HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-10-19, Page 8eastreseemieenesemeastsWareemereeermioneitsee INSURANCE RN EST 1 Lt,I(yr , ADEN Fort TRE WEB'd'E1tNASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto; also for the Pki lEg FIRE CNSURANOE COMPANY, or l.tondon; England. ALLIANQ) INSURANCE COM- PANY otEngland. '1'o Merchants i 31revIttloe Prof. Fletcher says that weevil in whoa- can be destroyed by bi-sulphide of car bon. Farm stock sales are quite numerous of late, and in most inatanoea stock- fetches high prices. The goods and chuttele of the late Henry Yager of Dashwood have been restrained under mortgage and will.be aold on the 21st inst. `" Mr, k W, Daly, of Loudon, was united in marriage. Wednesday to Miss Bertha Diekson,daughter of G.N.A, F. T Dickson, formerly of Exeter. R. & Lang is shipping large quantities of apples to Manitoba these clays. The fruit is not plentiful, yet the price keeps. low, from 31.25 to $1.50 per bbl. Counterfeit 25 cent pieces are being at present circulated through the country. They are very bright looking, and are greasy to the touch, They eau easily be detected by the ring, A Portage lady wlio has had five ser- vant girls lave her to get married, adyer: tinea in a local paper for another one, but desir+•o it distinctly understood that any gill contemplating matrimony. ever so remotely, wilt not be eligible. It was only necessary to hear and inkling of the tact that the STArtAlmanac, of Mont- real is to be pobli.hed early in November to create a Iremendous demand for it. We hear the STAR Almanac this year is to oon-. dist of 450 pages. The country never looked prettier than it does these days, with great patches of oolor wherever there are trees to be seen. This isevidentlythe season when Nature prepares her eraz,y.quilt for the winter that is on the way. It is said that the Government purpose doing away with the large and small size postal cards and ieauing a medium size in- stead, Thle is done in view of the almost universal daznand for the large size, which causes a loss in revenue. Mr. Samuel Faneon on Saturday, alien- ed us two stems of raspberries, just taken from hie garden, heavily laden ,with ripe berries. They were only an ordinary sample of the large crop of second growth berries of which the fmnily have been Meeting of late. The Medical Associationwhen in seas ion at London visited the amylum and wero entertained by Dr. Buoke, the suporin. tendaut. Tha doctor reports iusautty on the increase, and saga that when he took charge of the asylum the liquor bill was S3.500 per year Now he uses no alcohol whatever, and the rate of mortality islower. Potato growers who supply the bulk of the ,ted: for market have learned that extremely early potatoes eeldom yield so well as those that ere late or mea: lure'. Not only is:itfouud to be better to plain pito varieties, but the planting itself is ilel-yed later in order to have the crop ripen after the summer heats have pas- sed Tire, TIMES this week is somewhat crowded with advortieementa, but arrange menta are in progress for improvements in the paper which will not only accom ipodate the iucreasing demand for space, bet also give our subscribers more reading matter; and we would ask our many readers to bear with ns until Nov.lst when the change will tike place. A ease of considerable interest to credit- or and debtor was decided at the ` oounty assizes at Barrio, Foreman Bros,, of Col- lingwood, were sued for adyortiaing ac- counts for sale, but the meso was decided in favor of the merehante inevorypar'!enter This deciders will dispel any doubt about udvertisingfor sale, accounts that business risen cannot take the trouble to collect themselves. n Fakir is going around the country and getting away witb a good many dollars of the unsuspecting youths in the following manner : On arriying at a town he gets all the boys he can to se'l pictures of the World's Fair and requires each of them to psis up a dollar as a guarantee of good faith. He gives them a few pictures worth a cent a piece and while they are trying to sell them the ,fakir disappears with the dollars, The high wind that blew over the virago Saturday night filled the streets with the creaking of signs and the splitting and tearing of canvas and boards .Loose fences were at the mercy of the gale, and not a few succumbed to the unusual ;pressure. Locomotion on the t t We will be much pleased to fill your orders for Wrappings, Butter Plates, Bags, Twines, Etc,, Either from stock or factory at best current prices, J. GRIGG, Exeter. ----THE Dig 9ankrupt itolic Par choice Dress Goods LEAPED INTO \\':tet Over all barriers into Public Favor. The suceeits of ourDress Goods has been phenomenal. The new Ropsackings in plain and shot effects aro decided lead- <ers. At one bound our offer of 13 pieces plain all -wool Dress Serges for 30c per yard Leaped into Public Favor and left us. We opened to -day another lot of this same line. 1.1 you want some of this popular fr0e Dress Goods for 30c e quick, as this is the last repeat for eason. Buy your Jacket, Dress and . at from us. We can and will save you money, J. A. STEWART, Notice to Thies' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favor if readers would,when making their purchases, ;sention that they saw the merchant's adver- Jsem, nt in TEM .£irrzs. Zile MOW .ginaUe THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1893. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. The ice man can retire on his dividends and let the coal dealer have a chance There are at the present time in Middle. sex county jail 32 male and 3 female prisoners. `Sabbath beeolrnatting,' might be an ap- propriate sermon for some of our resident ministers: !louses are vary scarce in town just mow. Every building,that is at all habit- ual is being filled, and still the oay is more houses. Several families moved into town this week. In order to make our first bargain day • a grand success, 10 per cent reduction on all lines of carpets,. Ready made clothing andlfnr goods, will be given. G. G. JoxN- .STON. Overcoats at $3 50, $4 00, $5 00 at John- •aton'e. Take advantge of our Brat bar- gain day, Saturday, and secure a winter overcoat at 10 per cent reduction on our already low prices. Some Oxford farmers who experimented in sun flowers this season have realized -oyer 500 bushels to the acre. If it proves as valuable as ensilage, no doubt it will be extensively cultivated in the future. Johnetou's best ulster frieze overcoats at $7.00, $10 ,and $l2 50,the correct thing for winter wear. 10 per cent reduction on our first bargain clay. Secure a fashionable 'winter coat as good as ordered goods. Messrs. Wm Holloway, Neil Yellowlees and Robt Down, of Clinton, walked to Exeter on Monday, a distance of 20 melee, an 4 hours. They did it for a lark, and were not walking against time. The number of persona committed 'to the tG'odorieh jail during the year was 51, the otal number of days for all being 2818. ho total expenditure for the year inolud- zng food, oiothing, fuel, light; repairs, and :salaries, $2085.x08. It is understood that Mr. Samuel Grigg, (manager of the Hotel /Manitoba, has been 'offered the management of a leading Chic- ago hotel at a salary.of $500 a month. This f ' ribute to the snecess with which he onducted the Manitoba. is the custom with -all progressive nts iu cities and large towns we s res s was accompan- ied with difficulty and danger, and only those who were compelled to face the storm ventured trom under cover. The rain also fell in perfect torrents. Quail shooting became legal on the 15th of this month, and very few have yet been killed. No true aportaman wilt this year fire on a quail. After the very bard winter Iast year those beautiful birds are extremely scarce and if the hunters will just deny themselves thio reason they will be more than repaid in future years. It would have beena good thing. had the Provincial Government issued an order in council forbidding the killing of quail this season. The bottom has dropped out of the Americas market, and it is doubtful if any of the buyers will bo able to take the lambs ;from the farmers at the prides agreed upon early in the season. John Freeman, of Buffalo, who has been fox years an extensive buyer in Huron and Perth counties, has been notifying the farmers of the former county that owing to the present state of the American mar- ket he is unable to take the lambs unless the farmers are willing to greatly reduce the pricer. We understand the reduction asked amounts to about ono dollar per head. The chimes of the Trivitt Memorial Church were hea rd to peal early yester- day morning. On Inquiry the occasion proved to be the marriage of Miss Maggie E. Logg, daughter of Mrs. Geo. Horton of Exeter, to Mr. Matthias Ellwood of Hensall. The bride was supported by Miss Emily Thomas, while the groom was assisted by Mr. Al Hast- ings. The bridal couple left on the morning train for Detroit and other places. Wo join their many friends in extending best wisheg. One day last week a tramp giving the name of McLean, and claiming to be a cattle buyer, was found ransacking the residence of Mr Win. Bawden. The family who were in the kitchen at the time heard some one inthe front of the house, and examining, found his tramp ship studiously surveying the surround- ings. The women were alone, and upon. asking him what . he wanted,' said he. would like Mr. Bawden, to advance him. some .money on 400. head of cat- tle in tho fair grounds. Mr. B. nob ided to institute a hargain day. beirigat home, he requestddMrs.Bawdeti' will bo onSaturday,Oct,21at,when to let hirer have $10 as he was a little qet the goods mentioned in our short a sum he required. This Mrs. IA at the wonderful reductions Bawden would not do ; and after a few 's. a.'a. ,30RN§Tox. • words the tramp left, no doubtcomplim outing himself on his easy escape, Yfraonate Mr. Beg. Elliott of the Molsone Bank. Toronto is spending a few days in town, the guest of hie relativae--Mr. Robert Pickard spent the latter part of last week .visiting in Brantford —Among those wb.o' left here en Fxidav for the World's Fair were Mr. Donald McIunis, of Usborue, and the Misses Curling of town --Rev, Dr. Browning the evangelist, preached in the Main et. church on Sunday last, and is holding special rettgione services during the week.—Judge Doyle of Goderieh held Division Court here on Monday, There war a fair docket.—Diies Lau Ciarke left for her home in California on Tuesday.— Mr. James Westcott of Douglas, Man., formerly a resident of Exeter, is in $town with several deer,a mooae,andan elk,which are corraled in the fair ground,„ The re- mainder of his menagerie has been dis- posed of in other places.—.lar Root. Pick- ard of Loudon spent Sunday renewing ac. qquaintaticea in to Mr Maven scud :f. P !soca, have returned bons the World's Fair, and report having spent a pleasant time, Mr John Farmer has also returned. —Mr Joseph Peart, who has been visiting Wends oast, has returned to town.—Mr. W. Johns, who has been 01 for some time is again able to attend to his duties at the shop'—Mr, Henry }faker and wife of How and City, Mich., who have been visiting Mr..B's parents in town returned home on Saturday last.—Mr. J. G. Emery, of Simcoe, formerly of Exeter, and daughter, aro visiting friends in town.—Mr. and Min Hannah of London sud Mina Slither - and of Hensel!, caned on several friends Here on Monday,—Rev. Softloy and sister of }remit were in town Tuesday.—Sever- al of the local sportsmen go to Muskoka. in a few days in quest of deer, -Mrs. Harold f Heosall speut Friday visiting friends in own.—Mr. Chas Jones of Butte City, Mont visited his sister Mrs, Tait, town, sat week.—Bishop Baldwin hat issued a circular ceiling attention to three mat- ers of interest. He asks a liberal response o the offertory for the support of the' piscopel stipend of the diocese of Algoma o whi„h the diocese of Huron is pledged or $700. He invites all the clergy and aity to attend the Huron Lay Workers, red Sunday School. Convention at Wood! November 1 and 2, and appoints unday, Oat. 29 as a day of intercession or Sunday Schools throughout the dio: sae.—M. Y. McLean, secy of the South uron Ag't Society was in town -on Mon - ay paying the prize money iu connection ith the late fair held here.—Mr. P. wden of Ridgetown, is visiting friends town this week —.lr. Ewing was in eeswator this week, •attending the ineral of his grandmother.—Messrs. W. Carling and Reg. Elliot, left yesterday r Muskoka on a hunting expedition.— H£re, Birth cf., C olorado is visiting 11 re, s. Town, -Mrs, John E. Dignan and ughter are visiting friends iu Fansviile i9 week.—Mr. Lv. Leyett of the state of fssouri, and, Miss Levott of Parkhill is siting friends in town. 1 0 E t 1 a e 5 e H d 13 In T f fo Ja da th \l vi Additional locals on 1st page. Butter and eggs taken as cash during our big b uilding and removal sale, R. PICKAitn cC SON. The largest variety of flannels we have ever shown m scarlets, pinks, garnets, light and dark grey, sailsbury's, also old hold, ahirtings choice patterns and fast colors, at J. P. Clarice's. For first class tweeds and suiting, also blue, brown and black beavers for over - coating, beside suitings, you cant get better value than shown by J. P. Clarice. A PLLeiBlrvfiS7`sii 9�. Of beallh and alrength renewed and of ease and comic: t follows the use of Sytup of Firs, as it acts in barm'hny with nature to effectually cleanse the system when Costive or bilious. FPI sale. In 75o. bottles by all leading druggists. PIClr' K. 0 AND SON'S Great Clearing Sale is in full swing. Mantles. Wo are making special drives in Ladies', Misses', and Children's wraps of all descriptions. The truth is, we aro overstocked and want the money, in fact must have it. Call and get a bargain. Men's & Boy's Overcoats. These goods are moving very fast with us, The prices are making them move. If - you need one, see our stook, Ladle9 Furs. ;;Great big baru':'ains and 000ds going fast. Just think tf it, Fars at about two hirds the regular'' price. You will miss it if you do not see thein, Ordered 5, C1•th thing. Our assortment was clover so large, Our prices never so small. Call on us fur your new suit and overcoat. -R Pick. Direct :tqaporters.' D !! Y Jo AT e�s Saturday Otobr 21si, 1813 Specially pre- pared list of bar- gains for Bar- gain Day, CASH ONLY 9 Bars Electric Soap 25c 4 Pkg corn starch 25 Our celebrated 25o tea 20 (5 lbs only to each cus- tomer) Our 20c tea Bargain Day 15 Canned salmon tr 11 2 Pieces dress meltons 12 .o for 6 1 Piece 75c wool serge 30 1 Piece 60c Tweed Dress Goods 23 1 Dozen ladies'long sleeve Vests 20 25 Yds 40o Tweeds 25 36 Yds $1 Scotch Tweed 65 750 Undershirts and Drawers 55 5 Spools sewing cotton (200 yards) (only 5 to each ens - tomer) 10 In order to make our fist Bargain. Day a grand success, or :ent on all lines of .Ready- made Clothing, Car- pets and Fur Goods, C 'oods`marked.in plain. .res. g Our well-- known el.l-know.prices prcevail- ng all over the Store G. G. hnston. We are tiri an.lis- .o I1r feat we .have been busily engaged for soiree time with the multifarious details involved sin the choice and selection of a complete line of w FalxWinterDres . s GrOQClS .. , If our competitors make any , showing this season, they will have to do some very clever work to duplicate the mag- nificent collection of materials that we have gathered together for our own and our Customers' profit. We .have secured many exclusive ' and inimitable Styles. We have been forced to inspect many lines of samples,°and to bring a great deal ,of experi-- - once to bear to make our choice properly, but we hope ,we have succeeded as in previous seasons and we pi' "i. ise you Positively the latest designs in every class of Goods we carry, To get the right styles at the right timiie and at the right prices is something that all buyers appreciate, whether in Color, Pattern or Price. We know that we have the best. You can prove our statements by inspection. DARLING BROS. THE FOREST CITY BUSINESS and SHORTHAND COLLEGE of London DOES NOT need to hold out such inducements as the payment of railway fare, guaranteeing positions, etc„ in order to secure your patronage. WE DO offer the most practical and thorough drilling in all` business subjects which it is possible to obtain. Wo havo the ziargest attendance and the most complete school in Canada. We solicit your patronage solely upon the ground of our superior training. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, Board $2.50 per weak. Catalogue Free. J. W. 17iWESTEIRVELT, Principal Exeter Municipal Council. The Council islet pursuant to adjoin' ment at the Town Hall Exeter, 13th Oe 1893, All present. Minutes of previous meeting real and confirmed. Mr. MaInnis called the attention of the Connell to a defective drain on Simcoe street. Tho ecouneil agreed to examine the drain next Monday at 11 o'clock p. m Christie—Carling—That the following accounts be psid yiz. ; bili Bissett, $10 00 street watering ; M Eaorott, 84 00 eelect- iug jurors ; Jae Beer, 34 05 selecting jurors and postage ; Murray ct Co, $13 10 sewer gates ; Bobier Produce Co., $5 3 coal oil : Arseott Walters, $75 for cuttin weeds ou Dr. Browning's premises : S. Stanlako, $2S SO lumber ; W. Parsons, 39 labor ; 'rhos Horn, $3 12 do , Jas Creech, $2 (10 charity to Mrs. McIntosh and Geo. Outlinero, $12 60 for balance of contract for well at To en Hall Carried. MrChrlstie reported the sale of the old watering wagon to Wni. Bawden for $12 00, and paid the same to the treas- urer, 1llo0allum—That the services of the !toad Commissioner be dispensed wiih. Not seconded. IttiOellum—Spackman—That the coun- oil adjourn until Friday the 3rd Nov. at 7,30 p. rn. M. EMMETT, Clerk. i'4.04 S Don't Swallow Seeds, St. Thomas Journal : Many people in eating grapes and other email fruits are in the habit of swallowing the seeds. These lodge in the appendicitis, a sack with a small opening attached tto the bowels and which so far as medical:scientists know has no function. .Che lodge- ment of a geed in the opening of the sank is the usual cause of peritonites. Indeed some physicians to -day say that it is the only cause of inflammation of the bowels Medical mon are now for the cure of the disease performing a new surgical operat- ion removing the tack or appendielti.. The first operation of this kind which has ever taken place in this city was perform- ed at Aimee Wood Hospital yesterday, by Dr. Meeks, of London, assisted by Drs. Fulton and Duncome. The patient was a ltd 9 years of age, named A. Glassay, who had eaten grapes, seeds and all, the seeds lodging in the appendicitis naming nflammation, The operation was suc- ceaafnlly pei formed, and the lad is rscovrr- ng nicely. Messrs. Elliot & Elliot moved into heir new law office, next to DRIBS office his week. For Ladies & Gents underwear, See hose shown by J. P. Clarke. Gents, ee our 10o. pr pair sox. R. Pickard & Son's new building is progressing rapidly and will be ready or occupancy at the appointed time. Bankrupt stocks and prices knocked iigher than Gilroy's kite during our real Building Sale. R. Brox/um & on . Noric> --ilr. H. rollick of Exeter is be authorized travelling agent of TIIa; Islas, to solicit subscribers and collect oney on account of subscriptions. The wet weather was disagreeable, ut it was warmly welcomed in the coun- rv.” The roobcrops and late grass were offering through lack of moisture. Choose a mantle or wrap from our xtenaive Imported Stock during'our reat Building Sale. 'R. PIcnARn & oN. The re -opening of the Owen Presby erian church takes place next Sunday. pecial sermons will be preached by ev. McLaren D. D. of Knox College Toronto, and on Monday a tea "meeting will be held., $8,000 in cash to be raised, and. we ill slaughter our superb: stock to do . R. P xaxARD& Sox.,, Ladies, you can't afford to F ass b urshow of .black and colored kidgloves n tans and browns at J, P. Clarke''s. We are holding the.fort for choice urrents, Raisins and Lemom Peels. env Fruit at J. P. Clark's. MARKET REZ3ORTS. 1. 2 a i 1 t t t s f S t T 0 b s t S R w it e i 0 N eixoter, October, 18th, X181) Fall wheat per bush. Spring wheat perbush.,....... 5 26 Barleener bush....., Oats per bush . , .• Peas per bush " ' 60 50 Flour per bbl Appioe Per bag.....,.,, 4 00 4 20 Potatoes per bag 50 50 Hay por ton a 00 700 Wood par cord herd3 'Wood per;oord soft......S 00 9 2O Butter par lb . 2 00 9.20 Egttm per dozen 11 Pork nerbundrod !loge, live weight... , 5. 6 00 The largest range of Dress fabrics ever shown, to be sold at aur mammoth sale. R. PIC:KARD .& Sow. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLn AND WnLre-TnlBn Bararny,-^ Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hes bed used fifty rears by millions of mothers for dr oblldrea whiletoothing,with perfect tunic : It soothes the olaild,softenathegum s,allays the pain,. cures the colic, and is the host comsat' for Diarrhoea, ] s pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its -value is incalculable. Bo euro and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. Alivari� isLiniment cures .Diphtheria.ereare ANTED. Servant Girl Wanted.at ono e, apply to Mrs J'. P. Rose• Exeter TEACHER WANTED. Malt or Female, holdingSecond Class Pro- fessional Certificate, Adress, stating salarr wanted. Tenders to be opened iuondayeven- ing, Oat. 16th, at ,office of W. 3. WILSON, Secretary. GroonwaY, Ont. ANTED. Salesmen, to sell our choice andhardy nur- serystock. Many special varieties to offer both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled only bf us. Wo pay trey or salary, wive exclusive territory and pay weekly. rite us at once and scouro choice of territ- ory. Melee BI:OTEElifi, Nurserymen, Rochester, N Y. Li STRAY CATTLE Came into the i:remises of the undersigned lot 25, 4th con ofllsborne, on or about 1st. Sept.. ono two year old heifer, and two year- lings. Owner can have same by proving prop orty and paying expenses. Wm. J. WILSON, Exeter Ont„ Usborne 15th Sent. 1893. HARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned offers bis twoVarms for sale, comprising lot B, 7th ooneessibu ,of Us - borne, and lot No. 1, 6th concession. in the fore -mentioned Township ,containing one hun- dred acres eaob. Both Farms aro in good state of cultivation, with good buildings and pro- ductive orchards, and never -failing wells, ad- jacent to churches and school house. For fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN CORNISH, St. Thomas, On t A. JONES, M. D., 0. M., • F. T. M. C.; M. O. F. S, O. Physioian, Surgeon and Actouohour. Centralia, - Ontario. Office Near Station. AGN EW L. D. S. DENTIST • CLTrY' 2•0N, Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich on the second Thursday of each month and at'rlodgin's hotel Hensel! every Monday. The - Eseter - gourde And Machine Works. d Tho undersigned wish to inform the .public generally, and the farming community in par-, tioular, that they are now fully' prepared' to do all kinds of Repairing on short notice and at close prices, We 1V.fanufacturo. GANG PLOWS, WALKING PLOWS, PtILPE:RS, BARROWS,;' D' ItOL, LEJi,�S, LAND Castings of every description, in. Iron and Brtl;te to order. Stearn Piping and Brass' 'Work genorallvkept en hand. Grain Crushers'ro-out an short notiiOS. SATISFACTION' GuaatANtgR» JAS. 11t7JFt7[vAV da CO. The Old Verity Works. : 4