HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-9-28, Page 1THE BEST
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VOL. XXI. NO. 7.
tia Barefoot
hen you can
et a good, high,
nan's PlowShoo
t ,th o
McG - wan7 S
or 90c.
Also a complete Line of
and DTJNGOLAS. These
were bought direct from the
ufaefurers and will be sold at
ices that cannot be beaten.
Eggs xi cents per doz,
General Marchant, Eirkton.
Bann -Dr, R. W. Shaw, of Leone,
s opened out a new drug More in Met
erre old stand, -A very successful
onogrelih concert was beld at Lucian on
today °te sing last by the Ladies' Aid
he Methodist church. -Two +salves
ot;ned by Ward Bros., of Luoau, were
killed by the Chicago flyer en Thursday
night last, on the Main street(iroeaing.
13idd� ph.
RIEFs.-Mr, James Flobbine of Port
o0 isjviaating friends in Biddolph at
anat.-Alex Atkinson of Bav City hae
turned home after his visit --Mr. F. H.
it lite returned from the World's Fair,
blcago, well pleased with the. fair and all
at wee there.
Igtel ton.
W. Robson the noted jeweller, Shier ,te
arstiell's bleak, watches, Cloaks, Etc.,
yen e new lease of life. All worlc guaranteed
noes WY. MN 1E8 purchased a fine stook
Wntehes, Clocks, and Jewelry, at a bargain,
it selitho samo away below regular whole -
0 oat , W. ROBSON.
The trustees ofSot.uur eve. � Blansbard
insmor's aohool), love engaged 11 xa. ci,.
glee, Stanley, as teactier ler the year
4. He holds a junior leaving, or second
saes non-professional certificate, and bas
so passel Ida matricnlation examination.
The statement that Hon. G, W. Ross
11 accept the Registrarship of Middleaez
incorrect, and the Globs is assured upon
a beat authority that he has no intention
accepting the petition.
The death is announced of Mrs. John
ra, of Toronto, in her 7Gth year. The
ceased leaves three sons and two daugh-
a-Jolin A, Mara, M. P., of "Yale, B. O.,
Mara, of Lenin W. Mara, spirit march -
t, Toronto; Mrs. J. Bateman, of Perth,
d Mies 0. Mars, who lived with the do-
ssed. The old Iady a week ago bad a
ralytis stroke.
Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for
etcher opens with an admirable comma -
naive and well-informed paper on "Per -
ridiculer New 'York," by that graphic
+triter, Peter MacQueen. Daniel D. Bid-
elI contributes a timely paper entitled
The nnifyiug of Germany." Under the
tie of "A Journey tothe Garden of Eden"
fro Etta B. Donaldson gives art exciting
atrative of travel through the gorges of
he Caucasus into Persia. Other attractive
. i
aides are: v
"The �rt,slu, a Fair Como?.
is," a vivid panorama of the Midway
aisanoe; "nestling New England Armes -
a," by G. A. Davis; "Topolobampo; A.
tter Day Utopia," cy Ch. Moreau Har
or; "A Hop Field Illustrated," by Frances
Smith; and a biographical sketch of
loaue Cardnoci, the foremost living Italian
net. The abort tits -niers, sketches, poems
nd itepartment9 a- + bright and varied.
Mrs. Taylor, of Clinton, has rented her
ren of 100 acres, on the 18th eon, Hullett,
Mr., Isaac Lawrence, for one year, at a
etal. of 3210.
No. (intim hatemea.
Scott's Emulsion is Cod Liver Oil per-
oted and is prepared upon the principle
its digestion and assimilation in the
linen system; hence it is giveu without
sturbing the stomach.
Ford & Co.
That :Fit well, Wear well and
Look well.
We don't sell
The best is none too good for our trade..
Every house is selling the cheapest. We
im to give the best for the money.
► See our assortment of
Mens Furnishings.
At Special Peices.
Ties, Collate, Shirts, Underwear, the new
• est and best at moderate prices.
At the Label.
See if You are
BRIars. -The vrlliage was deserted
on Tuesday, everybody beingaat the
Exeter Fair ; all were well pleased. -
Dar. H. Either` returned home Tues-
day night with a new driver, one of
the beat in the country. Harry will
now throw the dust in the face of all-
cotners. The Methodist church will
be re -opened on Sunday next ; a big
improvement has been made in the
appearance of the edifice and grounds,
•-Mr L. Hodgins was thrown front bis
buggy w bile going to the fair on Tues..
day ; he wait not injured. -Geo Mots
jr„ has returned home from Manitoba
whither he went last spring.
Biugrs,-Pref. Hawkins of Brussels
was renewing old acquaintagoes in our
Village last week. Re looks hale and
hearty, -The carpenters are busy put-
ting up a dwelling.house,"'�,,for Mrs.
Chubb, Sam Spears has the contract.
-We are sorry to bear that Mr. and
Dire. Archibald Millar of near Strat-
ford, but formerly of this village. are
very low with typhoid f:^er; we hope
to hear of their speedy recovery. -
Richard Hoskins, who bas been en-
gaged as miller for they. past seven
years in btaflit, left for Exeter last
BRIEFS.-Mra. R., Cook of South
River,; is visiting friends in the vil-
lage at present, -A. number of our
citizens attended London fair lest
week. - Mrs. Quigie and son from
Michigan who were visiting friends.
and relatives in the village for several
days returned to their home on Mon-
day -Meseta J. Graybiel and M. Fenn
returned from the World's Fair Sat-
urday evening, -Bev. Mr. Krupp con-
ducted Quarterly meeting on Satur-
day and Sunday. -Rev. Mr. E ifert
preached to the German Lutheans in
London on Sunday. -Some mean
sco>,lndrel nearly cut the rubber tiro
of Mr -Chas Fritz's bicycle in two
some time Saturday night. Such a
person if caught should be severely
dealt with. -A large numberof people
from here went to the Exeter fair on
e _s. a
,'3t. Marys.
Mmes. -The new Sunday school
building in connection with the Meth.
odist church is nearing completion --
Fred. Long, who has recently been
living in Landon, returned to hia
father's a few days ago suffering from
inflammation.-Cbarlee Hamilton, the
young man who fell from the G. T. R.
Sarnia brtdge here a short time since,
is recovering rapidly. -W G Glenn,
event for the Manufacturers' Life
Insurance Co., has been appointed
district manager for the counties of
Bruce and Grey, with headquarters at
Owen Sound. Wm. Moyes will succeed
hint here. -Mr: and Mrs. H.B. Morphy
and family, of Listowel, have been in
town for a short time, the guests of Dr.
and Mrs. Hall. Mr. Morph; is an
old St. Marys boy, and his friehds here
are pleased to learn of his prosperity
in the northern end of the county. -
Quite a number of prominent Reform-
ers, including Dr. Irving, W. C. Mos-
orip, T. 0. Robson, W, E. Harding, G.
Slack, 0. E. Whelthan and Editor Mc-
Leod, went up to Mitchell on Thurs-
day to see and hear Laurier.
(Too late for lest weolc)
BRiEFr.-Miss Sarah Short anal her
sister Mary arrived home from Detroit
last week, -The Harvest Homo thanks
offering Dinner, of the Boston Metho-
dist Church last week, was a decided
success, The dinner was good and the
entertainment was pleasing; the sing-
ing andatddreases were highly applaud-
ed, the order was not the best; a large
number of young men and several
young girls acted very unbecoming. -
Miss a:. Munroe, of Brucefield, visited
a number of her friends here last week.
-A tramp that was kept over night
by one of our obliging farmers this
week was offered a days work but re-
fused, saying that he would not durtey
himself for one day's work. -Mr. John
Sherritt, Deputy Reeve of Stephen, and
Mr, Geo. Johnson, Deputy Reeve, and
Councillor Morgan, of McGillivray, let
several jobs of repairing the road west
of here last week --Albert and Willie
_:Wilson drove out to Mr. Patterson's
last Saturday and remained over till
Monday. -Mr. Win. Taylor, of Varna.
visited friends here last week, -Mr.
Ai.'chey Underwood is building a new
house. John Beinger has the eon
Robert Jamieson, a successful merchant
of Seaforth, and step son of John Metlillan
M. P., died reoentl,y from consumption and
was buried with Masonic honors.
Osgood°Hall, Friday; Little nit. Higgins
,1 'Travers, for the plaintiff, moved to
change the venue fromGoderiohto Toronto.
IMI 0 Cameron for the defendant, contrary.
Motion refuged, Costs to"the defendant in
any event.
The barna. of Mrs F Case, a mile east of
Seaforth, wore destroyed by fire the other
morning, -with hay and 600 bushels of
threshed peas. Insurance, [4$2,800; loss.
considerably more. Lightning destroyed
the barns of JOl n Wingle, :IvIoliillop, the
same day, with great' loss.
Minard's Liniment eures Colds,etc.
77 CAMERON SMITH, llarrieter, Solici.• tor, Conveyancer: Officer Main -it.
Can be consulted after office ihours at the
Commercial Hotel. Bennet.
Just opened out at A. Wesoloh's 25 oases of
Boots and Shoes for the fall trade. There
Goods wore bought for cash direct from the
beat ntanufaeturors, and wilt bo sold cheap for
cash, along with an entire stock of footwear.
When in Hewett, it will pay you to call and
buy your fall Boots and Shoes from us, as we
willies sure to please you in Prions, Quality,
Fit and Style.as we have this fall a better stook
to select front than over bofore: We guaran-
tee satisfaction and won't beunder•sold by ear
dealer in the county, When at the fair call in
and aeons.
A. Wooten.
Sign of Big Boot.
Following are the market quotations
Wheat ................58 to 60
Barley .............. . . 35 to 38
Oats .......... ..... 28 to 28
Peas ... ........:...... 50 to 51
Hay 6,00 to 7.00
Batter 2 Olo 21
Eaga... ..... . 12 bo 12
HHoge........ ...575 to 500
Clover seed.
BRIEFS -Mr J. Mo McArthur, banker,
and Geo Wren have returned from
the World's Fair. -Several of our citi-
zens took in the fair at Ezeter,while
others went to Clintot't.-Miss A.
Langford, formerly of this place, now
of Luoknow, is visiting Mra Colwell.
-Mr 11, Cook and wife, and Mrp.
Coad left Friday to visit friends in
Detroit. Mr Cook returned Monday
evening, while Mrs Cook remains.-
Mr Wm. Thompson left Monday avg.
for Detroit, -Messrs Ellis, Miller, Bell
and Shirray left Friday to visit the
World's Fair, -A. union prayer meet
!ng was held Tuesday evening in the
Methodist church in view of the com-
ing Convention, which will be held on
Fria ay 29th in Carmel aural). A
profitable time is expected. All are
cordially invited to attend the same,
-Mrs Dr. McLeod of Detroit is visit -
Ing at her mother's, Sirs .1. W hite.-
Mr and Mrs Charles Bosaanberiy left
Saturday last to visit friends in Ham-
burg. -Mr L. Roedding of Zurich was
in town last Sunday. -Mr P. Trigger -
son has been sick the past week. We
are glad to see he is able to be around
again. -Wo wish to correct the mis-
take of last week, Mr F. tl-, Meyers
instead of F, G. Arnold. -J. McAr-
thur, tinsmith, and wife were visiting
at Clinton last Sunday. -Mr J. Weis -
miller haz returned from his visit. -
Miss Amy Murdock is convalescent.
We trust soon to hear of her recovery.
--Masers Berry &Pearthaye purchased-
an Incubator from Chas DeWitt of In
gersoll, and are going into the poultry
business, intending to ship to the
United States, Mr Berry will punch.
ase any amount of pullets eyery Satur-
day, at his stables, Hensel!.
Huron Fall Assizes
Uoderich, Ont , Sept. 25. -Tho fall
assizes fox the County of Huron opened
here to day. Hon. Justice McMahon pro'
sided: Colin McDougal, Q. C., acted as
Queen's counsel. The criminal docket is
very light, being only a case of arson in
which a true bill was found at last assizes.
The defendant is not'yet in custody. The
civil list comprises sixteeu cases, but noth•
ing important. Owing to the absence of a
prisoner for trial: His Lordship was pre-
sented with the customary pair of white
gloves. In reply he said he was pleased
as the state of affairs in the county.
We are exceedingly aorry to announce
the death of Mrs. Joseph Townsend, which
oconrred at Nesbitt, Man., on the 14th inst..
of censnmp lion_ The deceased woe the
second daughter of Mr. James Landes•
borough, of Tuckoramith, and was only 32
years of age.
The buyers for foreign markets do not
want blemished horned at any pride.
:Spavins, Curbs, Ringbones, etc., can be
entirely cured by Dick's Blister. Price
50 eta. Dick's Liniment is invaluable for
sprains and bruises. Price 25 cts. To be
had at all druggists. Full directions on
the wrapper.
Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the
system effectually, yet gently, when costive
or bilious, or when the blood is impure or
sluggish; to permantely cure habitual con-
stipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver
o a healthy activity, without irritating or
akening them, use Syrup of Figs.
od Values
an teGoods.
A. Specialty.
A Fine Range of
Ladips' Mantles
l�' l diner
Stools: complete in
Y p
all the Leading Lines,
Dash ywood.
Buyers are shipping tinned apples from
The teams of the Iegeraoll and fieaforth
Collegiate Institutes played, foot ball at
Seaforth.on Saturday, for the Hough cup.
Tho home teem, who held the eup, won by
4 goals to 1.
A pretty wedding occurred at Clinton
Wednesday, when Mies Mary (Minnie),
eldest daughter of John Douglas, was
married to Andrew Gunn of the well-known
firm of D. Gunn, PIavel e ac Co., Tomato.
Jas. Snell', of Mullett, lets far Chioaga on
Wednesday, with twenty-two head of Lei
crater 'beep intended for exhibition at the
World's Fair;. The sheep aro the cream, of
his stook, and represent nearly 52,500.
About iwo weeks ago the wife of Mr.
Josh. Iermed, of Mullett, formerly of Clio'
ton, had the misfortune to get her thigh
broken by one of the -cows striking her,
She never reeovered therefrom, and died oe
F,tiday last
A. eonyention of the Beforcners of the
West Riding of lauren will beheld in the
town of Clinton, on Monday, Clot. 2, at one
o'clock p. m„ for the purpose of nontinet-
ing caudidatee for both the Dominica and
Local Parliaments. Each polling subdivi'
cion in both ridings is entitled to three
According to the report of the inspector
of the Legal: Offices, tbe total salary re-
ceived by the sheriff nt Huron, for 1892,
was $1486.26; the salary and fees earned by
the Deputy Registrar was $1004,40; tbe
fess earned by the County Court Clerk,
ezolusite of salary, was 8704.20; as Sur -
rugate Judge, Mr, Toms received $792; Mrt
Malcomson, as Local Master, $1250; Mr,
Lewis, es County Crown. Attorney, $1008,-
85; Mr. D. McDonald, Clark of the Crown,
County Court Clerk, and Surrogate Regist-
rar, 82500.
In the town of Brussels, not long ago,
a °attain gentleman, wished to find out
who were rho members of the P. P, A.
While the organization was meeting one
night in its lodge room, ho bribed a boy to
wait at the entry, to see who the members
were, and report to him the next morning.
When the boy turned up the next day he
was asked what suceesa he had, "Well,"
he said "it was pretty late when tho meet -
mg came out, and the first matt down the
step was my old dad; and as soon as I
saw him 1 had to skit home before lie got
there, or he'd a wbaled the life outen me."
The death rate, par thousand of populat-
ion, in Huron, in 1891, was 8.2; in 1885 it
was 6 0, The male children born in Heron
the same year oumbored 656, and the fe-
mole 667. 'Titers were 059 marriages per-
formed that year, 271 of the contracting
parties being Methodist; 252 Presbyterians,
08 Episcopalians, while other denominat-
ions eaob had cnly a few. During the
same year 271 males and 247 fomalon died,
80 of those were under one year of age, and
63 over 80; the number of deaths in each
month was pretty nearly the same, but
January leads by 56.
The Goderioh District Meeting of the
Methodist Church, vas held lest week at
Holmesville. Tho list of Superannuation
Assessments, 00 follows, was taken up and
adopted:- North street, Goderioh, $83;
Victoria St., Goderioh, $45; Rattenbury St;
Clinton, $80; Ontario St., Clinton, $62,
Seaforth, 687; Holmesville, $55: Bayfield;
830; Varna, $49; Howell, 576; Kippen, 847.
Dungannon, 858; Nile, eel.; Beomill er, 639
The condition of Bayfield Circuit was taken
into coasideration, and it was decided to
recommend a grant from the Missionary
Committee of $350. Arrangements were
made for the holding of missionary and
educational meetings on the various oir•
cults. It was deoided to ask the Superin-
tendent of Hensall circuit, to supply Lake'
view appointment as often as possible, and
thus relieve the superintendent of
Bayfield. A circular was read from Rev.
11. J. Tyler(taking for some assistance, and
a subscription was taken up in his behalf.
It was deoided to hold the next district
meeting in RattenburySt. Methodist Ohurolt
Clinton, some time in May next.
It is said by the Embro Courier that one
milk drawer in West Zorra takes a double
team to the cheese factory every day with a
load that nets him, about 10 cents for his
Wm. Brown, Mitchell, is the proud pos-
sessor of a hog which tips the soles at 740
lbs. He has refused 060 for the animal
which is of the Chester White family, and
intends hauling in the biggest prize at the
fall fairs.
The South Perth Agricultural Society
has arranged with lair. R, McIntosh, the
anchor man of the Zorra tug -of war team,
which now holdsthe championship of
America, to pull against three of f3lauslr-
era's stalwart yeomen, on the afternoon of
Wednesday, Oct, 4th, the second day of
the fair.
A 'wonderful new combination is R•
Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver
Powders, Moe to take and perfectly harm-
less. Mr. E. ,Maynard, of Woodstock
writes as follows ; 'Thank you for the
Headache, Neuralgia and Liver. Powders
you sent me, which I have been very glad
of, once for my daughter,' and this morn-
ing for Miss M—, who said she bad
suffered from headache for three days, We
gave her one of these wonderful powders,
and in a very short time she said in an as-
tonished kind of way, 'why my headache is
quite gone,' and did not return again.'
Mr. Horace Wills, Chief of Polka, Wood-
stock, says ; '1 have taken R. Stark's
Headaohe, Neuralgia and Liver Powders,
and find them a safe cure edery time.' J.
Temple, 46 Catharine street north, Ham-
ilton, writes ; 'I have used Stark's Head-
ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, and
end them a sure cure.' Price, 25 coats a
box. Sold by all medicine dealers.
Itch on human *and horses and all,
animate cured in 60 minutes by Woolford'e
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. ' ,Sold
by C. Lutz, Druggist Sop 18,'93
Imports of gold at New York this
week 51,299.390,
The Michigan Central Railroad is.
making pushing operations for : the ex-
tension of the road to Ainheratburg,
A part of the rebel Brazilian feet
continues to blockade the port of Santos
and it is said they have made the block -
ado eft'ective,
The annual flower services in conneot-
ioa with the Sabbath schools of Sea --
forth and Roxboro was held in the First
Presbyterian. Church, Seaforth, on Sat-
The receipts of the United States
Governmentfor the past few days have
been running alightly behind the ex-
penditures. The gold reserve has large
ly increased.
By the Canadian Pacific new "Soo"
lino, St Paul and Minneapolis, will now
be reached in 70 hours from ' the coast.
Thefirst train for the coast left Min-
neapolis on. Sunday.
The bulletin in the bank of England
increased £680,000 during the past week.
The proportion of the reserve to liabil
ity, which last week was 52,50 per cent,
is now 52.82 per cent.
A dispatch from Minneapolis states
that the output of dour last week la the
largest on record. The totaloutput was
241,000 barrels. That of Minneapolis
and Duluth was 300,000 barrels.
The heavily loaded motor train collid-
ed at Sixteenth and Leavenworthetreets
Omaha, Saturday evening, resulting in
the death of Mrs S C Shrigley, of South
Omaha. and the slight injury of several'.
Harvesting operations in the Ottawa
district still drag along with diecourag-'
ing slowness awing to bad weather.
Peas and barley are about all in, having
ripened early. The reports as to the
potato rot are more hopeful this week.
Benjamin Scott, an ex-Torontonian,
the other day, while in a crazy fit jump-
ed from a bridge near Bracebridge, 75
feet high. Scott, who has been living
in Muskoka, and is married, will likely
be sent to the Asylum in Toronto, if he
Rev. Mr. MacLeod, formerly of Tor-
onto, has been charged in the Presby-
tery at Victoria, B. C., with issuing 56
demits t:; church members without the
sanction of the Kirk session. The rev-
erend gentleman had been censured on
the previous day for bringing his
churcli'slaws,°,into disrepute by holding
irregular services in an old Methodist
Collingwood, Sept. 25. A big sensation
was created in this vicinity a couple of
weeks ago by the Collingwood Bulletin's
account of the case of i,Xr. Valentino Fisher
who has bean cured of sciatica of nearly 13
years' etanding, by Dodd's kidney pills.
Eroryone who talks with Mr. Fisher ie
speedily convinced that his was a marvell-
ous owe, The general conclusion is, that
there may be many more like him, who are
uaing remedies for rheumatism, Sciatica,
dropsy or other diseases, but fail to obtain
relief, because they do not attack the seat
of the disease, which is in many of such
cases, the. kidneys. Any one who doubts
the efficacy of Dodd's kidney pills, may soon
be convinced by writing to Mr. Fisher
himself, or William Williams, Esq., Prin-
clnal of the Collingwood Collegiate Instit-
ute, Capt, P. A. Bissett, or A. 11. Johnson,
Esq., all of whom aro well acquainted with
Mr. Fisher, and know tha history of his
The terrible suspicion regarding the
death of old Mrs. \lartin;at Gowanstown
has proved to have been founded on fact.
When the body of the old lady was found "n
the smoking embers of the Martin home-
stead, it was thought at first to have been
one of these lamentable accidents whish at
trines occur in spite of the carefulness of
the average farmer's household, but the
subsequent discovery that !the hired boy,
Albert Thomas (an importation from Eng -
laud, aged 18), had disappeared, led some
to think that foul play might have been at
the bottom of old Mrs, Martin's death,
and the burning of the house Thursday
afternoon. Thomas was eaptsrod. He ea
first denied having had anything to do
with the affair, but after disoussinq his re-
oent quarrels with Mee. Martin he acknow-
ledged that he had shot the old lady and
then fired the buildiug. Thomas says ho
onlyrfound $27 in the house. His trial.
takes plaos today.
Rather a plaintive, even sad, sort of
question to pot, but one is often spoken by
some unfortunate one or other every min-
ute of the day in this big bustling world,
The proprietors of Membray's Kidney and
Liver Cure can point you to the testimon-
ials from happy and healthy people who
felt as hopeless' as you are. Beep up your
coursge,tuerofore and try this simple and
safe euro.
"One Honest Man."
To TETE EDITOR Of the "TIMES GAzarre.'.
Please inform your readers,
that I will mail free to all sufferers the
means by which I was restored to health
and manly vigor after years of suffering
from Norvotis Weakness. I MS robbed
and swindled by the quaoks until I nearly
lost faith In mankind, but'thauks to heaven
I am now well, vigorous and strong. I
have nothing to sell and no soli<eme to ex-
hort money from anyene whomsoever,; but
being desirousto make this certain care
known to all, I will send free and confi-
dential to anyone fell partioixlars of just
how I wsa cured.: Address with stamps;
MR. EDWARD MARTAxN, (Teacher), gg
P. 0. fax 143, Detroit, Mach. J
x0024 WRXTE & 80148
Putrii<sbers and Proprietors
During the month of September,
visitors will be admitted free of
Charge to see our lovely exhibit of
Fall and Winter Goods. The .Man-
agement have done all in their
power to make this the beat Ex—
hibition ever given by theta, and. have
studied to please the eye and ,suit the
pocket. The World's Fair and Indus-
trial Exhibitions are very pleasing to the
eye, but not so remunerative to the
pocket. But we do„both, Our Nov
Dress Goods are lovely and cheap. All
Flannels and underclothing were never
so cheap before with us, and it will be
to your interest to call and examine our
entire' Stock of Dry -Goods, Groceries,
Bots & Shoes,Etc., before getting your
Fall Goods. Yours,
J. P. ROSS, Maricet Depot
0. 0. Bremner( ay. Co.
The whole town of Glamis. Ont., knowa
of a eine, by the application of MINABD'S
LINIMENT to a partially paralyzed arm,
that equal anything that has transpired
at Hamilton
R. W. Pare axsolr.
A 'xxE5113En or Ton Omura BOaBO
'I have prescribed Scott's Emulsion in
Consumption, end even whoa the digestive
powers were weak it has been followed by
good reanits.'
EC P. Yeomans A. 13,, M. 13.
Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap
per bearing the words "Why does a woman
loo's Wee sooner sham a man") to Levee
Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, .and you
will reeexve by poet a pretty pietare, free
from advertising and well worth framing.
This is an easy way to decorate your home.
The soap is the best in the market, and
it will only coat le postage to send in the
wrappers, if you Ieave the ends open,
Write your address carefully.
Sirs, -It is my privilege to recommend
)3. B. 13. Fox two years I was nearly crip-
pled with an inflammatory disorder of the
kidneys from which six bottles of B. B. B,
entirely freed me, I am now well and
strong, and gladly recommend the B. B.
Bitters which cured me after I had almost
given up hope.
In Ontario the number of illegitimate
births in 1891 was 14.3 per 1,000, In
England it was 42. In morality as well as
m edncation this province stands in the
front rank.
Apples seom to be plentiful in some die.
tricts. At Stoney Creek, in the Niagara
belt, buyers are only offering $1 25 per
barrel for Greenings, 5130 for Baldwies,
and Spys are quoted $1 35 and $1 40.
John Kerr hae sold his farm on the'rith
con, of Mornington, overlooking the creek,
for 55.000. James Johnston has sold his
farm to Wm. Cleland and has purchased the
200 -acre farm of Wm. Stevenson for about
Look at the date on your Label this
week. and see that your name is mark-
ed well in advance.
No paper is discontinued Cantil all
arrears are fully paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
The date when the subscription expires
is on the address label of each paper, the
change of which to a subsequent date be-
comes a receipt for remittance. Subscribers
will please examine their label before and+
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Dress Goods
and Mantles
Dress Goods
and Mantles
Just opened milt at
Weisiiller s
The ;largest Stook of
S Goods and
Dress Mantles
ever shown in Hensall:
Every lady is hereby'
invited to call andseethem.
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