HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-11-16, Page 6ready e pint of mak boiling,aad to sauce eggs, ete ,and put on to cook in a p . shirring ss dish; Sheet two banamis he custard over elven. slow glass dish; p stiff; add e.. Leo the 'whites of the eggs teblespoontul of pulverized sultan Spread, as mertuf ue over the costal enc lilt the meringue is slightly new p " cJornmeal Mush, The "new great itn cornmeal is very freely f reerea .fel fashioned, though some prefer otkeor, d style. The though is referable to the ?lite #n Haat lel yellow p _ refuel of rn Fried mush is a rho made. ,� very to el - preen made lees, Into COT1' 1AGe\.ZINE. oe. see 1" says Geoffrey, the re y acyl who is the very image of his ," lfe thsnl;a it valets, too 1"in , to you e" asks the girl, resurningo s Hotly. ," Olt, yea, on, which arises only from a desire eretis" I can so... I,"id, tguantly,ti" P sort I „ iudiR ° ` I',x, very L you to help me at all. I could have t it quite amity by myself. re glad, howover,I was on the spot,' • Trefuei`i, calmly, i�ith` i i ht ,ggrevating aislmness. if omn had seriously hurt yourself Y 0.1 down here ; sprained your ankle, The (Waren. An ambitious mother lonely requested a teacher to recommend e. method hie h she might use in developing her little memorized gang yts memory.. A little neighbor nem o zed long poems and it was humiliating bright one. her own stupid child wihage the wise 1":veu in tide progressiveg guardian of children will not desire to olfor e ce hot bed fashion the growth whicb not be hastened. Ali the world loves a natural happy little childthB household, a If there tea prodigy in child evincing se marked taleut overwork is special line, the temptation to rear. While a number of'great author poets, artists, musicians and great geniuses is early childhood gave evidence of talent,a greater number limo m htered eloWly. To crowd and burry a child's mental urowth enteils risking future mental and bodily weakness. We frequently hear it reutarked, "Mate jury -or B,alph were `itrondatug cauldron but they haven t developed. as we Boe l mot expected. They are really growing stupid. The children are likely far removedffrom dullness and stupidity, pidity, Their heirs infantile of cle tabrlout ess pas •.seeded. The little talent than the tots pee, sayings and bright ways were less attreat- ive when they grew older and unwisethe much from t d too m t ' C e w e. e ' da ha e en p ri disappointing iii 'A o R ung Bxilliant, little one. The pp reality is frequently and cheerfully accept- ed when the hopes entertained are not ful- filled. d oo mamma a" says Terry,: shortly, 'here leave been cases of theD kind, ho yhow- "' eoutinUea J'refusis, cgs you do, d, besides, t rut' o�touchh "woe a• tlsink it 'wise . Ladylike re tip of his tongue, bat Providence to hta aid and suppressed it. Liss don't think about it off al�," ett 5thera ore, with a. little tilt atinet vasenttnon's in her chat run. "" 11 object to running, then d nee, I ion now going to run again—home te, boys. he boys are at her side in a in that t. 'If you think I didn't Inca you all ,ny fairly, ear she, rte me the ✓ again:. .Bae you must t , ae odds. To that tree over there, rating to a distantbircin a breath„j ight, cry theboys e thrown themselves into running sed Terry is about to start, when s ; cornea quickly forward ” alissOeMore, a, word. I have a letter our consili for you I was gaing to 1l no y es you w# She a S hop e$ place Nitl>. it. me up to dinner ,tto ought may bo feeling Whatever Terry's the subject, there is unmistakable hope osis, the face of Tref ", Fou --I may tell her you are coming ?. 3.ys he, seeing with a curious' pang at his .cart that ahehas not ever' cared to open be letter he bas given er. I don'-tkuo ,'returosahise relesa; I'll think sLbott it,•At all her word." �,le dish oil the slide of you Serve cold. 1'ghtly brown. wiut imp, .,awy al of and 0 it is ci'.r' t a, large three quarts of boiling water pus smoothly onepini of salt.. c sbetel emi l in cold water, one pint of yellow dor stirring often, andadd t the boiling water, g Boil afew minutes, then stir, in gradually enough cornmeal to make a• rather l itis batter—mot y. too still—asecook slowly. without greatly. Allow thi Then pour scorching, for at least an hour. into a deep buttered dial, and flet away to become cold; then it is ready to goodsilos tan s fry brown• If the mush is not too stiff and bread -like, or be- cause it is eanse it was not cooked long �cremov4 is Corn- meal requires long .cooking raw flavor and to MR A«NI) The Etead or the house liv'esset to st Blurry smite the natio ,l t e'er, «' Are you sick,: dear ?" Anxiously queried airs. Bowser as Mr, Bowser came house the other evening with that peealrar drag to the legs which elle well knew siguiaed that something was wrong. "Who is supposed to run the interioletr al ththis house?" he demande a Isat fall on the Across aid sat down in it way to jar the house from cellar hod ret, "x " I ani, of course, shereplied. anything happened to the interior of aur Ho" I te If there t is another house fn North America run oa your system, I'd like to. see it 1 The wonder to uie is that I haven't been driven to the verge of desperation and committed comeawful d radg airs. Brow- ser, t w- ser,I give you . fai;And Mr. Bowser swallowed the li111 his throat and flushed up and glared avowed the room like a tiger driven to bay, " Will you please explain what has bap, uietly asked Mee. Bowser, as petted?" ""Look at me ?" be hoarsely whispered as he rose up and extended his arms at full leugtft, " Why, what's wrong?" . is wrong 1 Look et the set of earls g Pee alY BR$AgElZ'S AREA. `es'lta,t a Erieseh itt ttetittiiet SaYa or silver Repeat. Air. Moreton lrrewen, the ling is elan bi- metallist, wird is' the guest f the British Iocnstoue, Seeped SeensterYof said the other Legation et Washing. day `Ye mutat watch the results. A very feW days x#ow'w?il • decide, lithe ri the ce of soarer bullion fails, as 1 expect that drags down the exchange rates with ping thefarlaast,whicliareelreadyett eeea radon point, and we shall have pyou will London iu Before the new ye • 1 panic „ every corner of this continent, , "° Theo you Bon't fever the will bring buyingew horders. repeal of the dot w from London to Wall street?" , s No, sir. London will be a ; seller for a long time. We are =greet trouble in Aus- tralia and in India. Our export tre dee with a ore, end South Am wieh Ghana, Sing y the fall in the rica ere already paralyzed. by rates, of silver exchange, London has been raying that yau'will stop your silver put"• preying thinking that then your ,stack mare k ' recover, so that she may send you kat will hnine your securities dud. realize er prices. We are lane position reat English manufacturing concerns have g ,r We on, a Light Ship Talk about rolling and pitching,' Bowser ? vessel nolle, pitches, and plunges like a light Y �' d ship. ,Its anchors bold it firm to the shock " See ,what ?" seders twisGe of thea waves. There is no yielding, no cr Hereisone of your =spenders; hurry yhe coral swaysug to the swelling of the .seas, around on� o it over your In yout h shoulder. gra g forgot to 'sip There are days, too, when other end is also unbuttoned behind. Ill tore in it the ear with a wonder you felt hunched up, be you cal eher angriest tlaro 1 li ht et night. o et your vest it. There is alwvays a glare a FLets g no coiistait expectation of reach- " I"d like to e" awho f'hiutidaredofool w i r. is fa g er invented, .redrearythis The becomes a lea in lug hart, and alfa anon Boca nmy ser monotony. Bowser as he wriggled out of hid vest. In case the lightship shorild be seat „ Look at this ! said etre. Bowser as she been fitted with sails which removed a towel from ide shoo down"Isssa e has I 1 d % itL s 'tn 6 fa ow #r t ado ,tom n a a in ale this and will enable itto hold Yta ownp and you throw it over your shoulder store.. The hold is fiegequd artters, andna maahh3Oi o and prG5aa ua tea air wbieh lona it there, That was one of the humps mashing for compre R G10 000 to and the party who Ulows the foe -here. `rhuuutfog-bores iens y • or a Y to this wilier—tins shirt ---his coat 1 felt like suffered tarp#bLy, hunched up and humped over 1 I've "Wilma t. term your view of our currency ack all the afternoon, needs:? How can you secure anexpansionof rho a man tied up in a a of our ourreacy . when I got offthe streetcar I fell se I Would alons increase of th e my bead. and shenldera and was ghyed at gold in the Treasury , safely our silver Or paper issues?" for Using droner,,ut "Not at ell. That pceut vary sol• ""tet me sac if i, late this morning a and "I wasgay Sea matter, hurryri were la g enamellerdealt with by Senator Jones, dressing.for example, you borrowed hva hundred it in a groat About r coat.Do you see ewe tea bi P millions of gold in Europe and ger it u off with youpod to to the Treasury, and Indata more �aP more silver, lookiq dire the convertibility of your silver er secure paper, what would occur your ourrenay ""The increased volume of y our imparts would inerely raise prices hore;y rices, from Eurell in volumse the balance of trade would twell in volume, would tura :age#eat you,and thegold go abroad once more. W hen We in Eng lend re bad a ' e a as times oubl x have ,flare dcp to thee prices are dopressed.soour eiiipartexuemain Eng thud fall ,gleaves;you. To borrow tug in sago, goldit here await. gold #t England mato briug ablyoturns It would turn itce of �in thade e face evainst en: ofa greatry so that the gold begins of a owharvest, hh to paw back again on tate nearest s i?, Austria. is trying to get gold and hold it in this way. Weokherle, her"Finance nt Min- ister, is an intelligent man, ws nothing whatsoever about the told theory hie f foreign exchanges, hfr.could three years old,ielle c ce uid ney r keeprit except Borrow g and so the event hal under lock and key, proved, a is still waderminm iva tie dual gold fs already at a p doors an monarchy. 'Unlock at once. reaAnd. y it will disepp that with Iwill discover, also, rices in England {elfin camels, to try and brie .. era isn't time! " cries elle, little laugh et hien. ,eott- steal Ian off 1' away she lee a second 4talente, a, like au arrow from itsbow. (TO 8£ cox�i:ZI7E.D.) "2341- f" ^tMETr.YSTa earner tutu A>rcaxicsi oir' '., n Ontario Wermer Inas Twelve aL IIi11i1de tor Cunt and Finds 11 ltaci: Crystals That •' i'zy', s Dexter, of Chise1burst, Eng., t the summer of 1898 as a min• r in the Sudbury rave anion sorthere Ontario, g in - met iu an interview ea the ouse, Montreal, the other morn- incne thertownsel hip of ste in dab topol, The "John•bang-a-bout" in your house- hold is likely to Sedee tot he is not a olded lop iota an uneacial roan i wog and morose.if and rllrichld into being bitter A SHORTENING, Down the sheet fair^ugh the busy way. A lady passed oi, andrketing t'a�,Y' Who, pausing at a grocery store, Stepped quickly in at the opert"door. With bated breath And anxious mien She queried. "have you G;OTTOL grocer, leaving off his work, The Interrogated every clerk ; But none sip to that time had seen An article called" C„OTTf7i.EPiE,'' ?” said lie to the dams, "What is tt "That antwf+r':' to this curious name. made of? What's its `use? What is it m you'll. t 'se airctise+" My ignorance Y . a are called sirens probably beginso earhly repJohair little, to patient. . whistle . k his pare celled sirens resemble. c to when , a arge supply him in. etiquette.patience, She Will need . T eauao thatn no #n ia sliding very scale w e ? of atieuce,. and to be a dip- 'They begin their eels:, with a very low l toe.t aupp Y ii 'Manners" a very high note that distresses the ear. to lomatic teacher steed blundering John will .note, dna cls° r« p Y doff n so many faults to carreoa descend 'te ninko a man or worn= but � Teetsehen � rapid succession ass on the sthe low hriekinand g of do not qui i detnonlike noises race. One Freugh writer good, common sense courtesy is �large pert land a£ th ve ma sefal men ee woman.id c i horn are such that he wonders that t in the Haw many incapable men and women do ,has said that the possibilities of this og' you number among your sb inkitccs . . an timid, cowed, the souls m chestradewhen the Wagnerooperas re How many „r p Bray. gh .yds which tell pitetul orchestra. A aonrpress:d-air trumpet, tory? plasu:y. incom• : thinks -.and it is just posaible that there r10 unt n ent nd women nw gas le tris ra or 'Inlay. be u little national prejudice in his pp .lee of self confidence necessary to uw, Pon ',A-pimp—would go well end with yth unearthly sego success i any their fn artige ency 1 shame tri nu lr tertsa the to ridiaute, reproof, and,cliscauraRosncnts ,storms nue iiinl ty.a "terrible writer says the which have broken Chefr spirit. The ndure , atimid ; nd therefore n lima the Wagnerians nix"' member in the isle patie may obfiaing• and ell oulr be stupid, pidgin w? it. A case bell isd on the ould ,re and incad to tett Your boy Bels yorget t down or scare itself useless.__(F and incapable. YOU may speedily forget Young p f smile increJuously,"• said Mr«' ten I tell you that thie discow'- ugh the agency of a dream. s what Dickens would ,naan lost in d i andDntah, as "" I'll give leyed that game on me 1" shouted Mr. Rowvaer, tryin to look very fierce. "AndHunches ou say `l ur Shirt Why, the blamed �tbiugies pbaaa been trying to elimb over my head all day, while any collar has almost sawed off my ears." -Bowser turned bun around, and Mrs, quietly observed • opened his shirt and ry ' Y Its no wonder I looked the whole ltouse over for your night shirt and couldn't lied it." ""Ohl as suppose) se) you button h vhe replied. it undermy of it is. In von.' eueeo q"'*' A portion didn't take it off, l+� put on your day shirt i People. arse Origin of the ,f. du Chaillu"a routenc melt centuries. ,` P6 Oil the reproofs uttered when you especially tried. Your boy willnoott forget. � Be will easily heiiev ul of doing anything 4v A Polish For ,Linen. art Pau t �" titer an tot Ghv ll pub' shoe # over et t,r c, .t by t t es, to tit o P "You're erchantfor my dither# nat,the� 1 see you're quite behind the times. LE1'IE, 1'd have you kilOW, �or•COT'fO Is noW the thing that's all the go, high regard ; An article of A healthful substitute for lard. Its composition pure and clean 1 For cooking give me COTTOI,EN ." » is metol to pour over , you trying to make out y <" wens, . Aro Y E!. 0,-e, len a born idiot) lsowlea Mr. Bowser as he dancad %round. "I!MOW Lao er did thing of that sort. t it's theme and no wouder you bolt � . nehan.-•table. I don't sea how yam" 'a your collar er01r., 'e,,• neck at on m. Do you rite=do `s. $ ht, ah r tt Acu sir Rye itlt nxy 0 ta13_'F,• • the British isla.'nds. . , fa :steno, the Pour a uu Canaan 'atone to filth in Toes a gua a in reply to a retlue.t for an ext day, leu keep it. carefully to ret rid latter written of the dlegs, and it in a nful off this stirred opinion on16110, the subject of the theories {n ohe &wokg'"'" ed bottle. A tsaspoo herrn, he awoke in into a ee not starch will make shirt fronts t stone waslat"that0timein15 Oxford, for the to excavate tha,, look lfae new. c a tablespoon. purpose of delivering hisdieaata in =Homer, to Inferno if he 1' 'short of that tor - to: work and for u delving there till e mcng (the nine) retain), big enough family to live »n. >,e x,,. was the unearthing of equantities of rock rystel streaked in h pore ide of iron or of ' s with t p n ii u 'Joe ve ' s n •Y t bol i tin ,rkomese. Thesea tt his Celtic �rkomo, as' he is called•. by eighbors, ample assaauee tha,tobde Awas fast approaching the stratum of g eat he turnedt beautiful e utNou,ccystIdraw in aansideraliie quantities. oI am convinced that hese a month ag hey are of considerable marks: value as ,methyste. "" What is the value of amethysts, h .r. a.:ter?" ,r he replied, `'tae Wall von know, price ce las fraten greatly since the Brazilian atones of this order began to flood erg tile le market. Previous to that they aid to such demand as brilliants thatsnit. p But o counterfeit them at great exp am. convinced that Berthiaume has found there crystals in sI such numbers toed. of ers Cam: tree,' beauty that his g Some Aneodatos of Artists - n e For Igor cold. water atarch ter fol of white sterols with a little cold water 6 but hen loiter of #Darns des, of wllic8 � 1 du working it with the fingers to get to it P in aoson toe. isI" ver any,81000th the and being grit.woeful When this is emove f. Che Viking,"hgiv gives arson ore galena are eantoth tr inoslightest,enough Ater on your side ; but I have not yet been able, quite smooth stir into it onouu fol of water } Gladstone says : A y prep to make uropaltogether a tens pto examine the veryr ument on your side at- it deserves, or dad four drops of turpentine : then dissolve ' although very desirous, a small heteaspoonful en of borax in. wella n jug and half stir it all into i that of your adversaries. illi ud man of only—half t lha •er<n tl $ aon water,blood boilingY littleScotchm 'of using h e branch Y orra hof gb A the starch, stirring it also well(Lowvland, near the border via, in the first in Scandinavia, it When shuts are quite dry rub them well ; family settled ort Denmark. stiff cold water starch, then wring them :'half, 1 thin,befenthu seventeenth asway nth century. in ati g once or l• bye band, then either iron them at ti "When 7 for a couple of hours or i or among the Scandinavians, of nature fromave wi lin, entre athemthin, drythem• wrapped up in a damp cloth. Dobnot -seting (credo cry Gladstone then years after the starch is put in .before asserting (credibly otherwise) my outhem aft for 9.n hen refers gloss, iron them. If youbeen ironed once, M Incas mora definitely confirmatory indications with gloss, after they have over ' in the love freedom rub just of collars and cCaa lightly is the ethnography o; with 'oat moistened white Castile soap mad � settledaorder ;ia flharacteriatifllof Nor. iron idiom alls over again with a glord y g , la curious •persht have one, or with an ordinary i northern and. ,o thud ;int 4 iron, i£ you eerie it wall on the j ing population , some districts, Scan - n' le her sec•; "",d.nd I did -it myself ?" ""lW*hy, who gado could. have don: it •f" Mr. B Wasr m rchadng so came across dressed himself. Iu doing before the necktie he hbet between tale t vd wars the hirts. smuggled away He realized that he didn't have moo , of a case against hire, Eoweer, but it would naw• er do to let her off soot•free. Therefore as he came clown stairs and she asked him if he dida't feel more like himself, he drew himself up to his full hotgltt,tilnokaddown dthen et her fora proper length replied Mrs. Be�saser, don't teb she ih ng haps pen again -•-not if you o itiau ue living in your present lr t the matter, and ns sn iso g d no use Itor h I.give al it dbasn't lookack talk, well for a We will ow go down td any down to .dinner, anti in o•terlooktng the matter as I leave I trust your dobe induced to be mare careful in, the f The slipper was probably the very first As from his store the lady fled, The grocer gently scratched his head^ • On his next order, 4':rstwas seen, ""Orae dazoi cases COTZ'OLZNE." • sk'Y0ur Grocer for it. Matto l b �Q•► 14. K. FAIRBANIK Wellington and Anti Streets, mpNThEAL. yrup. valine virtuesoftho Aine Rich in the lung It g expectorant ined oaththesoothing and and banes. es t A pERFEGT OUR& POO GHS AND COLDS gsthlna,BloreT r TAT,RRO BRONCHIAL gotsedict yieldApronptly th 000. pen ranter .,. A,.,, Ot,VOO1frII. 1 1 plfurvelcarInx luu� A sen o are much hnntd nter, 1 re become exceeding- al awe Y lt`u'adcomawvetlu17 rtriisofthem, and aTtlteugh I had touebect? • K " �Lgle bnsli li preaflhing he mellowed in R he man ino.'eins oil the d i soft tread of my light flecking correetneaty deo measure € sands, T '+�wil d'> says an he r se ring from 14' :.aeon them ap 1 otA a like thewindbe- tno wig in at ands disttttt ould Ms' twenty y hear the king snow. Dor, toots, able to' with intuitive 1 tame* and ohmmeter of s of "reas ,•- " oitenlie all day `within hearing 44 mal sounds of the baokwoods axoettle rho t the noise of the wood . shoal of the lumbermen the trees wiand th frost, `f The loud king falling before hard winds, 4 theirt'crashing gr through g feedle crashing ods ill not alarm street- ing rreet- ingilrtiNa 'n deer,. but the 'Mutest yressure of the will send It ig levee beneath the hunter s fee Sy' There is probably no profession in the human effort is which more gs are done by its followers the painter. The following ram various sources indicate his assertion, and will be swell: s, ,e painter, was walking sub ay in Paris with a friend of his, when e fellinto a brown-Bendy. now ?" said the " What is up with y d. get a certain shade of yellow," artist. sort• of yellow?„ then a'.e b drove pant• gasped he very titian to the painter "Stop t Stop tem engaged,"the cabby replied, with- stopping.and at a Delacrooe started in pursuit, loop place nt the Boa desa dactyls sars id, tooktthe cab. Opening in in tones of entreaty,, to the passenger • ide : '4 Do please tell our driver to atop I 1 t ant year complexion 'for a paint%n B on hieln I am et work. There is anot color -mer - ant -me - ant close at hand, I Shalln arbovefive minut e,erenderdaem. Tleagll nt of the service yietno." sent you with a sketch of my planrt got bargain was strsck ; ellow, and a few months « later the " received a Sketch of his "Assassins - the Archbishop of Lige. artist, eelebr• ted an ees y k . arid half are small pdopers Veil .x� us- alntet'of portraits, /while a draw the hese bong re spin fl app state tsometi m �e fauna •arieit. pr'esentixieut` of a lady, rather beavy iron, pr material. This gives the china -like polish often liked, A Little of Evarything• This is the season of plenty when the housekeeper's attentions almost nd storingssolely given to preserving, pickling elites. things where they will keep. App generally need no coaxiug in the cool fall days Curing Hams and Shoulders. I'or every 100 pounds of pork take eight pounds of good salt, two pounces of brown. sugar, two ounces of saltpeter, one andone•halfounces of potash, four gallons of soft Water. The brine must be boiled and cooled. The meat should Bnb each p pl iece with go d eor four r ale and days. pack the whole down. Let it remain two or three days aceording. to the weather. The brine should then be poured into the cask at the aides. Leave the meats six ',creeks in the brine. Take out and arnse five days, then ernoke with hickory wood. Corn Bread.—Two cupfels of com meal one cuphil of flour, one and a half cupfuls p buttermilk, one-liall eoptul of molasses, butter the size of en egg, one teaspoaufal each of =it and soda. Steam. 43 boar and a hell; bake ten mint -Lem favorite pickle with the good English house- wife. Seleot the tiny white. button onions, about, three quarters of an inch in dieerieter d put them into Le teney with whish, to dinavian terminations have been preserved. • "What is In Accident 4 home -mission board. Ta the w nonappearto be easily defined,but "acci- dent" wulL appear . the late Lord .thief Justice Cockburn thougbt not, and on several oeoasions ismer- ono companies have sought a definition in the courts of law. It has been decidbed ut that a sunstroke is not an accident, injury to the aping through lifting a heavy weight.is one. Even if phystced ailments contribute to alt accident, it is covered by the policy, while bath- ingrelatives of a man who, in shallow water, was seized with a fit and suffocated, sustained t heir oiaim,as did those of a man who, when similarly seized, fell under a train and was killed. Ag parson having t to bed and carefully nitre. nt and dislocated his shouluer was p ed, but in leas than a month he died of that pneumonia.and a dlaloc ted shoulder betweene connection is not at once visible, but on the ground that the restlessness deiced ythe sac deisusceptibility lecl tl a to disd ease d ucad by he relatives were held to which killed flim,, be entitled to claim. "The inflame= of intoxication liquor" has been authoritatively defined as "influ- .nee which disturbs the belaua5 of a man's menta or athe nd njuriesereeeivednt lwlse ilef lin that is lac- ulties>' e , ,t ecwered by an' accident After long experimenting, a system of color printing an leather has been perfected in Franca. Statisticsik, of the howwfever that thepmortality Brunswick, Ga., ttmong 'whites was Hearty four times as great as that among •negroes. The tail of the kangaroo is the fleshiest part of the animal. It is considered dainty food when boiledbin its own skin, drawn orf like a. glove.}ch. afterward may be blamed for all ing• object a long ""4 dear flan soda moving I saw a deer ad. a • tion e occasion. one hunter On 0 a way. is 0 ridge watching they, as I well knew. The 3 who was intervening mile away, was open, and the : unsveal country bunter wasapproachtng this ridge, although i I was unable to see him yet my a vision,le appe ea appeinto the line of aring mucb more than a peckBut heappeared much larger to the deer, wbieh made up its mind that the mans was ,mite near enough, and throwing s a r a d in the air, it sped away in the tan clogged, flayi`hey'are ; Pills are used.' lea Bat for recognizing b all dealers arsentbysnail onreceipt ' flt'ott,Sold y - r six for $a.5o. lr e 1 d. a o dOP bo t ec opposite es ere not r price so ants. p object at rest a deer's eyes Dr. LA. Ssn!rh & C�p,'"'"'tO` . '1'trritc io>< They cannot distinguish groa rasa fr ds open round, a hundred yards t� book canal Kidney tump,f the p g, away, if man ifinnertiw rile the deer's � �. Benteria are likely to the ills thee flesh is heir to. Prof. Schenck now maintains that what we call a "cold" is really due to these iuvisible pests . Velem one enters a cold room after being Yowled, the bacteria in it flock to the warm body dza enter ay the open pores of the "Backache Means .the kid- neys are in .irouble. Dodds Kidney Pills give prompt75 relief." nt. 7disease is flrst caused by disordered kid- neys. Might as welf try to have city healthy without 'sewer- age, good health whn the the scavengers of s4 thesystem. dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result i n Bappd, Blood, Dyspepsia, and the most dan- Brights D ef ase, Diabees and Dropsy.""a' above diseases cannot exist where Dodd's Kidnap ocoodthoo brine serongonough to bear up a laritate- policy, Nor are tbose mused by naming it over the onions Let the onions stana in Ileee the brine boiling hot before you this brine forawenteefoue hours. to avoiapessing traine. ---101tembers's Jour - them with a little cold water and put them ,ese. into bottles. To every (mart of the best ---------- heve knoWn alrelay What to do with your best kid boote, which have been thor- oughly wet through, and which, it left to dry in the ordinary way, will be „ stiff, brittle, atia unlovely ? If not, you will be glad. to learn what, I heard only recently, fora One, Wilma experience is of melee, First wipe off gently with a soft cloth all surface Water and mud ; then, while still wet, rua well with kerosene -oil, using for tie ieec6p:ra ptores:tthme,e filriat rwrcitahsoidileisofaCcillay,mirnstivtaoli3onbt:i:.atrilnw:eil:. Set them wide till paititaly dry, when a may then neo deposited in a' conveniently warm piece where they will dey grade:tally, or lose. Pee t when he earnest() cl to seeder ifiernialer by con. ually Thejr are not rail= larger theeepeppercorne. wit any mouth at ger belling hot aud pottr it over the onions. Put e, sprig of horsooredisli root in ttte ual was the mouth of eech bottle, and seal each oue up whom it is tight. If any rriouid appears on top,.. strain wife haa off the virteger and add freeh siaiced vinegar, iseoeer hot,. tation of, a fide baleing powder oia ,two =pleas of s 8, -ea this cake Well and pour it in 9, need. ie If you like, 1. bet they are vety strong. laim move even e eyes are althea in his direction, and like a flash the deer will have a tree between it, and the discovered aanger, ana bound stway into thei proteeting thickets, If the deer turns its head or lowers ib to feed, the ekile ful and alert hunter mey advert= several steps nearer, until. at lase he obtains the coveted shot. After the rutting =aeon bucks heve a sly trick of escaping from pursuing hunters and dogs, and an effective owl, too, where hunters ere oat well versed in the ways of deer. As soon as e. buck has put a long distance ahead of his pursuers he will stop and go back on Ids track a hundred aards or more. Then. ho will make a tremendous bound from the trail, off to one side, rawegs at it epee from •aleicli he on eamtnand a. sight of the trail over which the dogs and hunters are cording. There he lies do= ana hides. He sees the hounds pass by, and when they axe out of hetering he spriugs to his feet anti speeas away across country in another direction. Be- fore the dogs have unravelled tho rayetery of this manmuvre a elie_ back he is miles away. Experieucea and observant evootb men know this trick of the cunning beck, though, and are ever on the watcb for it, scaorang the brush on each side as they follow the dogs, and often catching end. beating the buck at his own game," Are better known and more gener- ally used than any other cathartic. Sugs.r-coated, purely vegetable, andfree from mercury or any otber injurious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and energetic in their action, the use of the pills is attended with only the best results. Their effeet is to strengthen and regulate the organic functions, being especially beneficial in the various derange— meats of the stomach, liver, and resolved se leloaeing Isle:ad.—Melo a cake with e tore Ids one capftel of sagii,r, one al milk, one well- emet above beeteo egg, a pin= of omit, , two tesepoon- sees are recommended by all the leading physicia.ns, and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy for biliousness, nausea, costive- ness, indigestion, sludgishness of the liver, jaundice, t'clrowsiness, pain in the side, and sick headache; olso, to relieve colds, fevers, neu- ralgia, and rheumatism. They are taken with great benefit in chills and the disease,s peculiar to the South. For travelers; whether by land or sea, SOOT HMO/ CLEANSING, instant Relief, Pellnalle Curer Failure impossible, siraply symptoms Of catarrh, sura as beaciacheelosing senseo of seaell.foul breath, hasiadag and sleeking, general %eine 'of debility, etc. If yon tra troubled -with any of theas kindred syraptores, you have Catarrh, and. should lose- no time procuring 1714 bottle of YASAX. 13.43.0 Warnea in time, Reelected coid 10 bead 1 ' " s (sir s at are leest, and should, oeoer be in the Outfit,. To preserve re tit6up in bottles Giving the Clerk a Tip, The svvell hotel clerk felt that he had taken his guest's measnre very accurately as the newcomer set doevn his bag by tbe eounter and reached for the regieten " What are the prices of your looms ?" Two dollers ana upwards." " Two dollars and downwerds you Mean, don't you ?" inquired. the guest meekly. want cheaper rooms you will have to go The guest wee as Serene at a May morn - onsets ill Cesaarlo followed by consumption Dna. death. Sold by all clx ug*te, or sent, cat paid, on receipt of pries 50 cents and $1.)byaddressing ULF ORD & CO. Brockville, Oat " On whet floor are youe •roome 1" milted. • • " Metalling on the roof 1" " Where ate your bighpriced rooms ?" " Ou the lower floor. "You dolat ge up from the $2 rooms to get , " Certainly note' ea ',Zoo go down rota the reonl. -bp get Beneral and Remus Utility, aligiree of