The Exeter Times, 1893-9-28, Page 2era -M. rn 'Wishes to speak through the .Regiaterof the beneficial results he has received from a regular use of Ayer's Pills. fie says ; " I was feeling sick incl tired and: any stomach seemed all out of order. I trted a number of remedies, but -roue seemed to give me relief until I was indutted to try the old reliable Ayer's Pills. I have taken only one box, but I feel like a new roan- I think they are the most pleasant and easy to take of anything I ever used, being so finely sugar-coated thatem-en a child will take'e them. I urge upon all who are In Need of a laxative to try Ayer's Pills." —• Boothbay (Me.). Re,; inter. " Between the ages of five and fifteen, :c was troubled with a kind ofsalt-rheum, or eruption, chiefly confined to the legs, and especially to the bend of the knee above the calf. 'dere, running sores formed which would scab over, but would break immediately un moving ti:. lea. My mother tried everything she could think of, but all was without avail. Although a child, I read in the papers about the beneficial effects of dyer's. Pills, and persuaded my mother to let me try them. With no great faith in the result, she procured yers -ails .and I began to use them, and soon noticed an improvement. Encouraged by this, I kept on till I took two boxes, when the st res tiiis ppc red and have never troubled me—H. Chipman, Real Estate agent, Roanoke, Va.. "I suffered for tears from stomach and kidOey treiehleA, causing verk40vei' pains in various parts pf the body. N one of the remedies I tried afferdel me .any relief ul:til I begin taking .Ayers Rills, and eves cured."'—Wm. Goddard, Notary Public, Fives Lakes, Mich. i'r rased by lar. T C. Ayer &Ca, Lowell.: rasa So,cisy „ti:?rat;,,is.s Everywhere. Every Dose Effective AFTER, 11E STOLE $t3I1000 C(tf;llra lie, the Mita Cleric., Con- fessed. A ltl'ost titemsruabie Story rrom the Phil. a ttelpbla nine ---The T,txto.f las a Trust- ed f ierhand Ste Patel late Position and' Little nook to (treat Advaatage—The Greater rorttoa artlhe atenon Sold even be Recovered. { that the five years' seutenoe was illegal. He had served about six menthe of the sentence when the prison officials were to. Clay ordered to release him. Most of this time was' spent in the prisonhospital. A Washington, special salts :-Now that the Government is practically :assured of •reoovoring more than four-nfths of the amount of goldabstracted from the vault in the Philadelphia mint, the story of its disappearance and the circttnlstances lead- ing to the capture of the culprit is gradual. ly coming out. Secretary Carlyle had hardly lamed his order directing that the bullion in the several mints of the country be coined, than Mr. Henry S. Cochran, in charge of the reserve vault in the Philade). pixie saint, became uneasy, so much so, iufact, that he mentioned the matter to several employes of the Philadelphia taint, saying that the gold would not be found intact when the mint vault should be opened and the gold reweighed. He did not, however, confine himself to mere protestations to the employes of the Philadelphia mint, bat on hast Thursday week, September 7, came to Washington and visited Acting Director of the Mint Preston, He endeavored to per - suede i.1r. *eaten to have the Secretary countermand the order for coining the bullion at that Pitlla:ielphie mint and to ship the coin from the New York sub -treasury for thatpurpose Mr. Prestoniaforsned him that the order could not be revoked. The mvtsual zeal displayed by Mr. Cochrane in the matter aroused suspicion iu Mr Pres• ten's mind, and when the further request was preferred from Philadelphia that a mint official should bedetailed to be present when the vault was opened, dr, Preston was led to ask why such a course should bo pursued when the:whole responsibility reit- ed upon the superiatonleut of the Phila- del;;ina mints The story of how THE 9UORTAuL WAS DIS40\ Eu1 D is still fresh. Suspicion, of course, pointed for various reasons to Weigh Clerk Coda rano, who for 43 years has been employed iu the Philadelphia mint, and who for a number of years past has had the immediate °barge of the vault in questiou, Chief Drummond, of the secret service of the United Mates, was at once communicated with, and on Thursday left for Philadelphia Tile MIXERS WILL BEET UP TUE STRIKE. A London- special says :—The .question of contivaia t the coal strike in Derbyshire and Sotith Lausashire was put to vote to. (lay, Though it is geuerally conceded by impartial observers that there is little, if any; chance of the miners winning the fight that has now been in progress since July 28, the men themselves think that they will eventually force the mine owners to con. cede their demands. This was shown to- day by the, ballots takeu in Derbyshire and South Lancashire, an immensemajority of the then voting in favor ofcontinuing the strike. etatemerraINCE CPT THE PRO`1TIER. A Berlin special says :—Detachments of the Russian and German armies are than-. osuvring in the vicinity of the Russo -Prus- sian frontier. The soldiers are often in sight of each other while performing their respective evolutions, but the utmost good feeling is manifested on both sides, In the neighbourhood of the fields of operation is Chorzele, a village of Russian Poland, prac- tically on the frontier. When the men and *Mors of the Russian and German forces have met in the village they have displayed ranch good feeling toward each other, and have fraternized as though they all belonged to 000 army. BOW'S BUSINESS? The Queslton &ntwerecl In the renewing Items. Tho French wheat crop is officially esti- mated at 270,400,000 bushels, which b 50,000,000 below the average. Gold in the United Stetos Treasury is UM $1,650,:37t below the hundred million mark. An increase of .r.1 is anticipated in refin- ed sugars in the American market before the end of the woe's. The increase in the reserve of the Bank of England for the week was X1,011,0)3, of wftiob £S00,000 was in gold itnported. The duties collected at the port. of Toron- to for the month of August aggregated 5458,651.43 an iuerense az $1,759.12 over the same month of last year, Tho aggregate elearings of Montreal, Toronto, Halifax and Hamilton for the after a conference with Acting Director week amount to 513,+0.3,181. almost 15 per Liquors au:t Strength. Preston, and immediately began work on cent, less than last week, 17 pee ccut. less It might seem strange that the great HEALTH. Preventing Disease. 11 should ever be borne in mind that it is very much easier to preveot diseases than' to cure them, It is, actually certain that our health is as much under our per- sonal control as ocr education and business. It is a preposterous idea that disease is sent upon us maliciously, with no regard to our oonduct, with no reference to the manner in which we treat this body, so "fearfully and wonderfully made," A few rules will aid very much in securing good health, Do not exhaust the vital forces by overtaxing every organ of the body, or even any one of them. i)o not eat without a reasonable appetite—since the appetite indicates how much food isnoeded if natur- al, and since food taken without an ap- petite will not be well digested. Do not depend on tea, coffee, cocoa, tobacco or any kinds of the intoxicants to aid digestion, for none of them will do it, proper labor and a natural state of the body being all that is necessary, provided the food is proper and. has been properly taken. Do not eat irreg- ularly, too often (three meals a day are all that need be taken, while 'some of the ancients took but one), or more thanis needed, a fair appetite guiding quite well in this regard. Do not dare to. dry wet clothes while still wearing then. Do not wear much clothing while exercising, or enough to produce perspiration while at rest—just enough to be comfortable at all times, it being safer to be comfortably cool rather than uncom- fortably warm. Do not "cool off" sudden- ly,afier having been engaged in hard work, by sitting, half clad, its a cold current of air, as it is bettor to continue work moder, ately or put ou oxtre clothing as soon as one begins to feel a little chilly. If about to take a bath, while in perspiration, de not wait to cool oil', as all of the warmth of the body is necessary in order to success- fully resist the chill, while it is unsafe to allow it chill to follow enab a batll,and con - thine for any considerable time. Indeed, if the warmth has been caused by violent exercise, the body being then exhausted, a bath is improper and ehonld be deferred. Do not attempt to gain time by depriving yourself of needed sleep,bu t retire early and sleep till nature says "enough." Whole there are any symptoms of disease do not neglect yourself, but remove the causes; if a cold, break it up imtne:liately by a sweat. TIMEX: ETE L TIMES. the case Tim result was that on Friday than the weak before and 21 per cent. lest mass of the people are so ignorant in re- ltonbi.anodeven-Thur:te erne;, ,.s signto Chief Drummond and Mr. Preston. The number of Whirls in the Dominion un e e. Ora ageneral 1 t cct lth aside from the tact evening.\Mr. Coobrano trade a full conies- ''than agear ago, ference to the .effects of alcoholic liver r D p , StEM PRINTING RIME l+is,r.,eat •iezr'vnpposi to '. tole'8 Jeweler! !dime ,1,aoter,Uut.,byJohn Waite a: ),Ine,3're. evictors. EATER aF Apvsarf4Dia E)rtt n:ertion porn :to ..... ... .....10cents Cacho t;, isequ ear uts:raiu i nor hno .... cent 1. `1'oinsure i a:;ortton, adv©rti.enen„seitouil he beutin not:ater than \E'odues,lay moraine OurJ0.3 PILINTI\t, DEP Tl+lto1) tithe largest and ast 31flipped. isae Cant Y at li arkn Eli w,aretuatr.ts u.t ca as mil:43,4/3 her print i+x.tGteu;.en I3ecsion,s Lwegar(titig News- 1)ai)oi'i 'ti ,1.y reottnlii tikes a, stnsrreealarlyfrost the l,,,toilice whether ,Iiree Zed in hisn;enlooe :another's. or t\ io li r,i it:t; aua•icri o :.t or asci ss re ,lowtbloti ptyin nix. If a per-ost urderi his papa ul-.'.ntisln ;l be ninet pay alt a.:var er the pun:ishor its ontinuc to send it until the payment is In t'tm nit then collect the whole amnion, whether o paper is tai enfrato the office or not. 3 in suits for ab;•:rlp Iona, the .tit :nay ho V II V pub t to din th., i.ac^ whew ^;le rn .r i i .c r� I p I P t.sh, ,t although the rul)siribot may rca3Sj hundreds of modes away. 4 Titocourt3 havo de..1,3ed files ro.r u -inti t) nirnc;r=paperH orperiodthe from .ho p )tv file, or removing and leaving Alumnae Wel tepi lata facie ovideneo or iinentimed frena NERI'E BEANS litERVE Ti:.tt are a Tris ufo- 'coney that curs the worst eases of r n r lace. Felling 33auhraell; restarca the p He stated that for the past 5 or 10 years he of Canada for tho week is i'?., as con flared that we are ill a fallen Crate, having eerily had been abstracting bullion bare from the with 27 the week before.The Province of degenerated from the original state of the Ontario, which generally leads in uumoer01 human body as it came from the hands of failures, this week gives way to Quebec the glorious Creator, Again, some doctors with 14, all of which are more or less un- are very much at fault in this matter, so important, however, there being but four often advising a little (much) whiskey, rated up to five hundred dollars. Ten are brandy, wines, ale, beer and porter, to under hvo hundred dollars and without "build up," with which to "pull through," credit rating. The phenomenal augntenta- to "rally," teaching the people that theeo tion is altogether due to the Province of wilt give sirength health and endurance, British Columbia with ten failures, which instead of advising food unci wholesome is equal to the preceding seven weeps. Of food, the only thing that actually gives the twelve fuilnree in Ontario, three were strength of itself. If they do not, know rated above ono thousand dollars, aha the better, in these days of soientifie research, remainder under five hundred or without I pity them, but their victims still more. any capital or credit rating. 11 ignorant, wo havo just to pity thein for The stereotyped remark of silver mono. what,. as physicians, they should Itnow. If 1 patronage and the theydo it togain the atr na isc'.t metallieta is that "there an insul8 le•1 p g supply of gold to meet the wants of the favors of their patrons, I pity them for nations, and especially the United States, their want of conscience, and the world with money, actually on a gol,l bilis." As still more. When they give such advice a indtter of fact, the supply of gold has been they should know that recent chemical ex- )inc tche list ri outs conducted byan eminent n e't i e m eon u d ' r some time at ti greater retie , increase for w i p S g» " a "Rummy" when n scientist—who was n n d he commenced with quite a number of others eo•operating with hire, have proved beyond all question thataloohol, the active element in all liquora, the intoxicant, has tforc1 a Cin'10 article of vault. During that time he had taken $31,- 000 worth : within the last 10 days he had taken $100,000 worth, THE METHOD 1111 EMPLOYED was substantially this t By means of crooked wire Ito pulled the bullion bars from theywereplaced the top of the pile where crosswise like rails; when they beings= the floor he would, by meatus of this (nook, pull the bars to the iron lattice in the door, the bottom of which was a little loose on one situ, the bolts having rusted. By pushing the door inward on this side the bar of gold could easily be removed. Rio habit was to do this stealing before i empieyes of the mint c me to their work in i the morning, As the gold bars only weigh 1.3 or 15 lbs. each he could carry them home ch tket. In this accreted in his lug ba way he took out of the vault and carried away e•. bullion. Bymeans of, the UU of old 1 ullia 33 0 s a i 1 3 beat in the Tame hook and in the way as heretfore tllar, population and bu i 1) , h h t �• C S � to _3 tho described he took out of the vault witbin neuvando.d worlds. From 1 , 1 r the past 10 days $100,000 in gold bullion. !new output was $104,000,000 and since Instead of removing this from the'mint it has been 5119,000,000. 0,0•!0. Lest ycar the building, however, he secreted it in the output was$131,000,000. There iscompare- ventilator loft, where is was found after tively little gold coin need in daily business, ,1E MADE 1114 CoN nssiov, and the same may bo said of silver coin. According to the Minneapolis Journal, there are lees than 50,000,0'10 silver dollars in Circulation out of nearly 400,000,00 coined. There was a considerable falling off in the shipments of both cheese and butter from :Nervous iletUie Lost Niger and he hitnself showing the officials its hiding wrekners of hotly or mind eacsed Mr. Cochrane is under $10,003 bond and by overworlr, or the MOM ore: Inas a lace outside of Philadelphia, said to Sw es cf south. ?lits ner.edya b p p solutelyr cams that most obstinate cases when all other be worth 00,000, so that with the amount si sArstsz rs have failed a route. relieve. '...mid tax drag. of money already recovered—$l00,000 et Montreal at the los of last week ; 8 i k,018 gists at Si Per Package, or ex for Ed or cent t v mail on . reeeiatos price IT addresgegTIIETA♦tESMEDICINE the mint and $7,x100 at his house—it is boxes of cheese were exported, a decrease, CO., Terumo. Ont. Wril arp,•+s hitt _•ldin— believed the Government ecu make up the as compared -with the same period of last Sold at Browning's Drug Store, Exeter difference between the $134,000 stolen and year of 05,162 boxes. There is a falling. $10,00':) recovered from his property and off in putter of 6,624 packages; and the his bondsmen together. READ -MAKER' NEVER FAiLS 111 CRT S17f&A0Ti�•Y Fen 73ALS BY ,'ill. 1,cA1 reRt;a vwf EVENTS BEYOND THE OCEAN. PURE POWDERED teleREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Iteadyfor use inany quantity. For making Soap, f ioftoning Water, Disinfecting. and a hundred other uses. A can equals20 pounds Sal Soda. Sold by All ltroaess and Druggists. 'GXy'd. G -A: 21. -t -d r,-n"Z = 'I c r,a tat Young, middle-aged or old men suffering from the effects of follies and excesses, restored to perfect health, manhood and vigor, t l DR, GORDOIT1 REEDY !TB OE CREATES New Verve Force and Powerful Manhood. Cures Lost Power, Nervous Debility Night Losses, Diseases caused by Abuse, Over Work, indiscretion, Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Lack of Energy, Lost Memory, Headache, Wakefulness, Gleet and Ve rioocele. A Cure is Guaranteed ! To every one using this Remedy according to direc• tions, or money cheerfully and conscientiously refunded. PRICE $1.00, 6 PACKAGES $5.00. Sent by mail to any point in U.S.' or Canada, securely sealed, free from duty or inspection. Write to -day for our TAR i.�fAV87 TELLS You How To Ga WELI4 STAY WELL .,Iddsess or call on QUEEN MEDICINECO,; YORK LIFE 13011.0010, Mdntreel, Can total shipments this year so far is 27,518 packages. The production of gold for the whole world can only be approximately estimated; marnit0It WILLLAm's DIDIA•P.TS AT A DI:'.11Er but an attempt is being made by different c1RLsnrnit, statisticians to arrive at conclusions border - A Berlin special says :--A parade of the ing closely on acearacy. For the year 1891 troops was held yesterday at Carlsruhe, the United ltates of America is credited capital of the Grand Duchy of Baden. The with producing 533,000,000, and seeoud in soldierswerereviewed by Emperor William. the list comes Australis with 531,010,033 ; Last evening a dinner in the Emperor's third comes Russia, which valuable mines honor was given at thepalace of the Grand in the Ural mountains have always furnish - Duke of Baden. In responding to the ed a considerable tribute,with $21,000,000 ; toast to his Majesty, the Emperor referred fourth is Africa with $14,000,000 ; fifth is to the visit he made to Carlsruhe last spring, China with 5.5,000,000 ; sixth is the South when he was returning from Italy. He American Republic of Colombia with 53, - said while seeking a few hours' repose in 400,000 ; 13ritislr India comes next with Carlsruhe the thought had occurred to him 52,400,000. All the other countries are and the Grand Duke of Baden, as well as to small contributors. many other good patriots, will the German The half -yearly reports of the English nation remain equal to its task, or deviate railroads for the first half of 1893 showed front the path indicated by Emperor Will— an increase in gross revenue of about a of 1 iam L, and show itself unworthy of the per cent,, and of working• expenses less great deeds of Emperor Frederick as the than a of 1 per cent. The increase in net decisive hour approached and it became revenue, therefore, amounts to :1217,000. necessary to again direct the German people During the year, however, fixed charges in the right way for them to follow. increased about -.., per cent., which left Continuing, the Emperor said, addressing available for dividends on common stock his words to the Grand Duke : "It was The growth of the orange industry in your Highness who first of all with pregnant Florida has increased from a production of golden words touched the chord which ever 600,000 boxes in 1Sli6 to 13,500,000 for the vibrates the heart of the nation. The season just closed. and according to con. military spirit was reawakened within our servative estimates the combined crops people, a new idea permeated the entire will be fully 5,000,000 boxes of which over country, and our nation became once again 4,000,000 will be marketed. The average itself. I thank your highness, as I thank price received by growers the past season, my other cousius in the empire. Each prince according to the Charleston News and has done his utmost to bring forward his Courier, was $1.11 per box. men and assemble them round the imperial A new ocean telegraph oompany proposes standard. Through yowr united efforts to lay a cable between Australia and Cali - Germany stands arrayed in fresh armor as fornix. Soundings which have been made the once divine hero HeimdaI stood watch- between San Francisco and Honolulu show ing over the peace of the world. May the that the route thus far is a practicable one. nation ever remain true to the high mission The same. company will seek to obtain a confided to: it, and may italwsys be blessed subsidy from the German Government for with such princes as it now possesses." constructing the sections of the proposed line. between the Fiji and Samoan islands, DRAMAS DE LESsEPS ItEr.tASEn, and between the Samoan Islands and Hono A Paris special says :—M. - Charles de lulu. Lesseps, who was sentenoed to five' years' The New York bank statement issued. on imprisonment for complicity in the Panama Saturday gave much satisfaction in financial' Cabal scandal, was feleased.from prison to- circles. The reserves have been increased. day. The sentence of five, years', imprison-: by no loss than $5,170,150, and the reserve mentwas set aside on appeal' to the Court fundis now only$1,567,525 below legal. re- ef Caseation, which decided that the pros. quirements, as compared with 516,545,000 eeution had not been inaugurated within three weeks ago. A year ago there was ,a the time set by the law. surclus of 57,630,000. Specie increased Subsequent to the above sentence, how -during the week upwards of $3,929,000, ever, a sentence of one year's imprisonment Legal tendere increased 52,133,100; deposits was passed upon M. Charles de Lesseps.' on ,t3,530,000, and circulation 51,131,400, his conviction of having corrupted ex -Minis-' while there is a decrease in loans amount - ter of Public Work Bafhaut to support the ing to 53,438,100. Panama Lottery Bonds bill. The court ordered that thie, sentence t of a horse is seven should run concurrently with the preceding The average strength v one. This last sentence prevented his; re- and a half times gt*aater than that of lease when the Court of Cassation decided man. no power to a l p strength, but that it always and everywbere wastes it, by a stimulationw•hi.ell ie always, everywhere, followed by a deprosaion and weakness. When they advisee. stimulating intoxicant for the purpose of aiding the digestion, their victims are to be pitied since it has been amply proven that the op. posits is true, alcohol always and every- where reducing the digestive power, while it should always be remembered that when food is well digested we may expeot health and strength as the result, and no good when it isnot digested. When one is told that he should take such intoxicants that he may have a better Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria -td'errIIki.-'17 :.!i . s',F++'.dttt 9:, t �' .�..:. #.t ,r* ,l t i '7..1'it ..,:•..c t- :':w:, for Infanta and Children. "Osstoriaissowelladaptedto childrenthat trecommend it as superior to any prescription ?mown tome." E. A. Ancasn, X. D., 1113o. Oxford $1., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of'Castoria' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are tho intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CARLOs 1fARTYN, D.D. New York city. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Ohuroh. Castorla cures Collo, Constipation, Sour Stomach, 1liarrhcea, Eructation, Sills Wornis, gives steep, and promotes gestion, ; Without injurious medication. " Por several years I have recommended your Castoria, and shall always continue to" do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." EDWIN F. PAnass, E. D., "The Winthrop,"1.15th'O' eetand7thAve New York Ci Tui; Csn'rAtnt Cos'ANY, 77 ltitrctuAT STREET; NEw Tori. .asetiee r Slit..... esit.=e. 'That dreaded and, dreadful dice as What shall stay its ravages? Thousam cry Scott's Emulsion of pure Norw'eg i cod liver oil and, hypophosphites of 1i and soda has cared us of consumption in its fir stages. Hav you a cough or cold acute or leach t9 consumption Make no delay hut take Stott's Emulsion cures Coughs, olds, ConeetinnetIon, Scrofula, and all. Anaemic and Wastitai Diseases. Prevents Wasting in Children. Molest as palatable an EMI; ® Tr':ct only the genuine." Pre- pared by f ecttt & Bawne, Belleville, field by all Drugglet, 59 emits and 51.00. C �. 4 fat ::07Ne:°. �fii1. $+ K. 2+ , F♦?`�'fi � OQri^r G p�S ,`�1`'\a3ori ,,,r,„oot e� ,t)q cG`� ..p -. a, ♦oes.....„,..0 ff' `C°' , e,r :::::.i.:4.4.0 ;:vo,s.::::::::0:::,\E):101, G ra G~ ra�ti QtQ . i\9 O..it-., ' j tittip ata° a 3 bGufi�i",0. 1 ,rpt+ • 4reser em eta` tir .. tin, (0,4 v �rG�OS + Rte♦ '4 GJ4C S fre*1 ♦ ♦ e `♦ai ♦ m d 4s n u . n rr 1S• .� ti a a (.4. o ,, -° ° iV o c� so. dye . i e 4 o �t♦gig `♦y CP♦♦♦ 4> 1♦ C7) e Manufactured oiateil b 83, Thomas Poll tetwey, 55,ult.ew Oxford Street, OxforPnrchasors should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots; If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. The pulse, on the contrary, may change manybeats, and still the sick person will not be in danger of death. But, as a rule, f the temperature reaches 108 or 109 death soon follows. A tiny thermometer, gilled a clinieel thermometer, is used to indicate the tem- perature It is placed under the tongue, or close to the skin in the utile, or armpit, and left there for a few minutes. By an ingenious arrangement the mercury in the elender glass tube is self -registering, so that yon may tell how high it wes any time after the temperature is taken, if the mercury is not disturbed . —ESt. Nicholas. i appetite, he is deceived, if he believes the statement of his medical deceiver—if not ignorant —sinee it is as well known that the opposite result always follows. If he is told that whiskey wilt warm him, when exposed to cold weather, he is equally de- ceived, if not imposed upon. The apparent good effects of alcohol, affecting the system only for a. short time, are very deceptive, the increased temporary activity, only to be succeeded by fatigue, languor, debiliby and real weakness, on the same principle that rapid running reduces the strength, as contrasted with walking. In the one case NEWS FROM THE OBIEN T. the povvers of the system are so overtaxed as to exhaust vital force at a, very rapid Chinese Destroy a. Catholic Chapel. --Pira rate an actual prodiged tise of human and Earthquake in Japan. strength, while, in the other, the forces are natural] y used , real ly increasing our strength A Victoria, B. C., despatch says :—The and health. Water as a driuk, saaisfies North China Daily News of Aug.2 says that the thirst, diminishing vital force and news has arrived of the destruction by a mob strseirngtallo.hn Ross, in his of the Roman Catholic chapel in the town " Arctic Explora- of Genkiawana, near the city of Mienvung, tions," says : " When, men under about 100 miles west of Haukow. The for - heavy and strong labor, are given their eign priests in charge escaped to the neigh - usual allowance of grog, they soon become boring town. As far as known no lives languid and faint, anti attribute tins to the were lost, though several native houses severity of their exercise ; but if the experi- shared in the destruction. The affair hap- ment be made on two equal boats' crews, pened on the 25th ult., and the French rowing in the same direction, it will soon Consul is inquiriug into the circumstances. be apparent that the water -drinkers will Japan has during the past month experi- greatly surpass the liquor -drinkers, enced fires and earthquakes. On Aug. 16 the village of Iyenokami, in. Tamba prov- The Pulse and the Temperature. ince, was burned and sixty-four lives were lost. The village of Hon Tomari, Kitami If you take a thermometer on a, hob sum - province, was destroyed twelve days previ- mer day and watch it until ib runs up under ous,;124houses being consumed, bat fortun• the influence of the sunshine to 98.4, you ately without fatality. will see it, wheo it reaches that point, at On Aug. 6 the town of Hakozaki, Fultu. the exact temperature of your body, if you own prefecture, comprising sixty houses, are in normal health. 'Your temperature was also .;destroyed and upward of 2,J0 may fluctuate a fraction above or below persons rendered homeless. 98.4, according to the time of the day or s _�... night, but it never varies to any extent until fever or some other kind of disease An Awkward Situation, sets in. Then the temperature begins to do what the pulse would not do—tell just Baron Dowse once won a judge where the how dangerously sick the person is. And accused could only understand Irish, and an interone of the strange things about it is that it preter was accordingly sworn. The does not vary many degrees from its nor - prisoner said something to the ,interpreter. and the later replied. "What does he say?" mal point at 98.4; no matter how ill the demanded the judge. "Nothing my lord." patient may become. If there is a high "fever, it may run up'to 101 or 105, ancl How darn you; saythat when we all heard' him ?' Come, sir, what was 10" My lord sometienes to 106; but it seldom stays at said theinterthis point for any length of time. if ib preter, beginning to tremble) " It had nothing to do with the case," "If goes up to 108 the good. phy-sician who is watching at the bedside of , the aick pereon you don't answer I'll commit you, sir. Now, what did he say 1" "Well, my lord, you'll concledes that death will soon put an end to the suffering. Somethnes, as in caves of excuse me but he said, `Who's that •ould woman, with the red bedcartainrand her, ehclera, it may drop several degrees belovv 98.4, but it seems to be impossible for it to sitting up there?' " At' which the. court roared. "And what did yon say?" askezl the change many degrees from th e normal point. There are cases recorded where the temper - Baron, looking a little uncomfortable.; " T saidature ran u p to 110 or 112 and the patient , 'Whist ye-epalpeenl :That's the old boy that's going to hang yez 1' " FROM THE OITY BY THE SE Two ktegtsuents 50 1,e Stat totted at Sia Hent Syrinx. A Halifax, N. S., despatch says : military authorities have received wo the effect that two regiments will be tioned hero next spring. It is stated the King's Liverpool will leave here in to be relieved by two regiments. Fishermen. say mackerel have not seen off the coast in such large number twenty years as on Saturday last. C unfavorable circumstances, high wins" rough sea, prevented immense catches made. This knocks in the head the th put forward by some that the fish disappei.ring from North Atlantis wet Word was received in the city to -d a fatal shooting accident, the result man mistaking his friend for a bear. Monday a party c t five men went Rawdon, Hants sou y; on it campin pedition. Monday evening as • they e camp some of the party told bear et and gave their personal experience Bruin, They had with them rifles i used in case any bears or big game seen. During the night one of the named James Woods awoke, and it is posed that seeing the fire 'teas low, he to get some feet to replenish it. Whi was moving about outside, another o party awoke, and hearing • the rus among the bushes,thought there were 1 at hand.. Others of the party awoke were told of the supposed proximity bear. It is thought Woode _heard the versation and for a lark got ouhis hand knees and trade a noise similar to tl bear would make. John Custance, s the supposed bear, grabbed a rifle and and then all was ' quiet.:, Then 1'v absence was noticed and a hurried ea ination showed the campers that friend Woods had been shot dead by take: The body was immediately take Rewdon Corner, and an inquest is br held. An Enemy to Books. Gas is a formidable foe to bound bo A couple of gas jots in a close room wil a few years ruin the bindings of any nu bar of books. Almost any reader 're bers taking boons from'. a public' or subs° tion library with the bindings so docs' that they could be pieked to pieces nrith the finger mils. ' Than was done by oy, The librarians of this 'country `,i ndefstaud the fact, and are now, as far as possible,; lighting theiir rooms with electricity. In large foreign libraries the fact has been long lrbown, and in some, like ;the British museum, in order to preserve the betas as well as to gu rd a ,inst ire, no arttdoitl light of any kind is permitted.