HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-10-5, Page 1TEM BTT Advertising Medium —1r_- ri iS SECTION.', VOL..-XXI. NO, .8, shy Go Bar1f101 When you can get a good, high, :h,f mans PlowShoe at R.. cGowan's for 9Oc, Also a complete Line of WOMEN'S MISSES' AND VHILDREN'S OXFORD TIES in TANS and DUNGOLAS. These Goods were bought direct from the Manufacturers and will be sold at prices that cannot be beaten. Eggs r x cents per ileo doz, E. General 11loi;chant, Kirkton. The Q'ranton Fair. r. The annual fall fair o£ the I31ddnlph Agricultural Society wan belle la Granton, on Wodiiesday and Thursday last. The weather was he aeooxad dayphowever being windy andid for the most d alightly cold. The attendance was oom- paratively largo the gate receipta amount. ing to $125 though the show waa not quite up to former occasions. The indoor dis- play was smelt in all olasaea, the exhibits rn ladioa' work, grain, vegetables, ate., being meagre. In atonic there waa it #'air exhibit, though not equal to former years. The two anti three year old classes were well represented. The speeding contests were keenly contested, ?Er. Whits of Exeter winning both race. Following ie, the result : F1ikE. Boit Ate,. ey Whiten 'Bean Billy'(1?.xotor) ' 2 + 0 1 TL Morrow's 'Been Gcorgo'(liryaneton) 1 2 0 2 1 Longford's "Bette (Grantan) 83 3 8 G�esery'a'Serra! can' tContrtella) 14 4 4 4 Timm -3./0,3g, 3,08, 3,08,3,I0 . lilt*third was a dead heat between the two winners, and had to be trotted over resulting iu W. White's "Roan Billy" winning the heat with case, `^ FA=Data' emee. G,ifobb's'Maud. O.' farautenJ 2 W, Kennede'v'Baylltttl,' [tlrautcul 4 dr 3 11 Go iding's' Topo " [Gfranxonj 1 itc'a'.13rown Dick' [Beeler/ 1 3 3 t riAne's'Items Billy' fGrantoni drawn T le bicycle race, two thirds of mile, was wen by Jos Brook, R. Radcliffe 2nd. Time 2.43. The foot race between A. F4, Weatman and H, Spearin waa not so keenly content- ed, anti was won by the latter, Following is the prize list ; HORSES,-114PORTED. -Brood mare, J .Hazlewood, J Hooper & Son; 3 year old, Jaa Routley; 1 year old, Geo Duffield; Foal, J Beeper et Sun, Jae Hazlewood. DnananTs,-Span in harness, Wm Cor- onet; brood mare, Geo Spearin. Jas Bent- ley; Foal, Jas Routley, Goo spectri], AoRrenLTURAL.-Bpnn in harness, Sam'l Langford, Samuel Birkby; brood mare, Jim Guest, A Doupe; 2 year old, Wm Johnston, Jno Guest; 1 year old, Jno Guest; Foal, We Rea, A troupe. Gzeriettax, Penrose. -Span in harness, Belt Abray, WDewan; brood mere, Chris le'ahaer; 2 year old, Wm Massie, W Henry Foal, Samuel Eireby, Chrfe Fahner, JODOES.-Wm Graham, St. Marys; W RCarr, Kirkton. ROADSTERS.- A xna.- S an ' In hA' e s P trig Wm White, W Henry; single driver, W Moseip Jno ,Llaxwell; brood mare, Wes Lansford, Samuel McKenzie; 2 year old, Samuel Langford, Horace Jermyn; Foal, Samuel McKenzie, Wee Langford; single horse in saddle, Wm Bottler, Jaa Foster, Cemtraoit.--Brood mare, Wes Langford, D Thompson; 2 year old, Samuel Kirkby, A AfoEoberts;1 year old, W Johnston; Foal W lttosoip, let and 2nd; single driver, Chas Guest, Wm Kennedy. J2 obs, -R E Ardiel V S., St Marys; ThoS London Tp. .LE.,-DnnHAaza WITH PEDIGREE.- -Milch cow, J Hooper & Son, lot and 2nd. 2 year old heifer, W Reith; 1 year, old heifer, Eloraee Jermyn, W Reith; heifer calf, Robt McCullough, 1st and 2nd; bull calf 00 .893, Robt McCullough, . 1st and 2nd. GRADE ()&TYLE.-Oow, Boraca Jermyn, .1 Hooper & Son; yearling heifer, J Hooper & Son, let and 2nd; 2 year old steer, J Hooper & Son, let and 2nd; 1 veer old Ford Si Co. Woodham. YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLO'.L'. LIN- AT POPULAR 1'RTCES. That :Fit well, Wear well and Look well, We don't sell SHODDY :—: CLOTHING, Thoeli st.. is none too good for our trade. Every house is sellingthe cheapest. We aim to give the best for the money, See our assortment of MEN'S, YOt5T13S' AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Ci� LI. S � ia.rnishil`xgs . tt; Special Prieee. Cies :Gel ars t 4 r$hirts, TJ'uderwenr,e new,. eeeelsand beat at moderate prithe AND HURON ,ON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS: FALL WHERE THEY MAY! EXETER, O3TTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING„ OCTOBER 5189? cots or heifer, J Hooper & Sou, Jas Wallis steer, J Hooper '& Son, ,let and 2nd; fit '�-�• Heneail. leer CAMERON SMI'rn, Barrister. Solioi- Can bo consulted Conveyancer. office ]hours at the Commercial hotel. Bengali. Do you know that Weselob is the leading Boot and Shoe men hi :the county,' The best Goods, newest styles, beat ftttine and lowest Prises are always found with him. Ladles Kid Buttoned Shoes at $1,2s. Men's Long Boots at Nen, Children's Shoes5e. Women's Buff Bala. for Si: and all other Goode equally ae cheap. Sign of Dig Boot. A. Iy;ES1;1,01e. Following are the market quotations: Wheat 56 to 5$ Marley 36 to 36 Cato 26 to 28 Peas .51 to 51 Bailer , 6,00 to 7.00 2 Ola 21. Eggq. .. ... 13 to 13 . ogee sae 5 75 to 5 00 xd,..,....,.. BRlnirs-Bueinees has somewhat improv- ed since tbeirefreahing rain on Tuesday night. -.A large quantity of grain is coining in every day. -.Mr D. Urquhart is now run ribs hie eattneal mill is paying the highest price fort oats.--Ourt Sax mill finished thrashing last Monday, and are now preparing for the eoutching of the dux, -Mr John Pope moved into tbare Laing s house on King street; while Mr Geo Broderick of Babylon line moved i nto the house vacated by Mr Pope, -..Mt John McDonald and A. Weeeloh returned from the World'a I''air,-Mr Fred Beek of St. Paul is spending several weeks under the parental roof, -Mr Joe Norris of Bolgrave is visiting friends in town.-Aforara Joe Bilis, John Miller, Robb Bell and Benj Sherry returned last Saturday from she World's Fair. -,(,ignite a number intend going on Friday to Chicago to attend the World's Fair. -Alias Barbara Wilson fa at element very low. -Mr d„ VVilken of Lon- deaboro' waa in town on Tuesday looking after Mr John O'Brien, who at present fa sick at his father -in -Law's, Mr Alex Mc- Pherson. .He is a member of Court Pride of the Welt Londoaboro' C. 0. F, and the Court has sent him down to nee that be is well attended to. -The B. L. & C. E. Con ventiowas a grand in teas and the etto dancel church :on e was very large- The next convention is to be held in Clinton Rattenbury church., - Ur A. Crape sold his restaurant to Mr Mat, Elwood and moved back to Sebring - villa on Monday. -;vire R. Coad returned front Detroit, whore she has bean visiting relatives, -Aire H. Cook has returned from Detroit, where she has been visiting her siator•-Mm John Buchanan waa home on a visit from Guelph last week, -The gipay horee•tradere were in town and made several deals with our horsemen. They. had a good ,stock of horses, -ATre Sena ` Keiser ofCleudoboyo is yisiting Mrs John McArthur, (banker). -Dir A. Weseloh and family were visiting at Zurich Jaet Sun- etiberry and family day.--MrBoa few week's visiting at Hamburg, Berlin, New Dundee tend other places east, -Misses Gill and Greg- CookfExeter were the l st Sunday.-MrsWosta m of Turnbu l and daughter of Port Blake were waiting Ur Win Elder last week, -Mr Geo Kydd returned from the Sault, and is noir help- ing Mr R, Cndntore,-.11r Alex Tremmier, of near St Maya, is visiting at his mother- in-law's, Mrs Wilson. -Mr J. 0. Klauson, who has heeu absent for a month,Lyisiting in Manitoba, is expected home to -night, - Mr John Bell fell from a load of lumber last week, and falling on his head, severe- ly injured himself. -Mr Berry has com- menced the erection of his mammoth chicken house. To the Editor of the ExeterlTiraes, SHEEP._ LoNG V7ooe,--In this glass la Pe O'Neil carried off all the prizes, some eleven in number. Slone Woos.;.-- Aged ram, Spurned Doupe; sheerling ram, H A Switzer, let and. 2nd; ram lamb, Samuel Donee, H A Switzer; breeding ewes, H A Switzer, Samuel Donpe; shearling Iambs, H A Switzer, SamnelTempe; ewe Lambe, Satn'l Deupee let and 2nd; fat ewes, I3 A Switsor, let and 2nd; pen, Samuel Doupe. SWINE. --Berkshire boar, Wm Middle- ton; berkabiro Bow, E J Brooke, ,leets, -A. Wood, St Maryg; W Spines Metropolitan; P Brooks, Whalen, POULTRY. --Light brahmas, Wm. Reith, ' Armstrong& Sperling; plymouth Reeks, 7 WJonee; games an, kind, Horace Jermyn, J W Jones; black legharna, Armstrong & Sperling, let and 2nd; black epaaish, Armstrong ea Sperling; Wyandottea, Atm - strong & Sperling; houdana, Arreetrong & Sperling; bleak javae, Armstrong & Spar. ling: h amb r ga Armstrong ro n g & Snarling 1st. and 2nd; white leghorns, Armstrong & SparlArmstrong & Sperling, let and 2nd; b, lot and 2ud; brown ent' encs, Armstrong & Sparlintr, J W Jones. IMPLEMENTS.. --Lumber wagon, D lt1oLarty & San; doable buggy, D MoLarty & Son; Bingle buggy, D MaLarty & Son, G Dinsmore; set hand made horse shoes, C C Sheardown. J 73 l3r wo n, Winalaelsea. trEGETABLES. Potatoes Roao, D Westman, beauty of hebron, Jno Eedy, Jas Westman; potatoes any kind, Jas Weal - roan, roan, W Moasip; cabbage, C Dickenson, F G Abbott, cauliflower, D Brethoar; pump' kine, C Dickenson, Itob413001iffe; squashes any kind, T W Jones; blood boots D Breth- our, F G .Abbott; turnip beats, D Westman C Diokenaon; parsnips, 0 Dickenson, D Brethoar, turnips, Wm Reith, F G ,Abbott; long marigolds, Wm lieitlh, E Langford; globe mangolds, E Langford; onions red onions yellow, ()Dickenson, Thos Squires; tomatoes, D Brothour, It D Stanley: field oarrote, C Diokenaon, 'iVm Beith; garden "wrote Iong, C Dickenson; garden carrots short, I) Westman, R Langford; cobs sweet corn, F G Abott, nobs field corn, C Dickens mon, Bolt Radcliffe; bead celery, white or yellow, 0 Dickenson Oaeumbere, Jaa Wallis; entmeg melons, D Brabant; sunflower, J W Jones. GRAIN, --Barley, D Bret/tour , Horace Jermyn; white fall wheat, D Brothour, R D Stanley; red fall wheat, Jon Winer, A, Gunning; spring wheat, R D Stanley, J Porte; white oats, R D Stanley, Ton Shier; black oats, D Brothour, J Porte; peas, mummy, D Brethour, W Mossip; peas marrertfai, J) Brethour; beans, Jon Shier, 0 Brothour, Jrx,gxs.•-J' Hassett, Ilderton; G Carter, Granton. FRUIT. -Apples, Baldwin, J Westman, Jno Jermyn; northern3spy, Jas Weatman, I Westman; rhado island, 1 Waetman; roe' bury russets, Jno Jermyn; golden russets I Wetman, C Diokenaon; king of tompkine Jas Weatman, Jno Jormyn; snow. Juo Jermyn; 20 oz pippen, Jas Weatman I Westman; collodion of applea, I Westman; apples winter any kind, I Wostmau, Jno Jermyn; fall any kind, I Westman; Drab apples, R D Stanley, D Brethoar; winter pears, T Jermyn; fall pears, J Jermyne plums, red or blue, I Westman, 11 Camer- on; plums green, Jon SI ler; open air blk grapes, A Gunning, 13 J Brooks; open air red grapes, Jno Jermyn, open air white grapes, H Cameron. SPECIALS. -20 oz pippon, I Westman; peaches, Jno Jermyn. JunOEe.-Root Beatty, Kirkton; Rich Jermyn, Granton SIR :-We noticed an item in print a sho-HORTICULTURAL. - Farm/lies W the rHensel] t time mill, bin y whichlir ard to nPeartgandi Baynes; geraniums, 11 Cameron; hest bo- Brintneil claim that they drew the largest gust of Flnwere, H Cameron load drawn by one team. They stated Dame AND Df At, i,F.taTLut➢.--$a�, Or croak that a an of mea. and of butter not less 20 Ins, Jas Wallin, ,Ion two teams Shier; roll or print of 10 lbs, Jon Shier, Now Mr. about load was undred the Ina they Maggie Jamieson; honey extracted F Gload they as refer toand theiraktwo teams* is not draw wrhis Abbott, A Langford; honey in comb, A Langford; maple auger, 0 Brethoar: maple load and l ©d t had toversamtonomarewthan syrup, Jon Shier, Jas Westman; home Peart & BrintnelI. made bread, Jon Shier, Jae Wallis; peaohee canned, Jas Wallis; pears canned or preser- ONE WHO `ves THESE, ved, 13 Cameron; (loll of canned fruits, D Hay. Brothour, Jaa Wallis, FIN); ARTS. -Eland painting on velvet, Miss Jamieson; oil painting landscape, J I: Murray; water oolore, landscape, J W Jones, lat and 2nd; pencil drawing any subject, Thea Squires. Junaxs.-Mary Dinsmore; Granton; R Radcliffe, Granton. MANUFACT'UIZES.-Sat single harness M Callender. LADIRS' WORK, --Embroidery in silk, Des. Hanhatn, M Creighton; embroidery m ooi;trsi, i&(rs Lanham, Miss Jamieson; ribbonseue, Mrs Hauham,, M Creighton; crazy patchwork,'` Mrs: Hanhatn, Sarah Baynes; °rootlet in cotton, M Creighton, Mins Jamieson; orooliet in wool, Mrs Han- ham, Sarab Baynes; berlin wool work, Mrs Hanham 84 Creighton; maorame work, Mrs Ileabam, Jon Shier; braiding, Mrs Han- bam; sofa pillow, Mrs Hanham, J E Murray; pillow shams, M Creighton, Mrs Hanhatn; knitted' mitts silk, Miss Jamieson knitted mitts woollen, M: Creighton, Sarah Baynes; knitted soaks woollen, ad Creighton Miss Jamietton; darned net, M Creighton; lace work, Sarah Baynes; quilt, patchwork, silk, Mrs Hanham; quiltepatohwork, cotton S Baynes, Mrs Hanham: quilt, lox cabin, Mrs Hanham, Sarah Baynes: quilt, knitted, M Creighton, Miss Jamieson: quilt knotted, Jon Shier; tatting, Sarah Baynes, Mrs Hanham; tidy, any kind, Nlrs Hanham, Mies Jamieson; a n eI worked, rked , M Creighton D Brotherlyetching on cotton, M Creigh- ton, Sarah Baynes; table drape, J W Jones D Brothour; Ladisa' : nndorolothing hand made, Mrs Benham, Miss Jamieson; shirt hand made, Sarah Baynes, Mrs Hanham; drawn work, Airs Hanham; flannel home made, Miss Jamieson, M Creighton; pr home made blankets, Miss Jamieson, M Creighton; rag carpet, Miss -Jamieson, D Brethoar; tag time hooked, E Langford. SP araeee- Home made yarn, Sarah Baygea, Jurt ,,.. one.--'1;adolifi , Emme Hallett, e, Granton,. Lett, (#Manton. Scaoon RisPORT.-Tho September report for S. S. No, 2, is as follows. Names in order of merit ; V,-0 0 Boss, R 1' Chap. man; IV, -F E. Ross, Maud Ruasell,Nellie O'Brien : III sr., -Nellie Gould, J Shirray, Amelia Jackson ; 1112 jr.,-J, W. ,Todd, Bookie Northcott, M. M. Russell ; II, - W. Jackson, E. O'Brien, Carrie Gould ; 12 part, -B, E. O'Brien, R O'Brien, Jessie Munn ; I part, -Ethel Northoott, John Jackson, Jas Northoots, The boat epaliere in the monthly spelling matches were ; V, -R F Chapman ; IV, -Nellie O'Brien IIT ar.,--Nellie Gould ; III jr.,-Beekie Northcott ; II,-Oarrie Gould ; II part, - Eliza Tin nog; I part, -Ethel Norttteottsamarmaasearnareammearsnaaaessaramearranaar - od -`' ls OFFERED IN Pall at1Ci Winter Goods. 00ds. ORDERED, CL O T HIND' A Specialty. A Fine .' Range of Ladies' 5 Upwards. Millinery Stock ck complete m tete- in all the Leading Lines, mi tet eoheme he worked in Stmt - . n receipt of price by C I HALL, I $newer.for a slmll `' at offence at Hamil o t l Mfnard s Liniment is theBsst> L+'liflLV lie. Berens. --Mr. John Hunter, sr., who has been nick for some tinge past is still very tory and but sight hopes are entertained for his recovery. Elia daughter Grace is also in a cratical oondztion, Mr. Hunter is one of the pioneers of the Township and is wide- ly known,. Rev, T. B. Couple -rid and 1)1r. G. W, Holman base returned front er- stand it is their�itentiona toe deliver lectures on the great exposition. These lectures are to be illustrated With atereoptioan views and should prove very interesting -The sale of stook belonging to the estate of the late Thom, Eevwood took plaoe last Saturday and was largely attended, Everything teemed to bring good average prices. The amount realed exceeded $l, 400, Mr, f3, Brown wield- ed the hammer in hie usual able manner, --The. remains of the late Stephen Council, John Veil, who died in Exeter, were interred here on Wednesday, in the Crediton, 2nd Oct„ 1893, burying ground which forms a art of All meing ea and sig d. Res of tbetarna formerly owned bythe de. lastmeeting read and signed. R t D- iseased, ed that 11Ir. Sberrett see about D. Mr, Veil was for many years Sutton's statute labor -H, Either a respected resident of Usborne, and R, Hicks that G Brown be tax Kiriiton. W. Robson the noted 3eweilor, Shier & Marshall's block. Watches, Cloaks, .Etc., given a new lease of life. All work guaranteed Prices low. Hating purchased ,3- fine stook of ill se lthe same awaanY Wee, Jewelry, aularba hole sate post , W. ROBSON- s white= Grautozl. BRr>,rs,--The concert on the avg. of fair day was s noose in every particular, It was given by Mr; Sim Fax, who acquitted himself to the satiefaoticn of the large audience, being one of the best concerts ever gipen in Greaten, and a credit to the Foresters, under whose auspiosa it was gotten rip, -..There is talk of creating a new grist mill here. We bopo the tali may materialize, as Granton is badly m need of something of this ;kind May the promoters adhere. strongly to their projjeot, collector eu or for I893 and that he band an Usborne. his Honda as soon as paserble, After 13nix,,s,.••-,Onthe'_nd inat, Mr, John adjourned to meet the following n Monday 20th Spicer -departed this lifelathiaresidence November at 10 a, m.. on the London Road in the 77thyearof f {Orders granted: CWainer, add his age, Mr. Spicer was a additional the Toanahi pioneer of expenditure N 13 $18 25 i S 0 Prouty, p where he has rested rep 4th con. road 5Uats ; Mrs Pollan, many years, witnessing the tranafor. $6; G Ford, $20 92 , Airs Newcombe, oration from woodland to cultivated w farms, orchards and gardens. Deceas- gap A Campbell, gravel and:watching ed leaves a widow and a large family $12 J Hearne; wog k 1. a6n It road 29 and many relatives and friends to J F Eilber$2, ,repairing'el t ,road $29 ; mourn his death. -For manyars ; Johnbrid s, the teachers of Usborne have enjoyed 2 cul. $1 :awker, G gays $9 el ; John Pallia, immunity from the dovastatin in- p , ditch across road fluence of the 'clow salary" g nd work J. Rose, sop 'tools : Stone, C. , Bunker, their terms have been xtendedato gravel aana ul n. l$2 ; S Webbaulu19tl periods ranging from six to thirteen con. $4 50 : J Salter, hauling lumber yearn at good salaries. but the cyclone $1 25 ; D Buchannan, ditobin has come at last, and the result is that award, $26 60 ; W Huston g gravel the places that have known teachers $4720 ;J. Lane, con S. 13, g for several of the above periods , $6 ; J. P will Lawson; 2 bridges $13 60; J Lawson, know them no more, for eateries have Mud Creek bridge Pilling $83 ; 4t'm taken a tumble of about twenty per White rep bridge 2 :13 Lis ' eent. Thia has been brought about and approach $26 ;R. Hill, cul. $12 by two principal causes -the general W Nairn, cul. $2 50: W Sanders, par; cry of bard times and teunecrupulous contract, $60; J Wind, $16 , W(iahaer truckling of the unemployed. What 85c : F. W. Farncomba, 383 25 P has always made the teaching profess- Baker, repdrain i 'lore if profession if, be, ridiculous to our portin of awardlex en es E. Tom, the estimation of business men and on school matter. P $13 75 peoples eniployedh,by the someshonest teachersct- in C. Perim, Clerk, cutting the throats of others for place. Sucursued in thishTownobeen the sh p this yeartand ics the result has been disastrous to the experienced teacher. Mistakes like these are made by trustees perhaps once in ten years but not much more frequent, for when they find that the teacher who is making teaching a. life business is being displaced by the one who is merely using teaching as a stepping stone, they learn a - lesson and the error is not repeated for another de- cade. Hr4fYi Zurich. Saws. -The Misses Jacobs and Bauld have been the guests of the Misses Johnston for the past two weeks. -Mr. P. Lamont intends putt - mg up a grand brick building in place of the old Centennial, an improvement to our village. -The Mises s Forrest, r eat ID r ree'emakere, have mored to I�essele Block, E J. Haray's old stand, where they intend remaining, -.Parties are all the rage, there being onelast week, Tuesday evening at the house of Mr. H- iohrader, where all present engag- ed in all sorts of amusement forseveral hours, after which every one took part in doing away with the fresh repast prepared by the ladies, All returned home feeling well pleased with the evening's' enjoyment,- Mr. Signer is apparently during his part towards improving our village by bricking up his blacksmith shop on the outside. - Mrs. E. J. Hardy is in Zurich visiting Ther old friends. Everybody is pleaded to see her back again.. -Miss Thomp- son la back again and has taken oharge of her old stand, Mr,: D. Steinbach's Millinery department.. -Quite a num- ber attended the party at air. J.Geiser's on Monday evening: A special feature was that of Jack, who invested in a new tie early that morning, but as it bad planned happened • did not tie the kti t tight enough, for it slipped, and he had to walk five miles further than he expected and to melee up lost time with a two -forty gait, he raised an. awful dust. -Mr Hoffman, tailor and Miss Faust areerepoi.tod to have been married last week. They have' return- ed to town. THAT PAtx Fria For nervous prostration and, Anaemia, there is nn medicine that will so promptly and infallibly restore vigor and strength as Scotts Emulsion,. Louie W Franks, who "flimflammed„ Merchants in several planes throughout Ontario, was brought down to the Toronto police court from the Central Prison yes- terday morning. He pleaded guilty to Swindling A W. Carrick,, batter, out of $5 'on July 20 last, and was soutenood to six months' imprisonmout to commerce at the expiration of the term he is now aervin for a similar - ford. Franke will,snbse uentl _ hatera - q y to Ur6dlton, -- Belem-Samuel Brown is repairing his dwelling, lately purchased-Treve. thick & Walker are building a new butcher shop, -One of the sports went out shooting last week with his new fancy dog. After the dog had treed the game the shooter became anxious, when it has found to his surprise that the dog had a grass hopper on a Can- adian thistle, Imagine his surprise. Some of the children that had a pet banty chicken aro lamenting its loss; it appears a tree thinking it sportsman a partridge. '-William anp George Reuchler of Philadelpia - have been visiting at J Eilber's at Crediton and are more than pleased of the country over which the Union Jack waves. -Mr McFalls'of London was married last Tuesday to Miss M. Sims at the bride's residenee,Crediton. A happy time was spent and a large number were in atton„ ante.-. The opening of the English Methodist church, which took place last Sunday was a grand success. The Revs, Rob- erts, Jackson and presiding minister, Rey. Baker, officiating, On Monday there was a very large attendance at the supper provided by the congrega- tion, at which over 600 persons paid admission, The Revs Roberts, ,Tack - son, Ayers, Swartz and Baker were in attendance. The receipts from sup. j.Gr, and collection on Sunday, amount et to upwards of $200. Time managers of the erection of the addition deserve great credit for the manner in which they have conducted this matter and repaired the grounds around the church and the new fence built, and what is best of all, we understand that the new addition, which has cost about $1,400, is free, ample Subscriptions haying been raised to wipe it all out. Thia is just as it should be, and speaks Well for the congregation. A Penance SENSE. Of health and strength renewed and of • ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Fige, as it nota in harmony with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or bilious• T'or sale in 76o. bottles by all leading druggists. Norman McWilliams and Daniel Rubble, charged with rape on the person of Oiuder e11a Oole, in the Township of Tyendinaga on January 17 last, were acquitted at Bel- leyille Tuesday. The girl's testimony was so unsatisfactory that Chief Justice Armour took the ease from the jury and. acquitted the prisoners. A Beeexes roaBLoon. Is what ktood's, Sarsaparilla vigorously Balite, and it is always victorious in expel- ling all the foul taints and giving the Vital fluid the quality and quantity of; perfect. health. 1n, It cures salt boils and troubles caused by impure Wood, Hood'sPills cure liver ills.. 25o.. by . Sent mail oRood & Co., Apotl�eoarios,Lowe11, Mas. n Dash'w'ood Itiinard's Liniment mires elokls,ete., LOOK At the Label. See if You ar PAID IN ADVANO ellaansararaavansawara Yb�11 WRIT ne: t�s s and Prop 1efeea Admission —TO THE E h11bjti1Q During the month of September, visitors will be admitted free of charge to see our lovely exhibit of Fail and Winter Goods, The Man- agement have done all in their power to make this the. best Tx-•. bibition over given by therm, and have studied to please the eye and suit the pocket. The World's Fair and Indus- trial Exhibitions are very pleasing to the eye, but not so remunerative to the pocket. But we do"both. Our New Dress Goods are lovely and cheap. All Flannels and underclothing were never so cheap before with us, and it will be to your interest to call and examine our entire:Stock of Dry -(goods, Groceries, Boots eta Shoes Eto, before getting your hall Goods, Yours, J. P. ROSS. ;Market Depot 0. C. RICHARDS et Co. Gents, -My daughter was suffering ter- ribly with neuralgia. I purchased a bottle of MINARD'B LINIMENT. and rubbed hex face thoroughly, The pain .left her and she'slept well till morning. Next night another attack, another application ;recruit. ed as previously, with no return since. Grateful feelings determined me to express myself publicly. I would not be without MINARD'S LINIMENT in the house at any coat, Parkdalo, Ont. J H Be4rar, l'fivard's Liniment aures Distemper, William Rowland, sergeant -major of the Twenty eighth Battalion, died at hie res. !deuce, Ontario street, Stratford Thursday afternoon of inflammation of the bowelk.-,., He was 63 years old. He enlisted at the avas honoe of rably dischargedand after a ,Ine of beingtaat ythat time a corporal. SPRING Pon. At this season of the year when horses and tattle are being taken from green food and put on dry, they aro apt to pet out of condition and lose flesh, gutting a poor start on a long had winter. A small in. vestmentin Dick's Blood Purifier would avoid this as it strengthens, the digestion, gives a good appetite and tones up the whole do not etem. Stock S have the chagrin of seeing era who n their animals come out spring poor, 13. B. 13, STOOD TIIE BENT. I tried every known remedy I could think of for rheamatiem, without ;giving me any relief, until I triad:Burdock Blood Bitters which remedy I can highly recom- mend to all afflicted as I waa. HENRI SMrrm, Milverton, Ont. Itch on human and anihorses mals cured in 30 minutes byWoa ford's Sanitary Lotion. Thia never fails. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist; Sept. 1$ /93. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. R2;. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott Si,, Toronto, and yon will receive by poet v. pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only Dost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Writs your address carefully. Look at the date on your label this week, and see that your name is mark- ed well in advance. No paper is discontinued until all arrears are fully paid, except et the option of the publisher. The date when the subscription expires Vie' is on the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subsequent date be- comes a receipt for remittance.t'Subeoribers will please examine their label before and after making a remittance. a seassansaavaassevaisaraarvarantrasavaareraaaaa ress Goods and antle . Dress Goods and an. Just opened oui at • e e1 t..J The_ l , ._ i algesi Stock of Dress Goods and d AIlbntles ever Ys shown in He rise 11. Ever lady ley is h.er eb,, invited to call 'an d see them.: D. RENSALL