HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-9-21, Page 7INSURANCE Ilrevlties.
Greenway correspcndenee received too
late for this is,ne.
PANIC, ox Toronto; also for the lent ,CCNIx.
kAblr otEngland,
�"'Seoal Clearing g SaJ
To make room for New Goods,
• we will offer all School Books at
20 per cent discount -too Page
Scribblers=3c; 300 Page Scribblers
4c; zoo page, 2c; and 172 page for
xc; Slate Pencils at zzc per too;
Inks, 2 bottles for 5c; Slates at 4,
6 and 7c; Note Paper from 4 to 7c
per qr.; Envelopes at 3c,4c and 5c
per pkg; Tablet Note, 7c per zoo
sheets; DocMusic, 3 pieces for toe;
zoo 5c Stories for 3c; S. S. Libra-
ries at 35 per cent. discount; .A1 -
bums away down, and all other
Goods, Bibles eiccepted, at from
20 to 5o per cent. discoutt. Sale
to commence on Saturday, Sept..
23rd, at noon, and continue until
Tuesday, Sept. 26th, at za p. m.
It will pay every visitor to the Fair
to calla
J. GRIGG, Exeter.
Bankr* Sim
For Mantles.
No house in Exeter can
show such an assortment of
choice New Goods ; every
Garment imported direct
from the makers. If we
can't save you good money
on your fall and winter jack-
ets, then don't buy from us,
that's all! But remember
we want you to see our stoop
and compare Styles and
We say positively that we can,
will and are going to save you
money on your jackets. Come
and see the biggest Stock in town,
Pemember our
Millinery Open-
ing on Friday
22 arid 23.
Special Illumination and Promen-
ade Friday evening.
Notice to Times' Readers.
The publishers mould esteem ft a favor if
salters worthi,token making their purchases,
eentlon that they naw the mcrchtnt's adver-
llcment in THE Imes.
Brief ]lits.
The Exeter fail fair will take place
Monday and Tuesday next. -We are get-
ting plenty of rain just now, which amply
makes up for the past dry spell. -Quite a
number from here went to Mitchell on
Thursday last to hero Hon. Wilfred Laur-
ier ; they say he is a moat eloquent speak-
er -Elliot & Elliot will shortly move into
their new office. -The Mechanics' Institute
library has been supplemented with over
200 new books and a catalogue of the
same has been printed. -Capt. Geo. Kemp
has been appointed local agent for the
Perth 'Mutual Fire Ins. Co. -The pastors
of the Methodist churches exchanged pub
pita Suuday morning last Rey. 1Ir. Mc.
Donagh will preach a special sermon next
Sunday evening.
Tampering tvitii Bltlk.
Mr. T. B. Millar, Inspector for the Wes -
teen Dairymen's Aeeociatiou, visited Cen-
tralia cheese factory on Sept. 8th. He
found two more patrons guiltyof tamper-
ing with milk. Ono from Biddulph,
pleaded guilty to watering milk, and was
fined $5 and costs. Another of Stephen
pleaded guilty to skimming mils;, and
was fined 35 and coats. They were both
tried before Squire Snell. The
number of patrons found guilty of
tampering with milk supplied to chee se
factories seems to be increasing, due, no
doubt, to the shortage in the supply of
milk and the high price of butter. There
is not much chance of carrying it on for
any length of time, as the instrument for
testing milk at the present time never
fella to show up the guilty parties. The
system adoptett by the Exeter factory is
moresatisfactory. All milk supplied is paid
for by the percentage of butter -fat, and
the inducement to skim or water the milk
is taken away. The smaller the per centage
the less money received by the patron.
Every man woman and child in town
and vicinity is invited to the special illu-
mination and promenade at the Big Bank-
rupt Store on Friday evening 22nd.
Don't fail to attend the "Art Exhibition,'
and entertainment, in Main St. Lecture
room, on Tuesday evening, Sept. 26th- at
8 o'clock. Admisaion only 10 cgs.
°Don't wait until the Fair opens before
you get your show printing ordered, but.
none to THE Toms office at once and
leave your order. We have the best
facilities in this western section for turn -
lug out jobwork, butnthere is a limit to
the output of oure,office, just the same. B. B.
Therefore, hustle, pled wi
Some of the lads are going to get them kidney
salves into trouble overtatnpering with the entire!
lediane, now camped in Stephen towne strong,
ship. Some of the charges have mil: Bitter,
ready been laid, andithe result will be made given'
Try the Exeter Woollen Mills for your
Fall and Winter Woollen Goode. 3
The County Union. of Y P. S. 0 E,
will meet in Heiman on the 29th inst.
Rev. Mr, Beattie of Guelph; spent a
day or two with Rev. lttr. Martin last Ii
week. '
The Exeter Woollen Mille willbe open.
both iihye of the fair. Call and get your
Woollen Goods.
Remember the Millinery opening at the
Big Bankrupt Store Friday and Saturday t
and following days.
Rev. Mr. Simpson of Brucefield, has f
again retnrned to his work, but his health
ie not muck improved,
Miss :tlorrieoa, teacher of Dashwood
Public School, visited Mr. I), Miller's in W
the beginning of tbe week. '
Mr, David Turnbull, who met with a
bad fell off a stepladder in his orchard, p
is very slowly recovering.
Gente good Tweed Waterproof Coats h
Long Capes, Sewn Seams $7.00, worth
c$10.9Q the Big Bankrupt Store,
The Presbyterians expect to worship in 9
their basement a week from next Sabbath,
Mr, 0, M. tl. Palmer, (G. T
Brighton matle his aister, Mrs W. C
and a short visit last week .--Mr.
Gandy, of Leamington, formerly u
has nprued a law c:fnee in Ridget
iYlr, Mat bas rent/ ned froth
W, E.
his two
his old
in the
aderic l
ends to
o Ex -
sours -
ant the
nest of
;lir, NI-
, Mtn
Car -
was iu
to be
I3. Fer-
e on
m has
nk. -
J. S.
r, A.
ay last
ins is
on„ ---
, and
' Fatt
a on
k, on
f St.
g on
g on
t in
s on
is a
weeks' vacation and is again at
est behind the tuller'a counter
'elolsons"--Mies Lou Gihaou of G
spent tbe past few days visiting hi
town. -The visitors to the Trout
hibitlon have returned home . They
a coesirlereble falling oli in the otten
-Several persons who had intende
e the World's Fair on taut week's e
on slid not do so, awing to the
air this week: they wilt go Inter
Wm. gawkshaw of Seaforth,. ap
repeat of trait week in teem, the g
is brother. Mr. John Fiawkshaw•--,
Zeit, r of Zurich visited his daughter
McNeviu on Tuesday -Ur. Ed.
er 1s in town. -Mr. R 11. Collies
lornn'o last week, and happened
awing along Yt age Se, when J.
won, bee ritter of that city walked
is office above and MI dead to the
tent Be was one of the first on the
-Mr. W. C Manning of Cleveland
unday with his parents here. M
D1rs, R. Manning, and together with
Manning and child, returned bow
nnday-11 r. and Mrs. Wilber Me
undayed iu fawn --Mr. ,Chas, To
pened a shoe shop iu Fansnn'e bl
1Ire. Dr. tSrewniug spent the past
ith frlencla in 14larkham,--- Rev,
enderson anti wife, of ttensall, y
reds in town oil `1'ueseaee -11
astirga returned home on Seturrl
oma pleasant visit with friends in
n. -Mr. Russell Manning left on
ay for Toronto, to resume hie stud
e University. Messrs. Andrew
Gidley, L, fl'' Dickson, omen 0
fa for the World's Farr Friday
here were 14 memo left this Altai
re. George Eaaterbrooko and homily
re Semn°i Thomas, of Burlington
siting relatives in town -Revs
ent the forepart of this week in Lo
The 11'eetern Fair, London, is
rgr•ly attended from this seotitn.-
obeaten, and Ai ch Mason, leav
turday far Glasgow, yip. New Lor
Tantouie. 'Try were tiakete
pt, Geo. Komp.- Mr. Samuel Treu
Petrofia is visiting frienda in to
r Kinsman 1teeived a hao dsomey
t from Brautford on Tueaday,
yndman is the poaaeaser of a thoro
to dog. -Mr. Walter Evans o
arya, was in town yesterday, Gatlin
a they Mende
The upper part will not be ready for a few
It is earnestly hoped that the Directors 0
of the Agricultural Society will not allow ,
any gambling congenial on the grounds w
tide year.
The oyster is again ' in season." He it
has a most precarious career : first he lies 13
!n the 'swim' and later on he's 'in the fr
soup," 1!
The Ladies all declare that the Big d
Bankrupt Store le the correct spot for th
Mantles -and the Ladies should know. R
Dont your think ear le
In the horse teeing at the Western fair Id
on Monday. J. Lankin's(Granton)Danmore
got second place in the three-minute trot,
white Dr. Laing's (Granton) mare was not
in it in the 2.30 trot. ap
Cant do better than take a took at the le
Dross Goode Stock at the 131g Bankrupt se
Store --a good all wool Dress for 31.50. ua
Aek ro nee the special vainer at $1,50 and t
$1,80 a Dreae Length. tea
The days are DOW &hotter by aver two of
hours than they were 1r♦ June, a full D
hour bavfng been cut off each end far
of them and the shortening process is li
goiug on at the rate of about three minutes set
vecry 21 hours. -� Id
President Cleveland has got another
daughter, which came to him on Satur
day le t. The American papers are giving A
the World's Fair a abort respite and are
now exemitted over the secoud baby of
Glevelend. th
"Lewes," don't forgot the dates of our ho
Grand Millinery Opening, Friday and Fi
Setu'day Sept. 21st and22nd, We cord. lad
jelly invite eyoryLady to come and inspect
our new fall styles. E. J. Senoras>�r & See
Joh, Drew's Opera Hall Fair • °vetting,.
has fo'.Itawint: will take pert. Mise A
in Forbes Soprano, Toronto: Mies
zfr. AlcHnrrly Pietist, Mr. Thos A. B
of Irish Comedir,n, Toronto; Thor, J. 5
Baritone WVineham;The "Toror,torel
rd. 'says Thee. Baker• is second to neue s
nay Irish Comedian m Canada. This
ay treat in store for the people of Ex
ho and nei,hborhood:-
vino Display,
.firs. 1). Spicer has opened a fine di
i!Iinery for the Fall trade , comp
e latest shapes and trimmings, and
id her formal show room openin
iday and Sa'nrda .22 and 23. E
y is invited to call.
tee eoneert Co.
yin give a grand cntertaii,men
Hartman Happel, formerly of Zur
Gently of Berlin, but now of Chicago
ado an assignment of his property
erlin, !'lay township anti Exeter, to
vingsione of Bacton, for the benefit
a creditors.
Sir John Thompson, Premier, will
0as a mooting at Clinton on Tues
xt, Exeter feir day,' This will grea
terfere with the sueccss of either.
Premier will also address a mass meet
at Liman an Oot, 2nd.
A return frotn a Montreal apple
porter thie week says ; 'The first Cau
dim) applea exported this season sold
Liverpool on Sept. 4th at 6s. and 2d.
herrel, showing a consideral lose, a
offers little encouragement forvehipment
some months to come.'
At the London Fair thie week, Mrs.
D. Graham, Maggie Creighton and M
Hanham of St. Marge, were promin
exhihitore. The former obtained th
lata, three 2nd's veld ono 3rd, Miss Crei
ton getting three seconds, while the lat
won four 1st's and one second.
Sunday evening Mr. John lTawksha
visited Mr. Win. White, of Bodgervill
who is very ill. While descending
step one of bis feet in some way slipped,
falling broke one of hie legs in two plac
between the knee and ankle, He is dal
nicely, but is confined to his bed.
The new criminal code is calculated
deter those who have hitherto been t
ready to appropriate the fruit in oth
people's garden for their own use. Tho
who have been in the habit of doing
most beware for the offence is punishab
by a term of one month and three year
for the second offence.
Some of the Grand Tmnnk employe
says the Globe, fear that the visit of Sr
Henry Tyler to Canada portends a reduc
ion in salaries, and it is hinted that sue
a reduction would bo resisted :o the ex
tent of a strike if necessary. The leadin
officials deny that there is any likelihood
of a eat in salaries, and hence no fear o
suggested consequences.
lug roll 30 Feet.
About one o'clock Tuesday morning
en- almost lifeless body of Master II
lrowuing Was lifted. from the sidewal
in front of 13townirru's drug Wore by ni
Per watchman Creole, and carrier! into the
nd sidence of Mr. J. 1,' Clarke. The Ltd,
for is 15 years of rgc, had gone to bed, in
best of health and spirit about 12 o'cl
and slept in a room in the west end of
re. third flat, some 30 feet from Oro grow
out During the evening he wee engaged wa
the ing some titmice fruit in the garden, wb
ghr- the boys wore stealing. and it is suppo
ter ho Rot up in his sleep (imagining he en
atter the thieves) and crept through th
le, house to the east or front end, and in th
0. manner he woo* crawl through a Amoy
a otimbed out of a'Window which was raised
and about six inches, falling to the hard Bide
walk below. The thud was loud and
ng aroused Mr. Clarke, a neighbor, as also
drew the attention of others on the street
to at the time Ile apparently fell on the
0o back of his head, as besides a slight swell-
ing on his back, and swelling on the
er head, no other outward bruises or outs
a° can be found, but it is supposed tbatheit
A0 seriously injured inwardly, the effects of
le which (if any) cannot be noticed for nein
days. The accident is a surprise to the
family, as he was not by any means a
e, somnambulist, and can only be accounted
r for in the manner described above. Up
t- to the time of going to press he has been
h in an unconscious ante but hopes are en-
- tertained for his ultimate recovery.
R- Pickard. &Son's New Store.
The various contracts in connect th
the erection of ltlesare° R. Pickard's
tore which is located on theDavis
rty, nearly opp- ite Centra 1,
awarded last wee . The following
succeeded in securing the contracts:
eorge Hemmen Stone & Brickwork;
e. Dyer & Howard Carp &
is work; Messrs Cobbledick 1 -
on work &o; Mr. David Spicert
d decorating. Messrs. R. Ph &
re having the work of the'r
d and operations were commenced
nday last. They expect to h o
work completed within a mo d
role building is to be ready
ay by the 1st of December.
completed Exeter will b
t and best equipped store f
to. The building is' being erected
k !n
!on with
& Son
1 hole
ave th
nth an
ave the
west o
the supervision of one of London'
ent architects who has hren em
by the proprietors to plan and in
the work. The departmental ar
arranged so that the bulk of Ili
will be carried on the ground fioo
us customers will bo saved . th
of olimbing .stairs. The' whet
ea of this large store will be 885
feet. The spacious show window
enclosed with immense panes o
Glass finished , with bevelled : plat
and bottom. The building is being
cted with a view to heating it by
and lighting by electricity. The
e at stnro front will be tiled with
tta. The shelving will be a novelty
the latest American ' ideas intro -
The ceiling on the ground floor
panelled and covered with decor-
essed metal and polished woode,
counters will be finished in polish -
wood and decorations. The;whole
i1 be built of Terracotta .pressed
ith ornamental `. cornice. In fact it
a very fine building and a credit to
and aenonument to the enterprise
So much fruit was brought into tbe new a
market Saturday that commission men prope
who bought heavily found it rotting on were
their hands. Yesterday one firm had to firms
throw away 100 baskets, principally Mr. G
peaches. They were giving fairly good Mesta
plums and peaches away by the basket in Joins
order to save the expense of carting them and Ir
off to the refuse beep. -London Advertiser. lug an
The remains or Mrs. W. Simpson, of Son a
Parkhill were inferred in the Exeter cern- pushe
etery on Saturday last. Deceased was a on 1410
Miss MaCann, whose parents lived near brick
Dashwood, and Mr. aimpeon wan a form- the wl
er resident of Exeter North. Mrs. Sim p- cupan
son had been ill all summer. The When
funeral was quite a large one and attested larges
the eeteem in which deceased was ] oron
A sensation was caused in tbe Montreal
City Council Thursday afternoon by
charges being madelthat prominent alder-
used the mayor's private apartments
at night for immoral purposes. The coun-
cil appointed a committee to investigate the
The following notice ie"posted up ; at.
the public watering trough at: the town
hall :-"All cows rare prohibited from
drinking At-tkis trough, and all horses,
except in harness and attached to ;, a
vehicle ; and any person found turning.
thie tap unless authorized will be prose-
cuted. By order."
Sirs, -It is my privilege • to r000tpmend
1, ; For' two ye/we I was nearly Grip-
th aninflammatory disorder of the
a from which six bottles of 13. B. B,
y freed me. I am now well and
and gladly recommend the B. B.
which cured me after - I had almost
up Bene -
and th
floor ar
will be
at top
will be
ated pr
and the
ed hard
front wi
brick w
will be
knoarn iti due time. - of the fi
Sale Register.
Saturday, Sept 80,.-Mortga80 Sens of
bonne and lots in the village of Credltou,
by Beery Either, Aue,
Saturday, Sept. 30 -Vann Stook Im-
plements, Etc,, near; rlintville, the pro-
perty of Mr, Thomas Heywood. Sale at
1 o'clock, No reserve as the •term has
beeu leased- H. Baowx, Atc.
r .a.
TURNBiULL -Tn Debo ace,, on the 15thVeit ,the
wife of Alex Turnbull, a non.
DOLJOALL-In ltedgerville, on the 16th inat.,
the wife of Henry Dungan of a son,
KFRR-Ix Stephen,_�Con.. 4. an the 19th' inst..
the wife of Wm Kerr of Chicago, a eon.
NUTT-CAREY.,.In8t, Marys, at the residences
of the bride's parents, on the ;,th that., by the
tier, G. G. 8. Boone, f} 1r, Horace Nutt,
Sylvan, to Lily, daughter of Mr. P. Carey.
GREGORY -BAILEY -et the residence of
the bride's parents, Blanchard, on the 6th
inst. , by the Rev. W. J. Taylor. George W .
Gregory of St. Marys to Jennie, youngest
daughter of Mr. Charles Bailey,
T1IOMPSON-SWITZSR-In Blenshard, on
the 71b inst , at the residence of the bride's
father, Mr. Fletcher Switzer, by the Rey. W.
Birks. Mr. Wm. H. Thompson, to Miss
Elizabeth T. Switzer, all of Blanchard.
ALDWGRTH*blo stA11ON--In Hay tawnsbip,
on' the 14th inst.. at the residence of the
bride's Parents. by Rev.!?. Swann. Mr tyro
Aldworth of Minneapolis to. Miss Jessie.
youngest daughter of Mr John McMahen.
LANGFORD-WASS-.-At Granton. on the 12th
inst.. at the residence of the bride's father,
Abner Lau ford toyM ssRebeo n Wass, all of
SNELL-BEAVER-1n Ilan township. on the
20th inst., at the residence of the bride's par-
ents, Mr and Mrs Philip Beaver, Mr William
Snell to :Mas diary A. Beaver,
CALBICN-In Goderioh, on the lith inat., Mr
John Calbiok, aged 86 years and 6 months.
SCALES ..At Denver, Col, on the 5th inst.,
Wm, *cedes, formerly of Parkhill.
BURNS -In Parkhill, on the lith inst., Eliza
Maaalpine, beloved wife of Robert Burns.
SA.WYER-In echelon, on the 16th inat,
Mary Jane Willa,trif0 of ilir. Fleury Sawyer,
aged 68 years.
ARMSTRONG -In St. Marys, on the 14th inst.
Margaret Eleanor, dtuahtor of the late
Johnston Armstrong, aged 31 years, 9 mce,
SIMPSON-Tn Parkhill, on the 14th inst.,
Rebecca. beloved wife of Wm, Simpson,
aged 45 years.
RANNIE-In Eensall. on the filth inst.. Lillie
Mena, infant daughter or Mr and Mra E.
Ramie, aged I year 8 months,
N ' Advertisements.
Good values. -n a Hall, i Dart mood.
Mantles, -J ;t Stewart.
Nilljnery opening. -R Piokar;l &
fipeoial eiearinlr sale, -T Grigg,
}stray es tile
stile -W .1 Wilson.
nI�Jwlry.at Bohm; irkten.
Came into the premises of tho undersigned
lot 25,4th con of Usborne, on or about 1st.
Sept.. ono two year old heifer, and two Year-
lings. Owner ean have ea b y proving prop
orty and paying OXSONSOS.
J. WILSnN, Exeter Outs
'Osborne 15th seen 203.
The nndcrsinned has lest. 27 sbeep. 12 Aged
:narked on right side with the exception of
tenths not marked, A liberal rower] e ilt be
givee for information of the vshoteaboute of
The nnOorsigned offers his two farms for
sale, comprising lot 13, 7011 concession of Ils-
borne, anti lot No. I, 6th concession. in the
fore -mentioned Townohip , con et juin cs. one hun-
dred acres each. Both Items ere in good state
of cultivation ovith good buildinga und pro -
dilative orchards, aint never -failing wells, ad-
ther partioulara apply to
St.Thouuts, Out.
will be held on
rriclay Saitutlay
Sept, 22 & 23.
They will make a special
exhibit of Pattern Hats and
Bonnets, and invite every
lady in Exeter and vicinity
to inspe their display,
Our last shipment of Man-
tles has just come to hand,
which completes our Stock.
We can show you Garments
of all descriptions,Children's,
Misses' and Ladies' I Jack-
ets, Jacket Capes, Ulsters,
Dolmans, Etc., Eto,, all at
prices which. defy competi-
tion.' .4,We pay Cash and
import our own Goods direct
and can save you money.
Be sure and inspect our
Direct Importers.
Fall Pairs.
2i; rttPerth atEtratferd.Sept, 23-29.
BWestern anshardat atL. Ktxkton, SentOet.-14, 5--0;1.
°enter Huron at lintcn. Ai ept. 2e-27.
Toronto Industrial. Sept, A -1e.
Mitchell atMitobol3,Segt,t6.27.
Groan Northwestern at (oderloh, SepCot 26-27. t, 20-21
South bert, lin aPfaatliurov, at BExeter rnesels .Opt 25-26.
Utbatffst 4
Iliddulpph, at Granton,+, 'soots 2.723
South P ertb, at St. Af'aryp, Got, 3.4,
A. JONES, M. 1)., 0. M.,
• F. T. M. (,; Cf, C. P. S. o.
Phesiciap, Surgeon and Acconolteur.
Centralia, - Ontario.
Office Near Station.
on the 2nd f S
o opt. Mr. Thos. Connell eailen
will not be responsible for any debts contraoted
for England, and hereby 'gives notie0 that ho
be any one during hie absence.
Mortgage Sale
c'ttder and by virtue of a power of Sale con-
tained in a certain Mortgage, which will be
Produced at the time of Sale. there will be
offered for aale by.I.Publie Auction, subjeot to
a reserve bid. by lienry Either, Auctioneer, in
the Village of Creditor', township of Stepben.
County of Huron. on
At one o'clook P. m
At Hotel,
In the read Village of Creditor], the following
valuable property : Being composed of village
lots numbers 2 and 8,1lusb. surver, of apart of
lot number 11, in the 5th COIMOS$411/ of the
Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron,
as shown on a Map, or Plan, of ps.rt of said en
dated lath September, A.11.1876, snd registered
in the Registery (11Dce of !the said County of
On the above property there ia <hutted a
Exeter, Aug. 1893.
11- If. COLLINS,
Vendor's riptioiter.
The undersiened sive free the best bud-
ness site hi Exeter to any reliable
Penton wiehing to mart a first-elaes general
store. For further particulars apply Person-
ally or by letter to
ge,nure a
a. Forest City Business College
Of London, and be prepared to do Butiness as the world does it.
Catalogue Free. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
Had to repeat a line of
Dress Goods advertised last
week 40c worth 25o ; pribe
now reduced to 22ic.
Grey All -wool Flannel, 14o ;
Grey Union do 80
Yard -wide .Gingharns, 10o.
Twoci: Twooti:
In this line we have or-
dered too heavily, Never
before was such a Stook
shown in town, and in order
toolear,will sell at cost prices
Ready-made Suits a
ties, finest ever ofered, at
prices that will astonish,
Overcoats for Men, $3,50,
Carling Bros.' are
paying the highest
price for Produce,
Eggs, 11 cents ;
Butter, 18 cents.
Mortgage Sale
Under and by virtue of powers of vale eon.
tained in two certain Indentures of Mortgage
made by Joshua Meakins,to the Vendors(whioli
will be produced at time of Saleidefault haying
been made in the payment thereof, there will
be sold by Publio Auction at the Prendses
Lot 13, in the llth Concession
of the Township of Osborne,
At 2 o'clock te nn by Mr.,Tohn Gill, Auctioneer,
subject te such conditions as shall then be pro.
duced, the following Property,viz Lot number
thirteen (13) in the eleventh (1Ith) concession
of the Township of Traborne, in the County of
This Property will let sold in two
parcels (subject to a reserved bid on each) viz :
the North Doll and the South Half of said Lot
each containing tfty aores more or less. There
68 a brick dwelling house and a Fsood orchard
on the south half, and two good barns and an
orohard on the north half of said lot• This
Property is 4 miles from Kirkton and about 8
miles from Exeter.
TERMS OP SALE : 10 per oont,0 aah on day
of Sale. Balance in 30 days or as may be
Possession given at once for the pnipose of
plowing, eta.
Por further particulars apply te
Vendor's sounitora,
Dated 13th Sept., 1893. Exeter. Out.
_exciter, September. 20th, 1893.
Spring wheat per busk- 66 68
Oats per bush SS 28
Flour per bbl. 51
4 00 4 90
Apples per bag ... 75 85
Wood per cord . 3 00 3 50
Pork Der hundred- - --
Hogs, Iive weight- 8 75 6 00
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fiftY
rears by millions of mothers for their children
the child, softens the gums, allays the pain.
cares the colic, and is the best romedY for
Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to ths taste. Sold bY
druggists in every part oe the world. 25 cents
a bottle. Its value 18 inealculable, Be, sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing S,vrAP
and take no other kind,
Minard's Liniment °tires Diphtheria.
saiesinon, to aell our Maoism and hardY nur-
sery stook, Many special yarieties to offer
both in fruits! and ornamentals, and controlled -
only by us. We pay comminsion or salary.
give exclusive territory and pay weekly.
write US at once and st cure ohoice of terra -
may I3ROTHER 8, Nurserymen,
Rochester, N. Y.
Wilt be at Greb's hotel Zurich
- on the seeeted Thursday of each
month and at Ifethtin's hotel
Berman every Monclas•