HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-11-16, Page 2a
at Quo t Pommel Marty -4t all
Ttee to flow tlowtt.auit Worship
Teemaee i'reaelkes o:t .1usemei;e
t o t A t the etroadwasy leiber aacie,
yT, Nov, 6, --In his sermon this
T ev. Di T4Image toughed ou a
eia is just now uppermost, while
ion to political circles is ra.ging iu
the land: The. sermon is per-
eiul, and is based on the text t
"Some, therefore, cried one
another; for the assembly
nd the more :pert knew not
-ere come together. And
der out of the multitude,
ins forward, And A>ilex-
:: ith the hand, and would
efence uu,to the people.
new that he was a. Jew,
beat .the apace of two.
out, s Great is Diana of the
the Je
But. wv
illi with
avers, cr = '
i hesuswas upside down. It weeebaut
-the silver question. A ivanutezbtiarer of
silver boxes for A:' holding -heathen images
Mel called 'us.___ together the beha
r of one Feld, who had beset it-.
ces assaulting inaegeeworship, and
equentiy very much damaging that
Millar business. Thera was great ex-
,. ment in the city. People stood in knots
along the etreete, violeutly gesticulating,
and calling each other hard names. Some
1 of the people favored the poliey of the
silversmith ; other people favor the policy
ef Peal. There were great moral gmeetio
Involved.; bat, these diet not bather Il
at all. The only emotive about whic
tweeted to be, taterestect T,11.4 mace
agea and the melaried posit
es at greet expense for
hese eilver boxes, and no
olicy is to be inessureted
IOWA), 5110 leborers 1
unwee fa ie evils. The
Ird, and, tte they want the
the city, they take the
ng there assembled, they all
he doer, and they all want to
Yott",knosv what excitement
trpseple want to talk at once.
cl one thing, some cried Another.
1 to deaeance, opine wanted to
, and he begins to apeak ; but
on hies him down, and then the
es into worse uproar, and they
mat, all of them together, and
up until they are red In the
me in the Ovate, for two I
oat, "Greet is Diana of
Great is Diatia of the F.p
me of the
he. pelltteal checuselop somehow- createe an un-
natural thirst, and huridrede of thousands
of men have gone down into drunkennees
ex, through paIitical life. After an exciting
canvass through the evening you meet
" mice something," and rising M the morn-
ing with leas eminntion than uaual you
must "take somethiag," and going off
among your comrades through the forenoon,
you meet painted friends, mei yott must
"take something;" aud in the afternoon you
meet other political friends, and you must
" take something:" and before uight has
erne ea:nothing has teken you.
but few 0A803 W 11
ry autumn
goddess Di
, and her tem
it, our American p
od in place of it,
bee- down Itefore
porter enel
you that the
1051.81T0 in the e
rising Aanerie
ere hones
ho et and
w a come in
'rig to eerve
think w staa,
�a� and filar:
go, out i ht V�hat, will h htsudre
thousands of foreigners who come,
live think of us'? What a disgust' they
have for the laud of their :ail ..
only good thing! there is aboimamiuy of them cannot;uuderetand
language. flat i suppose the.(l
Italian, wail Swedish, and Frei
translate it all, and peddle Out tit
stab to their subteribers.
Nothing bat-E';ii•istian.ity will e
such a Blood of ineie nency. The L
relligretie=will spet>.k after a whit
billingsgate and low scandal throug
we wade almost. every autumn must
baked by titer religion ,wbiolt speaks
its two greatutnunteinex £roan one MO
; -
intenin the command, "Thou shalt.
bear false wwieness against thy neigh.
and from the other mount meting ple
kindness and love and teeming ra
Tawas cursing. 0, Christian men! frown
political falsehood l Remember tltata,
tcallie ie as Meek as otjiereiti
He. God has recordesi Me tele teasel]
have, been told. the city,. et.
elect sue since the foundatic
emmenia and, though the
their victimst
s ay have
in the last May judggne„
The falsehood that.
the vara of Bic nue
Lieutenant -Gen
George Wash'
in regard to
God'a bo
the, people." railing to do that, down the
go. burying in their ruins their di,s,411
and advocates, Ood cart spare tl
political Intriguers of tins (lay and e
justice end love mercy. If God coald sisal
Luther before the If efortoation was done
aud if he could metre Washingtoe befor
free government had beee fully tested
atul a he could spare Howard before more
then one out of 0. thousend dangeons had
Mug to hts burning utterance ; and if he
Mil spare Thomas Oiarksoa while yet
aliens of his fellow -men had chains rues,
to the bone—then he Can spare any mate
he Oa spare any party, That mart who,
, and the erased battalions of God
h over him.
hristien men ! take out your Bible
fternoon, and in the light of that
smite up your mind as to what is
kind of a patriot is e Christien
Conseerate yonrselves, first to
n you will know how to consecrate
s to your country. All these
mitemente will be gone. Ballot
Gubernatorial ohairs and °witha-
1 smoke the final coedits retiOn -
but Mune who love God and do their best
shall come to lustimus dominion after the
eters have eeased their shining, and the
occen hes heaved its last billow, and the
closing thuuder of the eudgments
day shall toll at the faneral of
A world Oh, prepare for that day
ext Tuesday questions of the State will
be settled but there collies a day when the
gmestions of °tensity will be decided. Yon
may vote righe, and get the victory at the
ballotebox! and yet suffer eternal defeat,
After yoti have ea8t yonr last vote, where
will yen go to ? In this country there are
two perties. You belong to the one or the
other of them. Likewise in eternity there
will be two parties, and only two. "These
shall go away into everineting punishment,.
but the righteous luta life eternal."
To which pertts will you belong ? God
grime that, while you look after the wel.
faro of the land, in which God has gracioum
ly caskyour lot, you may not forget to look
after your soul—blood.bought, judgment -
bound, halms -tall God save the people I
ed into
dere that
presentations I
e Hee thee were ;
our loeal candidates.
lave their part in the
with fire and brimstone :
taxi death.
!suit you as Christian men. to
es ageinst the Pilsen of money
A cempligne, Of the thousands
tars already spent this e.utamn, how
h of the amount de rex euppose has
en properly used ? You have a right to
ti money for the publishing of political
or the carrying- out of svhat you consider
to be the best ; you have a right te appeal
to the reaeou of men by argument and
statistics aud by facto. Priuting rent -
leg of pablic Italie and political meetings
cost money, but ho who pato a bribe into
the hand of a voter, or plies weak men
with mercemary and eurrupt motives. cm.
Bribery it, one of the most appalling SIAS of
this enuatry. Go.1 nye, " Fire shall 000.
aurae the to,blens,eles of bribery." Heve
nothing to do with suob a sin. 0 Christian
man 1 Fileg it from the ballet box. Heald
over to the police the meal who attempts
to tamper with your vote, and remems
her that oleetions thet cennot be carried
without bribes ought never to be carried
all. Again ask you, es Chnstian
men, to set yourselvee against the dissi
times thet hover ever the bellot box. et
ran say that, no ineu cam afford to go into
political Iife who is not a teetoteler, Hot
eh ip
n n 914 in
of the Mel? les
" neither of them hollel
reet Is my pocket
e or ten ear it itt my cuetont to
lk the people About public Whim from
what cell a Christian standpoint, and this
morning I have ieluseen far that duty. I
hope to say A peectleal word. History tells
us of A termou /iitice preached amidst the
Highlands! of Scotland—a. sermon two hours
long—on the sin of luxury, where there
were not more than three pairs of shoes in
the eudienee ; and during our last war a
good roan weet into a hospital distributing
10,0,,u.s,,Orgaye a tract on "The Sin el
Dancing " to a man both of whose legs had
bean amputated I But I hope this morning
to present an appropriate and adapted
word as next Tuesday, at the ballot box,
great'affeirs are to be settled. The Revs
Dr. Emmons, in, the early history of our
tenantry, in Massaehusette, preached
elaant the electioe of Thomas Jefferson
to the Presidency. The Rev. Dr. May-
hew, of Boston in the earIer days of our
etepublic, preacled about the repeal of the
Stamp Act. Thera are times when minis-
ters, of Christ must look upon public atTairs
and discuss thenz. We need go baok to no
exanaple. eery- man is, before God, re-
sponsible for hiseown duty. If the Nor-
wegian boasts of his home of rooks, and the
Siberian is pl
n is
was always cheracterize
of the faithful. etasea was
the grandest of them ; but
more than he did the PI
there are hundreds of Christ atailiinine: tnhoesivr
trintegrity, even when they at- obliged to
.T411/1/‘ g.alia0ta the blasted, lee erous
the ballot -bee z these Christian men doing
their political duty., ani then coming back
to the prayer meeting and Christien circles
as pure as waists they went out But that
is uot the ordinary ofrentnetence ; that is
the crseeption, How often you ewe mon
coming Meek from the politieal cortiliet,
and there eye is glazed, and their cheek
hes an nu:Lateral Male and they talk loud.
er than they usually do and at the least
provocation they will be'd and you say they
are convivial, or they are exceedingly vive-
Mous, or you apply som t other sweet name
to them; bnt God knowa they are drunk!
Some of you a month or six weeks ago, had
no more religion than you ought to have,
and after the elections are over, to calcalate
how much religion you have left will be a
sum in vulgar fractions. Oh the pressure
is trenaendons.
How many mighty. intelleete have gone
down under the disemation of politica I
think of one who came from the West. He
was able to stand out against the whole
facultiee enough to govern a kingcloni, or to
frame a coustitation. His voice wee terrible
to hie country's enemies and a mighty in-
spiration in the day of national peril. But
twenty glasses of strong drink a day were
his usual allowance, and he went down into
the habits of a confirmed ineltriete. Alas
for him I Though a costly monument has
been rearm' over his resting place, the
young men in this country sball not be
denied the awful lesson that the agency by
which the world was robbed of one of its
mightiest intellects, and our country of one
of its ablest constitutional defenders, was
the dissipaeion ot political life. You want
to know who I M3912? Yoeng man, ask
your fether when you get home. The ad-
verse tide is fearful, and I warn you against
SUNDA.Y 80.110011
NT 4.17011141 SBEIRS, NOV. 19.-
4* 20-32. GOLDILN
EXXIATA. .VSO remericee none.
Paul from prison in Rome writes a
letter to the mob, in Ephesue hich he
had founded. wae written about A. D.
than the eentury. Hifi relations with the
ehurch at Ephesus were elways intimate and
very, tender. Read Acta 18-23. The
letter itself se ono of the most cho.racteristio
of all those written by. Paul. It begins as
an effort to instruct unrcpsrienced Chris.
dans, and is constantly prissipg from doc-
trine Mate pathetic pre *- a
praise. Tit w
not ma and vegeta,tion
sorders do not manifest
themselves, but when the seeson is far ad-
vanced, anti water hoe mostly disappeared
and vegtation deeamposing, the malarial
troubles appear, It comes in one or two
forma viz., intermittent fever or bilious re'
mittent fever. The letter seems to be only
the former intensified.
Typical intermittents have three distinct
stages during a paroxymn and e period of
intermission of 2,4, 48 or 72 hours, when one
feels comparatively well. The periods var
in their length, and the stages in the orde
a their coming or in inteneity of diseased
tion of the patient or their bodily health
when the malaria found them.
The three stages are usually that of shill,
fever and sweat. Sometimes these stages
get mixed a t Atte, e, the skin will feel
hot when chill is on and petient is shak-
ing; again, sweat will appear with the
chill ;again, a hard chill and little fever or
vice verse.
The routine presoription is a fever medi-
eine during attack and 10 to 20 .grains of
quinine in the Intervale, divided into two -
grain doses. The common. fever remedy is
a,eonite 10 or 12 drops of 3d in half glass of
water and take a teaspoonful every. hour
till sweat begins. As to medicine in the
interval, we must peotest against the indis-
criminate useof quinine. Now and then a
ease may need it, and when it is the remedy
it is not needed in any such quantity. A
better form would be to put enough tine-
ture of cinchona in water to color it decided-
ly,thets take a teaspoonful every two hours
in 2d, day china and every hourin every dam
chills. In the place of this remedy twice a
day, take ;aux vomiea M the Borne way
every other time teke the cinehoaa. This
is the drug from which quinine is made.
The ca308 that mostly require this rem -
patient is usually healthy and rather full
thin in flesh, or have weak digestion or
bo wets, are not the right persons for cin -
blooded. Perseus that are weakly, pale,
edy are thoee which nave the different
stages quite well marked and where the
cholla, and mpecially far quinine. The lat-
ter drug may stop the paroxysm fox- one,
two, or three weeks,when it returns and the
sense drug must be repeated in larger doses.
While this tumble-down and build-up pro.
cess is going on the general health is beieg
undermined end the sufferer has a fair
prospect for an all winter's siege, with fin-
ally an enlarged spleen (ague cake.) The
thin, weakly persons should use, instead of
above drug; ipecae, if much nausea, eapo-
nciaatlrlyumat smell of victuals during interval ;
murestieum if much headache sets
in at the beeinning of the paroxysms and
continues all through, and even sometimes
extends from one peroxyam to the next;
ersenicum if chill and fever get mixed up,
and especially if a person has a faulty
digestion at other times.
These remedies should be Wren in tho
interval from one to two hours apart as
shake and the chief things nug vendee may
be beet in the irterval. Use about ID dro
ehe Atria
(mew of the eteatne Duehest o Albany,
mem beetene lost the interim-0ml the
Fuego. efizes eve` nembered 27, all told,
Ten am igetrin Liverpool some time ago,
havin Mearthed the Argentine station in
lueboets. rho rementder decided to
imam for the station overhead, but got lot.
Isar 17 days they svandered about an the
They suffered great privation, and were
plundered of their loose effects be the
Datives. Ultimately they made their way
, back to Sandy Point, where they were
' rescued by au Argentine vessel tient in
search of them. The men suffered severe-
, Isdfroni frost -bite, one beisag too ill to come
ta5te3 -
h35 become
the itandarcl
tobacco, even
in covnioetition
'nized merit.
Wizen. she was a Melte she cried forVasteria.
when she beceme Wiss, she clung to Oastoria.
Whets elle had Children, thegave eastorial
The assertion is made that no es,r of corn
contains an odd number of rows.
ie.ede44;e: tO:Zadeet„ „Plo Otilep
Va., and Montreal, Ca.uada.
Unlocks! al/ the clogged twenties of thes
off gradually .without tvoitkering the eyes ;
tem, all the traptuities and foul husseel '
Of the seoretions; at the Mime time Cogpt
reeting Acidity of the Stomaeht
•zuring Biliousness, Dyspepsia,
Readaohes, Dizziness, Heartburn,.
Constipation, Dryness of the Skin,
Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jauni,
fula, Muttering of the feart,
diee, Salt Rheum, Erysirias, Ser
these, and many other einaila
yield to the happyinaluence o
For Sale Ms (di,
le father
°stored God
hie And
&i.. with has land. et perpet-
ual snow; if a Roman thought that the
muddy Tibe was the favored river in the
sight of en, and if the Laplander
shivers dogy of his native clime,
have pity for anybody
the "flowery kingdom."
oorn under these fair skies,
g day by day amidst these glare
xtd. religious liberties, be public -
I propose to tell the people very
First, seseP"' urself against all politica
ehood. The naost monstrous lies ever
d in this country are during the elections.
top at the door of a democratic meeting
ti listen, and hear that the Republicans
re leers. I stop at the door of a Rfrepubli-
an /fleeting and listen, and hear that the
ernocrats are scoundrels, Our public men
1 microacopized, and the truth distorted.
Who believes a tenth part of what he reads
or hears in the autumnal elections ? Men
who at other seasons of the year are very
ca,reful in their speech become peddlers of
In the far East there is a place where,
e nee a year, they let the people do as tbey
please and say what they please, and the
place ie full of uproar, misrule and Wicked),
nese, and they call it the "Devil's
days." The nearest approximation to
that in this country has been the
first Titescle,y in November. The com-
munity at each thnes seems to say, "Go to,
now ; let us have a good time at lying."
Prominentcandidetes for office are denoun-
ced as unprincipled and renegade. A smart
lie will start in the corner of a country
newspaper,and keep on running until ft has
captured the printing Dresses of the whole
continent. 1,1>hat garbling of speeches 1
What, misrepresentation of motives I What
misrepresentation of individtuul anteeed mats,
The trouble is thee we have in this country
tWo great manufactories--manirfactories of
Ileteethe Republican mamufamtery of lies
elie tere run day ars night and 'they
You need not, go far off to hnd out the
wornout politicia,n, Here he is, stumbling
along the highway, his limbs hardly able to
hold him up. Bent over and pale with ex..
hausting sickness. Surly to anybody who
accosts him. His lase (Meant article of
apparel pawned for strong drink. Glad if,
when going by a grocery, some low acquain-
tance invites him in to take &sip of ale, and
then wiping his lips with his greasy sleeve.
Kicked off the steps by men who once were
prowl to be his constituents. Manhood
obliterated. Lip blistered with a curse.
Scars of brutal assault on cheek and brow.
Foulmouthed. A crouching, staggering,
wheezine wretch. No triands. No God,
No hope. No heaven. That is your worn.
out ponticiam. That is whet some of you
will become unless by this mornings's warm
ing, and the mercy of God, your steps are
arrested. Ole there are no words enough
consuming, enough damning, to describe
the horrible drunkenness that has rolled
ver this land, and that has bent down
omo of the nooks of the mightiest Intel-
cts, until they have been compelled to
rink out of the trottgh of bestiality and
boniination 1 I warn young men against
olitical Iite, unless they are teetotalers
nd consecrated Christian men.
Again, I counsel you that, when you go
the ballot box at the city, or the State,
• the national erections, you recognize
od, and appeal to Him for Idis blessing.
here is a power higher then the ballet box,
an the Gubernatorial chair, than the Presi-
ntial Wit fte Rome. It is high time that we
eme in political platforms and
or overaetingz
085 way in t us 'ditieese
most others, is to rot daring the intervfel
as well as in the &Macke. The second form
is when there is no interval of comparative
health between attaoks. :rho fever abates
b X. does not wholly go off. This is called
bilious remittent fever and must, be treated
muck the same way and with same reme-
dies as intermittent fever. At this time of
the year, probably many readere are victims
of ague.' An adjuvant during the fever,
if not chilly, is frequent sponging with tepid
with e holy zeal of that disciple of Chr
whom very identity is in doubt, hat whose
book ou the imitation of Christ has been of
such immeasurable value to Christians, and
conneets them both with ehe personal ex-
perience of many who are laboring in our
churches in the year 1803.
Verse 20, Not so learned Christ. Read
the verse's just before our 'eaten to get the
force of S" so." They had Iearaed Bacchus
and Alan and other Nee gods so as to
imitate their corruptions and crimes, but
Christ haa taught them better things.
21. If so be. edo doubt is !expressed here.
Heard Wm. They had never heard his
human voiee ; but his Presence lied, never-
theless, beers smelly annum them Taught
by him. Better, " taught in him." The
truth is in Jesus. Every ethilosopher and
moralist and Poet who has blessed this
world has revealed or emphasized some
phase of truth t but only Iesus of Nazareth
could say, et.1 ara the truth."
22. That ye put off. This is "the truth in
Jesns"—to throw aside with disgust all sin.
Conversation. Conduct; manner of life. The
old man. What you used to be. Is corrupt,
worse aud worse, toward utterrtun. Deceit-
ful lusts. Better, " desires which deceive."
Satan is the "father of lies," and in no case
are his lies temporarily more effective than
when be falsely promises joy to him who
indulges in sin.
23. Be renewed. Grow yoneg again. Get
rid entirely of the old life of sus and deney.
The spirit of your mind. Your entire iuner
nature—intellectual and morel. What is
physical tends to death ; but the " spirit
of your mind" is immortal.
24, Pat on. Adopt ; clothe yourselvee
with. The new man. Some one has rolled
this "the freshness of a higher nature ;" the
Perpetual youth of the child of Ood. After
God. In the image of God. Is created.
Made anew by the direct power Of God.
A man cannot train himself or develop him-
self into godliness ; "Ye must be born
again." Righteousness and true holiness.
Absolute, spontaneous conformity to God's
will, the "holin,ess of truth,"
25. ?tithing away lying. In the ancient
pagan world mutual confidence was almost
unknown. Truth was dead- There should
be no deception( in Christetidom. We are
members one ot another. Every wrong we
do another we really do ourselves. This
doctrine is essential Christianity.
26, 27. Be ye enemy, etc. When indig-
nant, sin not. Lel not the sun go down
upon your wrath. Better, " upon your
provocation." Iluere the cause removed be-
fore sunset if possible ; but in any case be
sure not to permit a continuance of a hot
ruffled spirit, Give place to the devil.
The hot-tempered mail swings the front
door of his heart open to its worst enemy.
28. Steal no More. Either directly as a
robber or a thief, or iadireetly by sharp,
business practices. Take no " advantege'
of others.
29. Corrupt communications. Evil,
prurient words. Edifying. Building up.
Minister grace. Produce benefit
30. Grieve not. As if the Holy Spiritl
loved ns to tenderly that he wortld fee
griet because of our shortcomings, rather
than anger.
Wanted to go Somewhera.
Mamma—" Not to -day. You. have a cold
and I Would not have it get worse for the
" May I go to the atore for you ?
Mose by, you know."
" I don't need anything now. e
" May I go and have my photograph
taken, so you'll know how I looked when I
41 Metc3,s no., Yoe had youe phottigr
taken °isles leet Week."
Don't Cough!
In all bronebial affections the paroxysms
of the cough should be placed us far as pos
Bible under control of the will.
The old idea that disagreeable sensations
in the throat indicated the presence there
of "something which ought to come up" has
been entirely displaced by the more ration-
al view that the contanued and prolonged
efforts to expel that "something" are often
productive of more mischief than would
result from its being allowed to remain.
There is attendant upon every dis
ease of the bronchial tubes a, greater or
less amount of mucus, which exudes from
the merabra.nous lining of the tube. Of
course there are the accompanying signs of
inflammation—heat, pain, swelling and red -
mass ; b11515 is the mucous exudation which
is for the most part, responsible for the
disagreeable sensations which we instinc-
tively attempt to alleviate by coughing..
Now it is certain that, in a greet major-
ity of instances, where the general health
of the patient is not attacked, this exude,
tion undergoes what is called resolution ;
that is, it is re -absorbed through the fine
net work of blood -vessels about the tubes
into the blood, where it is taken care of,
and complete recovery is effected,
On the other hand, let us suppose that
we do not wait for resolution to take place;
but that, on the theory thee every particle
of the exudation should be expelled, as be-
ing of a poisonous nature, we strain to ex.
haustion every muscle of expiration, and,
in fact, the whole system. What follows ?
We may have accompliehed our immedi-
ate object, or the seat of the inflammation
may have been out of reach. In either
event, if we could see the point at which
our efforts had been directed, we should
discover that they had not been productive
of the results anticipated. Instead of the
inflammation being in any- way allayed, WQ
should find that an effect had been produc-
ed similar to that which folTows scratching
an itching sore. The irritation has for the
moment been relieved, but it is telly a
maestion of time when it will return with
renewed energy.
The habit of endeavoring to expel more
of the exudation than will come away with
gentle and infrequent coughing is an ex.
haustiug and idle one. -
With an Eye to Business.
Henry Irving tells a, story of the " boote'
at a conntry hotel where he was staying
arsking to be paid for going to the theatre.
sung, struck with the fellow s civility,
ve him an order for the play.
" Come and see the piece, Tom," said fr-
Yes," said Irving, " here is an order
The next day Irving said : " Well, Tom,
d you like the play ?"
"Oh, yes," said the " boots "in a dubious
nd of way, "but who is to pay me for
The spicier is known to be a success ul
under of bridges, and dt, is reported in a
I,ouis newspaper that a large spider
ade a bridge, clear across the 1\lereMoc
Heal Your Lungs
Prevent Consumption.
Be sure you got
Drug Store
A full stook of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and paokage
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
ees carefully prepared at
Central Drug Store Exete
Cr !AU Zi
Aro and incandescent Electric Lighting,
Electric Motors and Generators.
The purest quality of Cream Tartar,
finest re-erystalized Bi-Caele on a.te of Soda
only are used in this preparation.
It lies stood Al with housekeepers for the
past PO years, and Is now arpossible)hetter
than ever.
Ready for use in any quantity. For nialang Sos.p,
uses. A. can equals ;:0 pounds Sal Soda.
Soh). by- All Drocers and Druggists.
For Salle Everywhore.
The FThest Pure Ground
Coffee hi the World:, gold in
Tins only. If you Cannot get it at
your nearest grocer, send postai card
direct to Acme Mills,,Montreal, who 101!
mail. immediately free trial sample tb
the address given.