The Exeter Times, 1893-11-16, Page 8ovines.
eel ie. $
on in Eugiand,
C3 Cerlin, Bine, change of advt.
re Alex 13.x'a.Aide bee been ..poatpon-
ed indofinitel
Forfiret Class knitting yarns, call at J.
P. Clarke'a•
Visit l.ianscn's Clearing Sale of Boots
Shore, He is ofleeing big bargains.
Tho Boliaerl'radice Co, shipped a oar
Toad of butter to Montreal an Tuesday,
There has been more building done in
toter this year than for many years.
A meeting was bold in the town hall last
evening to organize for the coming plebis-
cite vote on prohibition,
Revival servioea arebeing continued in
the Alain -'at church this week, Wednesday
and Friday eyenings excepted.
Hamilton bakers have reduced the pores
of bread froni five' to four omits per loaf, in
consequence of the low price of flour.
The couuoll sec= to have got into a
-hole over the assessment of farm lands in
the corporation for local improvements.
We want to reduce our stock of tweeds
$500 the next 10 days, and will offer 15%
straight off our former low prices, G.G•J;,'
We. have been experiencing typical
winter weather the past few days, and it
loops as if we might have a long spell of
The past fine and mild weather has
been acceptable ie) all except the march•
ant -especially pleasing to the coal con-
The Rev. Rural Dean llodgin s
preach morning and evening on Sunday,
November 19th, in the Trivitt Memorial
e face of the graindealer grows long
_} r' deptha to which the
len. Can itvgo any
y & aof the Exeter
put in machine for gum -
They do their work quickly
ail yourself of the greatest chance in
de time to get a fine suit or overcoat 15
per cent redaction for the next 10 days.
G. G, Joix ssrsee.
For the admiration of the b zyer, we
can show aline collection of China and
Glassware, vase lamps and band lamps.
Co. e and see3 tem, at 3. P. Clarke's.
'S Taylor have received the
'de work and-fittiuga of
store, and are
of our
rosecuting the work
There will,be a grand ehootin
connection with the Metropolitan hot
Exeter, on Thursday, Ivor. 23rd, (thanks-
giving Day,) See bills for particulars.
Messrs John Farmer and L. H. Dickson
are having the necessary alterations made
to their respective residences for the cir-
culation throughout of hot and cold water.
The oldest resident of Middiesex died
n Wednesday in the'person of Mrs. Atw-
aret: loLaren, of,LParkhill. Deceesed
dura to the remarkable age of 103 years,
5 months and 25 days.
Complaints are made regarding the an-
noyance and injur,. caused by
men and boyt't doorways and
t'c�' `� F�
on the aldewai
Miss Nellie DaVideon ''ho baa; boarsill
the past few a eeks, is improving, a fact
which her many friends wall be; glad to
learn,.. -It is stated Chet Mr .,g1f, Walters.
will ere long become the landlord of the
"Devon" hotel, -The Crediton nimroda
who have scoured the wilds of Muskoka in
quest of game, ieturnedhome thia week.
They bad splendid luck as has always
been their lot. --Mies Browning has organ -
lead, a painting class in Clinton. -Mrs J.
Brewer teftthie week for Qobourg, where
she will remain the whiter, returninit next
spliing.-Mr and Mrs, Gattis of Eagle
River, Mich„are the gaeats of their daugh-
ter, Mrs. B. S. O'Neil, -We understand
that Mr Harry Buckingham and wife will
move to California about New Years to
seek their fortune. -Mrs Edwin Braund
and ohild of Braotford are guests at Mr D.
Spioer's.-We had a pleasant call on Mon-
day from Mr Weseloh, the hustling
boo, and shoe roan of Hensall,-Mrs Mc-
Intyre of Exeter was married at Seaforth
on Wednesday of last week to Mr. R.
Tucker, a former employe of Mr Harvey,
U it orue. They left this week, together
with Mrs Tucker's obildren, for E1gin,111.,
where Mr. T. has a situation, -Mise Ida
Dignan of F'anseille is visiting frinnde in
town, --Miss Gourley of Windsor was the
$ueit of Miss Mill last week.-Mesere:
Joon and Solomon Manning, who left
Exeter for Rzdgetown a couple of years
ago. where they purchased a butchering
business, have re -sold to the teenier owner,
and. .tti ill likely return to Exeter. -Reye.
Ielesars Martin of Exeter and Carriers of
Grand Bend attended the funeral of the
late Bey J. IL Simpson of Brucefi eld
Saturday. --Mr D. French left lett week
to purehase poultry in the vicinity of Ar--
kona. air Harrison of Rodgervitle,moved
to town en Tuesday. -J E. Mitchell left
this onetime this week with a car load lot
settlers` effeets for Gilbert Plains, Man.-
Nelson Hoskin left for Chicage on Mon-
day. where he will work at his trade,
blaekamithin ',-Mr. Fred Knight left last
week to attend the Toronto Conservatory
of rnusio.-Mrs. Hill and daughter have
returned to Boe°niauvilio, after spending
a week visiting Mrs. T. A. Brown. --Mrs.
D Idi11 and daugbter are visiting friends
in London. -Mr. and Mrs. E. Maguire
of Exeter North, last Friday evening en:
tertained a number of young friends. A
pleasant evening was spent.
Aubry, horses to Montreal] on
Saturday and Tuesday. -The Exeter
Mill large- ccuairnments of flour to
Halifax. --25 ea: Loads of hay the past
week to Loniion, Eng., by different
ra.-H. V'Fillert, Dashwood, lambs to
Thompson. lumber to Wing'
:sed in Dashwood.
ham, wh
starve the rowla.
Our merchants are complex
the state in which fowls are broug
this market. Most of theta come here
with their crops full of fdod.. Inside ot 24
hours this part of the fowl begins to dis-
color, and in a short time is unfit to be
eaten. A number of As
haveadottod be in
thrown out lately they are
most cases by the pair and not by weight
this can make no difference in the 'sale,
and in this etat�y,keep
r cli
a, e -nee . ,. „g" o ar o mtis r tirl''
Windsor, formerly fits them for s1 ipping and they do not
d as Times cor. keep so well.
quite au orator,
Ureter Municipal Council.
The Council met at the Town Hall,
]Exeter, Nov, 10th 1893, Mt present,
Minutes of previous meeting read and
Spackman - McCallum - Orders: -- T
Root, I1, cedar posts; Jno Matheson, $1,-
87, etrect lighting supplies; Jae Creech,
$85, part salary. Thos Snell, 81.87, labor:
Jno Gillespie, 45c do; A Bissett, 84.50, de,
'landlord, $5-50, do; Wm Parsons. $6.30;
do; Geo Ford, $2 85, gravel and labor: I
Armstrong, $3, labor; E Bissett, $3,12,
street watering; Jas Creech, $10, charity
to Mrs Wilcox; do $3, Mrs Rowley; do
$2, Mrs McIntosh: Adyocate, 85Q, part M
printing. Carried..
Mr. L. H. Dickson on behalf of Thoe
Yellow asked, for a rebate) of taxes under
the exemption Act 1892.. No. Action..
Mr. John Taylor asked for a grant to
the Mechanics' Institute, Moved by T H
McCallum ecconded by E Christie that
825 be donated. Carried.
An application of Mr McCallum the use
of the Town Hall was granted, to hold a
Temperance Convention on the 15th inst.
on motion of T B Carling, seconded by 13
McCallum -Christie --That Council ad-
journ for three weeks.
M. EACBETT, Clerk.
VST VorEs,-The town council has, in
compliance with a request from the
county counoil, decided to take a vote at
the next municipal election, as to the ad-
visability or otherwise, of erecting a
Holm Houof Refuge; thio is simply a teat vote
and does not bind the couoty to the
erection of such a place, but will give some
idea of the feeling throughout the county,
as the vote is likely to be general. A.
similar vote was taken last year in a few
of the municipalities, but the idea is to
get a vote in each runnlcipality, as the
plebiscite vote must be taken also, which
necessitates a poll, whether there is an
eleotion in any particular municipality or
not. --Clinton. New Era.
Clinton on„ tile, .'A DDig Canadian.
per ren
our former lo prices ; fines
shown in Ex: Get you
50n inside the next T days and
G. G. Jonsseox.
?crncceid t
r.`; .the tallest andprobably
Westmulltitiettefat` an 'Ab
months spent up the lino
ork 'for the C. I'. R. He
m.,rned to Chicago to take
part in the final heats for the tug -of war
championship of the world, and will pull
wits the never -defeated Ontario team, of
which he was formerly a member: One of
the team was taken i11 a short time ago,
and Maokenzae was sent for to take the
sick man's place. When Mr Mackenzie
left Westminster last spring, he was 6 feet
14 inches high, and weighed 240 pounds.
Now he measures 6 feet 11 inches and
weighs 257 pounds, with a chest measure-
ment of 461 inches, and though twenty-
four years of age, is still growing. His
height has been increased by something
oyer an inch in less than two years. Mac
kenzie is a satire of Huron county, and
his father was also Canadian born. Be-
sides being one of the best tug-of-war men
in the world, he is also a first-class all
aro and athlete. He is as straight as a pine,
well built, and betraying no awkwardness
in his movements, although he is a mag-
nificent specimen of humanity.
an day
rom $20
25o each
it pr,'+mss:
$5 00
8 225
r $1, $2,
Bain -St.
gg as a
a Our
u -
It is state dupon reliable authority that
Bow Park, near Brantford, has been pur-
chased by Mr. John Hope, the present
manager of the farm- The sum paid is
said. to be $35,000, and Mr Hope will take
possession on May 1st next..
The aparrow bounty went into force in
Mialligan last week. The office of the
Port Huron city clerk has since been be-
sieged by boys with baskets of dead spar-
parrows. The bounty is three cents a head,
and some of the bees are making small
Farmers would do well to see that their
granaries are properly secured. There
seems to be an organized gang of grain
thieves on the road in some parts of the
country. The gang seems to consist of a
party of three, two of whom secure the
aenin, while the third remains in charge
of the vehicle.
The Anniversary of the Main-st, Meth.
aliurch will be held on Sunday and Mon-
day next. Sermons will be (preached by
the celebrated Dr. Briggs of Toronto. On
Monday, a fowl supper will be given, one
et the beat ever prepared in l+:xeter. There
will be a splendid platform meeting after
the tea. See bills for particulars.
The estate of the late Alex. Cameron of
Windsor probated 8700,000, of which sum
the Ontario Government gets 835,000, as
decreed by the law of succession passed by
the Legislature two years ago. When a
person dies whose estate probates from
$100,000 to $200,000, the government must
receive 4 per cent of the amount and
over 800,000 5 per cent.
Mr Donald McPherson; of the Franklin
House, and Mr. John McLennan of :East
Williams, left here last Friday for Musko.
ka on a deer hunt. Mr. J. D.McColl, pro-
prietor of the Franklin House, got a mese
age. on Wednesday that four deer had been
shipped for Parkhill and that Mr. McPher-
son was badly hurt while killing one of
their: -Parkhill Review.
The new criminal code makes the fol-
lowing provision about raffles : ,Eyery one
is guilty ot an offence and liable on sum-
mary conviction to a penalty of $20 who
buys, takes or receives any lot, ticket or
other device for advancing, lending,selling
or otherwise disposing of property by lots,
tickets or any mode of chance whatever.
A gave o whisbelieve,
name, we b ,
as Beaton or Beeton, hired a horse and rig
from Beatty's livery at Wingham and
came to Clinton last Saturday, He said
he was travelling for the Toronto Mail
but that paper says they have no (one by
that name engaged Ho left here Sunday
about noon and droye in the direction of
Seaforth, but no trace of rig or man can
be found. The affair looks like a case of
horse stealing. -Clinton News Record.
From the Brandon (Man) Sun: -Wheat
esterday was quoted at 41 cents per
she. The lowest figure it has ever sold
'n the history of Canada. About 2,-
ushels were marketed here last week.
7 -seven empty bos ears went over
WD last Sunday to relieve the
kadeonthat line. -Coal oil in
ells at from 40 to 50 cents a
o main river is frozen over and
night die now the go
rpie tem ditches, watercourses
of as well understood by
-t sbouid be. Whorl a
eih his land, and the
iris ac res his neigh*
ty to call i
Bxixrs-Dir D. Mclfenzie, teacher of
Shrpka public school, spent last Saturday
and Sunday with Mr Geo Foster, teacher
of school No,10. The young people of the
Epworth League will give a free enter-
taiement in the Boston Methodist church
next Friday evening. They extend an
invitation to the public. -Master Wm A.
Wilson and sister Alice visited friends
near Sylvan last Saturday. -The Grand
Bend circuit have arranged for a Thanks-
giving Supper on the evening of the 23rd.
M the parsonage at Corbett. -A. number of
our citizens attended the temperance
meeting in the school house on the 7th,
known as Manning s school. The meeting
wan well attended, and the addresses by
Messrs Knox and Chant and Mr.
a were highly interesting and
o Foster sbot a fine
W. J. Stinson
st Friday.
lust 'uetir
will cat last s
of Bayfield visited ins
-Messrs 8, and F. English r
Manitoba last week. They give ver
favorable reports of the country. --A fine
lot of new Christmas goods for preao to
hate just been opened at the Boston store,
Are You Ruptured
We would call the attention of those of
our readers who• may be raptured, or par-
ents having children so afflicted, to the
Mot that J. Y. Egan,tbe celebrated Hernia
Specialist of :Toronto, who has been in
practice in that city for more than twenty
years, will be at, Brussels, American hotel,
Nov 27, 28 and 29 ; and will also visit
Wingham, Queen's hotel, Nov. 30, and
Dee 1st and 2nd, with an assortment of
some of the most perfeot instruments the
woild ever saw -all his own inventions,
being the last twenty years improvements,
designed e,n tho basis of Human Anatomy,
and constructed in accordance with the
highest principles of science and mechanic-
al art. Be will be prepared to treat all
those who may call upon him, even the
moat difficult cases being solicited. For
the past few years he has made a specialty
of oases actuate): given up by others as
hopeless, even curing a large percentage of
desperate cases. We would strongly ad-
yise those of our readers so affected net to
allow this opportunity to pass, as this
gentleman rarely travels, his time being
fully occupied at the home office, where
his services are in constant demand, but
hie health just now calls for a change, and
so this trip. Remember that advice, with
an examination will cost yon nothing. You
wi:l thus know your exact condition, and
at the hands of a master in his profeasiou,
should be of yitai importance :o those in-
terested. Note the dates.
Carling Bros. have placed a new safe
in their office.,
Over 20 yds of tweed effect dress goods
for $1, at J, P. Ciarke'e.
Just to hand four lines of dinner setts;
choice designs, at J. P. Clarke's.
The rainy season bas commenced, and
everybody is, or should be prepared for it,
Manson is holding a big sale of Boots
& Shoes. Call and see goods and get
Mr*. Middlemiss has Hold her property
in Exeter North to T, Cx. Williams ;for a
neat elem.
Mr. Francis Davis, sr. of Biddulph ie
very ill, and but slight hopes are enter-
tai'ned for Ms recoyery. _
R. 8. Lang, apple buyer,; bas shipped
over 6,000 barrels Of apples from Kerwood,
Watford and Parkhill stations.
15 per cent redu:thin i8 what we have.
to announce on • tweeds for
da,ib4the next 10'
Judg :.. it ern Manitoba
bus bee)
Baran :emile,
of Carterra ,-I.dttaaa
griping or discomfort atteu• ng their.
Try them,
A young daughter of Mr. Wm. Dunaford,
Miss Violet, had one of her lege broken
near the ankle, the other day. Her foot
accidentally slipped into one of the wheels
while in motion.
Prices which
will arrest the
attention of ev-
ery wide-awake
4 Pkg corn starch 25
Royal Yeast 7c and 4c
an salmon
as i. .17cper
Pure ,black p
an or
stry carpet
Would be a good phrase to apply to those
who are always parading
Bargains t,e' never
can Produce.
We have a large Stook, well assorted. and at right prises.
We don't ask $15 for an Article and ,take $I0.
WC Ilni,ortako to tio a Straight
Mis-representing nothing, sell-
ing Goods for what they are
giving dollar for dollar in value.
Our Motto 4. Square Dealing.
Produce taken in Exchange.
Butter, 20c.; Eggs, 15c.; Lard, 13c.;
Geese, Go.; Ducks, 7c.; Turkeys, 8o,;
Dried Apples, Go.
Presbytery of Huron
The Preabytery of Huron met in Bruce.
field on the 14th inst, with a la: go attend-
ance of niembe:s, Auditors were appointed
to examine the Treasurer's books. They
afterwards reported them as oorreotly kept.
Revs, Messrs. Aoheson, Martin and Hen-
derson, wore appointed to draft a minute
anent the death of the Rey, 3, f3. Simpson
of Bruoefield. Means, Stewart and Shaw
were appointed to address the W, F. M.
Society at ite next annual meeting. A call
from Bayfield and Bethany was sustained.
The call was in favor of Rev. G. McLennan
ofCamlaehie, His induction, in the event
of his acceptance of the call, wan appoiuted
to be held on Dec. 12th at 1 p. m. Mr.,
McDonald to preside, Mr. Malay to preach,
Mr, Acheson to address the ;minister, and
Mr. Shaw t people. Mr. Mononald
or o en the Christian Endeav-
ending that a number
read the
Minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria.
Still goes on,
We have purchased a large
lot of Chenille Curtains at a
big Bargain. They are just
opened up. Call and see
the values we are offering.
We havejust cleared out
a very large range of Under-
clothing from a Wholesale
House at a big reduction.
Now is the time to get cheap
Underwear, both in ladies'
and gentlemen's.
Ladies' Jackets.
Have you seen our Ladies'
Jackets at $3.75 ? They
are the best value in the
market. ' Remember we
carry the largest range of
Mantles in town.
Men's Suits
to Order.
e are, doing
40c for 3
50 for 40
65 for 50
75 for 60
(Bargain Day)
30c Ladies' fine wool hose
1.0hozat 20
2 Dozen Men's braces
worth 25o 2 for 25
We have many other spec-
ial lines which can only be
bought here at prices such as
we sell them.
We announce
on all lines of Tweeds for
from this date.
Butter, eggs and all farm
produce taken at the highest
market price.
The most popular trading
place in the county,
down to C. E, Societ:
, -same be requested,
ons wa.. decided upon.
appointed ^ti. consider
its from the General Assem•6E", and
report to next meeting of Presbytilii.
The Rev. stir. Shaw was appointed to dc•
olare Union Church, Brucofield yaoant
next Sabbath. A conference in the SO:
bath schools was recommended by the S.
Scheel Committee, and agreed to The
a a';einentt,for the same were loft with
the committee.. The committee appointed
to prepare the minute anent the death of
Mr. Simpson reported asollowe whims, inns
carried:" The Presbytery in,,-•aldron in.
session assembled, would reoopnize the
hand of the Lord in oalling from their
midst their brother,tho Bev, S. IL Simp•
son, pastor of Union Churob, Brimfield.
"The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken
away, blessed be the name of the Lord,"
Our brother bas been eammone.l early in
life, to rest from Lis labors, and enter neon
his reward. The Lord rave to him gifts of
a high order whloli were faithfully used in
seeking to advance his kingdom among
men, and now that he has been palled
home the Presbytery expresses its sorrow in
parting with a brother so genial, so kind
and so diligent in every good work, The
Presbytery would also conveytu Mrs, Simp'
son and ohildren their deep sympathy in
their sore affliction and pray that the God
of all grace and oomfortmay support and
sustain them in their night of weeping, and
supply all their needs according to his
riches in glory. The Presbytery also ex:
presses its deep empathy with the session
and congregation in the loss they have sus-
tained by the removal of a pastor so dearly
beloved, whose services were so highly ap-
preciated by them and so richly owned by
the master, and it is our earnest prayer
that the seed sown may be blessed to his
glory and honor." The Temp erance porn.
mittee proposed a strong motion on the
plebiscite, repeating the decieton of the
General Assembly, "That the general traffic
in intoxicating tdrink is contrary to the
word of God and that it should not be
licensed by a Christian commanity, also
urging all officers and members of the
church to give a unanimous import to the
cause of prohibition in the coming plebis:
cite. The Preabytery adjourned to meet
in Clinton on the third Tuesday of Jan:
New Advertisem,3nts.
Bargain Day. -G. G. Johnston.
Removal Salo. R. Pickard Jc tion.
Catnfort.-R. N. Rowe..
Estray••,Mr. Towl.
Fiats -J. P. Clarke.
Bargain Day. -A. Weseloh.
Sereeehieg Soramblers,-Carling Bros .
Bargain Day -D. Weismillor,
British Demands on Canada:
The Star Almanac of Montreal quickly
established its reputation, and its fame
spread rapidly to foreign countries.
The Star Almanac for 1894, just being
published, has been ordered for such.
well known institutions as the library
of the British Museum and parliament-
aey libraries at Westminster, London,
England, the Congressional libraries at
Washington, and the parliamentary
libraries at Ottawa, and thousands upon
thousands of private libraries and house
lioldsthroughout the American contin-
ent. , No wonder the orders for the
Star Almanac are enormous.
RATZ-In Fullerton. on the7th inst., the wife
of John Rats. of a non.
ALLISON. --5n Ueborne on the 14th inat., the
wife of Mr,John Allison, Jr, of daughter.
MoDONALD•-In %sborne, Thames Road, on
the 7th inst., the wife of Alex MoDonaidof
a daughter.
LAWSON....In Crediton, on the 5th Inst., the
wiled' Thos. Lawson of a son.
LIIITCN.-In Daborne on the2od inst., the
wife of Fred Luxton, of a daughter.
Hay Council
counoil met pursuant to Adjournment
in the town hall on Saturday, Nov. 4th
1893. All the members present. It was
decided to instruct the Reeve to file an
appeal against award No. 1; 1893. A.
number of accounts were paid, and counoil
adjourned to meat again on Deo. 15th at
10 a. m. The accounts will appeer in the
financial statement on Deo. i5th.
0. church, on the 6th inst., b y Rev. Father
Drennan, Mr. James Clifford to Miss Lizzie
Sullivan, all of 8 t- Marrs.
MAT 1IIEWS.,.SOM1RVILLR - At the re-
sidence of Dr. Mathiason, on the 7th lint.,
Wm. Matthews, f • _ marls of St. Marys, but
now of Cargill, ,: a Christina Somerville
Zt,St. Marys.
TUC i,' -31
forth, 61,;up
Dewar!, D
borne, to Mrs.
Blairs. -The Church of England people 1
purpose having, a harvest home at the
Parsonage on the eve of Thanksgiving.
Alt oordially invited. -Mrs. W. Baines has
gone honie'to ager mother, Mrs. Orone'e,;
on'a visit, --Sweet mesio rent ' the air Sat-
nrday morning free to all, the personage:
being a cowboy from the Northwest. The
mule produded was perfectly sweet and hie
singing superb. 1 It made John laugh so
lopd, that hie merry laugh could be plainly
heard through the town eafra • Fer9uson
and family returned home Friday ' After an
extended iait.-,Tho hunting experts have
returned roof ►heir' humins eapeditaon;
.• • : worse' of their "trip.-Mesere:,
the bride's parents,.:.
P. Soott, Ur, Dut,aan
hernia, youngest don
Morgan, all of Ribbert.
RII9iiru Trac-Tn eo r,f';` p
2Sth.Olt at ilia re'srdos
parents by Rev. S. A. G
rt Parkhi
Bond, Mr, Jas. O. Russell, r,
Miss Robena, daughter of Cl
DESJARDINE,,,QODsbvl�l-At the
Grand Bend, on rho let inst.. by Rev:
1'lary Jane Godsave iboth of Stephen town-
t the Manse, 8
Rev. A. D.
re, of
t., by 1
8e E
QORDO�'...In Fullerton, on the 7th fust.,
Georgina Gordon, aged 95 years.
SIMPSON,-In Bruoefield, on 9th. inst., Rev.
J. H. Simpson, a Rode* years.
QIIAID.-AtDunlop, on the 7th inst., Frances
Ann whitely, beloved wife of R. Quaid,
aged 49 years.
McMASB ,,,In G1oderioh Tewnship,on the 7th
inst., Wm, Ge. McMath. son of Wm. MoMatb,
aged 18 years and/ days.
A London cablegram nays that Hon, E9.
ward Blake has subscribed •$25 to the
evicted tenant's fund.
Burglars entered the post ofiaoe at
MacLeod, Alberta, Friday night, and car-
ried off $125 in cash and the registered
mail bag,
Mr. Thomas Brownlow, of Winnipeg, a
well known dry goods merohaot of that
city, diedeof typhoid fever on Sunday at
The Clifton Suspension Bridge Co., w%11
ask power to lay tracks upon its bridge and
the approaches thereto for the passage e4
eleotrio, cable or horse oars: \•
Peter Grant, tinsmith, of Embro, and
his wife have signed a deed of separation,' .`
Mrs. Grant receiving from her h band'
$400. Mr. Grant it is said, 'will a for
a bill of divorce.
Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, an 1 oilers
whose occupation gives tut littl ,Iroise,
ahould use Carter's Little Liver ,t ,i is for
torpid liver end biliousness. - no is a
dose. Try try them,
Mrs. Dawson, of Morton, Frontenao,
went upstairs 1 to lower windows,. and on
returning slipped and fellto the bottom of
the stairs, receiving a shook from which
she died.
The Journal in taking a census of the
number of people who visited the World's
Fair from Ottawa prints a list that com-
prises nearly 754 names, and estimated
that the total would be at least 1,000.
Sranre Poona
At this season of the year when home
and cattle are
being taken- from' -gr
food and put on dry, they are apt to get
out of condition and Iota flesh, getting' a
poor start on a long hard winter. A
small investment in Diok'e Blood Purifier
would avoid thia as it strengthens the
digestion, gives a good appetite and tones
up the whale system. Stook raisers
emit do not have the chagrin ' of geeing
their animate come out 'spring poor.'
{+} C
We have a full supply of all ; kinds o
Sohcal Bdoks.':
Our Exercise apcl'' Scribbling 13o
ore the, largest, beat -;per and An
Y rttYY •, -, 4i:- ri:-.,'x i•.•+r. ..