here and wi.a highly reapeoted by all who knew him, timers.—Rev. A. Stewart of Clinton, preaohod in Henaall on Sunday. Rev. Ma Henderson, taking the Sabbath Sohool arnivorsary aoreices in Clinton,—Tree teachers of the ars: and seen ,l di •Bions of the Hensen school have been co- at an advanced salary, and much regret is Nit that the teao. or '-t, the third division' se t of her 4,1311:t0a`,i session, The association met at 1.45' p. nt, Mr, Latta, president of the asss.olation, having arrived, tools the chair, t The Minutes of the last session at Exeter and the forenoon session were read sled adopted. The following committees were then ap- pointed Resolution— Masura, W. 1i. Johnston, Jas. Delgaty, Ger. Baird, hisses Barrows and Mary Blair; .dndit--Mesara. S. 3. Boyd and J. A. Dempsey. Ur. Johnston's reeolutiou with reference to the P. S. Leaving Examii,ation was r ferred to the Desolation Core mitten, as w also a resolution by air. Born S. J. Latta then prooeedec. with the sub' jeot of drawing, illustrating his remarks by blaokboard exeroisee. Tait proved very inatruotive, as Mr. Latta allowed himself thoroughly conversant with she subject. r. Houston then resumed the discussion tics, dealing wit:t addition and nuitipitoa ion. The roll was then called and shows ethers in attendance, then recd a paper "on in Ld Boys' )ver - rid .es' ;hoes .7' donning so machine bis left '+ d .was drawn in. The knives were set for at half stroke or out. As the sharp steel blades revolved the fingers and hand to the; base of the thumb were gradually sewored, six or seven half inch strokes taking oft as many pieces. The belt at this time WAS thrown off andthe , machine stopped, elsehthe whole arm might have been chopped off in half inch pieces.—Mr. Thomas Stephens, of the Queen's hotel Seaforth, annually gets up a live pigeon match. and the one this year was held last Thursday, Among other prizes there was a very handsome silver cup for the championship of the county of Huron. There were a large number of crack shots present, the Clinton Club being represented by Messrs. Tierney, Gidlep, Overbury, Lee, Doherty, Ciente- lore Hinchley, azciturray and Blackell. The match was a ten -bird race and J. E. Blackallled with a clean score ot ten and won the championahip cup. John tclsturray another Clintonian, secured second place with a score of nine.--- ilsrs. Sparrow, relict of the lite Richard Sparrow, died last Saturday,et her home in Stanley, aged 80 years. err. Sparrow been deceased about 36 years. In fty-three years ago, the late Mrs. v emigrated from Ireland with ents and .,resided at or near acct ,3:for two years, In 1842 she mem rod Richard Sparrow and the couple settled°on the farm where she breathed her last.—Died, in Goderioh township, 14th con., on the 25th inst., Sarah McGee, wife of Mr. Wm. Connell, aged 74 years, being the youngest of a family c'f 11 children and born in the county of Tipperarey, Ireland, and emigrated to this country over 51 years ago.—fur. Jacob Miller butchered two aplendid apring'porkers last week. Both were of his own feeding and of thelcotnmonbreed. They tipped the scales, when dressed, at 263 and 277 pounds each.—We regret to .learn of the illness of Rebecca, eldest daughter of nsr, Thos. Elliott, Goderioh -township: "'Shn.reternou from Dakota recently,—Owing to the foundry , being closed down lair, Geo. Baird has accept- ed, a situation at Ingersoll and is now working there. Mr A. MclVlury, t L. D. S. has ..T.. purchased the office and practice of the late D. S. Rupert ot St. Marys. ads. Lased at a in, and will llltalr1.6J] CS. sell cheapal. 1 E I 11K. ., RIAORS )pen.. 1 by the dish in bulk. POCK. .OT--- ORN:9 Parlthill's navy opened Nov. 28, in grandstyle. Mr. 3. W. Hawkey, of Parkhill, who has been ailing for the last two yoara is much worse and is confined to bed. ". The trustees of S. S. tNo. 12, Mc- Gillivray, have secured the services of Miss Annie Ronald$ as teacher for the coming year. Word was received in Parkhill that Mr Thos. Robson, who left there for Man- itoba about two - yeara ago, died at Brandon last Thursday. S. Ford & Co The London assessors have submitted their roll ,tor 1894. The population within the actual oily ;limits is 32,571, Last year it was 31,615; inorea;ee 956. At the last official ,meeting of the Parkhill Methodist Church, Rev. J. Holmes was asked to remain for the third year. He has consented to do BO, A very pretty though quiet wedding took place et the residence of Squire Patrick, 12th con.. London township, on Wednesday, 22nd inst., when his daughter Lilly was united in marriage to Mr. John Beacom, deputy reeve God- erioh Township. WOODRAM. Bargains that will oil , be at Store this week as follows are About t0 pair Boots and Shoes for- mer price $1,00, now 25c •former --price 25c now 19 hildren's Gloves, for-., _. miles north of Blyth. $200 per anomie. Last week Mr. John MoEwen, , son of Mrs, D. M:eEwen, of Stanley hitched up the horses in the barn. Whtle backing out, the mare's foot went through the approach, and her leg was broken. The injury was so severe that the animal had to be shot. Mr. N. Butler son of far. W. Butler, 16th con., Godericb townsbip who has been very ill for the past year, suc- oumbed on Monday week. He was during his lifetime a quiet industrious young man, and his death will be re- gretted very much by his old friends and neighbors. Many of the friends oldie,. and Mrs. Alexander McLean, formerly of Tuck- eramith, but now of Tyner, Dakota, will regret to learn of the death of their son, Mr. Peter McLean, who died at Devil's Lake, Dakota, of lever, after an illness of about three weeks. lie was thirty years of age and un- married. The following roonventions of Pat- rons of Industry for the selection of parliamentary candidates have been called ;-East and South Middlesex. London, Dec. 4 ; North Middlesex, Ailsa Craig, Deo. 6 West Middlesex, Mount Brydges, Dec' 8, The will of the late T. A. Mara has been iiledin theProbate Court,London. By it the interest held by deceased in the dry goods business, all the real and personal estate (consisting of stook in trade:mash and book debts,) are left tothe widow of deceased, The value of the entire estate is placed at $45,- 135. Tho breeding stables of T. D. /lod- ging of London,were destroyed by fire on Wednesday morning of last week, together;with 40 horses and a number of cattle, besides implements, hay, straw, roots, etc.; in all makinga loss of $20,000 to Me Hodgins. He held insurance for $12,000. Some val- uable horses were burned, ranging in price from $200 to if2;000. Mre. Johanna Breen, of Parkhill, relict of the late John Breen, died recently in that town, aged 72 years, The droeased wairborn in the county of Tipperary, Ireland on the 29th Sept, 1819, and was married to her late hus- band, John Breen, in January, 1840. In April of the same year they emi- grated ' taking f he vo a t k grated to America, t y R j g six weeks and `four days. They first ot in t e hi St settled in the Owe a dcounty of York, where they premiained until 1852, and then remoydd to the towrn- ship; of McGillivray, 'then a dense" forest. 7 or 8 years ago they retired from fanning +and came to Parkhill;,, where they;resod•«til death called them away- ItIr. Thomas Ticknor, jeweller, of erkhiil,. manufaotu'red, not long In. ec season our Erie cash, lectin Chris that goo see Call early ail ane make your, J- P. pore 0Er;18e:eta hav,r (1•-- on New Era sayer—Tho advantage o .. ned n large unlit that will bring in the greatest amos._ s.—We hear o± revenue is auoh that an illustration is }d. Il eweon scarcely neoaaaary, yet here is one with the. Mk's store benefits on its fano. At tate recent Huron site y's arhoteal and Central Fair, hire. James Van Egmond, at nook has purchased the gravel road, Hallett, took three drat Bidcslx q ' BR,zsr+s.—Mr:. J~ . pert, B:ddulpb, had his farm tarried up side down last week by a plowing bee ; 25 teams did the work.—Miss 1Vfahner of Port Austin Mich., is visiting friends in Liddulph and Lucan,—Mise Alice Hodgins has gone on a visit to Walkervihe. Mr• Ro bert Blackwell had his prize tur key, 38 pound weight purloined on Saturday night.—Mr. Wes. Miller has gone to reside in California. --Robert Walker has sold his farm is Thos. Handford.—Mr. James Porte former resident of this place is visiting here after a sojourn of six years in the far North Went ; he makes his home at Edmonton.—Wm. Walker, a former hotel keeper of Lucan, but now a resi- dent of Edmonton, is also making a visit for a few weeks. pine for butter; and the remark was nude, `That comae from keeping Jerseys'. They have three Iowa of,tthis breed, and -eilasgesnagi2,.era to more butter than they can supply, at prices always ,q the ordinary market price. Mr. Van Egmond tells ns that they have a two - par -old Jersey heifer that has averaged 1J lb. of butter in 7 days, while they pet 2 Rs a day eaoh from their Jeraoy cows. One pound a day from ordinary cows is con- s.dered a good average.—The many friends hers of Mr. J. 11. MoDonell were alarmed Friday to learn of his serious illness, which for a time was considered dangerous. He had been working hard and while lifting a stove into a wagon on Thanksgiving Day, injured himeelt into/gaily. His lujnries Caere of amnia serious nature that Drs. Frowning of Exeter and Gunn of Clinton were sent for, and after consultation per• formed a critical yet quite successful oper- ation, which in dee time will be the mean of restoration to health—Mr Henry Ar- nold bought the corner lot on King street opposite Carmel church, from Mr Wm hider for a good figure.—Mr John Zoefie • °maker of Clandeboye, was visiting hie The annual report of the Londes- boro Creamery shows that 40,340 lbs. of butter were made during the season which sold for $8,234.78—an average price of 20 31-100 cents. The Com- pany's earnings for the season were $1,613.57, balance from last season $64,78' making a total of $1,678.35 expenditure, $1,449.70 ; dividend of 9 per cent on paid; pcapi.tal of $2,000 —$180, leaving a balance on hand of 848.65. Saturday morning the sew milt of Mr. Milne, at Ethel was discovered to be on fire, and before anything could be done, the mill and machinery were. completely destroyed. The lumber in the yard however, was saved. They mill and machinery were both nearly new, and it was one of the beat fitted up and most complete mills in this part of the country. This Is the 800- one', mill Mr. Milne bas had burned within a few years. He had an insur- ance of $1,800 on the property, but this will not nearly cover the loss.. The origin of the fire isnot known. The death of Mrs. Wan. Wrenn, of Hibbert, occurred last week. Mrs. Wrenn had been suffering from beart failure for some time. About two months ago she went to visit her two daughters, Mrs. N. Horton and Mrs. James Horton. While there she was taken seriously ill,' and all that' :med- ical skill and kind treatment could do watt of no avail,' as she passed peace- fully away. Mrs. Wrenn, whose maid - lin name was Jennie Diok, was born in Scotland, near fllasow, n the year 1829, and cane to Canada with; her parents when very young. Wordwas:received on Mends of 4be deo di, at Morden, ;.Manit dames Sutherland formerly - Milburn. He‘rl'ed on, 'Sunday' noo, .ination,,of, the The proceeds of the re -opening services of Zion (Blanshard) church Net week, amounted to $273. The church is one of the finest in the town- ship and cost $2,900, which sum, with the exception of $500 , has been pro- vided for by the congregation. Rev. Geo Jackson of Exeter preached the t of•; sr ter - 6 Blo fs.ther-in-law,Mr Ben Keiser,lsat Saturday. --Miss Maggie Brownlee was home on a visit to Clinton last Thursday.—Mr John E,lgie returned from the Northwest last Monday evg,—Union Thanksgiving services were well attended in St Paul's church last Thursday, when addresses were delivered by Revs J, S. Henderson, Swan, Treleaven and Softley.—Mr Wm Moore has rented his brick cottage on Queen street to Rev sermons on Sunday and gave an ad- blr,Sofaley, who intenda ;getting his sister kinds ports en Canada's tivea , tuaehaera to teach the chit ire confidence in their country. R. E. Brown then read a carefully pre- pared paper on 'Writing in :?ublio Sohool$. Movable headlines were recommended tot be used—cite ornamental rriting in the Entrance copy •oaks .0«a' "'disked - Messrs. H. 1, Strang B. A., Wm, . .,.von M. A., and others continued, the discussion. The time of adjournment having arrived the aasooiation adjourned to meet at o'clock a. m. on Saturday. EVENING. Attee pas trustee the use ion adjo l xeootty imp We 10 s Us hi dress at Monday's tea, 1to keep house for him.—Mr Simon Hunter J id sick at present with inflammation of the A large number Or young people hangs. -Lawyer Diokeon and wife of Exeter assembled. at th e residence of Mr, were in town on Tuesday visiting Mr J. E. Geo. ' Robinson, SouthBoundary, McDonell, —Messrs Ballantyne & Shilling- Blenshard, Tuesday evening, and low shipped a oar load of cattle on ivlonday proeeuted Mr. Ernst Robinson, to the Toronto market:—Mr Joseph Foster and his bride with an elegant centre and wife of ,Hills Green visited Mr James table and rocking chair as a token of Jarrett on Tuesday.—The sleighing last their esteem for the young people up- week made business good in town, and last on their' marriage and their ret relay was a vWmbusy dabowiti the our removal from the scenes of their corner lot on Queen street from Mr Richard youth in East Missouri to take up ]rouge keeping in St. Marys. C,olwill bought MI Trauma "'k,;;'? n Robert Brown, a young married man, had his right arm badly mangled in Young's saw mill, Wiarton, Tuesday. The chain' that draws up loge to the sew, broke, and his arm was caught in the bud wheel. He will protably have to suffer amputation. A. despatch from Teheran to tle:.Times says that 12,000 ,persons were killed in Kushan, Persia, by the earthquake last week. Ten thousand bodies have been rocoverad from the rains. Fifty thousand cattle wore killed. Shooks are still felt daily. As Norman (12 yoara old, son of the late Darland, tof , Tilsonbnrg), was out hunt- ing on Thursday, a gun wart ao sidentally discharged, and some of the shot streak him in the face. It is feared he will lope h ofonee e h sight the eye, The body of Win. Lamb, aged .55, a man in fairly oomfortahle circumstances, was fished out of the bay at the foot of Bathurst' street, Toronto, on Friday, Deoieaseed was around the wherf on Thuradey,, after- rioon, and thatwait t e lair, seen of him alive. ,Another protect, the nani of Warren for the sum of $255 —Mr Wm rintnell'a baok lot on Queen street for a goe't figure and intends nutting a dwelling Isouttert it next summer —Our new photographer, Me. Phippen,is kept buay, and is giving good satisfaction. -Messrs D. Gottschalk and John Prang of Zurich wore in town on Friday on business.—Mr F Kibler, Zurich, was in town on Saturday.—Mr Reid, stu- dent, of Goderioh, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday morning And preached' an excellent sermon. --Rev Itis Swan was assisting Rev Mr. Walker, ICippen circuit, last Sunday preaching mist eionary sermons. &Intoe evening an entertainment wase given in the Collegiate Inst tate Hill, cont aisting of music and a lecture Houston, Esq,, M. A., on eltemini of Eminent Canadians.' T to canal ,of thanks closed a very successful ent tainment, Goderioh, Nov. 25th11893, The association met at 9.1.5 a. m., M Latta in the chair. W. H. Johnston condue:ted devotio exercises. The minutes of the afternoon se were read and adopted, The election of officers was then eeded with. Messrs. Gowan and McLaughlin w appointed tellers. The election resulted as follows: President, 3. T. Wren, Hensall: President, MIss Burrows, Shep Sec -Tress., G. W. Holman, Elimv Executive Committee; T. Exeter; J. Delgaty, Centra Johnston, Hay; Miss Mc33ath, Go Miss Watson, Blyth. Mr. Houston then continued" the subje of Mathematics, dealing with division at fractions. Much profitable disoassion wi evoked by Mr. Houston in the ireatmentl the subject of Mathematics throughout tl session. of the assooiation, and it is hope much good will result therefrom Tho time of adjournment havi the association adjourned to meet noon at 1.30. AFxatiiroo.t 6EOSIOtt. —THE+ acd Chea lac purchase 1' a t0 sl The association met as per adjou Inspector Toni took np 'Time T Ungraded Schools,' and dealt e work of these school: fulty. urged that the eteacher nbould copy books in his desk and ex quontly. Friday afternoon en were recommended. Several cussed the question further: The Auditor's report was 't and, on motion of G, Sheep by R. E. Brown, the report and the janitors ordered to usual fees. The Resolution eommitt and, on motion of insp report was taken np el The report of the comm. was adopted a5 follows: 4;1. That the Enna satisfied with ono copy work in thecopy book, II. That this assoo alarm the proposition Department to sabot' Leaving Examinee Examination to would recon„pmen amination a bait as the