HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-10-26, Page 8Ire
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Receives; the Accountof hletehanis and
ethers on f avorable t erme .
°freer every accommodation oonsistent with
safe amdeonservatIve honking principle's.
Intereat allowed ten deposits.
Drafta ieeued payable at any `oftlee o the
Merolittnte Bank.
ON NOTES and'Uoneoeoze.
Zbt exvto gimvo.
T.,ECURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1893,
°Attie from Norway are now granted
acceas to inland British towns on the
hoof. The Mother Country cannot long
if she Dominion remains as free of dis-
ease as at present, refuse to a colony
the privilege allowed a foreign nation.
* * *
Hooper, the Ottawa man recently
taken to Quebec to answer to a charge
of poisoning his wife, under the sensat-
ional circumstances already recorded,
may be an innocent snail. He has him-
self to blame if he is strongly suspected.
He has told somany lies in the last week
ortwo that even his best friends ninst
begie to distrust him.
What a downfall there has boon in the
price of wheat! In October, 1801,
Manitoba wheat on the Montreal market
sold at ,91.10 or 12 cents decline over
the spring of that year. One year later
the same description ofwheat was worth
83 cents. To day it will bring 72 to 78
cents, A fall of 50 cents per bushel of
No. 2 hard in two years representa a
depreoiation unparalleled in any other
conamodity. And even now there axe
doubts if the bottom has been reached.
Torenty-seven Canadian bred horses
sold in New York on Thursday for $8,-
785, an average of oyer $325 a head,
and the New York papera reported the
sale as being ono of the best of the
season. Items like this ere pregnant
with interest for the Canadian farmer
They teach the wholeeorae lesson that a
Aeed Market dart be found for good
horses—poor horses are not wanted
falai; erten TttlYSI no reason Why tke.
Ontario !should not tittuquJefinitely in-
creased, and the larger the increase the
snore sarely will the market develop.
x X
When :the 'first pania of low grain
prices began. to affect the English farms
ars, a band of wise men at once began
o advocate the seeding of land to grass
alone, leaving out the wheat crop en-
tirely. As a result 3,000,000 acres of
wheat—into grass. The argument was
that the wheat crop wouldnot be missed
• Alkajih9r and fertilizer required cost
more than To -day there
are thousands of farrribeisiliothis country
who might well heed the smile
Let them simply drop the greater part
of the wheat out of the rotation for a
few years, and seed to grass and clover
alone. Do you not know of men who
would be better off for doing that?
x x
At the Markham Conference, Mr.
"Williken, President of the York AO.
Society, said the farmers did not avant
The duty taken off corn. Messrs. Marr,
Congdon and Graham, of Claremont,
who have been studying the situation,
did Mt want reciprocity in horses, be-
cause they thought the Canadian horse
market was better than that of the
United States. Mr. Elias Wood was
not troubled about the duty on agricul-
tural implements, because he finds them
cheaper in Canada than in the United
States. Mr. McEvoy, of Pickering, did
not want ieciprocity in corn, beef or
pork. These speakers represented only
one locality, of course, but localities,
like indivaduals, are representative.
* *
Prof. Shaw, late of the Ontario Agri-
ultural College, writing to the Globe,
says ;
"I never had a desire to lease Ontario,
the land otsunny shies and fruitful seaeone.
No land on all this oontinent has been so
highly favored by a kind Provenee. 1 am
We in saying that no Providence or State
on all this continent can grow so 'great a
variety of (weals, fruits, grasees, forest
trees end field products generally : no
countre, in Amerrea has so any breeds of
live stock or rio excellent ; DO land in all
this weeteen world has so advanced an ag-
rioultut e, and no country has farmers more
euccesafal or raore intelligent. Why
should not any roan be loth to kilo° such a
country? Long may Ontario continue to
hold a foremost place among the nations
of the world for advanced agrioulture.
The British Postmaster -General now
• gives compensation up to £25 for the
loas and damage of inland registered
postal packets of all kinds upon prepay-
ment of a fee in addition to the postage.
This fee either consists of or includes in
each case the ordinary registration fee
of 2d, and the scale of fees and the re-
spective limits of compensation are as
followt ; Fee, 2d ; tlimit of compensat-
ion, .25 ; 3d, £10; 4d, £15; 6d, ;
6d, £25, Subject to certain rules the
Postmaster -General accepts liability;not
eurceeding £2, for unregistered letters.
'This is a vast improvement on the Can-
*ellen system. Lfere a person has the
privilege of paying the registered letter
fee, for which the postaffice authoritiee
exercise a certain ,care 4:'orer the letter
while in traneit but under no eireurn-
stances will they hold therneelves
sponsiblesfor the loas of a letter whether
registerecUor unregistered,
By an at of the ;:Provincial Legisiat-g
ure passed about two years ago the
granting of bonuses by municipalities to
industries :wee made illegal. The act
was hailed with delight by the provinoe,
as the bonus business had been vrorked,
to suoh an extent that it was nothing
short of a huge farce. Most recent
events vrill,'hovrever, have the effect of
almost nellifying the good done by the
anti -bonus act. The town of Strathroy,
represented by Hon. G. W. Ross, and
the city of Hamilton, represented by
Hon 3. M. Gibson, have each seoured
special act enabling them to override
the anti -bonus act, and now conies
Brantford, repro eented by Hon. A. S
Heady, with a requestfor similar legisla:
Etion. The fact that all these speciall
favored municipalities are represented
by cabinet ministers is significant.
equal rights to all, special privilegea to
none, should never be lost :sight of :by
our legislators, and the illowat Govern-
ment had better either repel the act
against bonusing or refuse to grant any
exemptions from its operations.
2'o the Editor of the Exeter Times.
lt might not be out of place to direct
the attention of the village council to
the prolonged chain of mud puddles, ex-
tending along the side walk on the west
side of Main street. The mud holes are
not only offensive to the sight, but
horses attached to hitching posts and
stamping at the flies, squirt the dirty
water over the sidewalk, store windows
and pedestrians. A short time ago a
young lady, while walking along the
aidewalk, was splattered from head to
foot with water. The fad is that the
Main street is being allowed to fall in t o
a state of gross neglect : for several
years it has been robbed of its just and
necossaryamount of gravel, consequently
it is becoming flat and the water does
not drain off properly. The loose sand
which was dumped into the gutters last
spring, only makes matters worse, as it
filled upthe gotten entirely, and 'lessee
dig out holes in it, which are converted
into mud puddles, The stone crossings
also project above the level so as to en-
danger both horses and rigs. And yet
the grass waves peacefully over gravel
in our byvvaysand hack streets where it
is not needed. Ragereven.
About $8,000 in taxes have been paid
already at Seaferth, which is oonside
geed record,
Duncan Campbell of the 16th con,
Grey, has sold his fifty aores to his neig
bor, Wm. Turnbull, for $2,800.
A proposition is on foot to do away w
the three Reding allows in HarOU 0011t1
And to unite these into one county fair.
The joints anmuseles are so labrioat
by Hood's Sarsaparilla that all rheennatis
and stiffneas soon disappears. Get on
Mr. Guy Bioko of Goderith townshi
haft bought from his father, the 80 ao
farm on the 12th con., being lot 34, for t
sum of $000.
Mr. Jtenee Campbell, of • ltdolCillor, ha
a neeale eetracted from his arm this wee
itheala had been there for over a year an
was the inutile of ranch pain.
All disorders emend by a bilious state
the system, can be cured by using Carter'
Little Liver Pine, No pain, griping o
discomfort attending their use. Try them
Rev. Dr. Carman, General Superintend
eat of the Methodist Church, has bee
asked to draw up a pastoral on the piebis
inte to be read in all the ohurchos of th
A few nights ago some one stole oat of
field, a set of iron harrows belonging t
Mr. Edwitid Wise, of Goderich township
he ix in hopes that they may be returned
but his faith is not very etrong,
It is with deep regret thet we chronicle i
the death of 3. B. Secord of Varna, who
passed peacefully away on Friday last, at
the age of 58 years. Deceased had always
enjoyed good health till a little over a year
ago. Dropsy was the cause of his death,
Be was the first post master in the vil-
The Goderich youth, William Ashley,
who pleaded guilty to the charge of at-
tempting to utter a forged note at Peter -
bore, was allowed to go under suspended
aentence by the magistrate. His eider
from Goderich and his brotheren-law from
Lindeay were there and pleaded for the
prisoner, and the court geve the youth a
(Mance to do better.
A. convention to organize the South
Riding of Huron for the coming election in
connection with the Plebieeite, will be held
In the .Presbyterian ohoroh, on
WedneedaY, Nov. let commencing at TO
o'clock a. m. .All residents in South Enron
as outlined for Local Legislature purpoael,
I Me, W. White, of Elihhert, who*, pur,
pose it is to work ea fast as possible into
dairy fanning, went to Berlin on Friday
. last and beught two handsome Jersey cowls
from Jam reanal„ the great Jitney import.
red er and breeder. The °owe are from im-
ported pedigreed steels, registered M the
of a.
h.- etr York Jeraey Cattle Club, the highest
standard register in America, and belong to
the mune strain et family thet the Reseal,
Ith dale herd—Mr. J. D. Stetvark's does.
mien rats x
ed \Mr. Eforn, of London tosveship, loot A
ra valuable span of horses Taeaday in a very
ly strange way. The animals were in a pas-
ture near the waterworks Londo:a, when
P" they atart ed to sink in some quioksand.
re Both the animals were released , but died
Ize helf an hour after wards.
Another oldl and empeeted resident of
a McGillivray hes ben called to rest. On the
k, 19th Mrs. /eurgeaa, after a short illness,
o died at the residence ef her sorten-lew Mr,
Wm, arraer. Deceased had for many
of Years been a resident of the townehip of
s MoGillivray, and won by her symPathetio
and genial nature many friends and the
res peot of all who knewher.
The following deepatoh dated Saginaw,
n Mien., Oct. 23, was furnished by the
United Press last night. The man referred
o to att mysteriensly Mining' is probably Mr.
Walton F. Hyman, of London• --"Walter
a Hyman, a soion of one of the wealthieat
o Canadian families, who was recently a
, lumber tobber at Gledwin, game to Sagie
naw lest week, He bad his camp outfit
here, and displayed seyeral hundred dal
lars n bills. tie sterted tor the woods, and
nothing ha been seen of bine since. A
telegram from Gledwin says be is not there
and his . brother, C. S. Hyman, an ex -
member of Pertiament for the county of
Middlesex, Ont., has arrived here to look
him up, ft is thought he has peen done
away for the sake ot his cash."
who are interested in prohibition, are invit.
ed to be present. It is mooted that Mr.
F. S. Spence, oi Totonto, the well known
temperance orator, will deliver an address.
One day recently McKinnon, of
Grey, was gonig to Bromele with a load of
at Dew r d b
, and e reg fond ot smoking, lit his
pipe and was enjoying his smoke, when his
Railway Accident. little son, who Was with him, °ailed his
attention to the load being on fire, and it
A collision between two G. T. It, was with difficulty he got the boy and team
World's Fair excursion trains, at Battle away from the burning load. The wagon
Creek, Mich. on Friday laat, resulted was burned,
in the death ch 28 persons and the in A. meeting of the Reuel: elevator woo -
jail of twice as many more. Among iation was held on Teay evening laigtz,i,
the killed were mans, CatEt essociat o
sernia, on on ma position, .11fessre.
011141 ace% The cause of the acoid- .T. R Beek and D. Urquhart were elseted
en t appears to be neglect on the part R,
in place of Metiers. W:Moir and
of the offieers of the eaat bound train R. Patterson resigned.—We are pleased to
) state that arrangements Ara almost coos -
the conductor of which received notice plated whereby Mr. John .Pope, tailor, will
to await the arrival of the west bound, be able to resume his business, Mr. W. R
There was some misunderstanding and Johnston, merchant of Loudon, wag in town,
the two trains met in collision, the this week, loelting up old Mende, and. look'
West bound faring badlir, while the east int; alter butsioese.
bound almost escaped uninjured, the It is not generally known that Ake,
engine haying been reversed when Carmichael who died in °theme recently,
noticing the approach of the other had retailed the great age of 99 yeara. He
train. Several of the cars were burned, was a native of the Island of Tyree in
as well as several bodies of human ..trrIk)ihireci, Sootland. Ile came to Canada
freight. The scene is said to be a After that /serer
me ma ionveedd at oytaari to ri?i el en Lartritee.
sorrowful and heartrending one, and old Bathurst:diatriot. In 1825 he removed
will ever be remembered by those who to Usborne in Ruron county wlaere he re -
'witnessed the rescuing of tbe men, sided until his deeth.
vvomen and child
ren, and the burn ing
of Y TO tialfr,-°7110,43 .4=31:1(i Apt( or—rewire was
cut off by the flames. Several of the
charred remains of bodies cannot be
recognized nor identified, among the
number belag a baby, The Conductor
claims he gave proper orders to the
driver, and thedriver in turn claims
he was told to proceed. Thia will be
settled at the inquest. At all events
the G. T. R. will have a heavy bill of
damages to pay, 'which will more than
swallow up their World's Fair traffic
Waif 1.7*.iter
The population of Berlin, Ont , is 7,565,
an increase of 372 during the past assess -
meat year.
A fire which broke oat in the engine roam
of Wm. Campbell ce Co.'s paper fact -
my, corner Tenth ayenue and, Forty-second
street, New York, proved one of the euost
costly in years. The entire Ere 'depart-
ment was called out. The aggregateloases
are placed at $3,600,000, of which Mr.
Campbell says his loss is fully $2,000,000.
The ineurances cannot be given for a day
or two.
A young man from Lisgar, named Wm.
Gibson, hired a conveyance at Brampton
on Sunday night to drive to visit a sister,
On approaohing a G. T. R. crossing the
horse became frightened at a train, over-
turned the buggy and threw Gibson in
front of the engine, which cut off A leg and
an arm. He was taken to Torouto.
A daughter of Thomas Williams, of
Drummond, near Path „found an old tin
pail embedded in tbe earth in the vroods
which contained between $300 and $400 in
American silver, the most modern piece
being dated 1853. It le thought that the
money was put there by Mr. Williams'
father whose memory as to the spot failed
A. sad accident happened Friday to John
McIntyre, a millwright and carpenter of
Fergus. Ho was having a large smoke
steak reified at Wileon's mill. When the
stack Was nearly in poeition, it, by some
means, caught his right arm with the
whale weight upoa it, and, nearly aeyered
it from his body a little below the elbow.
It was so fractured that it had to be atn-
The Hooper case is likely Ito coat the
Prorinoe of Quebec a pretty round penny.
One estimateeis that the total expenses will
be $20,000. The feet that no poieon has
bean fouud in Mrs. flooper'e stomach is
reseeded as a vary strong point in favor
of the prisoner. Prof. Ellis, provincial
analyist, vrhe has been for Borne weeks
pest carefully analyzing the contents of
the stomach of the late Meg. Hooper, hand -
din the restate of the analysis to *he
Attorney-GeneraPs department, which
states that no trade of polison has been
found in the oternaoh.
• Hamilton will tax the Grand Trunk
Railway 85,000 annually fer water. It es
evernated the Cmapaey was 300,000 gal -
1 nit daily, and M ;the preeeni pays only
ell 500
Mr. Chruttopher Cohn:03ns Crab!), men,
°hut, of Goderiola, died Friday night at
the Advanced age of 81 year. Ur, Shrebli
was the oldest eituten of the town of Gode.
rich, and the oldest morthant in the Huron
tract, Re WAS One of the pioneers of Godo-
. Mr. Crabb was Mayor of Goderieh
and representedthe School Board for years.,
He was a Coneervative in polities, and once
was a candidate for West Huron. Mr.
Crab]) led a very exemplary life, and was
one of tbo landmarks of the olden times in
the early history of Goderioh.
Twenty three yeara ago, while Will Jack-
son, of Clinton, was cleaning a pane of
slass, he shoved his band through it, mu-
ting his wrist by the broken glass. Atter
the wound healed up it would trouble him
more or less, though little attention was
Paid to it. The other day a small sore
broke out on hie band, and after teetering
for a couple of days he pulled ont of it a
small piece of glass, which he has evidently
been carrying about all the years.
Mr Thomas Gouriey of Fullerton, will
retire from farming:ma move to Mitchell..
James Wright, of hlitebell, while at-
tending a mare on the farm of Wm. White,
was kielted by a colt, cutting off the larger
part of his lower Up.
The jail statistice of Perth Courtly for
the year ending September 30th show the
number of persona committed to be 125.
Of these 82 were of intemperate habits.
Dyspepsia in its wend forms will yield to
the nee of Carter's Little Nerve Plitt,.
They not only relieve present distress but
petarreantgutsti. en the stomach and digestive ap-
Rey, W. J. Taylor, of St. Marys, has
declined an offer of the pastorship of the
Church of England in Owen Sound, ren-
dered vacant by the superannuation of Von.
Archdeacon Mulholland.
On Monday morning as Mrs, Jamea
Canning of Mitchell, stepped ont of the
back door of the residence ef Mr. W.
Schafer, she slipped and fell heavily upon
her right arm, breaking it badly al the
Mr. S. A. Cameron, proprietor of the
Albion hotel, Stratford, was out shooting
Monday afternoon. When climbing oyer
O fame his gnu was accidently digolearged,
the contents entering hie right gum between
the elbow and shoulder, shattering it ao
badly that amputation wag eorisidezed
A meeting of the electorate of CSonth
Perth and adjoining counties will be held
in the opera house, Si. Marys, on Friday
afternoon, 27th lime Addrerees on the
political quo/Kong of the day will be ieliy-
ered by Mr. Dalton MoCerthy, M. P., Col.
O'Brien, M. P., and other ongoing*,
During the very stormy Friday mishit of
last work, the rain beat into the rear of
Mr. Henry jarees' stable near his &story
On the rivet flats, Iditobell, and started a
heap of fresh Time to slaek. Before morn -
Mg the building ignited from the great
heat and a disastrous fire was the
an the enable were three home, but ea* of
them, a stallion, was gat eat. The other
two ware burned, th
Sir John Abbott's coudition shows muela
.A petition has been filed against the re-,
turn of Chits, Adams, the localmenabor for
The death is announced of Mr. Win.
Ross, brother of the late Senator Ross and
Mame. John and Frank Roe, with whom
ne was engaged in no in Quebec!.
At a meeting ofas Cormetvatives of the
north riding of Ifenfreiv, at Pembroke. Mr.
John Delabey, Cobden, was eeleeted es
their candidate for the Ontario Legislature.
Enoch Short, of Brendan, aud formerly
of Wallaoeburg, Ont., him been arrested at
the instance of the Bank of Montreal,
charged with obtaining money under false
Joseph Hargravee, mats and hie son
Johu belonging to the steamer Riverside,
now given up for lost were residents of
Platen, Ont„ or its near vicinity, whore the
elder owned a farm.
Theorise of McAlphino vs. Graham, a
suit for breach, of promise of marriage, has
been eettled out of court, The parties live
in Masa, and it is understood that the de.
fondant pays plaintiff $1,200.
M-,. David ira-aeq, a:C'neassesan
ebilder,""ot ofteirpb, who had the (Motivating
contract for the new opera house, was kil-
led by a walOillieg on hitt:, while directing
the workmen between 5 and 0 p. ro.
Dr. 'Time reports that lar. Neil Cam.
mine, of the 8th concession, Chatham
townehip, is the owner of a cow that gave
birth to a pair of hialves a few days ago.
Previous to this aho had twice twins and
once triplets, reeking nine altogether in
four births,
When a dootor cionsidere it necessary to
preseibe sarsaparilla, he sinaply orders a
bottle of Ayer's, knowing full well that he
will obtain thereby a surer and purer pro.paration than any other whir% the drag
store can furnish, A.yer's Sarsaparilla ig
the surerior medicine.
in Saturday's official Gazette, applioation
is made for incorporation of Molars. T. W.
, aonburg and others as the
I Mercer Manufacturing Company (limited),
I to deal in agrioultural -machinery. The
bead office of the company is to be at
Alliston, and the capital 3120,000.
Mr, W. A, Mallory, of Mallorytown,
Ont., isaye:—My daughter suffered for
yeara from a most distressing and annoying
eatarrh. Her case was under the treat-
ment of eminent physicians in the United
States and Canada. Two months me of
Nasal Balm has had more beneficial effects
than all former treatments combined.
Sold by all Dealers or by mail
postage paid, on receipt of 50o. for small
31 for large bottle, by addreesing Dr.
Williams' bled. Cce, Brookville, Ont.
&URNS. AND SCALDS.—If you are SO Un-
fortunate as to injure yourself in thig way,
we can suggest a remedy that will (we
speak from experience) soon relieve you
of all pain and quickly heal the wound; it
coats but twenty five cents for the new big
bottle and is sold by all druggists. —Ask
for Perry Davis' Pain ICiller.
An Ottawa gentleman states that Mr.
Caroming]; M. P., disposed of his gold
mine in North Hastings the other day to
an American syndicate at a figure In the
vicinity of $50,000.
For every ill nature has cure. In
the heating virtues of Norway Pine lies
the cure for ooughs, colds, croup, asthma,
bronehitie. hoarseness, eto. Dr. Vi'ood's
Norway Pine syrup eepresents the virtues
of Norway Pine and other pectoral remed-
ies. Price 25o.
There ig no remedy or oombination of
medicines that meets so many require -
mints, as does Burdock Blood Bitters M
ite wide range of power over ouch chronic
diseages as dyspepsia, liver and kidney
complaint, ecrofula, and all humor e of the
blood, EE
- 113 13. B. STOOD TBEST.
I tried every known remedy I could
think of for rheumatism, without giving
me any relief, until I tried Burdock Blood
Bitters which remedy I ran highly reoom-
mend to all afflioted as I wee.
'HENRI SMITH, Milverton, that
Retztraireriers Ounen TN Deer. —South
American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism
and Netralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3
days. Its tuition upon the eystem is remark-
able and myeterious. It renaoves at onoe
She (settee and the disease immediately dis-
appears. The first ides° greatly benefits,
75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 818
BELIEF //1 Slx HOLUM—Distressing Kid-
ney and bladder diseases relieved M sir
home by the "Great South American Rid.
ney Cure." This new remedy is a peat
gurprige and delight tu. physician,' on ac-
count of its exceeding promptnese 10 re
lieving pain in the bladder, kidneyeebaok
and every part of the triaary passages in
al Leninlo. t relieves 'Mention of.
fender and resin in passing it alost Maimed.
slaty. 11 you want quick relief and oure
is is your remedy, Sold by C. LUTZ,
Lira vilitisiny.
To many people who have the taint of
involute in their blood. The angonies
°tweed by the dreadful running sores au4
othersuanifestations of this diocese° are be-
yond clesetiption, There is no other
remedy equal to Heed'. Sarsaparilla for
serofulassalt rheum and every form of
Mood. disesse. It 15 reasonably sure to
benefit all who give it a fair trial.
Rood's Pills oure all liver ille.
Valuable F„,attin
Pterguant to the authority vested in me,
/as Assignee of the Estate of HART
MAN HAPPEL, 1 will offer for sale
by Public Auction, by E. Ilossen-
berry, .A„uctioneer, at the Commercial
Hotel, 'in the Village of ZURICH,
in the County of Huron, on
Tuesday, the 7th day oiloventher, 1893
At twelve o'clock, noon, the following
valuable Property: VoKtrealta
In The Tawnelnp of Hay.
lsi.—Parts of lots 19 & 20, in the -VOMIT.
coseion of the Township of Ray, containing;
15e stores. On this property is erected a large
brick house, briek kitohen, with wood sheds
and everything necessary to make a house a
convenient aud complete dwolting. There are
41$0 large bares with stone foundations and
tattle sheds underneath, together with stablee
and driving abode. The lend is watered by a
neyer-failing riming, from which the water
is Pumped with a windmill. There is a good
orchard and thirty acres of fall wheat. A
large quantity of the land is at present seeded
down, The eon is a clay loanin a good state
of cultivation. This p report), is situated half
a mile from the village of Zurioh and Ave and
e half rialto from the village of Hemel!, and
is one of the best and most desirable farms in
tho Oeunty of Huron, everything housg
class order- „
2d,—Parte of lots 217iliririla-firt col'—'737;
si ea of the saidTownolde.ofllay containinglas
eons. On this property is created a frame
house and frame barns, all in a good state of
repair. There is also le good orchard covering
about two acres of ground, :Cho soil la a clay
watered with a never failing sprepg,
fromiwhich the water is pumped with a wield
letil• This Peonerty issall seeded down amities
been need for pasture. It is situated two and
a half miles fromZurich and three andeone half
from Remelt, This is a very desirable and
woottottlutted propert,,.
sh1.—Th7North part of lot 17, in tho leth
eon, of the !mid eownship of Hay, containing
70 acres. ort this hiroperty ois erected a good
i"ua`l fled kitoliee end also a good bank
g re in first class re..22.,, el •
threThere is also a good orohard coverki about
e noreS in god bearing
oNo:lama, This 110
For firs't-olass tTn7
derwear Ladies
and. Gent's, you. can-
not get better lihan
those shown by J. P.
Clarke, -
Omni Srai
Boot Booand Shoe
must be sold this month.
Now is the chance of a life
time to get good cheap
footwear at
The People's Shoe Store
Next Door to Post Office.
is the
iand is all olea d...SO own, and has
been need for paste& It is situated ono Dello
asetop y iffesalpilelloerrend is in evorY ressoot a the t•
4th.—The North half of Lot 22, end the South
half of hot 23,10 tho 35t11 Conceszion of the
saia trotnebto oil -Tay, containing one hund-
1Vd acres. On the South belief this ;property
is created a log house and frame barn, aud on
the et orth half a frame house ani frame barn:
Theseil is clay loam, all cleared and seeded
down, and has been used as a pasture. It is
situated three miles from Zurich and nine
peonrstat,n, and is in every reSpeot a
5th.L-Th0 0 entroli-a7tiqTirrirtir -
cession ofsa.id. Township of Hay, containing
50 gores. On this'prdporty is erected a good
frame house nearly now, and frame barn,
The land is a clay loam, an cleared and
well watered. There is ids° a good orchard.
Tale property lain !heti class orderan d is in
ovary respect a desirable pieoo of land.
=TOM k Village :of Zunch.
oth—Park lot n, in Rnoll survey, in the
village of Zurich, containing lour ()Area
twenty *four perches, This property is
known. as Rappel's tax mill. It is a conipioto
flax mill with. all the necessary machinery
and plant in good running order, and has
been and is now used as a flax mill. Besides
the fax ruill and plant there is a frame
house, two barns :each a hundred feet long
an it stabling for eight hovel. This mill is
situated in a good locs.lity and is in every
respect a first class property.
7th—L0t BO, in Eneirs survey, On this
Property is °rooted a, annul brick house 28 x
30, together with a small frame stable.
8th—Lots, 83;84, 85 St 86, in the said survey
On this pronoryis created two frame houses
and two stables. The houses have been
continuously and aro each reality rented at
.84 a month, and ere at the present time in
the hands of good tenants.
Village of' Exeter.
9tb—Parts of Lots I, 2 & 3, west side of
Main St., William. Giddloy's aurvoy in the
'Village of Vacate?. On this proven y is erect-
ed a large and commodious brick dwelling
house. This is a good property, and anyone
desiring a residence in Bxoter find a1l).
ever3 respects first classproperry.
Chatte/ Property-
m—Also at the same time and, place will bo
offered for sale the following chattel property:
—9 horses, 6 sots of double harness, one top
buogy, 4 wagons and racks, 1 binder, 1 seed
(4111,1 sulky hay rake, 2 sets iron harrows.
copper Kettles, 2 iitx seeders, about,100 tons
of hay and about 300 bushels of oats. Also a
lot of forks, shovels and other miseellaneous
artioles, too_numerous to mention.
Further particulars and conditions will be
made known at the time of sale ,015d may be
had from the Au etioneer or 11. E. Johnston,
Esq„ Zurich, and the undersigned.
Dated this 245h day of October, A. D., 1803. I
Now open.
Oysters served by the dish
oz sold in bulk.
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
Wedding Cake boxes kept on hand.
VOR the removal o
A. 'Worms of all kind
from Children or adult
prompt, reliable, sate and pleasant, requitiag etc
after medicine. Never failing. Leave no bad af
effec". Price, 26 yenta Per BtNE
Although others may imitate our
goods, it is only for a day. We keep
continually changing al' getting the
prioes down.
We lead, others follow, It wo have
led the most of them too far. We are
now in the very depths of low prices
and our companions are few and far be-
We will not be undersold in Parlor
Suite, Bedroom Suitea, ming Room
Suites, Halls Rack -e, „titer Tables,
Lounges, Fancy Chairs Book Cases
Secretaries, Picture Fraines; Cornice
Poles. Everything In Furniture.
Unclerteking in all its branches.
English Spayin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blame
ises from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splinta, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
eto, Save $50 by use of ono bottle
Warranted the most wonderf al Bleihish
Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Drug-
ish Sep 18,'93
A wonderful new combination is R.
Stark's Headache. Neuralgia and Livia
Powders; Moe to take and perfectly harm.
less. Mrs. Gaston, 22 Inchbury street;o.
Hamilton, another well known citizen;
testifies: 'laving given R. Stark's Head-
ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders a fair
trial, I tun willine to bear testimony to
their efficacious effeots. I have derived
great benefit from them, having been
long time a sufferer from headache, bilio
nests and neuralgia, Mr. Alexander *
oar, the well known contractor, Hampton,
says: "I have much pleasure in recoin-
mending R. Stark',, Headache, Neuralgia
and Liver Powders, as after a fair and
proteauted trial of the same 1 coneider them
a very valuable remedy for el:Olathe and
biliousness, well worthy of t onfidence
of the public, and far ourpa ng many
others of considerable repute,"' Price, 25c.
O box. sold 'by all medieitte dealers.
[Mono 1VIMite]
16The only Scientific and Pracbical
tric Belt for General Use, producing a,
Genuine Current of Electricity- for th.e.
Care of Diseases.
containing fullest information,list of diSeaseS”
out of Bell arid Appliances, priees,.swern tes-
timonials and portriets 101 people, who have
'been oured, etc. Published in Reignite, Ger-
man, Swedieh and Norwegian languages. This
valnabte catalogue or a treatise of rimturo
cured with Elietric Trues will ibe sent to any
address on Receipt of six cents Postage. -
The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance go:
201 TO 211 STATE -9T,, CHICAGO, ILL.:
Tha lergeet Electric Bolt atabliiibraeot
the World.
Wh011 visiting the Vircald's Pair, do not talk
io moo De. Owen'e Rehiblt infilleetniejtx.
liniedine, election II, Sparse L
(mszmott TOTS.EATA1I1L.