HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-9-28, Page 8tsmissusteeessoseimsa IN SW -IAN ot. 7BN E ST LLkO I 1 ,AGENT is Q. ktel TUE WEQTE1tN ASSURANCE 00A'[• Pa'NX, of Toronto; also for thePMSENT2, F17iE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London; Zeeland, ALLIANCE" INSURANCE COM- PANY otErngland, Special Clearing,, Sale To make room for New Goods, we will offer all School Books at 20 per cent discount.2oo Page Scribblers,3c, 30o Page Scribblers 4c; roo page, 2c; and 172 page for x.c; Slate Pencils at ire per roo; Inks, 2 bottles for sc; Slates at 4, and 7c; Note Paper from 4 to 7c ler or.; Envelopes at 3c,4c, and sc 7 er pkg; Tablet, Note, 70 per loo beets; roc Music, 3 pieces for roc; Soo 5c Stories for 3c; S. S. Libra– ries at 35 per cent. discount; Al- bums away down, and all other Goods, Bibles excepted, at from, 20 to so per cent, discount. Sale to commence on Saturday, Sept. 23rd, at noon, and continue until Tuesday, Sept. 26th, at Io p. m. It will pay every visitor to. she Fair to calla J. GRIGG, Exeter. --THE---- BigTHE— Big EftnUpt Blore The Cheapest Store in Exeter. THE HUMAN RACE Arc after the most for the money, The spot for the most "for the least" is the Big Bankrupt Store. A lively move- ment is apparent in the sale of our new Mantles, of which we have nearly five hundred, all imported direct by our- selves. Thee will be a great run on several special lines that we control for Exeter ;. ''Special. In Make, Special in Prtoe. We cin save you good money on your fall and winter .jackets. Don't forget that Millinery goes with Mantles. We are told by the ladies tilt our display of Millinery knocks 'em all out. Style, quality and price are all in our favor, and you are too if you buy these. J. A. STEWART,. Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favor i easier:,' uoxdcd,tuhen making their purchases trusion that they sate the merchant's aidcer- i3ement in TILE IXMES. Ott tutu gi3110. TLIU1 SDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1893. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. At the Western. -^ At the London fair Iast week, several Huron Stock breeders won big prizes for stock. In cattle Mr. Thcs. Russell of the "Riverside" farm, Exeter, took four ,. d.. -----„d theado 11 & W Frei . - t 1 "Springburat” farm, Exeter, two lata and a3rd, D. D. Wilson, Seaforth, two late and one 2nd. In Sheep Jno Dunkin, of Brucefield, swept nearly everything in Shropshiredowns, Brevities, Persona e& Try the Exeter woollen Mills for you Fall and Winter 0o len Goods. 3 Ladies, fine wool underwear, a gre bargain at the Big Bsnkrapt Store. will Presbyterian Congregation w1l worship in the basetnoat of the churoh next Sunday, We have not the least hesitation in saying that the boat display of millinery in town, is at the Big Bankrupt Store. htr. Aquille Snell had a rusty nail ac- cidently run into his foot the other day, and is laid up in consequence. J, N. Howard intends fencing in the river east of the Sauble bridge, and has the marks of delineation already made. Although apples were thought to be scarce in this section, Mr. R. S. Lane has purobaaed many thousand for Shipment. Get your underclothing at the Exeter Woollen Mills, best value and lowest prices. 2t Gents, now's your time for bargain iu a tweed rain proof coat, and the Big Bank- rupt Store is the spot, ,$i 00 buys a $1.0 00 coat. Eiev. Mr. 41r Aicpouagh will continuo his special sermons next Sunday evening subject;'` File on the land at the sea o Galilee. eneeenen r Mrs. R O'Neil of Lucan spent last week visitingher son. B. S. O'Neil, town. at : -Mrs. Browning' hen returned from a visit with friends in Markham : she is. accompanied by Una Percy of Port Huron Miele -Mr. and Mrs, H Bray and, daugh- ter of Dttrliugton emelt last week, guests at Mr. Knight's, and 11Xr Teit's.-Mr. and Mrs. Pearce of Forest, visited frieude in town on Friday last.•._n rt and Mee. Jure Reddy of Brandon, Man., are the guests of \7r. and Airs,, I. Bowerman, towu.- Mr and Mrs Skinner of Loudon, spent the forepart of thje week visiting at Mr. 'Wm. Drew's, -Miss M. V White is visiting in London, and Woodstock this week. -.Sir. Stalk of Gen. ie learning tirebar'ber- ing with Mr. A. Hastings,-Itev, Mr. Afc Douagh spent Sunday in Brantford, and bi„ pulpit was oomph d in the urorniug by Rev. Mr, Butt and in the evening by Rev.. 143x. Martin, whose congregation also wor- shipped there. -Rev, Geo, Jackson preach- ed special sermons atBryaneton on Sunday has pulpit here being occupied by Rev. Mr Kirkland, -Mrs, P ,Bowden of Ridge, town, and Miss forte of flacon, visited friends in town the latter part of last week, -Mr. T. H. Rase of the Mitchell Recorder, was intown on Monday ; he ,vas judge of the fruit exhibit at the South f Huron Fein: -Mr Louis Day went to Lon- don on Satn-day to attend the funeral of his obild, who died there. -Mrs May of Landon, wife of George May, a former noted character of Exeter, left that pity Last week for New York, where her hus- band hat been ltviug.-Mr- B. Hoskin, who has been running the Staffa grist mill for Mr. Sadler moved to Exeter last week and bee taken up re,ideuce in Exeter North - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Graham, of St. Marys spent Tuesday.guests at Mr. John White's. --tifr, Richard Pickard, Mrs Robt Pickard and Mrs. T. B. Carling wont to Brantfoad yesterday, to see Mr. Verity who is lying very ill, -Mr, D. McLennan of Stratford, gave the Traces a plcaeant call on Monday. -lira. P. Fisher is visiting hire. W. Dayis of Mitchell. -Mr. Feeder. ick Abbott of London, the noted elocut. ionist was in towu yesterday. -Mr. John blunter, of Usborne is lying ill at his re- sidence , he was nut in attendance at the fair, the firat one under the auspices that be h^•s not attended for over 25 years.-Xiev. Clement was in town on Trteaday.-Mrs. Ed. Dyer of Brantford is visiting friends in town —Miss Laurette' Jahnr of Port etuatin Mich, visited friends in town on Tuesday. --Mies Annie Taylor of Toronto, is visiting friends ant relatives in town. At the Clinton fair yesterday, Isfr• Geo Ponhale, carried oft five firsts and four seconds for Leicester Sheep. Welldare Georg. Cattle buyers are not making any ship- ments to the old eountry at present, and there is practically nothing doing in sheep or lambs. Mr. Andrew Robinson of Centralia, was married on %\'ednesd y, to Miss ,Miller of 1i 1 1• r r loG 1 I v a at he r ace of the hr d y,t e de a ea parents. We beg to call the attention of our read* era, to the bargains offered by the Exeter IVoo1Ien Mille in underclothing. Call and see them. Just think of it, nearly five hundred mantles to pick from at the Big Bankrupt Store. Every mantle a ,fitter, and every mantle a Big Bargain. Mr. Pldward Elliot, of the legal firm of Elliot ce Rogers, of Perth, has been ap pointed junior county judge of Middlesex county, in enccessiou to the late Judge Davie, The Exeter Woollen Mill this week re- fused an order for five hundred pairs of blankets, having now more work on hand titan they can complete. Mr- H. Either, of Crediton purchased a handsome driver from Snell & White on Tuesday She is not only a good driver but a rapid gaited horse. Trill Teems was the only paper tbat gave a full and correct report of the. Lucan fall fair; and our many subscribers in Biddnlph appreciated our enterprise, The Separator in the Exeter Creamery broke down last week, and bad to be sent to Chicago fur repairs The Company made thecae in the meantime. The Exeter Woollen Mills have received a laruo quantity of Underclothing direct from one of the best Mills in Ontario, and will sell it at a bargain. 2t What if the leaves do fall? The time for sitting under trees is over. Tho frost Snaps the last thread, our faces are set to• ward Cbristmes, with Thanksgiping for a a top -over. The English youth, Albert Thomas, sus- pected of having set are to tho Martin homestead, near Listowel, bas been sap tured. He acknowledged baying shot old Mrs. Martin and then set lire to the build- ing. consuming her body At D311 JAI o'i Wsdneaday, Pr,if Do AlyA wee performing on a tight rope with Ibis little boy on his back, when he fell 35 or 40 feet to the ground. Tho boy was only slightly hurt, but the father bad his arm broken and otherwise injured. Master Harry Browning the lad who fall from the tbitd atorsy in Browning's block an Monday weal:, is: still semi- conscious, and blind Be has not had anything to eat since, save a drink of milk. hope is still entertained for his re;ovary. Man is a harvester, He begins life at the crad'e,learns to handle the fork ; oft, n has rakish ways and sows wild oats threshes his way -through the world, and when he arrives at the sere and yellow leaf, time mows him down, and his remains are planted in the hillside, Prof. Scott's Concert in the Opera House on Tuesday evening was a good one, though poorly attended. The program was well carried out, and sustained the reputation of the Company, the singing and acting being splendid, and deserving of a much uY'ger ao4caivauCti, Until further notice the Canadian Ex- press Co. will not issue orders for amounts under 51. Of late a man who lives by his wits has been victimizing the company by getting money orders for 50 .dents and raising.them to $550, and for this reason the company will issue no more orders under el for a while. A valuable gelding hunter, the property of H. R. Abbott, of London, formerly of Exeter, was being exercised over the hurdles in front of,the grand stand at the Western Fair Friday morning by ejockey Wm. Lawrence. The animal failed in one of his jumps and fell on its head. The rider fell_cicar, but the horse never moved. Its neck was i.roken and it died instant- ly. he "Art 5xJiibjt" and entertainment in the Main St. Church on Tuesday eyen- ing was largely attended. The exhibits of Art were good, the subjects well selected, and calculated to attract admiration, while the musical and literary entertainment was really superb, and in itself worth three -times the priee of admission. Fin- ancially the affair was also a success. The Millinery openings of the various stores on Friday and Saturday last proved quite successful, and the different displays were ahead of previous years, in assortment style and quality. The Milliners of Exeter' vie with each other to such an extent that no finer displays of goods can be found: in any city store, and so '''-eVfensive the range and the trimmings res endent, that it would be invidious to compare; suffice to say that the most fastidious can be suited in Exeter. Tho London papere contain the follow fuels -The marriage took place et the Queen's Aye, Methodist Church parsonage Wednesday eyening of Mr. Wm. _Clarke, of Detroit, to Mies Alice McIntyre . of Exeter. Miss Lydia Batton was the bridesmaid, and Mr. Robt. Pearson sup- ported the groom. After thenaarriege ceremony, they epjoyed supper at the re- sidence of the bride's brother, 39 King Street, where all present spent an enjoy- ableevening. ;The presents Were numer- ous and costly. Special values in ordered clothing at the Pig Bankrupt Store. The amount of taxes levied in McKillop this year is $10,743.0h Yes, the Big Bankrupt Store is doing the Dress;(foods trade. Try them. Thursday, Nov. 23, has been selected as Thanksgiving Day throughout Canada. Mr. Ed. Carley will offer his houses and. Lots also household effeets, on Gidiey St. for sale to -day at one o'clock p. in, Mr- Chas. Harvey sold to W. Lovett on Wednesday, a load of wheat containing lour hundred and thirty bushels or up- wards of four tons; It was the largest load ever brought to Exeter. When Mr Bowden purchased a portion of the big Bamford farm, and purposed selling it out in park lots,a good many people thonghe he had gone into a specul- ation' that would leave hitn'in a hole' -not that the investment was a bad one by any means, but very few thought he would be able to sell et in tote. The re- sulthas not verified this anticipation, but on the contrary has been moat satisfact- ory to Mr. Bawdeu, and now that be has disposed of the whole. 165 acres, at fairly good prices, these who 'at first were skep• goal, are nowawondering how it was; they ul do x it themselve did not sae a spec a n n s. The property was not boomed at all, as this term is usually understood; but Mr. Brooder' seemed to poetess a sort of Imes. merle- power, and was ably seconded in, his efforts by ItIr. Thos. Carling, who disposed of nota fey of his lots. Next year several of the sonechasere purpose ereteinghousee, and the 'Bawden annex' may be quite en, important addition to the residental portion of the, town. -Clinton New Era. Three new cases of 'srrlallpox were ,reported Saturday morning in New Peter Campeell, deputy -reeve of Hibbert, repo,ts info fall wheat yielding 30 bushels en sere, andhis oats 60 bushels, Ari'rx BAEARrAsT. To purity, vitalize and enrich the blood, end give nerve.bodily and digestive strength take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Continne the medicine alter Avery meal for a month or two and you hill feeldlike a new man. The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla 1s proven by its thansende 'f ,wonderful cures, Why don't yon try it. Hood's Pills ours ,constipation They aro slut best after dinner pill and family eathartie. ?.Iinerd's Liniment is the Rest. DIRT EIS. WO CDS,-Werth east boundaryUnborn:), on tho 21st irat tho wife of Wm "ood of a daugh- ter. MAMA N. -Ie Stephen, on the 24th inet., the wife of Mr Jer. Ironman of a son. ' Mo0ARTIjY,-et Mt. Carmel, on the 23rd irate the wife o' James McCarthy of a son. MARRIED KtfSER-PAYNE...At the residence of the brides maple, Mr D, \inlntosb, Brimfield, on the20th inst:.byRev T.II Simpson, Mr J. G. Raiser, to Aifss Lizzie Payuo,ail of Bruer:- fleet VANCF1-HOLLAND-rot the residence of the bride's father, Godorioh tp., on the 20th inst. by Rev J. Walker, Mr W. G Vance, of Clin- ton, to Effie, eldest daughter of Air Jeptha Holland. ROBINSON-MILLER-At the residence of the bride's parents,3rd ono, McGillivray, on the 27th inst., Mr Andrew Robinson, of Centralia, to Miss Clara Miller, daughter of Mr James Miller. 0UNN-D0U6LAS-0n the 20th inst., at the residence of Wm Murray. Esq., Clinton, bet Rev. Alex Stewart,,Mr Andrew Gunn, ofTor- onto, to Miss Minnie Douglas, daughter of John Douglas, Bee., Woodstock. BR001Ci-C NTELON-At the residence of the bride's father, Clinton, on the 20th inst., by Rev. J.LivinSstone of Rineardine,asarsted by Rev J. W. 'Hermes, Mr J. E. Brooks of Mitchell to Miss Minnie„only;daughter of Mr W. Cantelon. CLARK-MCTNTYRE .-In London, on Sept 26:h.at the Queen's Avenue Mstheeiat Church parsonage, by the Rev. Har. Annie, Mr. Wm. Clark, of Detroit, Mich., formerly of London to Miss Alice tloIntere, of Detroit, former- ly of Exeter. DIED. CARTER -In Mullett, on Sept 20th, Robert Carter, aged 61 years, 9 months. DAY -In London, on the 22nd inst.,' Emily V., .infant daughterofLouis Day of Exeter, aged 16 months. MoLEAN-In Tuckersmith, on the 14th inat., Sarah Shaw:reliot ofithe late Robert McLean aged 72 rears. MOTAVISIL-In Tuckersmith, on the 23rd itst. Mary, daughter of Mr. James Ale- Tavi.eh, seed 21 years. TOWNS END -At Nesbitt, Mane on Sept 14, Mary Tarn Landsborough, wife of Mr Jos, Town send, and daughter of Mr James Land - borough, of Tugkersmith, aged 32 years. STRAY CATTLE Came into the premises of the undersigned lot 25,4th con of Usborne, on or about 1st. Sept., one two year old heifer, and two year- linga. Owner can have same by proving prop. erty and paying expenses. WM, J. WILSON; Exeter Out,, Usborne lith Sept. 1893. FARMS FOR SALE. Tho 'undersigned ,afore his two farms for sale, comprising lot B, lth concession of Us- borne,and lot No. 1, lith concession. in the fors -mentioned Township , containing one hue- dred acres each. Both Farms are in good state of cultivation, with good buildings and pro- ductive orchards, and never -failing; wells, ad- jacent to churches ard school bouso. For fur- ther particulars apply to JOEiN CORNISH, St. Thomas. nt • live Jg Wanted, Wanted at the Exeter Packing House, hogs weigh- ing from 125 to 200 lbs. live weight, ` Highest Market Price1? aid. • SNELL L B New Advertisem,exits. The13a oe- A. um nRa T Stewart. Teacher .W oitea,-1} J• Wilson. Halter found ,..This otiloe.,• Mastiff(' at Plug. --Paco Tobacco Co, Hogs Wanted.,-SnellBros.. & Co. Notice to Creditors Machine oils. -McColl Bros. & Co. Clothing. le S Ford &Co. Pullets wanted. -T. i' erre. Sale Register. Saturday, Sept 30. ---Mortgage Sale of house and lots in the village of Crediton, by Henry Eilber, Ana. Saturday, Sept. 30 -Farm Stock, Im- plements, iftc., near; Elimville, the pro- perty ofdllr. Thomas Heywood. Sale at 1 o'clock. No reserv8, as the farm has been _leased. ET. BacwN, Ane. Friday, Oct. Gth, 1893. -Farm stook, implements, etc., the property of William Geiser, lot 10, con. 0, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. H. Either, Aue, Mquday, Oct. 2. -Farm atocr, implemeuta eto„'the property of Mr, Geo. Spackman, Bauble Line, Hay. Sale at ono o'clock, W. Holt, Ano, ]ULLETS WANTED 200 pullets wanted at once, for which the veru highest prices will be paid, delivered at Ilensall. Will bo at home every Saturday. T. BERRY. HALTER FOUND. An expenaivohatter found near fair ground in Exeter „u Tuned ti. Owner can have same by calling fortat hisiaov'to, proving property and p TEACHER WANTED. Male or Female, holding Seoond Olase Pro- fesaaouat Ceztificate, Address, stating Fa'are wautod. Tenders to be opened Htonday even- ing Oot. )6th, at office of W. J. WILSON, Secretary. Cereenway, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Ernest A. Kluntan late of the township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Yeo- man, Deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1887, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said late Ernest A. Elliman who died on the 23rd day of Apr11,1802,are requested to deliver or send by postprepaid to the under signed Sotieitor, ➢for floury Sweitzer and Coured Kuhn, Executors of the last will and testament of the said Deceased, on or before the es: day of November 1893, a statement in writing containing their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims duly vera Sod by Statutory Doolaretion and the nature of the security (if anv) held by them, and that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will preened to distribute the assets of the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto having mare only co °Jaime of which notice shall have been received as above ro• quired. and tee said Executors will not bo liable for the said assets, or any part thereof so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims noticesh: ll not have boenireceiv- ed at the tiino of sueh distribution. R. H, COLLINS, Exeter, Ont., Dated 20th Sent.,1893, Solicitor forExeoutors, L MIR AND SON DIRECT IMPORTERS. Dress Goods In this lino as usual we take the lead and are shoving all the fashion- able Goods and Colors, in - eluding Hop Sackings, French Plaids, French Diagonals, Whip Cords, Etc., Etc. Mantles Never have we had such a demand for our Mantles hnd Wraps,and never have we had such an elegant stock to choose from,style quality and assortment. As we import all our Man - ties direct from the Manu- facturers, we can sell, 25 per cent.cheaper than any of our competitors. We can suit the R.ot fastidious. Heptonette Water- proof Cloaks. Call in and see these celebrated Garments in all the leading styles, Majes- tic, Admiral,PrincessMay, ✓7 Cleveland, Etc. Millinery The fall openings have Come and gone, and the verdict of- the ladies is strong in our favor,judging from the number sold and orders booked. a Late .ovelties in Hats and Bonnets,newest shap- es ,stylishYrinanaing, cl hapes,stylishYrimming,ol ever we have p designs; . provided h ovacled b the finest for you as usual. New ; Imports in everyde P partm.ent, e Direct Importers. Fall Fairs. North Perth at h Stratferd.Sept.So8. 9 1 d p, 2, Ba n h rd i a at r iX kto n Oot. 6-6. Best L et a Enron, rP A n tBrl e' la 018 () •^ k 7 taibbert: at Statfa, Oot.3 ; ll-2 ' Biddul ah, at. Granton, Sept, 2728 South 1? Orth, at St. Marys, Cot, 34. A. JONES, 1'I. D., 0. M., • F. T. M. C.; IV, C. P. S. O. Physioian, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Centralia, Ontario. Ocoee Near Station. CAUTION. On theta(' of Sept. Mr. Thos.Cornish, sailed for England, and hereby "gives notice that he will not beresponaiblefor any debts contracted. by any one during his absence. Exeter, Sept. 1st 2893. Taos, OoRsaSa • FREE, The undoreigeed will give free the best busi- ness site in iteeter to any reliable person wishing to start' a first-class, general store. For further particulars apply person- ally or by letter to LEONARD MOTsaoAnr, IIa3tP,o T psT. The undersigned bas lost 27 sheep. 12 Aged Ewes; 12 Lambe, 2 Black Sheep; 1 Black Lamb. marked on right side with the exception of lambs not marked. A liberal reward will be given for information of the whereabouts of thorn sheep. ELT LAWSON, Crediton. Mortgage Sale Olf HOUSE & LOTS IN OREDTTO:N Under and by virtue of a power of Sale con- tained in a certain [Mortgage, which will bo Produced for salt elby time lic of Sale. subject to the Villagbid, Crediton t wnship of Sephen County of Huron. on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBF,R 88th, 1888, At one o'clock n. m , ..,t Hill's Hotel, In the said Village of Crediton, the following valuable property : Being composed of village lots numbers 2 and 3, Bush survey, of a part of lot number 11, in the 5th Concession of the Township of Stoohon, in the County of Huron, as shown on a Map, or Pian, of part of said lot number 11,niado by D. S. Campbell, P. L. 8., iegieteOloIfidfn the Reiry Io of aidCountyo Huron, On the above property there is 'ituated a good, large, frame house, Stables, Etc. Times: Cash. HENRY EILBER, Auctioneer. Vendor's, Solicitor. Exeter, Aug. 28, 1893. R. H, Galan. CHEAP STORE. Boomingl Booming. B0 00min - Bo 00 n11Y1g Had to repeat a line of Dress Goods advertised last week 40e worth 25e ; rice now reduced to 221c. rr Grey All -wool Flannel, 140; Grey Union • do 8c ; 'Yard -wide Ginghanls, 10c, Tweeds, Tweeds, In this Silas we have or- dered too heavily. Never before was such a Stock shown, in town, and in order to clear,will sell at cost prices Ready-made Suits and Overcoats,Ready-made Mau;. ties, finest ever offered, at prices that will astonish. Suits for Men, $3.50 & $5 ; Overcoats for Men, $3.50, 84,00, and 85.00. G. G. JOHNSTON. Opposite Hawksklaw's Hotel. wri T T Forest City .,Business College Of London, and -he prepared to do Business as the world does it, Catalogue Free. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, Carling Bros.' are paying the highest price for Produce, Eggs, 11 cents ; Butter, 2lcents. Mortgage Sale' OF-- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY --IN THE -- TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Under and by virtue of powers of sale con• tallied in two pertain Indentures of Mortgage made by Joshua Hieakins,to the Vendors(whioh will be produced at time of Saie)default having been made in the payment thereof, there will be sold be Publio,Auction at the Promises ,,,Lot 13, in the 11th Concession of, the Township of Usborne, —ON-- . , the t TUESDAY d D 3r OCTOBER NEST r , At 2 o'clock p. m. by Mr•Jobu Gill. Attctioneer, subject to such conditions as shall then be pro- duced, the, followingproperty,viz : Lot number thirteen (15) in the eleventh, (11th) concession of the Township of Usborne, in the county of, Huron. This Property will be gold in two, (subject Parcels (su loot to a reserved bid on each) viz the North Half and the South Half of.said Lot each containing fifty sores more or less, ,There. is a brick dwelling house and a good orchard on the south half, and two good barns and as orchard on the north half of said lot: Thiel Property is 4 miles from Kirktou and about 8 milds from Exeter. TERMS OF SALE : 10 per oont.0ash on day of Sale. Balance in 30 days or as ;may he; agreed. Possession given at once for the purpose of plowing, 'etc, For further particulate apply to ELLIOT;& 1:LLIOT, o Dated 1893.13th,Sopt.,Vendor's S , Elicitxotor;ors but.' MARKET REPORTS. teeter, September, 27th, 1893. Fall wheat per bush Spring wheat per bush . . b L6 $ 58 Barley per bush.. 35 33 Oats per bush 28 25 . Peas per bush 50 51 Floutper bbl 4 00 4 20 Apples per bag Potatoes per bag 1 00 00 Hay per ton ` fi 00 7 00 Wood per cord hard . 3 00 3 50 W cod per;oord soft, 2 00 2 25 Butter per lb-. • 20 21 Eggs per dozen 12 32 Pork per hundred - Ifogs, dive weight.....,........,5 75 6 00 • FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS, Aa OLD .5.x51 WELL -TRIED REMEDY.— arra.' Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty roars by millions of mothers for their children while teethin .with'perfect suocess..Jt soothes'. the chin:, -softens the gums, allays the pain, cures the polio, and is the best ,remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, 2,5 ciente. Pts e. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. 'Winstow's Soothing Syrup: and take no other kind. Minard's Liniment cures- Diphtheria. ANTED. D, Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy aur eery stook, Many'speoiai varieties to fruit( offer both in fruiand ornamentals, and controlled only be, us. Wo ;pay 'commission or salary. give exelusiye territory and pay., weekly. Write us at once and re cure . r ohoipo of territ-, MAY BROTHER 8, Nurserymen, Rochestor,V. Y. AG NEW L. D. S. DENTIST. Will be at Girob's hotel 2unieh on the second Thursday of cools month and at Hodgin.'s hotel. Benson every 14ionetaq. 41