HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-9-14, Page 7crtlArtsMiottOW*
Tan W)JSTE13,11AB(M 0034-
3t,,,sacy, of Teronto; also for the PI:IQ:NIX
1`111,111 t1,101:1ANOE COUPANY, oi,ondoa;
England, Atd IANOle IN81:IRANOB COM_PNYotEngland
FaCut this out
and bring it
with you,
. This Certifica,te entitles
the bearer to a liberal dis-
count on all School Supplies
purchased on or before the
15th of September, 1893,
•THE AIART, Exeter, tTi GRIGG*
Fall StO
FULL and
—AT THE.-----
tz, An immense Stock of
new, choice and stylish
Jackets far Woxnen and Olin,
dam. Yes, the most com-
plete Steck of Jaokets that
we have ever shown, and at
such price that you will
wonder how we do it and
live, but wo are the Leaders,
rexnember. No "louse in
town can tom.li us in Mau -
ties this seaon. Como 0..nd
judge our advertising verasi-
ty first, than by Our sto
and then by the valuo.t.
will cheerfully lottt-e Axe
judg.ship with you, :on.
J. A. STE ,.RT.
Notice to TimeS1 neadzrs.
The publishers wine./ ca'eem .4i.crir
gaiters watthr,when t1a .7=rehays, t
tention that they saw tla t..tre itlear-
isement in Tun „rnitiL
• rtrev itt es.
This la enumeration week hi the Exeter
poet office• .
The Oaveu church will be re opened
early in October. •
Flex will average about a ton and a half
to the acre this season.
. Mr. T Prier shipped. on Wednesday, a
car load of hogs to Toronto.
The Exeter pecking house paid $6 per
cad live weight for hogs tide week.
Tho School Board advertise in another
eottunn for a teacher with.. a Second, cities
Fresh pork, and pork sausage at the
Pecking house, Friday and Saturday of
this week.
L, MeTaggart, ot gxeter North tha.
week thrashed acre of peas from which
he had a yield of 25 bushels.
A son of Mr Cleo Motz of Crediton
his arm broken while working or? a ferin lu
McGillivray on Wednesday.
Mr. John McCurdy of Osborne has sold
his term, the „old Stinson estate, ,to IVIr.
Samuel Bentley, of Sunehine, for 116,000.
The Grentou Fair takes place Wednes-
day and 'Thursday, September 27 and
2S inetead of'25th and 26t1.4as first aim enn-
"..ledr. D. Weismilter of ffensall, was in
town on !Monday selling hie grain etote
houses et leippen to a gentlemau from
.An order in council extends the close
Season for base ,from May 10th to Jnne
30th. Hitherto the dates were April 15th
to June 15th,
The boxing school on Andrew- street is
largely attended nightly. The lad's do
eorne hard slugging judging Irma the noise
they create.
Mi' Louis Denotny and Miss Rachael
Confine, were married at Lakeview R. C.
church on Tuesday and took the train
here for London Game evening.
TEAonen Wpitsen.-For the Exeter
P. School, Lowest Form, Second class
certificate* .Applieations received up to
Sept. 18th, 1803. Joule Gina, Secy.
Mr 11 Dayis,, butcher, this week killed
a two montioe old calf, fattened by A.
Wood of Tuckersmith, which weighed
235 lbs, It was a monater for the age.
Mr. Chas Fritz of Deshwood was a sue-
ceeeful -competitor le the Scottish games
at Lueknow last week. Ile ranked with
the professionals aed won many prizes,
The Toting ULM England, who 'Ana in.
jured In a clay pit at Creditor), as recorded
in last week's Tins is doing nicely; he
was not as badly inktrtal as nut suppus
The Ifain -b, Epworth Leegue will ee-
Iiihit en "Art Glittery" with a rausitral
programme 10 conneetton in the Lecture
relen of the ehurcit on the eve of ept.
New vetoes the weather in whieh
w In. men tek, a his "smarten' hu1iJys-
u he eau walk abroad it4the
railer neither aunstroke, sunburn nor
he Bolder Produce Co. have ha.:1 placed
upon their neor buibring a handsome wire
Eno, whir+ adds grolrly to the appearance
ot the building. It reeds : Dobler
lies Co.,- ie la; ye it:We:e-
rred r, .yr W llomps Al of
.elte1ra ruid 'root a
',att.., v. idol h Lot it he eupboii.• 1, and
lett foe tit time y 7..esietance of a dreier
wort' ti I. v 1. fl. ie retie eta iag
"levans," don't fa get the datas cf our
r 1 :"illivery Opening, 1:41y and
'etc do.:! illst and2end. We e
y ltaait come am:,
w f.l et -1.. E. J. SP.v.irmaN
o. floy 'avid A ",',*(vrf.irtn..
ri" oi plearte.
• ',are rasa, tee „letttottiai, ..p.,artic
.tzutaran ease pureheee 1 cm, Lai:1,h
.1 the r' 4t beautiful paraon it
titur;„11a Ilforeuee.
the lightning tooth cx
;'•1 sti tins week, but this
;at ex+ ally veil!. %oil, the
t stoe m Inn am -Ow
prtti. ' t-,1 1.y pors'nrs who•
me • to hero.) ! te Zapnl
t., t0 1
drs wip.t aat --onto of the Neat.
. et,cx tether:el Ce •370tive1 Aso
ttion1 ""ir riay•,.,t, lots met for three
-ere end it i h h thee, the °dicers, who
eF.1,1e prieeiptdil leteeen.were bestirring
Mr Thos. Snapion has purehased t`re
eivilef Arm in tles 3r1 eon. Stephen, from
ir. Renlie of Oshawa, paying therefor
t tee'. The farm le a corner lot, and a
c me, and has been werkel for the
ti,c-r years hir Mr. ,John Hicks. Mr.
on the lookout fur another
t,t‘vn has been 1N7 other..
tiriot, fakes of various kinds lately and
sti.1 silccy eoaaa 3,.Tthetereling ,the
1r' -mea of the solicitinz
the maty cpc.-k in the many useless
sal:floes ,voind to "a long way in advertis-
ing f to r -"re eXrective, viz : newsps,per
t'sing, ;Toe these fakirs the shako oNtal
(11.xgfttr,:. 714111-
VIDRSDAY. el".'1111. 1 •
taitAL •:. - •
net Fon Salo.
by Public: Auction
35th tit 1.3G p. m•
Pavavi families
stirpits stick or raw
,Eiiela to realize sp..t .!
ee Auctioneer at
no charge. Chani
Sora- :more c
Tito. Nlassey.iIi.r ;T.
•,'G. G e nese,.
Tueetley, at Osgoo 01 anado
defmrlants in suit, filo!' 1..y • ,-esT•s.,q.....,;c•rr,
Titus& Bradford, far
datee.eee. Claim is merle - 'lei behalf of th,
• • Ivie...•ear Ilenufectur; t'c.iiny of
Ont , matinfaee,re ;..rieeltural
- merits. U'heidaneas• s. eet tut in the
ase for wroeg',.1y, unlawfelly sent
mall -teen .ly cansed.1: rojrtre the
- • tiffs, and inducing. is ."..nt af Wood, Vale
ante Clo. of Ha en1 tho Nave
• Sentio, Steel and For. : C.411p,rtiy (Ji!
Wasgerr'N. S., and iors io sell od
assig4 to the Ma' srris Comp,
certain pombtsory aecturr4, ed
• taking twocredings f,),e the
11 yort o advertising at elh-Ex.
nttetioe of the Directors of the 1.1ay
Fite frieurailee Ce. was held in Orediton
no Saturday when large amount of lois.
i. +I its trot:am:to& Over 19..1 ilea' ap-
p,L,otinu, fJrr losurance ftin.1
paned ; mei the uight rrwrilag late the
_ -
I./routine was a,1joorceil ta be hald. ab
moh tia4 NV,r-"kt wls..e the rows ilder 1
e very largo g la will bo put; thrior.sh
• mill. Tina was the largest day's
rk. on reeorti
of hayrar. the planror ,t m
tion to lessen the c of tiro i • ih
car Convany wit
▪ Tito (and )kind
Js. Carmichael of Farquhar, a word of
the township of I./shortie died at T7 tis
Brimacornbe's last Smirle.jr at the age of
• 90 years. His remains were interred In S.
the Thames Road cemetery on Monday. DI>
A vers'v':c ctorin r5ge1 iss this local.
on Wetineedi.y evening and Thursday
• i?;„ The lightnir,. :And thunder
wore th szs*o-oat expelivticod this see.00n,
and consichi-abln darna4e was Joao throinth
r 'It the con,t7y. A "[v.v.) tolost4ingto VT.
, Morn:Jon near Chisel', urst ..as strne13.
'abr.:ski:1y morning arid berucd to the
wound fetes -Ler with sevezei :loreco, a
number of implements and considerable
on. Several men were in the barn at
o time, but could do nothing to says
The country seems to be swarming with
mps who are doing more or lees stealing
10 farm houses and stores, and it would
a sale plan to keen a elm° watch on
171 Oil every occasion. • The other night
,Tolin Haire store at 1.)ashwood was
ker. 1,,to by somebody unknown, and
o snits of clothes and a quantity of
reIry staletx. Entrance was effected by
ing the front door open with tools
as from no.11'sworkstop io that village.
Olt; end windows should, be properly ea: -
ed at night, and if you have a dog.Tut
n small allowance to got ininf
pn': training for those unwelcome
4oat value in , ,f ackets and Man-
e tie o Big leak rope • S to re -an
moise seock. ''
ir. John Thompson, Ifremier of this
'minion speak atChriton on Sept,
The Coat t of app : 4 '; was,
London kat week was .u.,,tro- 1 in the ,,'=4:1
of JohnJ)liel, barn:1, 11173
of Stephen. Tne tarbirira'.,-; were John
MeKr.wie, Sarnia ; Gorier:oh,
alai Simon McLeod, Prrill .1.. ex-wer1U-46
of Mialoeux cous,tv. Phe counsellors
were R Collins, .f.l-crrkter, Exeter, ami
.1 1 Ltr.lor, Q. 0, Strtura, John PalZiel
claims compensation for ton acres of land th
that la.P77 firms the channel of the Elver oto
Aux San We since that st,rt.....nr has been
diverted from its natural cony •).: by means , %re
of dredging and tot toid bee 1,,ke Huron fro
utt Grand Bella. at Port Frank be
' the originalmorCh of 1111 12 miles the
below. The Stuble usrd to run parallel Ali
• with the lake ior.tevelveit11:1. El before em• o
ptyino• into it, and by /lir ohmage 14,000 tw
• acres of 811/1171.171 Int d 1.. :iir,ohen, -11TeGil-- jou
Iivray, and Ilosenqm t to" usitips can be pry
. The e".110./.M.) Wag taken at tat
• Grand Bend some time ago, and was sub- Dc
not ed to the orbit! uto-s uu paper. Both ens
• counsels were heard, and the arbitrators Iii
enlarged time for rneking"their award to pro
/one month. WIo
Cant do better than. deal at tho' Big 26,
Bankrupt Store this fall. •s mg
after -11001i ; anoStrutford same even-
Giggling In Church,
In a certain church in town some of the
choir girls are continually giggling It is
very annoying to the ciongregation, besides
apparently idiotic, on the part of the stifle.
A. minister once disturbed by giggling
people, paused and said ;-"Sorne yeare
since when preaching, a young mao who
sat before me was constantly laughing and
making uncouth grimaces. 1 pau.sed and
administered a severe rebuke. After the
close of the service a gentleman said to
me : -"Sir you made a great mistake;
that yoong man is an idiot." Siuckthen I
have always been afraid to rep ove those
who misbehave themselves in chapel lest
I should repeat that mistake and:prove an-
other idiot." See the point.
Mr, John Grigg has been appointed on-
geniet in the Trivitt Memorial church,
vice Mr, Fred'k Knight, resigned. -Dr,
Fee, of Colorado, and • the leliesiels Fee of
Zurich visited friends in Low a last week,
-Mr. Chas. Knight of St. T.Itornae spent
the past week with friends in town. --
Prof. Shrieves of Windsor held forth iu
Exeter the past few dart', eating his Med-
ieines.-Miss. Bella McCelluin has gone to
Vasil echool in Merietelea.-Mr John
Hyland of Otihawn, was in teem this week;
he is spending a few -weeks with Mr.John
Dinney of Egmentiville, fii%d. Mr. Dinney
of Crediton.- Ethel Farmer ISfb yes..
terilay for London in, attend the Sacred
Heart Sellool.-ThogirorIcTs Fair visitors
have returned home, and another party
will likely leitye this Week on the excur-
sion. -Mr. Higginboitom, Freight Auditor
G. T. R., was in WW1,1 7 on INIonday,, on
business in connection with the railway
-Mr Thoa Clarke:and son of Hampton,
who have been visiting at Mr. Clarke's
fatb's Afr Thos Clarke of this Once,
have returned borne --Mre L. Thorne hati
returned to town after having spent few
days in Toronto. lithe • will holy° for
Chicago to -day, where joined be he hus-
band, will leaye for their home in Los
Angeleo.-Mrs w. o',Nrennin, (?'eve:
land, Ohio, is visiting at Mr.. It.ehard
Mautiing'S -Mrs George Kula'. .-flicterron
spent the past week in town - EtAtE48,
Jes. Waltere, T W. Elawitentew, L. H.
D:cheon of Exeter. and J. E,
and 3. ktacarthur of Henson, among
others leave on Ftiday for the World's
Feir.-Mr C. McCallum, Mr, Geo. Flatter
any others ars atteurbng the Tonenre Fair
this week. The attendance is not as lame
as usual owing to so many "talrieg in" the
World's Pair. -Mrs Munroe. (uee bliss M,
Tolland) left on Tuesday for Lethbridge,
Allarrta, to join her huseand, who has sn-
eered a school there. -Mrs Pageie vietting
her aster at Os ho wit. -Mr John D. veer?,
cif Scafo.th was in town last week. -Mr.
.Tohn Puke and wife, vrbo have spent tho
peq few weeks among friends here, return-
ed t ) their home le Clic go this
week. -141r John Taylor left on Pt iday for
Chicago to Hee his old friend Dr Sweet, who
is au present nadergoing the peeteur
treatment for hydroehabia. in that city,
partloularsi of which were tuentioued lest
'week.-Aliee Carly is visiting Muncie in
ockville the t away left on Moix
day fpr Winnipeg to see Ler father, Prone -
fee tlreertway, afro is 0:eke:evens') ill with
inliamtnation of tide bowels. Miss (trent.
wav hoes spent the eust year wishing f Lien rl a
la Ontario, -Mr Frank Tom will leave for
London shortly to study reedioine.- Mr.
Duncan MotlalTurn hes roturne.1 from Man:
Robe and wid tesume his meateal studies
-.Vrs P J Etterett, returned. to her home
in Braettord yeeteeday, after opcnding a
11 asant visit etnong friends 1,,,ro.
Vt"..1.. Hooper dati thuglii:er Lorraine who
Iron chit trient's in London,
t i1u on and Detroit for the past
w”nth, returred humon Monday.. --Mr.
Whi:e of Itodgerville is lying luny
id at his reqtlecoc.-A la.go number of
citizens go to Mitt:hell t.) day to hoar Hon.
Laurier. Dr, H Kinsman rode to
Ci,txtbatn on aL Led tins week.
Buy your new Dee is, Jecket nal flat
1 at the Big Ilankrtia it Store, there's
here you aub the value.
Juhii Dunn, while playing footbell at
nthesda school on Wt.:Line:3day bleb, had
1:is collar bone broken by being thrown
to the ground.
Fred. Vanstente Sea.forth, was
struck in the face by n. bit of lewd out
of a turning lathe tho oilier clay, and
had agiseh two inches long cut over his
right eye.
Miss Horne it ill hold her fall milike
try opening on ,tarday,
SkTr. 24.hal. nod, :13r1. She has just
opened a lino now awe!. cf Ore latest
and wlli ohort, it 0; r..rs4srtro5lit.
Monday night, and 01.'the
ex -
pr's car end sf tat) bo1 he
rolibr,re stopped roc .t r.t _arts of a
Shore train 141 miles
5i .)iflg
rutl:ghb. Th .4 got
engineer, blew open thY. '0 51)0 ex -
Twenty 11.1) a Lak,%
Millinery (lc:1ring at 1. Bank-
rilpi• Store on Frida.y egz-
10. y Friday eircuinv.
Poltlic tiebooI Coard irtriacret..
Seer. Oth, Board nr,,t in the Town
Trail at 8 p. m. Absent ‘C. Treble. -
Mientee of reeelous meeting read and eon:
firemd. The following rtsointions were
then duly carried: -Por T. biton and E.
'Inward, that The Walper ul.mt :ur non-
rosident fe.eo 6verdue be re".,cred to tic)
chirman v.ih power from 1 Le lloard to
clrout 0 rettlement.-Pr Dr, Lat.,: ant/ E.
Howani, that the Repairs Cdtronh:ce re-
port to accepted and the race:here dm-
oltarged. -Pe RESOIU i r, act eetance ol the
a'neaeft dorm4at4in's report -"No Com-
mittee by 11... Counoil'!..- Pr T. Fitton
and W. D. 7,"ecitss, that tac eti.drman
procure ten coals of wood f e snirjjate
uee. -Pr E Hoard and '1'. Litton, that
the new Dopartinent to lo Grinnell be
rendy for oecupation J111. Lit 1$311, -Pr
Weeltes rind Dr: Lutz, that the
South Section of the present School Hell
he repaired in accordanee with the foregoa•
ing resolution --Pr T. Vitton and Dr.
Dili; that W. D. • 1;14:el:a? and E Howard
be a committee to mane required alterat-
i0US, to obtain necessary furnishings, and
that they be required to base tho room
complete not later than Doc, 13 1813, alro
tliter the ohairtnan and Prita,dpal be an
advisory cornmittee.,-Pr Dr, tint; that
"tiro following accounts be paid: S. tPttos,en,
cleahmg chimneys 61,50, W. Davidson
outbuilding 830.42, Sectetary, Maps and
Slating 824=.05.--I'r gr. Lutz and W. D:
'Metres, that a local be inserted in the
Times and Advocate advertising for a
teaci,e;,thrd clast,application to be received
nob later than Sept. 18, 1893. -Tr T.
Fitton arid 11. Howard, that the general
egreemeot be wepared for 180t forthwith
and that the teechees desiring re eugage-
mert be requested to sign not later than
Sept, 18th at (1 o'clocIr p. m. -Pr
111 intrtfre Liniment aures Colds, etc.
Fitton and E. -Howard, that the following
be the ealaries paid for 1894: -Depart -
remit No 1 (Principal's) 11600, Dept. 2
(Miss VosneT) $330, and pr T. Fitton and
hl. Howard that the salaries of the remain-
ing Departments be the same aa fat /893,
and Dept. No 7 (to be opeued) to be $275
Pr T. Fitton and 13. Howard that the
caretaker's application be made not later
than Sept 18. Pr resolution that the
general ugreement for 1804 eon tititi a pro-
viso that ell (tepee. toaente sball be subject
taken at bed time.
titan an occasional close of li.yer's Pills
t ei.lio
proviso. -Pr W D. Weekes, Adjournment.
J. Osnoo, See'y,
to any change in grading that may be
deemed advisable by the 13,0a,rd 4iitinite
• menoperationshall be only , end thcitithe tec.lepted s.cherli ubject tsaid
that the stomach limas strengthening.
Por this purpose, there is nothing better
To rise in the morning with a bad taste
in the mouth and no appetite, indicates
Sale Register.
Tuesday, Sept 12th.-- Farm, Farm
Stook, IniplementA, etc., the property of
Christopher Wirert, lot 26, S 13, Hay, 1
miles west of Dashweod. Sale at 1, o'clock.
4d. Bossenheriv, Aue.
Saturday, Sept N. -Household Furni-
ture in the sill sire of Oroditon,the propei ty
of Airs Mary Link. Sale at 1 o'clock'
Terme Clash. Rd. Bossenberry, AIM.
Saturday, Sept 30, -Mortgage Sale of
house and lots in the villaae of Crediton,
by Henry Either, Atm.
Fall Vaire.,
1 Western at London, Sot, 24-21.
North Perth et Stratford, Sept. 5e19.
paeshard at Kiricton, Om. 8-6
venter ,luren at ()Baton, best 28-27.
• Toront Industrial, Sept. lie
M4011011 lit Mitehep, Sept 86-27,
great Northwestern at lioderieb, 0 ept, 20.22.
Sou h."Vikr°"e'02
57lix n at1otr,Sep ;24-25.
at .00talon, &apt, 27 28
SO nth I? vela, ,at St.Marys, 0 e t . tel.
KESTLE-In Stephen, on Sept. 12, the wife of
Nelson Nestle, &daughter.
DroPHERSON-In Exeter, en the 7th inst.,the
wife ef air. Alex .1)/eleherson, a daughter.
PERKINS ..In Vsberne, on the 28th ult„ the
wife of Win. Perkins, of a daughter.
HEYWOOD-In Exeter, on the 27tlx Ult., the
wife of Caleb Ileeiveod of aeon
FOREMAN...In Granton, 04 the 4th inst., the
wifeof John Foremen olean,
ctranton, on the 6th inst., the
wife of 8, Loxia of a SOIL
BELDEN-.TAPE;ON-A t Jiiebview, Clinton,
011 the uth inst . ly the ltev. A. Stewart, as..
stated Irc Ittaltrins. of Seaforth,
Dr. G. P. Voidon, Senforth, to Angio
third daughter of Mr. Thee Aram's;
t. 1 1, eele.- At London. (in
the eth lose, hlr lt 7. J. A. Murray. All.
•T, 1 . curb „ to .,:re.Anefellt.lholreon
both of Clioree.
DENNIS-BUY-At the mane°. Clinton on
the rah mete be Ler. Stewart, Mr. Alfred
Delude, to Alia DIA.') Buy, both ,,of Clinton.
New ...1.dveitiSems,
Not Easilr Beat .rtt -3,1. Clarke.
Owen Eleetrie Belt.
New fi OD IS.-R.PioTtard ,b; Son.
Perin for S5le.-.1An ornish,
Inortzsizetiale.-1:11.1,or 41 1311105.
4kuotion Sale, sm.
vree p. tzlathition-.T. P. Ro s.
Girard Openinc..-B.4.Pont & Co.
on the 2na of$;'t. Mr. Thos.Cornish sailed
for I
ivilln:Pegtlbarele' eail,`I
any eno during his ionenee.
Excitor, Sept 15e1. Tiros, Comtism
The un,*ersigeeit nirers Ins two farms for
sate, w,Inprisi,...g 1413, 7111 concession of 13s-
boroo, end ler Lrl1.14. +Ph concession, in the
fore-tne,,tioneflioN',D.eontaining ono hues
tired neve erica. Bo Ferule are in good 'State
of cuitivation.with geld buildings and pro-
diictive mei:1M,o aol eever-failing wells, ad-
jacent to eliarenes a d unmet house. For fur-
ther partiettiars :weer tit
ShThomas, Ont,
T A. TONES, M. D., Cl. INT., F.
0.; 51, 5.. P. S. 0.
Physician, Surceen and Accoueheur.
Centralia, - Ontario.
°ITV.% - 1CA1 - STATION.
• ee
''lat I
',ult. *Oa 141 0
Zave oy)e.3.11a.d. up an
linmeslf3(", lot or :1Sfew
cos f.'62 P .F.di and •
-2; ntop, imported di-
Europo by
44...$ F.",qa .- • .
711. loost I:ashionable
('ors and 1.1alos, and • at
Xmices otitcr dealers
i..Amnot ••niect, Oozne • and
sc:t thin.
'Prr ""tie-Pf
\Yo are si.fc in saying that
this season. V/3 sii1 81.1017 a
very much 1,,i,..;er au& better
a.dsorved StJA of MadifdeS
Ulm the combined Stocks of
all our Competitors, and as
we pay Cash for all on
Gr'oods, and impoet them
i'eat i'rom anlifactitrers
are selling th.ein 25 per eel 0.
cheaper than eur neighbon-:.
We invite on. to inspect our
Now Goods in every . De-
R, Pickard & Son'
rfsr aatiafrieteri reasons,the undersigned lute
decided to offer for elite Joie premises and Oen-
erai meek, consist* of Dry Goods, Gents'
Purelthinge, Grootirier,BOOttierld $130elit WO"
papere, Eta , hies, Stook in tirst-eless condi-
tion, being won kalif and asmxted. The open.-
ipg 3.8 an excellent chance:ler
mak and pieueses can be ineueeteed be buyers.
who reeve business, l'he butss is well es-
tablished and meetly ()ash. Move einekle-
nss '150 %veil to communicete at
eereen wishiug to take hole pale
the offer will remain open another vigor
Mortgage Sale
Under and by virtue of a power of Sale con -
tined hi a certain !Mortgage, which will be
produced at the time of- Safe. there wni.
offered for sale by !Public, Auction. Buhl eat to
a. reserve bid. by Hairy Either, A uotioueer,
the 'Village of (irediton, township of Stephen,
County of Enron, on
0th 1003'
At one o'clock o. m
At Hotel, 17,
In the said Village of Creditop, the following
valuable Property: Being composed of village
lots numbers 2 and 8, Bush server, of a Part of
lot number 11, in the 5th ConcesAon of the
Township of Stephen. in the Countr of Martin,
as shown on A Map, or Plan, of pare of said i's
number Ilan:vie by 1), 8. Campbell, P. L, 8.,
dated J3th 8eptembPr. A .u.047de end registered
In the Regis tery ())lice of film- geed County of
Huron. •
On ehe :Owe property 'there is situated a
good, large, fume Ilcuise.Stebles Etc
PLUS C0.81i,
HENRY EILIallte: /1. IT. COLLE.s-S,
Auetioneer. Vuuduis ;,edscitur.
Exeter Aue.24, Viet,
--- ---
The undereitreed will give free the beer busi-
nese elm in Exeter to 005' relethie
person wishiee to inert rr fires-e.aes general
at8rfeether particulars Medi?, per:seri-
ally hy letter to
Leox4 MeT),1711 ay?. 0
Had to repeat a line of e
Dress Goods advertised last
week 40e 'worth 25o; ' Rrice
now reduced to 22,1e. '
Grey All -wool Flannel, 140 ;
Grey Union do 80;
Yard -wide Ginghams, 1,00.
1 -
In this line we have or-
dered. too heavily. Never
before was such f14 Stock
shown in town, and in order
to clear,will sell at cost prices
Ready-made Suits and
Overooats,Ready-made Man-
tles, finest ever offered, at
prices that will asto:Ash.
Suits for Mtn, $3.50 & $5 ;
Overcoats for Men, $3.50,
and CO,
ppwite Bl'avirshaw's Rotel.
a'E Forest City
Of London, and be prepared to do
Catalogue Free.
E " siege
4 a - - • •4,
131.1F.:13 as the world does it.
J. "77. WEr.Y.MIIVELT,
TO Wir 111
9Zs it'
a. J1.
1;41,, 204.;
t.2. 47'.{
ill 55
^ ,, . ..
5 por ....,...-...
.... sli
..... 1'17 rn ao
oot a • . .„ '••.i 7 i•e
4-.4 0,t 8 12.3
5501 055')',......................... „.... '1
lair, b , . . ...
. --
'nrira AN), RI:21170Yr.-- ATTS.
711)1 has lieen used efts,
by 4.111)11: Children.
encec:.,s. 15 soothes
P;,,t1.41,11:11blys the pain,
t eee tile
Si 5s 50,5 tl,e best remedy for
e slime!. Is pieesset te the taste. Sold by
ei.eists in evert- e tr, of the world. ,So ceote
eeee. lis value is iecalculable, Be 80r5
;we far ri a w's Soothing Serer+
d take noieher
lelmard's Liunnent enree Diphtheria:
1--z4lesmen, ts s,55.; 0)15' -
soy stock., Miry 1 sjrieties 10 r,fetr
both in fruits 1,,n,111..1.de5Is) 2,, and 0)155021 51
Ix by as. 'see ,valtli5,0 or AitlarSt.
RL exclusive tort I pay. weekli,,
Write us at geese ft,,d ,aro choioe ci5 torrit-
01-7 lkiKr Nurserymen,
idtesrcr, N'. 2.
Will be hotel 7.atich
. 00 511,,,s,lscu5 I',ursday (WCII
qllet. St 5 io;54-5.1.4 hotel
e eery N outlay.