HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-11-23, Page 8RANCID 0o.
OMPA.NY , o t London;
e will be much
•eased to fin your
.ders for
r Plates,
from stock
story bes
t prices,
60 da
s' Sale at
apt still
Prices go Pown,
The Exeter Peeking Hottee are now,
ening fresh pork saveage, 3 lbo for 250. ;
uttings, 25c. ; 3 Ibis tender 25o
e ;
spare r e, 2 tits errelb ; heeda, feet, and
slaanlea tnyr prices. Senn Unee,
The fpubile, geneitley, appreciate our
efforts to issue a newsPaper to be eompered
with the beat local journal;ci new sub-
scribers are daily beiug adds large
numbers to the lists. Tem Tates the
largest paper in Huron county, and, giirea
more good reading matter by several
columns thou any other paper. And the
subscription price is only J. per year when
paid in advance. Get your neighbor to
On Friday last while Wm. Wood. of
Bethesda, was working in the bosh, he
met with somewhat painful acoident,and
narrowly escaped death. He had felled a
tree, which ;lodged on a higla stuinp,
and was in WI sot of chopping :it again
when it mseletenly tipped and threw him
with great force to the ground, the axe
which he held,striking him a terrific blow
on the head, indicting an ugly wound. near
the temple. The wound required several
ebeirele Union.
AO in Exeter, there ere two Methodist
churches in Mitchell. each with a large
Memberehip. Laat week a Conference of
the officers of each was held to consult:-
mate a union, the outcome of which was
the adoption of the following motion
"That in the opinion of this committee, a
union of the two Methodist churches and
congregations in this town, for the cause
of God and in the tuterests of Methodism,
is desirable. This motion Wail earried
with the hearty approval of every mem-
ber present."
A success.
The anniversary in connection with the
Main.st. Methodist church on Sunday and
Monday otbis week was a gratifying
eeze in all respects : fine weather,
splendid gathering, and Loge receipts. On
Sunday, Dr. Briggs of Toronto, who is ouc
of the finest preachers in Canada, delivered
two visional discourses, which for deep
thought, eennd reason and instructivenees
could not easily be beaten. While not e`o-
quent, his delivery is pleasing and his
Yoke clear and. itympethetic. The cangre
gallons were very large. On Monday
splendid tea was given to a large aosein•
Wage, and the ladies of Melo-at, church
fully sustained their reputation as being
enterers in the first degree. The plat-
form meeting was addressed by Revs.
Coupland, Elimville ; Butt, Centralia;
Headers, London; and Martin, town, each
giving a spicy talk on matters suitable for
the evening. while the choir lent diver-
aion to the occasion by rendering severed
selections in inimitable etyle, Rey Mr,
1trotlonsigli occupied The chair, Proceeda
lest Goods
0 in West -
ng, Crockery
is being cue
orae and see.
r. Bobier ie building pickling vats in
bis new buildieg,
E. Spackman & Co. thin week re.
seised 8 World's' Fedi' first prize cheese,
Tbore will be a shooting :matoh to -day
in connection with the Metropolitan
Messrs Pickerel it Son's new store has
been enolosed, sad the carpentera are now
fitting the interior.
The present year will have fifty-three
Sundays, beginning and ending on that
day of the week.
The Exeter Bankrupt t,tore is crowded
full Rf goods. Two bankrupt stooks just
received.. Broderick'a is the spot for bale
A pumpkin eight feet in circumference
and four tee t in height is an impressive
object in the field in which it grew, in
Saline comity, Me.
To -day is Thanksgiving Day. A Union
service of the Presbyterian and two Meth-
odist churches will be held in the Main -et.
church at 10 30 a. in.
Remember Broderick's cheap sale at the
Exeter Baukrupt Store. A big lot of
men's underwear very cheap. We sell
°heap all the time.
Last year it sncAved heavily day before
Thanksgiving, and we had aleighing: this
year it also meowed day previous bet as
yet them is not sufficient for sleighing.
Albert E. Wilson, who shot and killed
Miss Mary Idarshall in Lainbton County
some years ago, has been removed from the
jail at Sarnia to the Tor onto Insane .A.sy.
The Minister of Education has ism:ea a
circular to P. S. teachers directing their
attention to the clause in Ontario Statutes
re sale of tobaeco, eigare, and, cigarettes to
Amongst alumna:1s and year books the
Star Alumnae. of Montreal stands a great
leader. The Star Almeria() for 1801 is ;net
out. The Publishers are filling the orders
in rotation as they were received,but it is
Lt is said that the Chicago and Greed
Truth company will endeavor to compro-
tniso all claims Lor damages resulting from
the recent accident at Battle Creek indeed
of going to court,
The Dominion Goeernrnent and the C,
P, R. have combined to erect a Caen
building at the San Francisco midwinter
exhibition. Both will contribute largely
to make it a auccesa.
Mesara Brown & Siebert of Crediton
have decided to dissolve partnership on
1st January, Mr Brown continuing the
bueiness, while Mr. Siebert will likely go
west, See advt, in another column, •
Prayer meetings ere being continued in
the Main -at church this week. Rev. Mr.
Batt of Centralia conducted the Tuesday
evening meeting. The meetings of both
ehurtheg have been characterized with,
zeal and much good accomplished.
Mr John McCurdy of the lath canoes -
h d old his farm of
Ti'. J. Elliot
` en bion -
,a of
d. Pickard and daughter of
Drumbo have been visiting at Mr, James
Pithard'a the past few weeks. -Mrs E.
Dyer of Brantford, who has been visiting
friends in town during the absence of her
husband in the Old LCountry, returned
home on Thursday last. -Rev. Mr /Hed-
ging of Seaforth preached in the Trivitt
Memorial church Sunday last, while Rev.
Mr Fatt occupied the Church of England
pulpit in Goderioh. It was the occasion
de recent arrangement to preach mission-
ary sermons. -Mr Albert Fuke, who was
so aeriously injured recently, has resumed
work. -Mr John Gillespie, who has been
an the sick list, is again in charge of the
'bus. -The initerant and indefatigable J.M.
favor if MeManna of Chicago, well known here-
neettasel, „about usage organiser of Creamery Cern.
adver- patties, was in town last week, and it on
the same minion, being about to erect
creameries throughout the "eounty.-Mro.
H. Levett and daughter Miss Annie of
Parkhill spent the past week visiting their
many friends in town. -Mr. J. Cnrrelley
has returned to town, and taken charge of
Mr Broderiek's istore.--Mr James Abbott,
recently forbman for Mr A. Q. Bobier, is
pure/soling poultry throughout the
countryside for Mr Bobier, who will make
a large itlxipment on December 2nd, -Mr.
A Seert attended the funeral of bis
nine, ut le Miss Hunkin, in Usborne tee
on Friday last. -The Stratford Herald, in
the course of an item concerning a concert
recently given in that neighborhood, thus
refers to an erstwhile young lady of Exe-
ter: "Miss Pinch's selections were render -
d in a style perfectly natural. Her ren-
erin of"Bairtieg Cuddle Doon"was very
touching, widths "Girl's Fishing Party"
brought before our minds very prominent-
ly the tion of certain girls on similar
oecasions. Miss Pinch is truly a delight-
ful elocutionist." -Mr Alex Box, Stephen
intends giving up farming and going to
Seaforth to learn cabinet-making with
Messrs Broadfoot &. 13oxe-Miss Essery is
visiting her mother in Centralia,'who is
ill, -Dr. Rollins is slightly indisposed thi
week. -Miss Briggs of Clinton' is a pent
at Mr. M. Eacrett's.-Mr. and.Mrs. Tay-
lor and daughter of Breweter, anent Mon-
day and Tuesday the guests. of Mrs. Ed.
Maguire.-Meesrs. I. Carling and. C. Me-
Bonetl were in London yesterday. -Mies
Elliot is visiting friends in Hernilton.-
Mrs. S. Spealine, returned to St, Marys
yesterday, after a few weeks' viait with
friends in Exeter. -Miss Handford., who
has beeu visiting her parente, returned to
Milweukee on Friday last.-MrevRankin
was sent to Bracebridge this week, where
V she la wanted, -Mr. Eldt of Deshwood,
went to W00(181°611 on Saturday to pur.
chat e a boiler for his ii1f, the old one
having burst Test week, doing no damage
owever. The new boiler arrived Tues-
. -Mr- Wm, Perkins is visiting friends
annfield.-Mr. A. Davis spent Sunday
erten with friends, or mote properly,
-Mrs. Geo. Knight, of Merton,- is
friends in town.
that the
re golicit•
of put in
0 an
A the
n 0,-
2, - In
lit directed to the Advertise-
Atkingon in another edema
c • sexeter merchants have
the World's Fair first
h they will during
sior borne, w 0 a
100 acres to Samuel Routly for ao,ocp,
leaves this week with his family for West
Williems, where ho has bought 100 acres
from James Turner, paying therefor
The ministers of St. Themes have pro -
!Jounced against Sunday fnnerala,aud have
asked the cemetery board that a by-law be
eeeted refusing to allow interment in the
eery on Sauday, except in cases cor•
necessary by the medical health
The horse and buggy recently taken
from. Beattrie livery, Clinton, by one
Beaton, has been found in Stratford,
but the thief not captured.
Mr. Walker of the Trader's Bank,
and Mr. John Thompson, walked fro 03
Stratford, to St. Marys on Friday even.
ing last, leaving there at 7 p. and
arriving ',here at , 9.30. The distance
is 12 miles, and it rests with some of
our local pedestrians to beat the' time.
-St, 'Nary's Journal.
•Probably the largest turnip pulled
in the county this season is on exhib-
ition on the farm of Wm, Murray, lot
6, con. '8, West Zorra. It is of the
Swede variety, sound, smooth, and
tine colored, measuring 2 feet, 10 Inuit -
es in circumference, 11 inches deep,
and weighing 17 pounds, 4 ounOell.
Who comes next ?
Mr. Parsons of Centralia has shipped
25,000 bbls, of apples from that station
this fall.
will be sent
or the wiled
ng et Present, from
dei, for $1. Send it to your ends who
are away from, home. There is nothing
you can send them that they will so much
appreeiate for to email a sum,
04_0, •
'.&r. •
An Institute meeting of the teachers of
West Huron will be held in the model
gchool, Godorloh, on liriday and Saturday.
Nov. 24 and 25, beginning on eriday at
9 30 a. m & full program has been pre-
pared, and a number of live questions will
be on for discussion, There will conse-
quently be a two days' holiday for the
The assets of the World's Fair are
dwindling to an extent that alarma the
managers. When the Exposition cloud
on Oct. 30, Treasurer Secberger had in
round numbers $2,250,000 cash in the
bank. This has been slipping away, in
spa° of what the managers claim is the
most econotnical management, at the rate
of e10,000 a day.
The Christmas Fat Stock Show of the
Province of Ontario will be held in Guelph
on Wednesday and Thursday, December
6th and 7th. Those in change intend
making it one of the best shows ever held
in the Province. Two thousand five hun-
dred dollars will be offered in prizes, and
a number of World's Fair prize winners
will be placed on exhibition.
There has been a disease prevalent here
that the doctors call the "Chicago Cold."
The symptoms are much like bronchitis.
The patient suffers much from congestion
of the bronchial passage, high fever, and
the nameless wish -you -would -die feeling
that was one ot the most strongly marked
symptoms of la grippe. Nearly every one
coming back from Chicago experienced
the ailment, but no serious consequences
tollowed.-Clinton New Era.
4ovVrt Council
curlew bell statute
tionld, be,
nlLw�oJo adopt
ROGFIRS.-I nlltbbort, en the 12tIi lust., the
wife of Wm. Rogers, of a daughter,
PASSMORE•-In Usborne, on the 1001 inst,
the wife of Thos. Passmore of a son.
SLEAMON....InUsborne on the 2Is1 inst., the
wife of W m.Sleamon of a son.
Major Hamilton,deputy-registrar gene-
ral of Ontario, is visiting the west,he being
on a tour (..f inspection through the Pro-
vince. It is his duty to look after the
registration of births,marriages and deaths,
and although the law relating thereto is
fairly well observed, Me Hamilton express-
es the opinion that it will be neriessary to
resort to vigorous measures to secure
complete compliance with the law,
• Mr. John Hannah .is booming the dairy
business around Seaforth. He has had
several sales of dairy cows which he
bought in Toronto. They ranged in price
from 326 to 346, the average being $35.
Moat of them were purchased by farmers
in that yieinity. Mr Hannah says his ob-
ject in bringingen these cows is not to make
money out of them, but simply to II apply
a Nit want among the farmers, with the
view of increasing the milk supply of the
couutry. Some enterprising citizen or farmer
should follow Mr Hannaher example in this
A Public meeting was held. in the Town
Hall on Wedneeday evening, 15th., for the
purpose of organizing for the Prohibition
vote on Jan. let. T. H. McCallum, Con-
vener, in the chair. Short addresses were
given by the chairman, Rev. W. Mc-
Dotagh, Rev Mr. Martin, and Mr.
Hertnoll. The following are the officers
elected: -President, T. II, McCallum: Vice
Pres, R. N. Rowe; Tress, Chas. Snell, Sr;
See, John Muir, The Executive Com-
mittee consists of the following: Messrs.
Heaman, PS1130118, WOStOOtk Snell, Pen-
ick and Frayne. The chairmen of each
voting subdivision were elect appointed,
namely, Mn. A. Hicks for leTo 14 Mr, T.
Hartnoll for No 2; Mr. Dauncey for 3:
Mn..Etueston, fOr No 4.
RAVIE.-leecTAVISII....At the realdenee of
the bride'e parents, Verdun, en the 8th inst.,
Edward AIM°. to Liddy, eldest daughter of
Mr. John McTavish.
.701tDAN-WILSON-At Tfiuity auntie par-
sonage, Bleilt,by Rev, T. E. Higley, on the
14th mat. Wm. jordene of Sarnia: to ? Cie
CatherineWilson. of Colborne.
teesEetoRe-eunsTEB-At Trinity °hero%
parsonege, Blyth, on the 15th inst.. by Rov,
L.B. Higisy, Me. Jeremiah" Ciminero, to
Miss Margaret M. Hunter, allot Morris.
HWOSTON-LLOYD-At the residua° of the
bride's father, on Nov lith, by Rev J. Gallo -
War. Mr John A. Ilingston to Min Annie
Lloyd,both of Seaforth.
LITPLE-BBOWNLEE-At the l residence of
Ur George Brownlee, the bride's father, on
Nor 15th,_by Rev, J. Galloway, ' Mr Hems
Little of Hallett to Miss Annie !Brownlee of
WILLIAMS-J0HNSON1-.nt the residence of
the brienee brother, Mr DavidJohueon Sea.
forth, on Novi5th. by Rev j. Hedger:teeter
Harry P TiV, ofEartford, Couneotieut
to idiesEninta Johnson of Seaforth.
ROITATT-0'131tIE3-At the resident'sof the
bride's psreets , on Rev 15th, ley Rev George
Jaeltaon, Mr David Reuatt of Tuokersmith
to Miss Isabella O'Brien. only daughter of
Mr P, O'Briou of leirkton.
THOMPSON-OARLYSLE- At the residence
ofthe bride's father Hay. (minor. 91b, by ROT
8, Henderson, Mr Will H. Thompson of Inger
gall to Min Sadie E. Carlysle, third daughter
of Reht Carlyslo. Erna
MINOAN-In Ses.forth, on Nor 151b, John
Duncan, aged 43 rears.
ALLAN -In encliernittlnon the eth inateJo'an
Alin, aged 70 years,7 months.
CRICH-La Seaforth, on Nov 10th,John Crich
aged 53 years 8 menthe.
MUSTARD -In Stanley, on the 10th in st,,Wee.
Mustard, aged 83 years and G monshe,
IIUNKIN--In Osborne, on thel5th inal. Mar"
gie, daughter of Mrs A.Hunkin, agett 5 yearn
ETTY,-In Mitenell, on the 16th Wet., William
Etty, aged 72 peers and 7 meanie.
BABB,-At Carlingford, on the 13th inete
Alice Babb. aged 50 years.
BUTLER -Li Goderiele township, an the 20th
instaNieholas Butler, aged 35 years and 10
BRO ADVO Tuckersraith, 'on Nov. etle
Elba Shine, wife of Mr Samuel .Broadfoot,
aged 44 years 2 menthe.
ADAMS.-InLendesboro, on the 15th Met..
Elizabeth Ann, beloved wife of Mr. J. C.
Adams , and daughter of Mr, John Brunsou.
DIVIutlert vale. sown
'13e it ever so bumble. -.7. D.Atkinson.
Herpees Bazar-Harpor Broa.
Harper's Magazine.-Ilarper 33roa,
Harper's Weekly.-Ilareer Bros.
Boot & Shoo sale. -J. W. Broderiek
Wanted. -F. N. bra.), 00.
Hogs Wanted. -S n el Bros.
Prices go down. -Snell
A WalkerVille oaatia*iy, usa purch,.
aged the London h
R1 PffkRD
Still goes on;
Day •
11 Only, $10.00 heavy
tweed suits $6.50
20 Pair ° $4.50 black
pants 2.75
3 Pieces double Milton
Dry Goods 15
10 per cent.
Cash Discount
Off Ladies' Mantles, Men's
Overcoats and Boots and
0 ur
15 per cent.
Reduction Sale
of Tweeds is still continued.
Tweeds at 25c, 30e, 35o,and
upward, with 15 per cent.off
these wonderfully low prieess
Finest Stock of fine Tweeds
in town..
Owiug to unavoidable eireumatencer the
PRESENTS were not distributed as
early as intended, but they me now ready
an d are not behind in quality or number,
whioh you will find, on inspecting them in
our witedovr whew they will be on exhibit:
ion until TUESDAY, NOV. 28rn AT 4.80
P. M. when they will be distributed among
our (maternal.; for echoed supplier.
Wo give for the last Pesservr i Watch
which is A good time piece and will keep its
Vacuum Pistol and Target.
Nature and art.
Tooth Br
• bo -v tr.
Tem Thimes
E i fret Tower Pingo.
M outh Organ.
Nature and Art,
Pearl handle knife.
1 box Perry's.
Ink Stand.
Nature and Art.
Diamonds and Toad, Book -
American Letter Winks.
Around the World, Book.
Dictionary -
Nature and Art.
1Set Table Mats,
Pencil Sharpener.
The Odd Game
Doll. ...,
Nature and Art.
Mouth Organ.
Autograph Album.
money Box.
Photo Album.
Nature and Art,
Checker Board -
Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry.
Plush Satchel,
Baguet Ho'der.
Nature and art.
Whisk Holder.
TeeEiffel Tower Puzzle.
Pot Stand,
Rubber Eraser.
', e World.
Would be a, good phrase to apply to those
who are always parading
Bargains they never
can. Produce.
We have a large Stock, well assorted, and at right prices.,
We don't ask $15 for an Article and take$10.
Yip Undertake to io a Siraizht Buimus
Mis-representing nothing, sell-
ing Goods for what they are
giving dollar for dollar in value.
Our Motto ; Square Dea1in
Produce taken in Exchange.
Butter, 20o,; Eggs, 15c.; Lard, 18e.;
Geese, U.; Ducks, 70 Turkeys, 9o,;
Dried Apples, 6c.
Got 'Ent Again. 1
Two more Bankrupt Stocks just
received at the Exeter
Bankrupt' Store.
ee' Scribbler.
w on a.t. ouhgrfaApnrh:e.b
. r tn. m
Oup and Saucer.
Photo -frame,
Bengal Vette.
Nature ana Art:
The little giri who assists us in the
distribution, has not been forgotten as we
will present her with a beautiful book;
eeleoted from our stock,
BROWING'S Book Stor e'
We have purchased a large
lot of Chenille Curtains at a
big Bargain. They are just
opened up. Call and see
the values we are offering.
We have just cleared out
a very large range of Under-
clothing from a Wholesale
House at a big. reduction.
Now is the time to get cheap
Underwear, both in ladies'
and gentlemen's.
Ladles Jackets.
Have you seen our Ladies'
Jackets at $3,75 ? They
are the best value in the
market. Remember we
carry the largest range of
Mantles in town.
Men's. Suits
to Order.
&e1 doina a rushing
At this reason of the year when horses
and cattle are being taken from green
food and put on dry, they are apt to got
out of condition and lose flesh, getting a
poor start on a long hard winter. A
small investment in Diok's Blood Purifier
would avoid, this as it strengthens the
digestion, gives a good appetite and tones
up the whole system. Stock raisers who
use it do not have the chagrin of seeing
their animals come out 'spring poor.'
'Be it ever so humble,
There's no place like
And why not make it as cheerful and
comfortable as you conveniently can.
We do not promise to give happiness,
but we do promise that comfort and
taste go with our furniture every time,
We aim to make Goods that give satis
Our Parlor Suites
Combine Eleganoe, Ease, Beauty and
Our Bedroom Suites
Are solid, of good design, well finished
WI low in price.
'Pita -roo . 0.E1
Which is certainly one of the best Stocks
the subscriber has ever offered for Sale in
In this Stock
Several Cases of Men's and Boys'
Long Boots, a Lot of Over-
shoes & Rubbers ; and
the Stock of Ladies,'
Men's and Children's Shoes
is Immense.
We have also just received from Toronto a Ba krupt
. Stock of .
Cloths and Twieeds.
Both these Stocks have been purchased at
Bate in the Dollar, and at a Bargain, and v9113
be offered for Sale very Cheap,
The balance of the Stock of Books and.,Statiencr3
will be offered ALT ELA0LT ppaqms.
Give the Cheap Sale a call, We sell cheap al,
the time.
{i} C It}
We have a hill supply of all kinds of
Now open.
Oysters served by the disi
ot,sold in bulls,