HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-10-19, Page 5Mrs. H'. D. `Wast of, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. $200 Worth Of -Other Medicines Failed ,But ,E Bottles of Iloocils3arrse6purtlin Cured. "It is with pleasure that I tell of; tho great benefit I derived from hood's Sarsaparilla. For 0 years 1 have been badly afflicted with erysipelas breaking out with running sores during riot summer months. I have sometimes not been able to use my limbs for two months at a time, Being induced to try llooll's Sarsaparilla, I got one bottle last spriug, commenced using it; felt so much better, got two bottles more; took them during the sumnier, was able to do my housework, and Walk Two ieUiles whleh Iliad not done for six years. Think I am cured of erysipelas, and recornniend any person so afflicted to use Hood's Sarsaparilla Tour bottles has done more for me than 3200 worth of other medicine. I think it the best blood purifier known." hits. Il. D. WEST, Church street, Cornwallis, N. S. HOOD'S PILLS euro livor iris, constipa- tion. biliousness, jaundice, sick headache. 25c. It t rn..?* 4'7' • /'y.` CdRi iFICNY�V,`'' /DERFLlr t' Not only a rofiaf but a c:Ira for all kinds of Ham) PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS 8armloss. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. 13o sure you got STARE'S. PREPARED BY R, STARK, P4, 0.0. P,r CIIEkllcr IF$OM OLnseow UNivrns ry, SCOTI.AND, FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 I/CI 1 s it Sold Ins all ata sentare' pow Compound, BIRTHS. CANST,..In Exeter, on the 16th inst., the wife WILLTS�'In Exeter 1 North, on the 17th inst., the wife of Jamas Willis, of a sen. MARRIED ELLWOOI,-LOGO-In the Trivitt Memoria I church on the 180h inet, by the rector, Bey. F H. Fitt, 31r Matthias Ellwood, of Hens/ill to kiiss Maggie E Logg, of Exeter. BAitV1 Y -MOI TO$h..At Seaferth, on the lith inst , by the Rov. A. D. MaDonnld, D D Mr. Wm Harvey, of Logan, to Miss Tenn Mc- Intosh, of Grey. Ci*OWNOVEk-McGIEE-At the residence of the bride's parents. on the IOth inst., by the Bev. Dr,Cornish, Mr. Geo. M. Crownovor of Waterloo, Iowa, to Martha k7., oldest daugh- ter of James McGee, Fullerton. LUCAS-BAWDEN-At the residence of the bride's parents, Parkhill, on the 4th inst.. by Rev. J. Helium klr. Chas. II. Lucas, of IVMiddlemiss, to miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr; Geo. Bawdon. POWELL-CASE-At St. Thomas' Ohnrob, Seaforth, on the lith lust., by Rev, J. W. Hodgins. Mr. Charles 8, Powell, of Philadel- phia, to Miss Mary Isabelle, third daughto of Mrs. F. Case, Maple Hall, Soaforth. DALY DIXON-At tho residence of the bride's mother, London, on the llth inst., by 1113W. Dr. Amin, liortlia Madeline, Youngest daughter of the late G. N. A. 10.T, Dixon, formerly of Exeter, to Freddriok Wm- Daly, eldest sou of Edward Daly, Esq., of London. ((} DIED. COON*'n Goderich, on the 6th inst., Adam Cook; aged 78 years and 3 months. JONES -1n Seaforth, on the 3rd inst., Sarah Jones, wife of Mr. John Jones, aged 53 yrs. COLQUHOUN-In Hibbert, on the 4th inst„ Alexander Celquhoun, aped 85 years, 9 mos. and4 da's. YOUNG in Clinfon, on the 9th !inst., Wiunio Youngest daughter of Mr. Jae. Young, aged 16 years. MoDONALD-In Usberne, on the 11th inst." Mary Jane McDonald, aged 82 years, 10 mos and 28 days. 1%IQLEAN-At Riverside,Tuokersmith, on the 4th inst„ Idary Ann Modeland wife of John McLean, aged 30 years, 9 months, and 21 days. -50 YEAF4,5 EXPfPIEPICE. Tobacco bs one of fhe few articlk5 of manu act- • "tho5e real merit • can only-. be found ou by actual use. For thirty yearr.we have been rn- kin -the best rade or to -r a to- baccos. and we recommend PIAi .n w ... Uo CU as a reliable and .tsperior articlePace Tobacco Co, Richmond; Ya., and Montreal, Canada. 1 An Extraordinary Cow.:' The Ontario prese bureau special from the World's Fair, Chioagei, saws : The three Oaturio Shorthorn cows- Waterloo Daisy, owned by F Martindale, of York Fair Maud of Hallett, by Wm. Grainger, of Londesboro, and Lady Bright, by R Wright, of Guelph—which have been in the three dairy tests, wore shipped from herelast week with tsva calved. These cows have all made exceptionallygood records for Shorthorns, some times running as high as 50 lbs of milk daily. Lady Bright, who is neatly eighteen years old, must possess extraordinary powers, as she has rarely, in the whole five months, given below 30 lbs. daily, and has several times been in the 40's. A Pnoritsslox.a. pilNzoN. Rov, F Goner, M. D. of Listowel. Ont says regarding B. B. B.; 'I have used your excelleut Burdock Compound in practice and in my family since 1884, and hold it No l on my list of sanative remedies. Your three busy B'a never sting, weaken, or worry The Patrons of South Sinieee have nominated Reeve T, W. Lennox for the Dominion Rouse. CARE 'S I TLE IVER PILLS. CURE Biekjleadacheandreheve all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness Distress after eating Pain in the Side, ae. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet CAnTZR'a Lrrrrre Liven Pitts are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, Even if they only cured HEAD Ache the would be alm y est priceless to those who stiffer from this distressing complaint- but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so inauy ways that they will not he willing to do without them. But after all sick head is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. r C terra's TATTLE Lrvnn Pn.ts are very small and very ease to take. One or two pills make ad0tie r � Tilt a ;, > strictly vegetable � e ctalli and do not rit*r.r liar i lint by their gentle action please all who r deem In vials at 23 cents; five for SI 1 ev. i i 1 , re. or sent by maiL CO.,)tow York• D'ai mil Ma s {1} 0 {t} TT BOOKS. 0 {X1 L {X} We havo a full supply of all kinds of School Books. Our Exorcise and Scribbling Books are the largest, best paper and finest value in the country. School Bags and Book Straps all prices. J W. B rown i n g's BOOKSTORE. This wonderful discovery isthe bs tknownremedyfra 13iliattzrana aid all °L.u,uw, •:1L,verTrouble.,,mc. as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indiggestiok Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasarti and harmless, and though powerful to promote s healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pill If your tongue is coated you steed them. AT ALL DRUG STOU3l . LOSTri FML E 9 MANHOOD, General and Nervous 06101y, a Tl; T2lU"Pil09 VE Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects„ of Errors or Exce;scsum OldorYoung. Robust, Nobly Manhood fully Restored. Holy to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Organs and )'ails of Body. Absolutely tin - failing %Ionics Treatment—Benefits in a day: Men testify from 60 States and Foreign Conn tries. 'Writb them., Descriptive Book, ex. plantation acid proofs mailed (eealaxl) an E MEDICAL 1.0, It11911, 114 Loth the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual. constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro. (laced, pleasing to the taste and ac.. ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy andagreeablesubstances, its xnanyexcellentqualities cominen d it to al and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75a bottles by all leading druggists. .Any reliable druggist who may not .have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C(. Sf.if FRANCISCO, CAL. COUIsvULE, ItY. NEW Moxa, N.14 ]'or Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store A GolnDpehens/v e8tock Is what you want to select from when you buy furniture. You want a variety in make, styles and prices. If you will look through the vase assortment in oar store, you will find it an easy matter to be suited exactly. It includes every- thing found in a first-class furniture store, at "tumble-down" prices. We ask you to examine Stock and be satisfied. M. .SVI . M.O dV Er . CENTRAL SHAVING PARLORS. A. HASTINGS, FR.OPRIETOR. Agent for the Brantford Stearn Laundry. FANSON'S BLOCK. !. �"" O - 9 t T - v.t+ smug „.. � u ,i.. TO FARMERS And House -keepers. Flourt1Pe In large or small quantities gT EaIGST PRIG E1S. Brans Flour, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, Rolled Wheat, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Etc. BEST BBANDS OF FLOUR.. C. W.IT oes D O ■ Q CT Want a ieyc1e? THE Ge & J. PNEUMATIC rtpf r TIRE NOTUp i Is tho amly Tko that gave sekwf otion last year has wtca Ger 4}iwOU. MY The Gei)Iti Bicycle a@s. Lre. ka YaMatii.'RTADDY, PERKINS & MARTIN Fangon's Bloek. THE V]IRY LATEST NWS The Ball Electric Light Company of Canada have sold out to the Canadian Genet al Electric Company. There are many forms of nervous debit. ity in men that yield to the use of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night aweate, ete,sh'duld try them. Zed Badd. A currier, of Aetion, Ont,, was found badly mangled on the G, T. R. track at Little York Wednesday, and taken to Toronto hospital Re is supposed to have fallen from a train - Derangements of the liver, with oon- stipatiou, injures the complexion, Induce pimples, sallow skin. Remove the cause by using Cartel's Little Liver Pills. Oae a dose. Try them. J. S. Thompson. one of the largest real essate dealers in. Montreal, has abandoned his estate to his creditors. The liabilities profit. are $275.000,, The assets are all is real es tate, and cannot be realized upon at a Their gentle action and good effect on the system really m-tikathom a psrfeot lit- tle pill They please thane who nee these, Carter's Iaittle Liver Pills may well be termed 'P.rfeo ion.' Canada has not obis' the biggest cheese at the World's Fair, Chicago, but she also takes the cake in apples. When in British Columbia Prof. Saunders captured what 1 e considered the biggest apple in the world and seat it to Chioago. It measures 1 5f holies in circumftireaee and weighs 24i ounces. The professor has reeeiyed in formation that this bad been awarded the place of the "big apple," thereby displac- ing the apple from Kangas, which had pre- viously held that position, PIEEvmr,NTxax BETTER Trr,tN Cunt. Those wbo keep their blood in a pure and healthy condition need have little fear al any disease attacking them. It is the enfeebled, run-down system upon whish disease fastens its fangs. Dr. Wil. liana's Pink Pi'is have no equal as a blood bui'dor, nerve tonic an 1 proventatira al disease. Thousands of grateful people testify to the wonderful powers of tbie remedy. Take no substitute or imitat. ions. Salt by all dealers or sunt postage paid, on receipt of 50e. for small or S1 for largo bottle, by addressing fa•. T. Fulford it Co., Brookville, Ont. —0- A convention -0- Aconvention to reorganize the east rid- ing of Huron for the coining election in connection with the plebiscite will be held is the town hall, Brussels, on Friday Oct, 20. ALL MEN. Young, old or middle aged, who Tad them- selves,norvous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or ore twork, result- ing in many I of the following symptoms Mental depression, premature old ago, toes o f vitality, loss ofho meteors, bad dreams dimness s of sight, palpitation of the heart, drums, lack of enert,y,pnln in the kidneys, hendaoh es, Dimples on the fano and body, itching or peoaliar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness. spools before the oyes` twitching of the muscles, eyelids and else- where. bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and opine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, 'w::axDt br. yr:ets.:1 by sleet,co:nt :at:on dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with leaden circles, oily locking skin, ate., aro all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity lustiest cured. The spring or vital course having lost !Its ,tension, Aron' fnnoti.n-.7snoa in tenaegnnnco. Th.:sx who through abuse committed :an ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your ad- dress for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent free, scaled. Addres, ,t. V. LUBON, 24 Maodennell Ave.,Toronto ,Out. Canada. -.,,-10....11-...•.. ........,.,,-....— live !lop Waled Wanted at the Exeter Packing House, hogs weigh- ing from 125 to 200 lbs. live weight. Highest Market Price SNEL pai��d.``��''_ BROS. To Exhibitors . Of Stock at the FALL FAIRS. If you would secure first prizeyou must have your animal in the fine et condition, his coat must be smooth and glossy and ho must be in good spirits so as to "show Off" wall. Dick's -Blood Purifier is the best Condition Powders known for horses and cattle. It tones up the whole system, regulates the bowels and kidneys, strengthens the digestion, turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one. It gives horses good life making them appear to the bust possible advantage. Get Dick's from your druggist or groper, or addressDidl( .tc 00„ P. 0. iBox 492, Montreal Three Points! NOTE WELL, EX,oel'ience, ehe xp We nience thatat tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. - Pi'om13tl #llie. With this ever redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on, our motto, we have won the patronage of tho many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors seinecially, namely putting oil until nexe weeir what. should have been done this. uaLis/acLfon.This is a nice looking word, but to carryout its meaningis difficult to some. Sara E]'ry in w.cd ansa the way ,d e.cetnpiihed in ow thop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pects. If you want a suit, n coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced hat what we have said is true. • JOHN ateserearaumassoutiosiso UNo}REAIATIcAAUUMTSMCURED (RED E1ERY TIME "T "D;VMaN HOL PLASTER AD. • The enorxnous waste of fuel which might be saved If people would think when they are buying Stoves to go to dealers who handle none but the best, and guarantee then perfect. o bre ick Failland HAVE THE BEST STOVES. See the NEW STOVES for this season. 1)OU13141: ' 1--NEA.TERS FOR COAL : THE SOUVENIR. THE ART COUNTESS. THE OXFORD, COOKI.1a RANGES FOR, COAL, : Tf1E KITCHEN WITCH. THE DUCHE S or OXFORD. THE HAPPY THOUGHT ga'A full stock of Coal and Wood. Cooking and Pleating Stoves.•' Their Hand -made Re -dipped Tinware is telling its own story in increased sales Tit_' ES UM USE Lardine Machine Oil, The Champion Gold Medal Oil which cannot be exoellei McColl's CYLINDER OIL Hes NEr UAL MANUFACTURED BY McOOLL BROS. & 00.1 Toronto, Ask your dealer for "Larcline" and beware of Imitations. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps con- stantly in Stock ali kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED) ETER LUMBER YARD. PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND H C -H LAND And PINE SHINGLES. - Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled to be th 1ll:ostDurable Timber ofany that grows, Specialty for Shingles. Said b conlpatent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. 421,E. WILLIS . .- - �7 _ .S . Aviv LSRR' 1{�L�+ CJ DQYOU KEEP IT IN TFIE HOUSE?� N CANADIAN CHOLERA, YOU _ - tlPRRHEA AND BOWEL C0MPLAIHTS —ITS EFFECT IS MAGICAL. WEAK, NERVOUSADISEASED MEN. g ie .Aged Men are annually pre swept to a mature Thousands of new and Middle STave through early indiscretion and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have 'yon any of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Deepondent; Tired in Morning- No Ambi_ tion; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued: Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; Wimples on the Pace; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; Bair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes- Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Bnar,;y and Strength. Our Akw Method Treatment will build yon up mentally, physically and sexually. chis psstercon, ed DRS What g ENNE,J KERGWava olle• "At 14 years of ago I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weulc. My back troubled me. I could stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. 1 tried seven Medical Firms, Elec- tric Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised mo to try Drs. Kennedy & Bergin. They sent me one month's treatment unlit cured me. I could feel myself gaining every day. Their A'ew .'lfethod Treatment cures when O .rad ia one m'ntlt all else fails." They havo cured many of my friends." Dr. Moulton. Mg El M 131M, "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. I wont to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy .b Kergan's New Method Treatment. It cured me, and 'have had no symptoms for five, ears. I am married and happy. As a doctor, I heartily recomend it to all who have this terrible disease- Cureu a yesre... o. gyplutes " It wilt eradicate the poison from the blood." Capt. Triwneend ,y ‚-'. .tel ti --•mom .. off I77'11' —7') Cru e i .i Our New segerklou is 1 eaarLlllell nIt strength sils in trengthens body, stops all drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual systems and restores lost vitality to the body. We Guarantee to cure Nervous vac -Witty. 1< astisa i3Faitatood,: tdy�.ntat iifi3, vA sc3ctaacie, •stricttare, fTh15 st, Unnatural aatsefarrgcS,: Weak carte aurl.n,}I.t 1°,atautcs nerd 4Slastder ratstases. Y "*" - - ' J ere. Konnody fit .'sargau Ito dinpects America. they gtwranteo 'Caroo care or leano pitg .sTheirialisre u.o1 �tt o talion and fifteen 'oars of business are at stake. You. run no risk. Write them tor cm honest opinion, no matter w o tt'eated you. It - may save you years of regret aneleaffcring. Charges reasonable, Write for a. g tie tiO n List asad look I'a-ee. Caiaxa.tdnitation Free,. Ejy EDY (�I$,, tGAN 1111'1'41'11.4 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 160.000 CURED. "1 nm 33 years of age, and married. When young 1 led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for mo 5 became weak and nervous. My kidneys became effected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lifs was unsatis- factory and myhome unhappy. I tried everything -all failed till I took tr -atinent from Drs. Kennedy and Korgan. Their New Method b i,it me pp mentally, physioally and sexually, I feel and aet lik , a man in every respect Try them." ' No Names Used without written Coils out of Patient.