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The Exeter Times, 1893-9-14, Page 5
ai T 9 1 -or ' s"eaca+fel p ,e.tt-• ° 'Gr*s;rs Iloail's 'ger r ase ar'ilie . wa, are pleased to present this from. Rev. A. A. Williams, of the Sillsbec street Christian. Church, Lynn, Mass. '+I see no mean why , e lergyxnr.n, morethan a layman, who knows t hereof ho epenks, ahead(' hesitate to approve ,n rtich. •j, r crit r, 17 rout telt e b ho •ca his family hero 1 r to '1 t en, uta st. and 'CADS() cttiinnenda- i e r leen, Seme e t z c att-nd those beluga's to (thus us 3 ineustattgu ;r e,ariiden(.e, lttyy wife 'has for many years t ]k , ynfferer gold severe i'ttC.e>i@f".1F" x i Ociolache for which she feint 'z -ties help, She has tried many things that 1 r ani t ;l tell but jrle.. formed little. Last fall, a friend hate her a bot- tle of flood's Sarsaparilla. it seems surpris- fien whit ,imply one 1 erste could and did do far her. Tho attaelcsos,cl.e<le(re:eie4hr xnintber 'anal we e4 'lees violent• in their t't'u shy, while her general nc ral he ,alth ha, been im- proved. Her appetite ha', taco been better. From. our experlene e with &ood's SagoaparMa I have no hesitation in endorsing ivr razc•r•itn.» A.. A. ZS'/1.111 x9 HOOD'S Ptt.i s .rr• the best family c ehertio, gentle and effective. T.. y a Lox. Prlec:;5o A DISCOVER -Y..' A.1¢ESiDNNT Or: GLENGARTY Ayr:, w NDson, TY+;,LS AN 111POIt2A iT 11KIEN.I2No19, (Front the Windsor Record.) What more laudable el -feet than a Arae tictxble plan, for the reet':iration anti build, lug Op of a nation's health. The dxeeo, crer of a valuable"trtsttieleal isse+nt for certain isolated diseasi'd eonditione ie not pearly to great a benefactor of the twee as he who isitumphantly brings fcrwax.l anew and pee cure for dieeases of the digest xvo ses nem that may be said to be unit meal In this country. • :A Aesident of Gler arsyAve., this o:ty, iet'r. Ge,shun A. Miele, who fills au im Lee:rtant i'Osition with ono of the largest tht.le.axle dry -goods firma of Detroit, bad been afflicted with indigestion and slug- t;'•shee s of the livbr for a long time. He bad aougl,t every available means of rem• edging the evil, The bWiens headachoa hum which he suffered were a(i t., ut€ming as only there who suffer fr m I t e troubles ern nod eistar t]- iiatin; loaened of the complete cure of Mr. Jeffers through the 'use of a recently di::cove:ed prepaiatiou, Eeeljay'a I.' -'ver Boer:urp:es, a reporter nedFertook to ins' sti.g- ate n 's;ti.g-ate the matter for the benefit of any rreder i elle, may he afflicted with those veru cont- emn complaints, The•fncts were elicited shit 0,v through Air, W, i1 'lowland, of tea East Ind Drug Stare, who will beer u (t.ut in the particulars of the case, 4'•, jells re declared himself to feel like anew uta'r, '1 cannot.' a!tid ) e 'speak too highly of the. benefits I have 0 rived trent the use of Eeeljay's Liver Loo t+ es,' ,And this, said Mr..Rowlaud, is only se0° ogee of many. The value of these le eon. gee, for liver and atomaoh troubles in b••enn demonstrated among oar custom's daily. They ate a palitable remedy and 1 a heLe,ve affect the digestive organs se their 1 rnanufaetur re claim, by tatting up the �' system at the same) time es they fayor its het;lthy, ratnr(zl section. They 4 ffaetually (Jeer rue of Lilhoutnese w-thout the reset - lonely effects of the old•iinee an is tic oath Trines, I;aeljey's Liver Ixoi;euf etc contain no Rf�a. a C s h x BRANT u3 ICYCLE HAVE A STANDARD NAL,U THEY ARE BUiLT TO SELL AT THE PRICES OFFERED MANUFACTURED DY The Goold Bicycle Coma. Brantford, Ont. DEPOT: 113 YONOE $T., TORONTO PERR.IN & MARTIN. l: anRon's B lock Not only g.reldef'at a stare fe.r ail kinds c� HEAD PAiNS, SICK STOIVIAOH AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. „Contain. no Lustful drugs. A wonderful Compound.. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. Be sure you got STARK'S. PREPARED EY R. ST :A, k', 2.00. P., 011StaieT vs GLASGOW UNIVcnSlTv, SCOTLAND, FOR THE 13. 2,MF„K PliEMCINE 03. 25 Pt , az 2 C :' g,al l.y :111 Druggists dei .�>r, .. g _ c ev eoJoueu 1Ht it lee, et ,4± This wonderful tli rov;i,y is the benl.nownrrmedyfor ,Biliousness and all Stomach and Li i Troubles, such as Constipation, T -sada-he Dyspee,' i , I eciigestien; Impure Blood,. eta, ' 'These Lo;-nt ea are pleasant. t] anharmless, vita thr,u ( pmterfir• to promote a' heaithy'actioo of the b.t , do net ;.oaken like pills. ITS y©eue tonpze. ;leel yew, aaeettitthe^ns, ru7 lel 'petal leis a Yentss.have lieaided ,lion 5,- 0,00,1)00 tssita es the ,Qfl0,1)00tomoesthe hes o1ltlpp1,t,xn. 'Stead t.t'2,5U0,G')if; As -(-1 a t• d.:• Bradstreet's r per s .il) .bl' !,tu;ta r:771ares in Canada the past week, iiseri pat the ctozr•eeponuinis weals !rust t.,1tr axed 47 la 1601. Commis inner .l,'1ene is J,4 I 7 of . ,aolc, e lye �v. S., who, with a pti aa: f iii t lls, :WAS bound ' for the 'fie e ;°r.(1 3 :1+ e 'on is S1 1pre flyer, evalleed Oil the car Lil_� Gn'1sop, .x:i.enr I'htle, Pa., Peed ; ' n., nllr;3.. Sv c t "leveltazx? ,;itatrterinan eat the r, , C< d ,eerie • v tt+Z-anile track Isley eIc ; a( e;ir,l. to ;s,9 2- s saes. l"to 'Tion tIL x'.Iity .'u ;cin, ,1:,11 •mile ori; n,'” o tiGatea z.iAiw at .xU-mile lap 'recast,. 'li 6 • nisi Stat, l: r.. (` t,l In eanll. r .•7 •1 l mere'ury or eel imtl, or ether mineral r c sot e, but era a izarwless vegetable corn pouted. Tei v ma flair to become a general x:c•us' u3x1:+cdaity end are more reason.. idle to pr.e•e than many o her preparations Lie Bate r a meat .to compare aath tti xn, thee are cold at eiio. a bax at all tt n,l tierce A redta,+r• e+-rrae of tr:atinent for tee vier, t toms of cls spcpsru, indigestion, ba osie er etipation,impure blend.Timpl,s Tao,, cx.lt iuvA'Ivee the use of a few boxes. If your tcuguei is coated it indieatea that yon require them and you r•houid get a box at once. liemembcr to atilt for' ae]jay's Lifer Ltzengece." ; The Brendon election contest took pace 11'riday, and Was one of the most biter eouter<ts in the history of Manitoba polrt es P. ender Greentray has succeeded in defeat. ing the leader of the Opposition, ,11r. W. • A. Macdonald. The majority of the Gorernmcnt candidate, 1t1r, Adams, is '28. 1 Rribely was preetised by the Government 1 on the wholesale reale, and every means, no matter how disreputable, waa used to ! defeat 11r, Macdonald. looney was no object, and flowed like water. 1. The final returns of the Dominion re- f venue and, expenditure for the pest fiscal year, ending Juno 30, shote revenue 438,- 131,,01, and current oxpenditurenominally $;5,745,1'22, giving au apparent surplus of i1,3S6,570. The figures for expenditures, however, taken iutolieoeuut only a par t of the year's outlay en capital Account for public works and zailway subsidies , leaving a couple of million dollars over, so that notwithstaneling the nominal surpine, the net publio debt increased S548 536 daring the year; row standing at e211,670,(Q72, A BENEFICENT DISCOVERY.' THE NOBLEST A0 IIEvEr41ENT OF SCIENCE. The iron horse, with its tireless streugth its pulses of vapour and its heart of flame, is a glorious exponent of the creative cap- acity of the human mind and the metallic nerves through ahieuz intelligence conrecs over a continent preys by every flash of thcugkt which 'rest •res them that man possesses one attril a:e essentially grao.l, alto newer to ann, lite space and time. But vast and irnp ,ant as- have been the results of nra]tsn, }Gam and lightning the common sealer i 1_.1 •measonger t f the world, the di.�•.',nv by • wbiob. we le or impure bltoc can ' vitalized- or le. .t:d to new vigour ane , ,:fry by means of in- ternal an(t extern :,zedies xs of infinite Table. 1110 rrsnt., x of vegetable chemise. try t.-, developed al applied by Thomas , Holloway have pr a equal to this mighty i task. 13is famous . nediies impact to the /Steam of life a d;r ,:zing principle which ha ti 1 the ry: tar i from all impure and poisonous elemen• :he powers of chem - I7 atx•1 are almost Te; c n i(1 calculation, and ea he. bee br•.ugle t :i to bear upon ell the v,asietics ofi , in these invaluable ' vepeteiblo coanpor,!. liaown as Holloway's Pell, end Ointment, hey have compassed their highest and ,-,licit object. • Steam; as the t t reciter, -is a subsid- iary t g£ at. Ito to ', ss consists, main- ly, n conveying a riztisaifai benefits with speed and ee tt 1: to the fields in which they ars to op refs• ? is Simply the hearer e' ssafi,;,T, +o' their originator. 0f all. tho- freight ....eix it carries over laud old seat., their is . eer'tu}'e none so Precious as Rol' • eau's reinslea. It is soarceli a hflare -:i eneedb to e•44* that wlritheteoever it:' conveys thein 4t hies "with healing on its wi'; ;.,,i• ,. 'Under the i:(fl:I of the Ointment; the skin, (oivever Ter f, rsd by • eruptious,,. Or exereeceneei, 11 ,one.iS tt tabula rasa; pure, spotless, and tetu:1pnrent: and. this erasnro, of -Liens t not `• aocomplishcd by d-ivi'ng bice, ,.a setas alto the vital re.? does( S i.f- the by ,.t t i' by neutralizing the morbid anal (, t y,.'t feeds rt. The Fills tali, 713ss t internal flel,3., and tine organs •i° mete 'Lem u;ao;) the sanitary p „ii e -hey destroy .11',, ant i,i. particles �,..:,1 ilaeir oh(IYi:t;: 1 ecri n, asnifn (tali teutra on Fte:itt; end e:, ,i� time imps. , ri 12711[ and cull ii i action to the seerelive end ::.ort eeshin _errs. ' Tho sae Trp e' .meats, thou p{t. rruogo Of 1 t a ,proval Ll '1}; trlilsaiisu nz.tt. . ,. 'hrale at p,, ii nI171U..ti,,fthi+ r of ih9ao ttV�!e et"t were It. , -•'•9 170 region MCI( Lk:it ln`a l -„i, y re }. t Hell:wee n(rte eiu1 i aulet r r horde,. ,.t•.e.f�, ,0.117.7«f..'...1.. t..t'. _ tTF 'r rpt e .ate t n wed eeiery a. � .t. oidaneei feast, : f' e, 1,1r t,lttt , l:: ;siatxz]ir; < In l..r.; 8 1 v 1 lids'rn ak. v t ,,. ,;. a sonozn lied p .asci. egnieta, eve' Lea sae i ':.ss eondnuting it 111 10 vlpn;-or1.p. r o ta;1o9tary circle that: llslts the we; l.t,--v1) City Kt,public. Thousands of Young and Jltaddle Aged Sten are annually swept to a pre !tars grave_ through early indiscretion and Iater excesses. Sett abuse and Conetitatz oust Tubed Illecaeee have ruiners and' wrecked the life of many a'promisinb young mares --r Have yon' ape, of the f011owing Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morni • `g' No Ambi. tion• 2dereory Poor; Easily Fatigued` Excitable and Irritable; Eyes In rumples on the race; Dreams and Drains at Night; lleetlees; Haggard Looking` B o Pe; Bore Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Bpdyy; Sunken Eyes; Lifeteas; Dietrusttu1 and La *lc of Energy and Strength, Our New Method Treatment will build yon me mentally, physic:. ly and sexually. Chea. Natteraan.7at1 ORS, KENNEDY & KERGAN pone, tVhat "At 14 roars of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined mo. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled nae. I could stand, no exertion. Head and eyes became drill. Dreams and drains at night weakrened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, me- tric, Belts, Patent Modioinee and, Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised sae to try Drs. Kennedy Horgan. They eent me one month's treatment audit curd, me. I could feel myself gaining every day. Voir Yew ,ltetkad' ,,;atment cures when aid else Aait.." They have cured many of my friends." Q�rr ed nn onu In Dr, Moulton, egos soaasarsEu oa Moass uninso, "Seine 8 years ago T contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. I wont to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, purples on face, blotebes, eyea red, loss of hair, glands enlarged. etc. A medical friend advised Drs, e hlodnedys&mTpietomanoNoRelefohad TIeamemnarItedarandd mhoapanyd e...e "Fu doctor, 1 heartilyrecomonu Ahas vne it to all who have tide terrible clxsease— Coreu, 0leareego. syz h44as." It will eradicate the poison from the blood." oar°"atom.' 15 YEARS IN DETROIT, 150,000 CURED, "1 am 38 years of ago, and married. When young 1 lets a gay life, Early indiserotfons and later excesses made trouble for me. 1 became weak and nervous. My kidneys became 9 affected and I feared Bright's disease, Married llf 3 was tmeatis.. faotoryand my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed tilt 1 tools treatment from Drs. Kennedy and .Korgau. Their New Method built azo up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel, and aetllko a man in every respect. Try them." C77 Pio Names Used Without Written 'irf?T"f , r Consent of Patient. Cured rn tz., .,, Our New W thod Treatment never fails in curing Diseases.ofmoni drains and to e, purities the blood, clears the brain, build s up the nocuous and sexual systems and 0, tures Lost vitality tothe body. We Guarantee heli Cure Nervous rselhttltts. Failing 1►rauhooci, lis1Pit5U5,o:tasje:reale,,wttrI tare, Gleet, unnatural Discharges. weak 1"yterts and, l TK%d el- and Bladder Jaiseases. . 'F Jit Dew Kennedy d: Korgan are the leading specialists of 6 f ,°ft t 5 America. They gn sr ntee to care or no pay. Their ro�ppn- G e u zl Ultima and fifteen years of business are at stake. Ybn ran no risk. 'writ o nx for Ail l30n0et opinion, no matter who treated you, It may save yon years of a swat mel 'sintering. Charges reasonable. Write for a attesnon 1.4st and iitook Free. Consultation Free. bine a .1 � ► K RM #RSI; D� r t,MO. `z 'lies are hire Screen, Doors, Screen, Windows, Scythes and Snaths, Fence Wire, Machine Oil, uit Tree Sprayers. A first-class article for $1, .: Get our late prices!on Binder Twine. COBBLEBICK & FOL BIND, Hardware Merchantst EXET.�•tLid To Eibitors o#' Stock at the FALL FAIRS. og-Z, Fo$r Both tho method and results wheli Syrup of Figs is taken; itis pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet rompptlyonthe 'Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels cold, head- aches and: fevers and cures habitual. constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro. duced, pleasing to the taste and acz. ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prept'rred only from the most healthyandaa eeablesubstances, its anan excellent gl alitiescoranienf' to all and have made it the =esti popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by ail leading druggists. Any reliabledruggist who may :no& 1laVe it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. ltsanit:actured only by the FE'S MU DC, EAPT FRANasu T, CAF,. L0UIsviLLE, ZY 3 B,, 70I111, 16.71 For Sale at 0. L' utz's Drug Store URE Sick Headache and rel'eve.all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Dietress4after eating, Pain in the Side, tic, While their most remarkable success has been shown iu curing Headache, yet Courant's LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally.valuabie in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of.the'stomach, stianulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured yoara denial in the;Mosttcondition,mhie have coal must be smooth and Glossy and he must bo in good spirits so as to "show Ott" wall. Powders knowPurifier oses and cattle. Condition up the whole system, regulates the bowels and much coatnto strengthens andsgglossy, turns.It oleos horses good life making them appear to the best possible advantage. GotDiok's from your druggist or grocer, or addressDlt)fi & 00., P.0.Box 492, Montreal Three Points i NOTE WELL. Experience the have had the + We that at- tention to business, close Ames and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. Promptitude With this ever • redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of rho many whom despise those too -often -resorted. to tactics of tailors Aanecially, namely putting off until nexo weer what should have been done this - Satisfaction.l okngword,bur to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We El"ry in wird and the way t. eurplibed in out shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pecte. If yon want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced hat what we have said is true. W. JOHNS. �b3t� 1: 1 �I2 „• (Sass4 Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer :from this tlh.tres$ing complaint: reej but fortn lately their goodnete does 005 end field these little pills valuable in so navy ways that here, and theme who cher tri them will p they will notiie willing to do without them. Hat after all elate head ) is the baud of so many dives hat here is where we makep our great boast. .Our pills cure it w1 rile others do not, • • UnarUnarm -es F sIrrrrs _:,na'Pla,s.are ver small . and very east tern , Erie or two pine makee a doss They ter• t oils•, t rr(trahlc' and do not gripe or purge, huts i,." filer i attne action please: all wbo nee chem. in vials ateti cede; five for $1. Soba t s :,'here , or sentbr mail. OF RTT it fl ..,: 00,,1%tr Tort. 1 t '1i g, `a r' ;art,.• B 4 t � ,rij, 1 Ott, ,. , � � . $nall lric� 0 Tree r'r r 0 f Pest Ordered�� C�Ot3lS gTraduced d in Exeter Gantt( 1 Ina•Yr,z:oaror 7 dersoarl ,lois y with rho bsst, staff of Tailors ; the ,lues stook of rine T.rinninin s and g' , the bra. Cutting in s.t,wn, to r :tri3 ~r .axe of tion. Batlafa0t•: B M°COLL's OILS ARE THE BEST. Use LARDINE Machine Oil CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF T1[E DOMINION. racoon's CYLINDER OIL Wi11 ... wear twice as long as any other make. . . . The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by McOOLL BROS. 8e CO., Toronto FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS IN DIE COUNTRY. EXETER LUMBERYARD. Tho undersigned wishes to inform the publio in general that he keeps:;;con- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND 'UNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGHLAND • Arad PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles whish is acknowled to be the Most Durable Timber of any that grows, Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. . . WI]. , CENTRAL SHAVING A. HASTINGS, P OPR2FT(7,R. Agent for the Brantford Steam Laundry. PANSON'S BLOCK. S C +} H BOOKS. {�} 0 {X� L GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY - The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots ,and Shoes cheaper that any other house in town. Coxne and he a witness, you will be well repaid for your time. We down tho country for prices in Felt and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and Grain Boots,and for Men's and Boys Long Boots we take the bun. GEO. MANSON'S, The People's Shoe Store. Most Door to Post Office. ih1u 1r11 We have a, full supply of all kind of School Books. ARE YOU. WANTING Our Exercise and Scribbitu;; Books are the largest, best paper 0nt1 finest value in the country. School Bags and Book Straps all prices. J. VV. Browning BOONSTOD1 . VIGOR °F Easily, Quickly, Permanently Rea:tlr•°,s Lj Weakness, Nervsnsness, Debit u; , and all the train of evils from early errors later excesses, the results of overwork, sick ness, vont', etc,Full str•engtlz,dedelopnxent and toneever g iven to and Y organ portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. 'mine diate im rorcrnent seen. Failure impossible. P p ssxL^lo. 2,000 references. Book,explanation lanatiol P z aixti l d proofs mailed (sealed) flee. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Duff lo. Nairn. Furniture Ste you want to buy from the Rest Selection and at the Lowest Prices, then l•uy at 1Gidleyis select from ,the :largest and test bought stock in the city. Just now we are showing; snntetliing lveryp.new and .t•'lish nal .Bedr oon3 Suites One Oak Set is absents -1 with bevel plate ;.:lass 181353722, S. OW"t I.'9.,➢ L . THLL Ti NEER S1 OUP... 0.i1 -e ;;LL•OW'S is .fie r II uytia i',. ti, ` t) 'cill?s l pr•nn A , tr ai , _ 1 • 111` '77.1?s ,, 05:x55 1 e. • .. 0 fl `0' 1 7 2 (15:" ,1 �. I il, 1 :Y %$.',.^,••••'..i. ,.chi, e" ,', 1 , ;i. n 1551:�ia(e':','.,Ls.,,'".:. 1 slIe I i t s 1. 11 r+e 5011 ' • ;;02 ,, , :n: ;t ,;,, '7 ^e. c., a e t.. i a ,r et:::r,- �:t.t� ..0 1 +n r�'le,. a �s In,, ;•is, ,,,, F, L. r.�t ,,,,. J• ` 'I iii- ( i f,arzrroo ( ?, , ac•ri•. Ari. .e .sal t t t ,I 213]�e u,iCi�ii".tivi Fi.1�Tl•'�r.fSt\,iVli, ^rr:.eo,t, • portlnta.:..