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The Exeter Times, 1893-10-12, Page 1
THE BEST .A civertiexng Medium THIS SECTION. 777 AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MA.Y? LOOE 1 At the Label. See if You are PAID IN ADVANCE VOL. XXI. NO. 9; EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1 1892 TOSUN'f WHXTE .6 BOSS j'ubtashers .and Proprietors " W 7 Go Barstool When you Can. ' a good, high, raltres flaw Shoe at ,MGG-owall7 S for 90o, P Also a complete Line of WOMEN'S MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S OXFORD TIES in '.VANS and DUNGOLAS. These Goods were bought direct from the Manufacturers and will be sold •at prices that cannot be beaten. Eggs ix cents per doz, R. McGOWAN, General Merchant, Kirkton. ,Ailsa Craig. splendid driving in this race, in handling Roan Billy, e.aa• a 1<ippen. Biusra-At a threshing on the pre- mises of Mr. Henry Ivison. one day last week, Mr. David Kyle, while standing on a bcaffold engaged in pitching it hi sheaves, missed his footing and fell a distance of 16 feet, alighting upon Mr. Wm. Ivison, sr. Mr. Ivison was rendered unconscious for some Unica, but is now fully recovered. Mr, Kyle was slightly injured, though he had a very close call, for he fell very close to the cylinder, which was runn- ing at full speed. -.Mr. Peter Cooper, of California, is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity.- Miss Hannah Cooper still continues very' low and slight hopes are entertained for her recovery, -Mies Dawson, of Seafortb, spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs Aiken. Stephen. Solon Rum. -The following is a correct report for the month of Sep- tember, of the pupils of S. S. No, 2, Stephen. The names of each class are in order of merit and good con - duet: - on -duet:- V Willie Salter. -1V Lillie Lawson, Josie Flanagan, -Sr. I1I Geo. The races here on Wednesday last, Lawson, Lillie Lamport. -Jr. III Lizzie is connection with the fair, drew a Lawson, Wesely Hirtzel,UrbanjEasery, large orowd, and some fast horses were (,lenso Salter, Bella Sinus, Ieebert on hand. Faso time was made and al- Clark. -II Ruby Essery, Katie Fiana- together competition was keen. In the gan; Ella Lampert, Charles Lamport, 2.35 trot there was some splendid work done, and Mr. Ha,skshaw's horse did admirably well for a green horse, while his driver Mr. Pearce, waawaaid to be the best driver on the track that! day. Danmore 1st, Mell 0 2nd, Jackal 3rd. Following are the heats:. 1i McLurg's JPoplarllill] Chester 4 4 4 dr D A. McEwen s (Ansa Craig] Jackal 3 2 3 2 JLankin's ifar'antonl Danmare 11 2 1 W lfawkshaw's [Exeter.' Moil() 2 3 1 2 Time, 2.37.2,35, 2.34, 2.35. The free for all was an exciting race and the winner had to work fo ,..'hiis place. This race was won by fllootor M., Young 13oaair 2nd,• and Debrino 3rd. Following is the summary: M 0 TCotobum's [Leamington] "young 3 2 2 2 emir,*ctratford Axtel 1 4 4 4 ;Conlof'' ] Debrino 4 3 3 3 Johnston Parallel J Ellieun's [Sarnia] Doctor at 2 1 1 1 Time, 2,25} 2.31}, 2.29,2,25j. In the green race, D, C. Bell's Robbie , T White's (Exeter) ditching Dly a, $2; D WeetMan 42 C .took tat and W. :n Bill • Sn '. Per»roe also did cords gravel contract S B gates, plank, P_inB t, d, pipet dripping pit and .shovelling _ing gravel, $30-06, C c Hodgins 3 days re - inspecting bridge timber and Clande- boye dram, $4.50; ,1 S Atkinson bat on gravel contract, $2.21; W Hodgins rep bridge, culvert and gravel Moan Boundary, $7.50; 3 McLaughlin 56 rds Elizabeth Sima, Mary Lamport, John Sims. -Pt Ii. Lula Essery, Cora Lam- port, Joseph Sims, Patrick Flanagan, Mary Lawson. -Sr. Pt I Garnet Sims, Garfield Lawson, Wilfred Lawson, Louisa Flanagan,- 2nd Pt 1 Delphic Essery, Laying Sims, Will Sims, -Jr Pt 1 Siloma Hirtzel, Isaac Siaii,Joseph Edwards. 4, EssitaY, Teacher. Biddulph Council. `The Council convened pursuant to adjouertmont. Tho Reeve and all the membe`s present, The following accounts were order- ed to bo paned: -E Langford grant to road beat Div 5, $104 do two days work, $2; 3 Williams grn•l contract S B $10, 0 S It $2,40 $12.401 -do culvert and ditch S B Div 5, $2.25,4'0 Cook ditohing St M G R Dev 5, $2, lilt. B1atotit:4 d Rord & Co Woodham. YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING ditch Div 4, $10.65; des Carrot] deep - AT POPULAR PRICES. ening creek Div 3, $2.75; P Breen cul- vert and spikes, Div 4, $3, M Powe That :Fit well, Wear well and culvert grading and stripping pit, Div Look well. 4, $11,25, J Harleton 3 days work Div 3, $3, CV Whelilian cedar posts Div 4, 30e; Jas Donelly gravel account in full for 1893. $6.34; Jaa .Ryder 2 tile drains t We don't sell SHODDY :-: CLOTHING. and grading Div 4, $7; Jae Grace 2 days at gate Div 4, 80c; J Ryan on scot gravel contract 0 S R Div 4, $25; R The best is none too good for our trade. Flynn rep culvert Div 2, $2, A K Hod - Every house is selling the cheapest. We gins do, $2; Alex Jamieson rep road aim to give the boat for the money. Div 2, 50o; J Hodgins gravel account and damages in full, $19.40; T Kent See our assortment of work at bridge Div 2, 50o: W L Bice on' Thompson and his Ministers on the oocasion of their visit to Luoan was. duly uypassed. The oounoil adjourned to weet again on Monday Nov 6,1893, at 10 a: m. W. D. Srexaur, Clerk. se at 4 Biddulpf3r i s- rBs Er, bl,Jonat bsn Atkinson 3r d con. Biddulpb, sold hies fame last week for the sum of $4,500. This farm was valued at $6,000 a few year ago. -The 2nd eencession Biddulph, is almost impassable at present, lowing to ;tile bridge across the Sauble being taken down and a new one building. --Mr. Jamea Thompson of Adare is at pres- ent suffering from blood poisoning. -- Mr. Wm. Dishman from Owen Sound who has been on a rented farm in Bid- dulph for the last three years baa collided with the times and gave' all his live stook and implements for the benefit of his ereditoru.-We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. George Rook 2nd concession Usborne, who waswell- known and universally respected; she died at the family residenoe on the 7th Inst. Deoeased was sister to Mie H. Jones, Exeter. --Owing to the extreme drought farmers have but little fall ploughing done as yet. Elden. BRIBES. -Fall plowing around Here has almost been abandoned on account of the dry weather. -Jas. Dempsey, our school teacher, who has been on the sick list for the past two weeks is able to be around again. -Mr and Mrs Christopher Coates of Elimville, were the guests of Mrs Coates of this place on Sunday IMI.. -Mrs, John. Baker of Rochester was here attending the funeral of Mrs. Geo. Rook on Sunday last. 0$ITGraay.-The Angel of Death has again visited one of our homes in this MEN'S, YOUTEIS' AND BOYS' SUITS acct of bridge contract, $I25, Jas Mc - AND OVERCOATS. Roberts gravel acct in full and work, $14,50. The Clerk was instructed to communt Men's = urnishx� gs Date with the commissioner for London At Specie/ Prices. Township asking his co-operl.tion in Ties,;Collars, Shirts, Underwear, the new {training McRobert's gravel pit. est and bestat moderate prices. An address of welcome to Sir John l ensa1l. Ureenway. . CAAdERCN SMITlI, Barrister, Solidi- --- • tor. Conveyancer: Office Maio -at. BRIEFS. -Mr. Frank Giermette was. Dan be consulted after office ]hours at the Commercial !Hotel. Densall, WANTED -Cats, large quantity ofoed. olefin. white oats, wanted at the lleneall, oat meal Mills; present pried 29o, A quantity of feed on band cheap. D, IIRQUBART. Do you know that Weseloh is the leadiu 130ot and Shoeman in 'the county. The beat o styles, s Goodsne a t w s sty c ,beat fitting and 1 .owe t Prides are always found with him. Ladies Kid ,Buttoned Shoes at 5L25, bion's Long Boots at 31,50. Children's Sboos5c. Womon's Buff Bats for $1; and all other Goods equally as cheap. Sign of Big Boot. A. WBSBLt3R. Following are the market quotations : Wheat 56 to 58 Barley . .. . ... . ..... • • 36 to 6 28 to 28 Peas ..,.., 51 to 61 Hay .. 6.00 to 7.00 Butter-. ........ Oto 21 Ens.. 14 to 14 ;flogs ... , ..5 76 to 5 00 Clover seed. ..... Darr. -Died, in this place, on the 6th fnet,,Miss Barbara, Wilson, aged 31 years 7 mouths and 23 days. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon for the Rodger - vine] cemetery, and was the largest that had been witnessed for some time, there being about 75 rigs. Deceased was a per- son respected by all, and will be missed very much. She was a member of the Methodist church, and teacher of the ]adios' bible class, ,and secretary of the Women's Auxiliary, and one of the leading memhers'of the' Epworth League. She also was Select Councillor of the R.T. of T, Council No 391. Her funeral sermon was preached on Sunday morning by Rev air. Swan ; text : Pe. ea, xil yerce, "So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." The ser - vises were largely attended by friends and 1equaintanoesi and the speaker pointed out in his discourse the necessity of being prepared to depart, and to have our days .numbered, The Royal Tomplars of Tem- peranes attended the funeral of sister Wilson in a body, and marched out of the corporation. According to R. T, of 1'. neighborhood, this time taking from our services, they performed their last duties midst Priscilla, beloved wife of 2.fr. Geo at her grave. Tlia weather being fine, Rook, in the 40th year of her age. After a short illness of but a few days, she passed peacefully away to that land from whence no trayeller returns. The funeral procession took place on Monday to:the Eden church where service was conducted by the Rev, Mr, Butt after which lief `Moss ins were laid in the Edon cemetery. Decea`se'l. leaves a husband and 6 small children to mourn their loss. Mr. Rook and family 4.1ave the sympathy of the community in tliieeheir sad bereavement. Good Values OFFERED IN Fa,11 and Winter Goods. ORDERED CLOTHING A Specialty. A Fine Range of Ladies' Mantles $5 & Upwards. Millinery Stock complete in all the Leading Lines, J. HALL, there WAS a large turn out, Boner's -Mr. 3. C. Stoneman returned Tuesday Prem tlio World's Fair. Bo 'speaks m having bad a good time. -Mr D. MoLoonan, stain buyer, was in' town last Friday and Saturday. -Ur 3. C. Kiausen returned from Manitoba last Friday.- Mesars, Jas Petty, D. Weismiller, ugh McDonald, John Gilchrist, Win Elder and Thos and Wxfl Cousit left last Friday evg. for the World's Fair. -Dr Thompson left Saturday night for the World's Fair. Dr. Syndnean of Exeter attends to bis practice ti ring his absence. -Geo. bfoEwen was at WinOtin oirliTa tit+;=,.k Mr John Hall of Dashwood was in town onYlon ay.-• rn. Schluchtorof Zurich is viai:ing her daugh- ter, Mrs Cook, this weak, -Mr John Young of Bruoefield was visiting at Mr. Fred Meyers' this week. -Misses Annie Ranson, C. Chapman and 13. Wilson spent Tuesday afternoon in'Liteter.-Tho brick work of ?dr. James • Taylor's residence is now finished. -Mr a.. Wilkon and wife of Londesboro'were in town on Saturday and Sunday, attending the funeral of Miss Wilson. walking around a room in his home one night last week and stepped on .some- thing whieb on procuring° light proved to be a large milk snake. His foot swelled up in the night but soon- got all right. He killed Mr. Snake. -Mr. Albert Wilson entered the 0. A. Col- lege of Guelph the 2nd of 0otober. Sia father accempaniedlhim down there and apeaka in high praise of the advan- tages for young men. There are over 100 young men and boys there now, some from Sootland,Fngiand, United t tatea,North West Territory,Manitoba, and Bermuda. A number that sent their applications late could not be se- oommodated, 'This college is admitted to be the beat of the kind in the world, the officers are very obliging and great- ly interacted in the student's temporal and spiritual welfare. A young men's christian association is esteblisbed in a large hall in the college, bible classes are held one evening :during the week and in the afternoon. The stud. ants are urgently requested to attend the church of their ohoice each Sabbath lore -noon at 11 a. m. in the city which is only about 1 mile from the college. Every farmer wishing to givehis sons. good start in life, and every farmer's wife who Ioveaher sons as she should, will use their influence to have their O. 0. Rzoge.nns & Co. boys placed there andtake the advant-1 Gents, -My daughter was suffering tete ages of such an institution. During , ribly with neuralgia. I purchased a bottle the summer cheap railway excursions of 11MLNARD'S LINIMENT and rubbed her are given for the benefit of farmers fate thoroughly. The pain left her and wishing to visit the College and loo;. she slept well till morning. Next night over the large farm and any ono that tanother attack, another application ;result. can spare the time will be amply re- Sed as previously, with no return since. paid by the information to be seen asap (crateful feeling° determined me to express (m myself teulrltcly. 1 would not be without Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is reliev- ed at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately after dinner. Don't forget this. There is no' article in the line of med- icines that gives so large a return for the money as a good porous strengthening plaster, such as Carti.r's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. B. B. 13. STOOD THE Blur. I tried every known remedy I wild think of for rheumatism, without giving me any relief, until 1 tried,Burdook Blood Bitters whioh remedy I 'an highly raanm. mend to all afflicted as I was. Dashwood Helens Siuirir, Milverton, Ont. RICHARD PIC A D E CeZ CoeD sagazmi • _d diosimmim wassommi frimtassetio Vs,:rats:.. r e L'M4 ...,nrw� 0 at o p, C3 v ce 0) PI bA • r•a 0 •� aQ O r't rn ce 04 0 CD 0 a rd �cd ruse n p.4 oc, O � U cD +0--, O o bA51 m '�-7.1, E C. m .©se gill -a m4�tai Wri T.172 (.4 +21 visui flizsa 0 CD 0 SON'S C) a � - Q? -p 03 CO 0 oO, o fiD to r, ,1i m r rxifa)� i ..(4:1 La � ij � Ea m }�,,��,�j m O oP.1 g� L pad 71 CD0 tal bo °Cv)C6 0 EntU0 , t '3)3 '''C3 (1).-ci pc1 Li N (13 MAMMOTH 1 0 r.21 rell p gcD LI at Sej ce an • ffe ti�"t� tit 0 •- 0. 0 0 cp- cYD Ge 0 h Cl '- d cszCD CD44-11 C CDCD FREE Admission. —TO THE— Exhibition HE-- E hibit on During the month 01 September, visitors will be admitted free of charge to see our lovely exhibit of Fall and Winter Goods. The Man- agement have done all in their power to make this the best Ex- hibition ever given by them, and have studied to please the eye and suit the pocket. The World's Fair and Indus- trial Exhibitions are very pleasing to the eye, bub not ao remunerative to the pookeb. But we do:both, Our New Dress Goods are lovely and cheap. All Flannels and underclothing were never so cheap before with us, and it will be to your interest to %all and examine our entire,.Stock of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes,Eto., before getting your Fall Goods. Yours, J. P. ROSS. Market Depot model farm. -Rev, Dr. Beaumont, M1ilLP.I)'S LINIMENT in the hones at preached a very interesting and in- 'tiny cost: structiveThanksgivrng sermon in Greets J, g, Bootee. church last sabbath, the collection at l pa,rkdele, Qat, the close Amounted to over $32 00,. - Minard's Liniment cures Zlintemper, Mies Bary Wilson arrived home from from Traverse City last week. ---A. large number of our citizens attended , the SrRlxc Peon. World's Exposition at Parkhill, last Friday and were highly pleased with At this season of the year when horses "the beautiful play, theexliibit in the and rattle are being taken from green food Ari oalturat Building eras the best in and put on dry, they are apt to pet out of condition and lose flesh, getting a poor the countryeterv, AQ,Bobier, produce start on a long hard winter. A. smell In. of Exeter visited our post mastor vestment in Disk's Blood Purifier would n Monday, -Mr. Thomas Kerr ofdigestion, 1 ro'avoid this as it strengthens the Brookville arrived bore last Monday. gives a good appatito tinct tones up the 13e and his brother-in-law have started °halo syereaa�. titock raisers who uaa It on a tour through the County of Huron, do not have the ahagrin of seeing their looking after Mr. Kerr's patent fence animals come out spring poor. business. -Mr, G. Brown test colleotor for Stephen is making his annual visit moms the citizens thin week.--Mr..11 math, aa3 °41 f etiftotiare v:sitlitg Dress Goods their son`tt ibis wee ,r t-.s"�u. -p the Boston store is opening large quantities of dry goods,groceries, boots & shoes this week. Parties that DressGoods have dealt at the store for over 21 years�i lA sneak in high praise [et the obliging clerks and choice goods to be had at all seasons of the year. Mr. Wilson has givenup the long credit system Just opened out at and sells for cash and produce on short credit to andMantles prompt paying customers.' ' 1 Whale �1,! 1 1 ; BRnars-Water in this part is very scarce, many farmers depending on the school well for waterfor their stock, and some drawing water from a consid- erable distance, -Master George Gun- ning is attending St. Mary's Collegiate Institute, and Miss Martha klcLaugh- lin,Lucan,-P McGee has rented his farm to 111r. P Keho, Pat will now want a partner. Tho groat value al. Ixoarl's Sarraparilia as a remedy for catarrh is vono`vel for by thousands of people whom it has cured. The .largest Stock of Dress Goods and Mantles ever shown in Hensall. Every lady is hereby invited to call and see them. D. WEIM L LER, RENSALL BUILDING 1.1" ‘emisasonsresoo Forct f'21 tie 2) ccg czsgozzi (1,) C i afrole nR�Eirc 0 0 0) 03 Ei • Pad 0 111010000.0 W4.4 !� .a zt \\144■ to oe mrd. cd t! -t 9 CCk 4Z 0 =ems SALE. 4211 vs riv,Aolaa Ab `ra •alre r 'lora rzt r, 03 0 e3 0) m t' 3 ceA 4.7 0 0.4 is n 0-4 cd aA 0 0 1.1) 41 0 A cri 14 41 n Richard Pickard 65 Son, Direct Importers.