HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-9-21, Page 4t3 a Wished in i877 The Zurich Fair.. law Onions, Henry Lippherdt, Henry Cook, „pp. ��!Cq� BANKER, EXETER, ONT Transaotaa generaibankinebuainese. Receives the Acaonuta of Merchants and ethers on favorable termer Offerrevery accommodation oonsiatent rwftli safe and conservative banking principleant Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts issued payable at any lofleo o the Merchants Hank. NOTEsDescowwTED, and DIONET•To LOAN ON NOTES and MoBTaAGEti, Eho Onto. gi tr iy��{. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1898, Exeter Muret zpal Council. Connell meeting held in Town Hail Exeter Sept. 16th 1$93, Ail present. Minutes of previous Meeting read and confl,rmed. Carling. -Spackman— 'hat elf, Christie be authorized to sell the water wagon to the best bidder. ---Corned. McCallum— Speakman— That by-law No 6 —4893 to Ievy rate foe the current year baying been read a first time, be read a second and third time and finally passed. Carried. The total rate in the $-15 mills, Moved by T. H. McCa]lum—That this Council are of opinion that steps should be taken to secure ii1eotrio lighting for this village. Not seconded. The Council adjourned until Friday the loth October, at 7,3(1 p, en. M , RAM ETT, , Clerk. Presbytery of Huron acLThis Presbytery met in Willis' church Clinton, on the letchinst. .;liter routine husieeae the report of the Homo Mis- sion. Committee regarding 113iasiclliafiy+ meetings was given recommending that ministers give their congregations synopsis of our miastonary reports at least twice in the year and report to Presbytery. The finance committee recommended that a rate of 15e. per family be struck to defray Presbytery and Assembly expenses for the ensuing year. Both of these reports were a- dopted. The committee appointed to recommend rules for sessions in report- ing:families gave ie a carefully prepared xeport which was adopted and ordered to be printed and sentdown to Sessions. A circular was read from Dr, Reid .ask. ing the Presbytery to contribute more largely to the Assembly Fund, A motion was passed that the clerk com- ^,`,2tri,axt:at°e reitu eon geenetiona who have been contributing little or nothing to this fund. Another circular was also read, asking the Presbytery to raise their contributions for Home Missions to $1200, andforAugmentation to $650, for the current year. The Presbytery recommended that all congregations be communicated with regarding these and other missionary funds. Moderation in a call was granted Bayfield and Bethany and the Presbytery adjourned to meet in Brucefield on Nov. 14th. Luoknow. BRIEFS,—Discovery of the feet that theaacoounts of some of the depositors in the post aloe branch savings bank at Lucknow were less than they should be was what led to the enquiry :and the presence there of Post Office In- spector H G Hobkirk, of this district. It has been found that by forged withdrawal applications the following sums have been wrongfully drawn from the accounts of the parties named :— Norman Nicholson, $ilio-; Malcolm Nicholson, $150; Alexander Nicholson $200: Miss Macdonald, $100. All the pass books of the depositors have been palled in for examination, and it is thought all the zoasea have been dia- erevered.—At an early hour this morn- ing. the community in tue uaigi`ibor- hood of Gowanstown were aroused by the cries of •'Tire,” when it was dzs- coyerrd that the dwelling of Mra. martin, widow of the late Samuel mar- tin was in flames, but before assistance arrived, the fire had gained such headway that there was: no possibility of saying it, and with the house and contents, poor errs. atartxn, a lady of nearly $0 years, was consumed. It is also expected that alad from the home who is Iiving there is burnt as he is nowhere to be found. afr, t3. martin, jr. who runs the farm, was away visit- ing his sister in Elmira. The whole affair xs enshrouded in a mystery. The executive committee of the West EIgin Provincial Reform Aesooiation has deoided to pall an early convention for the nomination of a candidate, and will meet in Dutton on Tuesday to fix the date. To rise in the morning with a bad taste in the mouth and no appetite, indicates that the stomaoh needs strengthening. For this purpose, there is nothing better than an ()tensional dose of Ayer's Pills taken at bed time. LOOSED LICE A SztEr;ETax, Gentlemen, --Last summer filer baby was eo bad with summer complaint that.,, he looked like a skeleton, . Although I had not much faith in it,I took a friend's ad- vice sail tried I r, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry: He goon got better. I truly relieve it saved his life. Mrs. Warysy Steeves,` Hillsborough, N. B. RatTVDrerr8Di CUBED IN A •i5.s.—Beath American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radidaHy aures in 1 to 3 days.; Its aofion upon the system is reihark- able n eteriouIt removes it and my a. o a a canoe the cause and the diocese immediately;die- eppears. The first ,dose greedy ereiiefts." /5 centre. Sold. by 0.-L t rug i t. Y ?l vt,,,� Bg a .51;8 The Hay Towuehip, Agricultural society's fair took place on Thursday last. "l'he weather wasfine and the e above b0 vo he ayerage. t Al c la sea were well filled, everyting in splendid condition and competition keen. The attendance was large, the gate receipts ahnou'ntiag to $195 at 15 eents per head. The Crediton band enlivened the pro- ceedings very much, and the teats of speed leihtdiveraio;i to the affair; on the whole it was the most successful fair in the annals of the society. Following is the prize list:— HORSES.—DnAUGHT.—S Smillie, Thee, Berry, Donald McKinnon ; Foal, S Smil- lie, Thos Berry. D McKinnon ; Two year old, John Johnston, Gott /Verner ; One year old, Jas. Roos, AGRIoul,xunee, — Brood mare, Dan'1 Bell, A McTaggart, Win Snell ; Foal, Geo. Claaeie, Wm. Suell, A. McTaggart ; Two year old ; Robt McArthur, Samuel Bennie; Roac, Jno. Becher ;Jas. Patterson, B. D. GENERAL Posross.--Brood mare, Alonzo le Foster, Chris. Fahner, Geo, Clansis ; Foal, G Cluie Feltner, Henry Deters. Alonzo Foster ; Two year old, John Johnston, a Wm Logan, Jno Hay One year old, Jno Geiger, Casper Barig; Span, Geo. Thiel, Wm Logan, Henry Bauer. JUDGE.—Gob Morloek, Crediton. I, Ceemesor,—Brood mare, Jno. Geiger i g 1 Foal, Jno Geiger ; Two year old, Debt Tay - for ;One year old ; Dann Bell ; Span, Wm. in White, G Iioeosenits.---Brood mare, R Chatters & B Son, Wm.'Snell ; Foal, Wm. Snell lt, A Charters & Son ; Two year old, Ed Bassen- M berry, Gott Merner, Alex Ingram ; One h year old, B Charters et Son, Jno Deoher, B W MrTaggart ; Span, Wm Ruby, Dr Gunn, tr H, Reese ; Buggy horse, Chris Ehlber,C E, er Mason, J erner. JUDeEg,—.O, E. Mason, Brimfield ; Jno ba White field carrots, Con Wagner, Peter Bender ; Red Pield carrots, Jacob Haberer, Red garden emote, car R& T Snowdon,d onWm Ruby ; Sweedish turnips, W B Bat - Bat- tler, Acerb, Roeder; lobe mangPeter Bender, A Johnston ;Longred man - golds, Peter Bender, Justus efelliok ; Ox- ford cabbage. Win Ruby ; Drum heads cabbage, Women Well, Win. Ruby ; Black S,paaish, radishes, Pare Isaac Satur- ate M Brethour ; Heads cauliflower, David Steinbach, Wm Ruby Pumpkin, W 8 Bat tier, Chris Schoch ; Celery, Ab Geiger, Hy Magel; Blood beets, Ab Geiger, Wm Ruby; Long red beets, Ab Geiger, R T Snowdon ; Citrons, A Johnston, Robt Bell ; Squash, J F Soi utter; W.etet^ melons, .A. Johnston, Gotfred Nicholson ; Musk melons, G. Nicholson, A Johnston ; Tomatoes, M. Brethour, Wm Ruby ; White radish, Wm Battler., AnJ'ohneton ; Garden Lemon, D. Stembaoh. JVDGfis,—D. Steinbach, Zurich Bobier, Exeter. DOMESTIC AND HOME MANUFACT- URES,-- Horse shoes, Fred Seignor ; eine made flannel, Robt Bell, Samuel Rennie ; ditto colored, (no number,} M. rethour 2nd ; Pair blankets, Robs Bell, to Nott : Fulled cloth, Geo Nott A John - ton ; Men's shoes, hand sewed, Fred }eth- er,D Gottschalk ; ditto, hand pegged, cif skin, Fred Kibler, G Gattsehalk. Srncete PDXZEs,--Purple top, white, W. Battler ; Col shoes, D. Gottschalk ; eather, H Dnmart ; Piano, Herman Well; Parlor mite, Herman Well DAIRY I'RODUC>;;-50lbs salt butter tub, Bobt Bell, Aaron Kearoher, Ab. eiger ; 10 IUs butter, W. B. Battler, A. whereto, Robt Bell ; bome made cheese, Johnston ; Factory made cheese, So' artm ; bony in comb, Jacob Heber& ;1 ome made breed, W Gaidwill, Hy. Magel read, bakery made, Chris Eilber;Ez. acted honey, A Johnston, hob Haber - A. Q• Dunn,131ako. Seam:axe Ccxresye ;—Single bores, Ed, ea Bosaenberry, Zurich, 13, Darned, Zuriob, To E. Zeller, Zuriob. Sp Tee:v.--Bd. Boseerzberry, Zurloh; Dr. F Gunn, Clinton Win, Ruby, Crediton. W CAnBtAGE Rolzslza.—C, B. Mason, B1 Brucefield, 0, Hilbert Zurich; Jo Junoas,-- Oliver Jobneton, Clinton ; Ja Chas Wolfe, P Wife , (.'.,reditOn. ,At Pe JunGns.—A Q Bobier Easter ; D Stein - oh Zurich, GRAIN.—White Fall wheat, W MaTag- rt, W 7t' ColdvrilI : Red fall wheat, Jno enter, W 13 Battler, J F Schutter ; ring wheat any variety, ef Brethour, W, CFICaldwiU, Cony \Vaguer,SixroAd bGeigeed r�; ack eats, Jos Budhan, M Brethour, button^ ; Wbite oats, M Brethour, A. hnston, W 13 Battler ; Black eye marrow peas, W F Caldwlll, Robt Bell ; Small as, M Brethour, A. Johnston, Jos Poster; Jimmy peas, iti Brethour, Jos Wild, Fred eker ; Clover seed, Wendel Smith ; mother seed, M Brethour, A Johnston, n Wagner. Jpxj ,—J A Williams, Zurich. CATTLE.—Deunem ---Web. ocw, Jacob Reader, Heury Deitz, tied Beaker ; Heifer 11L calf, J Roeder lat and 2nd. Henry Deitz ; Bo Yearling heifer, J Roeder, Fred Baeker 2nd Tt and 3rd ; Bull calf, J Roder, Henry Co Doge, °TREE, BaERD.—Milch cow, Jacob Road• en .tet and tad, Alex, Buchanan ; heifer Th calf, Jacob Roeder, lat and 2nd ; 2 roar old on better, Joel) Roeder, 13 S Pfaff, Sol Mare tin ; Pair 2 year old steors, Jacob Roeder, Henry Deters ; Yearling lheifer, Jacob Bender, Henry Daters, Jacob Reader ; Fat cow or heifer, Alex. McIeweu, Jno, Geiger. JunaES.—D. C. lefeLean, Kipper ; Jno. Shepherd, Chiselhurat ; Wm. Chapman, Rodgerville. SI[EEP.--Lore Woon.—Aged ram, Geo Peubale, Heury 13aur ; Pair ewes, Geo, Penhala let and 2nd; Pair yearling ewes, Geo Penhale, E Gies ; Pair ewe Denbo, Geo Penhale let and 2nd • ; Ram Iamb, Geo, Penhale let and 2nd, PINY Noon.—Aged ram, .Jno. Donkin, Jae (.;ooper oc non ; ttam lama, Jno Dun- kin Jaa Odoper & Son ; Pair ewe lambs, Jae Cooper & Son, Jno Dunkin ; Pair ewes, Sao Dunkin let and 2nd ; Yearling ram, Jno Dunkin, Jae Cooper & Son ; Pair year- ling ewe, Jno Dunkin, Jae Cooper & Son ;; Pair fat sheep, Geo Penhale lot and 2nd. PIGS.—LABeE Borate—Aged boar, Wet MeAllister, Jno Geiger ; Spring boar, Hy. Bauer ; Aged sow, Henry Bauer, Samuel Rennie ; Spring sow, Samuel Ranio IA and 2nd. Bzeuran te.—Aged boar, Henry Bauer ; Spring boar, Wm. MoAllister, lat and 2nd ; Aged Sow, Wot. McAllister ; Spring aow, Wm McAllister, Peter Koehler. JUDGES.—Sheep and Hogs, I) C McLean, Kipp, n • Wm Chapman, Hay ; Jno. Shop- phard, Tuckersmith. LADIES' WORE.—Moltoes in Berlin Wool, os Johnston, Daniel Bell ; Leather work Frame,S amine] /Verner ; Cushion toilet, Geo Mott, Daniel eSaruraa ; Lamp mat, 1,1 Brethour, Geo Nott . Bead work, Geo -Noll; Shell work, Goo Nott, - Alex efeEwen Chemise, Goo Nott, Jno Geiger ; Collect- ion of buttons, Tbos Johnston, Henry Koehler, Gent's dross shirt, Robt Boli ; Tatting, Oleo Nott ; Embroidery in silk, ea Brethonr, Geo Nott ; do in tensile, Robt Bell ; Wool stockings, Bobt Ball, Geo Nott ; do socks wool. Robt Bell ; Arseeno work, Geo Nott, Peter Koehler; Crayon work, Peter Eiaenbaoh ; Crazy work, Thos Johnston, Geo Nott ; Silk patch work,, Thies Johnston, GeolZott ; Crochet quilt, Hy Lipphords : Crewel work, Id Brethour ; Tufted quilt, Id Brethour, W 13 Battler - Berlin wool wreath ; Robt Ball, Al Breth-- onr ; faog cabin gnhlt, Cleo ,Nott, A John- `eton ; Patched quilt, Geo Nott, Fred . Iib-; ler ; Quilt sowed on ground work, A. Johnston, Geo Nott ; Home made coverlet, Jno Geiger, Thee Johnston ; Home made met. Wm McEwen, Dan'l Saruraa t Home made rag carpet, I Brethour, Geo Nott ; Pone on velvet, Samuel Mernor, Jno Dunkin ; Berlin wool work, A'Johnston, M Brethour ; Berlin wool pillow cushion, Thee Jobneton, Geo Note ; Crochet work, Goo Roth A Johnaton ; Hair wreath, John Becher ; Wraath of feathers, Geo Nott ; Braiding on wreath, Hy. Koehler; Braiding on cotton, Robb Bell ; Sofa oaehion, Stoll Mernar Geo Nott ; Chenille Work, Geo Nott ; Reniten lase, A Johnston, Geo Nott; Patch workquilt, ($8 kpeoial prise)) Thos Johnston, SMUT, Pinzea. -- Apron with erose stitob. Hy I.loehler; Etching, Mrs Fred Seignor ; Knotting stitch, Hy. Boehler; Foot stool, Thos Tabnston ; Fancy pin ooahion, Thos Jennston ; Painting on Win, Peter Koehler ; Batton wreath, R- Magel ; Pillow shams, Bobt Bell : Hand painting on wood, Jno Dankin ; Oil painter ing, Jno Donkin ; Painting on glass, Jno Dunkin ; Clothes pin baguet, D 8 Faust ; Photo holder, D 8 Faust, Ornamental jug, Bobt Taylor • Toilet eot, Sam'l :Verner ; Head rest, D S Faust ; Knitted lace, Robt FLOWERS.—Bognet of out flowers, Dan'i Bell, D S Faust. JUDGES.—Mrs. Dr. Buchanan, Zurich ; Mrs Robt Patterson, Hensail. POULTRY:—Eamhurg, hens,Geo Irwin, Fred Beaker ; Plymouth Rooks, Jos Cook, Geo Irwin; Wyndotte hens. Jae Cook, Fred Seigner ; Silver Crested Polands, Hy. Bauer : BIack Spanish, Fred Baeker; Light Brahmas, Jos Cook ; Dark Brabmae, Geo. Irwin, lat and 2nd ; Dorking, Geo Irwin, JnoDunkln ; Legborns, Dr Buchanan, Jos. Cook ; Games, Jos Cook, Geo Irwin ; Pekin China Ducks, Henry Bauer, Geo Clansis ; Bonen ducks, Geo Irwin, Chris Oswald : Ducks. any other breed, Geo, Irwin, Henry Wurm ; Geese, Geo Irwin, Geo Clauais; Swan Geese, Justus Melliok; Pair Turkeys, Henry Wurm, Geo Irwin ; Pair Guinea fowls, Gott Nicholson, Geo Irwin Black Internee hens, Henry Bauer, Jno. Beichert. IMPLEMENTS AND MANUFACT- URES.—Tiles, J 13 Fodor ; Half dozen brink, J 13 Foster ; Open buggy. Fred Hess, let and 2nd ; Covered buggy, Fred Hess, .ff Ram ; Road cart, Fred Hess, lei and 2nd. Jmsaxs,—Oliver Johnston, Clinton ; E. RothermilI, Zurich, Jacob Haberer, Zurich. HORTIOULTURAL.—collection any kind apples, Jacob Roeder, Henry Lippher- dt, Fall apples,Ab Geiger,Jaoob Roeder,Geo Nott ; Winter apples, Ab. Geiger ; King Tomkins, Henry Deitz, Alex Buchanan ; Northern Spies, Aaron Eeaeher,Alex Baoh- anan; Baldwins, A Kearoher, Justus Mel - lick ; Rhode Island Greenings, Henry Koehler, Jacob Bonder ; ,Spitzenburgs, Robt Bell ; Snow apples. Henry Cook, A. Buchanan ;2 Canada Bed apples, Dara Isaao Sarum, Wendel Smith ; Ribaton Pippin, Aaron Kearoher, Henry Warm ; Golden Russets, Ab Geiger, Henry Deitz ; Fall Pears, Henry Deitz. Jos Wild ; Winter pears, Mrs lsaacjSurarus, Joe Wild"; Peach. es, Chris Oswald, Henry Deitz : Grapes, Jacob Raberer, HenryDeitz: Prunes, Peter Koehler, Jos Wild,; Crab apples, red, Joe Wild, Alex McEwen ;, Crab apples, yellow, Jos Wild: Beat collection of grapes, Jacob Haberer, l3.' Lippberdt ; .Collection of pears, Henry,; Deitz, Jos Wild : Col- lection of plums,' 13. .. Lippberdi, Joe. Wild. JIIDGEe,—Wm Moore Howell ; Chris. Oswald, Zurich. RP1r,, GARDEN ,rt VEGETABLES,—Early .or nee an late rose. Potatoe, Ab Geiger, A Johnston, home b Colin Smith ; White Elephant, A, Foster, Der Cu Ab Geiger, Colin Smith : Any other var.- surprie bete, A Foster, 15 F : Feast; Jacob Roeder ; collet o Small white beans, .Elenry Wurm, . tiering Robe. Bali ;,Any.. -other variety, Henry and ev Wenn,,,Robt, .Bell ''•'. Yellow ' eor.'male's na Peter n Benders, Jno `Hey .;.,Sweet corn, Daniel Sar-. Water, uras,'Qeo f3ohellig,• Large rad onions, WeinChne• Sabooli,: Reny. Lippherdt;f arge;Yel. , ..this is English Spayin Liniment remoter all hard, soft or oallonsedLumpa and Blame lees from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Drug- gist. Sep I8,'93 WOBTIx READING. Mr. Wm. MoNee, of St. Ives, Ont., had eleven terrible running scree and was not expected to recover all treatment having tailed. Six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters completely restored him to health. Druggist Sanderson, of St. Marys. Ont., oertifiee to these facts. Faces Aimee Drsr$rsrA. ' Wrong action of the stomach and liver occasions dyspepsia. Dyspepsia ie turn gives rise to bad blood. Both theirs coin - plaints are durable by B. B. B., which sots on the stomach, .liver, bowels and blood, and tones and strengthens the entire system thus positively curing dyspepsia, oonstipat ion, bad blood and similar troubles. SBvExni DIAEARC°A 0uiutx.. Gentlemen, --I wee troubled with chronic term for over tyears end received no benefit from all -the medicine I tried. I was unable to work from two to four days every wt ee. Hearing of Dr:- Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry I began to use it. Am now all right. John Stiles, Bracebridge, Ont. EB Is Six Honas.—Distrearing Kid- d bladder diseases relieved in six y the "Great South American Kid - re." This new remedy is a great o and delight to pbysioianr . ori ac- t its encoding promptnses fn re• pain in the bladder, ludneye,baokpattedery patt,the ordinary passages in d female. It relieve% retention 4f and pain in passing it nlmoet immed- If .you want quiek relief and entre your Tetnodv, Sold by C. " LUTZ. The Yauoan For. The annual fall fair of the Luean Ag- ribultural Society waa held on Thursday last. It was oneo fthe mot - s streams c ltd faire ever held in the district, the receipts independent of subsoriptions amounting to 5215. The show of horses was large, as also was sheep and hogs, but there were ne cattle exhibited. The stock was in excellenb condition, and the quality of the farm products very good• The following is the list of successful competitors HORSES.—Dzsauoixr,-Span in harness, Wm Cornish, Thos Coursey ; Brood mare, Wm. Dixon, Rich Coursey, Wm Cornish : Three year, John Coursey, Chae Hackett, Rich Coursey: Two year oid,13 W Stanley; One year old, Jas Coursey, Jno Coursey Foal, Bleb Coursey, Wm Atkinson, Wrn Cornish ; Best horse of any age, Jno. Coursey. .AGRICULTURAL.—Span in harness, Fiun Hunter, Wm DeWau, Jas Moore ; Brood mare, Jno Guest, A McTavish, A Tennant; Three year oid, Ohne Haskett, 13 W Stanley. Jas poureey : Two year old, Jno Guest. It R Hodgins, R klicks, One year old, Jno Guest, 41 T Roeseer ; Foal, J'no Guest, A McTavish. d, T Roeser ; Best horse any age, Chas Raskett, • Jumass.—Jae Henderson, W H Graham, St. Marys. BoADsrxn, -Span in harness, A W, Robertson, Wes Maguire ; Single horse, .8 Langford, R R 'Hedgins ; Brood. mere, R McLean. 1st and 2nd, W Langford ; Three year old, R McLean, C Roesler, L 13ur,t. or : Two year old, R Hicks, Rich Coursey, Thos Powers ; One year old, 0 '_Roesler; Foal, R.leteLoan, W Langford, A. O'Neil ; Beat horse any age, R McLean. CAtRIAGE.—Span in harness, Jae Mc- Farlane, Geo Robson, 11 Pouer1ass ; Single here°, R McLean, L Hunter, P 1' Harding; Brood mare, W Langfor.I. R 11'IoLean; Three year old, Jas McFarlane, E Nixon L Hunter ; Two year old, .S Nixon, Alf McRoberts, Jae O'Neil; One year old, Jno Ilaskett, E Nixon, A Kennedy ; Foal, A Tennant, Thos Coursey, 1e Nixon ; Best horse any age, W Langford. JPDGE..-J D O'Neil, V. 5,, London. STESP.--LrrcESTEIt.--•.Aged rem, Jno Abbott ; Shearling ram, A Neii ; Ilam Lamb, Jas Darling, Jno Abbott ; Breed- ins;owe, Jas Darling lst and 2nd ; Shear. ling ewe, A Neil, Jaa Darling ; Bivo lamb, Jiro Abbott, let and2nd.. LxscoLx.-- Aged ram, F 11 C'b;oil ; Shearling ram, FBO'Neil; Ram Iamb, F H. O'Neil, let and 2nd ; Breeding ewe, F. H O'Neil, gat and 2nd ; Shearling ewe, F 11 O'Neil, 1st and 2nd ; Ewe lamb, .F' R O'Neil, let and 2nd ; Jest pair shorting ewes, F A O'Neil, Jno Abbott. SIi1tOPSXtritEDOW;r.—Aged ram, 13 A Switzer ; Shearling ram, Et A Switzer, Jos Charlton ; Ram lamb, Jos Charlton, 1st and 2nd ; Breeding ewe, H A Siwtzer lab and 2nd ; Shearling ewe, PI A. Switzer, Jos Chariton ; Ewe lamb, R A Switzer, Jos Charlton ;Fat elheep any breed, 11 A Switzer. PIGS.—Aged Berkshire boar, J 13 Arm- itage; Aged Berkshire sow, J 13 Armitage ; Best litter of pigs, any breed, J B Armit- age, 1st and 2nd ; Large white eow, a ed, J Hord. & Son, lst and 2nd; Largo white sow, spring, J Herd &Son, let and 2ud ; Large white boar, any age, J Hord & Son, lst and 2nd ; Best pair opting pigs, way bread,3:;ae w San. POULTRY. --Light Brahmas A Ron. nedy, J Hord and Son ; Coehins, buff, J Hord & Son ; chicks, J Hord & Son ; Any other, J Hord & San ; chicks, 3 $ofd & Son ; Langehaas, A Kennedy, J. Hord & Son ; chicks, J Hord & San ; Colored Dorkins, 3 Hord & Son ; chicks, JHord & San ;'toudaas, A Kennedy, J Hord and Son ; chicks, J Hord & Son ; Wyandotte, A Kennedy, let and 2nd ; chicks, A. Kennedy ; Plymouth Bock, J. Hord & Son ; chicks, ' A ; Kennedy, B 13 Red Games, J 13awden ; any other, J. Bawden ; hambutgs, .4 Kennedy,J fiord & Son; °hicks, J Hord & Son : homburgs' spangled, J Hord & Son ; Chas Sproule : chicks, Claes. Sproule ; white ieghorns, A Kennedy, lst and 2nd ; chicks, 3 Hord & Son :black Spanish, A Kennelly, J Hord & Son ; ohicks, A. Kennedy ; black min- orces, J Hord & Son chicks, J Hord & Son : white polands any other, A Ken- nedy ; bantams, sebright, B. Stanley, A. Kennedy ; Bantams, Game, J Bawden chicks, R R Hodgins: turkeys, bronze. Wm Dixon, J Mord & Son ; geese, toulouse J Hord & San 1st and 2nd : geese, J. Hord & Son ; ducks, pekin, J Hord & Son ; ducklings, J Hord & Son ; ducks any variety, J Hord & Son ; ducklings, J. Hord & Son : brown lecrhorns, Jas. Siewaruson, J fiord ee Son. r. juoonss,—W Stanley, R J McNamee, Luean. GARDEN AND HORTICULTURE. —Potatoes, E and L Rose, Jas Steward - son, Jas O'Neil ; Beauty of Hebron, R. R. Hodgins ; White Elephant, 0, C, Hodgins ; any saricty, 0. 0. Hodgins, Jas, Stewardson ; collection potatoes, peck each,C C Hodgins•cabbage,Frank Abbotb, Jno Paisley ; cabbage, red, Jno Paisley; cauliflower, 3 no Paisley ; pump- kin, Joa. Thompson, Wm. Culberb ; Squash, Wm. Culbert ; Citrons, Jno. Paisley, Wm Culbert; blood beets, Jas. Ste,vardson, B Stanley ; turnip beets, B Stanley, Jas Stewardson ; parsnips, Jas Stewardson,Jos Thompson; turnips, swede, Frank Abbott, Jos Thompson turnips, white, F Neil ; mangolds, long, Wm Culbert, J Mullarid : onions, red, J Paisley, M Simpson ; onions, yellow, J Paisley, Jno Lewis ; onions, white, J. Paisley, B Stanley ; tomatoes, J Paisley Jas Stewardson ; radishes, winter, Wm. Culbert, Jno Paisley carrots, field, M. Simpson, Wm Culbert, carrots, garden, short, Jno Paisley, Jas Stewardson ; corn, yellow, field, P P Harding, C. C. Hodgins : corn, white, field, R R Hod- gins, P. P. Harding ; corn, sweet, Wm. Culbert, Jno Lewis : melon, nutmeg,,B Stanley celery, Jno Paisley ; apples, Baldwin, Jno Guest, C. C. EIodgins; Northern Spy, Jno. Mullend, P. P. Harding ; Rhode Island Greenings, Jno Guest, • Jos Thompson ; Ron •Russet, Rich Coursey : King of Tompkins, Jos Thomson ; any variety, winter, P. P. Handing, Jno Guest ; any, variety, fall, Jno Guest, 13 R Hodgins; crab, B Stan- Iey, Jno Lewis : D of Oldenburg, P. P. !larding, Jos Thompson Snow, Jno: Guest,; Wm: Dixon : Golden Russets `. Jos Thompson, I Wm. Dixon Pears, winter, Jno. Mulland C. C. ' o3 gid ns ; Pears, fall, 0'C Hodgins, Jno Paisley,' Grapes, open air, black, L. Fox, Geo. Levis' , Grapes, white, I. Fox, P. P. Harding ; Grapes; red, Geo, Lewis, W. Matheson on ; sPlums, x red , br blue, Stanley : any variety, B. Stanley, no, Lewis; wae Peaches, es, B, Stanley, Jno 1VIu1- land ; Top Onion, Jas. Stewardson ; Western Corn, Jas Stewardson :,Cheese, North Middlesex cheese Co. PLANTS AND F.LOWNRS,- Col- lection of house plants, B, Stanley, R. Armitage ; collection of geraniums and fuschias, R. ,.Armitage, B. Stanley ; boquet flowers, table, R. Armitage ; boquet flowers, hand, Forton Paisley. LADIES' WORK -Toilet mats, W. Matheson, Mrs Campbell; sofa pillow, P P Harding, Mrs. Campbell : moss work, Mrs Campbell; wax. work, W Matheson: slippers, worked, Mrs. Campbell, Miss Beaton ; embroidery in silk crewels, B. Stanley lst and 2nd ; pillow shams, Mrs Campbell, B Stanley ; ric-rac, Mrs. Campbell, le. Palaley ; 'table mat, W. Matheson, Miss Creighton ; embroidery kensingior, Mrs J D G•rahain, Mrs, Campbell ; arraseee, Inn. Campbell, Mise Bacton ; crazy patch work, B. Stanley, Miss McRoberts ; eroelhet on 'cotton, Miss M. Creighton, Miss N. Creighton ; crochet do wool, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs J. D. Graham ; berlin wool work, Mrs. J. D. Graham, Mrs. Campbell ; macrame, J. Paisley, Mre, Campbell ; braiding, Mrs J D Graham,. Mies Easton ; darned not, Miss N. Creighton, Miss M. Creighton; quilt, patchwork, cotton, M. Simpson, Mrs. Campbell ; quilt, log cabin, Mrs. Camp- bell ;quilt, knitbed, Nellie Creighton, mitts, knitted,woollen, Maggie Creight- on, Nellie Creighton ; gloves, knitted,. woollen, Nellie Creighton, Maggie Creighton ; socks, knitted, cotton, Mag. gie Creighton, Jno Lewis; flannel, home made, GeoJno of milli Lewin, ; Miss Lee, Miss exhibit n Y blankets, pair,home nxade,Mias Creight- on ; rag carpet, Mrs J. 1). Graham, Jno. Lewis ; shirt, hand made, Maggie Creighton, F Paisley ; toilet tidy. Mag- gie Creighton, W Matheson ; ribbon. ene, Maggie Creighton, Mrs. Campbell; sooks, knitted, wool, Maggie Creighton, Nellie Creighton ; stockings, knitted, wool, Ia11Tr J e ting,Mrs. Campbell ;upointo Lace, Lewis; s. J D Graham, Wm Matheson knitted lace, Maggie Creighton, Mrs Campbell ; slipper case,. Mrs J. 1), Graham, Mra, Campbell ; crochet tidy, Jno, Whalen Mrs ID Graham ; ottoman work, Nel, lie Creighton, J Paisley ; drawn thread work, Miss Easton, Mrs. Campbell ; oretone work, Maggie Creighton, Mrs, J D Graham ; tea cosy, M Creighton, Mrs. J. D. Graham ; crochet quilt, lit. Creighton, Mise :Patton ; table drapery, 1K Creighton, B Stanley; pin'eushion, 3. Paisley, P P .warding ; cloth quilt, Jas Stewardson, 115. Creighton ; saunter quilt, Miss Easton, Mrs. Campbell ; bracket drapery, Mrs Campbell, Nellie Creighton ; canvas work, Mrs. J. D. Graham, )1 Creighton ; traced cotton, Urs Campbell. Srxc els,.•-Queen Ann darning, M. Creighton, Alm. Campbell ; crochet in ailk, Nellie Creighton ; crochet skirt, Mrs. Campbell ; easel drape, M. Creighton ; table drape. Mrs Campbell; tray cloth, MrsCampbotl ;• table Boyle, Mrs, Campbell ; worked panel, M. Creighton; silk emh., Mrs J D Graham; saddle basr,11Mrs Campbell ; crazy patch work quilt, Mrs Matheson. Junoas. Miss Harrington, and Miss Aggie Fox,-Luoan. GRAIN,—Wheat, red, 1 bushel, Wm. Dixon, Jas. Simpson; barley, Wm, Dixon, Jno. Whalen ; oats, white, F. Abbott ; peas, white, Wm Dixon : blue, Win Dixon ; mummy, Wni Dixon, R.R. Hodgins ; beans, Wtn. Culbert, Jno. Lewis ; timothy seed, Frank Abbott ; cut collection of grain in. ear, Jno. Abbott. Jtlnoes.—Jos Amos, and Wm Sirup - son. Film ARTS.— Collection of photo- graphs, Alva McRoberts, W. Matheson; samples of printing, W W. Moore ; col- lection stuffed birds or [animals, W. Matheson ; collection of birds eggs, W. Matheson ; ptinting on glass, or china, B Stanley, Mrs Campbell : Painting in oils, landscape, B Stanley, Mrs. Camp- bell ; painting water colors, landscape, Mrs Campbell, 13 Stanley ; sketches, pen and ink, Mtn Campbell ; peintin , ken- sington, Miss Easton, Jno. Paisley painting, on satin or velvet, Mrs. Camp- bell, Nellie Creighton ; antique and indian's curiosities, W. Matheson, Jno. Lewis; collection of coins, W Matheson; etching, Mrs Campbell ; pencil drawing, Mrs Campbell, P. P. Harding ; histor- ical sketch, Mrs Campbell ; painting on china, W Matheson. JUDaEa.—Miss A. E. Armitage, and Miss Emma Fox. MANUFACTURES. —Horse shoos, "C. Sheardown ; road cart, W. Wenzel ; honey, extracted, C. Sproule, Jno. Stewardson : maple syrup, Jno Lewis, Jno Abbott; pears, canned or preserved, li McLean, F Paisley ; plums, R Mc- Lean, LFox ; jelly, R McLean ; bread, home made,Geo Lewis. Jas Stewardson; peaches, L Fox. ORNAMENTit,.—Collection of, singing birds. Jas Stewardson, W. Matheson ; rabbits, Jos Thompson. DaxRL.--Butter, 20 Ib crock, C. C. Hodgins, Jno Lewis; beat 10 lbs but- ter, Jos Simpson ; butter, beet two 5 ib rolls, Jno Lewis. During the afternoon sports of various kinds intervened the regu lar course of events. The foot races ware keenly contested, as follows ; Half•niiie race, J Little, A. Westman ; Hop -step and jump, A, Smith, M Hawkins, Jas Mc- Fadden h 100 yard rase, J. Little, J. Hawkins, A. Smith. The judges were W Hawkshaw, Exeter ; and E 0 Jones, Clandeboye. The speeding on the track was also an interesting event, and the contests were keen indeed. The bare result was as follows. ;- - 2:30 trot, R. Pais- ley's "Joe Bowers" ; D. MeEwen's Amber F. ; Dr. Laing's "Maud Ran- dolph." Time, 2:39. ;..</,. 2:40 trot, J. Lankin's."Danmoxe D McEwan's ',Jackal' ; Jiio on hnntann o a d horses And all e oared in 80 minutes byWoolford's': ry ,Lotion. This never fajta. Sold Lutz, Druggist. ,Sep'I8,s93 Bah i animal l((itiinsrd's Liniment aures eoide,ete, 1 Smelts Ole 0• NoE Easilq beade� 80 lbs. Sugar for $4.00 ; 12 lbs. Choice Valencia Raisinsfor $1.00. �.- A new supply of Pickling ;end' Table Vinegars, free from acids ; all kinds. Pickling Spices, Whole and Ground ; Pure Black. and White Pepper, our own grinding. For Coffees and Teas, we will cheerfully compare with any in Price and Quality. e You snit.'$ Cet1130tor Tknow it will pay you to 'see the grades of Sugars we offer. You can't surpass them in Quality and Quantity. Don't fail to get the prices of Glassware now shown in our window. Never offered atoll as their prices. i4//4 N TED ` 163 Tubs of the Choicest Dairy - made Butter, and the price will be right at J. P. KE' .. shawl's `Mel O.' Time, 2;42. Green race, D. McEeren's 'Highland Messenger'; Jas. Bell's 'John 13: ; Jae. Snell's 'Roan Billy.' Time, 8:00. Junats.--W. B. Robson ; W. Cain, Texas ;. time keeper,A. E. Stanley, SPECIAL PRIZES. --By W H Barfetn. for best 1 Ib. roll butter, washing machine, Maggie Creighton ; Frank Quigley, for best 10 lb crock butter, one dozen photos, Jas Simpson, ; W. E. & 0 Stanley, for part prize in men's race aver 50 years, carving knife and, fork, W, 1doxgan, W. Pirillaama ; Zee Brown for best collection of house plants, 52.00, 13 Stanley; J 5 Park, for best ' r sin to d ri r' Pe in g r harness'wool blank- et, value $3 00, E. Langford ; Jas. Sutton , 1Lj D, $250, far boy's race, 100 yards, under I2 years of age, W. Cole, Geo. O'Neil, F Atkinson, C Egan ; rim Moffat, best 10 Ibs butter, 3 00, 0 0 Hodgins ; L D Stamey, for best three citrons, 2 lbs. best tea, Jno Paisley ; Clare Bros & Co„ for best pair shearling Lincoln ewes. 1st $3 00; 2nd 2 00, 1+' 11 O'Neil,lat and 2d; Lucas, Steele & Bristol, for the best 51bs. of but- ter' 1st prize $3 00 ; 2nd 52 00, 0 0 Hodgins, ane Lewis. WHAT DO YOU T,ARE. Medicine for ? Because yon are sick And want to get well, or because you wish to prevent illness. Than remember that Hood's Sareaparilla cures all ediseases caused by impure tblood and debility of the system. It is not what its propriotore say but what hood's Sarsaperilla doas, that tells the scary ofits merit: Be sure you got Hood's, and only Blood' Purely vegetable..Flood's i?ille--25e. A wonderful new Combination is Rt Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nice to take and perfectly harm- less. Mr, E. Maynard, of Woodstock writes as foliates ; 'Thank you for the Headache, Neuralgia and Livor Powders you sent me, wish I have been very glad of, once for my daughter, and tide morn- ing far Miss M--, who said she had suffered from headache for three days, We gave her one of these wonderful powders, and in a very short time she said in an as- touia]ied kind of way, 'why my beadaohe is quite gone,' and did not return again, Mr. Horace Willa, Chief of Police, Wood- stock, says; 'a have taken R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders,. and find them a sure cure every time,' J Temple, 46 Catharine atreot north, Ham- ilton, writes ; 'I have used Stark's Head- ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, and find them a sure cure.' Price, 25 Dents a. box. Sold by ail medicine dealers. "One Honest Man." To TAE EDITOR of the "TIDES GAZETTE." PIease inform your reade]•s that I will mail free to all sufferers the means by which I was restored Pe heaieh and manly vigor after years of suffering from Nervous Weakness. • I was robbed. and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lest faith in manlzind, but thanks tolteaven I am now well, vigorous and strong. r have nothing to sell and no sohonop to ex- hort money from anyone whomisollerr,batm being desirous to make this certain cure known to all, I will send free and confi- ' dontial to anyone full particulars of just 'e how I was cured. Addrees with stamps ; MR. EDWARD MARTAIIi, (Teacher), P. 0. Box 143, Detroit, Mich. Minard's Liniment for rheumatism. Tits Owen Electric Belt. [Tonne: MARK] DR.A.OWEN. • The only Scientific and Practical ;ii lec-• trio Belt for General Use, Producinga Genuine Curren:b of Electricity for te Cure of Diseases. OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE containing fullest. in . t tformation,liatof diseases out of Belts and Appliances, prices, sworn`tes- timonials and portraits of people who haled• been cured, eta, Published in Englith, Ger- man, Swedish and Norwegian languages. 'This valuable catalogue or a treatise on 'rupture cured with Bleotrio Truss. will bo soot to any' address on reeelpt of six cents postage. Tlie :Owen Electric trio Belt and Aliance Co. 49 KING STREET, WEST, TORONTO ONT. 201 TO 211 STATE -OT., I STAT E 9T., CHICAdO, ILL, The largest Elootrio Belt t Bs ab 'eh li meat;; the W cele. , ,. ?i' Whonviettinstite Wo ld'eFair, do •not. Tail iso ,ere ,pr. Uwen a Bxhibtt in<r3l solei ii' Building, Seaton U,'8prioe I. p i' j�Cse:RZon TiTIS rear R.}