The Exeter Times, 1893-10-12, Page 5Mrs. IL D. West of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. $200 Worth Of Other Medicines Failed But $ Bottles of IloodlsSarsaparilla Gored. "It is with pleasure that 1 toll of; the great benefit I derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla. For 6 years I have been badly afflicted with Erysipelas breaking out with running sores during hot summer mouths. I have sometimes not been able to use my limbs for two months at a time. Being induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I got ono bottle last spring, commenced using it; felt tso hem mtduringtthe got ner, boast able to de my housework, and Walk Two Miles which l had not done for six years Think . am cured of erysipelas, and recommend any person so afflicted to use Hood's Sarsaparilla Four bottles has done more for me than 3200 worth of other medieme.. I think it the best blood purifier known. " Mits. 11. D. WBsr, Church street, Cornwallis, N. 3. H000'g P11.1.s cure livor ills, coasting.. iiols. biliousness, jaundice, stele headache, 26c. '1•41.tilA Let C6: IAP�Erg's.:t'?t,Kti=�' not only aAVIV but c curd for all kinds of EAU PAM'S, SiCK STOMACH AND BIUJOU$Fress 1Iarmiess. Contain no hurtful drugs. L. wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Suro death to pain. Be sure you get ST4.BK'S. PREPARED RY R. STARK, $i. OA. P.: f;ifkrilpr roots CuiQoW v rs,rr, SOOTlANo, i:.. THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 CENTo a box. Sold by all Druggists 1 ntireir now Compound. TBal WOULD'S FAIR. Ontario is winning nlmost every prize at the Chicago live stock show. American exhibitors got nearly all the electricity prizes at the W'orld's Fair. Ex -President Harrison was tendered a welcome at the World's Fair on Indiana day. On Chicago day the World's Fair will be free from debt, except the stock sub- scriptions, The Governor-General and Lady Aber- deen will leave Ottawa for Chicago on October 8th, to visit the World's Fair. Sir Richard Webster, in speaking of the Ontario educational exhibit at the World's Fair, said it was the only exhibit that ap- proached his ideal of what an educational exhibit should be. DISASTERS. About 3,500 Colorado silver and lead miners have resumed work. Thirty people ware killed by a hailer ex- plosion on a Japanese coast steamer. Employes of the B. & 0. railway have refused to accept a permanent reduction of 74 per cent. is hundred and seventy nine lives e lost in the foundering of the Russian .hip Roosalka. She was known to be aworthy. s are entertained for the safety of ria„ rquentine Skobeloff, at Portland; it is thought to be her wreck that was sight- ed by the Valkyrie. A cave-in at a mine near Crystal Falls, Mich., caused a flood which drowned 45 men. Sixty men in all were entombed, but fifteen were rescued. Appealing to the most critical_ tastes MbTff PLUO CUT lis become the 3tandar•d smoh1nq tobacco,: even in competition Wlti1`z �) ` establi5hed brands of rec o meri . Ie d n The,I. B. Pace Tobacco Co. of Montreal .td) MISCELLANEOUS. The Scotch crofters are resisting the. military's attempts to collect rents, The first Soe line train mace the trip from the coast to Minneapolis in 67?r hours. Toronto's assessment returns showa de ereatte in population of 2,000 as compared with last year, John A, Cowan' of Toronto has been elected Grand Commander of the Knights of St. John and Malta. At a meeting of the Loudon Coal Ex- change theprice of coal was further ad- vanced. five shillings per ton. Fuerst Bismarck made an eastern trip across the .9,tlantio in 6 days, 11 hours 14 minutes; half an hour better than the record. Owing to thorough patrolling of Behring sea by English and American vessels, it is reported that there is a- great decrease in poaching. A. man named Tonna, who was supposed to have been murdered near Napanee, has, just been heard from in Oregon. His wife thought him dead and married again. The United States Senate has confirmed the nominations of Chas. N. Daly, Bay- onne City, N. J., as consul at Guelph, and of Thos. Keefe, Windsor, Vb., at St. John's Quo, Lord. Armstrong, whose firm constructed the ill-fated battleship 'Vriotoria, advocates the construction of smaller vessels, which would bo loss expensive and more easily managed. TUE SPHERE OF SPORT. The academy at Lunenburg, N. S., was destroyed by fire. Loss, $10,000. A match has been arranged. between the pacer Saladin,, 2,051, and Mascot, 2.04, Philadelphia made 525 rune in its first inning in the cricket match with Aus- tralia. Tammany won the great match race at Guttonburg, beating Lamplighter by four lengths. At Morris park, Domino, the champion 2 -year-old, ran six furlongs in1,00, beating all previous records. On the new mile track at Hamilton For- est Ploy went a half mile in a trial in 1.02. This beats the Canadian record. The Executive of the Senior Lacrosse League awarded the Capital -Shamrock match to the Capitals, who are now champions of the world. II. C. Tyler, the Springfield cyclist, melee new world's record for 2. miles, doing the distance in 4. 15 3-5, 0 seconds better than the previous record. About 3,000 spectators attended the an- nual championship games of the Canadian Amateur Athletic Association. No re- cords were broken and few were approach- ed. RAILWAX Fe#TALITZEB; '' - te A C.P.R. operator named Malntosh was run over and killed near Maberly, Farmer Frederick Wisab was killed by a Northwestern train near Beloit Wis, Edward Foye, who lived at Lachine, was run over and killed while walking on the G,T.R, near Willow Station, Que, Brakeman Sehaler was killed and two other train hands badly injured by the wreck of the Harlem milk train at Hills- dale, N.Y. By a wreck on the Louisville Sc Nash- ville Railroad at Gulf Port, Miss., four negro tramps wore killed and a number of train hands very badly injured. Two trainmen were killed and several injured by the collision of a passenger train and a freight on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad near Hazel Patoh, Ky. Two freight trains collided on the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad three and one-half miles north of Streator, Ills. Engineer William Gribble was killed and ten others were injured. One Chicago & Grand Trunk train ran into the rear of another at Bellevue, Mich., early yesterday morning, demolishing a special car. Three persons were killed and several others badly injured. CANADIAN BRIEFS. The Victoria fleet has brought home 50,462 seal skins. Kingston Women's Medical College has been closed for good, The Auer Light Co's. stook, Montreal, was seized by customs, Civil service examinations will be held at various points November 14. British Columbia vessels will take 10,000 more sealskins this year than last. Hamilton's statiue of Sir John A. Mac- donald will be unveiled by Sir John Thompson on Nov. 1. i enuefailier, Cue aileued bank robber, was acquitted at Chatham, having estab- lished a satisfactory alibi. Severe washouts are reported on the railroads in Nova Scotia owing to heavy rains during the past few days. Bradstreet's reports 1,323 business fail- ures in Canada during the past nine months, as compared with 1,287 in the corresponding portion of 1892. The liabil- ities are stated at $13,162,843 as against $9,290, 659. SELF MURDERS. William Mo0oombs shot himself before a mirror at Wheeling, W. Va, He had been drinking. Daniel Van Hosen, a horseman, shot himself dead at Schenevus,, N. Y. He was despondent over race losses. ' A, C. Lawson shot himself at Kansas City; Valentine Kadle took his life at ter seyville, Ill., by the same method. Mrs. Fletcher, aged 83, drowned herself in a cistern in Paris at the house of her son-in-law, Mr. Clement. Na cause for the act is known to have existed.. The body of Janes Beardwell of. Hamil ton, aged 6^d. was found in a just west of the city. Two bottles, labelled chloro- form and laudanum, were found beside the. body. Ernest Dye, of Sniyi'ha, N. Y'., seventeen, yesrs old, committed suicideby hanging. He was a son of,, Marion Dye, who killed himself in a similar manner on April 12 last. His grandfather. Jeremiah Dye, hanged himself twenty-one years ago. TALES OF DfiJRDEIL. rancler Ashby, of Carbillac. Mich., he n sentenced to two years in the penile\ iary'for killing his babe. Edward Leary, a colored deaf mute, murdered his brother's wife, at Frederic- ton, N, B., by striking her with an axe. The man Lusk, ' against whom a,,tru,e bill for the murder of Jacob Sehoenlin at Tweed'has:been returned at the Hastings Assizes, has not yet been arrested. Ina Warman, aged 11 years, was fatally ahot by Milo Wilson, a laborer, at'Wil- liamsburg, Ohio. Wilson had often said that if he could not marry the little girl he would kill her. A F. assn's Exrka1rxcu. When a man has suffered the agonies of kidney trouble and grayel. and doctored for a lone tima without getting relief, and tells you that the use of two bottles ut Merubraye Kldney,and Liver Cure made him a well man, it is endorsnent enough for any medicine. 'lien,.tbia ie the will'. ten testimony of 141-, Hudson Bruthorson, of the townebip of Smith,, Peterborough, Co. if you aro a sufferer, write him; and hear what he hag to say for himself. rl as, W. Porton, aged 74, for 55 years registrar of the county of Hastings and a pioneer of that sention, died at the iesld- ence of his eon, W. N. Penton. Live ods a@tod Wanted at the Exeter Packing House, hogs weigh- ing from. 126 to 200 lbs. live weight. Highest Market Price paid, SNELL BROS.. To Exhibitors' Of Stock at the FALL FAIRS. ENJOYS Both the method and results when: Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers`and cures habitual. constipation. Syrup of ,Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pros timed, pleasingto,the taste and ac= ceptable to the stomach, prompt la its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its Alan excellentqualitiescommend. it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75e bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not Lave it on hand will procure it promptly for' any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by this CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO, CBL. £O1TISVILLEt $Y. NEW X088, .$'q' .Sale at O. Lutz's Drug Store Study a • ent If you wouldsecuro first prize you roust have itaglucoat uiusanimal motththe finest and h must ho good spirits so as to "show oli" wall. Diok 'a Bleed to Purifier e P ❑ ,er i sto b bot "Co Condition ,fo nd , n Powders known For horses and cattle. It tones up the whole system, regulates the bowels and kidneys, strengthens the digestion, turns a rough goat into a smooth and glossy one, It gives horses good life making them appear to the best possible advantage, tietDiek's from your druggist or gr dor, 01' address DICK ,k 00„ 1'. 0, box 492, Montreal, liree Points 1 NOTE WELL. xperifenoe We have had the t We that at tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business, Prou7ptitude•rodeo ming feat- With this ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors eanecially, namely putting off until nest week what should have been done this. Satisfaction, looking1word,but This s a nice to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. Was glary in. w Mrd gird the way ,. e.templifled ini cul shop, We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res - If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair ants, give us a call and be convinced ve said is true. 0 hat wha W. Jo CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. Flies are ,re Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Scythes and Snaths, Fence Wire, Machine O,., Fruit Tree Sprayers Aafiist-classfarticle for $1,25. Get our late prices o Binder Twine. COBELEDI K & FOLLAND, Hardware Merchants, EXET T11BESIIERSI USE Lardine Machine 011, The Champion Gold Medal O -ill which cannot be ezcellec MoColl's CYLINDER OIL B's NEQUAL MANUFACTURED BY McOOLL BROS. 84 00., Toronto. Ask your dealer for "Lardine" and beware of Imitations. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. EXETER LUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general ;bat he keeps con- stantly in Stock ali kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED/ PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Speoial notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled to be the MostDurable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Slhingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirtysix to forty years in any climate. You are a 'business man, and used to straightforward businesetalk--facts—facts —facts. Your wife has been longing for A nice Sideboard Why not get it now 2 Here Ax's We are stilling Facts Handsome Goods cheaper than ever. Call and see our big stock at manufacturers prices. N. TOW ii. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS And House -keepers. Floury C Fccd In large or small quantities AT RIGHT eiticmS. Bran, Flour, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, Rolled Wheat, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Etc. BEST BB ANDS OF FLOUR, C. W. a WIT . =o -Yew Want a Bicycle? THE G. & J. PNEUMATIC r o TIRE s�Pt' 'Ram eT11G t,,r,o CURE CENTRAL S PI .RLOE . A. HASTINGS, INGS, M' LOZa.R2ETOR. Sick Headache and rel eve all the troubles incl• dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness Distress after eating Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE Livun Pius are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE is the bare of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Camas s I Irrr ^ LIVER. PILLS are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They p •e strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all r ho ase than. In vials at25 cents; live for St ., ,,r i• venni-here, or sent by mail CuiRTER ''E i141k7a CO., NMR York. 'hall' ; k ? 'tv5a, Small Pricy !iiinib1 ty1! la phe ealy Tire that gave saiisfactfon last. year The Geoid >Bicycle Co LT0. ue YONGE STNagli .Brailtfoitl►, .OAt PERR114;3 & MARTIN' Fanson's Block. 0 0 0 Best Ordered Clothing produced. in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders eaeiy,to.' with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Pine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yea are sure of, satisiao• �. •' Z. " M`i zLL. Agent for the Brantford Steam Laundry. • FANSON'S BLOCK. We have a full supply of all kinds of School Books. Our Exercise and Scribbling Books are the largest, best paper and finest value in the country. School Bags and Book Straps all prices. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. VIGOROF E Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. THETRIUMPHOFIOVE Weakness, Nervousness, Debility; and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sick- ness, ickness, worry, etc. Full strength, development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body, Simple, natural methods. Innre - diate improvement. seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 retetsnces. Book, explanation and proofs mailed, (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CD., Duthieln NAY _lt .d .L OR NOT GUILTY - The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheerer taiab any other house in town. Come and be a witness, you will bo well repaid for your time. We down the country for prices in Felt and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and Grain Boots, and for Men's and.Boys Long Boots we take the bun. GEO. MANSON'S, The People's Shoe Store. Most Door to Post Office_ 11-I HAU IT ARE YOU WANTING Furniture Do you want to buy from the Best Selection and at the Lowest Prices, then buy at 1 IGidleys Select from :the :largest and best bought stock in the city. Just now we are showing something, very new and stylish in Bedroom Suites One Onk'Set is a beaut with bevel plate 13x36$22, S. GIDLEY. THEPIONER STORE ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. Phis wonderful discovery is the best known remedy fc0 Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, sten as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestioep Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasa and harmless, and though powerful to promote :. healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills: If yoau' tongne is coated you need olein. .ttT ALL DRl172r STORES. AtMonireal, on Saturday three work. men employed on the new building :of McGill College fell a distance of 80 feet by the breaking of a scaffold. Vincent Page had three ribs broken, A. P r ette had his skull fraoluredy and a. o g Man ,named >� Farley , eoeived a broken log. When oa arrh attack person s a P,e yon eF serol' alone diathesis, the disease is almost sutra to become chronic. The ,only efficacious cure, therefore, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla which expels scrofula from the system an rd the'catrreb Soon follows, suit. Legal treat' meni is only awaste of;tllrtal