HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-11-23, Page 1AND. HON VOL. XXI. N0, 14, READDo YouWaat OVERAU6AD MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, "CHEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS PALL WITR E THEY MAYEXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28 18qn BEFORE THE JURY. Conepiraoy.Case in the -lands of Twelve 0o en and True, IN THE. BRITISH HOUSE,. Good l�1 HEROIC LIFEBOAT MEN. =,tore Talk en oolDs Desolation Cal sed by an Earthquake &u@rage ma_ Cinema, NovItTov. 22. -In his ;speech far Laren's Motion Withdxawu. the defence in the conspiracy trial yester Many Shipwrecked Sailors Rescued o11 LorrDON Nov. 224- 1 Arid Plod in Persia. day, Mr. Blake went into the particulars ' v Ten the Hausa of of the Daae, carefully reviewing and analyz• Commons yesterday sr txr F , _ .n_._ WI OLE CITY OVERWHELMED. ing each point as he went along Theservative), member for West Kent, brought Ir so, come to R. l,VIcGOWAN'S, where you find them of the BEST j QUA.LITY,VARIETY -REA EST -AND- Closest Cut .Prices To meet hard times. Highest cash pride- paid for farm Peoiuco. fl. of GOWN, General Merolian{•,I�irkton. Delve on The Nall, This is a well -Imam' half -slang phrase used for a cash payment, say: Nates and Queries. Of its history I cann�tspaak, but I confess to feeling startled when I found it, as it seems to nie, in a parliamentary deed of King Rama to Bruc.. By indenture dated July 1.5, 1J I ($c.)ts Acts I„ 476) a tenth - penny was covenanted for, payable to to de king. Ou his part he agreed not to exact certain prizes and carriagastunieee he was passingthroueth the realm, after the 'custom of his pred•icossor, Alexander III., "for which prizes and carriages full payment should be made super uuguom." (The words are: Pro quibus prieiset carlagiss plena fiat soluclo super uuguem.") lain aware of the classical use of the phrase "in ungaom," or "ad unguem," sigoifyiug "to a nicety," but it does not seem to apply here. At the same time the corresponding French phrase "pay- er ruble sur 1 ouglo may make this doubtful. Just below the passage oiled occurs another in which payment is to bo wade "in manu," Both in my opinion refer to ready money, and I do not hesitate to trauslato "super un- guem" "down on the nail," Hitherto I have supposed the nail to be a, figure of speech for the counter on a hick the coin was toll; 'Apparently this is erroneous, as is clearly the finger nail which is referred I would like to hear of other early in - maces of "down on the nail." TALK OF THE D A WIT LE e ac Full Extent of the Damage Not YetAs- certainable-Fears for Nany Vil- lages Widespread Destruc- tion - Baltic -Stricken Inhabitants. up the question a derelicts. He asked good character of Connolly he presented, AN AWFUL RECORD OF WRECKSd e Government if the Admiralty would and pointed to it in fitting contrast to the a war vessel to co-operate wi material witness of the Crown, Robert H American warship b vy, who same from jail to testifyh-P safe arge in deatr against his brother and was released bOne Rundred and I+'orty-Four Reported these enemies to htnavigation o the Crown for that t in one Da - p Atlantis. The Right Han. A. K. purpose Day -Many Moro Toro is della i President of ilio Board h Why," said Mr, Blake, '"is not Six �xec]tod ]F^ifty tglctAsl4oxo promised to enquire as to lvhat the U' Hector Langevin called in to say what he Between Calais and States Gfoverumelat was doing I knows of the matter ? Why are I'erley, Dunkirk, matter, well, Ceste, Casgrain, Chandler, Laokin, Sydney Buxton, n. 3'ariiainentary. oore, Peters and Samson not called Y tary of the Colonial Office, said th their statements would not• am- LOi DON, Nov, 22; -Reports received from bengula, the Matabele king, had b borne those of Robert McGreevy. Why manypointsalong the coast show that the formed that his safe conduct was Nicholas Connolly to be made a swipe- gale has spent its force. Between Calais secured and thatn not eyour goat of ? Are the men who a and Dunkirk 58 vessels ' he would be tr called nobility of Canada to be left out 0- night. Most of them fish- with WalterMoL reif tie shorenderad, o cloak last ui Walter McLaren, who is a R the charge while they sit and retain their ing boats, but two are steamers and emu in favor of ol` ' offices by virtue of this moue yy ? 1 deny or eight are barques, ti ctaoal and religions a any wrong on the part of myof Along the coast near 'without distinction of sex or coed, m aside my client. Nicholas ConnollyoughtsThe: crew of the bar yesterday. Johan of to be made suffer for the sins of thrs, q ne Marie,k which sank off Dungeness yesterday, took Mr. on,Blake askingosed but j stticeith nfor eloquent1 s pore.. i They were xgwhen posed tope the vesselwent fury of the d if he got justice he would be found 1 gale and their condition was pitiable, The noeent of the charges against him, lifeboat from Dot her; though its crew had M SAYS iiio IS .l # B I Peixoto Cables -11;7s er of' the Sit*- a�tioll to A merle,. NOT PROCLAIM I iththe AN EMPIRE lin: the . .. The Report Vint the atevolutionistLtaaK�r Trade, i ilaet Deelf►rocli f'or ltionarclty a liaise luted to Gain Ainericau Sa apoart n the : for I'eixata's Govera- Secre- 'Rant* hat Lo• ^--- - -_ be in• ! NEw YORK, Nov: 22.,,, -,President Peix d be oto, of Brazil, through his Minister of Bated Foreign ,Affairs, has again cabled,« 'very important message regarding the situation adinal in Brazil, quality A.eeording to the official annonneez en ed the rebels under Admiral Me'la are bard LONDON, Nov. 22.-A special eleepatoh M to the Times from Meshed brings further r B details of the earthquake that oacurred Friday at Kueban, in the northern part of the Province of Khorasean. Tlie town was completely destroyed and the loss of life was immense. Great crevasses were open- ed in the earth, tlrongh which water flowed in torrents, causing the Atrek river ov verflow its banks, The Textile region there liar can, thea noblean should sae �� Calais 17 mom dead to include among the electors mention around the cit was � teles were recovered estexd amen harbor, the fleet to the south. is reduced to too Y inundated and the; b large gardens and extensive vineyards were ( n swept out of existence. The people of Kuehad had no chance to r ra save anything. The shock was so severe' an that the largest houses in the town, inelud-.; in ing the residence of the Gov--- - in the Parish. Councils Bill married w who would be entitled to vote if they single. Th ht dent sof ,the Hon. LocalHGovernment Boa s mad a counter proposal to diectualif ��"tet, were r. Osler followed on behalf of the p been taxed to the utmost all day in,,assist- qualified married as ratepayers. t'when they are du almost tustautly toppled over, crushing Crown and finished his address to the jlkery ing vassals and Savin life,q hundreds e of people e toput O Pdotoff f Pabgfor the The townThen i atR t - Ah 0 Hon. quartert bag L had a papulation of between: 20,400 and tion f thcase was His resenia- � barque to rescue the men in the ri_ ,'n , Leonard E. Couxtn a strong awl -Masterly I They did not get to the scene of the is sion (Unionist), member saidar the thought diet 25,400 arsons, and it is thought that at one, He d sten of Cornwall least 0,000 perished. Many persons analyzed all the different points ; aster until an hour after de:e. The sea Fowler's proposal che thoefo Mt carried awe t „ y reviewed the was runningso high that p P mmendable for it simplicity. The Right Hon, A. J.. Balfour,Consrva tive Ieader ;in the House, held that th change proposed was an important de parture. If the House aaseuted to th Government's proposal it would give all hope of drawing a distinction between married and single women; not only in relation to municipal and local franchises, bat in relation to party, Mr. McLaren withdrew his motion. La Grippe. BEI,LIN, Nov, 22. -An epidemics of in- fluenza is prevailing in Upper Silesia. Twenty-seven deaths from the disease have occurred at Oppaln. At Ziegonhals,. 34 miles from Oppoln, the seminary has boon closed. Seventy of the pupils aro suffer- ing with influenza in its severest form. Ten Thousand oases in England. Loanoxast three weeks there have been ten thousin the and oases of mild influenza in the borough of Blackburn, Lancashire. were two ships, and the financial resources of the insurgents are at a low ebb. The state- 1- meat is herewith printed in Emelt-eh i Boar i The rebel squadron continues in this y port, from which it is difficult to escape, -• ly , in view of the precautions taken by the I Government, Villeyaignon, almost in Online ed pressed, Their squadron is tial up in Rio p ons were and carefully whole case h g it was sunken ar valley. Y by he flood that flowed ..awn from beginning to cad. I for the lifeboat ito approach the sunken It is not known yet what Justice Rose commenced his charge to - by ssei, so it laid off and on until daylight, damage was done in the valley, but it is the jury immediately. After pointing out which tin•- the Sea, had gone flOWD. feared that many of the villages below to the iu Kuehan have been destroyed. A apart time after the disturbance the entire water supply of the town disappear, ed Th e peopic who were not injure panic-stricken to AIa Dagh Moult leaving the injured to care for themed as best they could, The district 1n Knell is situated is very populous, it is feared that it bas everywhere suffered from the earthquake and the flood. OPIUM SMUGGLERS CAUGHT. A Gang of Smart Crixninals Arrests the Valls, NIAGARA toms officers bagged a quartette of o smugglers last evening. They gave naives as Charles Mills, Mr. and 1 rick Burke and Willis chain of enc' f tfl°rent parts ono by on. IIs spoke completeliu exhutd' had fallen from. d Plod , strongly, against the notions , f Thomas nest ! g placeduring the night and Mount ra their duties, he commenced at d somewhat. Seven men almost dead from the beginning of the charges, which wont exposure were then, taken into the lifetoat.. as far back as 1880, and carefully reviewed Four of the crew, benumbed with cold and the dill' ' McGreevy, both as a harbor commissioner (drowned. When nor the life-savers arrived at Ives and a member of Parliament in having. so Dover in the morning they wore enthusias- whieh close relations with public contractors and f+ awai y sheered by the crowd that was and the Department of Public Works. He I awaiting their return, also spoke strongly against contractors • From every direction come stories of contributing to election funds with the I heroism on the part of lifeboat crews and view of being •re-itnbursed afterwards. If conettheir noble en. Had it not been for that was proven in this case an unlawful their noble work the death roll of the d at act was committed. As regards Nicholas storm, already exceedingly large, would 1 Conuolly, if they believed his evidence have had many added to it, then the Crown ease failed. Lloyds recorder reported 144 wrecks, Cus- ` The jury retired to their room at ton' the highest ever reported for a single day. plum 4 minutes to eight o'clock, At twenty min- The worst day a loaf was in 1870, when their I ; van, having failed to bring in al l 180 vessels wee lost in 24 hours. c jury was .looked up for theAt Scarborough, on the Yorkshire coast, several houses were blown down and many were unroofed, Fifteen fishing smacks are John Thompson lined.__ _ missinr from thb o,1TitsAL, Nov. 22. -Sir John Thomp- LO' o ,,,• . son was tendered a complimentary ban- quet I land amesyClub,mber of the swell members ontreal club,St. at r • ed o their club house last evening. The dinner of he 6 e was intended as a personal compliment to ' ' ` Bee were lost. The Danish barque Embla, from the Premier and was irrespective Conserve- Hull ©u The captain and Withernsea, n rrs ilors( were ties, The guests included beta', r tives and Liberals. Sir Donald Smith presided and over a hundred guests par- ticipated. In addition to the Premier, Sir A. Caron, R. Angerssir a dhnrles Ron.gMr.Tupper, 0 ti veton. were present, e butcher's reoip rfluous flesh is f you worn ne poo t out of defy ideate. each '+ _ Darted they can read is with the gas turned very 1 "Is De. `ab related to Charley Hender- son?" "Yes. She is his sister by a refusal of marriage." Somehow or other the man who snores loudest always seems to go to sleep first in a Pullman car. At 20 a man thinks he knows it all; at 30 he merely thinks he could have known it all if he had tried. A woman may not be able to find her pocket, but she never has it filled with let - t ers she has forgotten to mail, Shady --"My reputation is very dear to me." Ontoit-"Probably. have to pay casb for everything, don't you?" "Did you find wbat you wanted?" "Yes . they had it in seven different places." "Let me see it." "0, I didn't get it." "I hear your husband is quite a gallant. Do you ever find any Ietters in his pockets?" "Only the ones I gave him to post." Fair visitor-" V4 by do they call the sailors tars, lieutenant 1" Lieutenant - "Because they pitch into the enemy" B -own-" What! You going to marry that woman? She has no figure." Robin- son -"Ah, but, my dear boy, her father has." Woman hater -"i wonder why more bachelors than married men commit sui- t " Contented wife -"Because they aro ex at the sight of sensible men's happi- ne T Tomes of evolution from a bonnet to a 5 ecfaan is simple and sure -the bonnets beco a the women and the women are lead- ing men. A boy of 17 and a girl of 13 were married at Columbus, Mo., the other day. The wedding presents included a doll and a wooden gun. Alphonso -"Do yen know, Miss Ma ud, I weally had half a mind lahst night Miss Maud -"O, why didn't you call on me last. night: Father -"Is that stranger who calls to see you a inan of regular habits?'P Daughter-. Yes, indeed, pa, He:: arrives every night promptly at 8." At the husking bee, if you get a red oar, you maysteal akiss; while on the contrary, under other' conditions, if you steal a kiss you may get a red ear. Sbo-"Clinton, I want $50 for pin money" He -"Pin money! , New dress money, I sup- pose you mean. "-"No I mean' n pin money, It's a diamond pin that I want." It. S. co. WOO D1S:AM. Bargains that will be at our Store this week are a: s folio Wide About 50 pair Boots and Shoes for- mer price $1,00, now 25c• Table -Linen, former rice 25e now 1,, P 9 Ladies' and .Children's Gloves,;, for- mer price 25e now, : 5 Men's Gloves,former price5 50e now 25 Double Vold Ulster Cloth, former • . price 6,0 "Yiow �. In's an BnVe' Tipp: fen What at he could e "Sett f • + ping from the nited States but never could locate hint going eepedntil from torday the Grand c'1`runkwhen traiit with a package under one arm and a pot dog under the other, Lewis shadowed the man. when ho took a. street car owards Drummondville. Lewis then putt Oilier Seeley on his track. Lwis *alked across to e A.merican side and took a trolley car for hthe Palls, to be on the watch at the American end of the upper suspension bridge. Sedley, iu the meantime, shadowed Mills to the Park- side Inn, near the park, where he entered, and a few minutes afterwards carne out without the package, a description of which Seeley took while in the street car. Mills walked across the bridge to the American side and went to Tierney & Mahoney's saloon. When he came out he was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Burke. Together they walked alusenm, where they held as consultationnt near . made When it ended Burk came across to this Mr. C side. Mills and Mrs. Burk went to Wil- out it limns' saloon, where in a rear room they awaited the return of Burk. Not long afterward a gig drove up, in it were Burk and Carmichael, a resident of this place. No sooner had the quartette met in the back of the saloon than they were con- fronted by the officers. The gig was searched and the package seen on this side of the river was found secreted under the seat. It contained 20 half -pound cans of opium. The arrests followed. Mils is well known on the American side, where he ran a saloon last summer. He admitted that the package was the same he was seen to have when alighting from the train at the G. T. R, depot here. Burk, Carmichael and Mills were turned last n over to the United States authorities and proach taken to Lockport by Deputy Marshal ballot Weaver. Mrs. Burk was released. 59; Mc were•was 79 Stewar ; ruins, res onds weak t; to the firing t41� the - i loyal fort. The small sgnadror, zvitiala':, - t ,,with caped in the beginniug of the revolt, _ . a itself actually redueed to the cruise • of �� If ,y yoir will ttliea sol you 0 e u :latently Over. 4. despatch from r:ef: of gold waead- quarters of therMatabele king, Lobengnla, the bat now in possession of the forces of the British South Africa Company, no pros- pecting is allowed. The forces at Fort Salisbury are being disbanded, and the breaking up of the forces at the other forts is imminent. The remainder of the cam- paign against the Matabeles will be carried on by the Matabeleland police force, which is now being organized. drowned. A ler; a schooner, whose name has not been teeertained, foundered oft Withernsea yesterday' with all on board, The British steamer Amoott, 027 tons, was wrecked off .Aldborough, Yorkshire, yesterday. All aboard were 'oat although nine attempts wexo made to reach her with That Sawlog Duty. rockets. The British steamship Olive OTTAWA, Nov. 22. -Deputy Minister of Branch, 1,707 tans, was wrecked off the Finance Courtney will visit Washington Welsh coast. Only one of tho Drew was fer the purpose of posting the Ways and saved. Means Committee regarding the Canadian A despatch from Toulon says that a heavy tariff, probably in the hope of preventing storm has swept the Mediterranean coast. any hostile tariff , legislation that may be At Toulon it did much damage, contemplated by the committee against the The steamer Abonkirbay was wrecked Dominion. The fact that the announce- off Morlaix, near Brest. France. Fourteen ment of Minister Foster " that the Govern- bodies have been washed up on the shore ment is considering the question of re- opposite the wreck. A violent gale blew Sunday all along the Atlantic coast of Spain and Portugal. Great damage was done at Bilbao and near by ports. Several deaths from drowning in rivers are reported from the interior of Spain. sing an export duty on sawlogs" is simultaneous with the departure of ourtney for Washington is not with - s significance. Trolley Versus Jail Van. Toaoxro, Nov. 22.-p• 0. Bloodworth, driver of a jail van, while on his rounds collecting prisoners, got in the way of a trolley on Bloor street west. The wagon was overturned and smashed. Blood- warth was very badly injured in the back, and Fireman Harry Leach, who was with him, received injuries which will probably result in the loss of a leg. Both men are in the hospital Sir Jaynes Grant the Choice. OTTAWA, Nov. 22. -Sir James Grant was elected at a Conservative convention It was shown at ioi ng byeto electione a nhereto in the The firstMrs. Maybrick that glycerine iine used b e of the Mr. bfr. stood Maybrick Y Sir James, 69; R. G. Code ti containednoarsenic, but this Leod Stewart, 24. The next ballot testimony did not avail to save the prison. fox: Sir James and 73 for Code, her from conviction. t dropping out. Now Messrs, Bird & Sons, of Birming- ham, dealers in chemicals, inform Food and Sanitation, a trade paper, that shortly before the death of_ Mr. Maybrick they analyized a quantity of German glycerine offered for sale to' them. They discovered that it contained arsenic and refused to buy it. Later they learned that this same glycerine was sold in the midland counties and it is probable that some of it was par. phased and used by Mr. Maybrick, MAYBRICK CASE AGAIN• Maybrick May Have Been the Victim of Arsenic in Glycerine. Lo1,nos, Nov. 22.-A fact is about to be made public here that by many persons is taken to throw more doubt upon the jus- tice of the sentence imposed upon Mrs. asiorenee'Maybrick, Who is now undergo. ing life imprisonment in the Woking prison on conviction of having poisoned her husband, James Maybrick, of Liver• pool, by administering arsenic to him Indians the Murderers? NAN.Lwno, B. C., Nov. 22. -Two men named Green and Taylor were murdered on Savary Island,. and a companion named Lynn has disappeared. Search has been made for Lynn, he be. ing suspected of the crime, but up to the present time no trace of his whereabouts has been found. A theory that now obtains credence here is that Green and Taylor met their death at the hands of the Indians, and that Lynn was taken away in a canoe and drowned. The Idianp are known to be quite capable of such cunning. Those who know Lynn ridicule of Y dicule the idea him being the murderer, and further say he could not have got away without being seen by those who know him. A Chatham Sensation. CHATHAM, Nov. 22. -Dr.. William Bullis,. of Dresden, was committed for trial by the police magistrate in thee city on a charge of having furnished medicine and instru- ments to Mary Jane Eastcott with criminal intent. The charge as made involves that of betrayal as well, Although no civil action has been instituted the girl claims that she was led astray by the doctor, to whom she had gone as a patient, and that he furnished her with ;the means to avoid the consequences; The most :: intef iso feel•` In has been (h- efted x eited over the case, both in this city and In Dresden, where the young physician is wolf -known. Ile is . 3o years of age, un- married and has a large and lucrative ptactice. Dynamite at'Darthmouth. HArxs'Ax, Nov. 22. -Six dynamite cart- ridges and several feet of fuse were found ii 'the new postof&e at artmonthyes- ay. The building:habJust" a,t ] been t ominion': Gevernment. On Finance Department Business, OTTAWA, Nov. - 22. -Hon. George Fos- ter was shown a despatch stating that the visit of Mr. Courtney, Deputy Minister of Finance, to Washington was in connection with the trade question, The Minister said that Mr. Courtney was at Washington on business connected with the Depart. ment of Finance. The Crossing Clear. AiIHxRSTBIIRg, Ont., Nov. 22. - Th steamer C. B. Lockwood, which was sun out at the Lime Kiln crossing on the eve- ning. of Nov 11 by colliding with ,:th schooner Elizabeth A. Nicholson, was re- leased at 7 o'clock this morning and pro- ceeded at once to Detroit for repairs, Imperial Representation. e LoNbox, Nov. 22. -The Prince of Wales e presided at Prof. Lecky's lecture at the Imperial Institute last night. Mr. Lecky, s in speaking of the imperial representation idea, stated his opinion that the presence in England of • a Cominissioner from Can- ada with agents from other colonies con,' stitutes a real'thotjgh informal representa- tion, The feeling in Canada towards England in 1837 was contrasted. with that ruling now. The treatment of Canada at that time was a reproach to the controllers of Britain's colonial affairs.' After 1832 the Liberals were ready to oblige the United States by the cession of Canadian territory. Happily Canada's immense re sources had enabled her to outlive this treatment, COMMENT IN ENGLAND..', French-Canadians Must ]Expect a Revul- sion of keeling Against Them, LONDON, Nov.. 22. -Tho DailyNews, vv, In speaking of the'. attempt to blow up the Nelson monument in Montreal, says that this is one of the results of the agitation for separation. If there is a strong revul- sion of feeling in Canada against the French-Canadians the responsibility rests upon the ungrateful citizens who profit by England's protection n to insult u1t all that En • ilei r ` Eng. rl leu' cherish, rls h, ' It is stated ode as a o'' P sit 1 ve fact that one of the: Montreal culprits is a son' of ex -Premier Mercier. This is:si - niicantin the view of the strained:rela- tions that have long existed between the French and British in Canada. Eiinaes :with �'iaw. "2' 7JoNnoN "Nov, 22. -The TheSa ndnrd 9 COr- espondent,in Madrid says itis reported aji n in political and military cirol s there' that rA wit lt"d*ate- Spanish 1 Soldiers Revolt. t. MAD HID, Not 22,--rA Betimes Brous military. outbreak occurred during to mobilizing of five ;thousand reserves at GFetafe, a town eight miles south of this city. Some of the troops revo`ited and the civic guard was called to quell. the disturbanoa. This they sought to do,li t the mutinous reserves turned on them d fought desperately. la was finally neees r to call ail the regulara e cavalry and enfan y ' �' y' to restore, o The reserves were ng. mobilize rats made" e' regal Rpm ,,''.n ?NO Armenia ITas Many Troubles, CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 22. - Advices from Armenia show that the weather now prevailing aggravates the famine existing in that country. The Erzeroum, Bitlis and Van districts and the Vilayet of Aiden have alone suffered a. trade decrease of $15,000,000, owing to the cholera gnaran. tine. In Albania great trouble is experi- enced in collecting taxes. In many places where the officials have attempted to force payment riots have occurred. A Russo-Turkish Alliance. Lormou', Nov, 22. -The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says: -" The visit of the Russian squadron to Constantinople will be an important step towards a Russo-Turkish alliance, which M. Nelidoff has been instructed to push home. The basis of treaty will be the guaranteeing of the Sultan's dominions in war, coupled with absolute right of way for Russian warships through the Darda- nelles for all time. Burial of Sir Robert Merles.. LONDON, Nov. 22. -The body of Sir Robert Morier, late British Ambassador to Russia, was interred yesterday at North- wood, a suburb of London, Among those present were 1MI. De Steal, Russian Ambas- sador to Great Britain eaker Peel of the House of Commons. d The Prince of Wales and Lord Rosebery sent representa- tives. McCarthy's Appeal Endorsed. Lent -note. Nov. 22. -Justin McCarthy presided yesterday over a meeting of Irish members held in room 15 of the House of Commons. Fifty-four members. among them all the conspicuous Nationalists, were present. They strongly endorsed Mr. Mo- Carthy's appeal on the subject of the evicted tenants. A Terrible Fire. BEAVER, Pa., Nov. 22.--A frightful holo- caust occurred. at the Government dam, two miles below this city, yesterday, by which six men were burned to death and several badly injured. Later -A seventh body has been re- covered from the ruins of the Merrill hotel fire, and it is believed to be that of R. at Miller, a laborer. G. T. R. Shops Destroyed. CHICAGO, Nov. 22. --Fire destroyed the Chicago and Grand Trunk repair, oiI and blacksmith shops at 49th and Johnson streets about nine o'clock last night. o Loss $50.000; insured. Murdered for His Money. DES MOINES, Ia., Nov. 22. -..--Miles Mark, aged fifty years, g Y was Y murdered and robbed. and his body' burned in his house her® yesterday. Mark was known,to have a large sum of money in his possession; R. of L. Troubles Settled. Panalemir1IIA, Nov 22.' -• Treasure r Hayes, of the Knights of Labor, `has'with- drawn his charges -against General Master Workman Poo , exly. and •Messrs.• ' < of he" Executive Cor Wright , .. mmitte .: publica and the stetuner Meteoro, a for war. " The army columns continuo In operations, convergingto Deaterro, " The southern column destroyed rebel force which desired to occupy: rangue, a point on the main tine hal the Government, It is known that rebels have exhausted the p icnniary sonrces that were p9frad froth the eraI departments at Desterro. There times to arrive from the remote lac in. the interior congratulations President, and assurances of sup the legal Government. '' (Sgd.) MINISTER or FOREIGN Officially Denied. aLumm, Nov. 22. -Senor a or. ter of Foreign Affairs, has author,. United Press correspondent here to that Admiral Mello had proclaimed empire in Brazil. The despatch to effect that Prince Pierre had been deal Emperor was sent to Senor hove b Spanish Minister in Rio Jane;ro, an basedupon a report cermet at the tim the Brazilian capital. Pure Bluxnbug. 'Countess D'eSas:11Nov. 22x T1•r - Prance, declined to spex , yesterday as to theatatemthi' bats that their eldest son had. emt,- for Brazil. The chamberlain of the ho hold, however, declared that the ata ment was pure humbug. A Ruse of Peixoto, Ni,w YORK, Nov. 22. -Tire He. Montevideo cable says c The report Admiral Mello had proclaimed P Pierre D'Alcantara, sou of Count D'Ea, Emperor of Brazil, is not credited here., is regarded as a ruse of Peixoto to inj . the insurgents and secure aid from t United States. Neither is any ereden placed in the report that• talello and h squadron have escaped from the harbor o Rio. BOTH SIDES FIRM. The Big Railroad Strike -Employers Is- sue a Bulletin, BETHLEHEM,, Nov. 22.-Presicleni. Wilbur said yesterday afternoon that there w no new developments in the strike. "Things are moving quietly," he said. He subsequently issued the following bul- letin :- "To all employes. -To correct any mis- apprehension regarding the position of the officers of this company, I would state that they are at all times meetly and willing to give patient hearing to complaints on the part of its employes or any number of them in any department. If dissatisfied with the conclusions reached by the divi- sion superintendents or general superin- tendent, the president will hear their case and decide. But we decline to confer wi organized e d com itto s composed 083 d of th several branchesof. the ,service, fo reason that we cannot/ know t committee fairly represents its ample ' The engineers oaunot, of course, fairly re- present the grievances of telegraphers nor can firemen properly represent the train- men. The company maintain the right ti employ men upon such terms as may agreed upon and to settle all comp only with its employes and to die- for cause with the right to appeal, bat without reference to the judgment or aotign of any organization. All employes who may fail to report for duty on or be fore Wednesday noon will be regarded as having left the service of the company and all such will be paid in full as soon as the pay rolls can be made up. Men failingato come forward and receive their wages wi receive no consideration in reorganizing train service." The Tie -Up is Complete. Savitn, Pa., Nov. 22, -Not a tr either mail or passenger,' passed ilii tion yesterday in either dire Throughout the morning occasional arrived front the north and south, theybeaohed this station theea housed and the trains abando tie-up is now absolute and nom A. Treacherotis Prop ST. Lotus, Nov. 21/4). - grand chief of the troth motive Engineers, who is e. sen yesterday esterday en refere strike. Mr, Arthur sa the proposition to b Valley round house which are alway'' enemies of labor strike, and he w Wilkinson ha' hotel• ra h:',: 'he lo Demme Wednes young fire