The Exeter Times, 1893-9-28, Page 4stablished in 1877
3 , ODZT
l'rarisacts a eceenabanking be:Aimee.
Receives the Accounts a Merebarite at
Olen on fayorable terms,
Offer e eYeryaeotonnteelation Consistent 'with
earl and eorkeereative banking principlee.1
Intereat allowed en deli oait s.
Drafts feared payable tit any 'ranee a .the
Merchants Bank.
NOTES DISCOUNTED, and Moxerro Leen.
oe Neves and i',11011T04GES.
ailltegosassemenrammtensa upasisc..u.selasemmaisaatagea
OW Onto Zimvo.
The Exodus and its (Masses.
The Seaforth Expositor and our local
attain are at was to the exodus and
is causes. The Expositor charges the
policy of the Federal adminhtration
with the loss of populetion, while our
loeal cotem rightfully, though in a eon-
tractedanti worn out inanner, attribatea
the exodus to natural causes, anti holds
that a change of Ministry would not
effect a change to the/atter.
In the drat place the exodus had
began before the change of Ministry in
1870, and it is manifeetly unfair to
charge. men with an effence that occur-
red before they were in a position to
commit it.
But there are other causes ts hich
have tended to lead our people across
the lines, and for which no Government
is responsible. These causes are three
in number • (I) The operant,. up of
vast areas dire° or cheap land in the
States before our own Northwest wee
ready for aettlement ; (2) the attract-
ions which large cities have for people
living in this countay ; and (a) the
clerical exactione in Quebec. To the
drat of these is largely attributable the
fact that there are 181,000 Canadians in
Michigan 93,004 in Wisco'
nein M
ota and Iowa and 33,000 in Nebraska
and Kansaa. Had our prairie lands been
open to settlere sooner than they were,
thousands who are now in the Western
Stetes would still bounder the old flag.
And who is to blame for this tardiness ?
None but the administration of the late
Alex. MacKenzie.
The *Wooden whieh cities have for
those living on Lonely side roads is enor-
mous. ,All over the world people are
deserting the farms and rushing to the
large centres. Canada is not exempt
from this general movement., Thous-
ands of young farmera flock every year
into London, Hamilton, Toronto and
Montreal. Finding these alleady
crowded they arose the lines, hoping to
discover in the still larger 64)5 across
the border the opportunities they can-
not find here. Hence it is that nearly
150,000 citizens of the Dominion are in
Chicago, New York, Brooklyn, Boston,
Cleveland, Baffalo, Detroit, Idinneapolis
and Rochester.
There are over 200,000 Canadians in
Massachusetts. These are mainly from.
Quebec and nearly half of them live in
the cities of Worcester, Lowell, Fall
River, Cambridge, Lynn, Manchester
and Holyoke. The departure of these
people from Canada was mainly due to
two causes -the attracbion of large cities
over the border and clerical exaetions at
The tariff is not the great burden in
Quebec. The habitant pays but little in
customs taxation but he pays an enor-
mous sum m contributions to the church.
It was to escape this burden in their
own Province and enjoy the fancied
luxury of life in a large city that so
many ot thein quitted the old home
along the St. Lawrence for thesitiea of
Lynn and Fell River.
It Is childish in the extreme for any-
one to contend that; the government is
responsible for the exodus, the low
prices, or the slow demand tor horses,
for none but an insane person or blind
Politicians could possobly reason so fool-
ishly. The reasonsare natural sequences
to the general order of things: the de-
velopment of a hitherto dorment country
over production in cereals, and the dis-
placement of thehorse ley other means of
• locomotion. Not only is Canada affected,
but the same state of affairs exists the
-world oyer.
The Patrons of Industry and labor
organizations are both opposed to the
spending of :money unaecessarily in
carrying on the government of this
country. One itein °Needless expense
is found in the coat of the office of
Lieut. -Governor of Ontario. The sal-
ary is $10,000 a year ; the allowances
and incidentals connected with the res-
idence last year amounted to $5,85$,
and the iatereat on money invested in
the building represents $7,000 more.
Here is a total of nearly $23,000 for an
office froxn which the people of Ontario
do not derive $2000 a year in benefit.
Looltkl) LI 33 A Sereeneox.
Geetlernen,-Last summer ray baby was
SO bad with eurnmer complaint that he
looked like a skeleton. Although I had
not numb faith in it, I took a friefid's ad-
vice and tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry. He goon got better. I truly
lelieve it saved hie life,
Woryerr Sleeves, Hillsborough, N. B.
• 111I81131,17V151 C(311BD IN A Don -South
A mei item Rhez,naih Cur 0. for Rh eu ruirtism
and Neuralgia, radically eurea in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is remark-
able and nip, terions. It removes at otice
the came and the disease immediately dis-
appears. The fire* .dose greatly benefits.
75 omits. Sold by O. Lutz, Druggist. 818
It looks as though France has deter-
mined to force a fight on Siem --and if
she does Great Britain is ahnost eertain
to be drawn iatothe confliet.
xx x
There is ireportantnews from °blew.
The executive eonneittee of the World's
Fair have deeided to promptly close the
exhibition, as first arranged, on Oct.
31. This decision will add to the rush
of next month. Many have been hold-
ing back believing there would be an
x x
Veney, the wife murderer, tamped
the gallows on the plea of insanity. Now
when all danger of hanging is over, it is
announced that his mind is all: right.
This insanity subterfuge has brought
discredit on the adminietration of crim-
inal justice in the States and will do
the same here unless measures are
takezj to check a practice that is grow -
jug all too comraorn
x x
That Canada is becoming more tem-
perate is shown not only by the steady
decrease in the convictions for drunken,
nese but also by the; reduction in the
onsmnption of strong drink. Twenty
four years ago the amount of spirite
consul:tied. in Canada averaged consider-
ably over one and a half gallons per
head, while last year the 3,VeragO was
well below half a gallon. The consum-
ption of wine dropped during the same
period. from 0.18 to 0.10 gallons per
capita, while that of beer increased from
2,20 to 3.51 gallons.
These benevolent associations, finch
as the Foresters, Workmen, Knights of
Pythias, and. Ocicifellows-which have
branches in Great Britain, the United
States and Canada -form one of the
abrongest of guarantees for continual
peace between the various English-
speaking communities. They bring
people toother in a work calculated
to extend the principle of universal
brotherhood, and relies e suffering and,
distress. And men who once unite in a
labor of that kind are very unlikely to
engage later min mutual desbruotion,
oc x x
"I Am not a prohibitionisb, but I have
•always been a temperance man," said
Mr. Laurier at Mitehell. Mr. Laurier
has a regard. for the absurdities. He
could not well pretend to be a prohibit-
ionist when the expenses of the demon-
stration were defrayed by a collection
levied upon libtel keepers by the chair-
man of the license commission, but by
the aid of a jesuitical casuistry he could
call himself a temperance man. .Alen
who drink moderately, sometimes call
themselves temperance men, though the
popular interpretation has come to apply
to a total abstainer, which. Mr. Laurier
is not, any more than he is a prohibit-
x x x
A convention is called to asseinble
in Toronto on the 3rd of October which
will rank among the most important
ever held. This:is the Union Prohibit.
ion Conyention of the Province, and
has for its ultimate goal the wiping out
of the liquor traffic,. The object of the
meeting is to prepare for the popular
vote to be taken on the first Monday in
January, when the electors of the Prov-
ince will be asked to say whether or not
they are "in favor of the immediate
prohibitionby-law of the importation,
manufacture and sale of intoxicating
liquor as a beverage." Ibis understood.
according to the not under which the
vote is to be polled, that those voting
yes "wine considered as expressing an
opinion in favor of prohibition to the
extent to which the Proeinoial Legis-
lature or the Parliament of Canada has
The -mammoth Canadian cheeze at the
World's Fair is perfectly sound. Prof.
Robertson bored it a day ago.
Harry, the 4 year old son of Wm. Arm-
strong,. Handy, fell down while with his
father= the field, and died almost instant-
Messrs. Warwick & Sons, Toronto, have
secured the contreat for the printing of the
Ontario Government for the next six years,
at $27,851.
A man's wife should always be the same,
especially to her hpsband, but if sbe is
weak and nervous, and urres Garter's Iron
Pills, she oannot be, for they make her
"feel like a different person," so they • all
say, and their husbands say so too.
Fred Campbell, junior partner in the
paper firm of Boyd, Bane & Campbell,
Montreal, committed aracide on Thursday
night by shaoling hitneelf at his home on
Palace street. The firm is in trouble over
the recent smuggling or pane into the
In aage of fraud and adulteration, it fa
certainly gratifying to know that seek an
extensively fused preparation as Ayers
Sarsaparilla, may be implicitly relied upon
It never varies either in quality, appear-
ance, or effete., but is always tip to the
Pale drooping girls, worn weary with a
burden of drsease almost greater than they
can bear ehould take heart and suffer no
longer. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro a
certain cure for all those disermes peculiar
to womankind. They restore the blood,
band anew the bervee,and leave happiness
and health when need. Of all dealera or
by mail at 50e. a. box or 5 boxes for P.50.
Dr, Williama Med. Co, Breckville, Ont.,
and Schenectaey, N. Y,
BELnex re Ste Eicents.-Distreesing Kid-
ney and bladder diseases relieved in Dix
honre by the "Great South American /Kid-
ney Cure," „Thie new remedy is a great
Burmese and delight to physicianon ad.
conot of its exceeding prompineee 111
having pain in the bladder, kidnopelortek
and every part of the ordinary passages in
male and female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in paeeing it almost framed
The fall exhibition of the South
Huron Agricultural Society, held in
conjunctionwith the Stephen &Usborne
Branch, in Exeter, on 1VIonclay and
Tuesday of this week, was one of the
most suocessful ever held here. The
weather on Monday was nob favorable,
arid no doubt, in a degree lessened. the
exhibits in the indoor departments,
which, however, were comparatively
large, every class being well filled by
exhibitersfrom near Ond afar.
Tuesday, the weather was propitious
and thousands of people visited the
fair, which has a reputation as being
one of the best in Western Ontario;
and had it not been for the visit of Sir
John Thompson to Clinton, the crowd
would have been enormous;. as ib was
the gate receipts amounted to over $550,
win& with the membership -will make
the total receipts over $1,000.
• The slimy of horses was never better,
the variety good and. all in. first-class
oondition. In every class, the nuniber
eras unusually large, and although ex-
perienced judges were employed, the
awarding of prizes was found to be a
difticult task, and it was well nigh sun-
down before the awards were all made.
In cattle'there was a large show,
besides ourleeel noted breeders,'Messrs
Smith Bros. and Thoa. Russell, several
other breeders from a distance being
present, together making an exhibition
equal to that of the Western Fair.
The sheep and hags also attracted
considerable attention, and in these
classes, conapetition was keen, tr. Geo.
Penhale of Stephen carrying off his
usual quota of first prizes.
The speeding contest:ion the Society's
half mile track held the bulk of the
large crowd the entire afternoon, and
more keenly contested, better and
faster speeding has not been witnessed
on any track at any fair this season.
There were fine classes • a named race,
stallion race, team race, free-for-all
trot, and a single roadster same,
The named race was between horses
owned in Centralia, and promising colts
they are. T. Bandford's 0. A. 0, and
W. Elliott's Dan Rose are well matched
and speedy animals, while R. Cobleigh's
Fenian Spy, a nice grey mare, did very
badly, her owner claiming it an off day
for hex. Following are the heats: Stu
T, Handford's 0, A.Q. 1 1 Sa
W. Elliott% Dan Arise
R. 0ohleighei Fenian Ser 2 2 2 2n
3 3 3 Ru
In the third heat of this race, a feat &
of horsemanship was performed by W. er,
Elliott, which surprised all, and. elicited j
greet cheering, While hugging 0.A.0. old
closely, his horse made a sudden coa
lurch, striking a post, upsetting the p
cart, and throwing Mr. Elliott headlong j
across the track, Despite the misbap,
Mr. Elliott righted his rig, which was don
badly twisted, and getting into the mirk
won the 2ncl place, .Mie °Weigh, 3rd. pee
The stallion race was not so keenly lion
contested, but some line exhobitions of lam
trotting were shown. The stallion Gus- 2"
teen awned by Gus Goebel of Mitchell ling
won the race easily, Reuben Wilkes V')
and Major McAdams both being colts, ee so
Prxngle, jno Collraey two year old,
Geo Foshers A Bishop,'Thoa Johnston ;
draught team, J Deolser, W Cornish,
Jilt) Allison.
71Ga1s'BRAL Puitrose.-Brood mare,
Ohria Feltner, T Berry, J Ooursey ;
foal, T Berry, Chris Fahner, A Foster
three year old, Chas Harkrett, Rich
Hicks, Robb Pringle ; two year old,
Geo Fergusou, R Brown, 3' Deoher ;
team, jas13allantyne. P Hunter, j
-Jas. Kyle, Stratford
Morlook, Crediten ;` Jos White, St.
CARRIAGE. -Brood Mare W133
vey, Essery, Rev Fatt ; 'foal, J & D
Wood, W Harvey, Jno Essery ; three
year old, Bee. Fatt, 0. Either, Leo.
Hunter ; two year old, Geo Ferguson,
B Williams • one year old, Thos John-
ston, Rich 'Delbridge ; pair carriage
horses, Thos Skinner, Wm White ;
Single carriage horse, Chas Mason, J L
Doherty, A hIcelurchie
Roapseees.-Brood mare, -Ed Chri:st-
ie, G Meyer, A. Dow : foal, F LE Neil,
Ed Chrishie, jut) Loadman ; three year
old, W. G. Bissett, 3. Merrier, A., E.
Tennant; two year old, Rich Hicks, W
Folland, L Lamport; one year old,
Jno Delbridge, I Armstrong, J Hunter,
pair roadsters, Snell & White,
Chas Grebb, W $ Ruby; single road-
ater, P MeGregor, j & D Wood, T B
Carling ; lady driver, Mrs E Bossen-
berry, Mrs W Chesney, Mies Miller ;
lady riders Miss Robinson, Miss Baer.
den, Miss lkyrtle Hodgins,
Junass.-Wm Graham, St Marys ; 3.
Ooppin, Mitchell ; Jae Bell, Birr.
CATTLE.-Thannees. Aged cow,
Theo Russell, Smith Bros, Thos Rus-
sel ; three year old cow, Thos Russell,
Jacob Rbeder ; Two year old heifer,
Smith Bros 1st and 2nd, Thee ;
one year old heifer, Smith Bros, Thos.
Russell, Jacob Roeder ; heifer calf,
rreSeb Roeder, Thos Russell, Smith
Bros bull calf, Smith Bros, Thos Rus-
sel, Jacob Roeder ; herd, Thos Russell,
Smith Bras.
Gnapes,-Aged cow, Robt MoLaren,
S Smillie, J Hooper & Son ; two year
old heifer, W. Westcott, J. Roeder, j.
Willis ; one year old heifer, Thos
Shapton, 1st, 2nd and 3rd ; heifer calf,
Jacob Roeder lst and 2nd.
steer, nos Russell, Robt AlcLaren,
ooper,& Son ; one year okl steer,
ith Bros, W Westcott, -J Hooper &
n fat ox or steer, J & D Wood, lat,
d. and 3rd ; fat cow or heifer, Thos.
sae% Hooper & Son ; beat herd, J
D wow, bit, 2nd, and 3rel.
Aariaeinafie-e0oW,erno EsSery, L Huta-
tarmovetria-A. Marston,
norerstrusDowEa.-Aged ram, Cooper
°epos J Deakin; shearling ram, Ooor
Dunkin, 21 A Switzer; ram lamb, J
kin, 3 Cooper, 2ed and 3rd; ewes If A
zer, j Dunkin; J Doupe; shearlinge,
kin, Cooper, 2nd and 3rd; ewe lambe
ukin, J °eloper, Druntin.
necones.-Aged ram, F H Neil; shear.
, 1? ft Neil, 1st and 2nd; ewe lamba, 13'
ell, Tbos Shaptou; rittn lambs, F El
lat and 2nd; aged ewes, P 11 Nell,
Shapten, Dearing.
aim Sneer -Ewes, 11 A Switzer, W
iug; abearlings, L P H A
switozeerrt, ewe lambs, L 13' Goodwio, H A
BERIndnRE-Aged boar, W McAllister,
let and 2nd; boar, Chas Troyer, W Mo•
Allister; aged Sort, W McAlliater, Let and
2nd; sow, W McAllister, lat and 2nd.
Jump/8-W Chesney, Tuckeremith; Jas
McFarlane. Stanley.
POULTRY -Light brahmas Jas Brown,
J Hord; dark brahinate .1' Hord. W Erwin;
pip:eolith rocs, W Erwin, J Cook: any
variety Cochins, Hord, Jos Senior;
Langshans, Hord; any other variety
Dorkiters, W Erwin, J Hord, bleek.breaeled
rod game, W Erwin, Jas Cook; silver
spangled hamburgsl ,1 Hord; golden penciled
hamburgs, Dearing: 'black homburgs, W
Erwin, J Hord: hondans, W Erwin let and
2ad; white leghorns. W 'Erwin, A. Bissett;
brown leslhorne, Jos Senior, A Biesett;
black epameh, A Hicks, T Brock; black
rninorcas, J Hord; Wyandottee, Al Bissett,
Jae Cook; brans° turkeys, 3 EC rd, W
Dearing; any variety turkeys, It Delbridge;
Tantalise, J llord lat and 2nd; any varietY
geese,11 MeLeren, 3. Hord; pekin ducks J
Hord, W Erwin; rouen cluelna, J Hord Itt
and 2ud; any other variety ducks, W Erwin
R McLaren; any varietybantams, W Ervin
let and 2nd, collection pigeons. J A Gillee.
pie; collection singing birds, A Bissett 3
Beans Bunn ex 11393. -Light bealinase jas
Down, J Hord; dark brahmas .1 Hord;
Plomouth rocke, W Erwin, 3 'Hord. any
variety cochins, Hord, Joe Senior; Lang.
3 Hord: any other variety Dorlungs,
, Dunkin, B B red game B Bell.
s • t allyer spangled he.mbliegs‘
goldeu peneiled hamburgs, W Dear
t and 2nd; black hainburgs, W svin
nior: bondans, J Hord, W Erwin:
eghorne, jae Creech, 3 Hord: brown
e, Joe Senior, McLaughlin: blame
A Rieke, Thos Brock: blaok min.
J Reid 1st and 2nd: Wyandottes JAB
0.ny other variety ncit on list, J Hord;
2nd; any variety turkeys, Hord,
fa: any variety geese, Hord, W
pekin ducks W Erwin, j Hord:
dricke, Hord, ist and 2nd; eny
arietv :broke, J cook: any -variety
s, W Erwin, Jas Cook.
E. -Win Grieve InfoKillop.
LEMENTS.--Parin wagon, Braund
op buggy, Henry Jones: open buggy
Hem: eirigle piano- box cutter
s: road cart, F Hess, Braund & Co.
am plow, 3 Murray dt Co; fanning
MoMurchie: gang plow, J Murray &
harrow% J Murray & Co: tni nip
Maxwell & Sou, J Murray & Co;
p, W 'Irevethicklwooden pump, J
oore, Stewardson; building brick, 11
iecea, Geo Moatz. -
,Teriens.-Jno Hall, Mt Carmel; R Bobin•
oe, Winchelitea.
ERSEY. --COW, 001410$ ; 0110 year
heifer, 0 Coates • heifer calf, 0.
tes ; 'hull calf, 0 &etas.
ora.BD ANfititi.-00w, L Hun tar.
roons.-G Cromwell, Tuckersinith;
Ieal, Fullerton ; P Whittier, Loa-
HEF.2-Lurceseen-Agee ram, Goo
hale, LI? Goodwin,IT Carrelley; shear*
ram, T Carmine 1st, 2nd, Bra; ram
b, T Ourrelly, G Peulaale; ewes, Geo -
hale, let and 2ad, L 7 Goodwin; shear
s, G Penhala, T Currelly 7 H
lambs, Geo l'enhale, F Goodwin,
but who showed great speed. and ection;
they have promise of a bright faint°. 3 D
Following are the heats : er, j
Gus Goelrel's Mitchell/ Gusteer 1 1 1 Dun
Irria Pioree'sfStrathroy/lbsuben Wilkes 2 2 2 swit
Henry JamosSMitchelltdfajor MeAdarns 3 3 3 es
2,01. e'en
During the 8econci heat of this race, tT
Mr, James' horse ran the sulky into jingo
the fence, and threw141r. Pierce of,Strat-
ford, the driver, wrecked the rig and Nan,
harness, the horse esca,ping uninpred. Thee
Mr.Plerce displayed good hsrsemanship Gn
in quickly shaking the dust off his Dear
clothes and capturing his horse. Seib
The teaan race was fairly interesting,
bub Snell & White's roadsters were not
only too honest but too fast for the
others, and Jead in three straight heats.
Urin Pierce, however, ab times making it
hot for them. Davis' team was not in
it, and was flagged. Heats:
Sle, R. Davie, Mitchell 3 3 3
Snell & WI; i to, E v eter 1 1
Uria Pierer:. Strathroy 2 e 2
Time -3.12, sa2,31.4.
Free-for-all. This was a keenly con-
tested race by some of the old-timers,
and created considerable interest. Joe
Bowers, although out of his teens, is
all game, and worked like a chick, win-
ning three straight heats. John Nelson
held a close second in each heat, and
but for breaking, would have won the
race. He is a handsome bay,with quick
powerful action and -will yet make a
fast horse. He was greatly adrnired.
Gusteer, the winner of the stallion race,
held a good third. Men 0' for a young
horse with little handling, did admir-
ably -well, and surprised his owner, who
merely pub him in to fill the race, by
his action, speed and endurance. He
is a promising colt, and had he kept
his feet like the others, would have
crowded the winner into a tight cor-
ner. Following are the heats:
J. Doherty's (Clinton )'John Nelson 2 2 2
It. Paisley's (Merton) Joe Bowers 1 1 1
G. Goebel's Mitchell) Gusteer 3 3 snails,
T . W. Itawkshaw's [Excited Moll 0' 4 4 4 J Elora
Time -2.34,2.31,13c
sr., A
Single roadster% There were six au_ Hord
triee Ed. Boseenberry, Zurich ; Jno. ing, Is
Willis, Hay Davie, Mitchell; Snell Jos Se
& White, Exeter ; Uria Pierce, Strathroy white 1
H Dumart, Zurich. There was some leghona
splendid racing in this contest but Boseen- spanieh
berry's little black was slightly fast for orcas,
his cornprnioos Cris, P's-ce's brovvii,t,how. Cook:
ever, being a close second' Willis' and ist aca
Davie' horses were, drawn before the corn- W Eine
eletion of the ram, leaviog the contest to Erwin:
four, 13ossenberry winning, Uria Peirce, rotten
2nd : El Dumart, 3rd: Snell & White, 4th. otner v
Best time 2:50, eentem
Jr:meas.-Dr. Teneant, Liman : Bobt, 3teps
Robson, London : Starter, EL Eilber, -
Creditor'. IRO
Following It the regular prize list : Cler o: t
, HORSES. - Imposaran Ilaavy II Jone
H jone
DRAUGIET.--Brood mare, Sane! Smillie, iron be
L 7 Goodwin ; foal, L F Goodwin, mill, A
Sams' Smillie; 3 years old, 3as Routley, C°' um'
Francis Coleman, Juo Cohrsey ; 2 year °atter,
old, Chas Bean ; 1 year old, Jas Rotita lr°n Pam
ately. If you want (peek Imhof and care 1 Dun
his is your remedy, Sold lay C. ,LUTZ thre
ur,TUItA.t.- Brood mare, J Duncan,
.A Bishop Jas Itoutley • foal Jno a
can 3r, Jno Couraey, ,las Beetle},
e year old, Chas Ilaskett,„. Rob M
inard's Liniment ler rherirnati ta.
Geezre-Fall wheat, (white
M Bretbour : wheat, '(
Shier, D Brethour; spring whoa
Welsh, M Brethour : Aix rowed barl
Dougall Brethour • two rowed
M Brethour, A Doupe; large cm
Brethour, A Johnston ; common
MeEeten, F G Abbott; blinds oa
Brethour, A. Johnston; large pea
Jerethour, 11 Bell, Sr, small peas, Al
our, J Airth, jr muinmy peas
Dougall, M Brethour ; timothy e
Bretheur, A MOSwen; flax seed, M
our, D Brethour ; merchante flour
line di ; white beans, jeSh
Johnston; clover seed, 111 Brethor
Foster : grain in ear, M. Brethon
jupens.-Wie Scott, Brueefield ;
Leunan, Heneall.
APPLES -- Wm Robt Mc
apples, five °Ileac% variety, Win Ch
Wm Dougall; Rhode Island Gree
Geo McLeod, John Stanlake ; Nor
Spies, Robt McCord, Robt Bissell; ;
boro Russete, Geo Davis; Spitzenber
McCord, Alex McEvren ; Baldwins,
Nott, Jacob Roeder; Snow apples,
Chesney, S. Horton; fall Pippins,
Smith; Oolverts, Sane' Horton; Ki
Torakins, Jas Airth, .A1 Bissett; Al
dere, John Andrews; Canada Red
Hicks, ,Te.cob Roeder; Ribston Pippin
Chesney, G.Nott; Wagner, Alex MOB
American Golden Russets, Bolet Me
John .Andrew, elaidenn Bluth,W, Che
7. Andrew; best 'welling appleasle
Ben Davie, Andrew, W. Chesney,
Exersas-Apples, Coyne Red St
Alex Itlawen, S. Sanders & Son ;
bartron's Nonsuch, John Andrew; J
flower, Sanders ec Son:
PUBS -Flemish Beauty, Tilos Br
Duchess Angolieme, Thos Brook, NA .
leissett; Sheldon, ',Armstrong, Dr Lutz;
Hest Beurre, L Ar matrong; Louie Bonne
de Jersey, Dr Lutz; auy other variety, P.
37:17iims. Bawden.
Brethour; any other variety, B. V Elliot,
Prams - Lombard, John Willis, M.
GRAPES, &o..--DelaWare,R3y W.Martin,
John .Anderson; Moore's Early,B.V Elliot;
Concord, Jahn Willie (Hay), Thee Brock;
Rogers' No 19, M. Eacrete Rogers' No 4,
John Anderson; any other variety, John
Andrew, 13 V. Elliot • Crabs,any variety,
Rich Williams, Robt gill, sr; klenly Craw
ford peeches, J 2 Ross, J W Brewning;
late Crewford peaohest Browning,Rev
Martin; any other variety, T Brook, H.
Kinsman; collection canned fruit, Geo
Seeders; M Brethour; collection of honey,
T Cann G Abbott; honey in comb, T
Quin. 81.1iogarth; honey in jete,e" Hogarth,
11 A. Switzer; collection honae-made wines,
Jae Torn. John Willis (Hay); collection of
bottled pieklea, R D Bell, Geo Sanders;
maple sugar, Debt Pringle.
Juneite-T 11 Race, Mitchell ; John
Stewert, Benmiller.
VEGETAMP,$-Ifarly Rose Potatoes, Jas
Creech, Jas Snell; Beatity of Hebron pone
toes, Jag Down, Jae Snell; Lae Rose pota
toea, johneton„ J. Roeder t Early Ver-
mont, Jas Airthnr; Eluowilakeelas Creech;
Early Telephone, Brock, A Bissett; any
other variety potatoee, A Poster, W Seal;
winter cabbage, A Gillespher G Abbott;
blood beete, A Bisset; M Brethour; sugar
beets, Robt Pringle, Jas Stveet; long matt
golds, A Biehop, T Prier; globe inengelde,
A Bishop, A Johnston; turnips,P Andrews
Abbott; intermediate mangolde, Jae
Airth, jr; early horn carrots, W Chesney,
Rov Martin; nrantee carrots, Wm Foliated,
Smallacembe; long orange or red carrote,
Jas Sweet, W Polland; white Belgian car-
rots, 0 Fainter, T Smith; sweet corn. 10
Abbott, Jas Sweet; Indian corn, A Biesett,
Jae Down; water melons, Roeder, A.
Johnston; musk melons, J Akar jr, S
Hogarth; pumpkin,ho Androw,P Andrew;
squash, W Cheeney, Jno Andrew; wadi.
flower,W Folland,Geo Sanders; re e onions,
G Matz, Armstrong; white or yellow
mime R McCord, M Brethour; tomatoes,
W Policued, W G Biseett; celery,. W Poll.
and, Jae Creek; citrons Bella Cottle, A.
13agehaw; parsnips, H. 'R. Hueston, M.
Brethour; beat colleetion of yogetablea,Jas
Sweet, W Polland,
DAUM PRODUM3..---11,0 lbs butter, suffi-
ciently salted, Mrs .A Bishop, Robt Bell,
Sr, M Creighton; ten lbs butter sentiently
salted, Robt Bell, Sr, Mrs.5. Biatton A
Doupe; Fifty lbs salt butter, private, Mrs A.
Bishop, Robt Bell, Sr, 5 Ilagarth; Cheese
private made, Wm Dougall, A Johnston;
Cheese, factory made, .0 W Smith, Geo
Junoes-A. Q Bobier, Exeter; Chas
Brown Credi(on.
) Jno.
red,) J
t, Jae
ey, W.
ts, Itt
oats, A
ts, 351
eed, Itt
, Rol-
ler, A
ix, A
r, D.
D Mo-
s. --
ge, R.
ng of
, Rd
ock •
MASTURACTURTIS-Ho1310 made quilt, Mre
Geo Hots; domestic cloth, Mra Nott,
Johnston; flannel all wool, It Bell, Sr, Mrs
G Nott; blankete all wool, It Bell, Sr, W
Clhesney; satinett, A Johnston; woollen
yarn, A. Johnston, .A. AidEwen; ten yds
dom. cotton warp, Rohl Bell, Sr, A Johns
ton; factory flannel, lat Brethcar, A Johns-
ton; faetory blanket,.5. Johnston; set single
harness, Sue Treble; set double barnesa,
Jno Treble; cured ham, Jas Tom; sewing
machine, Perkins & Martin, Geo Bissett;
Organ, Perkins & Martin, Bell Organ Go;
set of parlor furniture, B N Rowe; set bed'
room furniture, B N Rowe, J Al:Waal/on;
stuffed birds, A. MoPherson, lat and 2n11;
barrel fine salt not ground, Exeter Salt Co;
barrel of salt for pecking, Exeter Salt Co.
SezoraLs-Indian Relics, A, McPherson;
cabinet writing desk, JD Atkitison; sidee
bolted, J 1) Atkinson: brink, Geo Moatz.
Tenses -Geo Barnwell, Exeter; Samuel
Brown, Crediton.
Fume Arm. -Water color painting,
Mrs 0 Campbell lat and 2nd: painting
in oil, W afeErven, Mrs 0 Campbell;
crayon sketch, Jos Senior, Mrs 0 Camp-
bell : penoil sketch, Jas Tom, Mrs Camp-
bell ; collection of photographs, Jos.
Senior ; hair dresser's work, Ed Fish.
Amazes -Miss Marks, Brueefield : Mrs.
Crocker, Exeter : Mr. Link, Crediton.
Finoweris. -Fuchsias in flower, Jas.
Sweet : Foliage plants, Bella Cottle
Begonias in flower, R ; Geran-
iums in florae Jno Smallacombe.
CUT noWEIts. botibet,
Jno Willis, (Hay;) Pansies T, 11,
McCallum ; Asters, Bella Cottle, T
McCallum : ten week's atocks ,collection
Bella Cottle : Verbenas,Bella Cottle,- Geo
Sanders : Petunias, single,13ella Cottle,
Jno Brnallacombe : Petunias, double, Geo.'
Sanders : Phlox Drummendi, T H
Callum, Bella Cottle ; &mien, Bella
Cottle, Geo Sanders : beat arranged
basket of cut flowers, T fl McCallum ;
ornamental garden and fountain, It Nelson;
Fountain, Jno Smallacombe,
Juni:Pm-Wm Bell. and 13 Hoggarth,,
Hensel].: Jos Peart, Exeter.
Leona' WO= -Carpet; wOolen warp, ,W
Chesney, A.. Johnston: carpet, cotton warp
5 Horton, M Brethour: rag mat hooked,
D Bell, 5 Horton:. rag mat awed, Jaa
Tom; sag hearth mat sewed, 11,(re Campbell
rag hearth that hooked, Mrs Nett: wool
socks, A Johnston, 11 Bell, sr. wool stock-
ings, A Johnston It Bell toe cotton Rieke
lot Basil gealon
80 lbs. Sugar for -$4.00 ; 12
lbs Choice Valencia.
Raisins for $1,00.
A new supply of Pickling and Table
Vinegars, free from acids; all kind
Pickling Spices, Whole and Ground;
Pure Black and White Pepper, our
own 'grinding. For Coffees and Teaa,•
we will cheerfully compare with any
in Price and Quality,
YOU. Can't qatt B otter
• I know it will pay you to see th
grades of Sugars we offer. You. can
surpass them in Quality and Quantit.
Don't fail to get the prices of Glasswar
now shown in our window. Nev
offered. such as their prices.
W4NTED'*165 Tubs of th
I Choicest Dairy
made Butter, and the price will b
right at
III Creighton, Mrs Nbtt ; cotton eto
M Creighton, A Jolinston ; ladies' wo
mitts, Jae Tom, M Creighton; menet woo
mitt% M Creighton, 8 Hogarth; raener
wool gloves, El Bogard), Jae Tom; coeuter
pantm, domestic wove, A ItIolerrate W Mc -
Ewan ; counterpanee. knitted; MT Creigh
ton; counterpanes, :urethan Id Creighton
Bobt Hicks; connterpartee, tufted, 3ehierp
A Join:Mom patchwork quilt, calico, Mra
C Campbell, Et Horton; patchwork quilt,
oloth, Mre A Bishop, af Dreamer; pateh-
work quilt log cabin, A Johnston, /sire Nett
ailk quflt, crazy -work, airs A Blehop, aim
Stanlake; knitted shata, Itlrs Nott, Um 0
Campbell; maxi% shirt, hand made, A.
Doupe, AI Creighton.Imenet ahirt naaohine
made, $ Bogard), A. Deem patching,
Jas Tom, R Ball eraldarning on etockings
Jail Tom E 8peckman; buttonholes,
Tom, W'efeEwan; pillow arms, Mas Non
AI Creighton; table mats, Mrs Cananhells
11 Creightorr; table &Ides, Mrs (rev) 7El
Patti Mrs Campbell; toilet Heti, B J Speck
man, Jae Tom; fancy pin cushion, T
McCallum, Miss le Gould; crochet work
(twine) hand aatehel, ItIrs Campbell; sofa
pillow, Arra Fate Miss Gould; narterarne
work, M Brethour, 3 Shier; wax dowers
%eared, D Bell, Urs Nett: paper flowers,
Mrs Campbell, B 1) Bell; table se:4 „gift
Gould, JOS Tom; table cover, amb. James
Dorm, Mims Gould; worked trblek holder:
T 11 McCallum, af 70 Campbell; painting
on china, Mee Oampboll;4111trawing room
soreen, llfre Campbell: banneretterr, gra
Nett, id Bre
hr; breketdraiery,rrwe
anPbunS.0rtoniat(ioper;rbfSatnpboll; oro7ettidvmraea:3eira
Bishop; knitted tidy, el Creighton, Jaa
TOM ; gold or silver tinsel work, T E Mc-
Callum, Mrs Nott; etohiog, 351 Creiglit
Mrs Note applique 'work, Mee e.'""L3P.-.411;
hfre Noll; arreseeseliPPewstrorg, mra ettuP
hr,n, Arse welt, orewel ambroidery, We,
Campbell; embroidery on silk, T 11 McCal-
lum A.t. Creighton; embroidery en flannel,
MreCarapbell, Mrs Nan knotted stitch
embroidery $ Hogarth; ribboaene embroid-
ery, D Dreamer, el Creighton: eohjeanei4e.
work, Mrs, Campbell; bullion embr
Mrs Campbell; braiding, Mrs Nott, It Bair,
sr; bead work, lers Pea, M Creighton;
bet -lin wool work, Be, Vett, Mrs Notts
etraw phit, A Johneton, Jas Tore; /aoe
royal Rettenburg, Mrs Campbell; hum boni
ton, A, aohuston, Mrs Nott; lace kumea
Jas Tom, Mrs Campbell; limo oroohee Itt
Creighton, Mrs Campbell; rink rack work,
Mrs Campbell; it Bell, Sr; tatting, Jas
Toni, darned net, el Creighton, Mrs
Nett, drawn threads, T EL MoCalltuar
Mrs Campbell; silk work =Java canvas, hi
Creighton, Mra Carapbell; panels any work
Mrs Campbell, M Creighton; loaf home
made bread, W Maws; R D Bell, It
ennert's Dealarammer -Crochet work
in cotton. R Bell, Sr, Mrs Campbell;
painting any object, Mrs Campbell, drawing
special on crayon, Mrs Campbell, W Chas^
ney; num pin mishion, W Chesney, Mrs
Campbell; woodwork, plain or ornamental,
W Cheney, Mee Campbell,
SPICIALS-Roman einbroidery, Mies Be
Gould; Berlin wool flowers, 5 Horton; ern
broidery on nett, T H IVIcOallarn; ani-
bi on table cover, Bev Fatt ; col. of
photos, Jos Senior; embtoidery on velvet,
8 Hogarth ; crochet on slippers, Mrs Jno.
,Teiiess --Kra rank, Cr.editon ; Miss
masks, n_eueefield ; Mrs Crock:iv, Exeter,
Sicknees generally follows in the pal&
of negleet. Don't be racist:Ise, but prudent-
ly take a few dome of Scott's Emulsiorr,
hnmediately following ezposture 'to cold -
It will save you many painless days anit
sleepless nights.
THE Owen
DR.A. OWEN. i'sifrees"
The only Scientific and Practical Elec-
tric Belt for General Use, Producing a
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Cure of Diseases.
containing fullest information, list of diseases
cut of Belts and Appliancee, prices, sworn toe-
timonials and pertraite of eeople who have
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man, Swedish and NorWegia,n languages. Thie
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The Owen Electric Belt and AHERN Ca
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Tho largest Electric: Bolt Establishment in
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Whon visiting the World', Pair, do not fail
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