HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-10-19, Page 4'Est;aihshed in i877 BANKER, EXETER, ONT Transacts a generalbankingbusmesa. Receives the Accounts of Mesehaats and t there on favorable Lerma. Often, every accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking principles. Interest allowed on dopoaita. Brant, issued payable at any tottioo o the I$erotfents Bann. NOTES DXSCOTiNTED, and MONEYTO LOAN ON NOTES and MORTGAGES. TGAGES. the extta Krone. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 19th, 1893, The Conservative Polley. Prime 1llinister Thompson has an- nounced the Conservative policy in terms that cannot be misunderstood. The Government will go the country at the next general election on the old question of protection against free trade. The last Presidential contest in the United States was not that of protection v. free trade, but rather of protection-run•rnad (McKinleyisrn) v. reasonablo'proteotioe. Moderate protection was not defeated. It was 1tioKinleyism that was hit. Mo- Kinl'eyism has never got a foothold in. Canada, and it requires no popular vote to kill it. The two political leaders have now announced their policies. The next election will be fought out on the same lines as characterized the celebrat- ed contest of 1878 In that year the workings of the then proposed policy were problematical. To -day they are .a matter of history. That policy after a 15 years run, has fully satisfied itself. It is the policy that will he eudoraed by the people when they are called upon to de - /tide between it and Mr- Laurier's fool policy and nation killer. We will allow Sir John Thompson to speak for himself. He says ; "Now, gentlemen, I have told you that we have admitted at the outset that the tariff requires changes, and that investi- gations are goinv forward towards that end. The public) works of this country have been, perhaps, lavishly, certainly liberally dealt within the past, and in the immediate future there would be no great demand for the increasing of public indebt- edneas by the extenaion of those public works to any very Large degree. Under those circumstances wahaye Concluded that the time has come when the tariff may profitably 1'e revised even to the extent of a reduction of it. I shall endeavor to show that the principles upon whfeh it is founded and to which I will refer to in a moment, aro principles which will be extended for the benefit not only of the manufacturer and of the working classes, but of the farmer himself in an equal de- gree. Let me tell you that the pzinciplea upon which we propose to reverse the tariff are very different from those which the Oppoaition Iay down. They have de. eland as their cardinal principle that every vesture of protection must Dome out of the tariff. We declare it to be our policy --whether it be popular or unpopu- lar, and we feel it would be an injury to Canada if we deserted that policy -we de - okra that every effort will bo made which oan properly be made by a tariff to provide a home market for our people. But above all things it shall be our policy to write it upon eyery piaoe the hand of the Govern men{ can reach, that the industries of Can- ada, whether manufacturing, mining, fish- ing or farming, are never to be at the dic- tation of a foreign country. "Ithink a pretty plain issue is drawn between us, and that issue is that the features of protection shall remain in the tariff so long as we oan keep it there. Then we do not propose to agree to the Opposition program of adopting a tariff for revenue only. They tried that for 5yrs in this country, a tariff for revenue only, and, many of you doubtless remember ;,hat those were sad yearn foe Canada. One thing is quite clear, that the tariff for revenue did not raise the revenue -(laughter)-and that, on an average, the then Government had an annual deficit of $2,000,000. Another thing is quite certain that the tariff fur 'revenue did not take down the public debt, because they in- creased the public debt et the rate of $8,- 000,000 per annum while in all the period of the Liberal -Conservative Government eince,extending over 15 years, the increase of the national debt has been only about $6,250,000, and out of that we have con- structed tho finest public works that any country with our population possesses. Of that sure the Canadian Paoifio Railway has been constructed, receiving something Iike $60,000,000 as subsidies ; other rail- waya Kaye been constructed in every' dir- ection, the canals have been deepened and oatended, the Government railways in the Lower pi oyinces havebeen carried forward, and every kind of public work has been given to this country to make, ra complete equipment of a growing and rapidly devel- opingnatzon. We do not intend to go beak to their policy of tariff for revenue only, because we know that while it did not raise revenue, and ;while it increased the public debt for the few public works they were obliged to construct, the people were leaying this country in greater numbers than ever since and were in a more hopeless condit- ion than I trust we shall ever see Canadian workingmen occupy again." During the last nine years Canada's rnportations from Germany have more than trebled while our purchasers in Great Britain have fallen off by nearly X11,000,000. It is scarcely- likely that German manufacturers have made such j great inroads on all markets formerly largely controlled by. Great Britain, as they have in the ease of Canada. But there can be no doubt that the Empire of the•.7Kaiser is beginning to serious' compete with the Mother Countz fo comsupremacy rnercial sri Y p p ' all over the world. 6 1 • 4 Davie' PAIN-ItItLEza. The best and , most popular Fannie/ Medicine in the world, Ablessing to the 'rirb: a friend to the poor: within raaob of all, it has cared more livea`and relieved more suffering ih.. eidental to travailing than -any tithes Medi' 'ries, 250, n bottle, large sine- Jltirwres Ia{u-ages,, aa+res;t;tgareible NOTES AND COMMENTS. The Trade Bulletin asserts that the reason why Canadian applesare notbeing sent to. Great Britain this year as former- ly, is because supplies across the Atlantic are so large that unremuuerative rates have been given for consignments al- ready sent forward. xxx The revenue and expenditure of the Dominion for the three months ondine- Sept. 30th last was $6,353,888, and the expenditure on consolidated fund $5,- 640,047, leaving a surplus of $3,712,987. For the first quarter of the previous fiscal year the revenue was $9,314,946, and the expenditure $5.753,946, leaving a surplus of $3,560,540. The compar- ison thus shows a betterment of $152,- 3 in 97 favor of the, present year so far. During the quarter the net debt of the Dominion was decreased by 8223,- 690, so that it is now $239,449,252. x x �t Hamilton Herald (Independent) ; It is a gaeor notion some of the politicians profess to have that the protective tariff is driving the young men out of Can- ada. They have a protective tariff in the States -a bigher tariff than in Can- ada -and young non are not driven away by it ; and they have free trade in England -yet not a day passes that young men do not come to Canada or the States to chase acs capture the nim ble dollar The far oilfields seem green when one is young and ambitious, and most young fellows who liaye no ties on them are anxious to get to the big cen- tres of population where their oppor- tunities to make a name and it fortune are greater Some of them are sorry enough for going. Farquhar. Onrreesx.- Deep and wide spread sorrow was felt by the people of this neigh- borhood on learning of the death of Visa Mary Jane ,McDonald daughter of Dir Robt McDonald. Miss M1oDgnald had been ail- ing for some timo,ltnd was confined to her bed for about five weeks before her death, and everything that hind friends and good attendance could do was done in her behalf. She was a yonng lady of'more than ordin- ary ability, of a kid aud,cheerful disposit- ion wbioh read° her a fayorito in her largo circle of friends. She was an earnest and consistent member of the Presbyterian church and took and active part in every good work especially in the Sabbath "cahoot of which she has been a teacher for a num- ber of years, In aiokness as in health, she had a strong and living faith in the blessed Saviour and a well grounded hope of a theglor Exeter amatory beside youngeious resurreation. She was r buried terr who preceded her six yearn and two days. The funeral was largely attended and muoh sympathy is felt for the aged parents and family, Another fond tie severed,' Two 'wax° hands now folded Upon that ivy breast; Another journey ended. fale won aith.ndovaduty,' A mortal rase now run, A vacant seat must over So lone and dreary stand, Our loving youthful sister Has•sought a fairer land, And soon another tablets Your graveyard mound will claim, Which, sad. alone andweeding, With trembling bonds we frame. Her haply voice no longer Shall swell our earthly lays, With seraph ohoirs in glory Must join her earnest praise ; Though wo shall miss her sadly, When neath the cold, damp sod. We know her ransomed spirit Shall dwell for aye with God. Let wintry winds nboveher Thee stormy Tants can never Disturb her peaceful sleep. Safe in roar blessed haven, Wber0 sought of sin may cono, Our schoolmate, friend and sister Now finds a summer home. Great Thy i erf ct, matcin hless rlove. Grant that wo alI in glory at May meet the last abnvo when death shall send a message To summon us away Ohl may our ransomed spirits Loud swop that angel la3'. Over to the Other Side. Lines on they death of the late Barbara Wilson, of Mensal] fleetly to leave on the waiting train, For svtfr hvvrWhoe as ail I often have But I shall drift not alone, I know, 1or And ewill se teer for IIislOther Side. I pause to review nzy sojourn here In this pleas..nt nook,with friends Eo dear, Where longer I must not abide, - Till the heart webs o'er in tt,isi parting sang. And grows so weak when it should be strong, As I start for some Other Side. One more cable to earth will be broken, When the morrow's adieus have been spoken With those we so truly have tried, And I fold my wraps about my breast. To seek no more for a place of rest Till, anchored on Another Sido, When he anchor is;raised and the canvas When all loveoan do, or say. is said, And the laet soft echo bath died, 'Twill matter not how or where I go, Since all the hopes I ever can know Have passed over to the Other Side. The bruised reed need fear no breaking The soul mew -robed can wait its taking To that future -Christ beautiful - Where the truly loved shall meet again, And spirits blond en a nobler plain, Jost over on the Other Side. Here humanity hath no true rest ; How oft the pitying soul is oppressed By the griefs that others confide; We long to fold all such to our heart, And say, as did Christ"Let us depart And go o'er to the Other Side. A M itnEa op ' TRE ErWORTIf LE QOM' DEBBaver vee POPULAn, Our readershave no doubt road with in- terest the despatches almost weekly appear ing in this and other Canadian journals, regarding entre of a most startling nature made by Dodder l idney Pills. These pills have proven themselves to be a certain cure for all diseases of the liidoeys and blood,ouch as backache; rheumatism Bright's disease; diabetic, dropsy, etc. ' Enqulet among, local druggists elicits the fact, that they have a very largo sale, and are an infallible care for kidney disorders, Dodd's Kidney Pills are manufactured b Y by Die L. A' with de Co.,'o k�1~ roe t0 are sold evnrywhere, or by..mail"on receipt of psioe,,50 dents a boa, or six boxes fop ,12.50• Hood's Pitts eureliv liver' is s 1 oon,13 atlan` billtouaneaa, ,jauntiee� prick headaoho in- digestion. ' Clandeboye. Briny,,-Mra. Herbert, who has been visiting her daughter at Rat Portage, has returned home. ---Mr. Sellars of McGillivray, has moved into one of Blackwell's houses, -E. 0. Jones has been drawing wheat frons hia farms tor twelve days and has not finished yet- This beats Dakota. -'The foolish habit ofkissing practised among women spreads disease fn the country, The dentist tells us that nineteen out of every twenty women have false teeth simply because they oa,rry disease from one to the other, Two women will kiss when there is not a particle of affection or good feeling exietrng be- tween them. A lady told the writer that if she did sot kiss a neighbor of hers the neighbor would be angry but said at the same tune she did not like it a bit, those false teeth of hors are so much like a grave yard. Tuckereinith• Tha Council met Cot, 9th, the ohief business was striking the rates. The amount required by the County is $3023 34, an increase over last year of about $300, The township rate in- cluding the general school rate amounts to $2,910.79, a decrease of $270. The amount required to balance railway debenture redemption account will be $311, a decrease from last year of about $700. The following are the amounts levied upon the different sections: on No. 1894.86, on No. 9, $109.28; on No. 3, $375; on No. 4, nothing; on No. 5, $112,14; on No. 6, $200, on No. 7, $212,79; on No. 8, 8300 and special $283.70; on No. 9, 8193.10 and special $318; on No. 10, 8144.82; oo union No. 1, McKillop, $50. The taxes will be somewhat lighter than lastyear, The amount levied upon the parties benefitted by the big ditch is 4935, and will he a little over 10 pts on the dollar of the original assess- ment as finally passed. Mr. James Cumming was reappointed collector of taxes and will, begin his work about the 20th of October. The Council will meetagain at Kyle's hotel on Nov 1st, to pay Jobs. 1 �M ivuilerton. BRIM -S. -Mr. J. R. Mointyre arrived home last week, benefited in health by a pleasant trip to Manitoba.•. --John Wiles, of the 13th con„ disposed of his stock and implements on Friday, preparatory to moving to St. Marys to live, -Mr. Morrow opened his new store on Monday, and is showing a nice stook of general goods at low prices, -At the Fullerton cheese fac- tory last Saturday two samples of milk from J. D. Stewart'a Jersey stock, Ruaaeldale, tested 72-l0 and 7 5-10 fat, the daughter and her dam from which the morning and evening milk was taken having just turned 3 and 5 years old respectively. --''hos. Wag - horn will, we hear, leave in a few days to attend the Veterinary College in. Toronto. -_An interesting event took place at the residence of Mr, James McGee, 2nd eon,, Fullerton, on Wednesday, his eldest daughter, Martha, being married to a young man named George M. Crownover, who holds the important and lucrative po- sition `offoremanrn the Illinois Cent- ral Railway shops. Waterloo, in the state of Iowa. Usborne Council The Council met on the 7th inst. All the members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. Cameron -Shier -Mat the expen- ces in connection with the late A. Carmrchael's funeral, amounting to $19, be paid, --Carried. Shier -Cameron -That the tax col- lector be authorized to collect a per. ventage charge of 5 per cent on all taxes not paid on or before the 14th day of Decetnber 1893, and that a by- law be dratted in accordance there- with, -Carried. Xydd-Halls-That the reeve be in- structed to have the Collector's Bond executed in his presence befor"e the Roll is delivered up, the securities offered by the collector being satisfact- ory .-Carried. Cameron -Shier -That By Laws No 5, 6 and 7 for 1593 levying the several rates and imposing a percentage charge on all taxes not paid on or be- fore the 14th day of December 1893, as now read a third time, be passed. - Carried. Halls•-Kydd-That the clerk bein- strueted to complete the Collector's Roll and deliver the same to the col- lector on or before the 16th inst., and that the collector make returns of money collected to the Treasurer at least every two weeks. -Carried. The following:orders were granted viz: -E Hewitt part payment of bridge. 875: M Samwell keep of .T Hewitt and wife, $130 Shoebottom rep bridge, $3,63; J Bell hauling stone, $8; J Ros- man breaking stone, $3.13; W Slavin extra work on bridge, $3; J Allison spikes, $1,50; W Horton rep culvert, $1; S Eterington rep bridge; $10, A Berryhlll building bridge, $7.25; S Gilley furnishing funeral for late A Carmichael, $14, Mrs.. J Hewitt at- tendance on A Carmichael, $2.50; J Pollen al tendance oa A Carmichael and digging grave, 2.50; '1' Veal bridged and grading, $8.50, do grading and work on con, $20, W Kerslake gutting thistles and gravelling, $4,50; F Lux- ton ;in tile drain, $1.75; D Hay spikes $2,55, 1'' 1r Eyre do, 85o; P McTaggart Bin file dram, $2,50. On motionot 1' Cameron seconded, by J Halls, the council adjourned to meet on Saturday, Nov. 4tin at 1 o'clock, p. m, G. W Hoene/ Clerk. THE ADVextees ace Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is always within the bounds of reason because it ie true ; it always appeals to the sober, venison dense of thinking people because it is true ; and jt is always fully subatantral by ;endorse- meztts *bleb in the finenefai world weals beaccepted without ;a mereextet here Itatfens CONDENSED DISTRICT NEWS. PERTH, Mr- Alex Sinclair and family b turned from Brandon, Man., and t residence in St. Marys. Thos. Pearson of St. Marys; bas heir to a fortune of 0300,000 by the of an merle in Yorkshire, England. Fire destroyed the stables ad James car Baron's planing mills, M Saturday. Two horses were roas de ath. John Graham was sentenced Stratford .Police Magistrate. Fri three years in Kingston Penitentia lar eeuy. The hotel at McIntyre's Corners i renovated throughout and will hen be known as the Collins Rouse. McIntyre has moved into St. Marys. Mt', (,teo. Davidson of Mitchell, on daymorning, crush , after a retirement g of years in his handsome residence western elevation, returned to the House to take charge and resum management of that old and popular Ixunori. Clinton post ofdoe is now lit by el ity, The May farm, near Clinton, was last week to R, Jenkins for $5,500. The stave factory in Brussels era greyed. by fire one evening last week. jos Flynn of Clinton, was thrown his boggy the other day and had one o ribs broken, Clinton footballers wore beaten at driving palls on Monday, -by- the. illi. boys, b2' 8 goals to 0. Mise Aggie Grieve of McKillop, has engaged to teach in S. S. No, 6, To smith, next year. Mr. John Tippet, of Varna, bas m to Bayfield. where he will conduct a ness and shoe shop. A man, pretending to be a cattle b hired a livery in Seaforth the other and has not since been heard of. The joints and muscles are so label y Hood's Sarsaparilla that all rheum and stifinese soon disappears, Get Boo d' Clinton Orange Lodge hag decided elebrate the 5th of November -the owder Plot -ly baying an oyster au n the averring of the 6th. Mr. Wm. MoCioy, Tuokersmith's p as auctioneer, having been appointed gent of the Maesey'Harris Company, alto Hensel' his headquartera. Dir.'Wrn, Dines has sold hie farm on Oth oon., MoRiilop. to Mr. Stephen in for 83,300. The farm contains ores, and has on it fair buildint{s, W, Chappel, of Woodbam, has dies artnership with tlr, Stewart and re la farm of Rev 0. D, Thomson, of oto, on the corner of hast line and hell road, Mr -'Stevens of Drysdale, has sold rm to L. Denomy for the handsome s 83,350 and has purchased another i ore suitable locality, on the Bronson I anioy. Miss Louisa Dneharme of Drysdale, li o misfortune to fall on Sunday, Oot, d dislocate her arm. Dr, Buchanan once aummoned, and she is now do well as could be expected. Aire Cohorts° has sold to Dur. Jo ker what is known as "the late Ren Ba 11 farm," being lot 51, on the Aiaitla ny Goderioh township, 102, The pr 'd was 84,I50, Kincardine's. to bion ,hie year fa lis. Tho Review aaya:=""The farm o pays 6;} mills on the $ must envy r fellows who pay 25 mills for the fun ng in a town. nspecter Paisley, of Clinton, was th recently inviting the proprietors temperance hotels to answereaoharge ing something atrooger than pop. It eretood they were fined each $50 a is AIra. Samuel Ostrom of Goderiob T he age of 65 years, 6 months and a, died last week. She ]eaves a lar Although ailing for , some tim had only been confined to bed for th or so. bile returning home from a party Malcolm Lamont's Cromarty, th r evening, some of the young men b racing their horses, and iu turning er too short, one of the horses slippe broke its neck. n Thursday evening of last week, Wi and Ralph Stevenson, jr., ae represen s of the English Churoh, Goshen Lin ley, visited their pastor, Rev. J. T vin, at Bayfield, bringing a large los Is and potatoes. F. Wm, Weir, of Stanley lost a co week -and after a thorough search foun head foremost in a bole at the edge o 1. Sire had, no doubt been going dow mbankment and could not stop befor ng into the trap. e Alexander Gardiner has purchase arm of Mr. John Sibbons, M2oKiliu Mr. Wm. Knectelhas bought the far r, John Mowbray. The farms contaz ores each and the prioe paid in hot noes was $5,000, ou wish to secure a certain and speed 1, when tieing Ayer's Sarsaparilla b ul in observing the rules of health, o enelit may be retarded. A fair and stent trial of this medicine never fails the directions are followed. George Baldwin, of Seaforth, won ty two first prizes in the Athenaeum race at Toronto on Saturday. The nee was twenty miles and out of the tartars, 129 finished, There were 75 , the first being an $800 piano. urday afternoon a gun, whir* Mo- , a blacksmith of Mitchell. was re- g, was diacbarged, wounding John who was entering the door. McLaren, as not aware that the gun was loaded eating the barrel to make the neces- epairs, and the heat caused it to go ave re akeu up fallen death joining itobell, ted to b the day to ey for s being ceforth Mr. Mon - several on the Eioke e the hotel. °atrlo* sold s de' from this the tohell beau otter' Dyed her• nycr, day Wed atiam only to Gun' Aper ops.. wll the God' 50 dime b c p 0 1 a m 1 k a 11 0 a fa of m St th 00 at as 13a B co 1301 mi wh poo livi I Bly tern sell and 002 ate day fain she mon W Mr. othe gan corn and 0 Foe ative Stan Per of oa &f last her a Ail the e gotti Af the f and of ef 100 a insta If y redia oaref the b persi when Mr 1ven Road diets 163 s prizes Sat Laren pairin Beer, who w was h nary r off. Mr. Boer is progressing favorably. We are pleased to hear that another Huron boy has madq his mark in Mani- toba. . W. C. Hartley, son of the Rev. Mr. Bartley, of Blueval.o, formerly of Exeter, has just secured the position of principal of Emerson Public Sebool, salary 8800 per annum. Tho honor is all the greater as there were 33 applicant,, 18 of whom held B. A's, and one en M. A. Anothero h f the pioneers of the good old stock that trade Huron County one of the gardens of Canada, died on Friday evening last, in the person .of Mr. Adam Cook. Deoeased who was „over 78 years of age, emigrated with his parents in 1827 from Tipperary. Ireland, and settled in 7,'oronto township, Peel county- He removed from there to Goderich township and - took: up 160 aeras of bush land ou the 9th con, ,. He helped to build the road through the Huron Treat, and also took part with Canada's defenders in 1837. About 17 , years ago he retired from active labor' and settled in Goderioh. Thirteen of a family were born to him, four of whom aro .de- coaaed. need Tor- Mit• his um na lee ad wag ing bn ry nd toe 25 er us of in of of is nd 12 ge 0, a at e 0- a d 11 t, e d w d n e d P, m n h y e r Don't commit suicide on account of your incurable blood disease. The sensible thing for you to do is to take Ayer's Sar- saparilla. If that fails, why, then -keep oo trying, and it will not fail. The trouble is, people get disooaraged too Soon. Try, try, try again. Quite a ripple of pleasurable excitement was created in Seaforth on Wednesday last by a society event of a very happy nature, It was the marriage of Mies Isabella Case, third daughter of Mrs. F. Case, of Maple Hall, Seaforth, to. Mr, Chas, Powell, of Philadelphia, a one time Seaforth boy, but now a prosperous jeweller of the Quaker City. • The Lucknow Sentinel says a tramp who palls himself John Walker called at the residence of. Mr, Wm. Sheritt, near St. Helens, the other day, during the absence - of Dir. Sheritt, and made himself quite at home- He claimed to be a detective, and ordered Aire. Sheritt to got something to eat, wash his souks and wait upon him generally, and before leaving the house took a purse out of the bureau and asked the loan of the monef till be came baolr, Mrs. Sheritt, who is a very nervone women, was badly frightened by the bold advent- urer, The tramp was arrested near Teo - water and taken to Dungannon for exami- nation before three magistrates, Ele was committed to (xoderich jail for trial at the firth court of competent jurisdiction, MIDDLESEX Detroit News; -"The medical examina- tion of Pearl Butler, formerly of Ailsa Craig, at the Woodbridge street station Thuraday established the taut that .Arno had fully succeeded iti his devilish purpose. The child also eepeated her story subetant- fally as has been published, with the ex- ception that she added several minor de - {ails," A little child of Air. Arthur Honllon, of NN est Niasonri, while creeping over the floor pinked up a caterpillar, and baby -like, th the reanlitallowed hat the ahiid's mouth bo oamo very muoh inflamed and swelled from the hairs sticking into the throat. Linder the pare 0f tho doctor the little one is re- covering, As M. T Boner of Denfield, was return- ing from Parkhill Fair the other evening, where be seourad first prize for his team, and wliee about a mile from home, his horses took fright and ran away, threw /rim and Mr, Ben Matthews out of the rig. Both were badly ant and. Uruised. about the head and leg and one of the horse's legs was broken, THAT PALE FACE. For Nervous Prostration and Anaemia there is no medicine that will so promptly and infallibly restore vigor and etreugth, as Scott's Emulsion, ON Inst PLATFORM. Public speakers and singer() are often troubled with sore throat and hoarseness, attd ate liable to severe bronchial attaoks which might be prevented and cured by the use of liagyard's Pectoral Balsam, -the beet throat and lung remedy in nae, DIZZTNEOS CAM= BY DYPPEPPXA,. Dizziness is a symptom of dyspepsia. 'nave used Burdock Blood Bitters for dizziness, wluoli name over me in spells.so that I had to quit work for A while. The B. B. B. entirely cured me.' James Wright, Chesterfield., Ont. IIPORxixr To Woagxxa MEN. Artisans, meohenica and Iabouring men aro liable to sudden aoefdonta and injur- ies, as well as painful cords, stiff joints and lameness. To ell thus troubled we would recommend Hagyard'a Yellow Oil, the handy and reliable pain Dura, for out- ward and internal use. Mrs. W. H. Stanley, at 686 Ontario street, Toronto, lateThuraday night took a dose of poison in mistake for patent medi- oine she has been taking. Dr, Allen, who was summoned, succeeded in saving her life. It is reported in Ottawa political circles lo -day that an order -in. council has been passed appointing 0. J:f. Maokintosh as Lientenent-Governor of the Northwest Territories. The Sabbath School Assoofation tof On- tario will hold its 38th annual convention in Toronto on the 24th, 25th and 26th of OotoberinElm Street .Methodist Churob. J. W. Jackson, treasurer of Portage 1a Prairie, has pleaded guilty of embezzling town moneys, and been sentenced to 43 months' imprisonment. The Empire in plaiting its ciroulatiou, bas started the unique idea of'giving a trip around the world in a serine of art port- folios, with description by the celebrated traveller, John L. Stoddard, each of which can be got by cutting six coupons from the paper and •sending' them with three 3 -cont stamps to pay for wrapping, postage, etc, It claims that a large ad- dition has already been made to its list by this scheme, and we do not wonder at it, for we have seen a Dopy of the first port- folio, and it is really one of the most beaut- iful works of art which has ever appeared in this country. Anybody who sees a Dopy will be sure to want one when it oan be got so easily. STRAYED., steer Strayed ersoold, faiLot rly straight ty horns; last seen about two months ago: any person giving information that will lead to the recovery of same will be suitably rewarded and expenses Paid: J. N. HOWARD, Exeter. SI® REWARD. P{Will be offered for the apprehension or con- vrotionef any person or persons, trespassing on, or destroying the hotel property in Exeter North. JOHN BONSSER, Benmillor. OYSTER PAISG: LORS Now p Oysters served by the dish sh Oil sold in bulk. -FULL . STOCK OF - PLAIN !AND ORNAMENTAL CO lfeCti OrtA .7 . B re ad B uns Cakes EtC t / t o Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Wedding Cake boxes kept ohand. E. A. FOLLICIK.' J. P. OEi1llkF Some time since t offered for sale my promises and stock, and many have been the inquiries why I did so. The editor said I did so for good reasons, let that be sufficient for the time. I have had a number of applications and could have sold had I wished have given the would-be buyer one half of the whole, but I was not so did os not being compelled to sell. earnestly re q uested bym qmany ns Y d Y to "# z`r and have so decided, and would here re- mind my customers that they will have illy best attention for time to come as in. the past ; not promising to give you as is often said 810 worth for $5, bub value for value received. Yours truly, J.J.P.CLARKE. Government troops have been ordered out to suppress the bandits in Mexico, Tha big Canadian cheese was tested at the World's Fair yesterday and Booted 03 out of a possible 100 points. 'William Brawn, a Northern Paoifia om, ployee, was accidentally shot and fatally wounded by a companion at Winnipeg on Friday. .A Rene 0o31nr8ATtaN, There is no 'remedy er oombination of medicines that meets so many require- ments, as doss Burdock Blood Bitters in its wide range of power over suolr chrome diseases as dyspepsia, liver and kidney complaint, scrofula, and all humors of the blood, Tns POWER or NAeonn For every 01 nature has a cure, In the healing vietues of Norway Pine lies the euro for coughs, colds, croup, asthma, bronobitis, hoarseness, eto. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine syrup represents the virtues of Norway Pine and other peotoral remod- los. Price 255o, Edward Brown, a Woodrtook navvy, wee caught under a C P B. train on Thurs' day night and had both logs out off, dying six hours later, English Spayin Liniment remoe all hard, soft or oallousedLumps and lour_ ices from horaos, Blood Spavin, ;prbs, Splinte, Rine Bone, Sweeney, Stisee, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, oto, Savo $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blomisa Cure ever known. Sold by 0, Lutz, Drug- ist. Sep 18,'93 RREQ3SATYe31 CURED TN A. DAY. -South American Rheuniati0 Cure, for Bhoutiam and Neuralgia, radioally cures in to 3a days, Its within upon the system is re ark - able and mysteriune. It removes at ouoa the cause and the disease immediately dis- appears. Tho $ret ;dose greatly benefits. 75 Bents. Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist. 818 RELiHir TN Six Houns.- .Distreserng 1116 - nay and bladder diseasos relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cute." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac - court of its exceeding promptnese In re. Having pain en the bladder, kidneys,baok and every part of the ordinary passages in male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost inimed- ately. If you want quick relief and euro his is your remedy, Sold by C. LtJTZ. A wonderful new combination is B. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders; nlee to take and perfeotlyharm- less. Mfrs. Gaston, 22 Inohbury street, Hamilton, another well known oitizen; testifies; . "Raving giyen R. Stark',;Head- aohe, Neuralgia and Liver Powders a fair trial, I am wilting to bear testimony to their efficacious effeote. I have derived great benefit from them, having been a long time a sufferer from headaolte, bilious nese and neuralgia, Mr.•Aloxander. Aler- oor, the well known contractor, Hamilton, says: "I have muoh pleasure in reeom mem-line R. ,$tnrk's Headache Neuralgia and Liver Powders, as after a fair and protracted trial of the same 1 consider them a very valuable remedy for headaohe and biliousness, well worthy of the confiden,ae of the public, and far surpassing by others of considerable repute," Price, a box. Sold by all medicine dealera, Minard's Liniment is the Best.. The Owen Electric Belt And Appliances For Men & Women OCURES MANY Diseesrs WHEN ALL OTHER Reeteeies FAIL. GET ONE, ` TRADE`' MARX DR. A. OUTEN. A Genuine Current. el Electricity is genorated in a battery oe'the Belt, and ORD bo applied to any part of the ,body. The cur- rent eon be made mild :or strong the case may require, and is absolutely under control of the wearer at all times. . OUR ILLUSTRATED;'CATALOGUE' containingfullest:'infoimation regarding thocure of Acute, and Nervous diseases, sworn testimonials' and portraits of Iteeeh, who have bon .ourod, pride 'lists and outs of Belts and. Apglianaes, and how to order, pub- lished in Bnglish, German, Swedish and Nor- wegian languages. ;• This ,catalogue will bo sent to any address .on receipt of six. oents postage. The Owen n Electric Bol t and Appliance Co, C 49 KING STREET, WEST, uTORONTO ONT. , 0H10A. 201 TO211 STATE -ST, : GO, ILL.-, The largest Electric Dalt Est the World• aliliahment i When visiting the World's Fair, do net fall' +io 860 Dr. Owen's lezhibit iu Rleeri.risitte i3ulldiaat, Section -11, Spaao 1.. (11ISNTto37 TRIS PAPER.) . TONE UI? THE SYSTEM AND Remota LOST VIGOR TRY. ONE.