HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-9-21, Page 1THE .DEIST Advertising Medium Ix— THIS SECTION, li D ' HTJ-RON VOL. XXI. NO. 6. shy Oo Baf1 Wien you can et a good, high, -man's -Plow Shoe at R,: cGowan's for 90cr , P Also a complete Line of 'WOMEN'S MISSES' AND ILDREN'S OXFORD TIES in S and DUNGOLAS. These s were bought direct from the anufaefurers and will be sold at rices that cannot be beaten.. Eggs II cents per doz, McGOWA,N, General Merchant, Kirkton, Granton, Bnisrs,---A reverend gentleman of St. Marys gave a lecture to a filled house Friday night, .The lecturer dealt on the ideas of the P. P. A. Society bringing the audience to laughter cameral times by witty remarks. -The, Forester's of this place have engaged Mr. Sim Fax, of London, for their concerti on Fair night. Kr- Fax un- doubtedlyis not Darning without re- commendation. Several others from a distance are to take part in the entertainment, and no doubt thopro- ceedings will be a thing to be long remembered. W. E. Stanley has an • invitation toaot as chairman which we understand he is to fill in his able and ,jovial style, The Methodists purpose having 8 supper f'airnight.--Mr, Abner Langford and bride left for Toronto Wedneaday morning last, They are expected home this week. -Who 9. U. X. went to Bryanston Sunday evening to listen to a sermon delivered in that place to the Foresters. _Two more Weddings mu Wednesday nest. We will make mention of the contracting parties iv next issue -On the evening, of the 12th Inst„ quite a number gathered at the[ residence of Mr. Noah Wass to witness the marriage of bis daughter Itetecca to Mr. Abner Teen- ier() of this place. The soup' 'a knot was tied by the Rev, Mt'. Ft. sen. Both the bride and groom are estim- able young people and have the best wishes of all who have the pleasure of their acquaintance. . -4 Hay. On the evening of Thursday 14th inst., ane of those pleasing events which all enjoy took plane at the re- sidence ofJohn McMahon Esq., a re- tired farmer of this place. It was the occasion of the marriage of bis young- est daughter, Jessie, and Mr. William Aldwortb, a prominent young business man of Minneapolis, and son of C. Aldworth, Eaq., of this township. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. Swann, of Hensel!, in the presence of a large company of friends. 1'he bride was tastefully arrayed in a lawn colored dress. She was molds the re- cipient of many rich and varied pre& entre prominently among which were a silver sugar bowl, silveracake basket, silver pickle cruets, butter coolers and silver knives, forks, and spoons. Among friends from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. McMahon of Lucan; Miss Holden of Stalf'a, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Aldworth of Bayfield and Mr. Kerr of Mitchell. The young people spent an enjoyable to tripping the light fant- astic toe until the "wee sma °•hours". The young couple left for their fleW home on Tuesday morning the 19th inst., followed by the best wishes of a host of friends, No CRUDE MArEUTAD. Scot LeEmulsion is Cod Liver Oil leaped and is prepared upon the principle of diger iits t' it on and assimilation in the human system,•, hence it is given without disturbing the stomach. .r S.fiord .&Co �o Woodham. Grand Opening Off NEW PALL GOODS. New Drees Goods, New Dress !'rim- inings, Silks and Velveteens in Shot effects.,- New Suitings, New Pantinge, New Uvercoatings,' all made to order in the Latest rSt le at the Lowest Style, west possible prices. See our assortment of Women's Misses' and Children's Hosiery we bought a Job Line of these Goods for SPOT C1SB- This means a Marked' advantage to 'buyers. Well do the showing if you do the loo1dn tr. Col^nnett. IDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO TIDE LINE,LET ',+T`I,E CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY ,MAYf EXETER, ONTARIO;; THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21 1898 - X OO.E At the Label. See if Fon ,ar PAID IN ADV.ANO The Presbyterians Of Corbett tt lute pd holding their annual flaryest Home Dinner on Thursday, Sept, 28th. See bills for partioulars.--•The Directors of the Corbett cheese factory held .a meeting last week and decided to close the faotory, the quantity of milk be- ing so smell on account of the dry, weather and.poor;pasture. -0-• • Jaitirflv111e. Blax ns.; --.The farm of the late Tilos. Heywood has been leasee to Mr. Wm. Robinson. -Rev. Coupland, G. W. Holman, Mr. Delbridge, Mr.;Routley and wife and a number of others left last week for the World's Fair,. The 8chooI has been closed fora week, during the absence of the teacher at the Wot'id's Fair. -Mr. Phillip Halle of Winnipeg is visiting under the par- ental roof.. Uz editors 13Rrara.-A large number of the. parties visiting the Chicago Fair have returnedhoilae,---Miss➢T. Hodgins has returned home from Niagara Falls seriously ill, and little hopes are entertained for her leoovery.--F. Wurth who was 'lei -mealy injured in his flax mill some timeago is making good progress, -.sir. English who was caught in the clay bank at Hoist's Brick yard by e, falI of earth and got seriously hurt, is making good pro- gress.-Bohn mote who broke his arm drawing wood some tune ago, during his sleep the other evening unplaced the setting again and theadoctora°have found it necessary to re -set' it. -The English methodist church is about completed and will be reopen- ed on October lit. -Mrs. Paul Link and family removed to alanitoba last Tuesday. -Last Sunday evening a large portion of plaster fell down during service of the Methodist ohuroh which caused considerable excitement among the audience. -We had a nice rain in this vicinity last, Monday even- ing which:willenablejthe farmers in the locality to sow their fall wheat. Vie`' 2urio1l. , foBizrai•s,---Andrew Roth from Brant - rd was visiting at Zurich. on Sunday acrd looks hale and hearty. -Mr Fred Kibler and ,Rev iter Braund are atten- ding the Sunday school convention at Hamburg this week, -Ed. Bossanberry has Crone to Berlin on business.- Albert Becker from St. Thomas, is visiting friends bare, -The gate re. ceipta of the fair were $195, not so bad for Zurich, -Owing to the large quantity of wheat coming in our mill is running night and day-Mra 'Fred Kibler hasreturned home front Detroit aftera week's stay, -Peter Lemont has taken down the oldCentennial,where he intends building a new brick shop which will add greatly to the appear- ance of Butcher street. -Building is all the go in this place at present. F, Seigner has the brick on his prem- ises and she intends bricking up his shop, and Mr Paine intends build- ing a new shed in connection with his hotel, which will make quite an im- provement, -Mr Nagel our popular apple buyer is os. hia rounds again, buying apples tor which he is paying the highest price.-Ivir. Sohluchterhas retnrned to afiobigan after visiting week here.-AuguatHill and wife from Crediton were visiting at Chas Grebe on Sunday last.-H,Demuth and wile from Port Arthur, are visiting at err. Webers of this place. 4 ,, I PI Lucan. BRIEFS, -On Thursday Mr. F. M. Smith, of the firm of Teetsel & Smith, Toronto, was'unitect in marriage to Miss Eliza E. Porte, second eldest daughter of Mr. W. Porte, Postmaster at Lucan. The ceremony Was strictly private, only the immediate relatives of the contractingparties being pres ent. Miss May. Porte, her cousin. waited upon the bride, and Mr. Sydney Smith did the needful as groomsman, -Mr. David Revington, brother of Mr. W. W. Revington, of Biddulph, died at. , „: �eatt le Washington, last month at the 0 age f 45years. a rs gDecaas- y etift le horns ,• when merely a boy. --- Some person attempted to rob, the Lucan post office the other morning, but the ever alert postmaster over' heard the sneaks and frightened then oft: -Thursday night a fire took plaoe on the premises of Mr, Patrick Naugle, on the 8th concession of.l3iddulph,:, about tivo miles east of Lucan: The premises were occupied by John Ward as tenant, Two barns and a brick residence, with all their contents, were destroyed. Loss about $2,500 on buildings; insured for $1,420, and $1.- 000 on the contents. The fire is supposed to have been caused by lightning, as a heavy thunder storm was in progress in the vicinity at the Thursday eyening a fire was discovered in, a small ` unoccupied building in rear of the premises owned by Mr. McIlhargey, on Front street, Lucan; >lt was of very little ,'value. Owingto the heroic eroic efforts of the fire brigade and the . villagers the fire was confined to the building. Owing to. the scarcity of' water and its close prox- imity. to the stables and driving house of the Queen's hotel, it wee almoat by a miracle that'a terrible conflagration in„the business portion of the pillage vi es prevented, • Rendall. . �' CAMERON SMITH, Barrister. Soiioi- Oan be consulted o fioef Office at-the Commerotal Hotel, Beneath . - 3 Just ononed out at A. Weeeloh's 25 easel of Boots and Shoes for the fall trade, There Goods were bought for cash direct from the best manufacturers, and wilt be sold oheap for cash, along with' so entire stook of footwe8r,* Whom in Honied, it will ppay you to call and buy your fall Boots and Shoop from us, as we will'be sure to please yon in 'Prices, Qealitr, Fit and Wiens we have this fall a better stook to select Brom-than over bef ore; We gnaran_ tee eattefaetion and won't be undor+'eold by any dealer in tlio county; When at the fair call in and see no. ' * ' Sign of Big Boot. A. WeaaLoa. Following aro the market quotations Wheat , 58 to 60 Barley 35 to'38' Oats 98 to 2$ Peas. .... 50td51, Hay 6,00 to 7.00 Butter ? 2 Olo'21 Eggs,;.. 11 to it Hogs .. ,a 75'to 500f� Baia Bunurs--The ,neral of Lily A., twin• daughter of \it Rennie, merchant, ;,took place on Tuesday afternoon for interment in the Rodgeryille cemetery, -Wye are glad. to learn that Mr O'Brien is improving. - Mr John Weisiniiler hap gone on a visit to hie parents,who reside in Wellesley. -Mrs R. Cook of South River is visiting at ItIr Cook's of this place.-Mr`end Mrs Cook wore the guests of Mr Rennie, Babylon line, last Sunday. -Messrs McArthur, Stoneman, Weseloh and htoDonald left last Friday to visit the World's Fair.-7i1r Wm Thompson, who has been for the past 7 months in Detroit, is visiting his mother. Will speaks highly of Uncle Sam's domains and intends returning in the near future, We wish him success, -We were alae glad to see our friend Wm Nevins, who is re- newing old acquaintances around here; he iatends returning to Detroit ou Friday next. -There was quite a lot of grain brought in ou Monday. -Business is rather quiet the past few days. -Several of our citizens are taking in the Western Fair at Loudon this week, -Howatt should have a few more houses, as some people are al- most forced to 1�rive,as there aro no houses to be had. Wt rust this will not be the case long, as we would like to keep our old oitizene.-lvlr Wm White of the Lon- don road, who has been convalescent, is recovering under the skilful treatment of Dr Thompson. -,Ir F. G. Arnold has opened a butcher shop in Miss Smith's old stand. We wish him success. -Tho Sacra- meat of the Lord's Supper was duly ad- ntiuiet©red laat S>zhbath morning in Car- 1nel church. -Maggio, eldest daughter of Mrs Wm McLean, has been very ill the past two weeks. We hope soon to hear of her recovery. -Mr and Mrs Cook re• turned from Toronto exhibition last Wed- nesday evening, • N•4 Kiri ton. W. Robson the noted Jowolier, Shier & Marshall's block. \Vatehei, Cloika, Ilte,, Riven a now lease of life. All work guaranteed Prices low. Baring purchased a line 'took of Watohos, Clocks, and Jewelry, at a bargain, will sell tho same away below regular whole - sate cost, W. ROBSON. BRIE/IL-Mr. Mack, livery stable keeper, has removed to the vacant house in Wood- ham belonging to Samuel Ford. -Special Harvest Thanksgiving services are announ- ced for Sunday next in St. Paul's Church. The Rev. Canon Richardson, of Landon, is to preach morning and evening, -There IS Areas scarcity of both male and female help all through this district. Could not some of "the unemployed" in our towns and cities be induced to try their luck in farm -work? -Hanna's Creamery has not been turning off eo much better lately, as before, owing to the recent dronaht. For want of rain, prices are up to 21e. per ib , while local butter ruke nearly as high for the same reason. -Mr. Noble Johnston, of the 3rd oon, of BIenehard, has rented his farm to John Copeland. of Woodham, SPAVINED Agneas. The buyers for foreign markets do not want blemished horses at any price. Spavins; Curbs, Riugbonoq, etc., can be entirely cured by Diek'e Blister. Pride 50 ctr. Dick's Liniment is invaleeble for sprains and bruises. Pride 25 oto. To be bad -at all druggists. Full directions on th'e wrapper. DI4PEL Coins. Headaehes and Fevers, to cleanse the systema effectually, yet gently, when costive ad or bilious, or wben the blood is impure or gi sluggish, to Perma tely cure habitual c0 - too 1 sti at' p son, to awaken the kidneys and livor' (} CONDENSED N b LASED DISTRICT. NEWS. ntrgow. The return heroine match between Kin- cardine and Seaforth, which was played on Friday, remitted in a draw, the Boors being 2to2, The death is announeed of two ploneerif of Huron County -.•-,Mr, Jas. Braithwaite, of Hallett, aged 75 years, and Mr. John Calbeok, of tiolmesrille, . My friend look here 1 you know bow weak and, nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter's Iron Pills, will re- lieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy a box ? •Capt, Wiggins, of the Salvation Army, who has been in command of the local Corps in Goderioh for the past seven Months, left foraSeaforth Friday, where he will henceforth labor. A very happy event took plAeo on Wed- eesdtiy when David Stoddart, ilea of D. Staddsrt, of Cloderioh, was united in marriage to Mise Dorothea Walters, daugh- ter of Mrs, Mary Walters, Park Street. . H. W. Q. Meyer, Esq., of Wingham, was made the recipient of a gold chain. and looket'by his friends in the council ahem- ber theta on Wednesday evening, prior to his, departure for Calgary, N. W. T. He bas sold his fine residenoe in Wingham to Thos, Forbes of Morrie township. ,Sufferers fromdyapepsia have only them. sclveq to blame if they fail to test the tvondeifui curative qualities of Ayer'a;Sars- aparille, aIn purifying the blood. this medicine strengthens every organ of the body, and oven the moat abused stomach is soon restored to healthy action The fall Arsizos open on 25th inst., bo - fore Mr. Justice MoMahon. Thum far there is only one oriminel moo, from the last aniline, when true bills were brought in against Hugh 141cLeod for perjury and false pretences, the Baso arising out of the burning of a barn in Ashfield. The sad intelligence has molted Varna that Edward Reid, of Virden, Man,, was dead. lir. Reid was the f'aleat son of the late Robert Reid. of the `e .,yfield road, and was well known in the locality, where his • three brothers at present reside, He leaves a widow and four children. Mr. D. McKenzie, of the 2nd con,, Gode- rich purchased the Burke farm on the 4th son., Goderioh, a short time ago, as he thinks farming ou a small scale don't pay, Mr. 0. Cook, also of the 2nd con., has rented the property adjoiniug hie belong. ingto 5fre. Fraser, of Goderioh, for a num- ber of.,yeara. Mrs. J. ]if. Scott, Sturgeon Falte, Ont., writes ;-'I cheerfully recommend Ptak Pills. Before I began using them I was troubled with weakness. I thought it vas signs of age, but I tied your Pills and am now as strong as ever.' Of all dealers or by mail at 50e. a box or 5 boxes for $2.50. Dr. Williams Med. Co,, Brookville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y A correspondent writes: -Prof. T. A. Hawkins, of Brussels,, was visiting hie parents, Mr. and Use. Geo. Hawkins on Saturday and Sunday last and left to visit friends in Exeter. `Tom, having only a few days to himself, cannot stay long in one place. As well as being a piano and organ muaioian, he is coming to tbe front on the "tumblers", of which he is quite an expert. Au event whioli has been expected for some time and which hat caused a ripple of excitement in society circles came off early on Thursday morning at Bayfield, when D. C. Sheppard, who has been practicing there for two years, was married to Mise Mayme Rontledge, one of the most promin- ent and highly esteemed young ladles of that village. After partaking of a fine breakfast the happy couple left for Crlacago for their honeymoon, As Mrs. John Miller, or St. Helens, was untying a horse from the hitching post in front of Mr. A. B. ()engrain'', drug store, in Luoknow, the other day, the animal suddenly sprung at her and sank its teeth into her nose, from which the blood flowed freely for a few minutes, The force of the savage brute's attaok knocked Mrs. Miller down upon the aidevralk, and her head, striking upon the planking, rained a large lump on her forehead Miss Wilsey, daughter of a prominent Tamer in McKillop township, will sue a school teacher /lamed Doig, of notion No. 9, for $5,0Q0 damages for alleged breach of promise. The father is a sohool Trustee, and the young people are widely and well- known, It is said that the defendant will John h Noble, x Iat Parkhill ill for 30 years. has been asked to resign and Frank 'Wahine, son of the Conservative member for North Middlesea,is spoken of as his successor, Mrs. Chas Smith of Jimes, Ohio, writes; I hNre used every remedy for sick head- aohe 1 could hear of for- the past fifteen Pears, but Carter's Little Liver Fills did me more good than all the reel, William Atkinson of Meoresyille is ser: ping a sentence of lninety days injatl at London for selling liquor without a lionise. Ile was committed by Squires John H. Priestly. and Jos Beeler, in default of a $50Sne. Nino bags of seed :wheat were stolen from the granary of Mr John Wheaton, in London Township, Tuesday night, Mr. Wheaton lives on the 3rd cop,, lot 1, on the Townline between London and Nis- souri. It is said that a one horse wagon was traced a diatenoa from the granary door, PaRTir, The Listowel turf club cleared $150 out of their late ricer, Mr. John.Burns, Kirkton, was mauled last week in Toronto. Stratford oleared $300 out of its civic holiday celebration. Mr. MoLaren, formerly of Stratford,, has, been aeleoted sole judge of cheese at the World's Fair. Ur, F. W. Gearing, barrister, has boars appointed deputy county judge for the county of Perth. Geo. D. Finley bas sold the Hicks House, Mitchell, to Geo, Davidson, a former owner. Possession given Oot, 9th. The rate of taxation in 81, Marys has taken a jump to 18 mills, and the council cannot account for it, Lietowel'a rate will be 20 mills, The residence of Bonbon Jackson, near St. Marys, was entered the other day, and a gold watch, two suits of clothes and five or Biu pairs of stookings taken. Mrs. Honey Sawyer, of Mitchell, died the other day from cancer of the stomach. She could not swallow any food whatever, and seemed to starve to death an that aaoonnt. The County of Perth has been very peaoefat during the quarter ending Sept, 12th, as only 7 convictions aro recorded for tbe whole county. , The fines amount- ed to $14 only. The residence of bar.. Charles Bailey, Blaashard, was the scene of a bappy event Wednesday evening of teat week, it being the marriage of his daughter Jennie to George W. Gregory, of St. Marys. Miss Eleanor Armstrong, who, wish bar mother, lived in St, Marys, has been in feeble health for a number of years, Though improved the last few months, she became suddenly ill Tbursday and passed away at the age of 89 years, No person should travel without a box of Ayer's Pills. Aa a safe and speedy re- medy for constipation and all irregularities of the etomaoh and bowels, they have no equal, and, being akillfolly auger coated, are pleasent to take, and long retain their virtues. Charles Simpson, aged 16, an English lad who left the Stratford Home last week to take employment with Mr. John McKim near Lakeside, oommitted the indiscretion of eating a number of green pears while aulferingfrom an attaok of inflammation of the bowels, and died a few hours after. Peter Whaling, a Stratford boy of twelve years of age, had his left arm broken about two inches above the elbow on Thursday. The boy attends the Separate School, and there aro two atories as to how the accident ooenrred. One 1185 it that ho was wrest- ling with another boy, and the other vers- ion that he was running along the street when a boy tripped kine A son of Postmngter Maybes, of Strat- ford, pleaded guilty in June to a charge of abstracting money lettere from the mans• Restitution was made, and upon a petition signed by the mayoranl prominent citizens the boy was allowed to go on suspended sentence, The county crown attorney ob- jected, but on Friday at Osgood(' Hall Chief Justice Galt reftisgd R mendamna to compel the polioe magistrate to senirnae tbo boy. Goon xoa veva Currnap i, Young people, 8s well as old, will benefit by a course of Membray's Kidney and. Liyer Cure occasionally. It is not necessary to mitto promise cin o of s marriage, e b ut w' � s.4„ $, will of NT d otor ....,. rev ve mimes for his refuo?I to carry out his ?t " ' • " e d. little a at t . ntraot that mayyou keep this hon ahold medicine band. prove sensational. Mr. It is bettor than powdered rhubarb castor Ga will proseente attd + o a healthy activity, without irritating or akening them, use Syrup of Figa., Good values OFFERED IN Fan and Winter GOOC14.., ORDERED CL O T HANG' A Specialty.. A Fine Range of Ladies' P a` s � rd' • Millinery Stock complete in all the Leading Lines, J. H ALIS Dashwood. C De au neo ray r, M. G, oil, liquorice powder, sena, etc., and just as nmeron will defend, • • harmless in proper doses. Use it for sick MIDDLESEt beadle -me, sick and sour stomach, cramps, Mr Wm Scalae, who lett Parkhill for biliousness, constipation, bowel complaiut, over, Col., died there last week. Con- Canadian obolero. and impure blood. It mption the cause of death, will regulate the liver, stomach and kid- arlrhill is making an effort to be eon nays. ted by telephone with West McGilliv- and Lieury. THE D0OraR PASSED Him. Parkhill la to hare a town clock, and Gravenhurst, Sept. 18. About a year $100- hes been subscribed by ,the citizens, ago the newenapers contained accounts of expecting that the cattail may grant a the ourioue case of Sara Murray, a railroad like sum. brakeman, of this plane. He was palely. The standard blood purifier, strength zed, as a conquence of au injury received builder and:nerve helper is Hood's Sarsap- arilla. : Insist niton Hood a because Hoods them, some Toronto spceialiets, pronounced Cureg, litho incurable and his ease hopeless, The Mrs James H Laird of Forest, mother of Grand Trunk Railway Company paid ' him James Laird, and Mrs Joe i'aree St Marys, his total disability claim, and the Brother - Jima Mrs Jane McKay, Bluevale, died ou hood of Railway Trainmen was about to Monday of last week at the age of 81 pay a similar claim, when Murray astonish- Years' ed, everybody by a r urn to. health,' It The - town "� council of i arkhill lies, decided wns proven at the time,be and the 'Y ho possibii- Y wprohibtting children under ity of a doubt, Merrily'recovery was due to pass a b -la. 12 years of age, from being on the streets to Dodd's Kidnov Pills. • A few days a o after 9 .p'alock at night unless a000mpauied Murray applied to a life'ineureneeaaompauy by their parents or guardians, to take out a policy on his life. Two phy- To be free from siok Headache,' billows •pro o no 1,41;T:tl ` ave :'._. -_ . „ .._ . nese, constipation, etc., use Carter's Litt]_ Livor Pills. Strictly vegetable, 'alley gently stimulate the liver an free the stomach^from bile. tte company to lesuo a polios, Teat's the kind of work Dodd's kidney pills do. 14finatd s Liniment' is the Beat: ee JOHN $ e* and Proprietors PREE .Ami - • aeon -'--TO THE— Exhibition During the month of September, visitors will be admitted free of charge to see our lovely exhibit of Fall and Winter Goods. The Mats. agement have done all in their power to make this the best Ex- hibition ever given by them, and have studied to please the eye and suit the packet. The World's Fair and Indus. trial Exhibitions are very pleaaintf to the eye, but not so remunerative to the pocket. .But we de both. Our New Dress Goods are lovely and cheap. All Flannels and underclothing were never so sheep before with us, and it will be to your interest to call and examine our entire Stock of Dry -Goode, Groceries, Boots. & Shoea,Etc,, before getting your Fall Goode. Yours, J- P. ROSS, Market Deilot. THE VERY LATEST NEWS. Lord Aberdeen will be asked to open the. Ottawa fair.. A Liberal conventionito nominate a oan didate for the Commons will be held in North Grey soon. Sab Metier Okn, ;vivo president of the Tokio Chamber of Commerce, Japan, is in Ottawa. He is of the opinion that a big Ueda can be worked up ;between Canada end Japan. The Dominion Lino Mesmer Mexico, from Montreal Sept. 3, with a ahipinent of 260 head of cattle, bas arrived at ]Liverpool, end landed all her live stook in good con. clition. ALL MIRACLES DO NOT OCCUR AT - HA MILTON. T-HAMILTON. C. C. RronAxna.& Co. The whole town of Glamis, Ont„ known of a onre, by the application of MJt ARD'S LINIMENT to a partially paralyzed arra, that equal anything that has transpired at Hamilton. It. W. PIAnRIsOa. A MEMBER OP errs ONTArtre Boast) •orr HRALxn MIS ; '1 have presoribed Soott's Emulsion in Consumption, and evon when the digestive powers wore weak it has been followed by good results.' R. P. Yeomans A. B., M. B. HOW TO GET A ['SUNLIGHT PICTURE, Send 25 °'Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and yon will receive by pont a pretty picture, free fromadvertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only coat lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully. GIVES GOOD APPETITE. Gentlemen,- 1 think your vslnable medioine cannot be equalled, because of the benefit I derived from it. After suffering from headache and loss of appetite for nearly three years I tried 13 13. B. with great ouccees. It gave me relief at once, and I now enjoy good health. Mra. Math - hew Sproul, Dtinpannou, Ont. Look at the date on your label this i week. and see that your name is mark - 'III' ed well in advance. moi, No paper is discontinued until alt arrears are fully paid, except at the option of the publisher. The date when the subscription expires is ou the address label of eaoh paper, the ()flangewhich of blob t o a subsequent date be- comes a receipt for remittence.jSubsoribers will please examine their label before and after making a remittance. Dress Goods and Mantles Dress Goods and Mantles Just opened out at � Wel SCJ,. 1 �.QQr71.7 U The largest get Stock of Dress Goods and Mantles ever shown in Hensall. . Every lady is hereby invited to call and Fee them, D. WEISMiLLER, HENSALL