HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-11-23, Page 4Xe. Reme of Alitohell is spoken of Me e ehe prospective cAndidate for the Loge', ' Legleeeture in Soetle Perth, and Rote Ilae Thost Bellentyne for the Commons, 'There are also others afterthesepoettiona especially that of Logi:filature, and there . are in dere signa of war, ON anon. A meeting of the executiveof theSoath Ilium Loma Rename, Assmietion will 1°446114 alld be held at Efeusall, on Saturday, Nov. nsistent with eeth, This meeting will be for the pur- pose of calling a Convention. a iell eeteee, er candidate wifl be -brought out. There 6 a good deal of speculation as to whom Lux Tictirn bo However, the pre- vailing opinion is thet Mr. Bishop, the present incumbene, having been pro- iseeeweeeeeelet reified a lucrative appointment in Gode- emeeeee„re, rich, and which, it is said, he maim iu :testate:meets, his pocket, will step gracefully aside and ri there, load leave the path clear for M. Y. McLean be rata of rive Bleak heeding or Seaforth. This seems to have reachth order save ed the ears of the Goderich Signal, i713"ey Wh050 antipathyfor Mr. B te. op seems rutens edee. to be of =everlasting type, as note the following. which, appeared in that Journ- nl lase week, Commenting upon, the questioe of whether M P's and ti P P's should be appointed to public office, it eays; "The Signal's opinion is that no mem- ber bf parliament ehoula be appainted to public office; that no member should be allowed to resign with an appointment in his pocxet: an that because a man has been a member of parliament at one time is no reason why he should be preferred for °Moe when B, yacaney mum. That is the popular feeling up here in Huron, and in the event of a vacanoy occurring, the Shelving of some beck number politi- cian whose solo claim to the appointment -would be that he had voted straight with the manse whilst a member of parliament would not be tolerated. re 23xd, 1803, gleNTS. tea omeeline att mpte to ma pay the mry suffer Phe set Ma led t x x x if en -There is every prospect that Canada nY 1 will henceforth receive e large and in: creasing share of ,British :immigration, [ which, added to the stream of American farmers now pouring into :the Canadian :Northwest. must result in the Tapia filling up of our unoccupied lands. "Thi is generally the slack season of the year in Canadian emigration circlea" the Canadian Gazette of Leaden, gland, "but we gather that this year inquiries at the -various agencies are ,than usual, and suggest that ear should me an improyernent, the 'number of British emigrants. Thio increase is no doubt largely attrib- ute.ble teethe attention whioh Canada has received throughout the press and ie dodo, in consequence of the visit of tenant farmer delegates. TEE EXETER TIMES. Hensall. ivniharton Balers —The farm of Jame+ Waddell on Friday to o CAMERON SMITH, Bar ter. Slloi- dio's Orade a 1 w" sold bv au ter,, Conveyaneer, OfficesMain-st, Gerbatt, for $3,950 C. A. Mallory, Can be °moulted after offiee hours at the Grand President of the Patrons of Indnstry Corameettial Rotel. Renee% will addrees o, fau.blio meeting of the people WANTED—Oats, taro euantity of good in this place, on the 16th of Deoember, aka's. white oats, wanted fte the newel'Oat' meal Mills; present price 2sc, A quantity of feed on hand cheap. D. IIRQURART. Kiristom Roos Wssrun--"We are now open for this Bram—J.. Rosa has completed the season to buy any quantity of dressed hogs for which I will pay the highest insrltot erica. foundation under bia house. --While W. IL Price for this week is $6.51) to $7.60 per owt. Mareball was framing a driving shed he G. O. Plan; Yorkshire Peeking House. bad the mieforteno to gat his fore. A few G.0;41,Toix,itmm. Te, order to reduce stitohes made him able to be around again, my .,se Welt and raise tmeney, I have deoia- Somerville here been off work a day or ed to sell away down below anything that hashe having stepped an a nail which yet bee g offered. Remember tine Is a genuine tw°I caused him to be lame and so eoufined to sale s.a 18,m bound to reduce my stock and yaise the money, therefore no reasonable offer tho home, will be refused. Give me a call and be con yin - era from the delegates are now appearing in the Provincial press, and eneraller convey:an emellene ina oE he prospect awaited anadian leads. re • wale' tion veiret the tenant -farmer e egetes re- efed to Engfauel this week from Amide, namely, Mr. John Roberts, of North Wales, and Mr. Arthur J Davies, 'of Worcheater. They both express themselves well pleased with what they saw in the West. Indeed, their only complaint is that they saw too much in thetime to be able to take it all in. They will have no hesitation in recom- mending the; prairie country to those who intend to emigrate. Like the majority of Old Country farmers who visit Canada, they are greatly impres- sed with the agricultural capabilities of Ontario, and are of the opinion that the British fanner who could go to Ontario and buy a farm would greatly improve his position." made s that Belle - very stance Govern. r to and a big fat County a big ty Council at he says; t sayall'rou comes out who vote e „hind eir necktie mane upon king, thee abort time ago se Sir Oliver, tical difficulty, its on prohibi- micipalities to min e provincial and if vent 111 teach' eppiog vision the our hat "fro sir 00- n end. eft work; a +study of en under rig; their guaranteed or no Plae. Remember tile atemd, od that W01110341 what We saY. Satisfamion isloblwen's Bleck Henson, JOHN POPE, Prop. Beinse—Wes, Kaiser, of Ontario, Cal., returned home on Tuesday evening; he leeee bushels of good wheat wanted at the Reneall Flour Mille. We have rust received speaks well of that state. —ars. D. Mr: - several large orders for flow this week, We are BMW returned from. Missouri, Monday, atm able to PDS the blab est market prtoe for w,uere sue has been -visiting bar sister -- good wheat. Thanking allow old easterners for the past patronage, we would respectfully 4 Lie revival services in the Methodiet solicit a continuance of the same in the future. Church, oondueted by Rey. J. White and Thursday being Thanksgiving Day the mill daughter,atO b tt d d eing we B every will be sliut dowo. 000E BROS.evening. We lead, others fallow, and our trade 10 ....1••••• Creating right along, Do not fail to gall at Llseare Our apealal bargain tale tide and at week. We will eon esen'elong boots for e1.30 and tun boy's tone boots for$1.00 and .UP lvOLOOE's high laced peg bats for es.00 and up girl's high hoed peg bat for 75e. and up ; elaildrett's high laced peg hats for Oa. and un ; men's felt bootsior $1,75 and up women's tweed slippers for200. ; women's leather slippers for 40c, - call will convince you that we sell cheap. Terms eash, Sian of Big Boot. A. W1213E1411, Following are the market quotatiom Wheat .. 50 to 58 Baxley ........ • 30 to 30 Cats ....... 28 to 30 Pose ...... 51 to 51 Bay 6,00 to 7.00 Butter 20 to 21 Eggs ...... 1.4 te Hogs ...7 00 to 7 60 Clover. med. , ..... Baleen—The Aliases Hersey, Smitb, MeLaugblin Brownieg were the guests of Miss Tine Cook Suuday last. —Miss Retie Cook of Sebringselle is the egaeat of her uncle Air. H. eteek,—Netwous people, or those troubled with indigestion or dyspepaia,wilifind a euro cure at Miedier. raidn drug store, in tbe celebrated South American /corvine tonic. Try it and be convineed.—elevere. Wrn, and Edward Dignan, sons of Mr, Warren Dignan, who have been in Dakota since last spring, returned home last week; looking hale and hearty,—Mr. Allan of Exeter was the guest of Mr, Elwood on Alonclay.—Mr. McManus of Toronto visited friends in town over Sunday.---eare Richard Luker of Dakota, who has been yisitiag hor brother, Mr Mae Buchanan, and other rola tives, returned to Dakota on Monday:—Mr Eldortan Rennie and siatera rent visiting at their brotberes, 1r E, Fannie last Sun- day.—Mrs Louie Herald returned from St. Jacobs last Friday, atter several weeks' visit,—Win Chapman of ',London teas in town on Uonday,—Rev Mr. Hieger of Wat- erloo preached a very interesting misaionary.. Maleine riermewlestreanday neetjetan the It et • x x x • Two provincial by-elections will take place on December 2, next. They will occur in North Bruce and East Lamb - ton Both constituencies have been vacated by the death of the former members who were Liberals. The im- portant feature of these two elections is that they will probably foreshadow the result of the Provincial election next year. In both Protestantism is more or less the issue, and the result •will show whether the supposed wave whioh is floating over Ontario Is of the tidal variety or simply composed of a ittle.loose spray. In Best Lambton a straight(' Reformer is running against another Reformer who is the nominee of the P. P. A. East Lambion is a Liberal stronghold. Last election the late Hugh Mackenzie carried it by a majority of 360. pi 1886 it went Lib- eral by 236, so thatto upset the normal majority, Protestantism will have to be pretty strong. The Conservatives have stood from under and put up no can- didate. North Bruce is more doubtful. It was for some time Conservative and in 1886 went independent by 166. In 1891, George, the present candidate, was elected by 17. His election was et, out- protested, he was unsealed, and in the e 'and by-election, Porter, Liberal, beat him ho are by a majority of .234. Liberals have a ose to neve candidate in the three cornered oiling fight. The Patrons of Industry have bler pub up a man outside of both parties. iag George will probably get the supportof a the old Equal Righters again, so that in all his chances are good. If the Gov- ernment thould lose North Bruce or East Lerribton by a substantial majority 'e would be little,- but if it were to se both, the weed an the party would ad' The fact that Mr. 1V1owat is ing an organizer into each oonstit- showa that he appreciates the ese of the situation. iZtefittiOn. The Bnxere—J Simpson drew over lfit bushels of oats from 11. Arraitage'e farre, Bauble Line, a few days ago, in one load. — Mesons. Stanley and Hodgins have paid oat over 510,000 eirese they commenood to buy hogs. --Mr. Welltngton Hortgine has returned from his trip to Manitoba — Mesers, Bedgreve and Wall have routed the skating rialt far tide season.—Mr. B. E. Abbott, of Mooresville, left last Friday for North Delsota, where ho has seared a luorative poaition. We wish him success in his naw hams. o nit t Tote er Canadaof tt ehe Methodist church.—Mi B bit tess:t and tes iiety eon ey g Tuesday night on. a visit to Goileriele Sir W (nevelt had a mat furnace put in his dwell/rag honae.—Mr Dane ,MoColl 'shipped several tone of fowl this week.—Mr Serauel Perking, shoe sinker, of Chiselhuratewas ea town on Tuesday.—Toolay (Thursday) being Thanksgiving Day, all the business places "till be closed, and a union Thanks giving Service will be held in St Paul's (thumb by resident ministers at 2 e'elook p. ra.—Basiness this weak is somewhat better with our merchants, as large quantities of grain and pork are being marketed here every day. —Cook Bros, are still running their mill day and night. Mr Angast Bhnea, the old champion miller, formerly of Zurich, has ohexge of the mill at night. —Mr Adam Richert, foreman in the flax raised the frame of hie new house on Uondtty.—Mr George McEwen, one of our most enterprising business men, Is having the fouudation built for author nevr atom on big lot, bought of Mr James B. Troyer het winter.—Mr John Hall of Dashwood was In town on Saturday, The Delineator for January commences a new volume, and is called the 'Winter Holiday Number.' It is an unusually at. tractive issue, the fashions being approp' riete to the season, and the reading matter varied and interesting. The distinct holi- day flavor is contributed by a helpful article, entitled What the Shops Show, and another reviewing the books issued for the holiday season. Household Renovation deals with the cleansing of various Article', and gives valuable information about cleansing finide, Child Lite treats of Training a Boy for Bueineas, and Physical Culture continues the instruction given last month on the Physical Expression of the Emotion& Small economies is a par' tioutarly seasonable and valaable artiole at this time, and one that will be of service to every housereeper; and muoh may be gained from the second paper on Things that should be Left unsaid. An illustrated article on Home and Street Gowns is of general interest to ladies, and another ap- propriate to the time is Fur Sets and Trimmings. The Tea -Table talk for the month is full of information, and an un, usually attractive assortment of designs is given in Tatting, Knitting, Crocheting, Laee•Making, eto., eto. The subscription to The Delineator is only Ono Dollar a year; Single Copies, 15 cents. Address orders to The Delineator Publishing Co. of Toronto (Ltd.,) 33 Biehmond Street Vilest, Toronto, Oat. 'het cat -boil is large enough to e, blood needs purifying—a if unheeded, rimy result, la, but in something very vett the anger in iime by tee rilla, Queen 40-4-4 J qreeetense Batare.-00 Saturday night lest some evil disposed person; placed a cow's( head over one of our enter- prising mechanics's signs. There are a few very rough plumaged birds in our midst and if the perpetretor of so low an act coulde found eat he would likely experience a little inooriven- iences—Mrs, W Bain has returned theme from her visit to her mother near St. Marys.—The Rev. Mr. Fer- gluon is et present laid up with rheum - Deism, not being able to occupy the pulpit for the last tivo weeks. -Mr. Beattie of St. Marys who purpose daing businesss here shortly is having the necessary repairs done before opening. —Rev. Mr. Hamilton is to give a lecture on his travels to the Holy Land on Thanksgiving night in the Preabyterian church. Idayteld. 13i:sera—De Wright, of Tottinghans, 'sold his house oa Clan Oreggor Square. to Ur. Geo. Brwin kr $700.—There are two mptiana in (Marge of the fialratiozi Army here at:present, captains Story and Ogilvii, —Mre, Coleus, of British Columbia, has been visiting her father, Mr. Logan, dure the last few weelts.—The call extended by the Presbyterians of this plane has been sustained by the Presbytery, arid we hope, ere long, to have regular religious exer- clam 11..0114 1 Staff& --- lhunrs—It is with regret we have to throuiole the dente, of Mrs, Beton, widow of the late James Betson. which °mimed at her resident:a last Thursday morning, Deceesed suffered great pain before see died, and death WWI truly a relief to her. Sho was between fifty and leaky years old, and leaves a grown up family.—eliss Tillie Jeffrey has gone to Bagel() to speak tee winter, —Mrs, Chubb has bired Mr. Ire- land of Whogham to run her blaolomoith elem. —We are pleased to see Misa Rotham has reativered from her severe ill neee.—We ex ceded now 01.....11.41•••••4•01.././..N.PRIPS LAMY Stephen COWOOil Creditor' Nov. 20, 1893. All members of council present, except Mr. Weurth.-111iinutee of holt meeting read and eignect—On motion of H. Bilber and 3 Sharritt the Reeve Is to ow:malt Mc- Gillivray council with regard to B Bonita's dram petition, -- Communioetion from A, Hooper thanking combed for use of Hall for meeting purposes read and lyted. octad oa the urine and spoke for himself, He said held been away getting married. Centralia.. 13algal.—WhiIe Master A. Walker was playing foot -ball, he fell and out his eye open. An eighth of an Mob further and bis eye would have been taken out,—A Bread and Butter Sodal will be held in the Iffettiodist Church to -night, (Thursday), followed by a feature givoa by the pastor, Rev. Well Butt. A good time is expected. —Mr, Wesley Snell shipped a car load of hogs from here last week,— netters. Parson, 4 Sons are buying poultry on rt large walla this Veer. They intend ehipping their drat load this week to Winnipeg. The new tie -table makes our village the hub of the L. & B. division. The trains will cross here in the future. --Twenty new members have been added to t'ae R. T. of T. here daring the lest three weeks, The Royal Templar& are fiourielupg and the Council is well officered, end promises ramie good for the futures—Lumber Is on the ground for tee addition, to the new ohurah alaed.—Mra. T. &eery is again very seriously The news eel her mother s deeth wee too much for her delicate consititution. 11^^.0.1111.4.-41i Blanshard Council. The mnnioipal council of the township of Blensberclemet in the termed? hall, Afelntyre'a Corners, 6 inst.—Preemie fail board,—Miuntes of previous meeting read and confirmed.—Mr, Henry Cathcart ad- dressee the Board in reference to au out- let for drainage purposes. Moved. be Robinson—Elliott—That the Reeve be ap- pointed to look after the same. Carried.— By Law No. imposing an additional trix of 5 mute on the dollar oa all taxes remaining unpaid after the 14th day of December, and authorizing the Collector to :collect the same was read abort and passed, signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the corporation attached thereto. —After pass- ing A number of a000nnte, which will ap- pear lie the Treasurer's statement shortly to te Netted, the counoil adjourned to meat let 'Monday in December. TBR VERY LATEST 14131WS There is one foot of snow at Sault Ste, Marie. The greet value of Hool'a Sareaparille ' • CTS thomanda et people whont it hoe Gera s.s a rein edy for catarrh Is vouolied for ee For Tlioulhtfut People The great Oanedien, cheerio, which took --et-- ferst prize at Chien°, arrived at Montreal Wednesday, and will be shipped in a ieW days to London, G. S. 6t. Marys. BMWS—The residence of the late M. 3. Beam was put np by amnion Saturday atia knocked down to Dr. Irving at e1,630. —Mrs. W. H. Graham, who bas bean very ill, is conealeacing.—Mise Nom Clench gives a concert in her native town on the 24th of Novembee—Leou Ford bas gone back to San Francisco to relapse his position with the IL G. Dun & Co. Mer- cantile Ageney.—At the meeting of the Public School Board held on Thursday evening, the resignation of W. J. Leird, who has been Principal of the Publio Schools here for a number of years, was received. Mr. Laird R090 to Hamilton where we understand he has beett offered a situation much more to his advantage. — The power furnished to the alectrio light company has been so =steady and usa' satisfactory for some time past that the company are about to move their apparatus to Carter & Co's mill, where: the power will be furnished in the future, Creditors. If you had taken two of Certer's Little Liver Pills before /retiring you would not have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning, Keep a vial with you for oceasional use. Reports from Mr McKay, immigration agent in Miohion, and from agents at other points, are to the effect that their 'Demesne work of sending settlers Into the enothevest was very satistactory. Women with pale colorless faces, veto feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Cast- er's Iron Pills, whioh are made for the blood, nerves and complexion. Thomas Pullbrook, ohargod with Axing off a loaded revolver at John 'Rainey and John Sutherlaud, having aoknowledgee bis guilt, was sent to the Ceutrat Prison. for one year by the Toronto Pt el, An organization was formed at Toronto Wednesday with Mr. Edward Meek as President, and Do Bernet Ginner as Seeretary, the objeot of which will be to fight the approsehiag plebiscite en pro- hibition, Are free front all crude and irritating to:tsetse Oementrated medicine ouly. Cartex's Little Liver Pills. Very email easy to take no pain ; griping ; 00 purging. Try them. OPat MalltriNti.—The open meeting of the Royal Tetleplers of Ureditort-on the igth Inst., was euceelta he every par^ titular, in numbers, in. finance and program, The town Wee filled with an appreciative audience: About. eight o'clock the select counoillor,Wm Lewis sr„ celled the Meeting to order, end Ailed upon the choiriof the Wale. Oa for the opening pieoe, after which the Ree. Henderson led prayer, The Recording Secretary Rev. G. Baker, was then telleel to occupy tbe Aftee _few appropriate re. an, Miss Reid of :Is gene e welt reoitation, Lediae Crediton council 4 &some ne selections of vocal end instrumental musks with Mi Zwiker as orgernat. The Rev. Aura delivered an interesting aa on the burning Temperance pee Miss Gregory, blas con, and Met s Ewing, Snell and Ford of Exeter Council rendered ierand assistance with a duet and quartettes. Mr. Liogarth jr., also gave a very amusing recite -e- lm, Rev. Henderson of Hensall gave the speech of the evening, which was an earnest and eloquent address full of indisputable facts. The . meeting Wt brought to a dose by the audiences rising and singing the nationalmithern, Mr. Geo. Zwicker prodding at the organ. The Benediction was pro. flounced by the Rev. Dierlatira. Visitors from Exeter and Centralia end members of the home council' were treated to a lunch of coffee and choice viands prepared and served by the ladies ot the Crediton counctl at the close of the meeting. Thus dosed one 01 the most enjoyable gatherings of the Royal Templere of Temperance. Pe:meads, $35.80. Eitmvelle. Baize—Tho ridge -boards are off and the snow is on. --Miss Violet Hind is much improved sines last writing. Mrs. Robin. son is alas getting better.—The World's Fair 'risme have arrived, and pretty soon the people will be able to get almost as good an idea of the wonderful white city, as though they had been there and that all for the prise of a World's Fair sander:oh. —Mr. T. Johns has taken posseesion of the stove and having added a new stook, the place trrauch improved ineppearanee. We wish him ouccess.—There will be no sohoolgriday, Ur. Holman being in at- tendance at the Went Huron Teacher's Association. -1t is ekpeeted that Misa E. Halle will assist Mr. IL dining :the coming year in teaching the young. -164r. R. Hind hes taken up his above in the town and pretty soon our village elections will be held when he expects to get there for mayor. Mr. J. E. Hind is also gone into winter quarters having firdehed np with Resolved that tbe following orders be Dyer & Howard of Exeter for the summer, granted rief—G Ford :gravel, 55.40; H Me- Ureserrevasr. Lennan gravel, e2.66; 0 Wolper +sundry work, N 8, 516,04; 0 Lawson 1st side R 524,88; A ,Werra work 17 oon, 52.5011 Barers—The temperance meeting held Breith refund dog tax, 52; 0 Love stork 22 in sehool 14 lest Tuesday' was welleatfend. con 1117 60. I Smith ditch 3rd S R. 52; ed, Mr W. 3, Wilson was appointed li 8 lairre4 vr g14eklc. 0 R 131°°1' 8, l'7.83' P ehairMan and in few worda eplaxined McKenzie eons G R. 56.25;M O'Brien deg the ()bite; A ee tee meeting, Beet, g: ELs , • is culvto S B fie; ere el B $1•60; Je Ghent D. pewter and lie, 8. k,,,,, w- 5, It Alitehell out 2 .. tb eakere the evening and ga e 13P dredge& At the el * ' Place to Purohaso .1.11•1• Butchers are among those that slaughter and take hie, but when men take their own lives, they are , called suicides. Past history even in Exeter will rernied the citizen and general reader that the busi- ness life or career of some men was short, because in a moment of in- sanity they did what proved suicid- al to their business, and conse- quently sank. No branch of trade can successfully be carried on un- less it has a sure foundation, fixed principles, good managing head, s well financed, careful buying,with judicious selling, The undersigned with others have seen such pic— tures in Exeter. The writer has studied how best to avoid the whirlpool around which so many have 7played until they sank all they had, We purpose working on theline that a little sold and paid for is better than a host sent out with no returns but a blank on the credit side of the ledger. About 8 o'clock \Vednesday night the stonier Cuba tan into the second look gate et Cornwall while ou her westward trip, badly damaging it. The break is now be- ing repaired, navigation in the meantime being suspended. The results of the polies reams of To- mato give the eityn population as 188,914. The polies minim taken ins* two yeara ago, became the Dominion moue was not re- garded as 4010w/tory, made the populat- ion 189,333 As Miss Bitched Cook, of Leeburn, was coming home from school on Frid- ay evening, it seems she was walking backwards and fell oyer the end of a bridge and hurt her beak. She went into a faint or state ef unconsolousness from which he did not recover till next morning. She as new somewhat better but has not been able since to attend school. The position of .Liberal Organiser for the eoroYinoe hes been filled by the appintment of Mr. Smith, of the Tor- onto Mail. For this position the names of J. A. Morton, of Wingham, and W. Coates, Clinton, were at one time mentioned, either of whom would have made excellent organizers, but the latter declined to oonsider the matter, gas it would neoeasitate his removal trona town. — Clinton New Era. The General Banjoes of thePeace will open in Goderioh on Deo. 12. There are throe oases on theCountv Attorney's docket so far, vis , the two charges of perjury arising out of the nyth liquor selling prosecutions, and a charge of indecentiissault sent up from Crediton. The appeal of Thos. Dance), against the conviction for using threatening and abusive language towards Jernes Mitchell, is also set down for this court. J. P. Clarke. Robert Brown, a young unmarried man' had bis right arm badly mangled isa Youngie sawmill at Wiartou on Monday. 11 will probebly hays to be amputated. The little girl Claylon, who was accident- ally allot by Iter slater with her brothens revolver at Toronto, died Suuday night from the effected the mould. R. Blain was iotaineted on, Saturday for the Dominion. 'acmes by the Conservetive. The remains of the late Annie Prixley „ , (Vire. Falford), who died in Leridoe, Eng "ez, At tue mine pima Mr. John Graydon, of Streeteville, was eombseted for the Local. 11 is said start about Wednesday afternoon, will be orewated and the melee will be brought to Leaden, Ont., where they will be plead in the grave with her ohne, Bepreaeutritives of OiXt06o sewer pipe romprenlea met at Toronto end formed a national association, the objeot of which is ta promote trade and to maintain a uuiform scale of price% About $i,000,090 is repre- sented in the tombine. Many people suffer for years from troublesorao and repulsive sores, boiler, and eruptious, without ever testing the mar- vellone curative proprieties of Ayor's Sar- taparilla. The experiment is, certainly worth trying, Be sure you got Ayern Sareparilla mud no other. A Rapid City, \fate, &spathe, says Mr. Robert Collyea farmer from near Bata was instantly killed there 0B 11' • ahroorusenir.Rar reap, bis se 1 o tile eine tbey arr.' lve in the not be- . en with drugs and m ib ey are grown, as some do, aye found it little castor oil and bottle of Perry Davis' Pain Killer soh and sure remedies for all their little i1I, and Gentletaet—PHIg would not do without them. Get the mw the new paper for Bressols will the first of next month. WELL ADAMD, Tile of/settee action on the glandular system and the blood, nasi the regalating trade and purifying /Lotion of B. 13. 13. es- posially adapt it for the bilious, nervous costive, or eorofulous. From three to six bottlea euro all :blood diseases from a common pimple to the worst recrolulene sore. CONBTIPATION CVARD. Goutlemen,—I suffered for a lug time with emstipation and tried many mode rime ut emcees, I then tried Bit., Bitters and very ono ' so I continued its usa an ely cured, • Fattener, Queee Quo, Att Exotrierete Rienzi:n aye used He r bout* fo a excellent end e eheeford ceentletnen,— Pectoral jellies three mire; mody for all f 1u throat and 1 slant relief. Jonas Bnoinn, big bottle, 2$o. 1years with constipation, an • not having helped me, 1 cone Sim ot.ns rnoat Tonosra. nehland, Wis., Nov. 20.—Mos. George Reany, of 2111 Batt Third Street, has been in poor health for someyearse Her end. Renee D. HAINES, Lakeview, Ont. °tore o try B. B. 13” and before I used one bottle 1 was oured. I emu also recommend it for sick headache. gates disposition made invalidism doubly irksome to her, so see sought far and PREVAILING BIOREER9. wide for a remedy that would make ber The moot prevalent complaints at this well wine Her efforts Were unavailing until she began using Dociti's Kidney Piths. Now she is on the high road to health at- tributes the result to the use of those pills, Every day makes it more apparent then meat: of the ills to whioh women are sub. jest are clue to impaired sotionot the kid- neys, if not to actualidiseare of the orgaur. The popularity of Dodd's Kidney Pills as the greatest specifie in all disorders of the kidneys is now irrevocably eetabliahed, so that all unfortunate victims of kidney disease may use them with the utmost con- fidence. It may be of interest to slaw. that Mre. Reany is an old Torontonien. Mr, Ralph Rice, Thorold township, died suddenly from the bursting of ainabecoss in hie throat on Thursday. Mr. Robert Wood TP of Nixon, has A Convene SOMETINIEff. Whelr health i far gone in Consum- ption, then sometimes only ease and cote - fort Gan be seared from the use of Scott's Emulsion. What is much better is to take 06 medicine in time to fusee your health. nrIlniPm....=•••••••••••••,....100w .111•111•111.10.06 bean appointed to be police magistrate of Simeoe, in room of the late Mr. M. O. Bown, Seven distinct attempta to wreak Cana- dian Psolfie Railway t, alas have been made lately. The railway authorities are invea- tigating the matter, A Tomo An, EZCI31{BTIMOTOB, Ur. C. Harper, Ottawa, One, writes "I have pleasure in stating your Pink Pills aro a wonderful tonic and reconstructor of the system. Since beginning their wee I have gained. cm an average, a pound of flesh a week." All dealers or, poet paid, 50eit boz or six boxes for 52.30. Beware of imitations and substitutes, Dr. Wil- lim's Med. Co. Brookville, Ont. • W. Goetz, momietor of the Ametiean Hotel, Stratford, was finel for not leaving Ina barroom blinds open on Sunday. As the tug George Douglas was return- ing to Owen Sound from Lion' Head Friday night when off Griffith's Islaud she caught fire and Was deatroyed Th e crew escaped.. season BM rheumatism, neuralgia, Bore throas, inflammations and congestione. For ail these and other painful troubles Hagyaree Yellow Oil is the beat internal and external. remedy. Look at the date on your label this week, and see that your name is mark- ed. wen in advance. No paper is discontinued /mat all arrears are fully paid, except at the option of the publisher. The date when thersubacrimion expires is cm the tideless label of each paper, the change of which bit subaequent date be- comes a receipt for remittence. Subscribers will please examine their label before and after making a remittance. 0•011.• *RIM In IVIenaoriam. sat Samuel Mut, who departed November 2nd, 1893, "A little while and ye shall not ase again it little while and ye shall see me. I go to the Father." --St. John, ohao verse. Beyond the grave, well no one know Can the minds of men the myster And find a haven ot revoEe That has taken from earth the famil To mother earth, we all shall go as lo life shall be, When ha vine broken here the thread, Him again we hope to se In that sweet realm of rest. het ing whieh we ca, sou she 0010 n the sphere A nd straight' depart to find Another state where all shall be revealed. We too from labor, not exempt. must part Prom friends we all hold dear noy fora nue f time aratthetorgain We meet with friends so dear. • Dissolution Sale itt re 8 of tis re De 13c et 1. 11 Of ieh at Bi bit ha Wa op tit Let se to th reit 70 Jol acr to re the ff ait na SPA th ly Owing to the fa ci that a change will be made in our Business ort Jannary ist next we must reduce our , ----Inimonse Stock DRY -GOODS, MitLINERY, PUBS, TAiriiiiiiiiighaLY1-1VIAP-i,9,1491-,„40,