HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-9-21, Page 511irs. ,Al, 4. Williams Lynn, Mass. Fortife Good of Others Bev. Mr. Williams Hearrtilay En- dorses floods Sarsaparilla. We are pleased to present this from. Rev. A. A. Williams, of the SiIlsbee street Christian Church, Lynn, Mass. : `1 I See no reason why a clergyman, more than a layman, who knows Whereof he speaks, Slreuid hesitate to approve an Article of Merit and worth, from which he or his family have been signally benefited, and whose con -anemia - on may serve to extend those benefits to ethers by increasing their confidence. My wife •s for many years been a sufferer from severe Nervous Headachy which site found little help. She has tried any things that promised well but per- formed little. Last fall afriendgave her abot- tle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It seems surpris- ing what simply ono bottle could and did do for Ilei. The attacks of headache decreased in number and were less violent in their inten- sity, while her general health has been fm- roved. Her appetite has also been better. rom our experience with Hood's Sarsaparilla I have no hesitation in endorsing its rncriits» A. A. WilmrAzvr9. HOOD'S PILLS are the beat family cathartic, /gentle andeffective. Tay abox. Brice 20a o Want a Bicycle? BRANTFORD BICYCLES HAVE A STANDARD VALUE THEY ARE BUiLT TO SELL AT. TIIE PRICES OFFERED MANUrACTURED BY The Cofild Bicycle avni.'tt a A S lliY WITH A MORAL. John Wright was the son of a day laborer; amen of dissipated life and coarse habits, says the Youth's Companion, John had no home teaching, no family traditions; no asso- ciations to lift him upvrat•d.But he had ta- lent, great vigor of mind and body, and much ambition, He began as a newsboy, worked his way through school and into college. In his freshman year he wrote to a friend: "1 can conquer any difficulty before me as a scholar, I am not afraid of mathematics or of languages, dead or living, but to enter a room with a well-bred wotnan in it makes me tremble. I can not eat a meal, I cannot meet an acquaintance in the street, without committing. what people call a breach of good manners. "The thousand and one trifling rules of eti- quet terrify me. I am resolved to disregard. them. I will not be a slave to a code laid down by other men. I will be a scholar and an honest man and brush aside those cobweb lines whioh hamper me." John carried out his resolution, Ile was a moral man, earnest in his purpose to live a pure and honorable life; he stood at the head of his class in college. But while the other men in the clase were invited into the homes of the professors and made friendships with. educated mere and gentlewomen whioh help- ed them throughout life, he was negleeted, "Ho may be a good Christian," said the. wife of the president, "but I will not ask to my table a man who puts his kuife into the butter and who keeps his hat on when 1 ara. speaking to him." "I do notwish to know awoman who judges ane by such trifles," said Wright, whop this speech was repeated to him, But the neglect hurthim. When he lett a ollogo, too, and entered a professional life, he found that these "trifles" drove friends away from him wherever be wont. His ability brought him clients, but his rudeness and coarse manners made him a subject of their eomtempt and ridicule. Ile removed to a town in the far west hop- ing to leave prejudice behind him, but his new acquaintances pronounced him vulgar after i]ve minutes' intercourse, and never offered to bring him to their homes or intro- duce him to their families. Shut out from the society of women of the better class be was forced to choose an un- educated wire. His children are as rude and ungentlo as himself: "I should have taken rank," he saki once, bitterly, "with gentlemen. But they judged mo by my code of manners, and mistook me I for a footman." 1 If a gentleman voluntarily wears the livery of a footman he Should not complain if he is mistaken far ane, Too many boys, coati - dent of their own bigh purpose in life, de- spise as potty the observances of good breed- ing. They forgot these obsorvaucos are the language, the signs which gently -bred peo- ple in all nations have devised to express their good purpose in life. They are the essence of common sense and kindly feeling. A man cannot quote Greek or declaim pee, try at a hotel table to establish his claim to education. or roflaemont. But be can do it by his quiet Voice, by his unobtrusive and simple bearing. He cannot announce to a earful of people the kindly sympathy toward all rnaukind which swells his heart to bursting. But the smile with which be leaves his .seat for an old black woman will express it without a word. .A. gilt button on a cap is not a small mat - tor if it chews the difrornuea Let:versa a beer and anobleman. The Great Value of Good ltftxnnere }n All Walks of Life. Brantford, Ont. Popov; 113 YoNni ST., Tumours. PERKINS & MARTIN. Fan 0 an's Bloc k -"'JZFIFUL 0%1 Not only a relief but a cure for all kinds of HEAD PAiNS, SICK STOMACH' AND fall_IOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. Be sure you get STARK'S. PREPARED. 3Y R. STARK, M. 0. C. P., CHEMIST FROM. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY, SCOTLAND, FOR- THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. a box. Sold ley an Druggists 25 CENTS 1r✓ntirclar now Compound " Make a Note of it.'' "When found, melee a note of it," says old Captain Cattle in IDieken's Dombey Son. Could he have looked through our stook of furniture what wonders he would. have lead to note --wonders of goods,atyles, quality, prieos. He would have noted particularly, and bought too, the handsome. Bedroom Suites we dre ` sills ai; s if ES. • Fh VERY CLOSE UR G , You will find. our Stook the, lergeat;'in town. .. ItOWE. TALK OF THE DAY. The butcher's recipe for getting rid of superfluous flesh is to sell it. If you were to take the conceit out of some people, the remains would defy ideate. fixation. Lovers are so light-hearted they can read each other's thoughts with the gas turned. very low. "Is Deborah related to Charley Hender- son?" "Yes. She is his sister by a refusal of marriage." Somehow or other the man who snores loudest always seems to go to sleep first in a Pullman car., At 20 a man thinks he knows it all; at 30 he merely thinks he could have known it all if he had tried. A woman may not be able to find her pocket, but she never leas it filled with let - t ers she has forgotten to mail. Shady -"My reputation is very dear to me." Ontolt-"Probably. Havo to pay cash for everything, don't you?" "Did you find what you wanted?" "'Yes ; they had it in seven different places." "Let me see it" "0, I didn't get it." "I hear your husband is quits a gallant. Do you ever find any lettere in his pockets?" "Only the ones I gave him to post." Fair visitor-" Why do they call the sailors tars, lieutenant I" Lieutenant - "Because they pitch into the enemy." B_ own-" What! You going to marry that woman? She has no figure." Robin- son-"Ah, obinsou-"Ah, but, my dear boy, her father has." Woman -hater -"I wonder why more bachelors than married men commit sui- cide?" Contented wife -"Because they are crazed at the sight of sensible men's happi- ness." The process of evolution from a bonnet to a statesman is simple and sure -the bonnets become the women and the women are lead- ing men. A. boy of 17 and a girl of 13 were married at Columbus, Mo., the other day. The wedding presents included a doll and a wooden gun. Alphonso -"Do you know, Miss Maud, I weeny bad half a iniad lalist night—" Miss Maud -"O, why didn't you call on me last night, Father -"Is that stranger who calls to see you a man of regular habits?" Daughter - "Yea, indeed, pa. He arrives every night promptly at 8." At the husking bee, if you get a red ear, you may stealakiss; while, on the contrary, under other' conditions, if you steal :a kiss you may get a red ear. She -"Clinton, I want $50 for pin money" Ile -"Pin money 1 New dress money, I sup- pose you moan. "-"No, I mean pin money. It's a diamond pin that I want." Cora -"Wonder why the pretty ' young minister calls us the `iambs of his fold?" Dora -"On'acco"unt' of the sheep s eyes we are •bays casting at him, I porsnme." ,Tailor (to would-be customer} -"So 1 You want me to fnake yon a whole suit! Look, here, now; a whole suit is a little too much. I would rather, I think, lend you $10. Mother -an .hope you liked ;Mr. Wearii soma, who called last night; be':is such ,a staid young man." Ethel-"Sta9ed1 I should say he did. I was never so tired in njy lite." Aate. 17 ear= sx�.:.,.�x a•.:rm.rs�awsra=0era•.u., x s: woNDERFUi, CURES! TRO11AS kt1l�IOIiIIN. MAJ'OE W. A. SINEIBTWD. Before Treatment, After Treatment, Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured. Thomas Minchin says: "I was reduced to a nervous wreck -only weighed 118 pounds. The result of early abuse was the cause. I had the following symptoms : Miserable mentally and physically, melancholy, nerv- ousness. weakness, specks before theyes, dizzy, poor memory, palpitation of the heart, hushing, cold hands and feet, weak back, dreeme and losses at night,tired in the morning, pimples on the face, loss of ambition, burning sensation, kidneys weak etc. Doctors could not cure me; but Drs, Kennedy & Ke an by, their New Method Treatment, cured me rn a few weeks. I weigh maw 170 pounds. It is three years since I have taken their treatment.'? •1!"a S t 4. elf Before Treatment. After Treatment. Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Major Simfiold says: "I had Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach for many years. To make matters worse I contract- ed a Constitutional Blood Disease. illy bones ached. Blotches on the skin looked horrible. 1 tried sixteen doctors in all. A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy di Kergan. I began their Now Method. Treat - merit amain a few weeks was a new man with renewed life and ambition. I can- not say too much for those scientific doc- tors who have been in Detroit for four- teen years. I conversed with hundreds of patients in their offices who were being cured for different diseases. I recommend them as honest and relfablo I'Aysiciana." Des. KENNEDY £s K{RGAN The Celebrated 8peolallst8 of Detroit, Mich, TREAT ANO GUARANTEE TO CURE- sauittirA (ent aaudedtissCon-; Rheumatism; Neuralgia; Nervous, Blood and Skin diseases; Stomach and Heart die - eases; Tapeworm; Piles; Rupture: Impotency; Deafness; Diseases of the Eye Ear, Nose and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder; Errors of Youth; Fading Manhood; Diseases of the Sexual Organs: Female Weakness; Diseases of Men and omen, and Chrome Diseases in general. They cure when others fail Irlir ONLY CUIMl2 E OASARE 2'' R1?NBOR filftEA191EATT Their NEHo IV mE THEATIAEYT known the world over, is curing diseases of every nature that has baffled heretofore the medical profession.They are not 'family doctors' - they make a specialty of Chromic and difficult diseases, "'it DISEASES OF MEN. Tho guaranteato cure all Weakness of 11erarising from self abuse, later excesses or disease. Young man, yon need help; Drs. K. do K. will cure you. Yon may have been treated by QQuaooks-consult Scientific Doctors. No cure, no pay. Consult them. DISEASES OF OMENS. Why sailor in silence? They can once goa, Female Weakness. Barrenneea, Displacements. irregularity, and painful periods cured bi a abort time. Renewed vitality given. Illustrated Book Free. Inclose stump. S rrnatorrhrea, Varicocele, (ileal, Unnatural SPECIAL DISEASES. Discharges, Private diseass. Stric#urs, Syph+ ills, and all Blood diseases guaranteed. cured orna pay. et years in Detroit --150,000 cares -National reputation. Books free -Consultation free • Names confidential. If unable to call, write for a list of questions and advice free, DRS. KENNEDY 8c KER(1AN, 148 Shelby St, DETROIT, MICH. To Exhibitors ONO 30JOIr$ tali 41xt wc. 4nurt .G..1145 -tilled Syrup of Figs is taken; itis pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys-, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and eures habitual. constipation. Syrup of figs is the only remedy of its kind ever Inc). duced, pleasing to the taste and acz, ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most liealthyandagreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commen d it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 150 bottles by all leading druggists. .Any reliable druggist who may not have it on. hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., BANS FRANCISCO, CAI. 1£ooIS9iLLE, KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. l?or Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store CARTE: IVER ER PILLS. S]ekHeadache and relieve all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness Distress after • eating Pain in the Side, &e. `�hi1e their most remarlrable success has been shown in curing sIc Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILOS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulatethe liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured If you would sseem first prize you, must have your animal in the finart condition, his coat must bo smooth and glossy and he must ho in geed spirits so as to "show off" w 01. Dick's Blood Purifier is the best Condition Powders known for horses and cattle. It tones l up the whale system, rrcn)ntce the bowel' =Id kidneys, strepgtnens the digestion, turns a rouab ooat into a smooth and glossy one. It gives horses good lifemelting them appear to the bust possible ativentago. GetDiek's from your druggist or grocer, or taddresaD1;;li. it CU., P. 0, sox 122, Montreal hree Points ! NOTE WELL, We have had the Experience, exponience that at - ten bion to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. (With r rtitllptitllde•redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors esneclally, namely putting off until neat week whale should have been done this. Satld faction.lonice oking word but to carry out its meaning is difficult to sotne. We n]"ry in word and tht way ars u4ampubedin 001 shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pects. If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced hat what we have said is true. W. JOHNS Fi ! Ache they would be almost priceless to those -I who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will -not be willing to do without them, } But after all sick head • is the bane of so many lives that here is whore we make our great boast. Our pills cure it '' while others do not. CARTER'S 1 rt'ra o Lrvaa,P,ens are very small. and very easy to take. One or two p1110 make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do / not gripe or purge, but by their eeutlo action alease all who use there. In vials at 25 cents; ve for $1: Sold everywhere, orsent by mail, . (1/1112X11 t:S XOL*tZ 00., tkvi Tort. .,. 11111 r a � Prim G M ' 1 .L,l.,l. > Ji LY Minard'e Liumient cures Colds, etc. Best Ordered Giothing produced iu Exeter. Gentlemen I leave "your orders early,'fo with the host stall of Tailors ; the bes o .Pine '.Crimiain s and "the bee seek f s 8. Cutting In Town, yon are Burr of ` satisfaot JOS Flies re Screen:Doors9 Scree. Windows, Scythes and Snaths, :Pence Wire, Machine Oil,' Fruit Tree Sprayers. first-class article fors$1.25. as Get our late prices! on Binder Twine. COBBLEDICKPOLLA 'D Hardware Merchants, EXETER. MOCQLL'S OILS ARE THE BEST. Use LABILE Machine oil. CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINION,. racoon's CYLINDER OIL will .. wear twice as long as any other make. .. The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by McOOLL BROS. & 00., Toronto h'OR SALE RI ALL LEADING DEALERS IN TRE COUNTRY. EXETER LUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the -public in general that he keeps, ycon- otantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED/ PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH .LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to I3. 0, Red Cedar Shingles which is Acknowled to be the MostDurablo Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty sic to forty years in any climate, J.E.AWILLIS LXS CENTiRAL. SHAVING A. HASTINGS, pr om!,nimTomz. Agent for the Brantford Stearn Laundry. FANSON'S BLOCK. S {+} 0 {4} BOOKS. 0L {X1 We have a full supply of all kinds of School Books. Our Exercise and Scribbling Rooks 1 are the largest, best paper and finest value in the country. School Bags and Book Straps all prices. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. LOST OH FAILING MANHOOD, General arid nervines Debility, J•; Weakness of Ito - y and Mind, Effects of Errors. or Excesses in Old orYoung. Robust, Noble Manhood fully Restored, How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak',lindexeloped Organs and Tarts of Body. Absolutely nn- failing Home Treatment=lien»fits in a day. Men tcatlfyfrom 50 States and roreign Coun- tries. . 'W ountri:s..'V ite them.' Descriptirs Booker planation and proofs mailed (staled) free. ERIE MEDICAL. CO.. (ItPR�s L 1 GUYLTY NOT '� "� ��'1 .L.tl O i' 1.�1`IL ..L Y The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that any other house in town. Come and be a witness, you will be 'well repaid for your time. We down the eountry for prices in Felt and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and Grain Boots,and for Men's andBoys Long Boats we take the bun, GEO. MANSON' S, The People's Shoe Store. Mext Door to Post Office_ IT ARE YOU WANTING Vi p os `TWO" -t- CA .1a LB.L .5.L.".11 L.L.L. Do you want to buy from the Best Selection and at the Lowest Prices, then buy at +Cid ley's Select from ;the _largest and beet bought stock in the city. Just now we aro showing sometbing;,,.veryLnew and stylish in Bedroom Suites Onc',Oak'Set is a beautyl with bevel plate glass lac36'22, S. GIDLEY. e THE PIONEER STORE ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. This wonderful discovery intim bestknown remedy for. Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and though powerful to promote a. healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills, III your tongue Li coated youneed.thern. AT ALL 15K512/I STORES. SALESMEN WANTED To Tem/lent us in the sale of a Choke line al i1ARDT CANADIAN GROWN STOOS. Experienct.' not necessary. Wo want real workers and td nil such we offer' a permanent situation at a good ineome with (stance of advancement. A3 wo now have over 700 acres under cultivation, we can give our salesmen many sup Grier "Aram tares We ;also de;iro to aeoc;ro a geed luau to your district to bell tiffs ROTARY lipsAv h A o This for which ws have the C# enteral 'gen y xs is rolnetkicg 'new and indis sa*ible'to tho. firmer or fruit grower-. lend for tams and, testimonial sireular. 'mos kW YILLilttllg1P,17usctmtd►. licnroatec