The Exeter Times, 1893-10-26, Page 61N$UR&NA l
I NR$T1JLItIorr,AG1~NTi'on
i Toronto; #
B O lu.
o to, also for the
FITtNI 1145014lt'NOIiA COMPANY, of iiondon;
p _tr1a#d.A144I1CE IhNSURANCE CRM -R a,a
To Mereliants
We will be much
pleased sQd to lilt' your
orders for
aas ,
Either from stock
or factory at best
current prices,
J. GRIGG, Exeter..
Vankrupt tr6
For choice Dress Goods
LlalAp.1D INTO
barriers into Public Favor.
set of ourDress !soode has been
tel. The new Hopeackinie in
shot effects etre decided lead -
ne bound our of:er of 13 �pioeov
t' Tl,,:,o, v
'berge,Y for 30c per
tblic e,;1 Le;ilit3 ln'd� to -day another Tot leftof
sea ` e711 nue. If you want some of
3h Wpupular :i0c Dress Goods for 30c
come quick, as this is the last repeat for
thin season_ Buy your Jacket, Dress
a'nd Hat front us. We ran and will
save yea motley,
oboe to Times' Readers.
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
'eader,s trould,aohen tna,hing their purchases,
lrentten that they sate the merchant's adt+er.
isement in`Tion renins.
ger Io.
THURSDAY, •►Ay, OCTOBER 28,1893..
• tare..,,,W D. Weekes, left on Friday
night for irl`o World's fair, Chicago.—Mira.
-Fuifend of tlricago, who use been visiting
Mrs. McCord the past few weeks Left for
hotxe last week• --Mr, Donald McInnis
has :��rel
trne.i home from
the World's y s fair;
He was on the second section of the Di-
late I train from Chicago in she collision
at Battle Creek. -12r. F. Knight Left on
Friday night for the World's Fair.-- sir.
F. W. E`arncombe, of London,<oas in town
this week on professional business.—Mrs,
Parsons is viiittng friends in Bowman-
ville.—Ser, Ed. Bissett .,has secured a
lucrative situation in a hardware store in
Pcreet, and left for that town on 'ildnday.
x.�'1 e were 50 applicants atter the vacancy,
—Another Huron boy goes up ! Gregory
II 1I. Tom, son of Mr. James Tom of this
Ialaee, has been appointed' Principal of the
Vancouver B. C. city schools. ---Mr, R. B.
Collins was in 'reroute the latter part of
last week on professional business.—Mr.
and Mrs. J. Clark of Seaforth were guests
` at Mr. W. Southcott's this week.—Mr. G.
G- Johnston went to Toronto this week
to huntup snaps for his customers.—Mr
Edward Carley has gone to Morden, Man.
where he has secured a situation.—Mrs,
R, C. Akins ofSherman,. Texan,•- who has
1 eenspending the summer with her parents
and Mrs. '
of Palmerston was
in town this week visiting her aunt, Mrs
P. Lang, and left this (Thursday)morning
for her hotne;. her 'cousin, Miss I3ene,Doelds
accompanied her as far as London.—Mr.
'rhos:. 'Ieldon of Ingersoll la the guest of
Mi:' Geo. ,Samwell.-1frs. McIntyre of
Sarnia is visiting Mrs. Dr. Lutz. -Messrs
Hoskin, Reiland, Dearing and Cornish are
expected home from the Old Country in a
ow days.—A' large party of sportsmen
Cre lion'
d ft left yesterday for Muskoka.
ever. John Heywood and his daughter,
Ure 1; Parsons, left on Friday` last for
World's' Fair,
tovi '
an Iowa wa S.rito. , They will be absent a
couple of months.
aIltin r of the reeves . chair occupant
for 1804. ,It seems that:'several conoi
u I,
men are inclined to write upon theirapple
cart, 'Barkie le wiilin.'' But what will be
; the ultimate result he .evould'be a good
/ . ro he
p p t who would undertake to forted at
the present time, ipie,
i3 regales.
till JElsllow E'en is. coming.
A large variety of Lathes' Black Hos-
iery, at J. P. Clarke's,
Last year it snowed Oet. 5. Tide year
it has not anowed as yet, a very unuaeal
Judge To
me ill hold Voters' li
st courts
in Exctor to -day, (26th.) end at E:lirnville
en Friday.
The masons .have finished, Pickard's
ew building, and it will be ready for oc,-
cl'by December cu ono
Dec b laE
The Dominion Government have select-
ed Thursday, the 23rd of November, as a
national Thanksgiving d , It le the
same date es the United�talea Thanks
Loose paper flying about the streets
nearly caused two horses to run away an
Tuesday, People should be careful in
throwing paper away, not allow it exposed
to the wind.
During the past week there here been
two persons in town looking for empty
houses into which to move. We have not
learned their success, but belioxe vacant
houaea are scarce.
Special timelines are being continued in
the }dein at. church this week, oonduoted
by the Rev, Dr. Browning of Toronto.
Good work is being accomplished. The
meetin gs are aleabeing continued in the
James at. church.
The Ontario Government has resolved,
for the purpose of securing uniformity, to
issue atationery tor forms, etc., to ba used.
by the mxnicipeliitiee in taking the vote in
the Prohibition plebiscite en January let
One day recently Bennie Perker, a lad
of about 12 years of aue, son of Conduetor
Parker, of the L H, .d, 13., fell in a cattle
guard while walking on the railway at
Winghare, and broke his left arm near the
Air, E. Gidley, son of Air. Sandi Gidley
t this plies, who bee a lucrative situation
in Winnipeg, emit home laet weak a large
photo of the Winnipeg National base hell
team; in which Mr. G. played C. 1. This
tears are the clasanpioua of Manitoba and
the Northwest, and are a fine looking lot
of fellows.
On Saturday, Meagre. Jas. Acheson and
Jas. Btesett, went squirrel hunting, and In
the abort space of six hours shot 28 squiree
els and one fox. This is a good record and
caps anything we hare yet heard of. They
shot them themselves, which they are
Prepared to prove and would like to hoar
of any two who can beat it.
Mr. F W l+arncemb et London, formerly
of time nlaeeia engaged in an exteueive sur-
vey in she Township of iiullett for thedrain
age of annte 3,000 acres of land,which will
neoessiteie the deepening of the South
I3rareh of the Maitland river some six
miles, thus reclaiming the above uncultiv-
ated property belonging to farmers of the
lfrebop Baldwin, having' appointed Sun-
day, October 29, a day of intercession for
Sunday Scheele throughout the diocese, a
special scrt-iee and sermon will beheld on
time day in the Trivitt Memorial church
when it is hoped all the pupils of the
school will attend, and also as many of
tt•e 3 ,...;,R are/ t ,,nde as ',n peeail:1 r'-
A large retail house in Toronto is aend
ing catalogues out to parties in towns and
villages, as an inducement to secure nail
orders for "goods. Partied allonld stick
theta in the stove, for ttvo renew; first,
because the prides asked generally are no
lower than eau be procured at home, and
seen:lied leeleauso every one who has
money ttlorrood,.tdt .tId invest it in the
businese hotline of their own town.
Some misunderstanding exists in the
minds of the taxpayers about the 5 per
cent additional that will have to he paid
on all taxes not paid by the 5th of De-
cember. The ilea is firmly established
that the 5 per cent. means 5 per cent, per
annum, but this it not the ease. It meane
5 Bente addataenal on every dollar whether
the taxpayer is ono day Iate or one year
behind in hie payment.
Take a leaf of a tree or abrub,place over
it a stnall piece of white linen soaked in
spirits of nitre, and insert between the
leaves of a beery book with a sheet of
paper to receive the impression. Lay the
book aside for a few days and then exam-
ine. The leaf will be found devoid of
color, which will have been transferred to
the paper in ell, that oxigtnal beauty of
tint and outline of leaf. So says one who
has tried the experiment,
On Monday Exeter presented a busy
appearance, the streets being thronged all
day, The reason, in the main, for this was
the feet that large aninmonts of bore .eat-
tlo and lambs were being made from the
station by Messrs Pridham,ll'. P., of Ful-
lerton, and Rich Delbrid a of U b
8 , sono.
There wer eeome exceptionally fine animals
delivered. Eight hogs purchased from
Mr. D. Bell of Howell weighed 2,200 lbs.
They were only six months old, and
the finest, ever shipped from this
Tho Delineator for November is the first
of the three Great Winter Numbers, and is
a splendid specimen of this nopular magaz-
ine. All the needs of ladies, misses, and
children are fully considered in the styles
for the coming season, tihich are sensible
and beautiful in themselves, and are most
attractively displayed. A sr,,eeial article
on Dinner and Evening Gowns will be
appreciated, at this time, as will also Two
Menus for a Thanksgiving Dinner. The
Tennis article treats cf Mixed Doubles and
Tournaments. There is a well-written
paper on Cbildren'n Associates, and an
original Fancy -Dress Drill • for an equal
nnumber of boys and girls. An article val
noble to the housewife for its suggesstive•
news is called As Winter Comes On, and
the second instalment of }leasehold Reno-
d elsith svelte ells a d
n floors., Around
the Tea Table treats of current fancies
she Floral article for the month is on the
culture of Lilies, and entertainment of
A utumn days and relaxation for the longer
evenings is provided. in A Harvest Home
and a Geography Party. In addition there
is continued Instruction in Netting, Mutt.
ins, Crocheting, Lace -Making, .etc., eta.
This magazine should be in the hands of
every housekeeper. One year's ` subscript'
ion, al; Single Copies, ee, 15contraAd re
orderso' The t e Deline'tor Publishing Co.
Ltd.), 33
Richmond d iset
Mr. Robert Haines, a steady, respectable
farmer of the sevehth con., McGillivray,
attended the • Western Fair and hoe not
returned home since. Though efforts have
diem made to diecovex his whereabouts,
his disappeaiame remains a mystery, and
his laoaiiy are becoming ansioue as to his
fate- At the: time he left home he had
some 070 on Ins person. Unless he has
met with foul play, his disappearance. can.. (
not be accounted for,
While assisting in placing the iron
luxe in the new store of Richard'.Etiettard,it,
San on Friday , t y morning last, .'Ver. Bert.
Enke met with an accident •which might
have •proved katal, He was guiding the
pillar, whoa the rape by which it was held
gave way, allowing the heavy column. to
fall upon i
p n h ar 'knocking him .down and
crushing hie body against the joists of the
floor: Mr. Howard who was also assisting
noticing that the pillar would fall open
Mr. Puke, jumped on one end which e;
tended over the edge of the wall, thus
'breaking the force of its fall, otherwise
Mr,. Fake would have been killed. Mr
F. hem since been confinedto his, bed but.
isdoing nicely,
A. County Show
At a meeting of the South Huron
Agricultural Society, held on Monday
at Exeter the secretary was instructed
to correspond with thesecretaries of the
other Riding Soaietios, asking them to
have the question of the amalgamation.
of the three Riding societies with the.
view of holding one grand County Show,
brought before the members of their
respective Societies at the next annual
meeting, and if the proposition be favor•
ably entertained, to appoint delegates
to meet with dele,;ates from the other
Riding Soe:e' les at a conference to be
subsequently held atthetown of Clinton,
at a date to be fixed. The idea is that
instead of the Riding Societies amal-
gamating with a Branch Society, as now
for the holding of a union show, that the
three Riding Societies unite, and by
amalgamating their funds, hold one
large County Show. Itis expected that
in this way, larger prizes could bo offer-
ed and a larger and better show secured
than has yet been got in this county.
The scheme is a good one if it cast be
carried out. Oae of the dif ioultios will
he to secure auitable grenade and build-
ings for the holdingilf a large show, and
an ther to get the various, i,ltegest4rd.
parties toagree on a point at whish to
hold the show. These, however, are
difficulties which should bo of ercome.
We hope the other Riding Societies will
co-operate, and that there will be a con-
ference at any rate. Huron could get
up ono good central show.— Seaforth
.t. Successful Its -opening.
The re -opining of the Caren Presbyterian
church, which was last spring badly
wrecked by a oyclone, took place on Sun,
day and Monday last The attendance
was very Iarge at each service, the com-
munity generally &hawing their sympathy
with the congregation in the loss anntain»
mrd, by turning out en snares. Sunday
evening scores of people could not gain ad-
mittance, to the obnreh, owing to tbo largo
crowd, while on Monday the body cf the
church would not nearly accommodate the
visitors, and orowds had to leave content.
ed with their tea only. Tha sormone
preaoheri by Rev. elr. 1tLcLeren of Knox
College, at both eervicea were eloquent
and fuatructive, and lister ed to with rapt
attention by the largo congregations,
The :eameeting u,, Mendey _gee user of
moat eucoetefal ever Iteld ie. town, and
every respect pleasing to those who jots
in the festivities, the platform meet
being addressed by several clergy from
diskaneo, as:wc'11 as resident rniniote
Altogether the affair was a gratify]
success, and the cougregaticn of the p
h5 tartan church can pride themsclvea
having held a most sueceaaful re-opanii'
both in matter of ento'ta}nmer-t at: t fr
a. „ louetary paint of .View, the rens,
from tea and colleotien amoundag to 0
5250, The thumb bas beer' greatly
proved, the pulpit moved to the east
and the seats reversed, while the el
occupies an alooye behind the mist
Other improvements to the interior 1
alto been made, while the main walla I
been lowered a couple of feet. altoge
preventing a very much improved app
tea, etc. Judges to be fifers fro
distance. Address challenges to John
McLennan, Porter's
Bill, ??. 0, r
'The Dress
advertised a
ed l
week e are up a
are now in stock, also colored Military
:Braids, at J'. P. Clarke's.
The largest stock of flannels we have
over carried, and prices all reasonable,
et J. P. Clarke's. '
Row to weigh a hay stack: 1Vleaeuro
the length and breadth of the stack;
take k teight from the
ground t
eaves, add to the last one-half of the
height from the eaves to the top; multiply
length by breadth, and the product by
the height, all expressed in feet; divide
the imount by 27 to find the cubic yds,
which multiply by the number of pounds
supposed to be in a cubic yard, viz; in a
staok of new hay,1$2pounds avoirdupois
each; if old hay, 154 pounds each.
Srltrxo Poon,
At thin season of the year when horses
and cattle are being taken from green food
and pat ou dry, tbey aro apt 10 pct out of
condition and_Ios° flesh, getting .a poor
start on a long hard winter. A amati n-
veatmentm Dick's Blood Purifier would
avoid ;hie as it etrengthens the digestion,
gives it good appetite and tones up the
whole system. Stook raisers who use it
do not have the ehagriu of seeing their
animals come ant spring poor.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. P. Kelly
of Blyth who' has ro'ioherl home from his.
trip to the Old 0onntry, is aerioualy ladle -
Mivard's Liniment is used Physicians.
0. 0. Eloaaitns & Co.
Gents, --My daughter was suffering ter.
ribly with muralist). I purchased a bottle
of MINARD'S LINIMENT and rubbed her
fare thoroughly. The pato left her and
seb Fl tw
e all till morning. orning. Next night
another attack, another application ,result,
ed as provioualy, with no return since.
Grateful feelings determined me to eaprons
myself nnbiiely, 1 would not be without
MINARD'S LINIMENT in the house et
any coat,
Parkdale, Out. J. H. Litxtilsx.
liittard a Liniment ouroa Dietamper,
UOOPEit,--10 Exeter o„ the hath inst., the
wife of 11, Iioobor of a daughter.
LAUGTJLTN.—In lIcGtllivray on7the9let hat'
the wife of James Laughlin of a son.
COATES••.WI•ISTCOTT—At Douglas, Man„ an
the 17th inst., Mr. RiobtirdGoatee, of Ushorn°
to Mies Alma, daughter of Mr. James West -
colt. of gins, 14tat ., formerly of Usborne,
Mali Lr ily—at URRAY-4t Ilio Mauve, I{iiiponl
on the 18th inst., by Bey, S. Acheson, 'Air.
James aleCuot, of tho township of Gosfeld,
taMurray,oldstnnghtofMo r.RobrMutao
Ofintii"i 1;OURLE1'='•lri Ktrkton, on the
lsth Inst
of the bride's mother, Mr. Wm. Crory. of
Deborno, to Mite*Reel:met Gourley, of Kirk -
ten ;;vii y 11 i nNns4,16,".1C11.F.S;,f:9mPs
it; i t1 001t—At the residence of
ri:Coning, Itttir ,T T Ralph, of ath Logan t to
Hannah, Youngest daughter at' Wm.
:wood, Esq., of Mitchell.
Tt it . -•In Tuokersmith, on thol3th ins t
ca Walters, aged 8t year,t.
RD --At Varua,nn tho 13th 'net., J. Be
rd, aged 6s years,
PON—I0 latytb. on tiro 16th inst., Ilenry
aged'sU yuan, 9 months, and •14
ER --In Goderioh township, an thol6th
Jacob Miller, aged 70 years,
IANIS Zn Mitchell, on the 15th inst„
John Williams, aged 62 years, 8 months
15 days.
Ladies get your fine underwear at the
Exeter Woollen Mills. 2 in
The Clinton Newa-Record has donned
a new dress, and looks well.
Just to hand, Grey and White, Cream
end Black Stracantt, at J. P. Clarke's.
Choice patterns inEider cloakinge for
childrena' wear. Come and see them, at
J. P. Clarke's.
Twill sheeting, white or grey, 1 yd
wide and good weight, only 30 ots per
yd. at the Exeter Woollen Mills.
Nearly the whole o£ Apple King
Lang's apple purchase will go to Winni-
e and the
Canadian Winni-
peg gNorth
A correspondent says: --Alexander
Johnston, of McKillop, removed to
Exeter last week, where he will reside
in future
The offertory at Trivitt Memorial
Church last Sunday, goes for the support
of the Episcopal stipend of the Diocese
of Algoma.
The Cloakings and Velvetings and
Black Worsteds, are to hand, and better
values we have not shown, at J. P.
The weather here continues fine, and
building operations are being proceeded
with uninterrupted. Farmers are also
preparing for winter.
Bishop Baldwin invites all the clergy.
and laity to attend the Huron Lay
Workers and Sunday School Convention
at Woodstock on November lat and 2nd.
Several care of a freight train were
derailed at the Exeter station on Satur-
day, owing to a defective switch. It re-
quired the aid of two engines to replace
then. No damage was done.
The McCormack Binder Company,' of
Chicago, have decided net to establish a
Canadian branch. They will, however,
leta contract ,for 1,000 binders to .a
Canadian firm,'' and the Maxwell Com-
pany may got it.
The Rev. W. McDonagh, will, by
request of the Exeter
L. 0. L., preach
a special sermon mon
the Orangemen men of
the surrounding district, on Sunday,
Nov. 6, at 11 a. tn., in the Main Street
Methodist Church.
John McLennan, of Goderich tome-
ship,the fife
r, challenges any fifer in
Huron, Bruce, Middlesex., or Oxford,
(barring Reittey Armstrong, and son
Wilson,: of Stanley, who are kings of
there all) to play for from $25 to $1,000,
'Will play from one to sixteen tunes,
comprising jigs, reels, hornpipes, straap.
Great Clearing
Sale is in full
swing. Ules.
vie are making spacial
drives in Ladies', Misses',
and Children's wraps of all
descriptions. The truth is,
we are overstocked and want
the money, in fact must have
it. Call and get a bargain.
Men's & Bo
These goods are moving
very fast withus, The prices
are making then move. If
you need one, see our stock.
Ladies' Furs.
Great big bargains and
goods going fast. Just think
of it, Furs at about two
thirds the regular: price.
You will miss it if you do
not see thein,
Was never
so large. Our rices neve
p 1
so small.
Call 'on, us for
new suit and Overcoat.
Rp l
., PiSon
tilt: s
Direct Importers,
In fa: t we have been busily
engaged for some tlt,
the multifarious details involved in the choice
selection of a complete line of
Fall & Winter Dres Good
our competitors make any she
season, they will have to w,a o
clever work to duplicP xxi �yrorcl tzwp uvoodxano
nifioent collection of materials r, o acih
that we have gathered together for .Q� =f ea
and our.�
Qustomers'profit. We `�441, trotq
have secured many exclusive and inimitable . �q
Styles. We have' been forced to inspect many
limes of samples, and to bring 1=1 great deal of experi..
once to bear to make our choice properly, but we hoe, ve
have succeeded as in previous seasons and werr,
iso you h
Positively the
latest designs
in every class of Goods we carry. To get
the right styles at the right time and at
the right prices is something that all buyers
appreciate, whether in Color, Pattern or Price.
We know that we have the best. You can prove our
statements by inspection.
J0 'ik\i1ftVS
Oct. 28th, '93
A specially prepared list of Bar-
gains for Bargain Day,
CA,pia. RTLif
5 lbs new selected Valen.
tia ruisin0 uv
5 lb bar soap 25
9 Bars Electric Soap 25c
500 Orient black tea 38
35c Black tea 28
10c Box toilet soap, Cas-
tile 08
fi0c Table linea 38
25c Do 20
36 Yds towelling 3
Good,wide factory cotton 4-
350 Factory flannel 20
$1.25 Blue -black coating 90
2 Pieces opera flannel 10
On all lines of Dress Goods, Flan-
nels and Overcoats, Goods mark-
ed in plain figures.
Shop early, as the store will
be crowded in the afternoon and
-.. G. Johnston.
Sale Register.
Thursday, Oot, 26,—Farm, farm stock,
implements, etc., the property of Dennis
McGee, lot 222, S, E. 13, tlsborne. Sale at
one o'clook, H. Brown Auot,
Tuesday, Nov. 7,—Farm Stock, Imple
meets, etc,,the property of VVm. Warren,
lot E ?s 6, oon 4, Hay township. Sale at
one o'clock. W. McCloy, Aum.
Wednesday, Nov, ►1st.—Farm Stook
Implements, oto , the • property of Wm.
Somerville, lot 33. con •4, llthorne. Sale
at one o'claot. No reserve. H. Brown,
Tuesday, Oct. 3lsi.- Iaxecuters' sale by
auction of the doettler Estate, at Fuller-
ton village at 2 p. in., a handsome brick
house, heated by furnace : large rooms and
in good order. A saw mill with all the
machinery for making cheese boxes, chop -
plug grain, making oiler, apple butter,
and jelly. Moat be sold to close up the
Estate. Abort 3 acres of land in the
premises. Messrs. Leverage, Porteous,
& Courtice, Executors ; Jos McIntyre,
Auol., Motherwell P. 0.
Staff a.
linters.—The return gums of football
was played, between Dublin and Stella
teams at Dublin la66 week, and reunited in:
a draw, each side scoring a goal. The
game was friendly throughout, and the
Dublin boys behaved like gentlemen.
Another game will be played in the near
to decide the tie. =-• The
limber is being drawn to ereot a
.new b
Iaokamtt a
h shopM .
on r d3othaui, s
corner, Mr. Cameron will rent the shop
when finished, --We arepisased to see the.
snail}ng oountenanee of Me. Fred Chubb
among us, on his extended: visit in the
East.—Mils Poliman, of Mitchell, has
started dressmaking in Mr. Sadler's store'
—Miss Lillie Heron is visiting friends in
Alonzo' Wright, ex --M. P., an Wednesday'
evening slipped on: the steps ria his sesf-
denee at Ottawa and dislocated his
Fadi wheat4x ter, Ootobor,16th. 18911.per bneh ...»...., .e, tet g lig
Snr ing wheat ppor bush......... e0
Barleeret.buth 68 30
bull 2
Oats per b `3
Peas per bush» d0 60
Flour per bbl . 4 00 4,00;
Apples Per bar. ,
Potatoee per baa 50 50
iiay per ton».,y » B 00 7 00
Wood per cord hard 300 3 a0
'Wood oer.eord soft a 002 W
Iluteorperlb,., 29 20
Epee perdaaen.. •.••,, ld 14
Pork per hundred »,,
Hoge, live weight..... —
8 7u 6 00
Winslow's Seath ng Syrup bits been need fl£tir
rears by millions at' mothers for their children
while teothing,wi th perfect auceese. It soothes
the child, eoftene the gums, allays the pain,
cures the eolfe, and is the best remedy for
Diarrhoea. gs i every pert 01 heAworld: 5ocents
a bottle. Iia value ie incalculable, Be sure ..
and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind.
Minard's Liniment cures tiphthot ie.
.bout nine bemire~ d p nongnre left the
Union atation, Toronto, ou Friday foe
A surveyors levelling rod, with eanvtre cover,
No use to any ono except owner. A liberal re-
ward wilt be 'girth by leaving same at this
10 RENT.
.The upstairs over Elliot Elliot
office. Suitable for offices etc,,
3t ELLrO r & }�
Servant Girl Wanted,at once, apply to Mrs
.1. P, Roar Exeter
` 4001 It>f
t- "le'.•
1,1y to
Malo or Female, holding S000nd Class Pro,
fessional Certificate, Adorees, stating salary
wanted. Tenders to be openedLonda even-
ing, Oet. 1011, at office of W. J. WILSON,
Secretary Greenway, Ont.
$t .10 RE WARD,
Will be Offered for the appreltonsion or con-
viction of asp person Or pe Mane, trespassing
On, or destroyirs
ng the hotel property in Exeter
JOI3N ROESSER, Benmiller.
Strayed from Lot 4, eon. 5, Tray, a white
steer 3 roars old, fairly straight horns; last
seen about two months ago: any person giving
information that will lead to the recovery o
same will be suitably rewarded and expense$
paid. J. N. HOWARD, Exeter.
Salesmen , to sell our o_ri hoioe and hardy nor -
eery stook. k.M Many special 6 a1 vA ilei
to offer
bothi u fruits attd ornamentals.and controlled
only by us. lye pay commission or salary.
give exelusiye territory and pay weekly.
Write us atonee and srcure choice or territ-
RAY BROTI{ERS,N*ureerymen,
Roo hester. rr 'Y,
The undersigned offers his two rte for
sale, comprising lot 13, 7th °encessiot f 'Os-
born e, and lot No. 1, 9th ouncessie I. in the
fore -mentioned Township ,containing ono hun-
dred acres each, Both Farms aro in good state
of cultivt lion, with good buildings and pro-
ductiveor�obards, and novor•falting wells. ad-
iacenttri churches erd school house.. For fur-
thor particulars apply to
5 t. Thornes. On e
A. JONES, M. D., C. M.,
• F. T. M. C.; N.L. C. P. S, O.
Phyaioian, Surgeon and Aocopchour.
Centralia, - Ontario.
Office Near Station.
L. D.
• CLI1V20N,
Will be at Grob's hotel Zurich
on the second Thursday of each
month and at fodgin's hotel.
Ilensall ivory Monday.
Tho - Exeter = Found)"
And Alaahitie Works.
The undersigned wish to inform the untile
generally, and the farming community in
hr-ticulsr, that they are fully prepared o
all kind Of
Repairing on short notice and .a
close pricos,
We Manufacture GANG PLOW
Castings of every description in iron anti
Dress to order. Steam Piping and Braes Work
generally kept on: hand. (grain Crushers re -out
n short no iso.
JAS. 1 tuntUA.Y Ss 00
The Oid Verity Works.
0). be