HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-11-16, Page 4earket of Sixty minima tins. lu callestha by one faf the anaily eminent in atock great cattle produeing t 0 ellienton. Mr. Armstrong wne cat*, and, his stock took r zes at Ohicag0' When the Worldie air closed Ite 061d his prize cattle in Chicago iriseead of 'bringing the animal back to Canada. T. gentle reader's first thought is that Mr. Armstrong eold because American prices were better tlaan Canadian prices. No, he sold, on accoutre of ehe quarantine relation. ccordingto the Fergus correspondent the Guelph. Mercury the clifferenee etween Canadiae pric ancl U. S. prices for prize cattle siderable„ and Mr- Armetrong c etes that two or three cents a pound by eelling in the i.lpeeket of sixty millions, * * The Provindial Department of Agri- culture is now in conatant receipt of letters from all parts of the United States and other foreign countries re- lating, to the elnewing made by Ontario e World's Fair. Reports are asked information regarding the de- ts in wilich the beat exhibits de, Almost all the States of mon have written, while the de- partment is hi receipt of a yery hand- aomelyworded letter from M. Inizo Nitobi, a high official of the Imperial College of Agriculcureat Sappord, Japan. An Egyptian merchant called upon the department a day or two ago and made many enquiries as to Ontario's agricul- tural showing and methods. The, de- partment is feeling very well sated With the result of tbe exhibit at the 'great fair. ** * The statement of ievenue and expen- ditere, in the lest Canada Gazette, shows the revenue for the month of Octobet to have been $3,002,474 and the ex,p6nditure $2,..4.84..3n, a decrease of 277,730 in •a termer atia'au increase of , 13 he the latter as competed October hot year. For the first our moothe of the fiscal year the rev - ()atm has been $12,416,3eee and the expenditure $8,125,29e, showing a aur - plus of $4,291,0,59. For the same per- iod last year the revalues) was 812,654,- 696 and the expenditure $8,026,084, showing a surplus of $4,628,612. The position of the public debt on the Slst October was es follows :- Gross debt., ....... ...... ..... . .. 8300 ,226,161 Asbeta . „. enceasee Net debt•-....• me- ........$229,214,103 Is shows a decrease of $234,983 the rnonth, and a total decrease sincethe 30th June. expenditure on account of capital agar October was $413,233, an in - of 8178,990 caused by the greater diture on the Sault Ste. DIarie and other works. For the four a ended 31st Octuber the expencli- n capital aecount has been much r than, for the stone period last shown by the following state- n- in- ral on he !at he is be •w id a af .5 0 earesin ,030.21a, $1461,444 205 .r,3 567,073 s'i;31747-a -3122 ` a anenin Bev. j E. Simpson. Rev. Mr. 'impson, Brucefield, died at his reside ce last Thursday morning, after an ilInss which lasted for several months, 4u attack of In grippe last winter left lffecta from which he never fully recov ed. Mr. Simp on was born in Montreal forey eight years ago, of S.eotch and En- glish parentage. While still young his father moved to Hamilton, where he soon afterwards died of Asiatic cholera, es was educated in the schools of Nels Inetenpaship, afterwards taking a teacher's cOntificate from. Dr. Green's Acadenay, Port Nelson. He taught for eig-hreen. years. While Principal of Thorald public school, • his talent for public speaking was recognized and he %vas ureed to enter th Mi e nistry. Ile entered' 'Knox College, and while con- tinuing his course in this institution, he had charge of the Mission congregations of Louth and Merriton. He continued in these six years. Graduating from Knox College in Ateril, 1.880, in June of the same year he became pastor of Union plenrcht Brucefiel . Mr. Simpson was muck loved a 's brethren and friends for d frank disposi- ' rt six years of , formed awide oth inside and n denomination. He ember of several Societies and s well in each. Tho funeral on. Sat largely attended by n ninb rent Orders and the ,od, his •re:nains d's cenaetery. darowing widow rge, the eldeat son ral store in Brucefield, .nown in this neighborhood. e the sympathy of many friends as of a kind husband and father rora them in the prime of his A minute passed by the Presby - Huron will be found in another Grand eSenci. zers.-Mr. Archie McGregor return - em lafanitoba on Wednesday last and Is times very dull in that country.- . Wm. Stebbin was joined in holy mat.. ony to Miss Disjardine, on Wednesday last week. Rev, S. B. Carriere perform- -the ceremony at the manse. -The work remoeing the clay and. depositing It on he bank of the old channel of the river is Mieg steadily pualied forward, a gang of hirty men working at it at preens. - Owing to a break of maohittesy on the dredge it was not able to complete ita work and left for Detroit for repaira on Monday night The manager having only a small portion of work to do, has decided to finish it with teams aral sorapere.--Since the daresfhave bee rt removed out of the canal the water has lowered to +mob an extent at the cattle on the raeolles are One to tbe river, and Mr. Will Patterson bunt about one intle of alma OO1lr DTSTR-10 • -NEWS. attnon. F, Jordan of El oderioln has sold ins drug business to Xr. John Davis of Wingnain„ Samuel Fold of Woodlutra, had the in.sfortune to lose $50- out of his pocket a .:eW days ago. The store ()Villas. Lawrence Luck. now, was broken into the other night aud $200 worth of goods stolen. The Seeforth Fire Brigade have arranged to hold their annual ball On tte evening of Friday, December 15 The fellowng wereappointed officers of the Seaforth Plebiscite Association: j, er, Pyper, President; C. A. Sperling, Secretary; Noble Olaf, Treasurer. Mr. H. D. Detweller, who sold his farm near Blelce a short tune ago, started last week for his new home in Opal, 'Virginia, where be has Ought a farm. Mr, J. D. Donald, of Brussels, has sold the Brosdfoot farm for $3,850, to Mr. Jaznea Petah, whoformerly lived in Morris, near Blyth, and who sold out to Kelley, his neighbor. Mr. John Gasho and Miss Galina; cie the 14tia eon. Hay, last Tuesday jeined hands in holy matrimony. They intend to move to Elkton, Michigan, We wish them success and ajoyfunlife. bir. S(Petele has sold his farm in Morris for $3,000, to Mr. Wm. Kelly, a id has purchased the farm known at. the Ronald property on the S. half o: 6 eon. ot Morris,just west of Brus- sels, A. wealthy and respected retired ferraer of Senforth, has in ' con templet - len the purchase of a memorial clock to be placed in the tower of the new town building, there, We hope the gentleman alluded to will carry out his intention. During the past year there have been deleverecl from farraerswagonaat the Seeforth oat-raeal rains over 120,- 000 bushel:tor oats. This would make a mut $35,O�) distributed at this point for this one cereal by one establish. men t. Air. Arthur Forbes, of Seatortli, has sold his fif Ly acre farm, an the Bayfield Road, Stanley, to Mr. S. 4. Moffatt, for the sum )f $31100. He owns the adjoining fifty acres, and winnow have a %fine a hundred aore farm as there is in the couoty. On biondae evening the barn of Mr. J inn Churchill, 14th con, Goderich township, A70.8 destroyed by fire, caused by the explosion of a lantern. Ile managed to get his horses out, but lost all his vain eto. It is said he bad an insurance of about $600, but the less above tlat will be heavy. Mr. T. A. Sharp, of Cleveland, form- erly of Seafoi tie, and brother of H. F. Soarp, St, eierys, well-known in this county as a horse buyer, was found dead at Rockport, Ill., one day last week. Hem t disease is tiosigned as the cause of death. His estate is yelued at $23,000, On Oct. 5te, Harmon Frain, a eau= of Lorenzo Frain, of Grey, and John yoarley 'Iorri eee anima's premise atm of fhb annual Meeting be bold at flet)sall, the second ToesdaY i D en0h0 or. Baker a it Mr. Be , goutal pri cipal o Egmondvdie public school, has been engaged for the coming year. W, M. McConnell, of Shepparaton letb ibis week tor Capetown, South Africa. He goes as a book agent, Miss Jennie, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Ballantyne, of feettforth, ha received the appointment of assistant teacher in the Bluevale publio ectiool, Amorag the Canadian exhibitthat have been avvarded prizee for fruit at the World's Fair are apples trona the Huron dietrict: peaches, W. Stewart, and W. Warnook, Cioclerich. On Friday evening, Dlr. Lattl, prin- cipal of Zurich public sclaool, vvas pre- sented with a fine arm chair, and Mrs. Latta with a set of Clristy knives by the scholars. It was a real surprise to both. Miss Lizzie Latta, organist in the Chiselhurst Methodist church, was re- cently presented with a purse of $20 as a token of their gratitude to her for the efficient way in which ghe:has per - ferreted ber duties, Thos. Craig, convicted of stealing money from 0, F. Stanbel'a store, Goderich, has been sentenced to four years and 6 months for the, crime, with sentences of three years each for house breaking and shop breaking, which run con -currently. John Cook is 87 years old. He re- sides at Glenwilliam, and bas had in his possession for over forty years a goose. It la of the ordinary breed, and looks good for many years to come. Have any of our readersowned one goose for so long a period? John Walker, the tramp who as- saulted Mrs. W m., Sheriff, at St, Helens, recently, was tried before Judge .Doyle last week. The sentence passed upon him was that be be con- fined in the Provineial penitentiary for theft for three years, for indecent as- sault three years, for false pretences two years, and for personation ehree years- the sentencea to run con- currently PERTH. W. R. Davie of Mitchell has quit the auctioneeteng business. A Listowel man picked ripe straw- berries in hie garden this week, &�r. Oliver of Avonbank, sold some ewes to the Model Farm last reek Robins Bros. of Mitchell, book store, bye made an assignment to theSheriff. J. M. Adam ot St Marys, has sold his grocery to Beattie Bros. of that town. Mr. D. Quinlan, of Forest, has been engaged for next year as teacher in Dublin sehool. Some utterly depraved individual cut the pneumatic) tires ot Rev. '1'. B. Wallwin's bicycle 10 sbreds at Stratford on Saturday. Lis towel will banquet Mr. Geo. Hess, ex -M. P. P., on his leaving to fill the appointment cf colleotor of Custo af Stratford. `info baok etr the head felling him to th un ole man on ground, The death ot biro. John B. Aitche- 4•07ii.1 neja% urred last was Mary Sparks, and she was a daughter of Mr. Alexander Soarks, of Stanley. She was born in the township of Blenheim, and when about seven years (gage her father renaoved to Stanley. At the d ite of her death she was 39 years and 7 MOD the of age. On Monda,y last about noon a farmer named Andrew Wagner and his wife drove home Inoue the village of Han- over near Walkerton, At the stable yard Mrs. Wagner got out of the wagon and went inao the home leaving her hasband to care for the horses. Hear- ing a cry she returned, and found her hasband under the wagon with his neck broken. having been kicked by one of the horses. Mr. Neil McKenzie, who lives just n arth ofLucknow, on the tenth side line, near the railway track, met with a very painful accident on Tnesday morning last He was walking in the farrow ahead ole team of horses that ware ploughing, when a special freight train passed along the railroad track frightening ;he horses and causing them to run away. Mr. McKenzie was kuocked down by the startled team arid killed. Mr. Henry Francis, formerly of Sataley, but now of Rainy lamer Dia - trait. in a letter, states that after leav- irg Stanley cn the 75h ot October, he was fifteen days reaching his destinat- ion. The lake voyage ftorn Goderich to Fort Williarn was very rough, and some of hg stock suffered fret]] sea sickness for a short time. At Fort William he took the Canndian Pactfic Railway for Rat Portage, where he was too late to catch the boat, and had to wait over nine days, finally arriving at has destination onthe 22nd of Ocatober, He has ploughed on his farm one day since his retern, and there was a frost on the 290, severe enough to atop ploughing tertil noon. He says there are lots of chances for a ixian to get good land there with some wood on it too.. The land is principally bush but not hard to clear. It will cost hina about six dollars per were to clear his and, chopped, logged and ready for burning. When that is done he can go right in with the plow. At the rec int meeting of the South Huron Liberals the following officers were eleoted:-John Hannah, of uckersmitb, President; Thos. Fraser, tanley, Secretary; and Septimus Ro- uth, 'Stephen, Treasurer: V. Rata, ice President; Chairmen of munici- alitiee-Goderich township, El. ,Swit- er; Stanley, John Kttohen; Hity, F. ibler; Stephen, V, Ratz; Usberne, alien tyne; Exeter, T. Gregory; uckeremitb, It. McLean; Seaforth, . M. Gray. A committee, consist - g of A. Bishop, M. P., M. Y, McLean, . O. IlleLea.a J. Hannah, R. Collins eee vvere appointed to draft a and by-14+ns. These vvere read, and eerth a -few • iKnox Church,. V nished with a ne An en terP of beeebrit ' `aturclay sold at jrve °mete a glass. Win ca working on the new Presby- teriau lurch, elitchell, one day lust week, three men tell to the ground tinel,a pile of Mete on top of them. Their eines were Thee, Jeffreys of Paris : d Thos. Evens of Brantford, and bo were badly iDiareii. Miss M. bialiala Dingman, from Liberia ca the west:moot of Africa, where she kas been for the past four and a half yaars labouring in various mission fields under Bishop Taylor, is the guest of hr brother Mr. Dingman of Stratford . For the last yesr or I wo she was it charge of the mission se- minary in Monrovia, the capital of the country. On Thursday evening the outbuild- ings belonging to Air. ' Chas. Barr of Logan. were destroyed by fire, to. gether with their contents. Mr. Barr was absent from home at the time, and Mrs. Barr had a narrow escape in re- leasing the horses -three stallions and a working team -from the stable. The loss was put at about $1,500, and there is an Insurance of $850 In the Hibbert and Usborne Mutual. John Forrest, who lived near Hamp- stead in North Easthope, was found dead in his bed Friday tanerning. He was found by one of Lus nephews who lives near hint Mr, Forreat, who was 62 years old, was a bachelor and Ilyeal alone. Some time ago as he was work- ing about his barn one of the big barn doors blew shut and he was struck about the body. Since then he has not been an very good health. - MIDDLESEX I, la ,to be fur. Po organ. lad had half a bushel n the Stratford market orntng whieb were readily While hunting in Muskoka, last week in company with others Mr. Donald IVIcPbersoa was badly injured. Mr. John Hord or Ptinkhill, made two entries in Toulouse geese at tbe World's Fair at Chicago and secured two first prizes, amounting to $20. His agent sold the pair before the close of the Fair for $20. The geese took seven first prizes amounting to $3,75 before tbey were taken to Chic- ago. Mr. Hord has the,efore received in all for Ins pair of fowl $13 75 and is not at all inclined to criticise unfavor- ably our American cousins. M., Zurich. mem. - Two of our sports went out one day last week for a hunt. Jake got in with a certain young I say in Stanley and came beak with nothing. George (who by the way is a great manicaman, but this seemed to be his day off) says he became very nervous when he Ward whet watt supposed to be a partridge raise in the swamp, but -which ts as afterwards found to be the wind blotving through hie mo esteem. George same home with an empty atotnaeb and twoned equirrel tsila OD Ins bat. These tHO YOUD' me expect to be fined for e home in one da lionsa, 1. -vcr CAUERON$SLITR, Barrister. setten • ton tionveyanoor.Office aistin-st. Oan be oonsulted after office hours at the Commonest& Betel. Beneath. WAN r180 -oats, large auantity of stood clean, white oats. wanted al the It ensall 04 at, meal Alien present prase Ma A quantity of feed on hand (sheep. D. UR QU Sops WAD/elm-We axe ROW open for this season to buy any quantity of dressed hogs for 'Mash Iwill pity the highest market price. Price for this weolc is $8.50 to $7.50 per owt. G. O. PETTY, Yorkshire Po.okine 'Leese, Gat:ATM:cents° nanseeTa order to reduce my large sroolt and raise imoney, I have decid- ed to sell away down below anything Shat has yet been offered. Remember Unfits a. genume sale as I am bound el reduce my stook and raise the money, therefore no reasouubto offer wet. bo refused. Give me a call and be eon via - ed that we mete W55 JX0:0;ro.:.PES. patri:O.otiO4 51.1Oran teed or no sale. Remember the stand, moEwen's Block We load, others follow. and ourtrecie ie in- creasing right aionnDn, not fail to call ,at oer special bergebe sole tole an% DOXt 5100g. We will solimen'slang boots for • 1.30 and an: boy's lone hoots forS1.00 and en ; women's high laced peg bats for $1,00 and up : girl's hhisghla iroceczi Pare bbalsffoorr76%.aannaci uupe Inc ebnil'dsrats bootsfor $1.75 and up e womonntweed slippers fToerramOos.0sioimen's toucher slippers for 40e. A call will' convince you that we sell oheam Sign of Big Beet. A. WESELOFI. Following are the market. quo5toattioon508: Wheat pBeaarlsey 30 to 36 28 to 30 HO ea tys 6.00 5501. b7o.0001 Butter B . . . .. . ......tit: 1241 Hogs , „ 7 00 to 700 Clover seed- ... . . • . The looal nimrode report fairly good luck with their guile and dogs lately. Business has been fairly good the past week, arid merchant e are jubilant. The merchants report their advertised bargain days a success, and make fur- tlmsannouncements in this issue of Tete T Missionary sermons will be preached in the Methodist ohurch next Sabbath by Rev. Mr Walker in the morning and Rev.Glildron of Witerloo in the evening. Building operations still go on, and the contractors have more contracts on bend than they can fulfill during the next three months. They report a big season, Mr Si Hunter is home from Manitou, Man., and intends returning with his family in the spring,. We hope Si. may change his notion as we are loath to part with so veluable a citizen, Its many subscribers and madam here _were pleased to see tile enlargemeat and improvement in Tile Thins. While it is the largest paper in the county, it is a good lewd and family paper. It is the' best all around paper that comes here. While driving to town on Tuesday, Master Thompson and two sisters, of the London road, were thrown from their buggy by the horse jumping into the ditch and capsizing the buggy. No serlens damage resulted. Petty is again settled down old reliable Yorkelli For Butchers aro among those that slaughter and take life, but when men take their own lives, they are called suicides, Past history even in Exeter will rernild the citizen and general reader that the busi- ness life or career of some men was short, because in a moment of in-, sanity they did what proved suictd- al to their business, and nonse- quently sank. No branch of trade can successfully be carried on un- less it has a sure foundation, fixed principles, good managing head, well financed, careful huying,with j udicious selling. The undersigned with others have seen such pic- tures in Exeter. The writer bas studied how best to avoid -the - whirlpool around which so have tplayed until they seek 411 they had. We purpose worlong on the line that a little sold an paid for is better than a host. out with no returns but a blan the credit side of the ledger, J. P. Clarke. dwelling. -Wm Hodgins has purchased MrJ. Coad's property on Station street. -Geo Dick returned from Manitoba last Friday .- Alias Steinbaoh of Zurich was in town on Wednesday, In Memoriam _- Composed in remembrance of Samuel Horn, born in the 'Townenip of Us - borne July 14th 1802, died in the To wnalip of Nissouri, No vd2nd,1893, aged 31 years, 3 months and 19 clays. Olt cruel death, how could thou come, And moth a 1 wed one from his home Sow aould'ot thou, with ruthless heed, ln mauler cl °all &meet from our land. Ins seat is vacant around the fire, Hie face we novr no more admire Nm Nis tamely forun so stauzzeh ronl'free, Ou earth we never more aural man Death rent the ties of tanderest love, And bore him to tbat lend of bine; On angels wings he mare above, spending eternity in bleat:Qum. But Olz, his loss wo deeply fool. ATM oar grief we annnot corneal: But to God's vrill we humbly be vz. Knowing Samuel IS at :Orem am, Theateine of 'meth era wasbed away, A. world of sin he loft behind; So left a tenement of clay, A. home with God to find. Rio earthly robes you inay lay elide, lie will need thous never more, For a robe of white, and a crown of light. Ito WW1 On A. happier shore. Ohl how mysterious are God's ways, umbera all our dries in his hand, Ad. Mr.W, 't Marys, ay front the sta .fly. 12 lnaguj5c0t, heaver' horses for Glasgow market, tion She Dr. Gray of Sn Marys, who has been in Caltfornia for the past few months, has returned. The Dr, purposed mov- ing to California to reside but has de - aided not to do so at present. Mr. McCarthy spoke at Stratford on Thursday last, and a candidate in the person W. B. Freeborn, reeve Of Morn- ington, wae brought out to support McCarthy and his policy. Mr. A. E, Guest, a St. Marys boy, was elected on Tuesday as Inspector of Elections for the 4th Precinct, 6th Ward, Detroit, by a good raajority. He was on the Republican ticket, Whilst at the World's Fair in Chic- ago, Mr. S. Fialeigh of St. Marys, purchased eleven head of Jersey cattle. They werg obtained ata good round figure as they are the genuine breed. A man who gaye his name as Wm McDonald. of Syracuse, was caught in She act of tapping the till in W. r. Maxwell's grocery, Stratford, on Thursday, He was coniznitted to jail. At the Voter.' Lists Court in Lis- towel last week the assessor, Mr. T. E. Hay, was fined $5.00 for non-attemen mice at the court. This should be a warning to assessors who tlaink when they return the roll their services are ended. Rey. C. T. Baylis, a missionary from Revelatok , B. as een spending a few days in St. Marys, the guest of Rev. Alex. Grant. Mr, Baylis is tak- ing a trip through the east raising fueds to build a mission church in the above mentioned place. While Mr. Hugh Hamilton of St. Marys, was engaged in hauling man - Ines frotn the premises of Mr. Robert Dickson on Tuesday, he eccidentally fell, his foot catchiug between the box of the wagon and the wheel, breaking hia leg above the ankle. John Ir. Ottvvell, who was last week sentenced to two years in the peni- tentiary for gram stealing, has been taken there, and the people of St. Marys are preparing a petition to pre- sent :to the Governor-General for clemency. He • Was at: one ,time a highly respected rencient of Cite stone town. Mr. Chas Beer of Hibbert, sold bit; farrn the old Watson place, this week, to lir. Samuel Harris for $5,000. Mr. Beer intends moving his family to Kansas atild will try his hand at making a fortune out there among the much talked of poor farmers of Met poor state. Dr. Robertson, a tramp “specialist,' called at the laouse of Mrs. Steinn, North Easthope, and the latter con- sented to let him make a medical ex- amination for' heart trouble. The man, she claims, assaulted her. She bad hien arrested and he wars remand- ed for eight dam Robertson clew Detroit. as hie home. A disgraceful fracas, in which two young men cheered eeph other like dogs, wag tried before SquireTtiorne at Healer° the other day One or the young Men Dib le, had the side is -ha-bandages, and 1, Hutchintion tongue bid. with his left 4., 2nd Round :-B,.,,,, on Fritz's back and both. looked to be Hany's round s cep. happened along and Fritz went llama. The referee declared the fight a draw under protest by both parties We understand that another bout is arranged betweon the nartirs to be deuided with 20 oz, snores, Zurich club mime for a puree of seven cents, winner tt take the whole purse after allowing loser two cents for travelling ex- penses, Baytjelci Inueee-Chris Dressler and Israel Jeffrey have returned from the Melting Islands.-Annle Erwin hag returned home from London tvhere she has been for the past summer. She intends to reznain for the winten-Fred Baker is home for the winter, be has been at the Daek Island the past summer fiabing.-James Wams- ley who has been here visiting relatives for the last two months left en Tuesday for the Sainte -jack Swarth and his father of Winghazu anent Sunday in this place visit- ing E. &tarts of the River Hotel.-- Robt. Beattie of Brussels is visiting relatives here for the benefit of his healtb.-F. Pridham J. Smith and J. Dayle of Gpderich spent Sunday in Bayfield. -The Methodists will hold a tea meeting in the Town Hell on Wednesday the 22nd. A grand program has been prepared for the accession. Tee served at 6.30 p. m. Programme commen- ces at 8 o'clock, kadmision 25 cents. - Mies Esther Blair has gene to the Sault. p en in the neighberhood. • BRIEFS -Mr. John Godbolt of California -Mies -Violet Hind is on the sick list at present. -Rev. T. 13 Coupland emptied a specie.' sermon to the Chosen Friends of this place on Sabbath morning last. About fifty of the niembera of the order turned oat. -The Prohibition Campaign bas been organized in the township. An organiz- ation meetink was held hero on Monday afternoon when officers were appointed sill committees selected for each ward. In the evening a mass meeting was held in the church when able addresses were delivered by Revd% 0. Fletcher and T. B. Con plead. In response to invitations the tenoning Mao made brief addresses viz,-Mesare. G. W- Ltolman, J. G. Jones, joshua Johns arid Then Werry jrzn. All urged npon the electors to uee their franchise, and let all mark their ballots yes or no, so that there will be no mistake as to the verdiet whether favorable to prohibition or opposed to in Mr. John Cann president of tbe township association ocoupied the chair. 15 18 expected the committees will lo good work and that the campaign will be yigor- ously pushed. GOyERNMENT CLERKS Ilse THEM, Ottawa, Nov. 3. -One striking feature of the Dominion civil servants is their esprit du corps. The actions of one mem- ber are mire to find favor in the eyes of all the others. This is strikingly illustrated by an incident that occurred recently. A clerk in one of the departments found himself the subject of kidney disorder. He began using Dodd's Kidney Pills and in a shot time was completely cared, He bas told some of hie departmental con- freres, and they watched his case closely. After he was cured, the story ran around the Government buildings like a trolley oar, and to -day there are a great many of the clerks, who happen to have tiiflealged kidneys, using this remedy. Look at at the date on your 'label tbis week, and see that your name is mark:A ‘Lay WlOo a eae. . night was fine and there was a large turn oub.-The prograrn for the enter- tainment was a little lengthy but was very good, and well appreciated by the audience. Henstill maletains its reputation as a good shipping point, which fact is no doubt assignable to She popularity of the obliging and genial agent, Mr L.Harold. Stock shipments have been quite num- erous the past week as well as various kinds of merchandise. Mr T. Berry has his hennery about completed, and will move his hundreds of hens to the new buiteing this week. The incumbator has been tested and works well. The artiticial means of hatchine chickens is an interesting one, and many are the curious ones. Your correspondent was shown through the stables of Mr T. J. Berry Tueaday. We saw several fine blocky horses, but the one that took our eye was a driver which Tom says can knock it off in less than three. The animal is but three years old, and has everything in its favor to become very fast. The Hansen roller mills nave been well supplied with wheat the past few weeks, farmers from a long distance drawing their grain here. The Messrs Cook attribute the laree delivery to their advertisement in THE Teems, which She farmers referred to in Almost every case. Measrs Cook have oreat faith in advertising:, and of Mr H. Cook it might be said he is a keen business man. PERSONALS-- Mr Wilkie of Londes- bore' was in town on Friday last -Mr. Jesse Card was on a business trip to London Monday. -Mr A. Weseloh was in Exeter on Monday, and V. G. Arnold was in London Friday. -We are pleased to tote that the patients who have re- cently been ill at Mr A. McPherson's residence, are all convaleseing.-Mr. Elder has been appointed local agent for the celebrated Frost an Wood agricul- tural implements, and reports big sales. Mr Elder is alive to his business, and in him IVIessra Frost & Wood will find a good representative. -Mr Brophy of Montreal was in town Tuesday. -Mr Duncan McArthur of Ailsa Craig drove up and spent Sunday the guest of his brother, John, banker, here.- Miss Ross of Ailsa Craig was the guest of Mrs F. H. Arnold the forepart of the week. -Pete, the affable stable manager, has resigned his position at the Commer- cial and retired from the business. Tien public will miss Pete's genial face. - Rev Mr Tufts, - missionary, of British Columbia, preached in Carmel church last Sunday evening, and delivered an eloquent and instructive sermon. - Messrs D. Urquhart, J. C. Klausen and F. G.Arnolcl were at Brucefield Monday evening, proving the death claim of the late Rev. Simpson, in connection with his insurance of $1,000 is the Home Circle, everything was found satisfactory. The deceased's widow gets $6,000 insurance from various societies and corn panies.-Mr James Jarrott is at present very feeble and not able to be around,-1VI5 and Mrs Benj. Keiser are visiting their daughter, Mrs .1. &elk, 01andeboye, this week.--1VIessrs David Gottschalk and Edward Bossenberry of Zurich were in town ,.a,:LiimmilikaWni Ina 0 zot net In that Dear brothers i4nd sisters eon fool the loses en simple faith cling to the mos, For Jesus is your brother's friend, He'll gently lead You to On end. To the family deen ha will never come. To visit in their pleasant home. But soap M Heaven atl will bo, Raper throughout eternity, And alt other friends, 0 Lord preterit, And through life their stops direct. And when at lastthe trumpet shall sound, May all at any right hand be found. Robert Brook, 13'-. i83, Woodhara. •••••••••••.••••••••••••=•••••••••• A wonderful new combination Is R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powdero; nine to take and perfeatly harm- less Mrs. S. F. Masa, London Pottery Wm Ito, says; -"No testimonial oan be too strong to expresso the benefi ial effects I have eeperienced from tbe useof R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia ami Liver powders, pert:tenuity and in ray family, as they have afforded me perfect relief from the most distressing sick headaches which frequently incapacitated me from doing business. I know of others who have been equally ben- efited. 1 consider them one of the moat useful medicel combinations of the day." J. Temple, 46 Catharine street n , Hamil- ton, sava;---.1 find R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powclera a sure euro." Mr Lancefield, librarian, publio library, Hamilton, says; -"They are most yaluabl tor sufferers from headache, neuralgia, a liver complainte." 'Price, 25 cents a b Sold by all medicine dealers. WELL ADAPTED. The effective action on the glandular system and the blood, and the regulating tonic and purifying action of B. B. 13. ea- pecially adapt it for the bilious, nervous, coStive or scrofulous. From three to eix bottles will cure all blood diseenea from a common pimple to the worat ecrolulons sore, Da. Woon's NORWAY Port Sratre, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup oures cougbs, colla, asthma, bronchitis, hoarse- nees, croup, and all diseases of the throat and lungs; Price 25o. and 50c., Ai all druggieta. CONSTIPATION CERier Geetlemen,-I suffered for a long times with' constipation and tried many medi- einem without saccess. I then tried Bur- dock Blood Bitterand very soon had great relief; so I continued its use and ane now completely cured. JOSEPH PliILLION, Quebec, Qae, AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. GeDileMen,-We have used Ilagyard'e Pectoral lialsana in our house for over three years, and find it an excellent re- medy for all forms of (toughs and cold". In throat and lung troubles; it affords in - slant relief. jOUN BRODIE, Colambne, Ont, A PROMPT Cuan. Gentlemen, -Raving suffered over two years with constipation, and the dootore not having helped me, I concluded to itty B. B. 13,, and, before I used one bottle I was cured. I eau also recorameed it for sick headache. tr,ttEti D llamas, Lakeview, Ont. kasivAnalle SIORNE50. ,The moot eomplainta at ibis me oeu are rheumatiann nenral * oat, `