HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-11-23, Page 5' I �olijforcl 331ackmaa5 t t,,iloxton idyls Eyesight Saved --Perhaps His Life By Hood's Sarsaparilla -Blood Poi= soned by Canker. Tread the following from a grateful mother: "My little boy had Searlot Sever when -t years old, and it leftlitm very weak and with blood poisoned with canker,. His eyes became so inflamed that his sufferings were intense, and for seven weeks lie Could Not Open His Eyes. I took him twice during that time to the Eye and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, but their remedies failed to do life the faintest shadow of good. l commenced giving him hood's Sarsaparilla and it soon cured hien. I have is riot his every a t. (You nay use hts tea ready to in the raise choose. 1 am al59aya Hood's Sarsaparilla because of the wonderful good It did my sonar Amite It. Beemeetst r, 2888 Washington St., Boston, Mass, Get HOOD'S. HOOD's PILLS aro band made, and aro Dos• feet in composition, proportion and appearance. CONDENSED DISTRICT a NU+ WS. nextou. , The recent Sale of the Happel estate at Zurich amounted to 627,000. 1r Mr. John McMillan, M. P. , for Huron, :had 93 steers deliornett last lit week. 'rhe Goderiah and Seaforth foot -ball. teams hada contest last week for the Crawford cup, Seaforth winning .2 to 1. '3 The North street Methodist church, Goderioh, has put in a new pipe organ, which will be formally opened on the . evening of 'Thanksgiving day. Mr. Matthias Glew has recently bought 60 faros on the 3rd of Hullett, from Mr. Wm. Miller, for [the sum of $1650. - rim property has nobuildings r»i it. an auction sale recently held nany rs s broug Gents, o then 25 ',Che remains of the late Tho Sharp of 01 eveland, were interred Seaforth cemetery last week, gr.D. R,Schrag from Northeastho and May Flipper, of Hay, were jot together in boly matrimony last we The trusties of School suction No Tuolrersmith, have re-engaged, Forsyth for a year, at an inoreased ary, Rev, W. fl. Watson, of. Wingh has received and accepted the all the pastorate of the Second Congreg Tonal Church, Hamilton, Mr, John Crich, of Seaforth died Friday last. Mr. Crieh had not be in robust health for over a year, it was not until May last that he b any serious misapprehensions for condition. Mr. Alexander Sproat, who eso.e from London asylum and carne ho to Tuokeramith, was taken ` back London last week by the asylum au initials. He walked from London, b was none the worse for his outi Poor fellow it is not likely he will ev be free again for although he is qu robust Physically, his intellect do not improve, Mr. John Hunter, of the Land Road, Tuokersmith, who reoen caused his friends to much anxiety leaving home, was taken to Land Asylum on .rids last. He sue ed perfectly rational on bis way dow and when taken to the building, res ized where he was, and remark "Surely Ism not so bad as to neoossi ate being here," He keenly realize his position, but did not make ti slightest resistance. } Into Boissevain (l tan.)Globe says ; "A few of the members of St. Matthew Church assembled at the residence Rey. G. C. Hill on Tuesday evenin for the purpose of bidding farewell t I4lise Waugh. A pleasant time w passed, enlivened as it was by exoe lent music, which was enjoyed by a present. The proceedings conclude with the presentation by Rev. b3- Hill, on behalf of the con a 5v of a handsome work -boxes i; � s Waugh aa a alight reoognitior z services in oiturch matters Ong ten Boissevain, Miss Waugh left for lapn- don, Ont., on Wednesday morning, leaving behind her a host of friends, made during her stay in our midst.° Miss Waugh is a crater of the late Mrs, Geo. E. Jackson, Egmondvilie, A correspondent writes;—Tho re- moval of Mr. Jno. Torrance into Hay Township will create a vacancy en the reeveshsp, and it is said. that either AIr Clark or Ur. Erratt will be candid- ates for this position. Rumor connects tate name of lttr, Robt. Mcllveen, one of the councillors, and a good man, as a possible candidate for(the deputy- reeveahip. Itis also said that Mr, Thos. Fraser will be brought out for this position ; he is one of the best in. teas in pe, nett2 0k, Mrsal, am, for at - en but ad his ped me to sh- ut ng. er ite es on. tly by on n, l- ed t to of g 0 as 1- 11 d TECE EXETER' TIME l "---,,...--,...ti 1X01 W TO GET A "SUNLIGHT 1r'ICTURE. Send .i , Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head; aches and fevers =domes habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever lore* duced, pleasing to the taste and ac4, ceptable to the stomach, prompt in. its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the Most healthyandagreeablesubstg,rices, its elan excel?-entqualities coramend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75,3 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliabledruggist tyho may not have it on hand' will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Nan ufactured oxily by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CIL BA17 FFA'�l'CISCO, CAL. tout VULE,1 azEW FORE, P'or Sale at C. Lura's Drug Store Imeroario MAYRT RRPOETs.� R t► Lxeter, it cvember 22, 1$93. 7alA wheat Lor bush,.,.., ist Priingley wheat sh r bush. � 59 to Cata per bush- .•... 23 0 00 Peas per bash... ........... 50 30 Flour per bbl 400 400 Apples per bag .......... 75 86 Potatoes per bag..........„. Hay per ton ..... R 0000 7 00 3 50 2Q 15 8 5 500 y st week t linton, had sold deriah township, and alah farm, on the London r Clinton, owing to compli- , has turned out to be untrue. On Sabbath morning a sad accident occurred in .Dungannon. Aa John Hiles, son of Mr. Hiles, merchant was riding on a horse, he was thrown off and received a bad wound in the face, his nose beingbroken. The annual meeting of the Weat Huron Conservative Association, and a convention to conaider the selection of a candidate, will be held in Goder- ioh on Tuesday, Dec. 12th,commencing at 11 o'clock a. m, Messrs. Daniel McNeil and John Biggins, of the 3rd con., of Hallett, the other day sawed fifteen and one- half cords of wood in nine hours. This was done in one day—not in short spells, and la considered a large quan- tity to cut in the time, On Friday of last Week as Mrs. John Leddy, of Weat Waw,anoah, was in search of eggs, the ole lady happened to fall from a considerable height, in the barn, and received injuries whish resulted in her -death. She was aged 70 years and was the relict of the late John Leddy. Mr. Richard Govier has sold his 47 acres in the Maitland block, Elullett, to Mr. Samuel Cox, for the sum of $1000.. There are no buildings what- eyer on the phos and the bush is also removed, 3&r. Gorier moved this week to the farm he lately bought on e the 2nd of Hullett: Recently a gentleman of Toronto pfiered, in connection with thewUniver city, a prize of $70 for the beat essay on money. Robert Coates, son of i Mr. . Robert Coates, of. Clinton, was one of the many competitora 'for. ee-e"� the prize. His paper and one other were considered the best, and it being impossible to decide which was , the better of the two, the money was even- ly divided between them. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. THE OWEN L1O BELT. tTnide 81 rk: OR. A. ONt i. The' only Scicntiflc and Practical Electric Belt made for general use, prodtieing a Genuine Current of :'Electricity for the cure of Disease, that can be readily felt and regulated. bath in Z g r quantity and power, and applied to any part of n n71 to the body. It can be worn at any tune during invaluable member -ef,`ti,' council. The township will miss Mr. Torrance very much, and in him the township of Hay gets n good citizen. is 11 PERTH. Mitchell has been made a port of entry, with Mr J. W. Cull custom officer. A free drawing class has been organ- ized in connection with the St. Mary's Mechanic's Institute. K».Mr. Was. Colquhoun intends shortly leaving Mitchell, his intention being to move onto his farm in Hibbert. Mr. Alex. Irvine, school teacher at Science Hill, has been re-engaged for another year, at an increase of sal: ary. Chas. Cornish, a bricklayer of Mitch- ell, had his pockets picked and $20 stolen therefrom some time on Satur- day evening last. Mr. Geo. Davidson of Mitchell gave a free dinner on Monday that being the 1115 anniversary of hie assuming the management of the .flicks House. Mr. Wm.Etty of Mitchell died Tieura- day morning after a long illness. He had been a resident of Mitchell and neighborhood for about 46 years, and was highly respected. • Mr. J. M. Adam, merchant of St. Marys, says that a paragraph which recently appeared to the effect that be had disposed of his business to Beattie Bros., is unfounded. .Eirk ton is a progressive village now, and .an boast of having a J. P., jewel- er; barber, livery ati.ble, tailor, tin shop, sadlery, and Temperance Hotel, besides two well-filled general stores. Welland Wynn, who is at present at- tending the Mitchell Model school, has been engaged to teach the senior department of the Cranbrook school for the coming year at a salary of$350. The minister in charge of; the Little. eran church Seebaoh's hill, Huron road, intorms us that the Hibbert and Us - borne Insurance Company paid the claim in full for.damage which the spire sustained by lightning some months ago, John Seppens, formerly 'a resident of North Easthope, and for some time past a resident of "Huron county, will return to this aeotion in the spring. Lle has purchased the propertygknown as the Skelton farm adjoining this city, paying therefor $5,900. - Stratford Herald. Imitation Working hours or sleep, andwillpositivoly cure Sincerest yyyy ,��jj a �n p c . Rheumatism, S ,L.n V e ,L V w7 t Sciatica, General. til Debility Flattery. Lumbago, Nervous Diseases '� Dyspepsia,. Varicocele, Sexual Weakness Impotency, Kidney ])$season, Laine A3aek, r) Vrinary Diseases 1lectricity properly applied is fast taking the plane of drugs for a 11;Neryoua,;Ithenntatie. id • - ney and Urinal; TIT/utiles, and will 'effo Duxes 1n aeeming3 i opelf5ss ca4oa tpiiere ever other. kilo Aon , Although others may imitate our goods, it is only for a day. We keep continually changing and getting the prides down. We 1ttad, others follow, but we have led the moat or them too far. We are 'tae `^ Ee er now in the very depths of low' ,_�p�v � , gad Maciii and our' Com anion .are •" Wood per cord hard Wood per'oord soft Butter per lb..,........, Eggs per dozen 'lurhoys per lb Pork Dor bundred... 1.0 Hogs, Ilya weight.., .., 5 �''0 Geese , , 5 Ducks 6 Chicks .... .................. 5 :... 2 0 20 ... 35 0 7 3 Sale Register, Tuesday, Nov. 28.—Farrn, Farm stock, implements,, eta,, the property of; ;.o late Henry Prang jr„ lot 16, eon 10, ship. Salo at ono o'clock. E. ttossenberry, Anot. 20 Sunlight Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why door a woman look older sooner than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 48 Scott Si., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from adrertieing and well worth framing. This is an easy Bray to decorate yorr tonne, The .soap is the best in the market; and it will only Dost lo postage to sent' in the wrappers, if you leave the enua open, Write your address carefully. Chatham, .Nov. 21.—Mary Jaae East coat, a daughter of William. Easteott, a farmer of Dawn Mtlis, claims to have been betrayed by Dr, W..H Rallis, of Dresden,' Dr. Bu11ts was yesterday afternoon cow -- ranted for trial on a charge preferred by the girl,whoalleges that he tried to induce her to perform a criminal operation on herself. - x894 Harper's Bazar - ILLUSTRATED. IRAttMFn's Mao is a journal for the home. It gives the fullest and latest information about Fashions, and its numerous illus. trations, Paris designs, and pattern -sheet supplements are indispensable al.ke to the home dress -maker and the professional modiste. Na ,expense is spared. to make its artiatip i- otiveneas of the highest order. Ist ht stories, amueing com- odies, ands 'v dal essays satisfy all tastes, and i -ge is famous as a bud- get of wit an : In its weekly issues everything is in... - which is of interest to women. The serials for 1894 will be written by William Black and Walter Besant. Short stories will be written by Mary E. Wilkins, .Maria Louisa Pool, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Marion Harland, and others. Out -door sports and in -door gvmes, social entertainment, en broidery, and other interesting tapirs will receive constant attention. .A new series is prom- iced of "Coffee and Repartee." flAii.FLR'S I ERIOfI+;;ALS PER YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S WEEKLY x4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPIlR'8 YOUNG PEOPLE2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada and Mexito. The Volumes of the Be= begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subuoriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order, Bound Volumes of Heziezr's &eve for three years back, inneat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by.ex- press, free of expense (provided the freight dons not exceed one dollar per volume,) for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for. binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1 each, Remittances sbould be made by Post. office Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Address: HARPER ek BROS., New Yoau, POR OVER PIETY Y1 &ES. Ax OLn AND WnLr-yarn REMEDY.— Mrs. Winsrears by mSlio s of mothers for their used while teothin „with portent suoce•s. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays the pain, cures the (olio, and is the host remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is inaalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sirup and take no other kind. ALL MEN. Young, old or middle aged, who find them- selves.ncrvous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or oveavrork, result- ing in many of the following symptoms : Mental deprosslon, premature old age. loss of vitality, loss of memory, ban clraoms, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, omission, lack of erieres,pain in the kidneys, headaches, ti4inples on the face end body, itching or pecaliar sensation about the scrotum. wasting of the organs, dizziness. spects before the eyes' twitching of the muscles, • eyelids and else- where. bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby musoles, desire to sleep, failure to ite rested by sleen, constipation dullness of hearing. loss of voice, .desire for solitude, excitability of temper. sunken eyes, surrounded with leaden circles. oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity unless cured. The spring or vital course having lost '.its !tension. every funotion wanes 'in consequence. Those who through abuse committed :an ignorance. may be permanently cured. Send Your ad— dress for book on diseases peculiar to man. sent free, sealed. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Maedonnell Ave.. Toronto Ont..Canada Agents to sell our choice and hardy nurser!! stook either on Salary or Commission. We also eV° our men the privilege .of selling our new and ohoice varieties of seed potat oes. Secure the agency at once, whioli will hand- somely repay you as now ie tbo time to sell such goods for spring planting. Ad dress the P. M AY COMPANY. NursorY men and Vrima gators of Choice Seed Potatoes, Roohester, N. Y. Came into the pronaises of the undersigned lot 1, con. 8, Usborne, on or about 20th August last, a lamb. Owner can have same bY paying on or about the 23rd Oot. Orem lot 16, oon. and one steer. Two of the heifers and steer are red one heifer white with a little red, the ead to their recovery will be rewarded. PARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his two lamas for sale, comprising lot 13, 7th eonciession of Os- borne, and lot No. 1, 615 ooncession. in the drad acres eaoh. Both Farms are in good State of eultivation, with good buildings and pro- ductive orchards, and never -failing wells, ad- jacent to churches and school house. lror urr ther particulars apply to JOHN CORNISH, St. Thomas. On Physioian, Surgeon and Acconehenr:' Centralia, - Ontario. °Moe Near Station. IR AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST Will be at Grob's hotel Zurich month awl At Vodgites hetet Jrk Luse is MISER'S.. To many people who have that taint of scrofula In thein blood. The agonies caused by the dreadful running gorse and ether manifestations of title disease are be - rend description. There is no other re- reedy equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla for ecrofnla, salt rheum and every corm of blood disease. It is reasonably sure to benefit all who Dive it a fair trial. t. Hood's Pills cure all liver ilia. 13. W. Webb, the Montreal druggist who told prnseio acid to Hooper, the alleged wife -poisoner, died suddenly on Saturday. He was 28 years old. Mr. John Belton, of West Nissouri, one cf the, early settlers of itffddlesex (minty, dropped dead alien 4 o'elook Saturday afternoon. At the time of hie death Mr. s3elton was engaged about the barn, and lite absence being noticed, bia daughter went to see what was keeping her lather so long. She went to the barn. and there found her father lying an the floor, dead. 10-4-01-4-411 PztooRaiss, It is very important in dais age of vne- matoriel progress that a remedy be pleas ug to the tante and to the eye, easily taken acceptable to the atomach and healthy in its nature and effects. Posseax'iug these 'lualitiee; Syrup of Figs is the one perfect .azative and most gentle diuretic known, .itch on human and hc.raes and all .animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's 'Sanitary Lotion TIiie never fade, Sold by s). LUTz• 1. C. BiosARDs d: 0o. My son George has suffered with neural- ;iaround the heart since 1882, but by the application of MINAIID'S LINIMENT in 1889 it completely disappeared and has not troubled him since. JAS. McI11, Linwood, Out. Eugiieh Spayin Liniment removes all 'surd, soft or aalloneed Lumps and Blem- sea from bones, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Rine Bone, Sweeny, '8titlea, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, (loughs, ate, Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish pure ever known. Sold by 0, Lutz, Drug - tel. Sep ]8,'03 Rnau traerstt Cullen Is A DAY,--SOUth American Itheiimatio Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically aureein 1 to 3 days, Its action mem the system io remark- able and mysterious. It removes at once the pause and the disease immediately dis. appears. The first idose greatly benefits 75 ante. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist, 818 BELIEF is Six Hours,--Distresatng Kid- ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours. by the "Great South Aram -leen Kid- ney Cure," This now remedy is a great aurpriee and delight to physicians on ac- count of its exceeding promptness in re. lieving pain in the bladder, kidnaye,baek and every part of the urinary pasoages in male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed- p,tely, df you went quick relief and euro WA 1s p, ;.c tome') '.' ,v Ci, LUTZ. UAnriat'S MA.°AMINE Iain the eharaoter that bat favorite illuetrated periodical for the Among the results of enterprises undertaken by the publishers, there will appear during the year evperbly illustrated papers on In- dia by Edwin Lord Weeks, on the Japanese Seasons by Alfred Parsons, on Ge; many by Ponitney Bigelow, on Paris by Richard Harding Davis, and on Mexico bg Frederic Remington. Among the other notable features of the year will be novels by George da ilfaurier and Charles Dudley Warner, the personal reminieconces of W. D Howells, and eight rhort stories eV Western frontier life by Jwon Mister. Short stories will ursn be contributed by Brander Matthews. Richard Harding Davis, Mary E. Wilkins, Ruth McEnory Stuart, Mien Laurette!! Alma Tadema, George A. Hibbard, Quesnay de Beaurepaire, Thomas Nelson Page, and others. Articles on topics of cur -ent inter- est will be contributed by distinguished specialists. RARPER'S P.�ERIol)IOALS. PER YEAR : HARPER'b MAGAZINE 84 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada and Moxieo. The Volumes of the Magazine begin with the numbers of June and December of oaoh year. When no time is mentioned, sub- scriptions will begin with the Number our - rent at the time of receipt of orde:. Bound volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by Post.of- fice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Address: HARPER cL BROS., i1Ew Yomc THE FOREST CITY BUSTN'.l SS Arid SEORTE of London DOES NOT need to hold out such induceni;anta railway fare, guaranteeing positions, ata•s in Order fig eaeure WE DO offer the most practical and thorough drilling in' which it is possible to obtain.. We have the lfargest alt. complete 8011001 iii. Canada. We solicit your patronage solely. aur superior training. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, Board V$0 Catalogue Free. J. W. WIST If people wou when they are braying Stoves to go to dealera,'lia hang the best, and guarantee them perfect. Cobble x F.I.AV'El THE BEST ST . `4'ES. a I See the NEW STYE for DOUBLE REA't S FO THE SOUVENIR. TSE ART COUNTBSS. COOKING RANGES FOR THE 1Cltc Ri WINCH THE DUCHESS or OXFORD. l i'A full stock of Coal and Wood Cooking and Their Hand•inade Re -dipped Tinware is lalling ilii o TIIRE The Champion Gold Me McOoli,'S OYLI Moo Ask your dealer for .te FOR SAL.1', BY ALL LEAD A EXETER"�°..r. The undersigned svialli aC : k all ldns)6'" 1891. Harper's Weekly. HARPER'S WEEELY iz beyond all question the leading journal in America, in its splen- did illustrations,in its corps of distinguished contributors,and iu ite vast army et readers. In special lines it draws on the highest order of talent', the men bast fitted by petition And training to treat the leading topics of the day. ln fiction, the most popaleue story -writers contribute to its col- umns. Snperb drawings by the foremost artists illustrate its special ar3ieles, stories, and eyery notable event of public interest; it contains portraits of the dis- tinguished men and vrernen who are making the history of the time while special atten- tion is given to the Army end Navy, Ama- teur Sports, aud Music and Drama, by dieting-dram:I experts. In a word, HARPER'S WZsitim combines the new features of the daily paper and the artistic and literary qualities of the magazine with the solid crit- ical character of the review. HARPER'S Pt RIODICALS Pun YEAR : HA.RPER'S MAGAZINE 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.... 2 00 Postage Free to all subecribers in the the filet /I or for About Bed Time B. And PIN. 1 SHI Special notice is drawn to 33. C. Re CENTRAL SHAVING hataxnts A. HASTINGS Sleepy People Won't wake up to the fact that we are selling Springs that will give you ease and comfort at prices that will astonish you. See our Bedroom Suites They are marvellous for the prices we ask. We have some real Bargains. Call and see them. Mt. MT 110177E. Laundry. Agent for th7 Brantfor hnoral, IMPORTANT I -11- TO FARMERS Ana House -keepers. EilauriEreed In large or amall quantities e _ itisnemexm Bran Flour, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, Rolled Wheat, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Etc. BEST BBANDS OF FLOUR. Want a Bicycle? PNEUMATIC TIRE NtAt- IN THE PRICE Boats and Sh must be sold this month. Now is the chance of a life time to geb good cheap footwear at GEO. 75/JANSON'S, The People's Shoe St Next Door to Post Ofliee. Styl c,