The Exeter Times, 1893-10-26, Page 1TTIE BEST
Advertising Medinra
At the Label.
See if -You ar
-VOL. XXI. NO 11,
JOHN- WEX1 &£00Ms
Pubillabens and Prevelissiose
Do You Want
InvBB, °gem ".
Ii a0, come to R. MeGOWAN'S,
where you them of the
Closest Cut Prices
Tomeet hard times.
Highest oath price paid fpr farm
General Merchant. Kirkton.
Balgre..-1Kr.T.Lawtoix, whoaomo time
ago left this place to reaide in Toronto,
was in our midst buying cattle; he suc-
ceeded in securing a car load which he
ahipped on Wednesday of last week for
Toronto„ -Revival meetings have been
carried on in the Presbyterian ohuroh,
all last week by the Rev. Mr. Campbell
and others.-Mtss Maggie Cameron
bee returned home from ttie World's
fair, Chicago. - Mr. Mills station
agent spent Sunday Visiting friends at
Glaticieboye.-The members of the
guild of the English church very taste-
fully decorated their cliureh with
• the yields of the harvest Such as grains
• vegetables and fruit. A harvest ser-
mon was preached en Sunday evening
by their pastor Rev, Air Holmes, --Mr.
Will Rodg.ins, Richard Jermyn and
W. Grant Jr., have gone to site the
World's fait -11. Lang has been Aifeel-
g villa disposed oi late, We
wish, hin4 peedy. recovery.
Ministers, Lawyers, reaohers, and others
whose commotion Rives but little exerome,
should use Carter's Little Liver Pills for
torpid liver ond billowiness. One is a
'dose. Try them.
•••••••••14.1...1.2•00•••• 1
A. lot of money by purchasing your
Underwear from us:
This is a fact known to all who com-
pare our prices with those prevailing
around us.
The Best Qualities,
The Least Prices,
It will also be to your interest to see
our new stock of Dress Goods, Mantle
Cloths, Tweeds, Flannels, Ready-made
Overcoats, Etc., Etc.
R. S. Ford & Co.
• Bunsire.-Mr, F. Hudson has shipped
one of his hay presses to Ripley, where
it will be engaged for some tirae.-Mr.
Jno Brown, edttor of the Clandeboye
Expositor will take a few weeks' holi-
days in the near future. It is under-
stood that it will be for matrtmonial
purposec-Mrs. George Sellars left for
Sarnia on Tuesday morning to attend
the funeral alter cousin, Ur. Albert
Bradley who was killed in the Accident
et Bettie Creek on Friday lase
- we •
AcornasT. -A lamentable accident
resulting in the death of a young man
named George. Perkins, occurred hare
last week while returning from Can-
trell" to his home near Clandeboye,
While lighting his oigar the light from
the matoh amused the horse to spring
forward and the young men to fall with
a thud that dislooatod bir spine. The
lad lived but a few hours. His friends
have the sympathy of the neighbor-
hood in their trouble.
Baneese-Died in Parkhill. Mary .Ann
wife of Mr. Geo. Simpson, tformerly of
lttoGillivraY. The deceased has many
friends and relatives here who mourn
her death, -Mr. I. Ernest Abbott has
returned frons his trip to Deloraine.
Manitoba, and says the harvest is past
and the threshing ended and he is
home safe. Snow is four hushes deep.
Bemire -It would be sad indeed if
Atm tioneer Carling ceased to wag his
tongue. For several days he has been
suffering from quinsy, but .continued
"in the evvina" all ter as sales are con-
cerned. -The Olin ton Organ Co's works
are very likely to be established in
Elora :shortly. All diflioulties have
been removed and satisfaotory arrange-
ments arrived at. -Margaret, relict of
the late John Beacom, is dead. She
passed to her reward at the residence
of her eon Thomas, Bayfield concession
Goderloh, Township, last Sunday,. Her
age waa over 75 yeara.-There was
only a few months between the de-
ceased's depatenre and her late hus-
band. -Mr. Jamas Fair has placed at
the rear of his splendid and extensive
roller flour mills n water tank that will
hold no less than 300 barrels. It will
be supplied from the pond and !will
always be full. in case of firethe sup-
ply of water will always be greater than
the demand.. -We regret to learn of
the serious illness of Mr. Chas. Spoon-
er sr., of the Grand Union. He has
been confined to hie room for several
day s. -Mayor eicTaggart has received
an levitation to be present at the un-
veiling ot the Sir John Macdonald
atatue at Hamilton on November eat.
-As announced in the daily press
throughout the country, Mr. John
Hunter, of the London Road, has been
missing for two weekaor more. Recent
losses in Montana silver mines caused
him to become somewbat demented.
Every day searching parties were
formed, but no tidings of the missing
man could be learned, On Sunday
evening he was found in the hay mow
ot his own barn, somewhat weak from
want of food. Great regret is express-
ed on all hands, as Mr. Hunter has
always been an excellent cittzen. -Mr.
Will Muir, son of Mr. W. Muir of town,
was married in Winnipeg on Saturday,
14th to a lady of that city.
Minard's Liniment is theBest.
Balers. -Mr. Thompson, teacher in No.
3, Usborne, does not intend remaining
Another year. Hie ability will command
success at whatever he attempts; The
trustees of No. 3 intend hiring an assistant
teacher for 1894. -Mr. Fred, Hackney sue-
eeeds Mr, Beattie in Lumley sehool.-Mr.
A. Robertson has reatoved to hia new farm
neat Farmalaar--We are glad to know that
Willie Brawn, of Farquhar has recovered
from the typhoid fever
Dann oz Itn.leamicza Weeeetts.—.Ate-
other of the Tuokersmith pioneers, its the
moron of Mr. Mutual" Welters, has palled
to the bonnie from which no traveller re -
tame, at the ripe age of 88 your. ttr.
Walters settled in this part of the country
Nome 55 years ago, battled with the hard-
ships gee dieeouregemente of pioneer
made farming a memo, and althotigh re-
tired from active labor for a number of
years, resided on his farm until hitt death.
His wife, and a family of four daughters
and one son survive him, all of whom are
settled in life. The disease which caused
his ?elate was congestion of the lungs, from
which he suffered but three day.
(Too late for last week)
Bazerm.-Mr. and Mrs. Maus of Teehe
tack aro visiting friends and Erelateres
the vicinity at present. -Messrs. IL and
J. Kellerman have Engaged Miae Capling
ef Ayr to take charge of their millinery de-
Peettneat for the mistime -Mr, Chas. Peitz
returned home last Friday evening from
Bad Axe and Bay City, Miele. where ;ha
took in the Emmet. Charlie says he let the
Yankees know a thing or two ---Mr. Henry
Willert ahippod another carload ()flambe to
Buffalo lest Thursday. --Mr. Anglia Mo-
Cormieltelrew from Goetz's mill to Exeter
station, 4000 ft of bass.woed lumber in one
load, Who can beat that 7 -Mr. Zaff, the
Greed Bend tailor spent smote! days in
our burg lately. It seem% as if all the tailors
wore coming to towe.-The wind literal on
Saturday did mach :damage to fencing in
this seetion, also demoralized telephone
wires between here and Grand Bond ad
Exeter. -Mr. Henry Guenther who is at
present down with tveteeid lc= ic still
very low. -Mr. Fred Baker is shipping
basswood and elm lumber this week. -Our
book agents are now on the road selling
everybody swill books as Oath them to
be then own laweer, doctor, methatne, etee
People will soon learn how to live aeonom-*
ood Values
Fall and Winter Goods
A. Specialty.
A Fine Range of
Ladies' Mantles
•, $5 & Upwards.
Millinery Stock complete in
all the Leading Lines,
VET CAMERON SNIVEL Barrister. Baal -
tor, Conveyancer: Offioe Main -et.
Oen be consulted after office hours at the
Commercial Hotel. Rensalb
WANfED-Qat, large auantibe of oast
oleos. white oats, wanted at the Hamill at -
meal Mills; Present price 20a, A quantity ef
feed on hand cheap. D.URQUBART.
WANTRD-8000 bus. rood heavy wheat at
once at Remelt Mille. Highest price will be
paid, and one cent extra for every pound over
000E BROS.
Ginti.xer.g.taren Sarx....Tn order to reduce
meters. stook and raise money, I have deold-
ed to eell away down below anything that has
75t bean offered, Remember thie is e. genuine
sale as I am bound to redoes ray stook mut
raise the mono, therefore no roasouablo offer
will bi refused. Give me a call and be convin-
ed that we mean rrhat we say. Satisfaction
guaranteed or no sale. Remember the stand.
MoEwon's Block Renter!.
JOE N Pon, Prop.
Do you knew that Wesoloh is the leading
Boot aad ehoo man in Itho county, The beet
Goods, newest solos, best fitting and lowoat
Przoes are &lime/ found with him. Ladies Rid
Buttoned Shoes at $1,25. Mon's Long Boots at
31,50, Childree''S Shees50. Viremeri'm Buff Bats
roe sit muffin other Goods equally as cheek
Sign of leis Boot. A. Will811140n.
Following are the market quotntione ;
Wiest 56 to 58
Barley 36 to 36
Oets ............ 28 to 28
Pam .......... ..... 51 to 51
Hay .. .. 6.00 to 7.00
Batter • .1t/ORG•gt. 2 Oto 21
Eggs . ......... ,.. 14 to 11
ifogs —5.75 to 600
Clover seed. • . .. • •
Bantrs--Mr L. Petty has bought a, farm
on the 2nd concession Hey, and intends
moving on it this week. The efarm tires
owned by his uncie, James Petty. -M -r
Walter Petty lets hired with his hrother,
Qeo 0. Petty, to help in the peolsiog house
and Will move into the house yaet,teclby his
brother Look -Mr Mat Elwood, our town
barber, who has beeu absent for about a
week, returned home Tuesday night and
brought with hint et partner iu life. Sue.
nese to you Mat .-Mr Ed Willis of Exeter
ran the barber shop for Mr Elwooct during
hia absenee.-Mr John Sheppard shipped
several car loads of cattle last week from
this station, -Quito a number attended the
tea meeting on Monday mete at Exeter. -
The RT.of Teintend holding a tea meeting
on Thuraday, November 0 Look out for
further particulerea-Mr E. Rennie and
wife wore visiting Mr Rannie's father on
Tuesday -Mr John Patterson is hired
with Mr jolin Coulter, who is tree:slug a
home on his vacant lot to reut.-The tax
collector was making his round this week
but will bo beak on November 23. -Cook
Brae are running -their grist mill day and.
night in order to fill their ordere Mr
august Ehnen is nielat miller. -Mr }Toney
Litiesc,ehipped several tons of onions. They
seem gbeiewhat scarcer this year than lust,
and the pewee are somewhat higher. -Mr
G. McEwen wet4ondon lest Thursday.
_Business title weelesie. 4Iomewlmt quieter
in our town, owing to the hue. weather. -
Mr Wni 13e11 returned from tlhe World's
Pair last Friday; he says the crown: vas
too largo for him. -Mita Maggie Brownie.
returned home on Tuesday, after severed
days' visit at Olinton.-We aro glad to an-
nounce that Mr John O'Brien and Miss Ella
efeeheraon, who have been sick for some
time are fast getting batter. -Mr John
Cowan of Ailsa Craig who took suddenly
sick last week, Wal removed to his home on
Saturday, and we are glad to learn he was
none the worse for the removed -Messrs
Geo McEwen and John Pope were at Dash-
wood on Monday. -Mr D, Weismiller was
at Zurich on Tuesday. -Judge Tom of
Goderich was in town on Tuesday revisiug
the yotenelist. Also wasLawyer Dickeon,
Exeter; Arch. Bishop, M. P.; and. Sam J.
Latta and Philip Sipple of Zurich. -Mr
Geo C Petty of Sarnia has moved back to
Bengali and taker. charge of the Yorkshire
peaking house, and is now preparing
everything in good shape, and. will be
ready by next week to buy dressed hogs
and pay the highest market price.
Minarde Liniment for rheumatism.
Beters.-Feratera are busy ploughing. -
Mr. Plumley's pig bas returned home and
the dentist is happy. Ile only extracted
five teeth however. -Mt. tT, Ottnteron is
quite an ametioneer, and did oreditably M
Barrel eEseery's sale lent week. Us is a
talker, and Orem promise of beooraing a
Batmen -Rev J, Simpson has been
seriouely ill for several day% and fears of
bi recovery are entertained ; he seeme to
be a little ember, and we sincerely trust
that he may he restored to health and
usefulness.-Tbe sale et Mr. Duncan's
stook an Wednesday, was not as suceessful
as anticipatebuyers seemed very rehire -
ant to invest, although the stock offered
was tholes and in good oonditioo.-Mr,
Scottie new ate:eels clearing oompletioneuld
will be a fine country store.
limers.-The Wineheleme Bolter Co.
closed their faotory on the 6th of the month
owing to the dry weather., which ;destroyed
the pasture. The patrons have had a good
semen. The management intend putting
in a ohurn and other eutehtnery and will
next year mike their own butter. Thin is
a apieedel point for a iacttory and we rue -
diet seems for the project. -Mr: Wm.
Creery having become tired of tiring alone
has taken unto himself a helpmate and
companion, in the person of Miss Rachael
"Gourley of Kirktoe. We join their many
friends in !Melling the nuptials a happy
!and prosperoue journey through life. -Mr.
James Ballantyne, at the axe of 85 is vary
hie recovery
!1st doTnubitlaishhis first
111"" and
(Tao tete for lest weat:.)
BRIRirS.-.Mr. P. Lamont's bloats is
about -finished. 11 11 going to be a grand
building.- Harry Smith, tailor, left on
Tuesday morning for Milton where he has
teamed a good situation.-Anotner of
titan) homey events took place in Zurich.
Mr. W. Hoffman was married to Mies
Clara Faust. A large number of persona
petbered ae: bet Friday night.
There were numerous end valuable pres-
ents which showed the high esteem they
are hald--Me Ort wain has movie into
Mr. E. 3. Hardy's holm on mill street. -
There is talk of the A. 0 Foreaters bolding
a concert in 4141 near futute.-The dredge
is about a mile from the Zurioh road; they
are making good. headway now. -Mr. John
Hall of Daabwood was in town on Monday
on business. -Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman of
Crediton were visiting at W. Hoffman's!
on Sunday last.-jeke• eferner is home
from a trip to the North, Call again 'Leese
-Last Saturday and Sunday, the storm
did considerable damage in and around
Dunzart & Co. have sold their
Ogle, of mannfaeturing oleau ing eom-
to a firm in Buffalo for a large sum. John
thistles of retiring -hum basiness.-Sam
Fritz has mewed Mr Paine s shed tothe rear
of his lot which was a very critical job.
But Sam never undertakes a job unless he
goes right through with in -Alf Faust re
turned home from Michigan where he
attended the Caledoniau games in company
with Mr. C. Fritz of Dashwood. He pays
Chita. carried away quite a numbez of
SLISPRISIC PARTV.—The party beld at the
residence of Mr. H. Weber's a short dis-
tance out of town last week was a decided
success. Dancing and other amusements
were indulged iu until elate hour. What
might have turned out to be a very serious
occident happened to two of our dudes who
were enjoying thameelves one of Mr. Web-
er's couches. It appeare thay were going
cul.ei a sUuri nut) whou u, pail of water
was thrown upon them and they were
Everybody dreads the coming
of :Jack Frost ; but don't worry.
If you come to the 13argain Depot
you can secure a garment that
will resist his every attack. From
the crowns of your heads to the
soles of your feet we can clothe
you comfortably. ,
—ENC., ETC.:
J. P. ROSS. Marzet Depot
nearly drowned. One of the boys lob! next
morning for the North and has not Talent-
ed pie but his friends hope ha has not
taken siok up there. It it rumored that
his best girl is living in the neighborhood
he streak for when he left end it is to be
hoped she will not Seep him oat too late,
as a relapse of the chill he received •might
prove fatal or nearly so. The other oneis
doing as well as niay be expected under the
e-eae-eT A
Send. 25 "Suulighi"Soap wrappers (wrap
per bearing the words "Why does a woman
look older sooner ellen a man") to Lever
Bros, Ltd., 43 Soott Be, Toronto, and you
will receive by post a pretty picture, fres
from eulvertiaing and well worth framing.
This is an mew way to decorate your home.
The soap is the beat in the market, and
it will only emit lo postage to send in the
wrappers, If you leave the ends open,
Write your addreescarefuliv.
Hem/sone FadallnEn.
Sometimes unsightly blotehes, pimple.
or sallow opaque skin, dentroya the Mara°,
tiveness of handsome features. Le ale
steth oaaea SOCA* Eninbrign rill bald nP
the evatem and impart freshness and
Dress Goods
Dress Goods
and Mantles
Just opened. out at
The ;argest Stock of
Dress Goods and Mantles
ever shown in Hensall.
Every lady is hereby
invited to call and see them,
ie. Pe ..-
Having visited the eastern markets last week, and purchased at a big bargain from four of the
leading houses in Canada,
We are enabled to
sell a first-class, silk -lined, fur -trimmed Jacket, at actual wholesale price, and would invite every lady to inspect this
Mammoth Stock of NEW AND ELEGANT MANTLES. Every Jacket this season's Style.
CO EF, LIN ILE% a 4 SEL Carl IS In :InkRGE
• ',see;
5, ,k
Dress Goods We also purchased at a bargain 60 pieces of double -fold, all -wool DressGoods, which we are selling a 1.1alf price. A big range of Corderoy
Velvets, all sh,
ades for Dresses, at 60c per yard. These are beautiful Goods, and will repay any lady requiring a l)ress, now or later, to
call and get one. The Stock and Prices cannot be duplicated. , • .
Bedv Ci •th —
, : We pride ourselves in this department, and carry the largest stock in the county, as a visit to our Store will verify, If
• •
aniade u ing you iequire an OVer00f1,t or Suib, in Men's or Boys'iwe can suit you, in fit,quality and price. Otir assortment is immense
In Boots ez Shoes we are the leaders and carry an juin:louse Stock. • We buy right and sell right.
Boots & Shoes ' '
r.amwell's 131ock. E. 3. SPAOK „.,,z,....„,,
, -I ...I
i:. ` A & 00.y 361eitera,"